Seeding Calls to Subledger Event Capture Routines

Seeding Calls to Subledger Event Capture Routines Overview

The Financials Accounting Hub provides a set of common APIs to capture accounting events. All event operations must be performed through these APIs. By ensuring that event operations are executed through generic APIs, the architecture meets the following needs of implementers:

The capture and recording of accounting events is an essential task. Accounting events are usually captured and recorded when they occur. Additionally, application features allow transactions that have been recorded, but not yet accounted, to be modified, canceled, or deleted. The routines for capturing and recording accounting events must take into account all of these circumstances without reducing user functionality.

The Accounting Program selects accounting events based on criteria specified by users. The Accounting Program does not check for any functional dependencies between transactions or event types.

Note: For each eligible event, the Accounting Program retrieves source values from the transaction objects. Since these events are used to create subledger journal entries, a great deal of information must be reliably obtained from the transaction data model.

See: Transaction Objects Guidelines

Procedures to Seed Event Capture Routines

Implementers must undertake the following steps to seed calls to event capture routines:

Perform Event Setups in Accounting Methods Builder (AMB)

This is a prerequisite step. Define and register event entities, event classes, and event types in the Accounting Methods Builder (AMB) before events can be captured. The event APIs use event information to perform the necessary validations when creating events.


Write Product Specific Cover Routines

Event APIs provided by the Financials Accounting Hub are generic public APIs available to all applications. These APIs have generic parameters to suit a common purpose. For example, each API has a security context parameter to capture the transaction security context for an application.

In order to reduce dependencies and facilitate maintenance, it is recommended that you write a wrapper routine on top of the Financials Accounting Hub APIs. Wrapper routines can encapsulate application-specific logic to perform necessary validations before creating new events. Instead of calling a generic API, call this wrapper from the subledger application to perform the necessary event operations. Map application-specific parameters to the API generic parameters.

For example, Receivables can have a package called AR_XLA_EVENTS_PKG, which contains all the APIs to implement accounting events in Receivables. The code for this package is shown below.

Assume that Receivables has two event classes Receipts and Transactions. To handle accounting events for Receipts transactions, create a procedure create_receipt_event() with p_receipt_id as an input parameter, instead of using a generic parameters like source_id_int_1. The procedure create_receipt_event() calls the appropriate Financials Accounting Hub API to create an event.

Similarly, create create_transaction_event() to handle accounting events for the event class Transactions.

-- Procedure to create events for Receivables receipts
PROCEDURE create_receipt_event
,p_event_status) IS
l_receipt_source_info XLA_EVENTS_PUB_PKG.t_event_source_info;
l_security_context XLA_EVENTS_PUB_PKG.t_security;
-- Perform Product specific checks
-- Map generic event API parameter to the product specific columns
l_receipt_source_info.application_id = 202;
l_receipt_source_info.legal_entity_id = l_legal_entity_id;
l_receipt_source_info.source_id_int_1 = p_receipt_id;
-- Call XLA API
(p_event_source_info   =>  l_receipt_source_info
,p_event_type_code     =>  p_event_type
,p_event_date          =>  p_event_date
,p_event_status_code   =>  p_event_status
,p_event_number        =>  NULL
,p_referenece_info     =>  NULL
,p_security_context    =>  l_security_context);

Integrate Event APIs with Subledger Applications

To capture accounting events, make the necessary changes to your module's base code to integrate with event APIs or subledger specific wrapper APIs. Wrapper APIs are written over the Financials Accounting Hub's event APIs.

This integration enables the application modules to create, update, and delete accounting events when there is a corresponding business event on the transaction.

Overview of Event APIs

The API's discussed in this chapter are listed below:

  1. Get Event Information

    • Event Information

    • Event Status

    • Event Exists

  2. Create Events

    • Single Event

    • Events in Bulk

  3. Update Events

    • Event Status

    • Event Type, Event Date, Event Number, Event Reference Information

  4. Delete Events

  5. Update transaction Information

    • Transaction Number

The following sections describe these APIs and provide guidelines for their use in capturing accounting events. The Event API Details section furnishes code details on the APIs.

Get Event Information

You may need to perform certain checks with respect to events. For example, before creating a new accounting event, it is necessary to check whether there is an existing unprocessed event for the same transaction with the same event type and event date. You may also want to know the status of a particular event or query events already created for the transaction.

To perform these checks, obtain relevant event information.

To obtain all the events related to a transaction, do the following:

  1. Determine the system transaction identifier and event class for the transaction.

    Note: System transaction identifiers identify the transaction on which transactions and events are based. The Financials Accounting Hub uses these identifiers to search the events table and identify all events related to this transaction.

    See: System Transaction Identifiers

  2. Call the function Get_Array_Event_Info() with the appropriate transaction parameters. The function returns an array of all events for a transaction.

To obtain all the events created for a particular event type within a transaction, do the following:

  1. Determine the system transaction identifiers, event class, and event type of the transaction.

  2. Call the function Get_Array_Event_Info() with the appropriate transaction and event type input parameters. The function returns an array of all accounting events for that transaction and event type. Optionally pass the event class, event date, and event status to further restrict the rows returned.

To get information about a specific event, do the following:

  1. Determine the event_id.

  2. Call the function Get_Event_Info() with the event_id parameter. This function returns a PL/SQL record containing all information pertaining to that particular event.

The Event API Details section in this chapter provides information on the following APIs:

Create Events

This section describes the following guidelines on creating events using the create event APIs:

Creating a Single Event

To create a new event:

  1. Determine the event type, event date, and event status for the new event.

  2. Call the Financials Accounting Hub function Create_Event() with the appropriate input parameters.

The Create_Event() API creates a single event at a time. The function returns the event_id of the created event.

Creating Events in Bulk

Create events in bulk using the API Create_Bulk_Events().

Note: Do not use this API for existing transactions that already have events associated with them. For performance reasons, bulk event APIs do not perform checks as to whether events for the transaction already exist. Therefore, use this API only to create events for new transactions that do not have any prior events created.

Update Events

Changes made to transactions can impact one or more events associated with the transaction. Update the event to keep the transaction data and related events synchronized.

Update an event as long as it is not processed. Once an event is processed, you cannot update the event or the data associated with it.

Use the following APIs to update your events:

Update Event Status

An event status reflects precisely where a transaction is in its accounting life cycle and what subsequent actions can be performed on the transaction data. Changes made to a transaction typically impacts the event status associated with the transaction. The new state of the transaction is reflected in an updated event status.

For example, when validating an invoice in Payables, its invoice status becomes Validated. This change in status also has an impact on the event status associated with this transaction. In this case, if the event associated with the transaction has a status Incomplete, it needs to be updated to status Unprocessed to reflect the current state of the transaction.

See: Event Status

To change the status of a specific event:

  1. Determine the event ID and event status to set.

  2. Call the Financials Accounting Hub function Update_Event() with the appropriate input parameters.

    This API updates the status of a specific event.

To update the status of more than one event:

  1. Determine the system transaction identifiers, event class, and event status to set.

  2. Call the Financials Accounting Hub function Update_Event_Status() with the appropriate input parameters to update the status of all unprocessed events for the transaction.

(Update Event) Update Event Type

In some situations, it is necessary to change the event type of an event. For example, if changing an existing transaction results in a new event, either create the new event or change the event type of the existing event. Assume there are two event types defined in Payables: Invoice Validated and Invoice Adjusted. Note the following points:

Line Num Line Type Amount GL Date Event # Event Type Event Status
1 Item 100 10-Jan-06 101 Invoice Validated Unprocessed

After validating the invoice, the user adds a distribution dated 12-Jan-06. A new event is created Invoice Adjusted. The table below lists details of the corrected invoice along with corresponding event information.

Line Num Line Type Amount GL Date Event # Event Type Event Status
1 Item 100 10-Jan-06 101 Invoice Validated Unprocessed
2 Item 300 12-Jan-06 102 Invoice Adjusted Unprocessed

Now assume that the user changes the GL date on this new distribution from 12-Jan-06 to 08-Jan-06. The Invoice Adjusted event is changed to Invoice Validated since it now has a GL date earlier than the first line dated 10-Jan-06. Also, the original Invoice Validated event is updated to Invoice Adjusted as shown in the table below.

Line Num Line Type Amount GL Date Event # Event Type Event Status
1 Item 100 10-Jan-06 101 Invoice Adjusted Unprocessed
2 Item 300 08-Jan-06 102 Invoice Validated Unprocessed

(Update Event) Update Event Date

A transaction's GL date and the event date associated with it must always be the same. If the transaction date is changed, then you must update the event date to keep the event and transaction consistent. If the subledger application supports multiple GL dates, then depending on the transaction data, changing a transaction date can result in the creation, update, or deletion of an existing event.

Consider the following three examples to explain these scenarios. In all of these examples, there is a transaction with multiple distribution lines that is entered into the system and approved. The transaction results in events being created. The user then changes the date on one of the distribution lines.

Example 1

The table below lists details, along with corresponding event data, of an invoice that is entered into the system and validated.

Line Num Event # GL Date Event Type Event Status
1 101 10-Jan-06 Invoice Validated Unprocessed
2 101 10-Jan-06 Invoice Validated Unprocessed
3 101 10-Jan-06 Invoice Validated Unprocessed

The user changes the GL date on line #3 from 10-Jan-06 to 11-Jan-06 and reapproves the invoice. In this example, note the following:

Since there is no event of the same event type for the new GL date with an event status of Unprocessed, create a new event for this transaction line. The table below lists details of the invoice with the new event.

Line Num Event # GL Date Event Type Event Status
1 101 10-Jan-06 Invoice Validated Unprocessed
2 101 10-Jan-06 Invoice Validated Unprocessed
3 102 11-Jan-06 Invoice Adjusted Unprocessed

Example 2

The table below lists details along with corresponding event data of two invoices that are entered into the system and validated.

Line Num Event # GL Date Event Type Event Status
1 102 11-Jan-06 Invoice Validated Unprocessed

The user changes the GL date on line #1 from 10-Jan-06 to 11-Jan-06 and revalidates the invoice. In this example, note the following.

Since there is an event of the same event type for the new GL date and with event status Unprocessed, delete event #101. Event #102 now represents transaction data for both distribution lines.

The table below lists details on Event #102.

Line Num Event # GL Date Event Type Event Status
1 102 11-Jan-06 Invoice Validated Unprocessed

Example 3

The table below lists details, along with corresponding event data, of an invoice that is entered into the system and validated.

Line Num Event # GL Date Event Type Event Status
1 101 10-Jan-06 Invoice Validated Unprocessed

The user changes the GL date on line #1 from 10-Jan-06 to 11-Jan-06 and revalidates the invoice. In this example, note the following:

Since there is no event of the same event type for the new GL date having an event status Unprocessed, do one of the following.

  1. Update Event #101 to the new date. The table below lists details on the updated event #101.

    Line Num Event # GL Date Event Type Event Status
    1 101 11-Jan-06 Invoice Validated Unprocessed
  2. Delete event #101 and create a new event #102 with date 11-Jan-06. The table below lists details on this new event #102.

    Line Num Event # GL Date Event Type Event Status
    1 102 11-Jan-06 Invoice Validated Unprocessed

(Update Event) Update Event Number

Within a transaction, the Accounting Program processes events by event number. Along with other event information, the event number must be passed to the API at the time the event is created. If the API does not receive the event number, then the Create_Event() API inputs the next maximum event number for the transaction.

Once an event is created, a need may arise to change the event number because of changes taking place in the transaction. You can use the API Update_Event() to change an event's number. The ability to update event number gives you more control of the order in which events for a transaction are accounted.

Consider the following example to explain the behavior in which events are processed depending on event number. A transaction has events E1, E2 and E3 with event numbers 1, 3 and 5 respectively. Events E1 and E2 are in status Processed while E3 is Unprocessed.

The table below lists the name, number, and status of the transaction's events.

Event Name Event Number Event Status
E1 1 Processed
E2 3 Processed
E3 5 Unprocessed

Now, assume that two more events E4 and E5 are created with event numbers 2 and 6. The table below lists the name, number, and status of these new events.

Event Name Event Number Event Status
E4 2 Unprocessed
E5 6 Unprocessed

The Accounting Program does not examine any events that have already been processed. However, the next accounting cycle processes the events in the order E4, E3, and E5.

To avoid the confusion involved in cases like this, it is strongly recommended that applications do not create any events with an event number less than the maximum event number of processed events. In the above example, the maximum event number of the processed events was 3, so event E4 should not have received an event number of 2.

Note: Do not attempt to create duplicate event numbers within a transaction as the API raises an exception during processing.

Delete Events

An event must be deleted if there is no transaction associated with it as when a transaction is deleted. In some cases, changing a GL date on a transaction might require deleting an event. Consider the following example.

The table below lists details, along with corresponding event data, of an invoice that is entered into the system and validated.

Line Num Event # GL Date Event Type Event Status
1 101 10-Jan-06 Invoice Validated Unprocessed
2 101 10-Jan-06 Invoice Validated Unprocessed
3 102 11-Jan-06 Invoice Validated Unprocessed

The user then changes the GL date on line #3 from 11-Jan-06 to 10-Jan-06 and revalidates the invoice. In this example, note the following:

Event #102 should be deleted, since there are no remaining lines associated with it. The table below lists details on the updated invoice along with corresponding event information.

Line Num Event # GL Date Event Type Event Status
1 101 10-Jan-06 Invoice Validated Unprocessed
2 101 10-Jan-06 Invoice Validated Unprocessed
3 101 10-Jan-06 Invoice Validated Unprocessed

Call the Delete_Event() API to delete this event.

To delete all Unprocessed events associated with a transaction:

  1. Determine the transaction source information.

  2. Call the Financials Accounting Hub function Delete_Events() with the transaction source information.

  3. Optionally, specify the event type, event status, or event date, to restrict the events deleted.

If a transaction is deleted, the Delete_Entity() API must be called to delete the row in the XLA_TRANSACTIONS_ENTITY table.

Update Transaction Number

In the case where the transaction number of the transaction has been changed, this API updates the transaction number on the events in the XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES table so that they are consistent with the transaction number on the transaction.

The API checks the source information for a valid application, legal entity, event entity, and source identifiers. However, no validation is performed on the transaction number.

Event API Details

This section describes the event APIs accessible by implementers to perform event operations. The APIs described are generic and available to all applications.

Event APIs have the following characteristics:

Event APIs have the following types of input parameters:

The XLA_EVENT_PUB_PKG package is defined by the Financials Accounting Hub. This package contains the following items:

Use these constants and structures when passing and reading values to and from the APIs. This is done to keep implementers shielded from the implementation of events.


Get Event Information APIs

This section provides details on the APIs that obtain event information.



(p_event_source_info  IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_source_info
,p_event_id           IN  INTEGER
,p_valuation_method   IN  VARCHAR2
,p_security_context   IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_security)
RETURN xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_info;


This API returns information for a particular event. The event is identified by specifying the transaction and event identifier. The API locks the specified event before returning any event information.


The API checks all source information for valid application, legal entity, event entity, and source identifiers (IDs). It ensures that the required parameters are not passed as null and that the event ID belongs to the same transaction, as the other transaction information being passed.


See: Common Parameters

Return Value

The API returns a PL/SQL record containing event information.

See: PL/SQL Data Types



FUNCTION XLA_EVENTS_PUB_PKG.get_array_event_info
(p_event_source_info   IN    xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_source_info
,p_event_class_code    IN    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
,p_event_type_code     IN    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
,p_event_date          IN    DATE DEFAULT NULL
,p_event_status_code   IN    VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
,p_valuation_method    IN    VARCHAR2
,p_security_context    IN    xla_events_pub_pkg.t_security)
RETURN xla_events_pub_pkg.t_array_event_info;


This routine returns information for one or more events within a transaction. The calling program specifies the transaction and event selection criteria. Return information contains data on all events that belong to the specified transaction and fall under the given criteria. The API locks the specified events before returning the event information.


The API checks all source information for valid application, legal entity, event entity, and source IDs. It ensures that the required parameters are not passed as null and also validates the event class, event type, and event status. Note that the API truncates the event date.


See: Common Parameters

Return Value

The API returns an array of event information.

See: PL/SQL Data Types



(p_event_source_info  IN   xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_source_info
,p_event_id           IN   INTEGER
,p_valuation_method   IN   VARCHAR2
,p_security_context   IN   xla_events_pub_pkg.t_security)


This API returns the event status for a specified event. The calling program needs to specify the transaction and event identifier. The API locks the specified event record before returning the status.


The API checks all source information for valid application, legal entity, event entity, and source IDs. It ensures that the required parameters are not null and the event belongs to the same transaction as the other transaction information being passed.


See: Common Parameters

Return Value

This API returns an event status. The Financials Accounting Hub has defined all event statuses as Constants.

See: Constants



(p_event_source_info  IN   xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_source_info
,p_event_class_code   IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
,p_event_type_code    IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
,p_event_date         IN   DATE DEFAULT NULL
,p_event_status_code  IN   VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
,p_event_number       IN   INTEGER DEFAULT NULL
,p_valuation_method   IN   VARCHAR2
,p_security_context   IN   xla_events_pub_pkg.t_security)


This API checks whether an event exists for the specified criteria. It returns True if it finds at least one event matching the criteria; otherwise, it returns False. The API locks the event rows before returning a value.


The API checks all source information for valid application, legal entity, event entity, and source IDs. It ensures that the required parameters are not null and also validates the event class, event type, and event status. The API truncates the event date.


See: Common Parameters

Return Value

The API returns True if an event is found for the specified criteria; otherwise, it returns False.

Create Event APIs

This section provides details on the APIs that create events.



(p_source_event_info  IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_source_info
,p_event_type_code    IN  VARCHAR2
,p_event_date         IN  DATE
,p_event_status_code  IN  VARCHAR2
,p_event_number       IN  INTEGER DEFAULT NULL
,p_reference_info     IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_reference_info DEFAULT NULL
,p_valuation_method   IN  VARCHAR2
,p_transaction_date   IN  DATE  DEFAULT NULL
,p_security_context   IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_security
,p_budgetary_control_flag  IN VARCHAR2)
(p_event_source_info  IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_source_info
,p_event_type_code    IN  VARCHAR2
,p_event_date         IN  DATE
,p_event_status_code  IN  VARCHAR2
,p_event_number       IN  INTEGER DEFAULT NULL
,p_transaction_date   IN DATE DEFAULT NULL
,p_reference_info     IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_reference_info DEFAULT NULL
,p_valuation_method   IN  VARCHAR2
,p_security_context   IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_security)


This API creates a new event. This function has two specifications, one with the p_budgetary_control flag and another without it.


The API checks all source information for valid application, legal entity, event entity, and source IDs. It ensures that the required parameters are not null and also validates the event type and event status.

No validations are performed against the reference columns and event number. However, if no event number is passed, the routine populates the next highest event number for that transaction. The event date is truncated.


See: Common Parameters

Return Value

If an event is created successfully, then the function returns its event ID.



Procedure XLA_EVENTS_PUB_PKG.create_bulk_events
(p_source_application_id       IN INTEGER DEFAULT NULL
,p_application_id           IN  INTEGER
,p_legal_entity_id          IN  INTEGER DEFAULT NULL
,p_ledger_id                IN  INTEGER
,p_entity_type_code         IN  VARCHAR2);


This API creates multiple events for multiple transactions. Information required for each event is inserted into the XLA_EVENTS_INT_GT table as described below, before the API is called.

Create_bulk_events API has been enhanced to let you define the bulk limit size. Bulk limit size decides the batch size for the creation of new events. The lower limit for the bulk limit size is 2000 and even if you pass value less than 2000 or null value, the API considers 2000 as the value. There is no upper limit for the bulk limit size.

Column Name Data Type Size Required


The API checks all source information for valid application, legal entity, event entity, event number, and source IDs. It ensures that the required parameters are not null and also validates the event type and event status.

No validations are performed against the reference columns and event number.


See: Common Parameters

Update Event APIs

There is a set of overloaded APIs that can be used to update more than one attribute for an event. These APIs update event type, event date, event status, event number, and reference information for an event. All of these API's use the Update_Event() API.

Note: Though these update event APIs retain the same name Update_Event(), they use the PL/SQL feature of overloading to create unique procedures. In overloading, the input parameter names and types are distinct, resulting in unique procedures. Different columns are updated in the tables, depending on which procedure is called.

For information on using overloading to create different procedure signatures, refer to the PL/SQL User Guide.

As discussed earlier, an event can be updated as long as it is not processed. Once an event is processed, you cannot update the event or the data associated with it.

This section provides details on the APIs that update events.



PROCEDURE XLA_EVENTS_PUB_PKG.update_event_status
(p_event_source_info   IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_source_info
,p_event_class_code    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
,p_event_type_code     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
,p_event_date          IN  DATE DEFAULT NULL
,p_event_status_code   IN  VARCHAR2
,p_valuation_method    IN  VARCHAR2
,p_security_context    IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_security);


This API updates the event status of one or more events within a transaction matching the specified criteria.


The API checks all source information for valid application, legal entity, event entity, and source IDs. It ensures that the required parameters are not null. The API also validates event status and if passed, event class and event type. The event date is truncated.


See: Common Parameters



(p_event_source_info   IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_source_info
,p_event_id            IN  INTEGER
,p_event_type_code     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
,p_event_date          IN  DATE DEFAULT NULL
,p_event_status_code   IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
,p_event_number        IN INTEGER
,p_reference_info      IN
,p_valuation_method    IN  VARCHAR2
,p_security_context    IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_security);
,p_transaction_date    IN  DATE DEFAULT NULL)


This API updates multiple attributes of a single event. Using this API, the calling program can update event type, event date, and event status. An error code is returned if the update fails.


This API checks all source information for valid application, legal entity, event entity, and source IDs. The API ensures that the event ID is not null, that it belongs to the same transaction as the other transaction information being passed, and that the event has not already been accounted.

The parameters event type, event date, and event status are also validated if passed Not Null.

See: Common Parameters



(p_event_source_info   IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_source_info
,p_event_id            IN  INTEGER
,p_event_type_code     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
,p_event_date          IN  DATE DEFAULT NULL
,p_event_status_code   IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
,p_event_number        IN  INTEGER
,p_valuation_method    IN  VARCHAR2
,p_transaction_date    IN  DATE DEFAULT NULL
,p_security_context    IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_security);


This API updates multiple attributes of a single event. Using this API, the calling program can update event type, event date, event status, and event number. An error code is returned if the update fails.


The API checks all source information for valid application, legal entity, event entity, and source IDs. No validations are performed against the event number but if no event number is passed, the routine populates the next highest event number for that transaction. The event date is truncated.

The API ensures that the event ID is not null, that it belongs to the same transaction as the other transaction information being passed, and that the event has not already been accounted. The parameters event type, event date, and event status are also validated if passed Not Null.


See: Common Parameters



(p_event_source_info    IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_source_info
,p_event_id             IN  INTEGER
,p_event_type_code      IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
,p_event_date           IN  DATE DEFAULT NULL
,p_event_status_code    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
,p_reference_info       IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_reference_info
,p_valuation_method     IN  VARCHAR2
,p_transaction_date     IN  DATE DEFAULT NULL
,p_security_context     IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_security);


This API updates multiple attributes of a single event. Using this API, the calling program can update event type, event date, event status, and the event's reference information. An error code is returned if the update fails.


The API checks all source information for valid application, legal entity, event entity, and source IDs. No validations are performed on the reference information.

The API ensures that the event ID is not null, that it belongs to the same transaction as the other transaction information being passed, and that the event has not already been accounted. The parameters event type, event date, and event status are also validated if passed Not Null.


See: Common Parameters



(p_event_source_info   IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_source_info
,p_event_id            IN  INTEGER
,p_event_type_code     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
,p_event_date          IN  DATE DEFAULT NULL
,p_event_status_code   IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
,p_event_number        IN  INTEGER
,p_reference_info      IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_reference_info
,p_valuation_method    IN  VARCHAR2
,p_security_context    IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_security);


This API updates multiple attributes of a single event. Using this API, the calling program can update event type, event date, event status, event number, and the event's reference information. An error code is returned if the update fails.

Note: This API updates both the event's event number and reference information.


The API checks all source information for valid application, legal entity, event entity, and source IDs. The API ensures that the event ID is not null, that it belongs to the same transaction as the other transaction information being passed, and that the event has not already been accounted.

The parameters event type, event date, and event status are also validated if passed Not Null. No validations are performed against the event number and reference information, but if no event number is passed, the routine populates the next highest event number for that transaction.


See: Common Parameters



Procedure XLA_EVENTS_PUB_PKG.update_bulk_event_statuses
(p_application_id           IN  INTEGER);


This API updates the event status of multiple events. Before calling this API, users must populate the XLA_EVENTS_INT_GT table with the following:

The API updates the events in the XLA_EVENTS table to the new status.


This API validates the application ID, event entity, event ID, and event status. The status of both the new and old status cannot be Processed. The new status must be a valid event status.


See: Common Parameters

Update_bulk_events API has been enhanced to let you update the bulk limit size. Bulk limit size decides the batch size for updating the events. The lower limit for the bulk limit size is 2000 and even if you pass value less than 2000 or null value, the API considers 2000 as the value. There is no upper limit for the bulk limit size.

Delete Event APIs

This section provides details on the APIs that delete events.



(p_event_source_info   IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_source_info
,p_event_id            IN  INTEGER
,p_valuation_method    IN  VARCHAR2
,p_security_context    IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_security);


This API deletes an unaccounted event based on its event identifier. The API returns an error code if the delete fails.


The API checks all source information for valid application, legal entity, event entity, and source IDs. The API also ensures that the mandatory parameters are not null, that the event ID belongs to the same transaction as the other transaction information being passed, and that the event has not been accounted.


See: Common Parameters



(p_event_source_info   IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_source_info
,p_event_class_code    IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
,p_event_type_code     IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
,p_event_date          IN  DATE DEFAULT NULL
,p_valuation_method    IN  VARCHAR2
,p_security_context    IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_security)


This API deletes all events for a transaction that meet the specified criteria. When called, events that belong to the given event class, event type, and event date are deleted.


The API checks all source information for valid application, legal entity, event entity, and source IDs. It ensures that the required parameters are not null and if passed, validates the event type and event status.


See: Common Parameters

Return Value

The function returns the number of events deleted.


If a transaction is deleted, users must call the DELETE_ENTITY API to delete the row in the XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES table.


Function XLA_EVENTS_PUB_PKG.delete_entity
(p_source_info        IN  xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_source_info
,p_valuation_method   IN VARCHAR2
,p_security_context   IN xla_events_pub_pkg.t_security)


This API deletes a row from the XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES table. The routine checks if there are still events associated with the transaction. If yes, the routine does nothing and returns 1; otherwise, it deletes the transaction in the XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES table and returns 0.


There are no validations for this API.


See: Common Parameters



Procedure XLA_EVENTS_PUB_PKG.delete_bulk_events
(p_application_id           IN  INTEGER);


This API deletes multiple events. Before calling this API, users must populate the XLA_EVENTS_INT_GT table with the following:

The API deletes events from the XLA_EVENTS table.


This API validates the application ID, event entity, and event ID. The status of the event to be deleted cannot be processed.


See: Common Parameters

Common Parameters

The tables below provide details on the parameters common to many event APIs.

See: PL/SQL Data Types

Transaction Identifiers

The table below describes transaction identifier attributes.

Transaction Identifiers Attributes
Parameter Name Type Description
p_transaction_number Varchar2(240) Transaction number of the transaction that the events are based on. This is the user transaction identifier and serves as a reference for the transaction.
p_event_source_info xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_source_info System transaction identifiers (transaction identifiers); for example, invoice ID

Contextual Information

The table below describes contextual information details.

Contextual Information Details
Parameter Name Type Description
p_source_application_id Integer Internal identifier of the application that generates the document or transaction. This may be different from the application that generates and/or owns the accounting for the corresponding event. Source applications do not need to be registered as subledger applications. For example, in Oracle Manufacturing, transactions are generated by applications such as Receiving or Work in Process, while the accounting is generated and owned by Oracle Cost Management. Therefore, p_source_application_id corresponds to the internal identifier of Receiving or Work in Process, while p_application_id corresponds to the internal identifier of Oracle Cost Management.
If no value is provided, the default is p_application_id.
p_application_id Integer Application internal identifier
p_legal_entity_id Integer Legal entity internal identifier
p_ledger_id Integer Ledger internal identifier
p_valuation_method Varchar2(30) Valuation method used for securing a transaction. Some applications secure their transactions by valuation method.
The method is stored as contextual data for events.

See:Create Accounting Concurrent Request

Transaction Security Identifiers

The table below describes transaction security identifier attributes.

Transaction Security Identifiers Attributes
Parameter Name Type Description
p_security_context xla_events_pub_pkg.t_Security Security context information for the transaction which has created the events

Transaction Reference Information

The table below describes transaction reference parameter attributes.

Transaction Reference Parameters Attributes
Parameter Name Type Description
p_array_reference_info xla_events_pub_pkg.t_array_event_reference_info Array of optional reference information for multiple events. These are stored with the events.
p_reference_info xla_events_pub_pkg.t_event_reference_info Optional reference information for a particular event

Event Information

The table below describes event information parameter attributes.

Event Information Parameters Attributes
Parameter Name Type Description
p_entity_type_code Varchar2(30 Entity type internal code
p_event_class_code Varchar2(30) Event class internal code
p_event_type_code Varchar2(30) Event type internal code
p_event_id Integer Event internal identifier
p_event_date Date Event GL date
p_event_status_code Varchar2(1) External status code for an event
p_event_number Integer Event sequence number within a transaction. Events are ordered by this sequence number for accounting.
p_array_entity_source_info xla_events_pub_pkg.t_array_entity_source_info Array of transaction source ID information as stamped on the Entity
p_array_event_type_code xla_events_pub_pkg.t_array_event_type_code Array of internal codes for the event type as defined by applications
p_array_event_date xla_events_pub_pkg.t_array_event_date Array of GL dates for events
p_array_event_status_code xla_events_pub_pkg.t_array_event_status_code Array of external status codes for events
p_array_event_number xla_events_pub_pkg.t_array_event_number Array of event sequence numbers within a transaction. Events are ordered by these sequence numbers for accounting.
p_array_entity_event_info xla_events_pub_pkg.t_array_entity_event_info Array of combined entity and event attributes

See: Creating Subledger Journal Entries from Accounting Events

PL/SQL Data Types

The following are the predefined PL/SQL data structures available in the XLA_EVENTS_PUB_PKG package.

PL/SQL Record Structures

Transaction Source Information

TYPE t_event_source_info IS RECORD
(source_application_id        PLS_INTEGER         DEFAULT NULL
,application_id               PLS_INTEGER
,legal_entity_id              PLS_INTEGER
,ledger_id                    PLS_INTEGER
,entity_type_code             VARCHAR2(30)
,transaction_number           VARCHAR2(240)
,source_id_int_1              PLS_INTEGER
,source_id_int_2              PLS_INTEGER
,source_id_int_3              PLS_INTEGER
,source_id_int_4              PLS_INTEGER
,source_id_char_1             VARCHAR2(30)
,source_id_char_2             VARCHAR2(30)
,source_id_char_3             VARCHAR2(30)
,source_id_char_4              VARCHAR2(30));

The table below provides descriptions on select attributes listed above.

Attribute Table #1
Attribute Description
source_application_id See description for p_source_application_id
application_id Application transaction owner identifier
legal_entity_id Transaction legal entity identifier
ledger_id Transaction ledger identifier
entity_type_code Entity code as defined by applications during setup
transaction_number Transaction number of the transaction that has created the events. The transaction number serves as a reference for the transaction.
source_id_xxx_n Generic columns that store the identifier for the transaction in the transaction table

Event Reference Information

TYPE t_event_reference_info IS RECORD
(reference_num_1                 NUMBER
,reference_num_2                 NUMBER
,reference_num_3                 NUMBER
,reference_num_4                 NUMBER
,reference_char_1                VARCHAR2(240)
,reference_char_2                VARCHAR2(240)
,reference_char_3                VARCHAR2(240)
,reference_char_4                VARCHAR2(240)
,reference_date_1                DATE
,reference_date_2                DATE
,reference_date_3                DATE
,reference_date_4                DATE);

See: Attribute Table #2

Event Information

TYPE t_event_info IS RECORD
(event_id              PLS_INTEGER
,event_number          NUMBER
,event_type_code       VARCHAR2(30)
,event_date            DATE
,event_status_code     VARCHAR2(1)
,process_status_code   VARCHAR2(1)
,reference_num_1       NUMBER
,reference_num_2       NUMBER
,reference_num_3       NUMBER
,reference_num_4       NUMBER
,reference_char_1      VARCHAR2(240)
,reference_char_2      VARCHAR2(240)
,reference_char_3      VARCHAR2(240)
,reference_char_4      VARCHAR2(240)
,reference_date_1      DATE
,reference_date_2      DATE
,reference_date_3      DATE
,reference_date_4      DATE);

See: Attribute Table #2

Entity and Event Information (including security contexts)

TYPE t_entity_event_info IS RECORD
(event_type_code              VARCHAR2(30)
,event_date                   DATE
,event_id                     PLS_INTEGER
,event_number                 NUMBER
,event_status_code            VARCHAR2(1)
,transaction_number           VARCHAR2(240)
,source_id_int_1              PLS_INTEGER
,source_id_int_2              PLS_INTEGER
,source_id_int_3              PLS_INTEGER
,source_id_int_4              PLS_INTEGER
,source_id_char_1             VARCHAR2(30)
,source_id_char_2             VARCHAR2(30)
,source_id_char_3             VARCHAR2(30)
,source_id_char_4             VARCHAR2(30)
,reference_num_1              NUMBER
,reference_num_2              NUMBER
,reference_num_3              NUMBER
,reference_num_4              NUMBER
,reference_char_1             VARCHAR2(240)
,reference_char_2             VARCHAR2(240)
,reference_char_3             VARCHAR2(240)
,reference_char_4             VARCHAR2(240)
,reference_date_1             DATE
,reference_date_2             DATE
,reference_date_3             DATE
,reference_date_4             DATE
,valuation_method             VARCHAR2(30)
,security_id_int_1            INTEGER
,security_id_int_2            INTEGER
,security_id_int_3            INTEGER
,security_id_char_1           VARCHAR2(30)
,security_id_char_2           VARCHAR2(30)
,security_id_char_3           VARCHAR2(30));

The table below provides descriptions on select attributes listed above.

Attribute Table #2
Attribute Description
event_type_code Code for the event type of the event, as defined during setup
event_date Event GL date
event_id Event internal identifier
event_number Event sequence number for the event within a transaction. Events are processed in the order of their event number.
event_status_code Status code for the event. This is the event's external status and is used by implementers.
transaction_number Transaction number of the transaction that has created the events. The transaction number serves as a reference for the transaction.
source_id_xxx_n Generic columns that store the identifier for the transaction in the transaction table
reference_xxx_n Generic columns that store reference information for the event
valuation_method Valuation method code used as a security context for applications that support the valuation method
security_id_xxx_n Security contexts

Security Context Information

Security Context Information restricts the results of drill-downs. For example, setting the profile option SLA: Enable Subledger Transaction Security in GL to Yes for a specific user limits the transactions that a user can query.

See: Security Context Values

Use the following record structure to pass security context information through event APIs. This structure is defined in XLA_EVENTS_PUB_PKG package.

TYPE t_security IS RECORD
(security_id_int_1   INTEGER
,security_id_int_2   INTEGER
,security_id_int_3   INTEGER
,security_id_char_1  VARCHAR2(30)
,security_id_char_2  VARCHAR2(30)
,security_id_char_3  VARCHAR2(30));

The table below provides descriptions for the attributes listed above.

Attribute Table #3
Attribute Description
security_id_int_n Security context information in INTEGER type
security_id_char_n Security context information in VARCHAR type

PL/SQL Table Structures

Array of Information based on above Structures

TYPE t_array_event_reference_info IS  TABLE OF t_event_reference_info
TYPE t_array_event_info           IS  TABLE OF t_event_info
TYPE t_array_event_source_info    IS  TABLE OF t_event_source_info
TYPE t_array_entity_event_info    IS  TABLE OF t_entity_event_info

Other Array Structures

TYPE t_array_event_type           IS  TABLE OF VARCHAR2(30)
TYPE t_array_event_date           IS  TABLE OF DATE
TYPE t_array_event_status_code    IS  TABLE OF VARCHAR2(1)
TYPE t_array_entity_id            IS  TABLE OF PLS_INTEGER
TYPE t_array_event_id             IS  TABLE OF PLS_INTEGER
TYPE t_array_event_number         IS  TABLE OF NUMBER


The Financials Accounting Hub uses predefined accounting event status Constants. These constants are defined in the XLA_EVENTS_PUB_PKG package.

The table below lists event statuses and the corresponding constants that must be used when employing event APIs.

Event Statuses and Constants
Event Status Constant