Planner Workbench

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Planner Workbench

The Planner Workbench is a powerful graphical tool that lets you perform advanced simulation, review plan performance, and take actions based on system recommendations.

You can use:

Both have the same structures and navigation styles.

Planning Detail Report

The Planning Detail Report provides a simple and consolidated report that shows the output of the advanced supply chain planning process. The report gives detailed information to help you understand and analyze the supply chain planning results by presenting the data selectively and coherently. For a given Supply Chain Plan, the report includes the relevant details about items, resources, gross requirements, scheduled receipts, planned orders, plan constraints, and exceptions in separate worksheets.

See Planning Detail Report.

General Navigation

The Planner Workbench consists of two main tabs, Plan and Queries. The Plan tabbed pane appears by default. However, you can change the default pane settings in the Preferences window. You can specify Queries as the default tab in the Others tabbed pane of the Preferences window.

The Plan tabbed pane displays a list of plans in a tree structure. You can drill down to the elements in the tree and view corresponding information such as exception messages, supply and demand. The detailed information related to the selected item appears in separate context windows. You can use the following to navigate to various context windows for the selected item:

The Plan tabbed pane displays all available plans for your organization whereas the Queries tabbed pane displays filtered information. You can create specific queries to filter items, resources, supply, demand, exception messages, and suppliers according to your criteria in the Queries tabbed pane. For more information on the Queries tabbed pane, refer to Queries Tabbed Pane.

Plan Tabbed Pane

The Plan tabbed pane displays a list of plans for an organization. These plans are arranged in a hierarchical tree format. You can expand a plan to view its elements or nodes.

View By

You can view a plan by:

You can select your view by preference from the View By drop-down menu that is available at the top in the Navigator. The following sections show the drill down information for each view.


Plans > Versions >Exception Groups ...

For exception sets other than Recommendations,

... > Exceptions > Organizations > Items

For Recommendations exception set,

... > Scheduled Receipt Type > Organizations > Items


Plans > Product Families/Models/Option Classes or Categories > Items ...

... > Organizations > Components/Departments/Lines/Transportation Resources

... > Approved Suppliers


Plans > Organizations ...

... > Product Families/Models/Option Classes or Categories > Items > Components/Approved Suppliers

... > Departments > Resources (owned) > Items > Components/Approved Suppliers

... > Transportation Resources


Plans > Organizations ...

... > Planning Groups > Common > Items

... > Items > Planning Groups > Common


Plans > Organizations > Department Classes, Resource Groups, Lines, or Transportation Resources > Departments > Resources > Items


Plans > Approved Suppliers > Categories > Items Organizations

Drill Down

In any window with summary information like actions summary or horizontal plan, you can drill down to more detailed information by double-clicking on an element. This feature lets you do the following:

Multi-selecting in the Navigator

You can multi-select items or nodes in the Navigator:

You can right-click and select an option to view information about the multiple nodes you selected.

Note: You cannot use multi-select to select two nodes that do not belong to the same folder, nor can you multi-select an item and a product family.

Navigating Using Icons

You can use the icons in the Navigator to view detailed information about the element you select.

You can use these icons to:

Based on your selection of plans or elements, icons that are not relevant may get disabled. You can select multiple items using Control-Click.

Pull-Down Menus

Pull-down menus take context from the Planner Workbench tree. For example, if an item node is selected, the pull-down menus will be related to that item. If a resource is selected, the pull-down menu will be related to that resource.

Right-click Menu Options

Right-click menu take context from the Planner Workbench tree. For example, if you select an item node, the right-click menu options related to that item appear. The right-click menu options available for various node types (elements) when you view by Actions, Items, Organizations, Projects, Resources, and Suppliers are listed.

Refer the following table for right-click menu options for various node types in view by Actions:

Node Type Right-click Menu Options
Plan Exceptions > submenu:
  Supply/Demand > submenu:
  Items > submenu:
  Resources > submenu:
  Key Indicators
  Refresh > submenu:
  Only Selected
Versions / Exceptions Group / Exceptions Exceptions > submenu:
  Supply/Demand > submenu:
  Items > submenu:
  Resources > submenu:
  Refresh > submenu:
  Only Selected
Organization Exceptions > submenu:
  Supply/Demand > submenu:
  Items > submenu:
  Resources > submenu:
  Key Indicators
  Refresh > submenu:
  Only Selected
Items Exceptions > submenu:
  Horizontal Plan > submenu:
  Vertical Plan
  Supply/Demand > submenu:
  - Demand
  Items > submenu:
  Resources > submenu:
  Supply Chain > submenu:
  Supply Chain Bill
  BOM/Routings > submenu:
  Routing Operations
  Where Used
  Process Effectivity
  Key Indicators
  Refresh >submenu includes All and Only Selected

Refer the following table for right-click menu options for various node types in view by Items.

Node Type Right-click Menu Options
Plan Exceptions > submenu:
  Supply/Demand > submenu:
  Items > submenu:
  Resources > submenu:
  Key Indicators
  Refresh > submenu:
  Only Selected
Categories Exceptions > submenu:
  Supply/Demand > submenu:
  Items > submenu:
  Resources > submenu:
  Key Indicators
  Expand Partial
  Refresh > submenu:
  Only Selected
Items / Organizations / Components / Where Used Exceptions > submenu:
  Horizontal Plan > submenu:
  Supply/Demand > submenu:
  Items > submenu:
  Resources > submenu:
  Supply Chain > submenu:
  Supply Chain Bill
  BOM/Routings > submenu:
  Routing Operations
  Where Used
  Process Effectivity
  Key Indicators
  Refresh > submenu:
  Only Selected

Refer the following table for right-click menu options for various node types in view by Organizations.

Node Type Right-click Menu Options
Plans Exceptions > submenu:
  Supply/Demand > submenu:
  Items > submenu:
  Resources > submenu:
  Key Indicators
  Refresh > submenu:
  Only Selected
Organizations Exceptions > submenu:
  Supply/Demand > submenu:
  Items > submenu:
  Resources > submenu:
  Key Indicators
  Refresh > submenu:
  Only Selected
Categories Exceptions > submenu:
  Supply/Demand > submenu:
  Items > submenu:
  Resources > submenu:
  Key Indicators
  Expand Partial
  Refresh > submenu:
  Only Selected
Items Exceptions > submenu:
  Horizontal Plan > submenu:
  Vertical Plan
  Supply/Demand > submenu:
  Items > submenu:
  Resources > submenu includes Resources
  Supply Chain > submenu:
  Supply Chain Bill
  BOM/Routings > submenu:
  Routing Operations
  Where Used
  Process Effectivity
  Key Indicators
  Refresh > submenu includes All and Only Selected
Departments / Resources / Transportation Resources Exceptions > submenu:
  Supply/Demand > submenu:
  Items > submenu:
  Resources > submenu:
  Resource Availability
  Resource Requirements
  Gantt Chart
  Key Indicators
  Refresh > submenu:
  Only Selected

Refer the following table for right-click menu options for various node types in view by Projects.

Node Type Right-click Menu Options
Plans Exceptions > submenu:
  Supply/Demand > submenu:
  Items > submenu:
  Resources > submenu:
  Key Indicators
  Refresh > submenu:
  Only Selected
Organizations Exceptions > submenu:
  Supply/Demand > submenu:
  Items > submenu:
  Resources > submenu:
  Key Indicators
  Refresh > submenu:
  Only Selected
Planning Groups / Projects / Tasks Exceptions > submenu:
  Supply/Demand > submenu:
  Items > submenu:
  Key Indicators
  Refresh > submenu:
  Only Selected
Items Exceptions > submenu:
  Horizontal Plan > submenu:
  Vertical Plan
  Supply/Demand > submenu:
  Items > submenu:
  Supply Chain > submenu:
  Supply Chain Bill
  BOM/Routings > submenu:
  Routing Operations
  Where Used
  Process Effectivity
  Key Indicators
  Refresh > submenu:
  Only Selected

Refer the following table for right-click menu options for various node types in view by Resources.

Node Type Right-click Menu Options
Plans Exceptions > submenu:
  Supply/Demand > submenu:
  Items > submenu:
  Resources > submenu:
  Key Indicators
  Refresh > submenu:
  Only Selected
Organizations Exceptions > submenu:
  Supply/Demand > submenu:
  Items > submenu:
  Resources > submenu:
  Key Indicators
  Refresh > submenu:
  Only Selected
Department Classes / Departments Exceptions > submenu:
  Supply/Demand > submenu:
  Items > submenu:
  Resources > submenu:
  Resource Availability
  Resource Requirements
  Gantt Chart
  Key Indicators
  Refresh > submenu:
  Only Selected
Resources / Resource Groups / Transportation Groups Exceptions > submenu:
  Supply/Demand > submenu:
  Items > submenu:
  Resources > submenu:
  Resource Availability
  Resource Requirements
  Gantt Chart
  Key Indicators
  Refresh > submenu:
  Only Selected
Items Exceptions > submenu:
  Horizontal Plan > submenu:
  Vertical Plan
  Supply/Demand > submenu:
  Items > submenu:
  Supply Chain > submenu:
  Supply Chain Bill
  BOM/Routings > submenu:
  Routing Operations
  Where Used
  Process Effectivity
  Key Indicators
  Refresh > submenu:
  Only Selected

Refer the following table for right-click menu options for various node types in view by Suppliers.

Node Type Right-click Menu Options
Plans / Organizations Exceptions > submenu:
  Supply/Demand > submenu:
  Items > submenu:
  Resources > submenu:
  Key Indicators
  Refresh > submenu:
  Only Selected
Approved Suppliers Exceptions > submenu:
  Supply/Demand > submenu:
  Items > submenu:
  Key Indicators
  Refresh > submenu:
  Only Selected
Categories Exceptions > submenu:
  Supply/Demand > submenu:
  Items > submenu:
  Resources > submenu:
  Key Indicators
  Expand Partial
  Refresh > submenu:
  Only Selected
Items Exceptions > submenu:
  Horizontal Plan > submenu:
  Supply/Demand > submenu:
  Items > submenu:
  Resources > submenu:
  Key Indicators
  Supplier Information
  Refresh > submenu:
  Only Selected

Oracle Advanced Planning Command Center Editable Material Plan

Use the Oracle Advanced Planning Command Center Editable Material Plan to mass edit planned orders.

You can navigate to it from:

Right click and select New Material Plan.

See Oracle Advanced Planning Command Center User's Guide.

Oracle Advanced Planning Command Center Editable Resource Plan

Use the Oracle Advanced Planning Command Center Editable Resource Plan to mass edit resource requirements.

You can navigate to it from:

Right-click and select New Resource Plan.

See Oracle Advanced Planning Command Center User's Guide.

Properties Window

You can view properties for any node in the Navigator or pegging tree by selecting the node, then choosing [right-click] > Properties.

For an MRP plan with an MPS plan as a demand schedule, the MRP item may peg to a demand in the MPS plan. In this case, the Properties window displays pegging information about the end demand from the MPS.

The Properties window displays different views depending on whether you navigate from a demand or a supply. The following displays the properties for a supply in the pegging tree.

Navigating Through a Find Window

The Find windows enables you to control the volume of data displayed. You can set find criteria for all trees and detail windows.

The Find window enables you to display basic information for the items in the current plan, plus pegging and supply/demand information.

To display the Find window

  1. Select a plan in the Planner Workbench.

  2. Choose Tools > [Exception Details, Supply/Demand, Supply, Demand, On Hand, Items, or Resources].

    The Find window appears. You can search for the following item details:

    • ABC Class (Items only)

      • BOM Item Type

      • Buyer

      • Category

      • Effectivity Control

      • Exception Set

      • Forecast Control

      • Item

      • MRP Planning Method

      • Make or Buy

      • Nettable Quantity

      • Non Nettable quantity

      • Organization

      • Planner

      • Primary Supplier

      • Repetitive

      • Standard Cost

      • WIP Supply Type

  3. To retrieve all records, leave all fields blank and choose Find.

  4. To retrieve a subset of records, enter a search string. You can use just one string in your search (containing a criterion, an operator, and a value), or you can enter several strings to refine your search.

  5. Once you have entered at least one string containing a field name, a condition, and (optionally) a value, choose Find to start your search.

  6. Optionally, choose a folder to import a previously defined search strings and start the search.

    Wildcard Search Condition

    If you want to perform a wildcard search, set the condition as Starts With. For example, if you want to retrieve all items that start with X, set the condition as Starts With and specify X in the From field.

    Rolling Dates Search Condition

    If you want to filter based on rolling dates, select Days From Today as the condition. For example, if you want to retrieve all late replenishments for sales order exception messages where the due date is less than five days from today, select Days From Today condition and specify 5 in the From field.

Expand Partial

Use Expand Partial to search for item(s) in the tree in the Planner Workbench and Collection Workbench. You can enter either the complete item name or a partial name with a wildcard.

To use Expand Partial

  1. From Planner Workbench, select a plan name from the Navigator.

  2. Select a category node, such as Organizations or Items.

  3. Right-click on an item in the Navigator.

    A menu appears.

  4. Select Expand Partial.

    The Enter Reduction Criteria for Long List form appears.

  5. Enter either a complete item name or a partial item name with a wildcard and select OK. This search is not case sensitive.

    Matching results (up to 500 in number at a time) are displayed in the left pane. If there are no matching items, a message appears in the status bar.

  6. Select Cancel to close the window.

Queries Tabbed Pane

The Planner Workbench enables you to filter specific information in a plan. You can create queries to filter items, suppliers, resources, and exception messages based on specific criteria. You can also save the query and execute it whenever you require.

Navigating the Queries Tabbed Pane


You can click the icons provided in the bottom of the Navigator to create, save and execute queries.

Icon Description
Create Query First icon in the Navigator.
Save Query Second icon in the Navigator.
Execute Query Third icon in the Navigator.

Right-click Menu Options

You can right-click in the Queries tabbed pane and select the following options pertaining to queries:

Navigating Nodes in the Queries Tabbed Pane

The Queries tabbed pane consists of the following nodes:

Create a Query

To create a query

You can create queries for filtering items, resources, suppliers, and exception messages associated with a plan in the Planner Workbench.

  1. Click the Queries tab in the Planner Workbench. The Queries tabbed pane appears.

  2. Specify the name of the plan on which you want you run the query.

  3. Right-click in the Queries tabbed pane to display the pop-up menu.

  4. In the pop-up menu, select Create Query.

    Alternatively, you can click the Create Query icon at the bottom of the Queries tabbed pane to create queries.

    The Create Query window appears.

  5. Specify a name for the query in the Query Name field.

  6. Select a type of query from the Query Type drop-down menu to specify the information you want to filter.

    The various types of queries are Item, Resources, Exceptions, and Suppliers. You can select Item to create queries that filter information related to items. Similarly, you can select Resources and Suppliers to create queries that filter information related to resources and suppliers, respectively. For information about how to filter exception messages, see Exception Messages.

  7. Click Yes in the Public drop-down menu in case you want the query to be visible to other planners as a public query.

  8. Specify the criteria in the Criteria box. For example, you may want to filter those items that need to be purchased. In this case, specify Make or Buy, Equals, and Buy in the Criteria, Condition, and From fields, respectively.

    The following table lists the criteria for querying items, resources, and suppliers.

    Query Type Criteria
    Item ABC Class
    BOM Item Type Buyer
    Effectivity Control
    Exception Set
    Forecast Control
    MRP Planning Method
    Make or Buy
    Nettable Quantity
    Non Nettable Quantity
    Standard Cost
    WIP Supply Type
    Carrying Cost
    ATP Flag
    ATP Components Flag
    Create Supply Flag
    PIP Flag
    Orders Planning Group
    Resources Department Class
    Department Line
    Maximum Rate
    Minimum Rate
    Owning Department
    Resource Group
    Resource Type
    Suppliers Approved Supplier
    Supplier Site
    Standard Cost
  9. To retrieve all the records that meet any one of the criteria that you specify, select Match Any. However, if you want to retrieve only those records that meet all criteria, select Match All.

  10. Select the check box preceding the criteria specifications for those criteria specifications that you want to include as active. When you execute a query, the planning engine considers only the active criteria as the basis for the search.

  11. Click Save to save the query. Based on your selection, the planning engine saves the query either as a Personal Query or a Public Query.

  12. Click Execute to run the query. The planning engine filters and displays the result based on the criteria you specified in the query.

    View Results of a Query

    When you execute a query, the planning engine displays the result to the right of the Queries tabbed pane.

    If you want to view the details of a specific filtered row, click the row. When you right-click the selected row, the available options appear. You can select the required option from the drop-down menu to navigate to context windows such as Exceptions window and Horizontal Plan window.

    If you want to the view the Results window without the Navigator, you can click the Collapse window sliding bar, which is the vertical slider between the Navigator and the Results window.

    Note: To execute a query for a particular plan, you can specify the name of the plan in the Plan field.

    Multi-select Items in Query Results Window

    You can multi-select specific records or items in the Query Results window.

    For example, you may want to view the demand information for two specific records in the Query Results window. Use Ctrl-click to highlight the specific records. Select [right-click] > Supply > Demand to view the demand information for the items you selected.

Tailoring the User Interface

The following table shows the menu options for the Planner Workbench and what happens when a particular menu option is selected.

Menu Menu Option Description
File Export Export the plan information to Microsoft Excel.
Edit Duplicate Duplicate a record.
Edit Clear Edit the current field.
Edit Delete Delete the current field.
Edit Preferences Set a user profile.
View Show Navigator Display Navigator window.
View Find Find a record.
View Find All Find all records.
View Query by Example Run queries for certain information.
View Record View a record.
View Requests Review requests.
Tools Exception Details View exception details for your plan.
Tools Supply/Demand View supply and demand information.
Tools Supply View supply information.
Tools Demand View demand information.
Tools On-Hand View on-hand quantities.
Tools Items View items information.
Tools Resources View resources information.
Tools Notifications View notifications.
Tools Launch Notifications Launch notifications.
Tools Work Dates View work dates for your plan.
Tools Preferences Set preferences. For more information, see Defining Display Preferences.
Tools Close All Detail Windows Close all context windows that are open in the Planner Workbench.
Plan Start Online Planner Start online planner.
Plan Online Replan Run replan.
Plan Stop Online Planner Stop online planner
Plan Online Planner Status View online plan status.
Plan Batch Replan Run replan in batch mode.
Plan Save Actions Save actions related to your plan.
Plan Launch New Plan Launch new plan
Plan Copy Plan Copy your baseline plan before running a new plan.
Plan Purge Plan Delete the plan.
Plan Plan Options View plan options.
Plan Select All for Release Release all planned orders for items with your planner code.
Plan Release Release selected orders only.
Plan Undo Summary View summary of changes in the Planner's Workbench for online planning purposes.
Plan Add Undo Bookmark Add bookmark to the Undo Summary.
Plan Compare Plans Compare plan exceptions and options
Plan Firm All Firm all orders that meet the requirements you specify in a search criteria within the planning time fence.

You can tailor the user interface in the following ways:

Resize Windows

You can resize windows as with any windows-based application. In the Planner Workbench you can adjust slide bars to change the relative widths of the Navigator and the context windows, such as Exception Summary, that you open.

Customize Columns

You can show and hide cells and resize their heights and widths on the horizontal plan and folder windows.

Adjustable Item Field

If you have large item numbers, you can add the Item field to the scrollable region of these Planner Workbench windows and adjust its size using folder technology:

The Item field in the fixed region remains whether or not you also add the field to the scrollable region.

Defining Display Preferences

Display preferences control what horizontal material planning data, horizontal capacity planning data, supplier planning information, transportation planning information, and supply/demand detail are displayed for each item.

To define your display preferences

  1. Navigate to the Planner Workbench.

  2. Choose Tools > Preferences.

    The Material Plan tab appears as the default tab.

  3. Type the name for your preference set.

    A preference set is applicable to all types of horizontal plans. You can create and save up to three personal preference sets for viewing a horizontal plan based on your requirements. You may want to create multiple preference sets to view different levels of information for a horizontal plan. For example, you may want to view summary-level information with rows displaying gross requirements, total supply, safety stock, and on-hand quantity to validate whether or not supply matches demand at a period level. You may also want to view detailed information for each supply type on a daily-level.

    Preference sets are unique to the individuals creating it. If you create and apply a specific preference set, it is available only to you.

  4. Enter Display Buckets, Display Factor, Decimal Places, Show Graph and check each type of plan information you want to display in your material plan.

    Display Factor is a multiplier.

  5. Choose the Capacity Plan tab.

  6. Check each type of plan information you want displayed in your resource capacity plan.

  7. Choose the Supplier Plan tab.

  8. Check each type of plan information you want displayed in your supplier capacity plan.

  9. Choose the Transportation tab.

  10. Check each type of plan information you want displayed in your capacity plan.

  11. Choose the Allocated ATP tab.

    Oracle Global Order Promising supports two allocation methods for different business needs:

    • Allocated ATP based on User-Defined Allocation Percentage

      • Allocated ATP based on Demand Priority

        For more details on Allocated ATP, see Oracle Global Order Promising.

  12. Check each type of information you want displayed in your allocated ATP.

  13. Choose the Other tab.

    Supply/Demand details appear. You can select the following based on your requirements:

    • Release Phantoms: Enables the release of planned orders for the phantoms.

      • Release Configurations: Enables the release of planned orders for ATO items.

      • Firm Jobs: Enables the release of the Firm status when you release the work in process jobs.

      • Include Sales Orders: Enables the release of sales orders (loopback) from the Planner Workbench.

      • Release VMI Items: Enables the release of those items from the Planner Workbench that have the item attribute set to VMI items. This check box is selected by default.

      • Job Status: When Planner Workbench creates discrete jobs from planned orders, it assigns this status to the discrete jobs.

  14. Enter a Job Status.

    When the Planner Workbench creates discrete jobs from implemented planned orders, it assigns the job status you enter in the Preferences window.

  15. Select a Job Class.

    When the Planner Workbench creates discrete jobs from implemented planned orders, it assigns the job class you enter in the Preferences window.

  16. Select a Req Group By default.

    When the Planner Workbench creates purchase requisitions from implemented planned orders, it assigns the requisition load group you enter in the Preferences window.

    If you do not have a value for this preference, Planner Workbench uses the value of profile option MRP: Requisition Load Group Option.

    Valid values are:

    • All on One: Creates one purchase requisition for all recommended orders

    • Buyer: Creates one purchase requisition for each buyer; within each requisition, creates one line for each planned order

    • Planner: Creates one purchase requisition for each planner; within each requisition, creates one line for each planned order

    • Vendor: Creates one purchase requisition for each vendor; within each requisition, creates one line for each planned order

    • Category: Creates one purchase requisition for each item category; within each requisition, creates one line for each planned order

    • Item: Creates one purchase requisition for each item; within each requisition, creates one line for each planned order

    • One each: Creates a purchase requisition for each planned order

  17. Enter a category set.

    This category set is used throughout Planner Workbench. Items that you have not assigned to a category in this category set do not appear in Planner Workbench.

    Oracle recommends that you typically select the default planning category set specified in Oracle Inventory. Do not select a category set with flag Allow multiple item category assignments selected. Planner Workbench does not support item assignment to multiple categories and you may experience unexpected results.

  18. Under General, select either Plans or Queries in the Default Tab.

    You may consider having the Queries tabbed pane as default if you want a query to be executed automatically each time you open the Planner Workbench. You can specify the query name in the Auto Execute Query field. In addition, you can specify a default plan that needs to open when you access the Planner Workbench.

    View Recommendations for (Days from Today) specifies how many days of recommendations you want to see. Planner Workbench calculates Days from Today using the supply Suggested Order Date.

    If you want to view all actions in the expanded form, select Expand All Actions.

  19. Choose Save to use your preference selections.

  20. Choose Reset to use your previously saved selections.

    Note: The parameter Cutoff Date is not supported in Oracle Advanced Planning and Scheduling.

Using the Context Windows

You can invoke context windows for a selected plan or element in the Navigator to view summary information in tables and graphs, including:

You can highlight one or more nodes on the Navigator to include the result in a single context window. You can also use the Find window to further limit the context.

Context Synchronization Between the Context Windows and the Navigator

The planning engine refreshes the context window to synchronize with the node that you select in the Navigator. The planning engine refreshes the context in an open context window when you:

Exception Summary Window

The Exception context window segregates all of the exception messages that require immediate attention.

To view exceptions

  1. Choose a plan for which to view exception messages. You can view exception messages at the item level by selecting an item.

  2. Drill-down to the item level and right-click the item.

  3. To view the Exceptions Summary window, click Exceptions > Summary.

    The Exceptions Summary window appears.

    The Exception Summary window lists exception groups and exception messages for the selected plan in order of their usefulness in troubleshooting. For instance, exceptions due to late sales orders appear before exceptions due to resource constraints.

    Using the Find window, you can sort, group, or sub-total exceptions according to various criteria including item, supplier, or buyer, for example.

To expand all actions

If you want to expand all actions in the Exceptions Summary window, perform the following steps within the Exception Summary window:

  1. In the Exceptions Summary window, click in any row that has data.

  2. Select [right-click] > Expand All.

    The expanded actions appear.

    If you want to specify your preference of viewing the expanded actions each time you access the Exception Summary window, perform the following steps:

  3. Click Tools > Preferences to open the Preferences window.

  4. Click the Other tab.

  5. In the General box, select Expand All Actions.

  6. To save your preference, click Save.

  7. Close the Preferences window. When you view the Exception Summary window, the expanded actions appear.

To sort exceptions

  1. From the Exception Summary window, select View > Find.

    The Find Actions window displays.

  2. Select criteria by which to sort exceptions.

  3. Check Display Message Count check box.

  4. Select Find button.

    Exception messages appear in the Exception Summary window sorted accordingly.

Exception Details Window

To view exception details

Choose [right-click] > Exceptions > Details on an item. The Exception Details window appears.

Exception details display pre-seeded default folders (combination of various key columns) based on exception type. For example, Late Replenishment for Forecast exception detail has a different exception default folder than Material Constraint exception.

Note: If you select several different exceptions, the generic default folder appears. You can customize exception folders based on your preferences and save it as the default. This is explained in the next section.

Please note that the Days Late column is available and filled in for the following exceptions: Late Replenishment for Forecast and Late Replenishment for Sales Order.

The column named Quantity Satisfied By Due Date in the Exception Details form is used to present the portion of a demand that can be satisfied by the due date.

Drill Down to Related Exceptions

If you are working in a constrained or optimized plan, you can drill down from an exception to Related Exceptions (Right Mouse Options) to analyze questions like:

The objective is to explain the cause and effect of the problems. The related exceptions that each exception drills down to are indicated by an arrow.

On the other hand, from the constraint exception (resource, material, or transportation resource), you can also drill down to Late replenishment for sales order/forecast if the constraint causes the late replenishment.

This feature only applies to the following:

To view related exceptions for the Late Replenishment for Sales Order

  1. Select a row in the Late Replenishment for Sales Order Exception Details window.

  2. Choose [right-click] > Related Exceptions.

    Related exceptions appear in the Exception Details window.

Relevant Information Buttons

On the Exception Details window, additional information about the exception can be obtained through clicking the buttons on the bottom of the window. The type of exception determines what buttons are available. For example, the Items and Supply/Demand buttons are available for the Late replenishment for sales order exception.

The following buttons are available:

Right-click Menu Options

From the Exception Details window, planners can obtain more information through a right mouse click on the exception. The type of right mouse options users have is determined by the exception that is selected. Options included are:

Horizontal Plan

You can display your plan information horizontally or vertically.

The horizontal plan information is displayed in a pivot table enabling you to drill down from years, to periods, to weeks, to days. The following table shows the default display for the horizontal plan for each plan type:

Plan Type Default Display
Material Plan Projected Available Balance
Capacity Plan Required Hours vs. Hours Available
Supplier Plan Required Capacity vs. Available Capacity
Transportation Plan Weight Capacity Available vs. Weight Capacity Required

The horizontal plan does not show fictitious demand created at the planned inventory point level.

For long-running processes, you can segment the material completions from a supply over the time of the process (supply segments). However, the horizontal plan displays its supply information, including information relating to available-to-promise, as if all of the supply is only available as of the supply due date.

Viewing the Horizontal Plan

To display your horizontal plan

  1. Select one or more items, resources, lines, transportation resources, or suppliers from the Navigator.

  2. Select [right-click] > Horizontal Plan > Default. If you create multiple preference sets for the horizontal plan, the preference set names appear in the Horizontal Plan right-click pop-up menu. You can select the preference set based on your requirement. For more information on preference sets, see Setting Preferences for Viewing Horizontal Plan.

Viewing Item Demand/Supply Across All Organizations

The horizontal plan in the Planner's workbench supports an aggregate view of supply-demand for items across all organizations in the supply chain plan.

To view an item's horizontal plan across all organizations

  1. Navigate to the Planner Workbench.

  2. There are two ways of viewing the horizontal material plan across all organizations:

    • View by items and highlight an item. This option provides you with an aggregate view across all organizations. The planning engine displays the numbers in the horizontal plan as an aggregate of all organizations.

    • Alternatively, you can expand the item node and multi-select all organizations that the item is planned for. This option provides you the horizontal plan for each organization that you select.

  3. Select [right-click] > Horizontal Plan > Default (or any preference set you may have created).

    The horizontal plan information is displayed in a pivot table that enables you to drill down from aggregate to periods to weeks to days.

Information in the Horizontal Plan View

This table describes the fields displayed in the Horizontal Plan window, Material Plan:

Field Description
Sales orders Sales orders, including internal sales orders.
Forecast Forecasts from Oracle Inventory and Oracle Demand Planning.
Production forecast Demand generated by the forecast explosion process based on product families, models, and option classes. This helps differentiate between dependent demands and derived dependent demands.
Dependant demand The planning engine calculates the dependent demand.
Expected scrap Demand resulting from the application of the Shrinkage Rate item attribute to existing supplies and planned orders.
Payback demand Demand resulting from a borrow or a payback transaction in Oracle Project Manufacturing.
Other independent demand This includes the following:
- Hard reservation (against sales order in Oracle Order Management)
- Copied Schedule Demand
- Demand Class Consumption (used by allocated ATP)
- Expired Lots
- Non-standard Demand
Gross requirements The planning engine calculates the total demand in the following way:
Sales Orders + Forecasts + Production Forecast + Dependent Demand + Expected Scrap + Payback Demand + Independent Demand
The total demand from sales orders, forecasts, dependent demands, payback demand, scrap demands, expired lots, and other demands.
Work Orders Existing make orders from Oracle Discrete Manufacturing, Oracle Process Manufacturing, Oracle Flow Manufacturing, and Oracle Project Manufacturing.
Purchase orders Existing purchase orders.
Requisitions Existing requisitions without corresponding purchase orders, including internal requisitions.
In Transit Interorganization transfer quantities or quantities shipped from suppliers (after the customer receives the advanced ship notice).
In Receiving Quantities that are received at the receiving dock but are not yet received into the inventory.
Planned orders Make and buy planned orders
Payback supply Supply resulting from a borrow or a payback transaction in Oracle Project Manufacturing.
Total supply The planning engine calculates total supply as an aggregate of work in process, purchase orders, purchase requisitions, in transit, in receiving, planned orders, and payback supply.
Beginning on hand The amount of stock in inventory at the beginning of a plan on hand. The value is 0 for all subsequent periods.
Projected available balance The planning engine calculates this as:
Beginning On hand + Total Supply - Total Demand
Current scheduled receipts The planning engine calculates this as the sum of work in process, purchase orders, purchase requisitions, in transit, in receiving, and payback supply.
Projected on hand The planning engine calculates this as:
On hand + Beginning Total Supply - Total Demand
The planning engine does not include planned orders to calculate the projected on hand.
Safety Stock Safety stock level at the end of the bucket.
Net ATP This indicates the difference between the net supply and demand after ATP performs all forward and backward consumption.
Expired lots This indicates the quantity of expired lots.
ATP+ The available to promise quantity available based on the plan without considering capable to promise or capable to deliver, The quantity available is as of the plan run and does not account for any supply/demand changes since the plan run.
Planned Repair Work Orders, Maintenance Work Orders, Defective Part Demand, Returns Forecast, Defective On-Hand, Defectives In-Transit, Projected Available Balance (Defective) For asset intensive planning
- The defective item supply quantities for repair--on hand, in process, and in transit.
- The item demand quantity of forecasted returns
- The predicted balance of defective items

This table describes the fields displayed in the Horizontal Plan window, Capacity Plan:

Before you collect resource availability, attend to source system profile option MRP: Cutoff Date Offset Months. It tells the planning engine how many months of resource availability to calculate for resources and simulation sets. The planning engine does not calculate this information beyond this horizon. For constrained plans beyond this horizon, resource capacity is infinite. Set this value to your plan horizon. A large setting, for example, 12 months, could impact your planning engine performance.

Field Description
Hours available Calculated based on setups of resources. Collect this information during the collections process using Resource Availability set to either:
- Collect Existing Data
- Regenerate and Collect Data
In the operational data store load parameters, set Recalculate Resource Availability to Yes.
Setup hours Required hours of setup time, including changeover setups
Setup hour ratio Ratio of Setup Hours to Total Hours Available
Run hours Required hours of run time (does not include setup time)
Run hour ratio Ratio of Run Hours to Hours Available
Required hours Total Required hours
Net hours available Hours Available - Required Hours
Cum hours available Net available across the plan horizon
Capacity load ratio Load ratio of Required Hours to Hours Available for the bucket
Cum capacity load ratio Load ratio of Cum Required Hours to Cum Hours Available across the plan horizon
Hours required per day Daily hours required
Hours available per day Daily hours available
Net ATP Available to promise availability
Maintenance Work Order and Planned Repair Work Order For asset intensive planning, the required hours for these order types.

Custom Rows

If information that you want to see that is not available on the Horizontal Plan, you can:

For example, you want to see projected available balance shown in value instead of in quantity.

If the Horizontal Plan contains information that you want to see in a different way, you can modify it. For example, you might want so see information a Horizontal Plan row in an alternate unit of measure.

To use a custom row:

To modify the data in other rows:

Exporting the Horizontal Plan

To export a horizontal plan to Microsoft Excel

You can copy or export an entire expanded horizontal plan to various other document formats such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Notepad. If your operating system does not support clipboards, you cannot copy the plan.

  1. In the horizontal plan tabbed region, right-click in the Items or Organization area in the right pane.

  2. Click Copy horizontal plan to copy the horizontal plan to the clipboard.

  3. Open an application such as Microsoft Word, Excel, or Notepad to paste the copied content.

  4. Paste the horizontal plan using the Paste feature of the opened application.

Dynamically Define Graphs

Define graphs by selecting which pieces of information to graph.

To define information to be graphed

  1. Navigate to the Horizontal Plan window.

  2. Select the plan parameters you want to graph.

    To graph two or more parameters together, hold the shift key as you select additional parameters. For example, you can graph either planned orders, gross requirements, or both. You can also choose to graph multiple items.

  3. [Right-click] to show and hide graph or save preference in the Tools > Preferences menu.

  4. [Right-click] on the Items or Organization area to display more options. Left click on Hide/Show Graph to hide the graph.

  5. To change the number of periods being displayed in the horizontal graph, [right-click] anywhere in the graph and select Viewable Groups. Your choices are 5, 7, or 10. Five is the default.

Dynamically Choose Types of Graphs

After you have graphed parameters or items, you can change the chart type using the [right-click] menu. For example, if you have displayed a bar chart and you wish to display a line graph, select [right-click] > Line Chart.

To change the number of periods being displayed in the graph

Right-click on the graph and select Viewable Groups. The choices are 5, 7, and 10, with 5 as the default.

Save Settings for a Horizontal Plan

You can specify and save your preferences for various option settings while viewing a horizontal plan. When you login again, your preference settings would be in effect for the plan. You can save settings for Item, Resource, Transportation, and Supplier types of horizontal plan. The following table lists the option settings that you can specify and save:

Setting Description
Hide or Show options for a row You can specify the options that should be hidden or shown for a row. These settings are updated in the Preferences window.
Hide/Show graph You can specify whether or not you want the graph to be shown. These settings are updated in the Preferences window.
Column width and row height of data cells You can adjust the width and height of the data cells as per your requirement in the Planner Workbench. When you save your settings, these settings are updated and maintained by the system internally.

To save your preferences for a horizontal plan

After specifying your preferences for a horizontal plan, perform the following steps to save your preferences.

  1. [Right-click] on the Items or Organization area to display more options.

    The menu appears.

  2. Click Save Settings.

    When you login again and return to the Planner Workbench, the settings that you saved are retained.

Setting Preferences for Viewing Horizontal Plan

For information on defining display preferences, see Defining Display Preferences.

Change Preferences

You may have multiple preference sets for a horizontal plan. If you want to switch between the preference sets, select [right-click] > Change Preferences. In the right-click pop-up menu, click the title of the preference set that you want to view.

Set Number Formatting for Horizontal Plan

As the number of order quantity increases, you may want to specify your preference for a number format to ease viewing numbers that run into millions. You can format and view numbers based on your preference for a horizontal plan.

To set the format preference for horizontal plans

  1. To set the format preference for horizontal plans, navigate to the General Preferences window in the Oracle Self-service Web Applications.

  2. Select your preference from the Number Format drop-down menu.

  3. Click Apply.

Product Family and Member Item Drill Down

Aggregate Production Plan

You can view aggregate production plans in the Planner Workbench. The supply and release of planned orders related to member items are reflected in the aggregate planned order at the product family level. The summation of the actual quantities for member items provides the quantity and type of supply for the product family item. You can use this for demand leveling and plan analysis.

You can specify whether or not you want to view details of member items that belong to a plan in a horizontal plan. If you want to view the product family details in the horizontal plan, select the Display Product Family Details check box in the Material Plan tabbed pane of the Preferences window.

The planning engine displays two sections in the horizontal plan view. The first section includes the following information about the product family items:

The order types associated with the product family appear against the product family node in the first section.

The second section includes member total (all items belonging to the product family) for the plan. The member total includes all order types. You can use the Show and Hide right-click menu options to view specific order types. Calculations related to member item totals are based on only those member items that are part of the same plan.

You can double-click a row related to firm supplies such as work in process and on-hand, the planning engine displays details of the individual items. However, for detailed information, you can use the Planning Detail report.

Comparing Multiple Items

You can view and compare items that belong to two different categories in the horizontal plan. To select more than one items in different categories, highlight an item in the Navigator, hold the Shift key down and select another item.

Global Forecasting

There is a possibility that you may not know the exact demand fulfilling facility at the time of preparing and analyzing forecasts in case you have you have multiple shipping, distribution, and manufacturing facilities. You can use global forecasting for consuming forecast without any reference to a shipping organization. You can distribute a forecast to multiple shipping locations.

You need to choose a demand planning scenario published without a context of an organization. In addition you need to choose a Ship to consumption level. Following are the consumption levels supported:

The global forecast section appears in the Horizontal Plan window. If this section does not appear, use the Show option from the right-click menu to display it. The following information appears in the global forecast section:

Drill-down from Forecast Row in Horizontal Plan

You can double-click the forecast row in the Horizontal Plan window to drill-down to the Supply/Demand window. However, in the case of global forecasting, you can drill down only from the consumed numbers field.

If you want to view consumption details, you can select [right-click] > Consumption Details option.

Information in the Consumption Details window is detailed in the following table:

Field Description
Sales Order This indicates the sales order number.
Sales Order Sched Date This indicates the scheduled ship date for the sales order.
Consumed Qty This refers to the quantity consumed.
Consumption Date This refers to the quantity consumption date.
Promise Date For more information, see Lead Time and the Planning Time fence.
Request Date For more information, see Lead Time and the Planning Time Fence.
End Item This refers to the end item that consumed the forecast. An end item is applicable for option class and optional items.
Original Item This indicates the original item for which you received the demand. This information is applicable only if the original item is substituted.

Drill-down from Global Forecasting Section in Horizontal Plan

The following drill-downs are supported from the global forecasting section in the horizontal plan:

Safety Stock Level

To see if your plan satisfies safety stock levels, verify that the projected available balance is the safety stock level. If it is not so exactly, it may be because of:

Vertical Plan

The Vertical Plan view is enabled for an Item-Org context and it displays the activity by item over time in a vertical format (non-bucketized).

View Vertical Plan

To display your plan vertically

  1. Select one or more items from the tree in the Navigator.

  2. Select [right-click] > Vertical Plan.

Right-click Menu Options in a Vertical Plan

Based on the context of the selected field, the planning engine displays right-click menu options. If you right-click in an information field (non-fixed field) within a vertical plan, you can:

When you right-click the graph shown for a vertical plan, the planning engine displays three options: Days, Weeks, and Periods. You can choose the time frame for which you want to view the graph.

Supply Demand Window

The Supply/Demand window displays information about supplies and demands and shows pegging information.

View the Supply/Demand Window

You can navigate to the Supply/Demand window from various node types such as items, organizations, plans, departments, and planning groups in the Navigator. In addition to the Navigator, you can also drill down to the Supply/Demand window from other windows such as the Vertical Plan window.

If you request this window from the Exception Details window, it displays supply information, demand information, or both types of information based on the exception type. For example, if the exception message is Demand satisfied using end item substitution, the Supply/Demand window displays demand information only.

To display the Supply/Demand window

  1. Select one or more nodes (using Ctrl-click) in the Navigator.

  2. Select [right-click] > Supply/Demand.

    The Supply/Demand pop-up menu displays the following options:

    • Supply

      • Demand

      • Supply/Demand

      • Onhand

  3. To display the Supply/Demand window, click Supply/Demand.

    Supply/Demand window has five tabbed regions:

    • Order

    • Release Properties

    • Sourcing

    • Line

    • Project

    Each tabbed region displays fixed fields:

    • Org

    • Item

    • For Release

    • Firm

    While each tabbed region shows different variable fields, you can access all of the Supply/Demand window variable fields using the Orders tab folder function.

Supply/Demand Window Notes

Internal Requisitions and Sales Orders

If you cancel an internal requisition and do not cancel the corresponding internal sales order, Planner Workbench:

Safety Stock

To analyze how the planning engine has planned to meet safety stock levels, select the supply and analyze the pegging details. The pegs between a transient safety stock level and supplies peg with supply quantity zero. This is because the supply pegs to a demand after the safety stock level expires; the peg to the demand has the quantity. The pegs between a non-transient safety stock level and supplies peg with quantities that meet the safety stock level. To understand safety stock pegging, see Safety Stock Pegging in Pegging.

Order Tabbed Pane

The following table provides a description of the fields displayed in the Order tabbed pane:

Fields Description
Order Type This refers to the supply or the demand type. For example, purchase order, sales order, planned order.
Part Condition For asset intensive planning, the condition of the item in inventory or the condition of the item after you perform work.
Sugg Due Date The planning engine populates this for demands and supplies. For more information, seeLead Time and the Planning Time Fence.
Qty/Rate Supply, demand quantity, or rate.
Visit, Produce to Stock, Maintenance Requirement, Operating Fleet, and Maintenance Plan For asset intensive planning, production order attributes for order types Maintenance Work Order and Maintenance Work Order Demand.
Order Number Identifies the supply or the demand record. For purchase orders, displays purchase order number, line number, release number, shipment number.
Action This refers to the action recommended by the planning engine. The possible values are:
- None
- Release
- Cancel
New Date After you firm a supply, you can specify a new date to change an existing planned order, a forecast, an MDS demand, a manual MDS demand, or a sales order.
New Qty After you firm a supply, you can specify the quantity to change an existing planned order, a forecast, an MDS demand, a manual MDS demand, or a sales order.
Order Priority Indicates the priority of a demand. The planning engine generates this number based on the priority rule used in the plan.
ABC Class Inventory ABC classification of the item.
Alternate BOM BOM Alternate bill of material name
Alternate Routing BOM Alternate routing name
Arrival Set Name On the sales order, the arrival set name designates lines that should arrive together at the customer site. Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning does not consider arrival sets but displays the field for information.
Bucket Type This refers to the bucket type that a demand falls under, such as Forecasts. The valid values includes day, week, and period.
Build Sequence This number indicates the order in which the work orders are sequenced.
Category Category of an item
Company Name Name of the company
Company Site Name of the company site
Component Yield Bills of material component yield for a component
Compression Days The planning engine calculates the number of days that the order needs to be scheduled in the past (earlier than the planning horizon start date). For more information on Orders with Compression Days, see Exception Messages.
Consumed Forecast For a forecast demand, this field indicates the quantity of the forecast that is consumed by sales orders.
Consumption Backward Days This indicates the number of days (backward) when a forecast can be consumed by sales orders.
Consumption Forward Days This indicates the number of days (forward) when a forecast can be consumed by sales orders.
Cube Total cube of the supply row
Cumulative Probability Not used in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning.
Customer Customer name as it appears on the sales order or forecast.
Customer Site Customer ship to location
Days From Today The planning engine calculates the difference between the suggested due date and the plan launch date to populate this field.
Days Late For more information, seeLead Time and the Planning Time Fence.
Demand Class An attribute of a demand that is used to categorize demand.
Demand Lateness Cost Penalty cost for a demand
Description Item description
Destination Org The destination organization for an internal sales order.
Earliest Allowable Completion Time The planning engine calculates this to indicate the end of the scheduling window for the supply that allows sufficient time for the upstream activities to be scheduled.
Earliest Possible Completion Time The planning engine calculates this based on the constrained schedule for upstream supplies. It is the earliest time in which the supply can be completed.
Earliest Possible Start Time The planning engine calculates the difference between the earliest possible completion time and supply duration to populate this field.
End Date The end date of a bucketed forecast. This is used only in the Collections workbench. The planning engine does not populate the end date for Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning plans.
Expiration Date This indicates the expiration date for an existing lot.
Expired Demand The planning engine marks the demand quantity as expired if the demand is not met within specific number of days.
First Unit Completion Date Indicates the first unit completion date of the repetitive job.
First Unit Start Date Indicates the first unit start date of the repetitive job.
Fixed Leadtime For buy items, the processing lead time
Imp Qty/Rate Corresponds to the new quantity that you specify for an order when you release the order.
Implement Alternate BOM Alternate BOM is an alternate list of component items that you can use to produce an assembly.
Implement Alternate Routing An alternate manufacturing process that you can use to produce an assembly.
Implement As If you select an organization in the Order tabbed pane, you can release the order as a discrete job. If you select a supplier, you can release the order as a purchase order.
Implement Date Corresponds to the new date that you specify for an order when you release the order.
Implement Demand Class Demand Class of released order
Implement FUCD Implement first unit completion date for a repetitive job (editable)
Implement Firm Implement firm flag status (editable)
Implement Job Implement job number (not editable)
Implement Line Implement line for a repetitive job (not editable)
Implement Project Implement project name (editable)
Implement Source Org Implement source organization (editable)
Implement Status Implement work in process status (editable)
Implement Supplier Implement supplier (editable)
Implement Supplier Site Implement supplier site (editable)
Implement Task Implement task identifier (editable)
Implement Unit Number Implement starting unit number for unit effectivity (not editable)
Implement WIP Class Implement work in process class (not editable)
Implemented Quantity Previously implemented order quantities (not editable)
Internal Sales Order Internal sales order number
Intransit Lead Time This indicates the transit lead-time associated with a transfer order.
Item Item name
Item From Source Plan A flag that indicates whether the item is planned in some other plan. For example, when you feed an MPS supply plan to another plan such as MRP, the planning engine sets the flag for the item in the MRP plan.
Last Unit Completion Date Indicates the last unit completion date of the repetitive job.
Last Unit Start Date Indicates the last unit start date of the repetitive job.
Latest Acceptable Date Indicates the latest acceptable date for a sales order.
Line Line refers to the flow line.
Location Location refers to the supplier site or organization location.
Lot Lot refers to the lot number.
MRP Planning Method Planning method defined for the item
Material Available Date For more information, seeLead Time and the Planning Time Fence.
Min Possible Days Late This planning engine calculates the minimum number of days that the end demand is late because of a particular supply. Other supplies may also cause additional delay.
Min Possible Start Time This field is obsolete.
Model/Option Class This refers to the model or the option class to which the item belongs.
Need By Date For more information, seeLead Time and the Planning Time Fence.
Old Dock Date For more information, seeLead Time and the Planning Time Fence.
Old Due Date For more information, seeLead Time and the Planning Time Fence.
Order Date Type For more information, seeLead Time and the Planning Time Fence.
Order Margin Profit margin of an order
Original Item If the planning engine recommends end item substitution for a demand, the item field refers to the substituted item. This field stores the original demanded item.
Original Item Qty This indicates the demand quantity of the original item.
Original Need By Date Original need by date of the purchase order or the requisition. For more information, see Lead Time and the Planning Time Fence.
Original Order Quantity For forecasts, this is the original order quantity of the forecast before consumption or before the forecast expiration. For all other order types, this is the same as the demand quantity.
Original Quantity Original forecast quantity for a global forecast.
Origination This field indicates the source where the planned supply is created. The origin is either the planning engine or ATP.
Override Transit Times Not used in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning. This is reserved for future use.
PO Line No Purchase order line number
Planned Arrival Date For more information, see Lead Time and the Planning Time Fence.
Planner Planner code
Planning Group The name of the planning group for which the material is being planned.
Planning Level The identifier assigned to a project in the planning group.
Probability This is not used in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning.
Process Days This field indicates the number of days a planned order is scheduled for a repetitive schedule.
Product Family The product family to which the item belongs.
Project Number Project number. For more information, see Planning in Mixed Mode Environments.
Promise Arrival Date The date when you promise that the customer can receive the products.
Promised Ship Date The date when you promise to ship the products to the customer.
For more information, see Lead Time and the Planning Time Fence.
Qty by Due Date This indicates the supply quantity that is available by the demand due date.
Quantity in Process This field indicates the quantity of a supply that is released.
Recommended Oracle Shop Flow Manufacturing job information on collection workbench.
Release Errors This field displays the release validation errors.
Repetitive Repetitive schedule
Requested Arrival Date The date when the customer wants to receive the products.
For more information, see Lead Time and the Planning Time Fence.
Requested Ship Date The date when the customer wants the products to be shipped.
For more information, see Lead Time and the Planning Time Fence.
Reschedule Days This indicates the number of days in or out that a supply order is rescheduled. A negative value indicates that the order is rescheduled to an earlier date.
Rescheduled This flag indicates that the order is rescheduled.
Schedule Designator This is the supply schedule name for those supplies that you feed to a plan by using a supply schedule.
Schedule Group This refers to work in process schedule group.
Schedule Arrival Date The date on which the customer can receive the product.
For more information, see Lead Time and the Planning Time Fence.
Schedule Ship Date The date when the product needs to be shipped to the customer.
For more information, see Lead Time and the Planning Time Fence.
Service Level Not used in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning.
Shared Supply A flag to indicate that this supply is shared among multiple demands.
Ship Method Ship method used for transfers and buy orders.
Ship Set Name On the sales order, the ship set name designates lines that should ship together. Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning does not consider ship sets. However, the field is provided for information.
Ship To Customer ship to location
Shipment Not used in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning.
Source Order Priority This indicates the priority number on the actual demand record. This is different from the priority number calculated by the planning engine.
Source Org Name of the source organization
Source Supplier Name of the source supplier
Source Supplier Site Name of the source supplier site
Start Quantity This indicates the start quantity of a supply that can be different from the finished quantity owing to yield.
Subinventory Subinventory identifier on the supply document, demand document, or location of an on-hand.
Substitute Component Rank BOM substitute component rank
Sugg Dock Date For more information, see Lead Time and the Planning Time Fence.
Suggested Due Date The timestamp for the suggested due date in case of:
  • Past demand lines is 23:59:00 on a day before the plan date

  • On hand supply due date is 00:00:00 on the plan date

Suggested Due Date Before Bucketing The due date for Planned Order Demand and Model, Option Class or, Product Family Demand order types.
Sugg Order Date For more information, see Lead Time and the Planning Time Fence.
Sugg Ship Date For more information, see Lead Time and the Planning Time Fence.
Sugg Start Date For more information, see Lead Time and the Planning Time Fence.
Source Supplier The supplier company name.
Source Supplier Site The supplier company site name.
Task Number The identifier assigned to the task in a project.
UOM This is an item attribute (unit of measurement)
Unconstrained Earliest Possible Completion Time The planning engine calculates this based on the unconstrained schedule for those upstream supplies that allow minimum durations.
Unconstrained Earliest Possible Start Time The planning engine calculates the difference between the unconstrained earliest possible completion time and supply duration.
Unconstrained Latest Possible Completion Time The planning engine calculates this based on the unconstrained schedule for those downstream supplies that allow minimum durations.
Unconstrained Latest Possible Start Time The planning engine calculates the difference between the unconstrained latest possible completion time and the supply duration.
Unit Number This refers to the starting unit effectivity number.
Update Need By Date For more information, see Lead Time and the Planning Time Fence.
Using Assembly For planned order associated with demands, this field refers to the assembly with this item as a component.
VMI Yes indicates that the supply is for a VMI-enabled item.
WIP Status Status of the work in process. Some of the values are:
- Onhold
- Released
- Unreleased
Weight Weight of the order
WIP Start Qty Start quantity used for planning

Release Properties Tabbed Pane

The following table provides a description of the fields displayed in the Release Properties tabbed pane:

Fields Description
Implement Date Implement date (editable)
Imp Qty/Rate Implement quantity or rate (editable). The planning engine initially derives this value by dividing quantity by rate.
Implement As Implement as a work order or a purchase requisition (editable).
Implement Alternate BOM Implement alternate bills of material name (editable)
Implement Alternate Routing Implement alternate routing name (editable)
Implement Arrival Date Implement arrival date (not editable)
Implement Demand Class Implement demand class (not editable)
Implement Dock Date Implement dock date (not editable)
Implement FUCD Implement first unit completion date for a repetitive job (editable)
Implement Firm Implement firm flag status (editable)
Implement Job Implement job number (not editable)
Implement Line Implement line for a repetitive job (not editable)
Implement Project Implement project name (editable)
Implement Ship Date Implement ship date (non editable)
Implement Source Org Implement source organization (editable)
Implement Status Implement work in process status (editable)
Implement Supplier Implement supplier (editable)
Implement Supplier Site Implement supplier site (editable)
Implement Task Implement task identifier (editable)
Implement Unit Number Implement starting unit number for unit effectivity (not editable)
Implement WIP Class Implement work in process class (not editable)
Implemented Quantity Previously implemented order quantities (not editable)
Location Implement location for the source organization or the supplier site (not editable)
Order Type Type of order such as planned order, sales order, manual master demand schedule (not editable).
Quantity in Process Implement Quantity or Rate (editable for planned orders only)
Quantity/Rate Original order quantity (not editable)
Release Errors Alerts you to any problem that might have occurred during the process of release.
Suggested Due Date For more information, see Lead Time and the Planning Time Fence.

Sourcing Tabbed Pane

The following table provides a description of the fields displayed in the Source tabbed pane:

Fields Description
Source Org Name of the source organization
Source Supplier Name of the supplier
Source Supplier Site Name of the supplier's site
Company Name Name of the company
Company Site Name of the company site
Order Type Type of order
Quantity/Rate Quantity supplied by the source org
Suggested Due Date For more information, see Lead Time and the Planning Time Fence.

Line Tabbed Pane

The following table provides a description of the fields displayed in the Line tabbed pane:

Fields Description
Line A group of resources
Schedule Group This refers to work in process schedule group.
Build Sequence The sequence number indicating the order in which work orders are sequenced
First Unit Start Date The date on which the first unit belonging to a line is scheduled.
Last Unit Completion Date The date on which the last unit belonging to a line is completed
Last Unit Start Date The date on which the last unit belonging to a line is started
Order Type Type of order. For example, planned order, sales order.
Process Days This field indicates the number of days a planned order is scheduled for a repetitive schedule.
Quantity/Rate This indicates the rate per day for a repetitive schedule.
Repetitive Repetitive schedule
Suggested Due Date For more information, see Lead Time and the Planning Time Fence.
Using Assembly Name of the assembly. An assembly is an item that has a bill of material.

Project Tabbed Pane

The following table provides a description of the fields displayed in the Project tabbed pane:

Fields Description
Planning Group The name of the planning group for which the material is being planned.
Project Number The identifier assigned to a project in the planning group.
Task Number The identifier assigned to the task in a project belonging to a planning group.
Order Type Type of order. For example, planned order, sales order.
Quantity/Rate The quantity of the order.
Suggested Due Date For more information, see Lead Time and the Planning Time Fence.
Unit Number Unit number

Right-click Menu Options in the Supply/Demand Window

In addition to the folder options, the right-click pop-up menu displays the following options to navigate to other windows:


Pegging is a process that the planning engine uses to link:

Use pegging to:

Pegging plays a major role in determining the sequence in which demands are satisfied. For some pegging modes, the planning engine:

This section discusses:

The actual date that a demand is satisfied is a function of the detailed scheduling process. There is no guarantee that high priority orders are satisfied on time.

In performing the pegging process, the planning engine selects demands and locates supplies to peg those demands to. Therefore, we say that the pegging process pegs demands to supplies.

When some people think of pegging, they think of supplies pegged to demands. For example, if you are using hard pegging with Oracle Project Manufacturing, it reserves the supply for the demand.

When discussing the results of the pegging process, you can correctly say either that demands peg to supplies or that supplies peg to demands. The diagrams in this section use arrows which indicate the supplies that peg to particular demands.

To use pegging you must enable it for the items and for the plan. The planning engine pegs in several ways (pegging modes). For certain modes, you specify information to instruct the planning engine.

The planning engine pegs each item after the netting process. It begins with all of the items in the highest bill of material level and proceeds level by level to the lowest bill of material level.

The planning engine attempts to minimize substitution at the expense of crossing organizations and uses substituted on-hand or scheduled receipts before creating planned orders. For example:

The planning engine passes independent demand priorities to discrete job and planned order dependent demands to which they peg. Planned order dependent demands have lower priority than discrete job dependent demands at the same bill of material level.

The planning engine performs pegging for product family items regardless of the setting of their item attribute Pegging



For the planning engine to plan reservations, select plan option Net Reservations.


The planning engine snapshots these reservations for these plan types:


In the source system, you can reserve:

If a supply quantity is partially reserved to demands, the planning engine can peg the unreserved quantity to other demands.

If a demand quantity is partially reserved against supplies, the planning engine can peg the unreserved quantity to other supplies.

The reservation information collected from the source is an input pegging relationship in ASCP. The planning engine pegs other supplies and demands around these reservation relationships. Therefore, you might notice these patterns in the plan output:


In Planner Workbench Supply / Demand window, see these fields:

In the pegging tree, the reserved quantities of the individual supplies to a demand or the reserved quantities of the individual demands against a supply show as attribute Reserved Quantity.

Purchase Order Reservations Processing

This is how the planning engine processes reservations created between purchase order and internal requisition supplies and demands:

For example:

The planning engine sees each of these quantities as a supply and pegs them all to the sales order.

If you have a purchase order reserved to multiple sales orders, the planning engine uses FIFO pegging for the purchase order and the sales order.

For example, this is the status of a purchase order of quantity 100:

Teo sales orders have reservations against the purchase order:

The planning engine pegs:

Pegging Modes

This table shows the pegging modes and the settings that you use to enable them.

Pegging Mode Plan Option - Priority Pegging Profile Option - MSC: Use FIFO Pegging
Standard Cleared No
Priority Selected No
FIFO Cleared Yes
Priority/FIFO Selected Yes

When the pegging process is processing an end-item product substitution, it does not attend to the following profile options, regardless of the pegging mode. The process performs the pegging for these demands immediately following the item substitution:

Standard Pegging

The standard pegging process makes two passes through the demands and supplies.

First Pass

The planning engine groups demands into daily windows. It does not use profile option MSO: Demand Window Size. The first window starts at the first demand date and the last window ends at the end of the planning horizon.

For example, the demand window size is 1 day, the first demand is due on day 5. The first demand window is from day 5 to day 5, the second demand window is from day 6 to day 6, and the third demand window is from day 7 to day 7.

Demands in each window are sorted by demand priority in ascending order.

The planning engine groups supplies into daily windows. It does not use profile option MSO: Supply Window Size. The first window starts at the first supply availability date and the last window ends at the end of the planning horizon.

For example, the supply window size is 1 day, the first supply is available on day 7. The first supply window is from day 7 to day 7, the second supply window is from day 8 to day 8, and the third supply window is from day 9 to day 9.

Supplies in each window are sorted by type using the following order:

  1. Firm supplies

    1. On-hand

    2. Receipt shipment, intransit shipment, payback supply (Oracle Project Scheduling)

    3. Work order (firm), job by-product supply (firm), purchase order (firm), non-standard jobs, non-standard job by-product supply (always considered firm)

    4. Purchase requisition (firm)

  2. 2. Existing supplies

    1. Work order (non-firm), job by-product Supply (non-firm), repetitive schedule, repetitive schedule by-product supply, flow schedule, flow schedule by-product supply, purchase order (non-firm)

    2. Purchase requisition (non-firm)

  3. Planned supplies

    1. Planned order (firm), planned order by-product supply (firm). You can raise the pegging priority of firm planned orders by releasing them.

    2. Planned order (non-firm), planned order by-product supply (non-firm)

The supplies in each type are sorted as follows:

Second Pass

The planning engine begins from the first demand window and pegs demands by demand priority to supplies of the first supply window. If necessary, it continues the pegging process with the next supply window.

As all demands in the each demand window are pegged, it moves to the next demand window and pegs as it did in the first demand window

Unpegged supplies are posted to excess.

In this example, demands D1 and D2 are sorted by priority in ascending order and supplies S5 and S6 are sorted by type. Pegged entities are connected by arrows.

Pegged Entities

the picture is described in the document text

Standard Pegging Example

This example shows standard pegging for two items. It begins with various settings and then shows the pegging for each item.

Profile option MSC: Use FIFO Pegging is No.

Plan option Peg Supplies by Demand Priority: Cleared.

In standard pegging, the planning engine uses 1 as the value for MSO: Demand Window Size and MSO: Supply Window Size and ignores the entered values.

Item A101 Pegging

This diagram shows the demands, supplies, and pegging information for item A101. Demand priorities are in parentheses, pegged entities are connected by arrows, and split supply quantities are in brackets.

The first demand window starts on day 3 at the first demand date.

Supplies in the first supply window [day 1] are pegged in the following order:

Supplies in the second supply window [day 2] are pegged in the following order:

Supply in the third supply window [day 3] is pegged as non-firm planned order of quantity 75 on day 3 and demand of quantity 100 on day 4

Pegged Entities

the picture is described in the document text

Item A102 Pegging

This table shows the demands, supplies, and pegging information for item A102. Demand priorities are in parentheses and pegged entities are connected by arrows.

Supplies in the first supply window [day 1] are pegged in the following order:

Supplies in the second supply window [day 2] are pegged in the following order:

Supply in the third supply window [day 3] is pegged as firm purchase requisition of quantity 30 on day 3 and demand of quantity 200 on day 1

Supply in the forth supply window [day 4] is pegged as non-firm work order of quantity 40 on day 4 and demand of quantity 100 on day 6

Supply in the sixth supply window [day 6] is pegged as non-firm planned order of quantity 60 on day 6 and demand of quantity 100 on day 6

Pegged Entities

the picture is described in the document text

Priority Pegging

The priority pegging process makes three passes through the demands and supplies.

First Pass

The planning engine starts with the demand of highest priority as specified by the plan's demand priority rule. It scans backwards the number of days in the site or item-specific firm supply allocation window (profile option MSO: Firm Supply Allocation Window (Backward days) and finds the first firm supply quantity to peg the demand to.

The planning engine scans backward and finds supplies. It organizes and pegs them as follows:

If it cannot find enough firm supply quantity to satisfy the entire demand quantity, it scans forwards the number of days in the site or item-specific firm supply allocation window (profile option MSO: Firm Supply Allocation Window (Forward days)) to find supplies to peg the demand to.

The pass ends when the demand is completely pegged to firm supplies or all firm supplies in the firm supply allocation windows are exhausted.

This diagram shows an example of the first pass:

Second Pass

For the remaining demands and supplies, the planning engine groups all demands into windows by using profile option MSO: Demand Window Size. The first window starts at the first demand date and ends after the number of days in the window size. The second window starts at the end of the first window and ends after the number of days in the window size. The last window ends at the end of the planning horizon.

For example, the demand window size is 50 days and the first demand date is due on day 1. The first demand window is from day 1 to day 49 and the second demand window is from day 50 to day 99.

Demands in each window are sorted by demand priority in ascending order.

The planning engine groups all supplies into windows by using profile option MSO: Supply Window Size. The first window starts at the first available supply date and ends after the number of days in the window size. The second window starts at the end of the first window and ends after the number of days in the window size. The last window ends at the end of the planning horizon.

For example, the supply window size is 50 days and the first supply is available on day 1. The first supply window is from day 1 to day 49 and the second supply window is from day 50 to day 99.

It sorts supplies in each window by type in the same manner as the standard pegging first pass.

Third Pass

The planning engine uses the standard pegging second pass.

Third Pass Example

This diagram shows an example of the third pass:

Note that:

Firm Supply Allocation Window


You can set the firm supply allocation window in these ways:

If you specify a positive number for the value of profile option MSO: Multiplier to Derive Supply Allocation Window, then the planning engine ignores the profile option MSO: Firm Supply Allocation Window (Backward days). If you specify a zero, negative, or null number for the value of profile option MSO: Multiplier to Derive Supply Allocation Window, then the planning engine uses the profile option MSO: Firm Supply Allocation Window (Backward days).


Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning derives a firm supply allocation window for each item based on its item attributes as follows:

These are the formulas for the item-specific firm supply allocation window:

The value is rounded up to the integer. If the cumulative manufacturing lead-time or the processing lead-time is null or 0 and the multiplier is positive, the planning engine uses the item-specific firm supply allocation window which is 0.

For example:

Sizing Demand and Supply Windows

Very small or very large window sizes bring advantages and disadvantages to the results of the pegging process.

Some benefits of small demand window size are:

A disadvantage of small demand window size is more late higher priority demands. Lower priority demands are satisfied before higher priority demands and low priority demands for safety stock peg to on-hand.

A benefit of large demand window size is higher priority demands having a higher probability of being satisfied earlier.

Some disadvantages of large demand window size are:

When you are sizing the supply window, note that selecting a large window size can result in the planning engine's pegging early demands to firm supplies or non-firm supplies at the end of the window (firm supplies sort by type and date, non-firm supplies sort by type and quantity). This results in increased lateness for the early demands.

Priority Pegging Examples

This example shows priority pegging for two items. It begins with various settings and then shows the pegging for each item.

Profile option settings:

Plan option Peg Supplies by Demand Priority: Selected.

Item cumulative lead-times:

Item specific firm supply allocation window:

A101: 4 (2 * 2)

A102: 2 (2 * 1)

Item A101 Pegging:

First Pass

This diagram shows the demands, supplies, and pegging information for item A101 on the first pass. Demand priorities are in parentheses and pegged entities are connected by arrows. The order of the schedule entities is:

Second Pass

This diagram shows the demands, supplies, and pegging information for item A101 on the second pass. Demand priorities are in parentheses, pegged entities are connected by arrows, and split supply quantities are in brackets. The order of the schedule entities is:

Note that non-firm planned orders are sorted by quantity in ascending order and firm planned orders are sorted by date in ascending order. Therefore, the planning engine:

Item A102 Pegging

First Pass

This table shows the demands, supplies, and pegging information for item A102 on the first pass. Demand priorities are in parentheses and pegged entities are connected by arrows. The order of the schedule entities is:

Note that the planning engine pegs to firm jobs and on-hand balances with respect to the firm supply allocation windows. No demand in the first pass pegs to the firm job on day 3 but the demand in bucket 1 for quantity 170 in the second pass does peg to it.

Pegging Entities

the picture is described in the document text

Second Pass

This table shows the demands, supplies, and pegging information for item A102 on the second pass. Demand priorities are in parentheses and pegged entities are connected by arrows. The order of the schedule entities is:

Pegging to supply outside firm supply

the picture is described in the document text

FIFO Pegging

For all demands and supplies, the planning engine:

FIFO Pegging Example

This example shows FIFO pegging. It begins with various settings and then shows the pegging for each item. Daily supplies and demands are not sorted. Pegged entities are connected by arrows and split supply quantities are in brackets.

Profile option MSC: Use FIFO Pegging: Yes

Plan option Peg Supplies by Demand Priority: Cleared

The pegging includes:

Priority/FIFO Pegging

The priority/FIFO pegging process makes two passes through the demands and supplies.

First Pass

The planning engine uses the priority pegging first pass.

Second Pass

The planning engine uses the FIFO pegging pass.

Priority/FIFO Pegging Example

This example shows priority/FIFO pegging. It begins with various settings and then shows the pegging for each item. Pegged entities are connected by arrows and split supply and combined demand quantities are in brackets.

Profile options:

Plan option Peg Supplies by Demand Priority: Selected.

Item cumulative lead-time: 1

Item specific firm supply allocation window: 2 (2 * 1)

First Pass

The planning engine pegs firm jobs and on-hand with respect to the firm supply allocation windows. It does not peg the firm work order for quantity 30 on day 3 to any demand in the first pass but to the demand on day 1 for 100 in the second pass.

the picture is described in the document text

Second Pass

The planning engine pegs:

Priority and FIFO/Priority Comparison

This diagram shows the second pass as priority pegging schedules it. The planning engine pegs:

Enabling Pegging Checklist

  1. Enable pegged items: In the Items form, MPS/MRP Planning tabbed region, Pegging field, select any value other than None. For more information, see Oracle Inventory User's Guide.

  2. Enable plan pegging: In the Profile Options form, Main tabbed region, set Enable Pegging. This action enables standard pegging.

    Perform this checklist item if you want to use FIFO pegging or priority/FIFO pegging.

  3. Enable plan FIFO pegging: In the Profile Options form, set MSC: Use FIFO Pegging to Yes.

    Perform the next three checklist items if you want to use priority pegging or priority/FIFO pegging.

  4. Enable priority pegging: In the Plan Options form, Main tabbed region, select Peg Supplies by Demand Priorities.

  5. Set firm supply allocation windows: In the Profile Options form, attend to the following:

    • MSO: Firm Supply Allocation Window (Backward days): Number of days for searching backward from the demand date. The default value for this profile option is zero (do not search backwards). If you do not enter a value or enter a negative value, the planning engine also does not search backwards.

      • MSO: Firm Supply Allocation Window (Forward days): Number of days for searching forward from the demand date. The default value for this profile option is zero (do not search forwards). If you do not enter a value or enter a negative value, the planning engine also does not search forwards.

  6. Set multiplier To Derive Supply Allocation Window: In the Profile Options form, set MSO: Multiplier To Derive Supply Allocation Window. You can use a decimal quantity.

    This profile option defaults to not entered, which instructs the planning engine to ignore it and base the backward search of pegging is on profile option MSO: Firm Supply Allocation Window (Backward days). If you enter a negative value or zero, the planning engine also ignores this profile option.

    Perform this checklist item if you want to use priority pegging.

  7. Set demand and supply window sizes. In the Profile Options form, attend to the following:

    • MSO: Demand Window Size: Number of days for grouping demands into windows; it defaults to 1. If you do not enter a value, enter 0, or enter a negative value, the planning engine uses value 1.

      • MSO: Supply Window Size: Number of days for grouping supplies into windows; it defaults to 1. If you do not enter a value, enter 0, or enter a negative value, the planning engine uses value 1.

  8. Set the profile MSC: Minimize Workorder crossovers during reschedules to Yes to avoid pushing any supply forward to complete a work order even if there is some excess. This ensures that the supply is not pegged to a safety stock and therefore, the safety stock date will be closer to the real demand date.

    For more details on the profile option, see MSC Profile Options

Safety Stock Pegging

To set up safety stock planning and to understand the safety stock planning process, see Safety Stock.

Overview of Safety Stock Pegging

The planning engine plans to meet safety stock levels through a process of sequential phases:

This topic explains the Pegging phase. To understand the other planning phases, see Safety Stock.

To view the results of safety stock pegging, use theSupply/Demand Window.

Safety Stock Pegging Phases

The planning engine plans to peg safety stock through a process of sequential phases:

Non-transient safety stock levels are levels that you must hold throughout the planning horizon. They are safety stock levels without ending effectivity dates.

Transient safety stock levels are levels that you must hold for only a certain time during the planning horizon. They are safety stock levels with ending effectivity dates

The safety stock level for a day can be a combination of non-transient and transient safety stock levels for that day.

The planning engine pegs non-transient and transient safety stocks differently. For:

In all examples, please assume:

Safety Stock Pegging Phase 1: Peg to Non-transient Safety Stock Levels

You can choose to exclude non-transient safety stock demands from the pegging logic; set profile option MSC: Include Safety Stocks in Priority based Pegging to No. The pegging process:

If you set profile option MSC: Include Safety Stocks in Priority based Pegging to Yes, the pegging process does not give preferential treatment to the non-transient safety stock levels and pegs them at the same time as the demands.

Safety Stock Pegging Phase 2: Peg to Demands

The planning engine performs priority pegging logic using demands and supplies within each supply and demand window. It does not consider transient safety stocks. It does consider non-transient safety stocks if it has not pegged them in the previous optional phase.

Safety Stock Pegging Phase 3: Peg to Transient Safety Stock Levels

The planning engine performs priority pegging logic using transient safety stock levels and supplies. It pegs the supplies at quantity 0 because these supplies will eventually satisfy demands. It pegs the transient safety stock levels to the lowest priority supplies in the supply window.

This table shows pegging to a transient safety stock level. It details:

The transient safety stock level pegs to Supply 1 from D1 to D9 at quantity 0. The demand on D10 for quantity 10 pegs to Supply 1 on D10 at quantity 10.

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
D - - - - - - - - - 10 - - - - -
SSL(T) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 - - - - -
S1 10                            
S1 pegs to SSL(T) SSL(T) SSL(T) SSL(T) SSL(T) SSL(T) SSL(T) SSL(T) SSL(T) D - - - - -
S1 peg qty 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 - - - - -

Other Safety Stock Pegging Principles

Other safety stock pegging principles are:

This diagram shows an inventory netting scenario with pegging indicated. It chiefly shows the pegging of safety stock levels. The planning engine does peg other demands and supplies that do not appear pegged here or do not appear completely pegged here.

It details:

In this diagram, the non-transient safety stock levels (quantity 10 beginning on day 1 and an additional quantity 5 beginning on day 7) peg to supplies due on day 3.

For transient safety stock:

the picture is described in the document text

Forecast and Production Forecast Pegging

When you create a production plan during constrained master scheduling or, an unconstrained plan with pegging enabled, Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning allows you to see product family planned orders that are pegged to existing sources of supply including, On-hand, Work In Process jobs and firm planned orders if any. You can do this if:

The planning engine does not generate pegging:

You can view the Pegging region of the Supply/Demand window to analyze the impact of changing a supply or demand order at any level of your bill of material.

To generate pegging information

  1. Navigate to Plan Options > Main tab.

  2. Select the Enable Pegging check box for an unconstrained plan.

Alternatively, you can choose to generate a constrained/optimized plan. In this case, the planning engine always generates pegging.

Viewing Pegging Information

Using the pegging tree, you can trace demand and supply up or down from any bill of material level.

If you have any item in a supply chain bill marked for pegging, the planning engine pegs for the top level assembly.

For the planning engine to peg a component, you must mark its assembly for pegging.

To display the pegging tree

  1. Select the desired item in the Navigator.

  2. Navigate Tools > Supply/Demand.

  3. In the Supply/Demand window, the pegging tree appears in the bottom half of the window.

    The default display for viewing pegging from demand to supply is supply order details and end item demand order information. The default display for viewing pegging from supply to demand is supply order details, immediate parent demand information, and end item demand information.

  4. To expand the entire pegging tree, select (highlight) the top pegging node (root), right-click, and select Expand All.

    You can explode each node to higher level or lower level nodes by clicking on the plus and minus signs. You can also jump to other detail windows by right-clicking the pegging node.

    To see a node's properties, highlight it, right-click it, and select Properties.

Right-click Menu Options in the Pegging Region of the Supply/Demand Window

The following right-click menu options are available from the pegging region:

Right-click Menu Option Available For Demand Line or Supply Line Description
Exception Details Both Use to navigate to the Exception Details window.
Horizontal Plan Both Use this to navigate to the Horizontal Plan window.
Vertical Plan Both Use this to navigate to the Vertical Plan window.
Items Both Use this to navigate to the Items window.
Resource Requirements Supply Line Use this to navigate to the Resource Requirements window.
Expand Both Use this to expand all the pegging lines below the line you highlight in the pegging tree.
Refresh Supply/Demand Both Use this option to refresh the information in the Supply/Demand region. The planning engine does not change the information in the pegging region.
Calendar Both Various Calendar options (such as Organization Shipping and receiving) are available.
Refresh Demand Line The planning engine refreshes the information in the pegging region.

Pegging Icons in the Supply/Demand Window

Pegging information is available in the pegging region of the Supply/Demand window. You can use the icons provided in this window to perform the following:

Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) Supplies

You can perform the following tasks to manage VMI supplies using the Planner Workbench:

Items Window

View the Items Window

You can navigate to the Items window from various node types such as items an plans in the Navigator. In addition to the Navigator, you can also drill down to the Items window from other windows such as Vertical Plan.

To display the Items window

  1. Select one or more nodes (using Ctrl- click) in the Navigator.

  2. Select [right-click] > Items > Items.

Information Displayed in the Items Window

The Items window provides detailed information pertaining to items such as:

Fields Description
BOM Item Type BOM item attribute
Pegging MPS/MRP planning item attribute
Preprocessing LT Lead times item attribute
Processing LT Lead times item attribute
Postprocessing LT Lead times item attribute
Fixed LT Lead times item attribute. For buy items, this field displays item attribute Processing LT.
Fixed Order Qty General planning item attribute
Fixed Lot Mult General planning item attribute
Min Order Qty General planning item attribute
Max Ord Qty General planning item attribute
ABC Class ABC class code assigned to the item
ATP Components Flag Oracle Order Management item attribute
ATP Flag Oracle Order Management item attribute
Base Model Bills of material item attribute
Buyer Purchasing item attribute
Carrying Cost General planning item attribute
Category Planning category assigned to the item
Category Desc Planning category description
Continuous Inter-Org Transfers MPS/MRP planning item attribute
Convergent Supply Consumption MPS/MRP planning item attribute
Create Supply Flag MPS/MRP planning item attribute
Critical Component MPS/MRP planning item attribute
The planning engine can infer from the bottleneck resource group whether or not an item is a critical component. The Critical Component fields displays one of the following values:
- Null
- Item attribute
- Inferred
For example, sub-assembly B is created using an item A. You may not specify the item A as a critical component. However, if the resource for creating the sub-assembly B is a bottleneck, the planning engine considers the sub-assembly as a critical component at the time of planning for Item A in a production plan.
Demand Time Fence Date The planning engine calculates this based on the sum of plan run date and demand time fence days.
Demand Time Fence Days MPS/MRP planning item attribute
Description Main item attribute
Discount MRP: Plan Revenue Discount Percent profile option value
Divergent Supply Feed MPS/MRP planning item attribute
Effectivity Control Bills of material item attribute
Exception Set MPS/MRP planning item attribute
Fixed Days Supp MPS/MRP planning item attribute
Forecast Control MPS/MRP planning item attribute
Inventory Use Up Date The planning engine calculates this based on the engineering change order for the item.
Make/Buy General planning item attribute
Margin The planning engine uses the following formula to calculate this:
(1 - Standard Cost/ Net Selling Price) * 100
Net Selling Price The planning engine uses the following formula to calculate this:
Selling Price * (1 - Discount)
Nettable Qty Nettable inventory quantity
Non Nettable Qty Non-nettable inventory quantity
PIP Flag MPS/MRP planning item attribute
Planner General Planning item attribute
Planning Method MPS/MRP planning item attribute
Planning Time Fence Date The planning engine compares the sum of the plan run date and planning time fence days with the natural time fence. The greater value of the two is used for calculating the planning time fence date.
If plan option Planning Time Fence is clear and the item has no firm discrete jobs, this field is blank.
For more information, see Lead Time and the Planning Time Fence .
Planning Time Fence Days MPS/MRP planning item attribute
Product Family Item Product family item name (applicable to member items only)
Product Family Item Desc Product family item description (applicable to member items only)
Repetitive MPS/MRP planning item attribute
Round MPS/MRP planning item attribute
Safety Stock Days General planning item attribute
Safety Stock Method General planning item attribute
Safety Stock Percent General planning item attribute
Selling Price The planning engine considers the selling price based on the default price list associated with the profile option MRP: Plan Revenue Price List.
Service Level Target service level for an item
Shrinkage Rate MPS/MRP planning item attribute
Standard Cost Item cost
Substitution Window MPS/MRP planning item attribute
UOM Main item attribute
Unit Volume Physical attributes item attribute
Unit Weight Physical attributes item attribute
Volume UOM Unit of measure for quantity (volume)
WIP Supply Type Work in process item attribute
Weight UOM Item weight (unit of measurement)

Buttons in the Items Window

Various buttons are provided in the Items window. You can use these buttons to navigate to various other windows:

Right-click Menu Options in the Items Window

In addition to the folder options, the right-click pop-up menu displays the following options to navigate to other windows:

Destinations Window

The Destinations window details information such as destination organization, sourcing, and assignment associated with items. You can access the Destinations window from the Items window and Supply Chain Bill.

The Destinations window consists of three tabs: Sourcing, Effectivity Dates, Assignment Information.

Sourcing Tabbed Pane

The following table provides a description of the fields displayed in the Sourcing tabbed pane:

Field Description
Item Item
Source Type Sourcing rule, bill of distribution or item attribute
Destination Org The receiving organization.
Supplier Supplier name (not used in the Destinations window)
Supplier Site Supplier site name (not used in the Destinations window)
Allocation % Allocation % from the sourcing rule or bill of distribution
Rank Rank from the sourcing rule or bill of distribution
Shipping Method Shipping method from the sourcing rule or bill of distribution
Intransit Time Indicates the intransit time from the sourcing rule or the bill of distribution.

Effectivity Dates Tabbed Pane

The following table provides a description of the fields displayed in the Effectivity Dates tabbed pane:

Field Description
From Date Effectivity dates from the sourcing rule or bill of distribution
To Date Effectivity dates from the sourcing rule or bill of distribution
Quantity Indicates the conversion factor used during sourcing

Assignment Information Tabbed Pane

The following table provides a description of the fields displayed in the Assignment Information tabbed pane:

Field Description
Sourcing Rule Type Sourcing rule or bill of distribution or item attribute
Sourcing Rule Name Sourcing rule or bill of distribution name
Assignment Name Buy from, make at or transfer from

Sources Window

The Sources window details information about sourcing and assignment associated with items. You can access the Sources window in one of the following ways:

The Sources window consists of three tabs: Sourcing, Effectivity Dates, Assignment Information.

Sourcing Tabbed Pane

The following table provides a description of the fields displayed in the Source tabbed pane:

Field Description
Assignment Use Type of assignment set that uses this rule. For example, Sourcing Assignment or Global Forecast Distribution.
Source Type Sourcing rule or bill of distribution
Source Org Source organization from the sourcing rule
Supplier Supplier from the sourcing rule or bill of distribution
Supplier Site Supplier site from the sourcing rule or bill of distribution
Allocation % Allocation % from the sourcing rule or bill of distribution
Rank Rank from the Sourcing Rule or bill of distribution
Shipping Method Ship Method from the sourcing rule or bill of distribution
Intransit Time Indicates the intransit time from the sourcing rule or the bill of distribution.
Allocated Qty The planning engine calculates the allocated quantity in the following manner
For each rank, the planning engine aggregates all historical allocations for the sources in that rank to calculate the total historical allocation.
The planning engine uses the rank quantity and the allocated quantity to calculate the quantity that is to be allocated to the source. The rank quantity is the planned order quantity that needs to be planned for each rank.
The allocated quantity is the quantity that is allocated to any source (allocated quantity). The planning engine also considers the allocation percent for the source at this rank.
The quantity that is to be allocated to the source = ((allocation percent /100) * (total historical allocation + rank quantity)) - quantity allocated from this source.
If the calculated quantity exceed the quantity required for this rank, the planning engine sets this value to the ceiling.

Effectivity Dates Tabbed Pane

The Effectivity Dates tabbed pane displays the following information:

For more information about these fields, see Destinations Window.

Assignment Information Tabbed Pane

The Assignment Information tabbed pane displays the following information:

For more information about these fields, see Destinations Window.

Buttons in the Sources Window

You can use the buttons provided in the Sources window to navigate to the following windows:

Supplier Capacity Window

You can view the capacity details associated with a supplier in the Supplier Capacity window.

View Supplier Capacity Window

To display your supplier capacity

  1. In the Navigator, view by supplier.

  2. Drill down to highlight an item associated with a supplier or a supplier site.

  3. Select [right-click] > Supplier Information.

    Alternatively, you can view by any other category and perform the following steps to navigate to the Supplier Capacity window.

    Highlight a supplier or a supplier site.

  4. Navigate to the Items window.

  5. In the Items window, click Sources.

  6. In the Sources window, click Supplier Capacity.

Information Displayed in the Supplier Capacity Window

The Supplier Capacity window displays the following information:

Fields Description
Supplier Supplier name
Supplier Site Supplier site name
Item Item name
Org Organization
Processing Lead Time Approved Supplier List processing lead-time
Minimum Order Quantity Approved Supplier List minimum order quantity
Fixed Lot Multiplier Approved Supplier List fixed lot multiplier
Penalty Cost Factor Supplier capacity penalty cost factor
Supplier Price Purchasing item attribute
Supplier Capacity Calendar Approved Supplier List supplier capacity calendar
Capacity Accumulation Date The planning engine calculates the capacity accumulation date based on the Supplier Capacity profile option. For more information, see Supply Chain Modeling .
Category Planning item category
Buyer Purchasing item category
Planner General planning item attribute
Standard Cost Item cost from the Oracle Cost module

The Supplier Capacity window has two tabs:

Supplier Capacity Tabbed Pane

A supplier may have different capacity on different dates. You can specify the supplier's capacity for specific time periods in this tabbed pane The planning engine assumes infinite capacity on:

The following table provides a description of the fields displayed in the Supplier Capacity tabbed pane:

Fields Description
From Specify the start date.
To Specify the end date.
Capacity Specify the capacity of the supplier (units per day) for the duration. A blank value indicates no capacity for all dates before any date with defined capacity. A blank value means infinite capacity for all dates that there is no future dates with defined capacity.

For more information on setting supplier capacity, see Supply Chain Modeling.

Supplier Flexfences Tabbed Pane

On certain days, the supplier may have additional capacity. You can specify the tolerance (in percent) to an increase in capacity that the supplier may indicate. The fields in the Supplier Flexfences Tabbed pane include:

For more information on setting supplier flexfences, see Supply Chain Modeling.

Supplier Variability Window

For information on setting supplier lead-time variability, see Oracle Inventory Optimization Implementation and User's Guide.

Safety Stock Window

The Safety Stock window shows time phased safety stock levels that the planning engine used to plan. To access the Safety Stock window for an item, navigate to the Items window, select items, and click Safety Stocks.

The information displays by item, then by effective date. You can also update safety stock levels. To see safety stock levels calculated but Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning or Oracle Inventory Optimizaion, see Horizontal Plan

To see more detailed results of safety stock planning, see Supply/Demand Window, and Pegging.

The following table lists the information displayed in the Safety Stock window.

Field Description
Item Item
Org Organization
Effective Date Effective dates of the safety stock quantity
UOM Unit of measure
Description Item description
Quantity Safety stock quantity
User Defined Quantity The planning engine populates this field with the value from the Inventory Safety Stock definition form.
User Defined Days of Supply This is a user-defined quantity that indicates days of supply.
Days of Supply The planning engine populates this field with the value from the General Planning Item attribute.
Safety Stock Methods The planning engine populates this field with the value from the General Planning Item attribute.
Project The planning engine populates this field with the value from the Inventory Safety Stock definition form.
Task The planning engine populates this field with the value from the Inventory Safety Stock definition form.

Substitution Chain Window

You can navigate to the Substitution Chain window from:

You can specify a customer and site to view the substitution chain for the item.

Substitition information is only available in Collections Workbench if the substitution set name is DEFAULT.

If you have more than one substitution set, you must running the plan with your substitution set specified in the plan options before you can see the substitution relationships here.

Right-click Menu Options

When you right-click an item in the Substitution Chain window, the following options appear:

The Properties window does not display the following information for the default substitution chain:

For more information about the Substitution Chain window, see Business Topics.

Resources Window

The Resources window displays resource-related information such as ship method, location, and resource cost.

Viewing the Resources Window

To navigate to the Resources window

  1. Select a resource in the Navigator.

  2. Choose [right-click] > Resources.

  3. The Resources right-click menu displays four options: Resources, Resource Availability, Resource Requirements, Gantt Chart.

  4. Select Resources to view the Resources window.

    The Resources window appears.

The Resources window provides detailed information such as:

Fields Description
Dept/Line Department or line designation
Resource Resource name
Org Organization
Owning Dept Owning department of the resource
Dept Class Department class to which the resource is assigned
Resource Type Person, machine or miscellaneous
Resource Group Bottleneck resource group assignment
Min Rate Line rate
Max Rate Line rate
Resource Cost Resource cost per resource UOM
24 Hours Resource Yes or No
Aggregate Resource Yes or No
Base UOM Resource UOM
Batchable Resource batchable flag
Batchable UOM Resource batchable UOM
Batching Window Resource batching window
Bottleneck Flag The planning engine calculates this based on the plan options for bottleneck resource groups.
Dept/Line Desc Description
Efficiency % Resource efficiency %
Exception Set Resource exception set
Group Number Activity group number
Inactive Date Resource inactive date
Max Capacity Resource batching maximum capacity
Min Capacity Resource batching minimum capacity
Offset (%) Resource offset percent
Resource Desc Resource description
Schedule The valid values for this schedule flag are:
- Yes
- No
- Prior
- Next
Sequence Resource sequence number
Utilization Resource utilization %

Right-click Menu Options

If you select a resource in the Resources window and right-click, the following options appear:

Buttons in the Resources Window

Based on the context, specific buttons are available in the Routing Operations window. You can use these buttons to navigate to other windows such as:

Resource Availability Summary Window

You can navigate to the Resource Availability Summary window either from the Resources window or by using the Resources right-click popup menu in the Navigator.

To view the Resource Availability window

To view the available capacity, choose Resources > Resource Availability.

The Resource Availability Summary window appears.

Information in the Resource Availability Summary Window

The following table lists the information displayed in the Resource Availability Summary window.

Field Description
Org Organization
Dept/Line Resource Owning Department or Line
Resource Resource Name
From Date Start Date for the Total Available
To Date End Date for the Total Available
Total Available Quantity based on the Resource UOM
UOM Resource UOM

Buttons in the Resource Availability Summary Window

The following buttons are available in the Resources Availability Summary window:

Resource Availability (Details) Window

When you click the Details button in the Resource Availability Summary window, the Resource Availability window appears. You can view the details of the available capacity in the Resource Availability window.

Information in the Resource Availability (Details) Window

The following table lists the information displayed in the Resource Availability window:

Field Description
Org Organization
Dept/Line Owning department or line
Resource Resource name
Shift date Shift date
Shift Num Shift id
From Time Shift start time
To Time Shift end time
Capacity Units Number of resources for this shift
Max Rate Repetitive line max rate

Update Resource Availability

To update resource availability

You can make changes to the resource availability in the Update Resource section.

  1. Click the Update Mode drop-down menu to specify the mode in which you want to update the resource availability.

    The following options appear:

    • Add Capacity: Specify the number of units by which the current capacity needs to be increased with effect from a specific date.

      • Reduce Capacity: Specify the units by which the current capacity needs to be reduced with effect from a specific date.

      • Set Capacity: Specify the exact capacity units and the date from which the capacity change is effective.

      • Add Day: Add resource capacity for a non-working day.

      • Delete Day: Delete resource capacity for a workday.

    Based on your choice, the planning engine prompts you to specify the information.

  2. After making changes, click Apply.

Resource Requirements Window

You can navigate to the Resource Requirements window in one of the following ways:

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning does not:

Information in the Resource Requirements Window

The following table lists the information displayed in the Resource Requirements window.

Field Description
Dept/Line Owning department or line
Resource Resource name
Org Organization
Firm Type Firm status of the resource requirement. If the resource is from a job from Oracle Shop Floor Management if profile option WSM: Create Job Level BOM and Routing Copies is Yes, it is the Firm Type collected from that job.
Start Date Requirement start date
End Date Requirement end date
Resource Hours Required resource hours based on the routing requirement
Schedule Quantity Assembly quantity of the actual or planned make order
Using Assembly Assembly with the resource requirement
Op Seq Actual or planned operation sequence number for the requirement
Res Seq Actual or planned operation resource sequence number for the requirement
Daily Rate Daily rate for repetitive schedule.
Daily Hours The planning engine divides the adjusted resource requirement by the number of days that the job is scheduled on the resource to derive an approximate average.
Touch Time The planning engine calculates this as follows:
Resource Hours / Resource Efficiency %
Adjustable Resource Hours The planning engine calculates this as follows:
Resource Hours / (Resource Efficient % * Resource Utilization %)
Assigned Units Number of assigned resource units
Batch Number Batch number
Earliest Allowable Completion Time The planning engine calculates this to indicate the end of the scheduling window for those resource requirements that allow sufficient time for the upstream activities to be scheduled.
Earliest Possible Completion Time The planning engine calculates this based on the constrained schedule for upstream activities. It is the earliest time in which the resource requirement can be completed.
Earliest Possible Start Time The planning engine calculates this based on the difference between the earliest possible completion time and supply duration.
Hours Expended This indicates the resource hours already expended for existing make orders.
Load Rate This is used for lines only to indicate the load rate of the line.
Order Number Order number
Order Type Order type
Overloaded Capacity This indicates the number of overloaded resource units.
Quantity Completed This indicates the quantity of the make order that is completed.
Quantity in Queue This refers to the quantity of the make order that is in queue for resource requirement.
Quantity Running This indicates the quantity of the make order that is running on this resource.
Quantity Waiting To Move This refers to the quantity of the make order that is complete and is ready to be moved.
Rate End Date Line rate end date
Recalculated Reverse Cumulative Yield For more information, see Network Routing Window.
Recommended Yes or No
Required Capacity The planning engine calculates this as follows:
Resource hours * Order quantity in weight/volume)
Schedule The valid values for this schedule flag are:
- Yes
- No
- Prior
- Next
Schedule Date This indicates the suggested due date for the supply.
Scheduling Sequence Number This refers to the sequence dependent setup number.
Source Item This is used for bills of resources to identity the source item for the resource requirement.
Unconstrained Earliest Possible Completion Time The planning engine calculates this based on the unconstrained schedule for the upstream activities that allow minimum durations.
Unconstrained Earliest Possible Start Time The planning engine calculates this based on the difference between the unconstrained earliest possible completion time and supply duration (Unconstrained Earliest Possible Completion Time - Supply Duration).
Unconstrained Latest Possible Completion Time The planning engine calculates this based on the unconstrained schedule for the downstream activities that allow minimum durations.
Unconstrained Latest Possible Start Time The planning engine calculates this based on the difference between the unconstrained latest possible completion time and supply duration.
Usage Rate Indicates the usage rate for discrete and lot-based jobs.
Yield This indicates the operation yield.

Buttons in the Resource Requirements Window

The following button is available in this window:

Supply Chain

The tree structure makes it easy to go down levels on a bill of material. When viewing by Organization, you can drill down to go down a level from a department, resource, or item level to the next level down.

The supply chain map also offers the Item/Location View. This view is available only at the item nodes and is the default for these nodes. This view displays a diagrammed flow view of all the sourcing rules and bills of distribution associated with the selected item. This view also serves as the indented bill of materials.

When you right-click an item in the Navigator, the pop-up menu displays the following options:

Supply Chain Bill

You can view contextual supply chain and where used information for an item graphically.

It shows items in the plan options assignment set.

You use this primarily to see bills of material that cross organizations. For example:

To view Supply Chain Bill

  1. Drill down to an end item in the Navigator.

  2. Right-click the end item and select Supply Chain > Supply Chain Bill.

    A graphical representation of the item's supply chain bill appears.

  3. To expand the entire Supply Chain Bill tree, select [right-click] > Expand.

    You can use the Expand menu option at all nodes of the Supply Chain Bill tree. When you click this menu option after selecting a particular node, the nodes in the selected node expand.


The planning engine provides detailed BOM and routing information associated with an item. Right-click an item in the Navigator, select BOM/Routing. The right-click pop-up menu displays the following options to navigate to windows that display specific information:

Components Window

You can navigate to the Components window from the Items window. It consists of three tabs: Effectivity and Quantity, Use Up Information, and Item Details.

Effectivity and Quantity Tabbed Pane

The following table provides a description of the fields displayed in the Effectivity and Quantity tabbed pane:

Field Description
Org Organization
Item Parent item name
Component Component name
Effectivity Date BOM effectivity date
Usage BOM component usage
Alternate BOM Alternate BOM name
Change Notice Engineering change order name
Revision Engineering change order revision number

Use Up Information Tabbed Pane

The following table provides a description of the fields displayed in the Use Up Information tabbed pane:

Field Description
Org Organization
Item Item name
Component Component name
Use Up Item Engineering change order use up item
Use Up This indicates that it is a use up Engineering change order item.
Suggested Effectivity Date This is the suggested effectivity date for a use up item.

Item Details Tabbed Pane

The following table provides a description of the fields displayed in the Item Details tabbed pane:

Field Description
Org Organization
Item Item name
Component Component name
Op Sq BOM Operation Sequence number
Supply Type BOM supply type
Offset Percent BOM offset percent
Planning Factor BOM planning factor
Item Desc Parent item description
Component Desc Component item description
UOM BOM UOM for the component
Enforce Int Req BOM enforce Integer Requirements Parameter
Optional BOM optional flag

Buttons in the Components Window

Based on the context, specific buttons may be available in the Components window. You can use these to navigate to other windows such as:

Routing Operations Window

In addition to using the BOM/Routing right-click pop-up menu in the Navigator, you can navigate to the Routing Operations window from the Items window. The Routing window displays the following information, but it does not display information for flow routings:

Field Description
Org Organization
Item Components required at the operation sequence
Assembly Routing assembly item
Line Routing line name
Alternate Routing Alternate routing name
Alternate BOM Alternate BOM name
Operation Seq Routing operation sequence number
Operation Description Routing operation description
Effectivity Date Routing operation effectivity date
Disable Date Routing effectivity disable date
From Unit Number BOM unit effectivity start number
To Unit Number BOM unit effectivity end number
Option Dependent Routing operation dependent flag
Operation Type Routing operation type
Minimum Transfer Qty Routing minimum transfer quantity
Yield Routing operation yield
Department Routing department
Operation Lead Time Routing operation lead-time
Cumulative Yield Routing cumulative yield
Reverse Cumulative Yield Routing reverse cumulative yield
Net Planning (%) Routing net planning (%)
Setup Duration Setup duration
Tear Down Duration Tear down duration
UOM Routing resource requirement UOM
Operation Code Routing standard operation code
Effective Routing effective date

Buttons in Routing Operations Window

Based on the context, specific buttons may be available in the Routing Operations window. You can use these buttons to navigate to other windows such as:

Network Routing Window

You can navigate to the Network Routing window from the Routing Operations window. The Network Routing window displays the following information:

Field Description
From Seq + Network routing from sequence number
Code Network routing standard operation code
To Seq + Network routing to sequence number
Code Network routing standard operation code
Link Type Network routing primary or alternate path
Planning % Network routing planning (%)

Where Used Window

The Where Used window provides information about the items usage. In addition to using the BOM/Routing right-click pop-up menu in the Navigator, you can also navigate to the Where Used window from the Items window to find out where the item is used.

The Where Used window has three tabs: Effectivity and Quantity, Use Up Information, and Item Details.

Effectivity and Quantity Tabbed Pane

The following table provides a description of the fields displayed in the Effectivity and Quantity tabbed pane:

Field Description
Org Organization
Item Component item name
Assembly Parent item name
Effectivity Date BOM effectivity date
From Unit Number BOM unit effectivity start number
To Unit Number BOM unit number end number
Usage BOM usage
Alternate BOM Alternate BOM name
Change Notice ECO Name
Revision ECO revision number
Disable Date BOM component disable date

Use Up Information Tabbed Pane

For more information, see Use Up Information Tabbed Pane (for Components window).

Item Details Tabbed Pane

For more information, see Item Details Tabbed Pane (for Components window).

You can navigate to the Items window and the Supply/Demand window from the Where Used window.

Co-Product Window

In addition to using the BOM/Routing right-click pop-up menu in the Navigator, you can navigate to the Co-Product window from the Items window. The Co-Product window displays the following information:

Field Description
Co-Product Network routing co-product name
Split (%) Network routing split (%)

Process Effectivity

The Process Effectivity window provides information about the bills of material and routing header. It also provides easy access to detailed information associated with bills of material and routing.

View the Process Effectivity Window

You can right-click an item in the Navigator, select BOM/Routing > Process Effectivity to navigate to the Process Effectivity window.

Information Displayed in the Process Effectivity Window

The Process Effectivity window displays the following information:

Field Description
Org Organization
Item Item name
Effectivity Date Routing effectivity date
Disable Date Routing disable date
Minimum Quantity Process manufacturing batch minimum quantity
Maximum Quantity Process manufacturing batch maximum quantity
Priority Process batch priority
Alternate Routing Alternate routing name
Alternate BOM Alternate BOM name
Total Product Cycle Time Process Manufacturing product cycle time
Item Processing Cost Process Manufacturing item processing cost
Line Process Manufacturing line name
Primary Line Process Manufacturing primary line flag
Line Rate Process Manufacturing line rate

Buttons in the Process Effectivity Window

The following buttons in the Process Effectivity window enables you to navigate to other context windows:

Key Indicators

The Key Indicators window is a summary chart that provides a graphical display of a plan's Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). At a glance, you can see how the plan performs relative to the following measures:

You can choose to see any four of these measures together. The availability of the KPIs depends on the type of plan chosen. For information on how these measures are calculated, please refer to, Key Performance Indicators.

Viewing KPIs

To view key performance indicators, select plan option, Main tab, Display Key Performance Indicators.

To view KPIs

  1. Select a Plan, an Item, an Org, or a Product Family from the Navigator.

  2. Select Key Indicators in the pop-up menu.

    The Key Indicators window displays the KPIs for the selected Plan, Item, Org, or Product Family.

To view an enlarged version of a KPI graph

Double-click on a sub-window to see an enlarged version of a KPI graph. Double-click again to return to the normal view.

Additional display options for each sub-window in the summary chart are available using the [right-click] menu. For instance, you can display KPI information in a trend chart.

Inventory Turns

This graph compares the actual inventory turn values to the target values collected from the source. You can view overall inventory turns for a plan or select a node on the tree to see the node's inventory turns. You can view the inventory turns value over time to evaluate the plan throughout the planning period.

The Inventory Turns graph is displayed at the following nodes:

On-time Delivery

The On-time Delivery Percentage graph is displayed at the following nodes:

Planned Utilization

The Planned Utilization percentage is available at the following nodes:

Margin Percentage

This graph compares the actual margin to the target values collected from the source. You can evaluate alternate plans based on the net difference between plan revenues and costs. Plan revenues are derived from forecasts and booked sales orders while costs account for planned production schedule expenses.

Margin percentage is available at the following nodes:

Reviewing Item Planning Information

In the View by drop-down menu, select either Item or Organization, then drill down to an Item to view KPIs at the Item level.

Comparing KPIs for Multiple Plans

KPIs of multiple plans can be compared in the summary chart by selecting two or more plans in the Navigator (using Ctrl-Click).

Select Worksheet (Export to Excel)

Use this window to export worksheets to Microsoft Excel. Before you do this, see Exporting Plan Results.

Navigate (M) Tools > Export Plan Worksheets to Excel.

Select a worksheet and click OK. Microsoft Excel opens and displays the information.

Web Tools Pages

Web tools pages are browser pages. You can use them to perform analysis and release functions like some of the context windows

To see the web tool pages:

Item Simulation Set Page

Use this view to make proposed adjustments to item attributes to simulate their effect on a plan results (run a simulation plan)

You can access this page from:

Run and analyze a supply chain plan, record your proposed changes, and launch the simulation plan using web tools Supply Chain Launch View.

If you have not made a simulation set for the plan you want to simulate, this page opens in create mode. You can name and start making entries to it.

If you have made a simulation set for the plan you want to simulate, this page opens in edit mode. You can change entries in it.

When you save the simulation set, it removes item/organization entries where you have not changed any item sttributes

Orders Page

Use this view to view and edit order attributes and release orders.

You can access this page from the right-click menu of Planner Workbench context windows, for example, Supply/Demand Pegging Tree, Items, and Sources.

Organization Security Page

Use this view to assign organizations to responsibilities.

You can access this page from Navigator > Web Tools.

Its functionality is similar to the Advanced Planning Administrator form Assign Organizations to Responsibilities.

Supply Chain Launch Page

Use this view to launch a supply chain plan online.

You can access this page from:

Its functionality is similar to the concurrent process Launch Supply Chain Planning Process Request Set, Parameters window.

Implementing Planning Recommendations

The Actions Summary view displays both recommendations and exceptions. The recommendations are divided into orders that must be released and future orders. In the Preferences window (Tools > Preferences), you can specify the time frame in days for which to show recommendations.

To implement planning recommendations, choose Tools > Preferences.

Creating and Implementing Firm Planned Orders

Accessing Planned Orders

You can access a subset of planned orders for a specified time period or other user defined sort criteria using the Supply/Demand window. You can release all planned orders using a Release All feature or you can individually select planned orders for release.

To access planned orders

  1. In the View By Actions mode, drill down to the Recommendations node.

  2. Drill down to items in Purchase Requisitions or Discrete Jobs.

  3. Right-click an item, select Supply/Demand > Supply/Demand.

  4. To firm a planned order, drill down to detail, then select the Firm check box.

    For detailed information about the fields in the Supply/Demand window, see Supply/Demand Window.

Receiving Firm Planned Orders from Production Schedules

Production schedule planners can publish Oracle Production Scheduling work orders and planned orders to Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning. The orders in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning are firm planned orders.

See Feeding a Production Schedule Back into ASCP.

Purchase Orders

When you reschedule and firm a purchase order in ASCP, you can:

See Implementing Planning Recommendations, Releasing Recommendations, Release for Buy Orders

Releasing Recommendations

You use the Supply/Demand context window to release recommendations to the execution systems.

If you are releasing recommendations to multiple operating units, set profile option MO: Operating Unit at the responsibility level.

To release recommendations

  1. In the View By Actions mode (on the left pane), select the Recommendations node.

  2. Drill down to the node that you want, for example, a plan, a planner, or an item.

  3. Right-click an item, select Supply/Demand > Supply/Demand.

  4. If you want to make changes to recommendations, navigate to the Release Properties tab, make them, and save your work. See Release for Buy and Make Orders and Release for Transfer Orders.

  5. If you want to release a recommendation, select For Release. If you want to release all recommendations, select Edit > Select All.

    If you select For Release in the Orders tab before you make changes in the Release Properties tab, clear For Release, make your changes, and select For Release again.

  6. From either the Orders tab or the Release Properties tab, press [right-click] > and select Release.

Release for Buy and Make Orders

To change the supply Suggested Due Date, select a new date in Implement Date. You can select a non-workday. If you select a date in the past, the scheduled receipt or transfer order will have today's date.

To change the supply Qty/Rate, enter a new quantity or rate in Imp Qty/Rate.

If you want to firm a recommendation, select Firm. It becomes a firm planned order. See Creating and Implementing Firm Planned Orders.

When you release a planned order as buy from and do not change the recommended dates, the release process sets Need-by Date to the planned order Suggested Dock Date.

When you release a planned order as buy from and change the recommended dates, the release process calculates Need-by Date as follows:

When you release recommendations for make items using substitute components, the substitute components only appear on the discrete jobs if the discrete jobs are in daily buckets.

Release for Buy Orders

When you reschedule and firm a purchase order in ASCP, you can:


To enable setting the Firm flag on purchase orders in the source instance when you firm and reschedule them in ASCP, set profile option MSC: Release PO Firm Flag to Purchasing to Yes.

To enable removing Promise Date on purchase orders in the source instance when you firm and reschedule them in ASCP, set profile option MSC: Remove Promise Date for Rescheduled Purchase Orders to Yes.


When the collections process collects a firmed header, past due header, firmed shipment line, or past due shipment date from a purchase order in the source instance, it selects the Firm flag for all distribution lines belonging to that shipment line.


The ASCP Supply/Demand window displays purchase orders at the distribution line level. In the purchasing source, the purchase order Firm Flag is at the header and shipment line.

New Quantity for a distribution line defaults from its own line. You modify New Quantity for each distribution line separately.

Implement Date and Implement Quantity in the Release Properties tab default to New Date and New Quantity from the Order tab for any distribution line that you flag for release.

When you firm a distribution line of a shipment line in the ASCP, the release process:

When you remove the firm flag from one of the distribution lines in the ASCP, the release process removes the firm flag from all distribution lines in that shipment line on the purchase order in the source instance.


In the Release Summary Window, view field PO Firm Flag Release Process.

It displays the Request ID for the concurrent program that releases the Firm Flag and removes the Promise Date.

Release for Transfer Orders

You transfer material by using internal sales orders and internal requisitions in pairs.

For release for transfer orders, your source instance must be at least release 12.1.1.

If your plan includes both the source and destination organizations, you can:

If your plan includes only the destination organization and not the source organization, you can:

Changes to the:

To change the internal requisition Suggested Due Date and the internal sales order Suggested Ship Date, select a new date in New Date. You can select a non-workday. If you select a date in the past, the scheduled receipt or transfer order will have today's date

To change the supply Qty/Rate, enter a new quantity in New Quantity. To cancel an internal requisition and internal sales order, set New Quantity to zero.

The information in fields Implement Date and Imp Qty/Rate come from:

If you mark a recommendation For Release and want to make further changes to New Date and New Quantity, clear For Release before you make the changes. Otherwise, make the changes directly.

When you execute the release, the fields that change the internal requisition and internal sales order are Implement Date and Imp Qty/Rate. Also, the process:

This table shows the other Planner Workbench fields that pas to the transfer orders.

Planner Workbench Field (from) Transfer Order (to) Transfer Order Field (to)
Implement Dock Date > Internal requisition Need-By Date
Implement Ship Date > Internal sales order - Schedule Ship Date
- Request Date
- Promise Date
Implement Dock Date > Internal sales order Schedule Arrive Date
Material Available Date > Internal sales order Earliest Ship Date

Once you have released either the internal requisition or internal sales order, you cannot release the other one

If the passing of changes to the other order of the transfer pair fails, you receive a message in a concurrent process log file from:

Publishing Plan Results to Oracle Order Management

One of the many decisions Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning can make is the selection of a facility to source the materials based on current conditions of supply and demand. The planning engine selects the sources based on global supply availability, constraints that you may have in the supply chain, costs involved in producing and procuring items etc. This information can be communicated to Order Management for effective execution.

As sales orders are accepted into the system, users may put in a fulfillment facility based on order promising or a preferred facility by default, but the facility chosen by the users may not be the correct facility given the ever evolving supply and demand picture through out the supply chain. As a result of plan run, you can determine the correct sources, and along with changed source you might have to change ship dates, ship methods etc. These change recommendations are published to Order Management

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning checks for several conditions before releasing the updated sales orders to Oracle Order Management:

The planning engine displays a release error for each incorrect selection of an order.

Note: You cannot auto-release these recommendations to Oracle Order Management.

To setup plan results publishing to Oracle Order Management

  1. Select the Advanced Supply Chain Planner responsibility.

  2. Navigate to Supply Chain Plan > Names.

  3. Select the Notifications check box for the plan that you want to publish result for.

  4. Navigate to Supply Chain Plan > Plan Options > Organizations tab:

  5. Verify that global forecasts are defined as Demand Schedules in the Global Demand Schedules region.

To firm sales orders in Oracle Order Management

Oracle Order Management provides a Firm option at the order line level. You can set the Firm option on a sales order line in three ways:

  1. Firm based on the event

    Oracle Order Management provides different event values, which are set at organization level, to firm the demand lines:

    • Schedule: The sales order line is firmed the moment it is scheduled

    • Shipping Interfaced: The sales order line is firmed after it is interfaced to shipping.

    • None or Null: The sales order line is not firmed

  2. Firm using a workflow

    Oracle Order Management provides a sub process to hold and firm sales order lines. You can customize their line flow and place this sub process anywhere in the flow based on your need. Shipped, closed, fulfilled, and cancelled sales order lines are firmed irrespective of the sub process position. Lines that reach the sub process wait until they are progressed further.

    You can manually progress the lines to continue their progress. Oracle Order Management provides a concurrent program to progress the sales order lines that are waiting at the sub process. You can schedule to run this concurrent program periodically to progress lines that are waiting at the sub process.

    Oracle Order Management firms the sales order lines and progresses the lines to the next activity.

  3. Firm by manually setting the Firm option on the sales order.

    You can manually firm the sales order lines based on your need. However, you cannot update the firm option on closed, shipped, cancelled and fulfilled sales order lines.

To publish plan results to Oracle Order Management

  1. Navigate to Supply Chain Plan > Workbench > Tools > Preferences > Other tab.

  2. Select the Include Sales Orders check box.

  3. Run a supply chain plan with global forecasts defined as demand schedules.

  4. Review exception messages. The planning engine can generate the following exception message:

    • Changes recommended for sales order exception

  5. Optionally, firm the sales order line:

    1. Navigate to Supply/Demand window > order tab.

    2. Select the Firm check box for the order line that you wish to firm.

  6. Select the Release check box for each order or the Select all for release menu option to release the recommendations to update the sales orders.

    This initiates the Release sales order recommendations concurrent process to save the release selection and release the updated sales order information to Oracle Order Management.

    Note: You can manually change the Implement Date in the Release Properties window to override the plan recommendations. When the sales order is released, the Implement Date is populated to the Schedule Ship Date on the sales order line in Oracle Order Management.

    When you release recommendations, the Release window appears as a confirmation with the following information:

    • Concurrent request number

    • Number of sales orders released

    • Number of sales orders affected

  7. Click OK to complete the release process

The planning engine publishes the following information to the sales order line in Oracle Order Management:

Fields from the Supply/Demand window in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Fields that are updated on the Sales Order Line in Oracle Order Management
Source Organization Warehouse
Suggested Ship Date Scheduled Ship Date
Planned Arrival Date Scheduled Arrival Date
Ship method Shipping Method
Intransit lead-time Deliver lead-time
Firm flag Firm flag
Material availability date Earliest ship date (Shipping)

If the sales orders update in Oracle Order Management fails after the release by the planning engine, Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning initiates the following workflow notification:

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning derives the CSR or sales representative details from the Created By field on the sales order header and sends the following details:


This section provides an example of sales order update by Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning to Oracle Order Management.

Assume that a sales order line has:

If the planning engine determines that the material availability date is:

The updated schedule ship date can be vied in Oracle Order Management after the sales order is released by the Planning engine.

If you have firmed a sales order in Oracle Order Management, the planning engine does not provide any recommendation for source change. Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning sources the supplies only from the source provided on the sales order. If the sourcing causes resource overload at the source organization, the resources are still overloaded to honor the source mentioned on the sales order.

Interactive Scheduling Using the Gantt Chart

Interactive scheduling provides a time-phased graphical interface to your plan's scheduled activities and resources to help resolve inevitable shop floor problems. It lets you troubleshoot exceptions arising from resource or material constraints; overloaded or underloaded resources; absenteeism, or machine downtime. Use interactive scheduling to pinpoint affected jobs and operations and simulate changes towards effective, timely resolution.

You can use the Gantt Chart for plan type Constrained.

To access the Gantt Chart

Follow the appropriate navigation path as shown in the table:

Current Window Navigation
Exception Details window [Select any field] > [right-click] > Gantt Chart
Supply window [Select any field] > [right-click] > Gantt Chart
Resources window Click the Gantt Chart button
Navigator Select a resource>[right-click]>Gantt Chart
Select a resource and click the Gantt chart button and the bottom of the navigator window.

The title in the Gantt Chart window reflects the view selection that you make-- Orders View, Resource Activities View, or Supplier Capacity View.

When the Gantt Chart opens, there are two group boxes.

The left pane displays a tree structure with multiple columns. The columns are dependant on the view that is selected.

Depending on the view selected, the left pane displays a list of resources, orders, or item suppliers.

To select a view, use the drop down menu in the left pane.

The right pane panels begin at the plan start date. To go to another date, you can:

The right panel header also shows the planning granularity that was used for a certain portion of the planning horizon. This is different from the display granularity. For example, you may be viewing the Gantt chart in weekly buckets, but the portion of the planning horizon you are viewing may have been scheduled at the day level of granularity.

The Order-Centric View

The order centric view displays the selected supplies. This view can be invoked from the Supply or Supply/Demand block of the Planner Workbench. For the selected supply (or supplies), if pegging actions are invoked, the Gantt Chart displays all the supplies that peg to the selected supply. This includes supplies at various levels in the bill of material. This is provided as a tool to view the impact on supplies across supply chain levels on a planner's scheduling changes.

From the end assembly, the Gantt chart first displays the operations and the requirements on the resources selected to perform the operations. Because material availability is just as important as resource availability, it is shown within the Gantt to make rescheduling more accurate. The dates when materials become available are displayed as milestones. Material is shown at the beginning of the operation where it is needed.

When accessed from the Resource Centric View, the Order-Centric view shows the orders that were originally in the Resource Centric View.

The Orders view also functions as the view where late demand diagnosis can be performed in the Gantt chart. When you enter the Orders view from a late demand, the Gantt chart displays the late demand and all the supplies that peg up to that late demand. You can choose display options to highlight the critical path or show just the critical path. You can view the unconstrained earliest and latest start and completion times to identify the effects of resource and supplier capacity constraints on demand lateness. Comparison of the constrained earliest and planned start and completions times along the various activities on the critical path, which enables you to identify the key bottlenecks on the critical path.

The Resource-Centric View

This view can be accessed from the resource block of the Planner Workbench or by right clicking on a selected resource(s) in the left pane of Planner Workbench.

This view displays all the activities that are being worked on by the selected resource(s). The right pane shows resource availability as a backdrop. Resource activities that are scheduled on the resource are shown in the foreground. A color scheme can be applied to distinguish activities with characteristics such as: late order, early orders, firm orders, or orders causing overloads.

Changeover times between activities are displayed in a separate color. Activities on batchable resources can be shown either as individual activities or as consolidated batches. Users can select activities and view the alternate or simultaneous resources used in those activities. Activities can be moved to those alternate resources. Within the same resource, users can drag and drop activities to earlier or later points in time. The Resource Activities view only displays the portion of the planning horizon that is scheduled to the minute level of granularity.

The Resource Hours view displays hours that are available compared with hours that are used. The detail displays hours spent on late orders, hours spent on early orders, hours spent on firm orders, and hours that overloaded and exceed available capacity. The most granular display possible in this view is daily buckets. When viewing in daily buckets you can only view the portion of the planning horizon that was planned in days. When viewing in weekly buckets you can see both the portion that was planned in days and weeks. When viewing in period buckets you can see the entire planning horizon.

The Resource Units view displays continuous time varying profile of the resource units that are available compared with units that are used. This view is useful if there are a large number of available units per resource and if the units available vary with time.

Note: In both the order-centric and the resource-centric views, an activity that appears on the right pane and is not seen on the left pane can be brought in to the right pane by right clicking on that activity in the left pane and selecting Jump from the right-click option. This makes it easy to navigate to an activity.

Rescheduling is not available within the Resource Hours and the Resource Units views.

The Supplier Capacity View

This view displays the supplier capacity that is available and the supplier capacity that is used. It also tracks the cumulative capacity that is available. You can select a bucket and drill down into the supply details by selecting Supply from the right-click option. If the supplier capacity is infinite, or undefined, a dark background color is displayed.

A slider Scale option is available in the upper right portion of the chart, which controls the maximum value of the vertical dimension. This is useful when wanting to use different scales to identify the buld up of cumulative capacity versus the capacity available or used in any one bucket.

Defining User Preferences - Gantt

The Preferences - Gantt page enables you to define display options for these view types:

To access the Preferences - Gantt page

To access the Preference - Gantt page:

  1. Navigate to the Planner Workbench.

  2. Choose Tools > Preferences.

  3. Select the Gantt tab.

  4. Select a View Type.

The Orders View Type

These fields are available on the Preferences - Gantt - Orders view type page:

The Resource Activities View Type

The fields on the Resource Activities view type are similar to the Orders view type with the exception of the Display Tolerances field. In the Display Tolerances field, enter the tolerance for the number of days late that an order needs to be for it to be color coded as late when displayed in the Gantt chart. Also enter the tolerance of the number of days early that an order needs to be for it to be color coded as early. An order displays with the late color setting if it is late by more than this tolerance. The same applies to early orders.

Find Window

The Find window can be used to view subsets of data by selected criteria, such as by time, by items, by organizations within the Gantt chart. The Find window can be used with all views, but the fields that are available are dependant on the specific view. A Find condition can be saved as part of a folder.

Tip: The only way to save the find condition as a folder in the Gantt chart view is when the find window is open. Once you close the find window, you are not allowed to save as a folder.

To display the Find window, select View>Find.

Right-Click Menu Options

The Gantt Chart provides easy access to important information and tasks related to operations. The following options are available if you right-click with your cursor over an operation:

[Right-Click] Menu Options Description
View Alternate/Primary Resource View Alternate/Primary Resource for this operation
Load Alternate/Primary Resource Load Alternate/Primary Resource for this operation
View Simultaneous Resources View Simultaneous Resources for this operation. If in the Resource Activities view, the selected simultaneous resource, and all of its associated instances is added to the list of displayed resources.
Firm/Unfirm Operation Firm/Unfirm Operation for this operation
Reschedule Reschedule
Supply/Demand Open the Supply/Demand window
Exception Details Open the Exception Details window
Items Open the Items window
Resource Capacity Open the Resource Capacity window
Resource Requirements Open the Resource Requirements window
Resources Open the Resources window
Batches Open the Batches window
Charges Open the Charge Details window
Material Flow Details Open the Material Flow Details window
Horizontal Plan Open the Horizontal Plan window
Hide/Show Resource Temporarily hide or display a resource.
End Pegged Demands Open the End Pegged Demands window
Save Layout Save the list of displayed columns and their relative order to the current folder.

Viewing Information on an Operation

You can view information on orders and operations via the Properties window or resource Tool Tips.

To display the Properties window

  1. Select an order or operation from either pane.

  2. Right-click and select Properties. If the Properties window is already open and you select another order or operation, you do not need to perform this step; the properties of your new selection replace the properties of your previous selection in the existing Properties window.

    The Properties window appears.

    Note: Most of the relevant properties are already available as folder columns in the Orders view. This enables you to view these properties for all the orders at the same time instead of opening the properties window one order at a time.

    The Property window displays a host of information about the selected operation. Choose tabs to access different types of information.

    When you double click on the Gantt chart bar on the right panel (or the labels on the left panel), a Property window appears with three tabs: resource, supply order, and end demand.

    The properties for the Resource tab (only for the activity node) are: department/line, resource name, org/instance, operation sequence, resource sequence, alternate number, firm type, start time, end time, assigned units, and total hours required.

    The properties for the supply order tab (only for the supply node) are: job number, job type, item, quantity, firm flag, suggest due date, ship date, need by date, unit number, project, task, alternate BOM, alternate routing, and time fence.

    The properties for the end demand tab (only for the supply node) are: demand date, demand satisfied date, pegged quantity, demand name, demand qty, demand type, demand priority, customer, customer site, and item

    The resource tool tip for an operation is a subset of the Properties window; to see it, rest your cursor over the operation in the right panel.

Specify Resources to Plot in the Lower Pane

To select resources to plot

Specifying Time Buckets

To display a different time bucket for the right pane

  1. Right-click on any day.

  2. Choose from the following intervals:

    • Periods

      • Weeks

      • Days

      • Hours

      • Thirty Minutes

      • Fifteen Minutes

        If the planning mode of the plan is Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling):

        • Gantt chart views are available only in the planning buckets (Day, Week, Period). The system does not allow the zoom level to be less than a day (minutes and hours are disabled). You can to zoom from Week to Day and from Period to Week and Day. The entire planning horizon is displayed.

        • In the Orders View the start of an order is set to the beginning of the planning bucket and the end of the order is set to the end of the planning bucket in which the order is completed.

        • In the Resources View the start of an activity is set to the beginning of the planning bucket and the end of the activity is set to the end of the planning bucket in which the activity is completed.

Rescheduling Operations

You can reschedule a job from the Resource Activities view by using the Reschedule window, or by dragging and dropping the bar in the right pane. You can also reschedule a job in the Orders view by editing the left pane.

To reschedule an operation using the Reschedule window

  1. In the left pane of the Gantt chart, right click on one of the nodes.

    The related activity appears in the right pane.

  2. [Right-click] on the bar in the right pane.

    A list of tasks or options appears.

  3. Select Reschedule.

  4. Select a new start or end date for the activity.

  5. Click OK.

    The activity's new start or end date is reflected in the Gantt Chart. After moving an activity, you can firm it by the new start or end date, or by resource.

To change the duration of an activity

  1. Specify a new start or end date using the instructions above.

  2. Select the Resize check box.

  3. Click OK.

    The activity's new duration is reflected in the Gantt Chart. After changing an activity's duration, you can firm it by the new start or end date, or by resource.

To reschedule an activity graphically

  1. Select the activity you wish to reschedule.

  2. Drag the activity to a new date or time.

    The activity's new start or end date is reflected in the Gantt Chart.

    After moving an activity, you can firm it by the new start or end date, or by resource.

To resize an activity graphically

  1. Select the activity.

  2. Drag the right end of the activity bar to a desired end date. After resizing, the activity can be firmed.

Firming an Operation

To firm an operation

  1. Place your cursor over the operation you wish to firm.

  2. Choose [right-click] > Firm/Unfirm Operation > [Firm option].

Resolving Overload of an Operation

There are three ways to resolve overload of an operation. You can:

To reschedule an operation

To load an alternate resources

  1. Place your cursor over the operation you wish to offload.

  2. Choose [right-click] > Offload to Alternate Resource.

  3. Choose an Alternate resource.

    A new resource is listed for the operation in the left pane. In the right pane, the operation's shading changes to reflect that it is updated.

To add capacity

  1. From the Resource or the Orders view, select an operation for which you wish add capacity.

  2. Choose [right-click] > Resource Capacity.

    The Resource Capacity window appears.

  3. Select a date for which you'd like to add capacity.

  4. Add capacity for a set duration for a particular shift.

  5. Click Apply.

    You can then run the online planner to see the results of adding capacity for this date. Your changes are also dynamically reflected in the Gantt Chart.

    When any changes are made in the Gantt chart, including offloading, adding capacity, rescheduling, or increasing time duration for an activity, these changes do not take effect until the Online Planner is run.

Gantt Chart Icon Options

The following table shows the icon options for the Gantt chart and what happens when a particular option is selected.

Icon Option Gantt Chart Display
Peg Up and Down Displays upstream supplies and downstream supplies relative to the selected supply or demand.
Peg Up Displays all downstream supplies relative to the selected supply going all the way up to the end demand.
Peg Down Displays all upstream supplies that relate to the selected supply or demand.
Back or Forward Select to navigate back and forth between prior results from pegging actions taken within the Orders view.
Show Pegging for Selected Displays pegging for the selected supply. Inbound and outbound material flow is displayed.
Show Pegging for All Displays all pegging relationships for displayed supply and demand.
Hide Pegging Turns off all pegging arrows that are displayed.
Show or Hide Intra Routing Displays the flow of material between operations within a routing.
Select All Selects all rows in the Orders view.

Note: This can be done only when the Orders view is displaying all supplies. For example, if the Orders view is displaying a full list of supplies only, the Select All option selects all of the supplies. However, if the Orders view is showing a demand and the supplies pegged to that demand, the Select All option does not select anything.

Collapse All Collapses all of the expanded options to the highest level.
Expand Selected Supplies to Operations All selected supplies are expanded to the operation level.
Expand Selected Supplies/Operations to Activities All selected supplies are expanded to the resource activity level.
Show Critical Path Only Displays only critical activities.
Highlight Critical Path Displays all activities with critical activities highlighted.
Constrained Earliest Times Displays constrained earliest possible start and end times.
Unconstrained Earliest Times Displays unconstrained earliest possible start and end times.
Unconstrained Latest Times Displays unconstrained latest possible start and end times.
View Batches/Hide Batches Displays consolidated activities that are part of the same batch for a batchable resource, which is a resource with multiple activities that can be scheduled together as batches.
Show Charges Displays an activity split based on the number of charges planned within the activity duration. For activities scheduled on chargeable resources, this option displays constituent charges of a single resource requirement. The start and end dates of each charge is shown as a thin white line within the bar that represents the resource activity.
Hide Charges Removes the charges display from the bar graph.

Gantt Chart Pegging

Gantt Chart pegging is specific to the Orders view. For supplies that you specify, the Gantt chart pegging view links related end assembly orders, subassembly orders and purchased material orders together in a hierarchical display. For the entire hierarchy, the timing of all production operations and purchased material arrivals are displayed. Material arrivals are shown as milestones. The hierarchy may be flexibly collapsed (with collapsed operations and material arrivals appearing as rolled up bars, as is commonly seen in project plans) and expanded. This view provides a consolidated view of all operation and material arrival dependencies for a particular end assembly order. You can drill down to any desired level and view further details.

To display Gantt Chart pegging

  1. From the Planner's Workbench, select a plan.

  2. Right click on the plan and select Supply and Demand, Supply and Demand.

    The Supply/Demand window appears.

  3. Select a demand.

  4. Right click and select Gantt Chart.

    The Gantt chart appears with the pegging information in the left pane. It displays the demand and all of the supplies pegged to that demand.

    Alternatively, you can select a supply or a set of supplies and enter the Gantt chart. The Gantt chart only displays these supplies. Then you can select one of the supplies and perform a pegging action, which results in the related supplies being displayed.

Gantt Chart Two Views

It is possible to pass information between two open views of the Gantt chart. For example, when viewing the Resource Activities view, you can add the Orders view along the horizontal plain.

To display two views

  1. Navigate to the Gantt chart, Resource Activities view as an example.

  2. Select a resource activity along the timeline for one of the resources displayed in the view.

  3. Click the Show Orders icon.

    The Orders view is displayed below the Resource Activities view and is displays the order that you selected in the Resource Activities view.

Accessing Planner Workbench From Oracle Collaborative Planning

Suppliers can view specific information in the Planner Workbench by using the Planner Workbench tabbed region in Oracle Collaborative Planning. Based on whether you model the supplier as an organization or as a supplier for planning purposes, the information displayed to the supplier varies.

If you model the supplier as an organization, the following information appears in their Planner Workbench:

Your suppliers can use the Planner Workbench - Supplier Administrator responsibility to view the following left-pane nodes and related right-pane tabbed regions in the Planner Workbench:

Left Pane Nodes Right Pane Tabs
Organization Key Indicators, Actions
Category Key Indicators, Actions
Item Key Indicators, Horizontal Plan, Vertical Plan, Actions,
Component Key Indicators, Horizontal Plan, Vertical Plan, Actions,

The following table lists the right-click menu options available in Planner Workbench that your suppliers can use:

Function Name Menu Options
Exceptions Actions, Exception Details, Related Exceptions, Save Actions
Resources Resources, Resource Requirements, Resource Availability
Supplier Supplier Capacity, Supplier Flex Fences, Supplier Variability
Routings Routing Operations, Operation Networks
Key Indicators Key Indicators
Pegging Pegging, Critical Activities, End Pegged Supplies
Horizontal Plan Horizontal Plan
Vertical Plan Vertical Plan
Gantt Chart Gantt Chart
Supply Chain Bill Supply Chain Bill
Items Items
Components Components
Where Used Where Used
Sourcing Sourcing
Destination Destination
Process Effectivity Process Effectivity
Co-products Co-products
Safety Stocks Safety Stocks
Substitutes Substitutes
Online Replan Start Online Planner, Stop Online Planner, Online Replan, Online Planner Status, Batch Replan, Launch New Plan, Copy Plan, Purge Plan
View Notifications Notifications
Launch Notifications Launch Notifications
Plan Options Plan Options
Release Select All for Release, Release
Collaborate Publish Order Forecast, Publish Supply Commits
Preferences Preferences
Undo Undo Summary, Add Bookmark
Plan Comparison Report Compare Plans
Supply/Demand Supply, Demand, Supply/Demand, On-hand

If you model the supplier as a supplier in the Planner Workbench, this information appears in their Planner Workbench:

Suppliers can use the Planner Workbench - Supplier User responsibility to view the following left-pane nodes and related right-pane tabbed regions in the Planner Workbench:

Nodes Tabs
Supplier Key Indicators, Actions
Category Key Indicators, Actions
Item Key Indicators, Horizontal Plan, Actions

The following table lists the right-click menu options available in Planner Workbench that your suppliers can use:

Function Name Menu Options
Items Items
Substitutes Substitutes
Resources Resources, Resource Requirements, Resource Availability
Supply Chain Bill Supply Chain Bill
Sourcing Sourcing
Destination Destination
Exceptions Actions, Exception Details, Related Exceptions, Save Actions
Horizontal Plan Horizontal Plan
Vertical Plan Vertical Plan
Supply/Demand Supply, Demand, Supply/Demand, On-hand
Plan Comparison Report Compare Plans
Safety Stocks Safety Stocks
View Notifications Notifications

Displaying Suppliers Modeled as Organizations

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning provides you with the flexibility of modeling a supplier and its sites as an inventory organization. You can use this option if you want to:

In such cases, Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning plans the supplier's site like any other internal inventory organization. When a planner views such an external organization in the Planner Workbench, it is distinguished as a supplier site as opposed to an internal organization through supplemental information.

Display of supplier site information provides you with advanced visibility to suppliers beyond your immediate suppliers by creating a multi-company supply chain plan. For example, if you source assemblies from a contract manufacturer with critical components being furnished by a tier 2 supplier, then you may want to create a multi-company plan. In such a plan, you can model your immediate suppliers as inventory organizations, and have the supply chain plan net through this organization in order to create demand for the tier 2 supplier. You can then publish the output of this plan as forecasts for both your immediate and tier 2 suppliers.

You can create an external organization and associate it to the supplier site representing the contract manufacturer in Oracle Inventory. Once the organization has been defined, you can create the reference setup information for planning purposes in this organization like items, bills of material, routings, resources, and operations.

For more details on setting up a supplier site as an inventory organization, see Oracle Inventory User's Guide.

To review plan information with suppliers modeled an organizations

  1. Run a supply chain plan.

  2. Navigate to Supply Chain Plan > Workbench to view plans by supplier organizations.

  3. You can view the supplier icon and the supplier's company and site names in the Navigator window of Planner Workbench. The supplier sites that are modeled as organizations are graphically distinguished as external organizations in the Navigator window.

  4. Highlight an organization, right-click, and select Supply/Demand.

  5. The Supply/Demand window displays the Source Supplier and Source Supplier Sites in addition to the organization code for the modeled organization.