Open Account Balances Listing

Open Account Balances Listing

The Open Account Balances Listing identifies General Ledger accounts with outstanding balances and displays the subledger transactions that contribute to that balance. Users can create their own layout and publish their reports using Oracle XML Publisher.


Open Account Balances Listing Process Steps

  1. Create open account balance definitions in the Create Open Account Balances Listing Definition page.

    See: Open Account Balance Listing Definitions

    Optionally, to update Open Account Balances Listing processing options, navigate to the Update Open Account Balances Listing Processing Options page by clicking Processing Options in the Open Account Balances Listing Definition Search page.

    For each ledger used for open account balance reporting, Subledger Accounting defaults the number of processors to 1 and the processing unit size to 5000. Change these defaults to improve the performance of the Open Account Balances Listing Data Manager.

    Note: A processing unit is the number of transactions processed by the Open Account Balances Listing Data Manager in one commit cycle.

  2. Create subledger journal entries and transfer them to General Ledger.

  3. After journal entries are transferred to General Ledger, Subledger Accounting automatically submits the Open Account Balances Listing Data Manager program, which maintains the records in the open account balances tables according to the open account balances listing definitions. Users can also manually submit this program as a concurrent request.

    See: Open Account Balances Data Manager

  4. Submit the Open Account Balances Listing.

    See: Open Account Balances Listing

Creating Open Account Balances Listing Definitions

Users define the accounts to be tracked in the Open Account Balances Listing in the Create Open Account Balances Listing Definition page. Define the report definitions either by Accounting Flexfield or by Accounting Flexfield segments. Associate each definition with a single ledger, which indicates the chart of accounts. The chart of accounts sets the context for the following information in the definition details region:

Define as many definitions as necessary. If defining a report definition by segment, indicate a single segment value, a range of segment values, or a combination of individual values and ranges for different Accounting Flexfield segments. If defining a report by Accounting Flexfield, include one or more entire General Ledger accounts.


To Create or Update Open Account Balances Listing Definitions

the picture is described in the document text

When the ledger is defined, the details region displays data according to the value selected in the Defined By field.

Selected Fields in the Subledger Open Account Balances Listing Definitions Page
Field Name Description
Code Unique internal identifier

Note: For technical reasons, the Open Account Balances Listing code cannot contain spaces.

Defined By The display in the Details region is determined by the option selected
Journal Source Limits information displayed in the report to transactions belonging to the subledger using this journal source
Balance Side Determines how applied transactions affect the balance of an account impacted by the original transaction. When the balance side is credit, all debit entries are subtracted from the credit amount to determine the amount remaining. If the balance side is Debit, all credit entries are subtracted from the debit amount to determine the amount remaining.
Enabled Indicates whether the report definition is enabled. A disabled report definition does not gather, record, or report open account balance data.
Segment Displayed if the Defined By field is Segment. The default is the segment flagged as the natural account segment qualifier.
Value From/Value To Displayed if the Defined By field is Segment; specifies the range of segment values to be considered for open account balance reporting. To specify a single value, enter the same value in both fields.

Note: You cannot update the following fields:

Open Account Balances Data Manager

The Open Account Balances Data Manager maintains reportable information for all enabled open account balance listing definitions. This program is submitted automatically after a successful transfer to General Ledger for the same ledger or manually by running the Open Account Balances Data Manager program. When changes are applied to a Open Account Balances Listing Definition, the Open Account Balances Data Manager program is automatically submitted for the changed definition.

The Open Account Balances Data Manager processes subledger journal entries that are transferred to General Ledger and also final accounted journal entries that are flagged as No Transfer because these entries are already represented in General Ledger.

To Run the Open Account Balances Data Manager Program

  1. In the Submit Request window, select Open Account Balance Data Manager.

  2. Enter parameters as described in the table below.

    Parameter Description
    Ledger Provides the context for handling open account balance reportable data
    Report Definition Limits processing to the report definition entered

Open Account Balances Listing

The Open Account Balances Listing displays a General Ledger account, its balance, and a listing of the transactions that contribute to that balance. This report displays the actual accounted balance and does not include encumbrance or budgetary accounts in General Ledger. Users can view the report in detail or summary mode.

This report displays information that originates from subledger journal entries only. Journal entries created manually in General Ledger or anywhere outside of Subledger Accounting are not included. Only transactions with nonzero outstanding balances are displayed.

Subledger Accounting seeds the following templates:

Submission Parameters

Open Account Balances Listing Submission Parameters
Parameter Required Valid Values
Report Definition Yes All enabled report definitions; displays definition name, ledger, description, and code
Journal Source No Journal source attached to the application submitting the report. Can be changed only if the SLA: Allow Reports Journal Source Override profile option is enabled.
See: SLA: Allow Reports Journal Source Override
List of values lists all journal sources assigned to the report definition.
Start Date Yes Defaults to first date of the current fiscal year
As Of Date No GL date of journal entries up to which the open account balance listing will include
Third Party Name No Third parties whose type is either Customer or Supplier. The list of values lists third party name and third party type.
Show Applied Transaction Detail Yes Yes or No; determines whether output displays parent and dependent transaction information. Default is No.
Include Write Off Balances Yes Yes or No; determines whether to show outstanding balances that are the result of write-off accounting. Default is No.
Account From/To No Limits report output by filtering values entered here against reportable values assigned to the report definition
Account Balance Yes List of values options are Year to Date and Current Period.

Note: Use the following custom parameters to pass information to the template.

Open Account Balances Listing Custom Parameters
Parameter Required Valid Values
Security Parameter No Hidden parameter for use by uptaking subledgers
Valuation Method No No validation
Security Identifier (Number) No No validation
Security Identifier (Character) No No validation
Custom Parameter 1 No No validation
Custom Parameter 2 No No validation
Custom Parameter 3 No No Validation

Open Account Balances Listing Data Elements

The table below describes the information that is retrieved by the Open Account Balances Listing. Users can create new XML Publisher templates using any of these data elements.

See: Creating a Template, Oracle XML Publisher User's Guide

Note: Not all data elements have a corresponding field on the seeded open account balance templates. For the fields not included on the seeded templates, the field name column shows the suggested label for the field.

Open Account Balances Listing Data Elements
Template Field Name Data Element (XML Tag) Source / Description
Account ACCOUNT Accounting Flexfield value
GL Balance GL_BALANCE General Ledger account balance
  CODE_COMBINATION_ID Account code combination identifier
  BALANCING_SEGMENT_VALUE Balancing segment value
  BALANCING_SEGMENT_DESC Balancing segment value description
  NATURAL_ACCOUNT_SEGMENT_VALUE Natural account segment value
  NATURAL_ACCOUNT_SEGMENT_DESC Natural account segment value description
  COST_CENTER_SEGMENT_VALUE Cost center segment value
  COST_CENTER_SEGMENT_DESCR Cost center segment value description
  MANAGEMENT_SEGMENT_VALUE Management segment value
  MANAGEMENT_SEGMENT_DESC Management segment value description
  INTERCOMPANY_SEGMENT_VALUE Intercompany segment value
  INTERCOMPANY_SEGMENT_DESC Intercompany segment value description
  LEDGER_ID Internal identifier of the ledger corresponding to the report definition
Ledger LEDGER_NAME Ledger name
  LEDGER_SHORT_NAME Ledger short name
Curr LEDGER_CURRENCY_CODE Ledger currency code
Third Party THIRD_PARTY_NAME Third party name referenced on the source transaction
  THIRD_PARTY_NUMBER Number assigned to the third party referenced on the source transaction
  THIRD_PARTY_TYPE Third party type for the source transaction
  THIRD_PARTY_TYPE_CODE Third party type code for the source transaction
  THIRD_PARTY_SITE_NAME Third party site name referenced on the source transaction
  SOURCE_ENTITY_ID Source entity internal identifier
  SOURCE_TRX_APPLICATION_ID Internal identifier of the application that owns the source transaction
  SOURCE_TRX_APPLICATION_NAME Name of the application that owns the source transaction
Transaction Type SOURCE_TRX_TYPE Source transaction type
Transaction Number SOURCE_TRX_NUMBER Source transaction number
Date SOURCE_TRX_GL_DATE Source transaction GL date
  SOURCE_TRX_CURR Source transaction currency
  SRC_ENTERED_UNROUNDED_ORIG_AMT Unrounded original amount of the source transaction in the entered currency
  SRC_ENTERED_UNROUNDED_REM_AMT Unrounded remaining amount of the source transaction in the entered currency
  SRC_ENTERED_ROUNDED_ORIG_AMT Rounded original amount of the source transaction in the entered currency
  SRC_ENTERED_ROUNDED_REM_AMT Rounded remaining amount of the source transaction in the entered currency
  SRC_ACCTD_UNROUNDED_ORIG_AMT Unrounded original amount of the source transaction in the ledger currency
  SRC_ACCTD_UNROUNDED_REM_AMT Unrounded remaining amount of the source transaction in the ledger currency
Original Amount SRC_ACCTD_ROUNDED_ORIG_AMT Rounded original amount of the source transaction in the ledger currency
Remaining Amount SRC_ACCTD_ROUNDED_REM_AMT Rounded remaining amount of the source transaction in the ledger currency
  APPLIED_TO_APPLICATION_ID Internal identifier of the application that owns the applied transaction
  USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_1 Source transaction identifier name
  USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_2 Source transaction identifier name
  USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_3 Source transaction identifier name
  USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_4 Source transaction identifier name
  USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_5 Source transaction identifier name
  USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_6 Source transaction identifier name
  USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_7 Source transaction identifier name
  USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_8 Source transaction identifier name
  USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_9 Source transaction identifier name
  USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_10 Source transaction identifier name
  USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_1 Source transaction identifier value
  USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_2 Source transaction identifier value
  USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_3 Source transaction identifier value
  USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_4 Source transaction identifier value
  USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_5 Source transaction identifier value
  USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_6 Source transaction identifier value
  USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_7 Source transaction identifier value
  USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_8 Source transaction identifier value
  USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_9 Source transaction identifier value
  USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_10 Source transaction identifier value
  APPLIED_THIRD_PARTY_NAME Third party name on the applied transaction
  APPLIED_THIRD_PARTY_NUMBER Third party number on the applied transaction
  APPLIED_THIRD_PARTY_TYPE Third party type on the applied transaction
  APPLIED_THIRD_PARTY_TYPE_CODE Third party type code on the applied transaction
  APPLIED_THIRD_PARTY_SITE_NAME Third party site name on the applied transaction
  APPLIED_TO_ENTITY_ID Entity identifier to which the transaction is applied
  APPLIED_TRX_APPLICATION_ID Application internal identifier to which the transaction is applied
Application APPLIED_TRX_APPLICATION_NAME Name of the application that owns the applied transaction
Type APPLIED_TRX_TYPE Applied transaction type
Number APPLIED_TRX_NUMBER Applied transaction number
Date APPLIED_TRX_GL_DATE Applied transaction GL date
  APPLIED_TRX_CURR Applied transaction currency
  APPLIED_ENTERED_UNROUNDED_AMT Unrounded amount applied to the source transaction in the entered currency
  APPLIED _ENTERED_ROUNDED_AMT Rounded amount applied to the source transaction in the entered currency
  APPLIED _ACCTD_UNROUNDED_AMT Unrounded amount applied to the source transaction in the ledger currency
Applied Amount APPLIED _ACCTD_ROUNDED_AMT Rounded amount applied to the source transaction in the ledger currency
  APPLIED_USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_1 Applied transaction identifier name
  APPLIED_USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_2 Applied transaction identifier name
  APPLIED_USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_3 Applied transaction identifier name
  APPLIED_USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_4 Applied transaction identifier name
  APPLIED_USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_5 Applied transaction identifier name
  APPLIED_USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_6 Applied transaction identifier name
  APPLIED_USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_7 Applied transaction identifier name
  APPLIED_USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_8 Applied transaction identifier name
  APPLIED_USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_9 Applied transaction identifier name
  APPLIED_USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_NAME_10 Applied transaction identifier name
  APPLIED_USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_1 Applied transaction identifier value
  APPLIED_USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_2 Applied transaction identifier value
  APPLIED_USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_3 Applied transaction identifier value
  APPLIED_USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_4 Applied transaction identifier value
  APPLIED_USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_5 Applied transaction identifier value
  APPLIED_USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_6 Applied transaction identifier value
  APPLIED_USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_7 Applied transaction identifier value
  APPLIED_USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_8 Applied transaction identifier value
  APPLIED_USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_9 Applied transaction identifier value
  APPLIED_USER_TRX_IDENTIFIER_VALUE_10 Applied transaction identifier value