
Drilldown Overview

This section includes the following parts:


View Accounting

In each application that implements the Financials Accounting Hub, users can navigate to related subledger accounting events information and subledger journal entry information from a transaction.

The figure below shows the navigation from a subledger transaction to the accounting events or subledger journal entry lines. Users can drill down to the subledger transaction from the Accounting Events and the Subledger Journal Entry Lines pages.

the picture is described in the document text

From the Subledger Journal Entry Lines page, users can navigate to the subledger journal entry or drill down to the subledger transaction.

the picture is described in the document text

See: Drill-down API Details

Drilldown from General Ledger

The figure below shows the drilldown from GL journal lines inquiry to subledger journal entry lines in Subledger Accounting. From here, users can navigate to the subledger journal entries or drill down to the subledger transaction.

the picture is described in the document text

The drill-down procedure from the subledger journal entry to the subledger transaction must be registered with the Financials Accounting Hub.


Drill-down API Details

The Financials Accounting Hub calls the Drill-down API to drill down as follows:

The Drill-down API must be a PL/SQL procedure embedded in a package.

The Financials Accounting Hub recommends that you use the following naming convention for the drill-down procedure: <PRODUCT_SHORT_NAME>_DRILLDOWN_PUB_PKG.DRILLDOWN. For example, the procedure name for the Receivables drill-down procedure is: AR_DRILLDOWN_PUB_PKG.DRILLDOWN.

Based on the input, the API returns the appropriate information via OUT parameters to open the appropriate transaction form.

Note: Although not all input parameters are applicable to your application, the procedure specification must contain all parameters listed in the API Specification section.

API Specification

 p_application_id           IN              INTEGER    
,p_ledger_id                IN              INTEGER    
,p_legal_entity_id          IN              INTEGER    DEFAULT   NULL 
,p_entity_code              IN              VARCHAR2   
,p_event_class_code         IN              VARCHAR2   
,p_event_type_code          IN              VARCHAR2    ,p_source_id_int_1          IN              INTEGER    DEFAULT   NULL 
,p_source_id_int_2          IN              INTEGER    DEFAULT   NULL
,p_source_id_int_3          IN              INTEGER    DEFAULT   NULL
,p_source_id_int_4          IN              INTEGER    DEFAULT   NULL
,p_source_id_char_1         IN              VARCHAR2   DEFAULT   NULL
,p_source_id_char_2         IN              VARCHAR2   DEFAULT   NULL
,p_source_id_char_3         IN              VARCHAR2   DEFAULT   NULL
,p_source_id_char_4         IN              VARCHAR2   DEFAULT   NULL
,p_security_id_int_1        IN              INTEGER    DEFAULT   NULL
,p_security_id_int_2        IN              INTEGER    DEFAULT   NULL
,p_security_id_int_3        IN              INTEGER    DEFAULT   NULL
,p_security_id_char_1       IN              VARCHAR2   DEFAULT   NULL
,p_security_id_char_2       IN              VARCHAR2   DEFAULT   NULL
,p_security_id_char_3       IN              VARCHAR2   DEFAULT   NULL
,p_valuation_method         IN              VARCHAR2   DEFAULT   NULL
,p_user_interface_type      IN  OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2   
,p_function_name            IN  OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2   
,p_parameters               IN  OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2  

Parameter Descriptions

The table below describes the parameters.

Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Description
p_application_id Subledger application internal identifier
p_ledger_id Event ledger identifier
p_legal_entity_id Legal entity identifier
p_entity_code Event entity internal code
p_event_class_code Event class internal code
p_event_type_code Event type internal code
p_source_id_int_1 Generic system transaction identifiers
p_source_id_int_2 Generic system transaction identifiers
p_source_id_int_3 Generic system transaction identifiers
p_source_id_int_4 Generic system transaction identifiers
p_source_id_char_1 Generic system transaction identifiers
p_source_id_char_2 Generic system transaction identifiers
p_source_id_char_3 Generic system transaction identifiers
p_source_id_char_4 Generic system transaction identifiers
p_security_id_int_1 Generic transaction security identifiers
p_security_id_int_2 Generic transaction security identifiers
p_security_id_int_3 Generic transaction security identifiers
p_security_id_char_1 Generic transaction security identifiers
p_security_id_char_2 Generic transaction security identifiers
p_security_id_char_3 Generic transaction security identifiers
p_valuation_method Valuation Method internal identifier
p_user_interface_type Determines the user interface type. Possible values:
FORM - indicates that the source transaction is displayed using an Oracle*Forms based user interface
HTML- indicates that the source transaction is displayed using HTML based user interface
NONE- Use if the drill down is not supported for an event class or event type.
p_function_name Name of the Oracle Application Object Library function defined to open the transaction form; used only if the page is a FORM page
p_parameters An Oracle Application Object Library Function can have its own arguments or parameters. The Financials Accounting Hub expects implementers to return these arguments via p_parameters. This string can take any number of parameters and you can also use it to set some of the parameters dynamically.
The additional parameters must be passed in the appropriate format. For the Oracle*Forms based UI the parameters must be space delimited (for example, "param1=value1 param2=value2").
For the HTML based UI, the parameters must be separated with & (for example, /OA_HTML/OA.jsp?OAFunc=function_name&param1=value1&parma2&value2).

See: Transaction Identifiers

Code Example

-- Person      Date    Comments
-- ---------   ------  ------------------------------------------      
   -- Enter procedure, function bodies as shown below
(p_application_id            IN              INTEGER    
,p_ledger_id                 IN              INTEGER    
,p_legal_entity_id           IN              INTEGER    DEFAULT NULL 
,p_entity_code               IN              VARCHAR2   
,p_event_class_code          IN              VARCHAR2   
,p_event_type_code           IN              VARCHAR2          
,p_source_id_int_1           IN              INTEGER    DEFAULT NULL 
,p_source_id_int_2           IN              INTEGER    DEFAULT NULL
,p_source_id_int_3           IN              INTEGER    DEFAULT NULL
,p_source_id_int_4           IN              INTEGER    DEFAULT NULL
,p_source_id_char_1          IN              VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
,p_source_id_char_2          IN              VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
,p_source_id_char_3          IN              VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
,p_source_id_char_4          IN              VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
,p_security_id_int_1         IN              INTEGER    DEFAULT NULL
,p_security_id_int_2         IN              INTEGER    DEFAULT NULL
,p_security_id_int_3         IN              INTEGER    DEFAULT NULL
,p_security_id_char_1        IN              VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
,p_security_id_char_2        IN              VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
,p_security_id_char_3        IN              VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
,p_valuation_method          IN              VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
,p_user_interface_type       IN  OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2   
,p_function_name             IN  OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2   
,p_parameters                IN  OUT  NOCOPY VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL ) 
IF (p_application_id = 222) THEN  
      IF (p_event_class_code = 'INVOICE') THEN 
p_user_interface_type := 'FORM'; -- Forms based UI
p_function_name      := 'XLA_ARXTWMAI';
p_parameters          := ' AR_TRANSACTION_ID="' ||TO_CHAR(p_source_id_ int_1)  ||'"'||' INVENTORY_ORG_ID="'||TO_CHAR(p_security_id_int_2)||'"'
||' ORG_ID="'||TO_CHAR(p_security_id_int_1)||'"';
      ELSIF (p_event_class_code = 'RECEIPT') THEN 
p_user_interface_type := 'FORM';
p_function_name       := 'XLA_ARXRWMAI';
p_parameters          := ' AR_RECEIPT_ID="' || TO_CHAR(p_source_id_int_1)||'"'||'ORG_ID="'||TO_CHAR(p_security_id_int_1)||'"';
      ELSIF (p_event_class_code = 'XXXX') THEN 
        p_user_interface_type := `HTML`; -- OA Framework Based UI
p_parameters          := '/OA_HTML/OA.jsp?OAFunc=function_name&param1=value1&parma2=value2';
        p_user_interface_type := 'NONE';
      END IF;
   END IF;

Drilldown Accounting from Transaction Workbench to Accounting Events

The Financials Accounting Hub recommends that implementers offer two drill-down options from transaction workbenches under the Tools menu option. The recommended options are as follows:

From a transaction window, users can view accounting entry lines associated with that transaction in the Accounting Events page by selecting the View Accounting Events option from the Tools menu. Once the search region is populated, users can drill down to the subledger journal entry headers. The figure below shows this process.

Accounting Events Drilldown from the Transaction Workbench Process Flow

the picture is described in the document text


The function name used to call the Accounting Events engine is XLA_EVENT_FROM_TXN.

The table below describes the parameters for XLA_EVENT_FROM_TXN.

Parameter Description
entityCode Required; event entity internal code
sourceIdInt1 Generic system transaction identifiers
sourceIdInt2 Generic system transaction identifiers
sourceIdInt3 Generic system transaction identifiers
sourceIdInt4 Generic system transaction identifiers
sourceIdChar1 Generic system transaction identifiers
sourceIdChar2 Generic system transaction identifiers
sourceIdChar3 Generic system transaction identifiers
sourceIdChar4 Generic system transaction identifiers
returnToLabel Optional; used only if the View Accounting page is called from an OA page and the implementers want to create a return to link in the View Accounting page to the calling page. You can use this parameter to indicate the label of the return to link. You can use an AOL message name in this parameter and specify the message application ID in the returnToApps parameter.
returnToApps Optional; required only if returnToLabel is used and the AOL message name is used in the returnToLabel. It specifies the application of the AOL message name.
returnToLink Optional; required if returnToLabel is specified. It is the URL of the return to link.

View Accounting from Transaction Workbench to Subledger Journal Entry Lines

From a transaction window, users can view subledger journal entry lines associated with that transaction in the View Subledger Journal Entry lines page by selecting the View Accounting option from the Tools menu. The figure below shows this process.

View Accounting Journal Entries for a Document or Transaction

the picture is described in the document text


The function name for calling the subledger journal lines engine is XLA_LINESINQ_SUBLEDGER.

The table below describes the parameters for XLA_LINESINQ_SUBLEDGER.

Parameter Description
entityCode Required; event entity internal code
balanceTypeCode Optional; balance type of the accountings to be retrieved. Values include:
A – Actual
B – Budget
E – Encumbrance
sourceIdInt1 Generic system transaction identifiers
sourceIdInt2 Generic system transaction identifiers
sourceIdInt3 Generic system transaction identifiers
sourceIdInt4 Generic system transaction identifiers
sourceIdChar1 Generic system transaction identifiers
sourceIdChar2 Generic system transaction identifiers
sourceIdChar3 Generic system transaction identifiers
sourceIdChar4 Generic system transaction identifiers
returnToLabel Optional; used only if the View Accounting page is called from an OA page and you want to create a return to link in the View Accounting page to the calling page. You can use this parameter to indicate the label of the return to link. You can use an AOL message name in this parameter and specify the message application ID in the returnToApps parameter.
returnToApps Optional; required only if returnToLabel is used and AOL message name is used in the returnToLabel. It specifies the application of the AOL message name.
returnToLink Optional; required if returnToLabel is specified. It is the URL of the return to link.
trxAppId Optional; used in place of the session's application ID to query and view subledger journal entry lines created by another subledger application

Drilldown from General Ledger to Subledger Journal Entry Lines

From a General Ledger journal, users can view subledger journal entry lines associated with that journal in the View Subledger Journal Entry Lines page by selecting the Drilldown option from the Tools menu. The figure below shows this process.

Drilldown from General Ledger to Subledger Journal Entry Lines

the picture is described in the document text

Note: Ensure that the Import Journal References option is selected for the journal source in the General Ledger Journal Sources. If this option is not selected, General Ledger does not populate the GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES table. This table must be populated for the drilldown to work.