Workflow Steps

This chapter provides reference information for the available workflow steps.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Specifying a Task

Several of the step types include a task or list of tasks, for use in the Demantra Local Application. A task consists of a set of properties, described here.

Each user who logs onto the Demantra Local Application sees an individualized list of tasks in a module called My Tasks on the Demantra Local Application page.

Each task in the My Tasks module has a subject line which can be a link to a URL, and a description that explains more about the purpose of the task. The subject line link can refer to a worksheet, a file, a URL that initiates an external application, or any other URL.

Task Properties (in a Workflow Step)

Property Description
Message Message to include in My Tasks. It is also used in the email message, if you use that option.
URL Optionally specify a URL, including the prefix http://. For example,
If you do not include the prefix http:// then the URL is read relative to the local host's Workflow Engine root directory. For example, buyer/start.html is read as:
You must specify either a URL or a worksheet to open.
Worksheet to open Optionally select a worksheet, from the list of public worksheets defined in Demantra. This worksheet is listed in My Tasks. If you use the email option, the subject line of the message includes a link to this worksheet.
You must specify either a URL or a worksheet to open.
Source name Optionally specify the originator of this task.
Description Optionally specify a longer description of this task, up to 255 characters. This text will show in the Description field in My Tasks. It is also used in the email message, if you use that option.
File Optionally specify a local file to send to the task recipient. Specify a full path and filename that is accessible to the Workflow Manager, on the machine that is running that software.
Send as email as well Select this check box if the system should also send an email message containing this task.
Make sure that each user has an email address. You use the Business Modeler to configure email addresses for the users. See “Creating or Modifying a User”.

See also

BLE Step

This kind of step submits a worksheet to the Business Logic Engine queue. The worksheet is run when its turn is reached. The Business Logic Engine then evaluates all the client expressions, splits the resulting data to the lowest level, and saves it to the database.

Note: The BLE Step starts the Business Logic Engine if necessary.

End Conditions

This step is completed when the Business Logic Engine finishes processing the specified worksheet.


Properties Description Default
Step ID Unique identifier for the step.  
Worksheet Name Select the worksheet to evaluate. The list of worksheets includes all public worksheets and all worksheets that you own.  
Comments Optional comments.  
Recovery Specify what the Workflow Engine should do if the system crashes while performing this step:
Ask—the engine follows a Fail-To-Execute procedure for the step.
Retry—the engine executes the step again.
Continue—the engine continues with the next step.
Abort—the engine terminates the workflow instance.
Step—the engine restarts at the step specified in the drop-down list box.
Check Finish After Specify how long to wait after starting the step and before first checking to see if the end conditions have been met. 0 seconds
Check Finish Every The Workflow Engine checks periodically to see whether or not the end conditions have been met. This property specifies how long to wait between two successive checks. 60 seconds
Pause Specify how long to wait after a step has been completed, before starting the next step. 0 seconds
Timeout>Timer Specify a timeout for the step. never
Timeout>Alert Time Specify the alert phase that can occur just before the step times out. During the alert phase, the task due date is displayed in red in the user's My Task module. never


If a step ends before the Check Finish After period, or during a Check Finish Every period, then the Workflow Engine still waits for that counter to finish before checking if the step has finished.

In timers, a month is measured as a calendar month.

If this step times out, the worksheet request is not deleted from the Business Logic Engine queue. You must manually delete the worksheet request from the Business Logic Engine queue.

Condition Step

This kind of step tests a worksheet, an SQL statement, or a Java class, and proceeds to either the True step or the False step, based on the result of that test.

The Workflow Engine continues with the True step in any of the following cases:

  1. If the worksheet contains data

  2. If the SQL statement returns data

  3. If the Java class returns the True value

The Workflow Engine continues with the False step in any of the following cases:

End Conditions

This step is completed when the test has successfully been performed.


Properties Description Default
Step ID Unique identifier for the step.  
Pause Specify how long to wait after a step has been completed, before starting the next step. 0 seconds
Worksheet Name Select the worksheet to test. The list of worksheets includes all public worksheets and all worksheets that you own.  
SQL Specify an SQL statement.  
Class name Specify a custom Java class that returns either True or False.  
Recovery Specify what the Workflow Engine should do if the system crashes while performing this step:
Ask—the engine follows a Fail-To-Execute procedure for the step.
Retry—the engine executes the step again.
Abort—the engine terminates the workflow instance.
Step—the engine restarts at the step specified in the drop-down list box.
Population Specifies the population attribute that further filters the worksheet used by this step. Specify the following:
Name—specify the name of the population attribute, as given in GROUP_ATTRIBUTES_POPULATION.ATTRIBUTE_LABEL. In the demo, this attribute is named Population.
The Value field is not used.
This property is useful when you use a workflow as a method; otherwise it has no effect.

Container Step

This kind of step is used to execute multiple single steps simultaneously and independently. The Container step is completed when all steps in it are completed.

Note: In order to run a sequence of steps from within a Container step, you can use an Executable step that initiates a workflow instance that itself contains the required series of steps. However, you should remember that new workflow instance is run separately and does not affect the time-out, fail-to-execute, or end conditions of the original Container step.

Included Steps

A Container step can contain any number of steps. All the steps proceed independently of each other. The steps do not have to be for the same user.

You cannot include the following kinds of steps:

Also, the order in which the steps are included is not relevant to their processing.

End Conditions

This step is completed when all the steps that it contains are completed.


Properties Description Default
Step ID Unique identifier for the step.  
Check Finish After Specify how long to wait after starting the step and before first checking to see if the end conditions have been met. 0 seconds
Check Finish Every The Workflow Engine checks periodically to see whether or not the end conditions have been met. This property specifies how long to wait between two successive checks. 60 seconds
Pause Specify how long to wait after a step has been completed, before starting the next step. 0 seconds
Recovery Specify what the Workflow Engine should do if the system crashes while performing this step:
Ask—the engine follows a Fail-To-Execute procedure for the step.
Retry—the engine executes the step again.
Abort—the engine terminates the workflow instance.
Step—the engine restarts at the step specified in the drop-down list box.


If any of the steps in a container step fail to execute, the engine waits until all other steps have either finished before performing a Fail-To-Execute procedure on the entire container step.

An email notification is sent to the process initiator and shows which specific steps failed to execute. For example:

See also “Fail-To-Execute Step”.


If an individual step included within a Container step times out, it does not continue to its own time-out step. The time-out procedure is executed but the time-out step is not activated.


If a step ends before the Check Finish After period, or during a Check Finish Every period, then the Workflow Engine still waits for that counter to finish before checking if the step has finished.

In timers, a month is measured as a calendar month.

Create Member Step

This kind of step should be used only as a method. It uses the passed arguments, and creates the specified level member.

End Conditions

This step is completed when the member has been created.


Properties Description Default
Step ID Unique identifier for the step.  
Recovery Specify what the Workflow Engine should do if the system crashes while performing this step:
Ask—the engine follows a Fail-To-Execute procedure for the step.
Retry—the engine executes the step again.
Continue—the engine continues with the next step.
Abort—the engine terminates the workflow instance.
Step—the engine restarts at the step specified in the drop-down list box.
Pause Specify how long to wait after a step has been completed, before starting the next step. 0 seconds

See also

Custom Step

This kind of step executes a Java class from within a workflow instance. You can use this kind of step to add functionality to your workflow or interact with external applications without having to change the workflow structure itself. For example, you can use Custom Step to update member attributes as part of a workflow process. Incorporate this step in workflow processes to which you want to pass member attribute values. Add attribute names and values as properties of the step.

If a user has launched the workflow from within a worksheet, Demantra automatically passes arguments to the workflow, which Custom Step can use.

See Parameters Used as Arguments for a Workflow.

End Conditions

This step is completed when the executed Java class is completed.


Properties Description Default
Step ID Unique identifier for the step.  
Class Name The Java class to execute.  
Parameters Any input parameters that are needed by the Java class. For each parameter, specify the parameter name and value, as well as an optional description.  
Recovery Specify what the Workflow Engine should do if the system crashes while performing this step:
Ask—the engine follows a Fail-To-Execute procedure for the step.
Retry—the engine executes the step again.
Continue—the engine continues with the next step.
Abort—the engine terminates the workflow instance.
Step—the engine restarts at the step specified in the drop-down list box.
Check Finish After Specify how long to wait after starting the step and before first checking to see if the end conditions have been met. 0 seconds
Check Finish Every The Workflow Engine checks periodically to see whether or not the end conditions have been met. This property specifies how long to wait between two successive checks. 60 seconds
Pause Specify how long to wait after a step has been completed, before starting the next step. 0 seconds

Java Class Functions

The Java class should contain these two functions:

The workflow step executes the executeStep() function.

setParameters(Hashtable params) defines parameters for the class. This function is called before execution.

Available Arguments

If a user has launched the workflow from within a worksheet, Demantra automatically passes arguments to the workflow.


package com.demantra.workflow.step;
import com.demantra.workflow.parameters.*;
public class SampleCustomStep implements CustomStep
public SampleCustomStep() {}
public int executeStep(Parameter[] parms)
int i, length = parms != null ? parms.length : 0;
for(i=0; i<length; i++)
System.out.println("Parameter name : " + parms[i].getName() + " value: " + parms[i].getValue());
// write your own logic here
// ......................
return LinkedStep.ST_COMPLETED;


If a step ends before the Check Finish After period, or during a Check Finish Every period, then the Workflow Engine still waits for that counter to finish before checking if the step has finished.

In timers, a month is measured as a calendar month.

Delete Member Step

This kind of step should be used only as a method. It deletes the specified level member.

End Conditions

This step is completed when the level member has been removed from the database.


Properties Description Default
Step ID Unique identifier for the step.  
Recovery Specify what the Workflow Engine should do if the system crashes while performing this step:
Ask—the engine follows a Fail-To-Execute procedure for the step.
Retry—the engine executes the step again.
Continue—the engine continues with the next step.
Abort—the engine terminates the workflow instance.
Step—the engine restarts at the step specified in the drop-down list box.
Pause Specify how long to wait after a step has been completed, before starting the next step. 0 seconds

See also

Edit Member Step

This kind of step should be used only as a method. It uses the passed arguments, and modifies the specified level member.

Note: If you are configuring a method that changes attribute values, the workflow must include an Edit Member Step as its first step. Otherwise, the changed values will not be saved to the database.

End Conditions

This step is completed when the level member has been edited.


Properties Description Default
Step ID Unique identifier for the step.  
Recovery Specify what the Workflow Engine should do if the system crashes while performing this step:
Ask—the engine follows a Fail-To-Execute procedure for the step.
Retry—the engine executes the step again.
Continue—the engine continues with the next step.
Abort—the engine terminates the workflow instance.
Step—the engine restarts at the step specified in the drop-down list box.
Check Finish After Specify how long to wait after starting the step and before first checking to see if the end conditions have been met. 0 seconds
Pause Specify how long to wait after a step has been completed, before starting the next step. 0 seconds

See also

Email Step

This kind of step is used to send an email message to a user. This step allows a connection to the installed messaging application using SMTP protocol.

End Conditions

This step is completed when the email message is successfully delivered to the installed messaging system.

Note: This step does not check if or when the message is read.


Properties Description Default
Step ID Unique identifier for the step.  
Pause Specify how long to wait after a step has been completed, before starting the next step. 0 seconds
To User Select the user who should receive the email. The list of possible users includes all users defined within this component.  
Subject The subject line of the email message  
Message The email message text  
Recovery Specify what the Workflow Engine should do if the system crashes while performing this step:
Ask—the engine follows a Fail-To-Execute procedure for the step.
Retry—the engine executes the step again.
Continue—the engine continues with the next step.
Abort—the engine terminates the workflow instance.
Step—the engine restarts at the step specified in the drop-down list box.


Make sure that both the workflow creator and end user has a valid email address. You use the Business Modeler to configure email addresses for the users. See “Creating or Modifying a User”.

Exception Step

This kind of step sends tasks to users depending on specific conditions in the Demantra database. This step runs a worksheet, normally a worksheet in which an exception condition has been defined. (If you attach an exception to a worksheet, Demantra checks the values of the worksheet data and displays only the combinations that meet the exception criteria.)

If the worksheet returns data, then the Workflow Engine sends a task to each specified user. When all users have marked as this task as done, the workflow continues to the next step.

Exception steps operate in both synchronous and asynchronous mode. In synchronous mode, the Exception Step executes the worksheet specified by the user, calculates the exceptions, sends a task to the specified user (or users) and when the user marks the task as done, the workflow continues to the next workflow step in the workflow definition. In asynchronous mode, the Exception Step performs all of the steps as above and sends tasks to the user, but waits for the user to mark the task as done. For more information, see Overview of Workflow Step Types.

End Conditions

This step is completed when all users mark the task as Done.


Properties Description Default
Step ID Unique identifier for the step.  
Worksheet Name Select the worksheet to test, normally a worksheet in which an exception condition has been defined. The list of worksheets includes all public worksheets and all worksheets that you own. Be sure to select a public worksheet for this step.  
Task Specify a task. See “Specifying a Task”.  
User Select the user or users who should receive tasks in the case of this exception. Press and hold down the Ctrl or Shift key while selecting multiple users. The list of possible users includes all users defined within this component.  
Group Select the group or groups who should receive tasks in the case of this exception. Press and hold down the Ctrl or Shift key while selecting multiple users. The list of possible groups includes all users defined in Demantra.  
Workflow Completion Condition Specifies when the workflow should be considered complete. Options are:
When the users mark the task as complete (synchronous mode)
When the users receive the task (asynchronous mode)
When the users mark the task as complete
Recovery Specify what the Workflow Engine should do if the system crashes while performing this step:
Ask—the engine follows a Fail-To-Execute procedure for the step.
Retry—the engine executes the step again.
Continue—the engine continues with the next step.
Abort—the engine terminates the workflow instance.
Step—the engine restarts at the step specified in the drop-down list box.
Check Finish After Specify how long to wait after starting the step and before first checking to see if the end conditions have been met. 0 seconds
Check Finish Every The Workflow Engine checks periodically to see whether or not the end conditions have been met. This property specifies how long to wait between two successive checks. 60 seconds
Pause Specify how long to wait after a step has been completed, before starting the next step. 0 seconds
Timeout>Timer Specify a time-out for the step. never
Timeout>Alert Time Specify the alert phase that can occur just before the step times out. During the alert phase, the task due date is displayed in red in the user's My Task module. never
Population Specifies the population attribute that further filters the worksheet used by this step. Specify the following:
Name—specify the name of the population attribute, as given in GROUP_ATTRIBUTES_POPULATION.ATTRIBUTE_LABEL. In the demo, this attribute is named Population.
The Value field is not used.
This property is useful when you use a workflow as a method; otherwise it has no effect.


Aside from the expected cases of Fail-To-Execute such as an invalid worksheet ID, you should take care to avoid the following circumstances which will also cause a Fail-To-Execute:

This applies if a Group contains an invalid User id or any individual User id listed to receive the Exception step task is invalid. Exception step will Fail-To-Execute even if all other Group ids or User ids are in the Exception step are valid.

In the event of a Fail-To-Execute, none of the user groups or users listed in the Exception step receive the Exception step task.


If a step ends before the Check Finish After period, or during a Check Finish Every period, then the Workflow Engine still waits for that counter to finish before checking if the step has finished.

In timers, a month is measured as a calendar month.

Exception steps take advantage of these two performance enhancing features:

  1. Exceptions run off of cached worksheet data when the cache is enabled for a worksheet.

  2. Exceptions on combinations are evaluated until the first exception value is found. That is, no further evaluation of series values is done once one a violation has been found for a combination.

Executable Step

This kind of step runs applications from within the workflow instance. The applications can be external executable files such as .exe and batch files, or Demantra executables (such as the Analytical Engine).

End Conditions

This step is completed when the executed program ends and sends an interrupt to the Workflow Engine. The Workflow Engine then continues with the workflow instance.


Properties Description Default
Step ID Unique identifier for the step.  
Pause Specify how long to wait after a step has been completed, before starting the next step. 0 seconds
Command Line The location of the network of the file to be executed, and its full name. (Must be in double quotes). Specify the full path to the file.
Note: The file location is always from the server's view.
Recovery Specify what the Workflow Engine should do if the system crashes while performing this step:
Ask—the engine follows a Fail-To-Execute procedure for the step.
Retry—the engine executes the step again.
Continue—the engine continues with the next step.
Abort—the engine terminates the workflow instance.
Step—the engine restarts at the step specified in the drop-down list box.


The Workflow Engine executes the command that you specified for the Command Line option. For this reason, you can only run files that can be opened by using a single DOS prompt instruction. This is important if you are accessing files over a network.

Also, if you are invoking a batch file, be sure to do the following within that batch file:

For information on running the Analytical Engine from the command line, see “Running the Engine from the Command Line”.

When executing batch files, Fail-to-Execute is triggered only if there is an error when executing the batch file. If the batch file fail after execution, then Fail-to-Execute will not be triggered.

To run a .bat file from the Workflow Engine, do the following:


  1. Create the .bat file. Within this file, ensure that all paths are enclosed in double quotes. For example:

    • cd "E:\Demantra\Spectrum610\scripts_vtk\Biio_load_proms"

      IF EXIST "E:\Demantra\Spectrum610\scripts_vtk\Biio_load_proms\cust_prom_flag.dat" (exit) ELSE (myplus vk_check_file)

    • Within the Workflow Manager, create a new workflow.

    • Insert an Executable Step.

    • In the Command Line option of this step, put the full path to the location of the file you wish to run.

Group Step

This kind of step sends tasks to a user group or groups. Tasks are shown in My Tasks in the Demantra Local Application, and a task is usually associated with a worksheet. The purpose of a task is typically to draw attention to exceptions, or to request that the user review and possibly edit the worksheet.

In contrast to the User Step, this step includes the Manager property, which specifies the user who is in charge of or manages the process. You can use this step to send a worksheet to users with different security permissions. Each user is then presented with a worksheet, with contents filtered by the user's permissions.

The Group workflow step may run in either synchronous or asynchronous mode. In synchronous mode, the Group Step sends a task to the specified users/user groups and then waits for the users to mark the tasks as done. In asynchronous mode, the Group Step sends tasks to the specified users/user groups and then completes without waiting for the users to mark the task as done.

You can also configure the step to automatically send email notification of the new task.

Important: If you do so, make sure that each user has an email address.

You use the Business Modeler to configure email addresses for the users. See “Creating or Modifying a User”.

End Conditions

This step is completed when all the users mark all the tasks as Done.


Properties Description Default
Step ID Unique identifier for the step.  
User Select the user or users who should receive this task or tasks. Press and hold down the Ctrl or Shift key while selecting multiple users. The list of possible users includes all users defined within this component.  
Group Select the group or groups who should receive this task or tasks. Press and hold down the Ctrl or Shift key while selecting multiple users. The list of possible groups includes all users defined in Demantra.  
Tasks Specify one or more tasks. See “Specifying a Task”.  
Recovery Specify what the Workflow Engine should do if the system crashes while performing this step:
Ask—the engine follows a Fail-To-Execute procedure for the step.
Retry—the engine executes the step again.
Continue—the engine continues with the next step.
Abort—the engine terminates the workflow instance.
Step—the engine restarts at the step specified in the drop-down list box.
Workstep Completion Condition Specifies when the workflow should be considered complete. Options are:
When the users mark the task as complete (synchronous mode)
When the users receive the task (asynchronous mode)
When the users mark the task as complete
Check Finish After Specify how long to wait after starting the step and before first checking to see if the end conditions have been met. 0 seconds
Check Finish Every The Workflow Engine checks periodically to see whether or not the end conditions have been met. This property specifies how long to wait between two successive checks. 60 seconds
Pause Specify how long to wait after a step has been completed, before starting the next step. 0 seconds
Manager Specify the user who is in charge of or manages the process. In the event of a timeout, this user is notified by email. This notification is in addition to the timeout notification email that is sent to each user whose task has timed out and the timeout step that is executed.  
Timeout>Timer Specify a timeout for the step. never
Timeout>Alert Time Specify the alert phase that can occur just before the step times out. During the alert phase, the task due date is displayed in red in the user's My Task module. never


A group task times out if one or more of the users in the group do not mark the task as done before the response period has ended. The timeout procedure is as follows:

A user who is responsible for the relevant task receives an email message notification of all the users within the group that have not marked the task as done. For example, this may be the group manager, or a supporting job function.

  1. The task stays in the My Tasks module of the users who have not marked it as done.

  2. The Workflow Engine continues with an alternative procedure that has been defined within the workflow for this circumstance.


If a step ends before the Check Finish After period, or during a Check Finish Every period, then the Workflow Engine still waits for that counter to finish before checking if the step has finished.

In timers, a month is measured as a calendar month.

For easy maintenance and flexibility, it is recommended to use the Group property instead of User whenever possible. Using Group allows you to change the defined user name for a job function within a workflow instance without editing the workflow schema itself.

If any of the specified Group is empty or contains an invalid user name, then this step will Fail-To-Execute.

See also

Launch Workflow Step

This work step allows another workflow to be encapsulated within a single step. The two workflows are then linked. When the process flow in the calling workflow reaches this step, the called workflow executes. This step can function either synchronously (the two workflows cannot execute simultaneously), or asynchronously (the two workflows can execute together). In synchronous mode, the calling workflow waits for the called workflow to complete its work, then resumes execution at the next work step. In asynchronous mode, the workflow that is being called will not wait for the called workflow to complete. Instead, after starting the called workflow, the main workflow will just proceed on to the next workflow step in its definition.

The capability to call another workflow adds significant flexibility for designing efficient workflows. For example, you define a Daily Workflow, and a Weekly Workflow that includes the work of the Daily Workflow plus some extra tasks. The Weekly Workflow can just call the Daily Workflow as one of its work steps. It does not need to redefine those tasks.

Creating a Work Step to Call Another Workflow

  1. Double click on the Launch Workflow Step icon to bring up the work step dialog.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. In the Step Id text field, enter an appropriate work step name.

  3. In the Workflow Schema Group dropdown you may select a group by which the items in the second dropdown are filtered.

  4. In the Workflow dropdown, select which workflow will be called by this work step.

  5. In the Workstep completion condition section, select one of the following:

    • When the launched workflow completes: to run the workflow in synchronous mode, or

    • When the launched workflow is started: to run the workflow in asynchronous mode

  6. In the Recovery dropdown, select what action to take upon recovery if a server crash takes place during this work step.

the picture is described in the document text

Ask The engine follows a Fail-To-Execute procedure for the step.
Abort The engine executes the step again.
Retry The engine continues with the next step.
Continue The engine terminates the workflow instance.
Step The engine restarts the workflow at the specified step. For more information, see Workflow Recovery.

Additional Information: For the Launch Workflow Step, the recommended recovery setting is “Ask.”

You may optionally set a pause that will occur between this work step and the beginning of the next one. Select the “Time” tab, then configure the text boxes in the Pause section (Years, Hours, etc.).

the picture is described in the document text

Editing Linked Workflows

When two workflow are linked, future modifications can alter both of their behaviors, and this may not be immediately apparent to a user editing the workflow without being alerted to this fact. So when a user clicks on 'Edit' for a workflow that is linked to another workflow (it either calls another workflow, or is called by another workflow), the system displays a warning message that identifies the name(s) of the linked workflow(s).

the picture is described in the document text

Note that only workflows that are directly linked are named. So if the calling scenario is: wf A > wf B > wf C, when a user starts to edit workflow A, the warning message will provide the name of workflow B, but not workflow C, because it is not directly linked to workflow A.

Note: If a linked workflow is deleted, then the other workflows that were linked to it become invalid. They must now be modified so that they no longer make calls to it or expect to be called by it.

Recovering from a Workflow Running Another Workflow

When a server that is running linked workflows crashes, then on recovery, the outer workflow (the calling workflow) is restarted from the current step. For example, if it was at work step C when the crash occurred, then upon recovery execution would begin again at work step C, not work step A.

An inner workflows (a called workflow) however, is simply terminated and must start from the beginning again. So if the outer workflow was at step C, and step C was a call to an inner workflow, and the inner workflow was in the middle of its execution during the crash, then upon server recovery, the inner workflow would always be terminated and the outer workflow would recover step C again per its recovery setting

Since the inner workflow is always terminated upon recovery (if running at the time of the crash), this recovery situation allows the possibility for an inner workflow to be re-run on an unknown state of data caused by the previous run of the inner workflow. In order to mitigate this situation, the user may want to set the recovery setting of the calling workstep of the outer workflow be set to a value of: 'Ask.' On recovery, before calling the inner workflow the system will display a dialog asking the user to choose whether to Retry, Continue, or Abort calling the inner workflow. This provides an opportunity for the user to validate the state of the data caused by the incomplete run of the inner workflow and take any necessary steps before re-running the inner workflow.

Workflow Recursion

The ability to launch another workflow from a workflow step may lead to a condition that causes recursion among the workflows. For example: Two workflows can call each other recursively. For example: workflow A calls workflow B, and workflow B calls workflow A.

Since, this could potentially lead to an infinite loop, there is a new system parameter that controls the upper limit of the number of recursive calls that the workflow engine will allow. The parameter is described as follows:

workflow.recursive.limit 0 2 2 Controls the upper limit on the number of recursive calls during run-time of a workflow. Upon reaching this upper limit, the system will not initiate any more workflows instances that are part of the recursive call. The user who initiated the workflow will be sent a relevant message to the “My Task” pane.

Caution: It is generally recommended not to configure recursive workflows as it results in constant running of the workflows. Recursive workflows should therefore be configured and used only if the business need warrants it.

Message Step

This step sends a notification to all users, specific users, or selected User Groups. It may be used, for example, to let users know that the system will be temporarily down for maintenance. The notification appears as a pop-up window for any selected users who are logged into Demantra from either the Demantra Local Application or Demantra Anywhere.

Note: This workflow step may be used before the User Access Control step, which locks users out of the system to allow routine maintenance. If you are not notifying all users, make sure the list of selected users matches the list of users that will be locked out by the User Access Control step.

End Conditions

This step is completed when the pause period has expired.

Properties Description Default
Users Use this list to select individual users to be notified.  
All Users Check this box to notify all users.  
Groups Use this list to select user groups to be notified.  
Message Enter the notification message here.  
Send as email as well Check this box to send individual email messages as well as displaying a pop-up notification. When this option is selected, the Email Subject field will be enabled and the user will be required to enter text in that field. For details about setting up email with Oracle Demantra, see Email.  
Email Subject Enter text here that will show up in the subject box of email messages.  
Recovery Specify what the Workflow Engine should do it the system crashes while performing this step:
Ask—the engine follows a Fail-To-Execute procedure for the step.
Retry—the engine executes the step again.
Continue—the engine continues with the next step.
Abort—the engine terminates the workflow instance.
Step—the engine restarts at the step specified in the drop-down list box.
Pause Specify how long to wait after a step has completed before starting the next step.  

Note: The time entered cannot be less than 1 minute, or 60 seconds. If it is less than 60 seconds, the workflow step definition will be invalid.

Paste Member Step

This kind of step should be used only as a method. It uses the arguments passed from the Copy or Cut step and pastes the level member into the location specified.

The step is used by the Paste workflow and works in conjunction with either the Cut workflow or the Copy workflow. (Note these are default workflows called by menu functions of the same name). When an object has been copied to memory by the Copy function, then this step is used to paste the object to a new location.

The copy-paste functionality works only on General levels (such as Promotion), not item levels or location levels. For example, in Predictive Trade Planning you can copy and paste promotions within a scenario.

However, the cut-paste functionality can work also on members of Promotions.

End Conditions

This step is completed when the member has been created.

Properties Description Default
Step ID Unique identifier for the step. ---
Recovery Specify what the WorkflowEngine should do if the system crashes while performing this step: Ask—the engine follows a Fail-To-Execute procedure for the step. Retry—the engine executes the step again. Continue—the engine continues with the next step. Abort—the engine terminates the workflow instance. Ask
Pause Specify how long to wait after a step has been completed, before starting the next step. 0 seconds

Population Attribute Step

This workflow step is used to set Population Dates on Population Attributes. It supports both "Searchable" and "Descriptive" Population Attributes. It references the System Parameter “Population Date Levels” to determine which General Levels it should operate on. It calls the stored-procedure APPPROC_SET_POPULATION_DATES which contains the logic for setting the population dates. This stored-procedure can be customized if the pre-seeded logic does not meet the business requirements. This step should be run prior to a Create Member, Edit Member, or Update Data workflow step.

Refresh Population Step

'Promotions can be defined at an aggregate item or location level. When the items or groups in these aggregate levels change, the Refresh Population Step can be used to refresh the population of the promotion to ensure the promotion data is aligned correctly.

The Refresh Population Step can either be run against:

Running the Refresh Population Step refreshes the population data, realigning the data for either a single promotion or all promotions (Promotion_data table) according to the current promotion population definition(s).

The Refresh Population workflow step does not consider any historical records on a promotion. It only considers current/future records on a given promotion and realigns data in that promotion according to the current promotion group definition. The historical records are left intact in the promotion associated with the original promotion population.

The Refresh Population workflow step can be run against promotions that are in any promotion status except the "Closed" status, when the promotion is in a read-only state.

Caution: Define specific item and location levels associated with each promotion. Doing so will ensure that the Refresh Population workflow step adheres to the population definition when run.

Properties Description Default
Step ID Unique identifier for the step.  
User Select the user who can run this workflow step. Refresh Population refreshes the population of the promotions in the application according to the security definition of the user specified. This parameter is applicable only when the Refresh Population workflow is executed in batch mode to refresh all promotions in the system.  
GL Base Level Select the GL base level to which this workflow applies. This workflow only applies to the Promotion level. Promotion
Recovery Specify what the Workflow Engine should do if the system crashes while performing this step:
Ask—the engine follows a Fail-To-Execute procedure for the step.
Retry—the engine executes the step again.
Continue—the engine continues with the next step.
Abort—the engine terminates the workflow instance.
Step—the engine restarts at the step specified in the drop-down list box.
Parameters Select the parameters you want to run during this workflow step. The Refresh_From_Date parameter appears by default. When the value field is left blank, then the data is refreshed for all records within the promotion from this date forward. If desired, you can enter a value to refresh data from a future date. Refresh_From_Date

See also

Selection Step

This kind of step sends a selection task to a user. A selection task includes a list of options, each of which specifies a different branch for the workflow to follow. Like other tasks, this task is shown in My Tasks in the Demantra Local Application. This task can also be associated with a worksheet.

Defining and Linking to Selections

When you first add a Selection step to a workflow, it does not contain any options and therefore does not have any connectors that lead from those options. For example, suppose that you have created a Selection step and two other steps that you want to use as options:

the picture is described in the document text

Within the properties of the Selection step, you can add the options. When you add an option, you specify a user-friendly name and you choose the corresponding step from the list of existing steps as follows:

the picture is described in the document text

As you add each option, the Workflow Editor automatically creates a connection handle for that option and automatically links that to the appropriate step, as follows:

the picture is described in the document text

You may enter as many options as you like into a selection step.

End Conditions

This step is completed when the user makes a selection and marks the selection task as Done.


Properties Description Default
Step ID Unique identifier for the step.  
Option Name The Name of the Option. This is the text that shows for each option in the selection list presented by the selection task.  
User Select the user who should receive this list of options. The list of possible users includes all users defined within this component.  
Task This is the task that the Selection Step sends.  
Recovery Specify what the Workflow Engine should do if the system crashes while performing this step:
Ask—the engine follows a Fail-To-Execute procedure for the step.
Retry—the engine executes the step again.
Abort—the engine terminates the workflow instance.
Step—the engine restarts at the step specified in the drop-down list box.
Check Finish After Specify how long to wait after starting the step and before first checking to see if the end conditions have been met. 0 seconds
Check Finish Every The Workflow Engine checks periodically to see whether or not the end conditions have been met. This property specifies how long to wait between two successive checks. 60 seconds
Pause Specify how long to wait after a step has been completed, before starting the next step. 0 seconds
Timeout>Timer Specify a timeout for the step. never
Timeout>Alert Time Specify the alert phase that can occur just before the step times out. During the alert phase, the task due date is displayed in red in the user's My Task module. never


If a step ends before the Check Finish After period, or during a Check Finish Every period, then the Workflow Engine still waits for that counter to finish before checking if the step has finished.

In timers, a month is measured as a calendar month.

Simulation Step

This kind of step submits a worksheet to the Simulation Engine and then displays the worksheet and the simulation results to a specific user. The user can either accept or reject the simulation. This kind of step works the same as running a simulation in the user applications.

Note: The Simulation Step does not start the Simulation Engine. You must make sure that the engine is running before a step of this kind is launched; otherwise the step will fail. You can start the Simulation Engine by using an Executable Step.

Note: You must take care not to initiate the Simulation Engine twice.

Note: The Simulation Engine and Analytical Engine cannot run simultaneously. You must take care not to initiate the Simulation Engine if the Analytical Engine is running.

Note: Before running the simulation, the Workflow Engine checks to see if a simulation is running or has already run for this worksheet. If a simulation has been scheduled but has not yet run, the Workflow Engine waits until the simulation completes and then continues to the next step in the workflow schema. If a simulation has already run but has not been accepted or rejected, the Workflow Engine rejects it and executes the workflow simulation step.

End Conditions

This step is completed when the Simulation Engine finishes processing the simulation request.


Properties Description Default
Step ID Unique identifier for the step.  
User Select the user who should receive this simulation worksheet. The list of possible users includes all users defined within this component.  
Auto Accept Specify whether to accept the results of the simulation automatically:
If Yes, the results of the simulation are saved directly as valid forecast data.
If No, the results of the simulation are first made available for review by a user. To review the results of a simulation, the assigned user can open the worksheet from a task. The user can then decide whether or not to save them.
Query Name Select the worksheet on which to run the simulation. The list of worksheets includes all public worksheets and all worksheets that you own.  
Recovery Specify what the Workflow Engine should do if the system crashes while performing this step:
Ask—the engine follows a Fail-To-Execute procedure for the step.
Retry—the engine executes the step again.
Continue—the engine continues with the next step.
Abort—the engine terminates the workflow instance.
Step—the engine restarts at the step specified in the drop-down list box.
Check Finish After Specify how long to wait after starting the step and before first checking to see if the end conditions have been met. 0 seconds
Check Finish Every The Workflow Engine checks periodically to see whether or not the end conditions have been met. This property specifies how long to wait between two successive checks. 60 seconds
Pause Specify how long to wait after a step has been completed, before starting the next step. 0 seconds
Timeout>Timer Specify a timeout for the step. never
Timeout>Alert Time Specify the alert phase that can occur just before the step times out. During the alert phase, the task due date is displayed in red in the user's My Task module. never


If a step ends before the Check Finish After period, or during a Check Finish Every period, then the Workflow Engine still waits for that counter to finish before checking if the step has finished.

In timers, a month is measured as a calendar month.

In the event of a timeout or a major system failure, the simulation request remains in the Simulation Engine queue. You must remove it manually from the queue.

See also

Stored Procedure Step

This kind of step runs a stored database procedure, such as MDP_ADD or REBUILD_INDEXES.

For information on creating database procedures, see the Oracle database documentation.

End Conditions

This step is completed when the database procedure finishes.


Properties Description Default
Step ID Unique identifier for the step.  
Pause Specify how long to wait after a step has been completed, before starting the next step. 0 seconds
Procedure Name Name of the stored procedure.  
Parameters Any input parameters that are needed by the database procedure. List the parameters in the order that they are needed by the procedure.  
Recovery Specify what the Workflow Engine should do if the system crashes while performing this step:
Ask—the engine follows a Fail-To-Execute procedure for the step.
Retry—the engine executes the step again.
Continue—the engine continues with the next step.
Abort—the engine terminates the workflow instance.
Step—the engine restarts at the step specified in the drop-down list box.

see also

Passing level_id and member_id Values

When passing level_id and member_id parameter values within a stored procedure step, you must enclose the parameter in # signs. For example, #level_id# and #member_id#.

Transfer Step

This kind of step executes an import or export integration interface. You create integration interfaces within the Business Modeler. See “Series and Level Integration”

Note: To execute a file load interface within a workflow, create a batch script that executes the interface, and then use an Executable Step to run the script.

End Conditions

This step is completed when the interface has been executed.


Properties Description Default
Step ID Unique identifier for the step.  
Type Specify the type of data transfer: Import or Export.  
Profile Select the integration interface from the drop-down list. See “Series and Level Integration”.  
Pause Specify how long to wait after a step has been completed, before starting the next step. 0 seconds
Recovery Specify what the Workflow Engine should do if the system crashes while performing this step:
Ask—the engine follows a Fail-To-Execute procedure for the step.
Retry—the engine executes the step again.
Continue—the engine continues with the next step.
Abort—the engine terminates the workflow instance.
Step—the engine restarts at the step specified in the drop-down list box.

Update Data Step

This step is called when data is updated in the worksheet. It is not typically included in user-defined workflows.

Properties Dialog for Update Data Step

the picture is described in the document text

User Access Control Step

This step can be used to automatically log out users from the system or prevent them from logging in from the Demantra Local Application or Demantra Anywhere. It can be used, for example, to ensure users are not working in Oracle Demantra during routine system maintenance or while running other resource-intensive processes (for example, running the analytical engine). It can also be used to allow selected users to regain access to the system.

Any users and User Groups that are not selected in the User Access Control step will continue to have full access to Demantra worksheets.

Tip: You may want to precede this step with the Message Step to warn users before they are logged out and Demantra becomes unavailable. If a user included in this step has changes pending in a worksheet, then they will be prompted to save them before being logged out of Demantra. Also, if a long-running process is currently running, that process will be allowed to continue until it completes successfully. At that point the user will be logged out of Demantra. Examples of such processes include saving data, importing or exporting data, and running a simulation.

Important: Demantra does not verify that the users selected in each step is the same for the Message Step or the 'disable' and 'enable' steps. Therefore, when defining a workflow that contains these steps, ensure that the selected users and user groups are the same in each case. If the selected users and groups are not the same, then some users may continue to be locked out of the system when the workflow ends.

End Condition

This step is completed when the pause period has expired.

Properties Description Default
User Access Set to "Disable" to log out or prevent selected users from logging in to Demantra Local Application or Demantra Anywhere. Set to "Enable" to allow selected users or user groups to log in. Disable
Users Use this list to select individual users that will be affected by the "User Access" setting above. None selected
All Users Check this box to apply the User Access setting, above, to all Demantra users. Unchecked
Groups Use this list to apply the User Access setting, above, to all Demantra users. None selected
Recovery Specify what the Workflow Engine should do it the system crashes while performing this step:
Ask — the engine follows a Fail-To-Execute procedure for the step.
Retry — the engine executes the step again.
Continue—the engine continues with the next step.
Abort—the engine terminates the workflow instance.
Step—the engine restarts at the step specified in the drop-down list box.
Pause Specify how long to wait after a step has completed before starting the next step. 0 seconds

Note: You can re-enable access to Demantra before the lockout period has expired by terminating the workflow in which this step is defined.

Note: If the User Access setting is set to 'Disable', then the time entered cannot be less than 1 minute, or 60 seconds. If it is less than 60 seconds, the workflow step definition will be invalid. There is no restriction when User Access is set to "Enable".

Seeded Group: Do Not Disable Access

You can keep users from being locked out by the User Access Control step. You do this by including them in the Do Not Disable Access group.

Users in this group are not locked out, even if:

User Step

This kind of step sends tasks to a user. Tasks are shown in My Tasks in the Demantra Local Application, and a task is usually associated with a worksheet. The purpose of a task is typically to draw attention to exceptions, or to request that the user review and possibly edit the worksheet.

The User workflow step may run in synchronous or asynchronous mode. In synchronous mode, the User Step sends a task to the specified user or user group, and then waits for the users to mark the workflow as Done. In asynchronous mode, the User Step sends tasks to the specified user or user group, and then completes immediately without waiting for the user to mark the task as done.

You can also configure the step to automatically send email notification of the new task. If you do so, make sure that the user has an email address. You use the Business Modeler to configure email addresses for the users. See “Creating or Modifying a User”.

End Conditions

This step is completed when the user marks all tasks as Done.


Properties Description Default
Step ID Unique identifier for the step.  
User Select the user who should receive this list of options. The list of possible users includes all users defined within this component.  
Task Specify one or more tasks. See “Specifying a Task”.  
Workstep Completion Condition Specifies when the workflow should be considered complete. Options are:
When the users mark the task as complete (synchronous mode)
When the users receive the task (asynchronous mode)
When the users mark the task as complete
Recovery Specify what the Workflow Engine should do if the system crashes while performing this step:
Ask—the engine follows a Fail-To-Execute procedure for the step.
Retry—the engine executes the step again.
Continue—the engine continues with the next step.
Abort—the engine terminates the workflow instance.
Step—the engine restarts at the step specified in the drop-down list box.
Check Finish After Specify how long to wait after starting the step and before first checking to see if the end conditions have been met. 0 seconds
Check Finish Every The Workflow Engine checks periodically to see whether or not the end conditions have been met. This property specifies how long to wait between two successive checks. 60 seconds
Pause Specify how long to wait after a step has been completed, before starting the next step. 0 seconds
Timeout>Timer Specify a timeout for the step. never
Timeout>Alert Time Specify the alert phase that can occur just before the step times out. During the alert phase, the task due date is displayed in red in the user's My Task module. never


A user task times out if the user does not mark the task as done before the response period has ended. The timeout procedure for a user task is as follows:

The user is sent an email notification that the task has timed out.

  1. The task is removed from the user's task list.

  2. The Workflow Engine continues with an alternative procedure that has been defined within the workflow for this circumstance.


If a step ends before the Check Finish After period, or during a Check Finish Every period, then the Workflow Engine still waits for that counter to finish before checking if the step has finished.

In timers, a month is measured as a calendar month.

See also

Wait Until Step

This kind of step pauses the workflow until a specific condition is met. When the condition is true, the Workflow Engine continues with the next step in the workflow.

You can specify a condition in either of the following general ways:

You can specify multiple wait conditions. If you do, they are combined with a logical OR. For example, if you select both Created and Modified, the Workflow Engine waits until either a new file has been created or an existing file has been modified.

End Conditions

This step is completed when the condition is met.


Properties Description Default
Step ID Unique identifier for the step.  
File Full path and filename for the file to be checked. The path and filename can include wildcards, for example:
The Workflow Engine ignores the case of the path and filename.
Wait Until Specify the file state to wait for:
Created—wait until this file is created. If you use a wildcard in the filename, then wait until at least one new file that matches the given name is created.
Exists—wait until this file exists. If you use a wildcard in the filename, then wait until at least one new file that matches the given name is created. In contrast to the Created option, this option creates a condition that can be true even for the first time the file is checked.
Modified—wait until the timestamp on this file has been changed. If you use a wildcard in the filename, then wait until the timestamp on at least one matching file is changed.
Size is bigger than—wait until the file is larger than the given size, in kB. If you use a wildcard in the filename, then wait until at least one of the matching files exceeds the given size.
SQL Specify an SQL statement. Every time period, the Workflow Engine will execute this statement. When the result of this statement is different than it was before, the step condition has been met, and the workflow continues.  
Check Finish Every The Workflow Engine checks periodically to see whether or not the specified conditions have been met. This property specifies how long to wait between two successive checks. 60 seconds
Recovery Specify what the Workflow Engine should do if the system crashes while performing this step:
Ask—the engine follows a Fail-To-Execute procedure for the step.
Retry—the engine executes the step again.
Continue—the engine continues with the next step.
Abort—the engine terminates the workflow instance.
Step—the engine restarts at the step specified in the drop-down list box.
Check Finish After Specify how long to wait after starting the step and before first checking to see if the end conditions have been met. 0 seconds
Pause Specify how long to wait after a step has been completed, before starting the next step. 0 seconds
Timeout>Timer Specify a timeout for the step. never
Timeout>Alert Time Specify the alert phase that can occur just before the step times out. During the alert phase, the task due date is displayed in red in the user's My Task module. never


If a step ends before the Check Finish After period, or during a Check Finish Every period, then the Workflow Engine still waits for that counter to finish before checking if the step has finished.

In timers, a month is measured as a calendar month.

Worksheet Cache Step

This kind of step automatically refreshes the caches of the specified worksheets in batch mode for the specified users.

Users can also refresh manually.

This step refreshes existing worksheet caches based on the latest source data. This step does not create new worksheet caches.

End Conditions

This step is completed when all the specified caches are refreshed.


Properties Description Default
Step ID Unique identifier for the step.  
Worksheet Name - Select All to refresh caches for all worksheets that have the Cache Worksheet Data option selected.
- Select a specific worksheet to refresh the cache for only that worksheet. Note that only worksheets that have the Cache Worksheet Data option selected are listed.
User/Group - Select All to refresh the cache for the selected worksheet (or All worksheets) for all users.
- Select a specific User to refresh the cache for the selected worksheet (or All worksheets) for just that User. Note that only Users that have the CAN_CREATE_CW option selected are listed. For details, see Worksheet Caching > Enabling Worksheet Caching.
- Select a User Group to refresh the cache for the selected worksheet (or All worksheets) for all Users that belong to the selected User Group
The drop-down list displays individual Users first followed by User Groups. Users are identified by a single person icon and User Groups are identified by a two person icon.
Check Finish Every The Workflow Engine checks periodically to see whether or not the specified conditions have been met. This property specifies how long to wait between two successive checks. 60 seconds
Check Finish After Specify how long to wait after starting the step and before first checking to see if the end conditions have been met. 1 minute
Pause Specify how long to wait after a step has been completed, before starting the next step. 0 seconds
Timeout>Timer Specify a timeout for the step. never
Timeout>Alert Time Specify the alert phase that can occur just before the step times out. never
Cache Type - Select Full Worksheet to refresh the cache for when the worksheet is opened directly (File > Open)
- Select Open With Context to refresh the cache for when the worksheet is opened via an Open With.

the picture is described in the document text

Worksheet Step

The worksheet step runs a worksheet for a specific user and retrieves data for all combinations. It was created as a tool for helping administrators and DBA's tune application server and database performance, by simulating concurrent users opening worksheets. A user can set up several workflows with a set of commonly used worksheets, then launch several of these workflows in parallel to simulate concurrent users. In this way it could be used to load test the system prior to a go-live.


Properties Description Default
Worksheet Name Dropdown that lists all worksheets. Select the desired worksheet. None
Recovery Specify what the Workflow Engine should do if the system crashes while performing this step:
Ask—the engine follows a Fail-To-Execute procedure for the step.
Retry—the engine executes the step again.
Continue—the engine continues with the next step. Abort—the engine terminates the workflow instance.
Step—the engine restarts at the step specified in the drop-down list box.
Pause Specify how long to wait after a step has been completed, before starting the next step. 0

Below is the first page of the dialog that appears when creating this workflow step. Here is where you select the worksheet to call, define the recovery behavior. The Time tab allows you to set the Pause criteria.

the picture is described in the document text