Using the Item Catalog

This chapter covers the following topics:

Browsing the Item Catalog and Alternate Catalogs

You can browse the hierarchically structured item and alternate catalogs from the application tree menu "Browse Catalog" link. You can also browse the item catalog, but not alternate catalogs, from the Setup Workbench. Expand and collapse levels in the hierarchy to view the current structure of the catalog. You can only browse catalogs for which you have the Catalog Viewer role.

To browse a catalog

  1. In the Items section of the Application tree menu, click the "Browse Catalog" link.

  2. In the Browse Catalog page Catalog field, select either the Item Catalog or another catalog.

  3. In the Categories field, choose to view all categories for the catalog or only the active categories.

  4. Click the Show/Hide link to search for item catalog categories by Name or Description. After entering the search criteria, click Go.

  5. To view the items associated with the item catalog category, select the item catalog category.

    All items associated with the item catalog category and its child categories are listed below.

  6. Click the focus icon next to the desired item catalog category to display it at the top level.

To perform actions on an item within a catalog category

The actions you can perform on items vary depending on whether you select a category within the Item Catalog or another catalog.

From an Item Catalog category, you can select items and perform the following actions:

From any other catalog, you can select items and perform the following actions:

  1. Complete the steps in To browse a catalog above, then select one or more items.

To export all items to a spreadsheet

  1. Click Export All Items to export all items in the category to a spreadsheet.

To perform all other actions

  1. In the Select Items field, select one of the following actions, then click Go.

To search or browse the item catalog from the Setup Workbench

  1. In the Applications tree menu, click the "Setup Workbench" link.

    On the Search: Item Catalog Categories page, click the Catalog Hierarchy link or the Catalog Hierarchy icon.

    Note: You can only browse the item catalog using this method.

    Tip: In the Search: Item Catalog Categories page, you can also search for item catalog categories by entering search criteria for a category name, description, or parent category.

    When you enter a search string, the wildcard character "%" is appended to the input. For example, entering "mem" enters the search string "mem%", so that the "memory" catalog category could be returned in the search results. If you wish to search for entries that end with a particular string, such as "log", you can type in "%log", and all entries ending in "log" are returned. If you do not enter a search string in the text box, an error is returned.

Related Topics

Overview of Item Catalogs, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide

Overview of Catalogs, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide

Assigning an Item to a Category

Copying Items with Category Assignments

Updating Item Catalog Categories

It is likely that you will need to update item catalog categories at some point--you may need to change an item catalog category so that it can be used for item creation, or modify the inactive date so that the item catalog category will no longer be used. Often, users simply need to correct a mistake or reclassify the item catalog category due to shifting relationships within the item catalog category hierarchy.

To update an item catalog category

  1. On the Search: Item Catalog Categories page, search for the item catalog category you want to update and click the corresponding link.

  2. On the Basic Information page for the item catalog category, click Update.

  3. On the Create/Edit Item Catalog Category page, enter or change the following information:

    Catalog (required)

    Defines the item catalog category name. The number of segments (and respective labels) for the item catalog category depends on how the item catalog group flexfield is defined in Oracle Inventory setup.


    Optionally enter a brief description of the item catalog category.

    Parent Item Category

    If at any time a parent item catalog category has been created for this item catalog category, then you cannot leave this field blank. In other words, once you have defined a parent for an item catalog category, you always have a parent item catalog category. Also, if a parent item catalog category has already been defined, then you can only choose the item catalog category's siblings, its sibling's children, or the current parent item catalog category, as a parent item catalog category.

    Warning: Before changing a parent item catalog category, verify that no duplication of item pages, attribute groups, attachment categories, search criteria, match rules, display formats, import formats, item templates, report templates, or transaction attributes will occur within the child item catalog category. For example, it is possible that, if a page is created for a child ICC, then the parent of this ICC is changed to an ICC that has the same page, then the page appears twice for the child ICC.

    Note: For item catalog categories with versions, once the item catalog category is released, you cannot change the parent item catalog category.

    Item Creation Allowed

    Select to specify that items in the item catalog category can be created (if you do not select, the item catalog category only serves the purpose of being a placeholder in the item catalog category hierarchy). If item creation is not allowed, the item catalog category will typically specify characteristics (attribute groups, etc.) that are inherited by its descendants.


    Optionally specify a date on which the item catalog category will become inactive. You cannot specify an inactive date that is later than the inactive date of an item catalog category's parent, nor can you specify an inactive date that has already passed. Thus, all children of a parent item catalog category with an inactive date should be made inactive at the same time or earlier. Making an item catalog category inactive has the following implications:

    • You cannot create items of that item catalog category or any of its descendants.

    • You cannot use that item catalog category or any of its descendants as the parent item catalog category upon creation of an item catalog category.

    Note: After you've updated an inactive date, the change propagates to all of the item catalog category's children.

  4. Click Apply.

Related Topics

Defining Item Catalog Categories, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide

Assigning an Item to a Category

When you create an item, it is automatically assigned to the default mandatory item catalog and default category of the functional area in which it is created. You can override the item catalog's default category as well as manually assign the item to an unlimited number of catalogs.

To assign an item to an existing category from the item's Classifications and Categories page

This explains how you can change an item catalog category as well as assign an item to one or more existing catalog categories.

  1. In the Applications tree menu, use either the "Simple Search" or "Advanced Search" links to search for the item whose category you wish to change.

  2. Click the item's link in the search results.

  3. On the Overview page, select the Classification and Categories link.

  4. On the Classification and Categories page, click Update. After the page refreshes, click Add Assignment.

  5. Select a catalog and then a category within that catalog.

    If Enforce List of Valid Categories is enabled in the catalog definition (See: Defining Catalogs, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide), then you can only choose from the list of valid categories defined for that catalog. Otherwise, you can choose any category that has the same flex field structure as the catalog.

    If Allow Multiple Item Category Assignments is disabled in the catalog definition (See: Defining Catalogs, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide), then you can assign an item to only one category in the catalog. Otherwise, you can choose to assign the item to multiple categories in the catalog.

    In a hierarchical item catalog, you can only assign items to leaf categories.

    Tip: If you want to add the selected items to more than one catalog category, click Add Another Row to search for and select another catalog/category combination.

  6. Click Apply.

To add items to an existing catalog category from the Browse Catalog or Search Results page

Using this method, you can select one or more items and assign them to existing catalog categories from the Browse Catalog or Search Results page.

  1. Browse the item catalog or another catalog. Select the items within a catalog category that you want to add to an existing catalog category. See: Browsing the Item Catalog and Alternate Catalogs

    Alternatively, search for one or more items. In the Search Results page, select the items that you want to add to an existing catalog category. See: Searching for Items

  2. In the Select Items field, select the Add to Existing Catalog Category action, then click Go.

  3. The Add to Existing Category: Select Category page appears. In the Catalog field, search for and select a catalog.

  4. In the Category field, search for and select a category.

  5. If you want to add the selected items to more than one existing catalog category, then click Add Another Row.

  6. If you decide not to add the items to a catalog category, you can either remove the items or remove the catalog category by selecting it, then clicking either Remove for the selected categories or Remove for the selected items.

  7. Click Apply.

To add items to a new catalog category from the Browse Catalog or Search Results page

In addition to creating new catalog categories in the Setup Workbench (see: Defining Catalog Categories, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide), you can create a new catalog category from the Browse Catalog and Search Results pages and add items to it in one flow of steps.

  1. Browse the item catalog or another catalog. Select the items within a catalog category that you want to add to a new catalog category. See: Browsing the Item Catalog and Alternate Catalogs

    Alternatively, search for one or more items. In the Search Results page, select the items that you want to add to a new catalog category. See: Searching for Items

  2. In the Select Items field, select the Add to New Catalog Category action, then click Go.

  3. In the Add to New Category page, Catalog field, search for and select the catalog to which you want to add a new category.

    Caution: You can only select those catalogs for which you have the Manage Catalog privilege.

  4. The Catalog Category field appears. Enter a unique name for the new catalog category.

    Caution: If the search/list of values icon appears next to the Catalog Category field, this means that a value set is assigned to the flex structure associated with the catalog. Any new catalog category name must be a value from this value set that has not been previously used to create a catalog category.

    When you use the list of values icon to search for a value within the value set, you are able to search on all values, including the values already used to create categories. If you select a value that is already assigned to a category, an error appears only after you try to create the new category.

    To avoid this problem, select a catalog that uses free form category creation rather than one based on a value set.

  5. Optionally, enter a description for the catalog category.

  6. Optionally, enter a parent category for the new category.

    The Parent Category field only appears if the catalog's Enable Hierarchy for Categories field is set to No (see: Defining Catalogs, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide).

  7. Optionally, in the Inactive On field, enter the date when you can no longer assign this catalog category:

    • As the default category of a new catalog

    • As a valid category of a catalog

    • To an item

    • As a valid category of an item catalog category

  8. Optionally, you can select any items and click Remove if you no longer want to include them in the new catalog category.

  9. Click Apply.

Related Topics

Overview of Item Catalogs, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide

Overview of Catalogs, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide

Browsing the Item Catalog and Alternate Catalogs

Searching for Items

Copying Items with Category Assignments

Changing an Existing Item's Item Catalog Category

Warning: Before changing an item's ICC, consider the potential loss of user defined attribute data. If attribute groups associated with the existing ICC are not associated with the new ICC, then the item's attribute data for these attribute groups will be lost once the ICC changes.

See: Associating Attribute Groups with an Item Catalog Category, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide

You can change an item's item catalog category (ICC) with the following exceptions:

  1. In one of the following pages, select the item(s) for which you want to change the item catalog category.

    Alternatively, you can change the ICC from the item's Overview page.

    Warning: If ICC versions are enabled, use one of the HTML interface options as described above to change an item's item catalog category rather than the Forms interface to avoid data corruption. Forms behavior has not been enhanced to support ICC versions.

  2. Select Change Item Catalog Category from either:

    • the Select Items field in the Browse Catalog or Search Results page.

    • the Actions field in the item's Overview page.

    Click Go.

  3. In the Change Item Catalog Category page, search for and select a new ICC, then click Go.

    Additional Information: Items you selected for an ICC change do not appear in the Change Item Catalog Category page when the following conditions apply:

    • The items selected are style items with SKU items.

    • The items selected are style items and the new ICC has no variant attribute groups.

    • You do not have the Edit Item and the Change Item Status privileges for the item(s).

  4. Optionally, you can select new values for the following fields:

    • New Lifecycle

    • New Lifecycle Phase

    • New Item Status

    Any new values selected apply to all items in the list.

  5. Optionally, select any items to remove from the list of items for which you plan to change the ICC. Click Remove.

  6. Click Continue.

  7. In the Change Item Catalog Category: Review Details page, for each item in the list, enter the following field values if you did not enter these field values for all items previously.

    • New Lifecycle. Optional.

    • New Lifecycle Phase. Optional.

    • New Item Status. Required.

  8. Click Finish.

Related Topics

Browsing the Item Catalog and Alternate Catalogs

Searching for Items

Assigning an Item to a Category

Copying Items with Category Assignments

When you assign an item to another organization, the system copies the item level catalogs, organization level default catalog, and the associated categories assigned in the item master organization. For example, if you manually assign an organization item level catalog to the item in the master organization, the system does not copy over that organization item level catalog when you assign that item to another organization.

After assigning an item to another organization, you can disable the item for one or more functional areas in the new organization. However, the system does not remove the corresponding functional area's default catalog. For example, you may have set the value of the Purchased attribute to "Yes" when you defined the item in the item master organization. When you assign this item to another organization, the system copies over the "Yes" value of the Purchased attribute, and therefore assigns the default catalog of the Purchasing functional area. In the new organization, you may decide to set the value of the Purchased attribute to "No." After you disable the item for the Purchasing functional area in the new organization, the item still retains the Purchasing default catalog. You may manually delete the Purchasing catalog in the new organization.

If you copy an object with item catalogs defined at the organization level, the system assigns the new item the default categories of the mandatory catalogs, even if the original item did not have the default categories. This occurs because the system copies the values of the item defining attributes and not the item catalogs and categories themselves.

Assigning Suppliers to Items

Assigning suppliers to items enables you to assign attributes, perform actions, and make rules that only apply to that item/supplier combination. For example, if you choose not to assign suppliers to items, you can assign attributes at:

If you choose to assign suppliers to items, you can also assign supplier sites to items. For example, a supplier manufactures an item in two locations, San Francisco and Denver (the supplier sites). The characteristics of the item differ slightly depending on which supplier site ships to your retail store (organization). In this example, you can assign attributes at the following levels, in addition to the item and item organization levels described above:

The following graphic depicts an item supplied to a company's retail stores, either directly to the store or through a warehouse. The suppliers can ship the item from more than one manufacturing plant (supplier site). In this scenario, a store either receives the item from it's warehouse or directly from a supplier. Supplier 1 ships to the warehouse, which then ships the item to the store, while supplier 2 ships the item directly to the store. The item attributes differ slightly, depending on which supplier, and even which supplier site, ships the item.

the picture is described in the document text

Note: Some users question how item supplier associations relate to the Approved Supplier List (ASL). The item supplier associations serve a different purpose than the Approved Supplier List. The item supplier associations can tell you which supplier and/or supplier location supply an item, but not whether the supplier is approved.

To assign a supplier and supplier site to an item

  1. In the Item Overview page, select the Associations subtab. Select Supplier and Supplier Site Assignment from the left side of the page.

  2. From the Supplier and Supplier Site Assignments page, click Assign.

  3. In the Assign Items to Suppliers: Select Suppliers page, enter at least one of the following to identify the supplier, then click Next.

    • Supplier Name

    • Supplier Number

    • DUNS Number

    • Tax Payer ID

    • Tax Registration Number

    Tip: Check the Show Supplier Sites box to narrow your search for specific suppliers and supplier sites. Checking this box enables you to enter supplier site information.

  4. In the Assign Items to Suppliers: Review Supplier Results page, select the supplier and/or the supplier sites listed. Click Next.

    This page lists the supplier and all supplier sites for the supplier.

  5. In the Assign Items : Review Results page, review supplier and supplier sites selected. Click Finish.

    If the supplier and supplier sites selected are incorrect, click Back to correct the error.

To assign a supplier site and organization to an item

The process of assigning a supplier site and organization to an item is similar to the process described above of assigning a supplier and supplier site to an item, but with one more step - assigning an organization to the item supplier site.

  1. In the Item Overview page, select the Associations subtab. Select Supplier Site Organization Assignment from the left side of the page.

  2. Assign a supplier site as described above in "To assign a supplier and supplier site to an item:".

  3. In the Assign Items to SupplierSites-Org: Select Organizations page, enter an organization code, name or hierarchy. Click Next.

  4. Review the organization selected and click Next again.

    Click Back if you want to change the organization.

  5. In the Assign Items: Review Results page, you can review the supplier, supplier site, and organization assigned to the item. Click Finish.

    Click Back if you want to change the supplier, supplier site, or organization.

To view and update item supplier, item supplier site, or item supplier site organization attributes

You can view or update a single item supplier association from both the Supplier and Supplier Site Assignments page and the Supplier Site Organization Assignment page. To update all item supplier associations at once, you must import the changes using a spreadsheet.

To view and update attributes for a single item/supplier/supplier site/organization association

  1. Navigate to either the Supplier and Supplier Site Assignments page or the Supplier Site Organization Assignment page.

  2. In the Advanced Search region, search for and select an item/supplier/supplier site/organization intersection.

  3. In the Supplier Assignment detail region, select the Attributes tab, then click Update.

  4. Enter any changes to the item/supplier/supplier site/organization intersection attributes, then click Apply.

To view and update attributes for all suppliers, supplier sites, or supplier site organizations at once

  1. Navigate to either the Supplier and Supplier Site Assignments page or the Supplier Site Organization Assignment page.

  2. Click the appropriate button:

    • Update Supplier Attributes

    • Update Supplier Site Attributes

    • Update All Attributes (on the Supplier Site Organization Assignment page)

  3. Select a display format to download, then click Export.

    Note: The display format you select must contain attributes controlled at the appropriate level. For example, if you want to update supplier site attributes, the display format must contain attributes controlled at the supplier site level.

    See Updating Existing Items Using a Spreadsheet for a detailed description of how to export, make changes, and import those changes.

To view and mass update item supplier, item supplier site, or item supplier site organization attributes

  1. For item supplier and item supplier site attributes, navigate to the Supplier and Supplier Site Assignments page. For item supplier site organization attributes, navigate to the Supplier Site Organization Assignment page. Select the supplier, supplier site, and/or organization intersection for which to view or update attributes.

  2. Click one of the following:

    • Update Supplier Attributes

    • Update Supplier Site Attributes

    • Update All Attributes - use for updating the item supplier site organization intersection attributes.

    Tip: You can update the item supplier and item supplier site attributes from the Supplier Site Organization Assignment page. For the selected item supplier site organization, click the Supplier and Supplier Site Assignment tab. All item supplier and item supplier site intersections are listed. Click the Additional Attributes icon for a particular row, then click Update.

  3. Select a display format that contains attributes controlled at the intersection level selected. Click Export.

  4. Select the application on your desktop to use for viewing the exported document. Click Next.

  5. Choose whether to open or save the exported spreadsheet document.

  6. Update the attributes, then save the spreadsheet to import later.

    See: Managing Item Imports

To view and update item-supplier formal packs

  1. Navigate to the Supplier and Supplier Site Assignments page, then select the Formal Packs tab.

  2. To update the pack type, select the Pack Type to use with the selected supplier or supplier site, then click Create Change Order.

    See: Managing the Packaging Hierarchy and Creating a SKU Packaging Hierarchy.

To view, create, and update item-supplier change orders

You can create a change order for:

  1. For item supplier and item supplier site assignments and attributes, navigate to the Supplier and Supplier Site Assignments page. For item supplier site organization assignments and attributes, navigate to the Supplier Site Organization Assignment page. Select the supplier, supplier site, and/or organization intersection for which to view or update attributes.

  2. Click Create Change Order. See: Creating Change Orders

To inactivate an item supplier, item supplier site, or item supplier site organization association

Once you assign an item to a supplier, supplier site, or supplier site organization, you cannot delete this relationship. You can inactivate the relationship, though. In the (item/supplier/supplier site/organization) Assignment: Update Attributes page, change the Status attribute to Inactive.

Related Topics

Approved Supplier List, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide

Entering Suppliers Manually, Oracle Payables User's Guide

Adjusting Suppliers (Adding a New Supplier Site), Oracle Payables User's Guide

Finding Suppliers, Oracle Payables User's Guide

Searching for Items

You can perform searches using keywords that may be part of an item number, item catalog category, manufacturer, manufacturer part number, short description or long description. Keyword searches enable you to search using any or all keywords. You can enter additional keywords to be excluded from a search. For example, the keyword search for “SRAM” may return results that include all items that have “SRAM” in the item name, description, or an attribute value. A Wildcard search enables you to enter the percent (%) sign before and/or after a keyword. For example, a search using “mo%” may return “Monitor” and “Mouse,” but a search using “mon%” would return “Monitor.” A Fuzzy Search enables you to look for records that closely resemble or sound like your word(s), but are spelled differently. For example, a search for “telefone."

Keyword search options include:

The system also enables you to search for items based on item revision attribute values. For example, if the horsepower of an engine has changed from 200 hp to 220 hp between revisions A and B, searching for an item revision with the horsepower attribute value of 220, will return only revision B.

To perform a simple item search

  1. On the Simple Search page, enter as many keywords as possible in the Keyword Search field. For example, entering "CRT Color Monitor" would return more relevant results than simply entering "Monitor." To specify that the search uses all the keywords entered, select Match all word(s) (AND). To specify that the search use any of the keywords entered, select Match any word(s) (OR).

  2. To exclude a keyword from the search, enter it in the Without Keyword(s) field. For example, entering the keywords "Flat LCD Monitor" without the keyword "black " returns all "Flat LCD Monitors" that are not black.

  3. Click Search.

    • Enter % (wildcard) before and/or after a keyword to perform a wildcard search. For example, a search for "mo%" returns Mouse and Monitor; a search for mon% returns Monitor.

    • Include "$" before the item name to perform a stemming search. This indicates that you want to search for items whose spelling is derived, or stems from the keyword. For example, a search on the keyword "$contract" could return: "contract," "contracts," "contracted," and "contracting."

    • Include "?" before the item name to perform a fuzzy search. This indicates that you want to search for items whose spelling is close to the actual item for which you are performing the search. The search engine looks for records that closely resemble the words you have entered, but that are spelled differently. The search returns results that have items with that term in either its name or description. Hence, entering the keyword "?telefone" also would return "telephone."

    • Simple Search is case-insensitive.

    As mentioned above, Item simple search supports wildcard, fuzzy and stemming search. However these different types of search are supported only in certain languages. The following table summarizes the search features and the supported languages.

    Language Wildcard (%) Fuzzy (?) Stemming ($)
    English Yes Yes Yes
    German Yes Yes Yes
    Japanese No Yes No
    French Yes Yes Yes
    Spanish Yes Yes Yes
    Italian Yes Yes Yes
    Dutch Yes Yes Yes
    Portuguese Yes Yes No
    Korean Yes No No
    Simplified Chinese No No No
    Traditional Chinese No No No
    Danish Yes No No
    Swedish Yes No No
    Finnish Yes No No

To perform an advanced search

Note the following tips and restrictions before conducting an advanced search:

Tip: Alternatively, you can use the Item Search Public API to perform simple and advanced searches. This API supports search criteria and display formats consistent with the user interface-based search. See: To perform an advanced search using an API: for more information about using this API.

  1. On the Advanced Search page, select an Item Catalog Category and click Go. This determines the search criteria templates that are available to use for this particular search.

    Note: You are not required to search by or select a catalog category. If you do not, the default system search criteria template appears.

    You can also optionally search by:

    • Alternate Catalog

    • Alternate Category

    • Alternate Category Description

    • Organization

    • Revision

    To search by item revision specific attributes, select the type of Revision on which to base the search. Following are the types of revisions available:

    • All

      Searches for all (past, current and future) revisions.

    • Latest

      Searches for the most current effective revisions that are not yet implemented.

    • Production

      Searches for the revisions that are currently implemented.

    Note: Click Add to add another row where you can enter an additional Alternate Catalog/Category/Description combination. If you search using an Alternate Catalog/Category/Description combination and use the default display format, then the display format includes Alternate Catalog/Category/Description columns.

  2. Select a search criteria, add or delete attributes and enter values to define your parametric search. You must include at least one indexed attribute in your search. You can select and preview a display format for the search results.

    Note: For details about how to use search criteria and display formats to assist in your advanced search, see Managing Search Criteria, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide and Managing Display Formats, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide.

  3. Click Search.

    The Search Results page appears.

  4. In the Search Results page, you can choose to view specific item information within a show/hide region for each item. To activate the show/hide region, select the Details field drop-down list, then select the AML, Manufacturer Part Numbers, or an attribute group to view in the show/hide region.

    Tip: If you select a multi-row attribute group in the Details field, then a Show Matched Rows check box appears. If you searched on a multi-row attribute field value, then check this box to view only the multi-row attribute values that match your search.

To perform an advanced search using an API

Oracle provides a search API for use in code customizations. You can customize the API to meet your needs. Your database administrator can invoke the API from the back end.

  1. From the Integrated SOA Gateway responsibility, select the Integration Repository link.

  2. In the View By field, select Product Family.

  3. Expand the Product Lifecycle Management folder.

  4. Expand the Advanced Product Catalog folder.

  5. Select the Catalog Item link.

  6. In the Name column, search for, then select, the Item Search Public API link.

    Use one or more of the following APIs included in the Item Search Public API interface:

    • Add Criterion (Internal Name = addCriterionToCriteriaTemplate): Enables you to add a new criterion to an existing search criteria template.

    • Get Criteria Template List (Internal Name = getCriteriaTemplates): Retrieves a list of search criteria templates associated with the specified Item Catalog Category and its parent hierarchy, for the current user. The criteria template objects returned by this API are passed to the "Item Advanced Search" API. The user can then specify values and operators for the criteria in the criteria template or add new criteria to the template using the "Add Criterion" API.

    • Get Default Result Format (Internal Name = getDefaultCriteriaTemplate): This API returns the display format designated as the default for the specified Item Catalog Category and its parents. The system administrator or a user can designate a specific Display Format as the default format for an Item Catalog Category. If no format is designated for the specific Item Catalog Category, the first designated format from the parent hierarchy is returned. The result format object returned by this API can be passed to the "Item Advanced Search" API.

    • Get Result Format List (Internal Name = getResultFormats): This API retrieves a list of Result Formats associated with the specified Item Catalog Category and its parent hierarchy for the current user. The Result Format objects returned by this API can be passed to the "Item Advanced Search" API.

    • Item Advanced Search (Internal Name = searchItems): This API retrieves the items that match the criteria specified in the Criteria Template object. The items are returned as an executed OAViewObject. The list of attributes in the result set depends on the Result Format object passed to the API. The functionality provided by this API matches the Item Advanced Search functionality in the application. For each attribute in the result format, a corresponding EgoResultColumnInformation is returned. This object contains the view object attribute name that holds the value for the result format attribute.

    • Item Simple Search (Internal Name = searchItems): This API retrieves items that match the specified keywords. If the Item Text index is not built on the instance, then items whose number or description start with the specified keyword are returned. If the index is built, then items containing the specified keywords within the item number, description, long description, item catalog category or manufacturer part numbers are matched. The items are returned as an executed OAViewObject. The list of attributes in the result set depends on the Result Format object passed to the API. The functionality provided by this API matches the Item Simple Search functionality in the application. For each attribute in the result format, a corresponding EgoResultColumnInformation object is returned. This object contains the view object attribute name that holds the value for the result format attribute.

To perform actions on items in the Search Results page

You can select items and perform the following actions:

  1. Complete the steps in To perform a simple item search or To perform an advanced search above, then select one or more items.

To export all items to a spreadsheet

  1. Click Export All Items to export all items in the category to a spreadsheet.

    Important: Select the Include All AGs checkbox to export all multi-row attribute groups included in the display format and associated with each item. Each row of a multi-row attribute group appears on a separate row of the spreadsheet.

To perform all other actions

  1. In the Select Items field, select one of the following actions, then click Go.

Managing Favorite Items

The Favorite Items list provides you a mechanism for creating and managing lists of your favorite or bookmarked items. You can add items to your Favorite Item list from the Search Results page, or while browsing--there are a number of contexts from which the Favorite Items link is available. The following steps describe just one of these contexts.

To add an item to your favorite items list

  1. Navigate to the Favorite Items page by clicking the Favorite Items link in the Items section of the Applications tree menu. You can also get there by navigating to any item Search or Browse page and clicking the Favorite Items tab.

  2. On the Favorite Items page, click Add Favorite Item.

  3. On the Advanced Search page, search for item you wish to add to your favorites list.

  4. On the Search Results page, select the items you wish to add and select Add to Favorites in the Action menu and click Go. A message acknowledging the successful addition of the item to your favorites list appears at the top of the page.

To manage your favorite items list

  1. Navigate to the Favorite Items page by clicking the Favorite Items link in the Items section of the Applications tree menu. You can also get there by navigating to any item Search or Browse page and clicking the Favorite Items tab.

  2. On the Favorite Items page, click Add Favorite Item to add a new item to the list. To remove an item from your Favorite Items list, select the item and then choose Remove from the Action menu and click Go.

    • You can Export to Excel the attributes for your favorite item by selecting it and clicking Export to Excel.

    • You can compare attributes of your favorite items by selecting them and then selecting Compare from the Action menu. Each item's attributes will be listed side-by-side in a table.

    • You can change the lifecycle of an item by selecting it and then selecting Change Lifecycle from the Action menu.

    • You can change an item's catalog category by selecting it and then selecting Change Catalog Category from the Action menu.

Using Recently Visited

Clicking the Recently Visited global button (global buttons appear on all pages in the system's user interface) enables you to view a list of pages that you visited before the current page. This eases navigation throughout the user interface, as the use of your browser's Back button is not supported. The Recently Visited list provides links up to the last 20 pages visited in your current session, in order of most to least recently visited.

Creating New Items

Items are used to represent:

Each item that you create in the catalog has several standard operational attributes that determine the behavior of the item with respect to various functions such as Purchasing, and Inventory Management. In addition to these operational attributes, the item has several user-defined attributes defined by its item catalog category. These user-defined attributes can capture item specifications and other information relevant to the product definition.

You can choose from multiple methods to create a new item:

If the item catalog category specified when creating the item requires an item request approval, proceed to Creating New Item Requests after you create the item.

Warning: It is possible to create duplicate items if two users simultaneously create the same item using any of the above methods. To prevent this problem, create a unique index for the MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B table. For more information about creating this index, refer to My Oracle Support Doc ID 383195.1.

To create a new item

  1. From the menu, select either Create Engineering Items or Create Production Items.

    Note: The only difference between these two menu choices is whether or not the Engineering Item box is pre-selected.

  2. On the Create Item page, enter values in the following fields:

    • Create - select New Items.

      Tip: Alternatively, you can select Copies of an Existing Item in the Create field. See: To create copies of an existing item. If you have multiple similar items to create, consider creating the first item by selecting New Items in the Create field. After this item is thoroughly defined, created, and approved (if necessary), create the remaining items by creating multiple copies of the first item.

    • Item Catalog Category - find and select an item catalog category in which to create the new item.

      Note: You can only create items within a particular item catalog category if you have the Catalog Category User role for that item catalog category.

      Warning: If ICC versions are enabled, use any of the item creation options described above to create an item rather than the Forms interface to avoid data corruption. Forms behavior has not been enhanced to support ICC versions.

    • Number of Items - enter the number of items you want to create.

    • Style Item - select Style Item if you want to create a style item with related SKUs. For more information about style items, see: Overview of Style and SKU Items.

      Additional Information: You can only create a style item if the selected item catalog category includes at least one attribute group with variant attributes. You can only create SKUs from a style item within the style item's Overview page. See: To create SKU items from a style item:

    • Engineering Item - if a new item request is not required for the item catalog category, you have the option to check the Engineering Item check box. If a new item request is required, the Engineering Item check box is automatically selected and displayed as read-only. See: Creating New Item Requests

    • Select Templates - optionally, select templates to set the operational and user-defined attributes for the item. The selected templates are applied to all of the items created in the order specified. See: Defining Item Templates, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide

  3. On the Create Item: Enter Number/Description page, enter the required information. Optionally, you can update the primary attribute values (for multiple items, click the Show link to view the primary attributes).

    The item catalog category definition determines the new item's generation method. The item number already appears when the item catalog category specifies that it is Sequence-generated. If the category specifies that the item number or item description is User Entered, then enter an item number or item description. A Function-generated item number or item description is generated after the item and description attributes are entered.

  4. Click Finish.

    If you created one item, the system creates the item and returns you to the item Overview page (the item workbench) where you can further define the item or change attribute values. If you created more than one item, the system notifies you that the items have been submitted for creation and provides the Concurrent Request ID.

    If the item's catalog category requires approval, a warning message appears in the item workbench stating that this item does not have an associated new item request. The item's status remains as Pending with an approval status of Not Submitted for Approval until a new item request is created and approved. See: Creating New Item Requests.

    the picture is described in the document text

Optionally, you can now update item characteristics using the item workbench subtabs:

To create copies of an existing item

If you are familiar with an item in the same item catalog category in which you wish to create a new item, then you can save time by creating the new item from an existing item. When you copy an item, select the attribute groups and attachment categories to copy; also choose whether or not to copy people and organizational assignments (you can add new manufacturer part numbers, but you cannot copy existing ones). You can modify the copied information to define the new item's specifications.

Note that you must have the appropriate privileges to copy the item's user-defined attributes, operational attributes, attachments, people, and organizational assignments. For example, if you wish to copy the item's attachments, you must have--at a minimum--the View Item Attachments List privilege. Likewise, if you want to copy the item's people, you must have the View Item People List privilege for the base item.

  1. Follow the same steps as described above in "To create a new item:", except in the Create field, select Copies of an Existing Item. You can then enter the item and revision to copy.

  2. In the Copy Item Details region, select the sequence in which to copy the template item details and the copied item details. Select which specific item details (such as item attribute groups, attachment categories, and people) to copy.

Creating New Item Requests

The create item process enables you to request new items through a standard approval and creation process. Using this process, companies can promote reuse of items and maintain tight controls over item/part creation, avoiding costly maintenance of duplicate items. The item request approval routing ensures that all relevant parties participate in the item's definition.

Note: If there is no item request associated with an item catalog category, then new items are created with an approval status of Approved. For items such as this, users can define the item status during item creation. If there is a new item request associated with the item catalog category, then the approval status of the item is either Not Submitted for Approval, Submitted for Approval, or Approved, depending upon the approval status of the corresponding new item request. The default approval status of the new item request (NIR) is Not Submitted for Approval. For such items, regardless of the default approval status, the item status is Pending (all status controlled flags are disabled). Only Oracle Product Hub users can view items with the item status of Pending. Users cannot view these items in the Master Item window or in any other Oracle application. Users can manually update the item status after the new item request is approved.

Item Creation Process Steps Item Status Approval Status (for the item) Approval Status (for the NIR)
1. Create item. Pending Not Submitted for Approval -
2.Create and save NIR. Pending Not Submitted for Approval Not Submitted for Approval
3. Submit NIR for approval. Pending Submitted for Approval Not Submitted for Approval
4. NIR in approval workflow. Pending Submitted for Approval Approval Requested
5. NIR is approved. Pending Submitted for Approval Approved
NIR is implemented. Pending Approved Approved

Benefits associated with the new item request process:

New item requests are change objects. See the Using Change Management chapter in the Oracle Product Hub User's Guide for more information about managing change objects in general.


To create a new item request

  1. Create a new item request from either the item Search Results page or the item Overview page.

    In the Search Results page, select the item(s) that you want to add to a new item request. In the Select Items field, select Create New Item Request, then click Go. Using this method, you can create a new item request that contains one or many items.

    In the Overview page, select Create New Item Request in the Actions field, then click Go. Using this method, you create a new item request for only one item, the item displayed, or you can add this item to an existing new item request in the next step.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. In the Create New Item Request: Select New Item Request Type page, choose whether to create a new item request or to add the selected item(s) to an existing new item request.

    Click Continue.

  3. On the Create New Item Request page you can customize/edit the new item approval request.

    The following list provides additional information for some fields on this page.

    • New Item Request Name - required. Enter a descriptive name for the new item request.

    • Assigned To - the assignee is defaulted based on the item catalog category role specified in the assignment rule for new item requests.

    • Priority and Reason - use these fields to track the degree of urgency and the reason for requesting the new item.

    • Source Type and Name - use these fields to document who requested the new items.

    You can also update information in the following tabs:

    • New Items (Lines) - lists all of the items included in the new item request. You can select items and remove them from the new item request or add additional items to the request.

      Note: You can only add items that have a status of Not Submitted for Approval, Cancelled, or Rejected.

    • Dependencies and References - add change object dependencies and item reference information in these two tabs. See: Creating Relationships.

    • Workflow Approval - approval routing templates are available for routing the new item request definition/approval. Routing templates are typically defined for standard business processes associated with new item creation/approvals. You can also use the approval routing template to route the new item request to different functional groups, providing those groups the ability to participate in the creation and definition of new items. For example, the Design Engineer may be responsible for entering the item's user-defined attributes. See: Defining New Item Request Workflows, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide.

      If the new item request type has more than one workflow attached to a phase, the Switch Template button appears. Click Switch Template to choose a different workflow. To view workflows associated with a different phase, use the Phase pull down list.

    • Attachments - attach any supporting files, URLs, or text. See: Adding Attachments.

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. You can submit the new item request or save it if you wish to enter additional information later.

    Submitting the NIR starts the workflow listed for the Open status. Once you submit it, you cannot add more items to it. If you save it for later, the new item request is saved with a Draft status. Upon submission, if set up, an assignment notification is sent via e-mail.

All new items requiring approval have the item status Pending. After the new item is approved, you can change the item status manually to enable the item for viewing/use outside of the system. You can also define or update its operational attributes.

To add SKUs to a new item request

First, create the SKUs as described in Creating Style and SKU Items. You can then add each SKU to a new item request individually as described above in "To create a new item request:" or you can add multiple SKUs all at once to the same new item request as described below.

  1. In the Overview page for the style item, select the associated SKUs that you want to add to a new item request. Click Add to New Item Request.

    the picture is described in the document text

    From this point on, refer to the steps in "To create a new item request:" above.

To update a new item request

Within a new item request, you can perform the following updates on each individual line item or on all line items, depending on their status and your role:

To manage a new item request from Open to Approved status

A new item request can have many workflows to complete before reaching Approved status. After each workflow is complete, you must promote the NIR to the next workflow.

  1. Navigate to the new item request's Overview page. Select the Workflow tab.

  2. If a Workflow/Approval Status is Completed and the Workflow/Approval Status of the next workflow is Not Started, then click Promote.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. In the Promote Status: (NIR number) page, select the next status, then click Apply.

  4. The approver can approve, reject, or transfer the new item request from the Notifications page to complete the workflow or perform these actions on each NIR line item individually from the New Items page.

    Notifications Page

    the picture is described in the document text

    To navigate to the New Items page, click the New Item Request Details link in the Notifications page, then select the Lines tab.

    You can now select each new item individually and perform the actions described above in "To update a new item request:", depending on your role.

    New Items Page

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Once you (the approver) are satisfied that each line item in the NIR is at the correct status (Approved, Rejected, or Cancelled), you must approve, reject, or cancel the entire NIR to complete the workflow.

    From the new item request's Overview page, click on the Approve/Reject link, then approve or reject the NIR.

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. In the item Overview page, the approval status should now reflect the status of the new item request, but the item status remains at Pending. If the approval status is Approved, you can now update the item status to Active.

Related Topics

Creating New Items

Associating New Item Requests with an Item Catalog Category, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide

Performing Actions

Managing People and Roles

Creating Relationships

Managing Workflows

Defining Workflow Templates, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide

Managing Item Imports

You can use any of the following methods to import items and item-related information:

This topic discusses importing items and their associated data using interface tables. You can import and update items and their associated data from any source into Oracle Product Hub using interface tables. When you import items through the item interface tables, you create new items in your Item Master organization or assign existing items to additional organizations. Validation of imported items is done using the same rules as the item definition pages, so you are insured of valid items.

Before you use the interface tables, you must write and run a custom program that extracts item and/or associated data from your source system and inserts it into the appropriate interface tables. After you load the interface tables, run the appropriate concurrent request(s) to import the data into the production tables. The concurrent request programs assign defaults, validates data you include, and then imports the new data.

You can use the following concurrent request programs to import data:

Important: You cannot update transaction attributes using the Item Open Interface, the Microsoft® Office Excel spreadsheet, or the Import Workbench. You must update them directly. See: Defining Transaction Attributes, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide.

To import items

  1. Load the Item Open Interface table (MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE) and (if revision detail is included) the MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS_INTERFACE table with the data you want to import.

    See: Open Item Interface, Oracle Inventory User's Guide and Importing Items, Oracle Inventory User's Guide for a full description of how to import items.

To import items and associated data

You can import items and their associated data from any source into Oracle Product Hub using interface tables and the Import Catalog Item concurrent request program. Before you use the Import Catalog Item concurrent request program, you must write and run a custom program that extracts item information from your source system and inserts it into the following interface tables:

The set_process_id and data_set_id values must be consistent across these tables to identify data related to a single batch.

After you load the data into the interface tables, run the Import Catalog Item concurrent request to import the data into the production tables. This program assigns defaults, validates data you include, and then imports the new data.

Tip: Alternatively, use the Catalog Item Maintenance API package to load most of the above information into the production tables. For more information on using the Catalog Item Maintenance API package, navigate to the Integrated SOA Gateway responsibility > Integration Repository > Product Lifecycle Management > Advanced Product Catalog > Catalog Item > Catalog Item Maintenance (Internal Name: EGO_ITEM_PUB). See: My Oracle Support ( Document ID 730164.1 for instructions on how to use the Oracle Product Hub public APIs and sample code examples.

  1. Navigate to the Development Manager responsibility > Batch Import > Import Items > Import Catalog Items. This opens the Run this Request... window.

    The Name field is automatically filled in with the name of the concurrent program, Import Catalog Items, and the Parameters window opens.

  2. In the All Organizations field, indicate whether to run the interface for all organizations in the item interface table (MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE). If you choose No, the interface runs only for the current organization and interface table rows for other organizations are ignored.

  3. In the Validate Items field, indicate whether to validate all items and their data residing in the interface table that have not yet been validated. If items are not validated, they are not processed into Oracle Inventory. You would choose No if you had previously run the item interface and responded Yes for Validate Items and No for Process Items, and now want to process your items.

  4. In the Process Items field, indicate whether to process items. If you choose Yes, all qualifying items in the interface table are inserted into Oracle Inventory. You would choose No, along with Yes for Delete Processed Rows, to remove successfully processed rows from the interface table without performing any other processing.

  5. In the Delete Processed Rows field, indicate whether to delete successfully processed items from the item interface tables. Choose No to leave all rows in the item interface tables for successfully processed items.

  6. In the Process Set (Null for All) field, you can optionally enter a batch ID.

    Use this field to process a particular batch. To process all records in the interface table, leave this field blank.

  7. In the Create or Update Items field, select whether to:

    • Create New Items - only create new items. Do not update existing items.

    • Update Existing Items - only update existing items. Do not create new items.

    • Sync Items - Create new items and update existing items.

  8. Choose OK to close the Parameters window, then choose Submit.

To import user attributes for items

  1. Load the Item User-defined Attributes Open Interface table (EGO_ITM_USR_ATTR_INTRFC) with the data you want to import. For detailed help on loading the Open Interface tables, refer to:

    • My Oracle Support ( Document ID 730164.1.

    • the Integration Repository. See: Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway User's Guide.

  2. Navigate to the Inventory Responsibility in Oracle Applications, and click the Inventory link. Then click the Items link

  3. Click the Import link.

  4. Click the Import Item/Item Revision User Attributes link.

    Note: The Parameters form automatically appears when you select a request that requires parameter values.

  5. After entering the values in the required parameter fields, click OK.

  6. Click Submit.

To import item people

  1. Load the Item People Open Interface table (EGO_ITEM_PEOPLE_INTF) with the data you want to import. For detailed help on loading the Open Interface tables, refer to:

    • My Oracle Support ( Document ID 730164.1.

    • the Integration Repository. See: Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway User's Guide.

  2. Navigate to the Inventory Responsibility in Oracle Applications, and click the Inventory link. Then click the Items link

  3. Click the Import link.

  4. Click the Import Item People link.

    Note: The Parameters form automatically appears when you select a request that requires parameter values.

  5. After entering the values in the required parameter fields, click OK.

  6. Click Submit.

To import customer items and customer item cross references

  1. In the Navigator menu under the Batch Import : Import Items heading, click the Import Customer Items link or the Import Customer Item Cross References link.

    For more information, see:

    • Customer Item and Customer Item Cross Reference Interfaces, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

    • Importing Customer Items, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

    • Importing Customer Item Cross References, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

To import item cross references

You can import item and GTIN cross references from any source into Oracle Product Hub using the Item Cross Reference Interface. Before you use the Item Cross Reference Interface, you must write and run a custom program that extracts item cross reference information from your source system and inserts it into the MTL_CROSS_REFERENCES_INTERFACE table. After you load the item cross references into the interface table, run the Import Item Cross References concurrent request to import the data into the production table. This program assigns defaults, validates data you include, and then imports the new item cross references.

Note: This program enables importing both seeded (for example, Customer, Vendor, and Substitute) and user defined cross reference types.

Tip: Alternatively, use the Import Item Cross References API to load the cross reference information into the production table. For more information on how to use the Import Item Cross References API, navigate to the Integrated SOA Gateway responsibility > Integration Repository > Product Lifecycle Management > Advanced Product Catalog > Catalog Item > Import Item Cross References (Internal Name: MTL_CROSS_REFERENCES_PUB).

Important: When importing GTIN cross references using either the Item Cross Reference Interface or the Import Item Cross References API, consider whether to enable or disable GTIN validations using the EGO: Enable GTIN Validation profile option. See: Profile Options, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide.

  1. Navigate to the Development Manager responsibility > Batch Import > Import Items > Import Item Cross References. This opens the Run this Request... window.

    The Name field is automatically filled in with the name of the concurrent program, Import Item Cross References, and the Parameters window opens.

  2. Optionally, in the Parameters window, enter the following values:

    • In the Process Set (Null for All) field, enter a batch ID to process a particular batch. To process all records in the interface table, leave this field blank.

    • In the Delete Processed Records field, enter No to retain all processed records. This field defaults to Yes, which deletes all processed records from the MTL_CROSS_REFERENCES_INTERFACE table.

  3. Choose OK to close the Parameters window, then choose Submit.

To import related items

You can import related items from any source into Oracle Product Hub using the Related Items Interface. Before you use the Related Items Interface, you must write and run a custom program that extracts related item information from your source system and inserts it into the MTL_RELATED_ITEMS_INTERFACE table. After you load the related items into the interface table, run the Import Related Items concurrent request to import the data into the production table. This program assigns defaults, validates data you include, and then imports the new related items.

Note: This program does not support uploading planning details information.

Tip: Alternatively, use the Import Related Items API to load the related items information into the production table. For more information on how to use the Import Related Items API, navigate to the Integrated SOA Gateway responsibility > Integration Repository > Product Lifecycle Management > Advanced Product Catalog >Catalog Item > Import Related Items (Internal Name: MTL_RELATED_ITEMS_PUB).

  1. Navigate to the Development Manager responsibility > Batch Import > Import Items > Import Related Items. This opens the Run this Request... window.

  2. Optionally, in the Parameters window, enter the following values:

    • In the Process Set (Null for All) field, enter a batch ID to process a particular batch. To process all records in the interface table, leave this field blank.

    • In the Delete Processed Records field, enter No to retain all processed records. This field defaults to Yes, which deletes all processed records from the MTL_RELATED_ITEMS_INTERFACE table.

  3. Choose OK to close the Parameters window, then choose Submit.

Related Topics

Creating New Items

Open Item Interface, Oracle Inventory User's Guide





Importing Items and Related Objects Using a Spreadsheet

Updating Existing Items Using a Spreadsheet

Updating Multi-Row Attributes in a Spreadsheet

Overview of Inbound Product Data Synchronization and Data Quality Management


The following table shows the columns in the EGO_ITM_USR_ATTR_INTRFC database table. For more details about the columns in EGO_ITM_USR_ATTR_INTRFC, see EGO_ITM_USR_ATTR_INTRFC Details.

Column Name Data Type Required?



The Primary Key for this table; its value must be generated from the sequence EGO_IUA_TRANSACTION_ID_S.


Whether this row has yet to be processed, is currently being processed, encountered an error, or was successfully processed; its value should correspond to the following constants in EGO_ITEM_USER_ATTRS_CP_PUB: G_PS_TO_BE_PROCESSED, G_PS_IN_PROCESS, G_PS_ERROR, and G_PS_SUCCESS.


The identifier for a group of rows to be processed together; all rows being processed as part of a single request must share the same DATA_SET_ID, whose value must be generated from the sequence EGO_IUA_DATA_SET_ID_S.

The following column values will be validated and used to populate the ORGANIZATION_ID, INVENTORY_ITEM_ID, ITEM_CATALOG_GROUP_ID, and REVISION_ID columns.


The organization to which the Item belongs; currently, user-defined attributes are supported only for master organizations, and the organization code is validated to ensure that it refers to a master organization.


The item number (such as, concatenated segments) for the item.


The three-letter code for the current revision of the item (only used if the attribute group is associated at the item revision level; for attribute groups associated at the item level, leave NULL).

Because the user-defined attributes framework is so flexible, its structure must be flattened out for this interface table. To understand this flattening it is useful to first define a logical attribute group row. For single-row attribute groups, the logical attribute group row is just the collection of attributes in the attribute group, but for multi-row attribute groups, each row in the attribute group is a logical attribute group row. For example, the single-row attribute group "Dimensions," with Attributes "Width" and "Height," has only one logical attribute group row, but multi-row attribute group "Orders," with attributes "Date" and "Price" has as many logical attribute group rows as there are separate orders to be recorded.

Every interface table row contains data for one attribute in a logical attribute group row, and a logical attribute group row spans as many interface table rows as there are attributes in the logical attribute group row. To keep these flattened-out logical attribute group rows in order, there is the ROW_IDENTIFIER column, which uniquely identifies each logical attribute group row (for example, all attributes with the same ROW_IDENTIFIER value will belong to the same logical attribute group row). Thus, if a multi-row attribute group has ten attributes and three rows of values (for example, three logical attribute group rows), then there will be thirty interface table rows for the attribute group and three distinct ROW_IDENTIFIER values in those thirty rows.


The grouping identifier for a logical attribute group row; its value must be the same for all interface table rows in the logical attribute group row, and no two logical attribute group rows in the same data set may share the same ROW_IDENTIFIER value.


The internal name of the attribute group to which the current interface table row's attribute belongs.


The internal name of the attribute for which the current interface table row holds a value.


The value for the current interface table row's attribute if its data type is string.


The value for the current interface table row's attribute if its data type is number.


The value for the current interface table row's attribute if its data type is date. Values will be converted to and from date data types using the format specified in EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PVT.G_DATE_FORMAT.


The value for the current interface table row's attribute (as a string, regardless of its data type) if the attribute has a value set with separate display and internal values (for example, value sets with validation type of independent or table). In all other cases, use the preceding three columns.


The description of the unit of measure associated with the attribute.


The internal value of the unit of measure associated with the attribute.


The mode of processing for a logical attribute group row; its value should correspond to the following constants in EGO_USER_ATTRS_DATA_PVT: G_DELETE_MODE, G_UPDATE_MODE, G_SYNC_MODE (which either creates or updates, as appropriate), and G_CREATE_MODE. Note that rows will be processed in the order they were just presented (for example, deletion first, followed by updates and synchronization, with creation last), in accordance with Oracle Applications standards. Typical values of these constants are: CREATE, SYNC, UPDATE, or DELETE.


This column is for internal use, and any user-entered values are ignored.


This column is also for internal use, but the user may enter the inventory item ID if known. If the inventory item ID is passed for a given item number, it will save conversion time from item number into inventory item ID; the inventory item ID will still be validated internally, because it will be used with the organization ID to find the item catalog group ID (so rows with invalid inventory item IDs will time-out during the item catalog ID fetching step).


This column is for internal use, and any user-entered values are ignored.


This column is for internal use, but the user may enter the revision ID if known (and if this interface table row belongs to an attribute group that is associated at the item revision level). Doing so will save conversion time.


This column is provided in case the user knows the attribute group ID for this interface table row's attribute group. If left blank, the attribute group internal name is used to identify the attribute group.


This column is for internal use (to record the concurrent program request that ordered the processing of this row).


This column is for internal use (to record the application ID of the concurrent program that processed this row).


This column is for internal use (to record the ID of the concurrent program that processed this row).


This column is for internal use (to record the time the concurrent program processed this row).

The remaining columns are the standard "Who" columns, and their values must be entered when you load the interface table.


The following table shows the columns in the EGO_ITEM_PEOPLE_INTF database table. For more details about the columns in EGO_ITEM_PEOPLE_INTF, see EGO_ITEM_PEOPLE_INTF Details.

Column Name Data Type Required?



Identifier for the Inventory item on which the role is to be granted. The value is obtained from MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B for a given item. This column is also for internal use, but the user may enter the inventory item ID if known. If the inventory item ID is passed for a given item number, it will save conversion time from item number into inventory item ID; the inventory item ID will still be validated internally.


The item ID and the organization ID form the unique key combination on which the role is to be granted.


The person ID, group ID or part ID that gets the grant on the item ID and organization ID.


The identifier of the role to be granted.


The internal role definition name; this name is unique.


One of the five standard "WHO" columns.


One of the five standard "WHO" columns.


One of the five standard "WHO" columns.


One of the five standard "WHO" columns.


One of the five standard "WHO" columns.


The concurrent program submission request ID.


The concurrent program application ID. This column is for internal use to record the application ID of the concurrent program that processed this row.


The concurrent program ID. This column is for internal use to record the ID of the concurrent program that processed this row.


The concurrent program update date. This column is for internal use to record the time the concurrent program processed this row.


The inventory item number (such as, concatenated segments) for the item. The INVENTORY_ITEM_ID is derived from the ITEM_NUMBER.


The Inventory Organization Code. Should be one of the values in the MTL_PARAMETERS table column ORGANIZATION_CODE.


The display name for the role; this is one of the values in the FND_MENUS_VL table column USER_MENU_NAME.


The type of grantee. Has one of the following values: USER, GROUP, or GLOBAL.


The name of the grantee. This name can be a user name, group name, or all users, depending on the grantee type specified (PERSON, GROUP or GLOBAL).


The grant start date. The grantee gains access to the item on this date.


The grant end date. The grantee loses access to the item on this date.


The type of transaction. Valid values are: CREATE, SYNC, UPDATE, or DELETE.


The unique identifier of the line. The value is retrieved from EGO_IPI_TRANSACTION_ID_S.


Indicates the status of the line. Values are:

1 - To Be Processe, 2 - In Process, 3 - Error, 4 - Success, 5 - Warning


Unique identifier that indicates the subset of data to be processed (like the job ID). Each line that is newly uploaded in the interface table needs to be assigned a unique ID that is be used during the concurrent program request submission. The value is selected from the PL/SQL API: EGO_ITEM_PEOPLE_IMPORT_PKG.get_curr_dataset_id.

Importing Items and Related Objects Using a Spreadsheet

You can use a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to import new and updated items and other, related objects, into the system. Before doing so, you must first have defined import formats for the particular item catalog category you wish to use, and you must also have the appropriate version of the Excel spreadsheet installed. The objects available for import using a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet include:

You can use the same spreadsheet for multiple uploads, and also across different sessions for the same user. To upload the same spreadsheet during another session, open the spreadsheet you wish to upload, and select Upload from the Oracle menu in the spreadsheet menu bar. After you log in and choose the appropriate responsibility, you can immediately begin to upload this spreadsheet again.

Whenever you enter new or existing data in the spreadsheet, the Upl column displays a flag, making it easier to scan the spreadsheet for rows that have been changed.

Tip: You can rename columns, wrap the column name text, or widen the columns so the column names are easier to read and understand. You must unprotect the spreadsheet before reformatting the columns.


To import items using a spreadsheet

You can include multi-row attribute groups in your item import formats. To do so, make sure that the rows in the spreadsheet that you are using for updating multi-row attributes do not contain any attribute values other then the org code, item number, item revision (if applicable), and the user-defined multi-row attribute values. When importing sequence generated item numbers with multi-row attribute groups, use dummy strings for the item numbers, such as $$SG$$1, $$SG$$2, and so on, in the WebADI Excel field for the item number. The import program uses this dummy string to determine which row belongs to which item.

Caution: If you include values for other primary (for example, item status, or lifecycle) or single-row user-defined attributes in the same rows as the multi-row attributes, then the updates will fail.

Additional Information: You can import items with multi-row attributes for multiple organizations during a single concurrent request.

Important: You cannot update transaction attributes using the Item Open Interface, the Microsoft® Office Excel spreadsheet, or the Import Workbench. You must update them directly. See: Defining Transaction Attributes, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide.

Items uploaded to the system from a spreadsheet become, by default, Engineering items. If you wish to upload a non-Engineering item, then include an available primary attribute column called "Engineering Item Flag" in your import format. When uploading the spreadsheet, identify such items in this column by specifying the value "Yes" or "No" in this column. If you leave the column blank, the item once again defaults to an Engineering item.

  1. In the Applications tree menu, Development Manager responsibility, navigate to Batch Import > Import Items. Click the Import from Excel link.

  2. On the Import page, select the Items object and click Continue.

    Note: An import format should already be defined for items or item revisions. Item categories do not have a defined import format that is associated with an item catalog category. Instead, a predefined format is used for all item category imports. The columns in this format are identical to the interface table. Predefined formats matching the interface tables are used for item people, item organization assignment, and manufacturing part number imports, too.

  3. On the Import: Item page, select an item catalog category and then click Go. The item catalog category determines which import formats are available for use.

    Note: If you do not select an item catalog category, the default System Item Import Format is available for use. If an import format has not yet been defined for an item catalog category that you select, then the default System Item Import Format is available for use. Neither users nor the system administrator can modify the System Item Import Format.

  4. When the Import: Item page refreshes with the import formats available for the item catalog category, select the import format you wish to use and click Import.

    Note: If a default import format has been specified for the item catalog category, it will already be selected.

  5. On the Select Viewer page, select the version of Excel that you are using and click Create. You cannot enable or disable Reporting.

  6. A Download window presents processing messages. Click Close when the transfer is complete. The Excel spreadsheet also opens.

  7. In the spreadsheet, primary attributes are listed first (on the left), and user-defined attributes appear after (on the right). When entering values into the spreadsheet, you must use one of the following Transaction Types:


    Update an existing item's attributes by changing the attribute values in the spreadsheet. The following attributes are mandatory when using this transaction type:

    • Item

    • Organization Code

    For more information, see Updating Existing Items Using a Spreadsheet.


    A new item is created using the values entered in the spreadsheet. The following attributes are mandatory when using this transaction type:

    • Item

    • Organization Code

    • Item Catalog Category

      Conditional Action: The Item Catalog Category is only mandatory if the profile option EGO: Item Catalog Category required for Create Item using Spreadsheet is set to Yes.

      If you specify an ICC, you can also select an item template associated with the ICC. The template provides default attribute values for the new item.

    • Primary Unit of Measure

    • Description

      Note: Description is a primary attribute, but appears on the right side of the spreadsheet among the user-defined attributes. It is placed here so that long descriptions will not disrupt the flow of the spreadsheet. If the description is function-generated, the system generates the description during the item creation process.


    If the item already exists, the spreadsheet values are used to update it. If the item does not exist, a new one is created using the spreadsheet values. If the Sync creates a new item, then the mandatory attributes for Create are also mandatory for the Sync. If the Sync updates an existing item, then the mandatory attributes for Update are also mandatory for the Sync.

    Additional Information: You can delete attribute values when using the transaction types Update, Sync, and Delete. To delete an existing value in a record, enter the following data in the appropriate column of the spreadsheet:

    For field type: Enter value:
    Date 31-DEC-9999
    Character !
    Numeric 9.99E125

    If you want to retain an existing value in a record, leave it blank in the spreadsheet.

    Exception: In the user defined attributes interface table, when you want to delete an existing value in any of the following fields, use the value !. If you want to retain an existing value in a record, no entry is necessary.





    Some attribute columns also utilize poplists and LOVs, depending on the attribute definition. You can also make updates to multi-row attributes.

    Make a note of the Result Format Usage ID at the top of the spreadsheet. You will need this ID later when you upload the spreadsheet in the system.

    • If the import format contains attributes from attribute groups that are associated with the supplier business entity, then you must enter a value in the key column Supplier Name. If the import format contains attributes from attribute groups that are associated with the supplier site or supplier site organization business entities, then you must enter a value in the key column Supplier Site as well as Supplier Name. If you need to enter a retail site, enter the retail site organization code in the existing Organization Code column.

    • When importing style and SKU item information:

      • Use the Style column to indicate if the item is a style item (Yes or No).

      • Use the Style Item column to identify the style item for an SKU item row.

      • You must define a style item before you define its child SKU items. You can define the style and SKU items within the same spreadsheet, but the new style item must be in a row above the new SKU items.

      • Variant attribute columns do not have a list of values in the spreadsheet to choose from. For style items, enter the child value set name in the variant attribute column. For SKU items, enter the variant attribute value in this column.

        For example, assign the variant attribute group Color to a style item. Color has multiple value sets: fall, winter, and spring colors. Assign the value set Fall to the style item in the variant attribute column. For an associated SKU, enter a fall color attribute value, such as brown or orange, in the same column.

  8. After data entry is complete, select Upload from the Oracle menu in the toolbar.

  9. In the Upload Parameters window, enter the Result Format Usage ID and check the Automatically Submit Concurrent Process box, and then click Proceed to Upload.

  10. In the Oracle Web ADI window, click Upload. After the upload process completes, a message appears with the Concurrent Request number. Make a note of this number, as you will need it later when you access the view log for the concurrent request. Click Close when the process messages complete.

  11. Return to the Applications tree menu and click the View Concurrent Requests link.

    Note: It is recommended that you review the concurrent process view log to ensure that the upload process was successful.

  12. On the View Concurrent Requests page, click the Details icon.

  13. On the Request Details page, click View Log.

  14. From the View Log, paste the URL string in a web browser to view any errors. If no errors appear, the upload was successful.

To import item revisions using an Excel spreadsheet

Item revisions uploaded to the system from a spreadsheet become, by default, Engineering items. If you wish to upload a non-Engineering item, then include an available primary attribute column called "Engineering Item Flag" in your import format. When uploading the spreadsheet, identify such items in this column by specifying the value "Yes" or "No" in this column. If you leave the column blank, the item once again defaults to an Engineering item.

  1. In the Applications tree menu, Development Manager responsibility, navigate to Batch Import > Import Items. Click the Import from Excel link.

  2. On the Import page, select Item Revisions and click Continue.

    An import format should already be defined for items or item revisions. Item categories do not have a defined import format that is associated with an item catalog category. Instead, a predefined format is used for all item category imports. The columns in this format are identical to the interface table.

  3. On the Import: Item Revision page, select an item catalog category and then click Go. The item catalog category determines which import formats are available for use.

    Note: If you do not select an item catalog category, the default System Item Revision Import Format is available for use. If an import format has not yet been defined for an item catalog category that you select, then the default System Item Revision Import Format is available for use. Neither users nor the system administrator can modify the System Item Revision Import Format.

  4. When the Import: Item Revision page refreshes with the import formats available for the item catalog category, select the import format you wish to use and click Import. If a default import format has been specified for the item catalog category, it will already be selected.

  5. On the Select Viewer page, select the version of Excel that you are using and click Next. You cannot enable or disable Reporting.

  6. A Download window presents processing messages. Click Close when the transfer is complete. The Excel spreadsheet also opens.

  7. In the spreadsheet, primary attributes are listed first (on the left), and user-defined attributes appear after (on the right). When entering values into the spreadsheet, you must use one of the following Transaction Types:


    If the item revision already exists, the spreadsheet values are used to update it. If the item revision does not already exist, it is created using the spreadsheet values. If the Sync creates a new item revision, then the mandatory attributes for Create are also mandatory for the Sync. If the Sync updates an existing item revision, then the mandatory attributes for Update are also mandatory for the Sync


    A new item revision is created using the values entered in the spreadsheet. The following attributes are mandatory when using this transaction type:

    • Item

    • Organization Code

    • Revision

    • Revision Label

    • Effective Date

    Note: Description is a primary attribute, but appears on the right side of the spreadsheet among the user-defined attributes. It is placed here so that long descriptions will not disrupt the flow of the spreadsheet.


    Existing item revisions are updated using the values entered in the spreadsheet. The following attributes are mandatory when using this transaction type:

    • Item

    • Organization Code

    • Revision

    Additional Information: To delete an existing value in a record, enter the following data in the appropriate column of the spreadsheet:

    For field type: Enter value:
    Date 31-DEC-9999
    Character !
    Numeric 9.99E125

    If you want to retain an existing value in a record, enter NULL in the appropriate column of the spreadsheet.

    Exception: In the user defined attributes interface table, when you want to delete an existing value in any of the following fields, use the value !. If you want to retain an existing value in a record, no entry is necessary.





    Make a note of the Result Format Usage ID at the top of the spreadsheet. You will need this ID later when you upload the spreadsheet in the system.

    You can also make updates to multi-row attributes.

  8. After data entry is complete, select Upload from the Oracle menu in the toolbar.

  9. In the Upload Parameters window, enter the following and then click Upload.

    • Batch Name

    • Import:

      • Immediately on data load - automatically updates the Oracle Item Master table with matched data.

      • Schedule Data and Time - select the date and time to import the confirmed items or structures in the batch.

      • None - leaves the data in the Import Workbench. You can manually import the data at a later time.

    • Select whether to create a new change order, add to an existing change order, or to not create a change order.

    • Select whether to create a new item request:

      • None

      • One per Item

      • One per Item Catalog Category

  10. Click Upload. After the upload process completes, a message appears with the Concurrent Request number. Make a note of this number, as you will need it later when you access the view log for the concurrent request. Click Close when the process messages complete.

  11. Return to the Applications tree menu and click the View Concurrent Requests link.

    Note: It is recommended that you check the concurrent process view log to ensure that the upload process was successful.

  12. On the View Concurrent Requests page, click the Details icon.

  13. On the Request Details page, click View Log.

  14. From the View Log, paste the URL string in a web browser to view any errors. If no errors appear, the upload was successful.

Additional Information: If you created a new revision containing user defined attributes defined at the item revision level and enabling the change order option, then the new revision contains the item revision user defined attributes copied from the current revision. Any changed item revision user defined attributes appear in the new revision's change order attribute change section.

To import item categories using an Excel spreadsheet

  1. In the Applications tree menu, Development Manager responsibility, navigate to Batch Import > Import Items. Click the Import from Excel link.

  2. On the Import page, select Item Categories and click Continue.

    Item categories do not have a defined import format that is associated with an item catalog category. Instead, a predefined format is used for all item category imports. The columns in this format are identical to the interface table.

  3. On the Import: Item Catalog Categories Assignment page, click Import.

    When your spreadsheet opens, it displays the same item category columns that appear on this page, plus an old category column. Only use the old category column when updating existing item categories.

  4. On the Select Settings page, select the version of Excel that you are using and click Next.

    You cannot enable or disable Reporting.

  5. A Download window presents processing messages. Click Close when the transfer is complete. The Excel spreadsheet also opens.

    Note that the columns that appeared on the Import: Item Category Assignment page have been exported to the spreadsheet.

  6. When entering values into the spreadsheet, use the one of the following Transaction Types:

    • Create

      Creates a new item using the values entered in the spreadsheet.

    • Delete

      Deletes the item specified in the spreadsheet row.

    • Update

      Makes the changes specified to the item in the spreadsheet row.

    The following attributes are mandatory when using these Transaction Types:

    • Item

    • Organization Code

    • Catalog

    • Category

    • Old Category - mandatory for the Update transaction type only.

    Make a note of the BatchID at the top of the spreadsheet. You will need this ID later when you upload the spreadsheet to the system.

  7. After data entry is complete, select Upload from the Oracle menu in the toolbar.

  8. In the Upload Parameters window, enter the Batch ID.

    In the Upload Processed Records menu, select Yes. If you select No, your data is sent to the user interface table only and is not processed; Consequently, debugging is not possible.

    In the Delete Processed Records menu, select No. If you select Yes, all records corresponding to the current Record Set ID are cleared from the interface table.

    Click Proceed to Upload.

  9. In the Oracle Web ADI window, wait for the Ready message and click Upload.

    Show Trace Messages is, by default, not selected. Do not change this setting unless you wish to have trace information provided via your parameters.

    Clicking Parameters enables you to modify your parameters.

    Important: When the Upload completes, a Concurrent Request Number appears in this window. Make note of this number, as you can later use it to view the results of the upload process (for example, to view whether or not the upload was successful).

  10. If you do not wish to confirm that the upload was successful, you are finished. If you wish to view the results of the upload process, return to the Applications tree menu and click the View Concurrent Requests link.

    It is recommended that you check the concurrent process view log to ensure that the upload process was successful.

  11. On the Requests page, select Completed and click Go. Look for your Concurrent Request Number to locate your process. If it does not appear, wait and repeat this step. You can also select Pending and click Go to view pending requests. Locate your process in the Results table and click the Details icon.

  12. On the Request Details page, click View Log.

  13. From the View Log, paste the URL string in a web browser to view any errors. If no errors appear, the upload was successful.

To import item organization assignments using a spreadsheet

Important: Users can only assign items to those organizations to which they have permission. See: Overview of Roles and Role Based Security, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide

  1. In the Applications tree menu, Development Manager responsibility, navigate to Batch Import > Import Items. Click the Import from Excel link.

  2. In the Import page, select Item Organization Assignment and click Continue.

  3. In the Import: Item Organization Assignment page, click Import.

  4. In the Select: Viewer page, select the appropriate version of Excel and click Next.

    The Processing: Creating Document page appears. Wait until the Excel application is ready.

    The Confirmation page appears. An Excel spreadsheet opens and the Confirmation page returns to the Navigator page. Alternately, click Return to return to the Navigator page.

To enter data in the spreadsheet

  1. Enter the organization assignments for each item in the spreadsheet.

    Organization Code - Select your organization from the drop down list.

    Item - Enter the item number. For instance, M1000.

    Primary Unit of Measure - Enter the display name of the unit of measure. For instance, Each.

    Note the Set Process ID at the top of the spreadsheet. You will need it to upload the spreadsheet in the system.

  2. Select Upload from the Oracle menu in the tool bar.

  3. In the Upload Parameters window, enter the Set Process ID and click Upload.

  4. After upload, a message appears with the Concurrent Request number. Note this number. You will need it to verify the view log for the concurrent request. Click Close when the process messages complete.

    Tip: It is recommended that you review the concurrent process view log to ensure that the upload was successful.

To import item people assignments using a spreadsheet

  1. In the Applications tree menu, Development Manager responsibility, navigate to Batch Import > Import Items. Click the Import from Excel link.

  2. In the Import page, select Item People Assignment and click Continue.

  3. In the Import: Item People Assignment page, click Import.

  4. In the Select: Viewer page, select the appropriate version of Excel and click Next.

    The Processing: Creating Document page appears. Wait until the Excel application is ready.

    The Confirmation page appears. An Excel spreadsheet opens and the Confirmation page returns to the Navigator page. Alternately, click Return to return to the Navigator page.

To enter data in the spreadsheet

  1. Use one of the following Transaction Types when entering values into the spreadsheet:

    • Create

      Select this option to create a new item people assignment using the values entered in the spreadsheet.

    • Delete

      Select this option to delete an existing item people assignment.

    • Sync

      Select this option to:

      • Create an item people assignment if it does not exist in the system.

      • Update an item people assignment if it exists in the system.

    • Update

      Select this option to update an existing item people assignment using the values entered in the spreadsheet.

      • You can update the End Date only in an existing item people assignment.

      • For style and SKU items only:

        People assignments default from style to SKU items. If you make an item people assignment for a style item, this assignment automatically defaults to the style item's SKUs. However, if you change the end date of the style item, the end date of the associated SKUs does not change. You must change the end date of each SKU.

    Note the Data Set ID at the top of the spreadsheet. You will need it to upload the spreadsheet in the system.

  2. Enter values for the attributes.

    Transaction Type - Select the appropriate transaction type from the drop down list.

    Organization Code - Select your organization from the drop down list.

    Item - Enter the item number. For instance, M1000.

    Role - Select the display name of the role from the drop down list. For instance, Design Engineer.

    Type - Select the type of user from the drop down list. For instance, Group.

    Name - Enter the name of the person, group, or company. Leave the cell empty for type 'All Users.'

    Start Date - Enter the start date of the grants. Date format - mm/dd/yyyy.

    End Date - Enter the end date of the grant. Date format - mm/dd/yyyy.

  3. Select Upload from the Oracle menu in the tool bar.

  4. In the Upload Parameters window, enter the Data Set ID and click Upload.

  5. After upload, a message appears with the Concurrent Request number. Note this number. You will need it to verify the view log for the concurrent request. Click Close when the process messages complete.

    Tip: It is recommended that you review the concurrent process view log to ensure that the upload was successful.

To import manufacturer part numbers using a spreadsheet

  1. In the Applications tree menu, Development Manager responsibility, navigate to Batch Import > Import Items. Click the Import from Excel link.

  2. In the Import page, select Manufacturer Part Numbers and click Continue.

  3. In the Import: Manufacturer Part Number Association page, click Import.

  4. In the Select: Viewer page, select the appropriate version of Excel and click Next.

    The Processing: Creating Document page appears. Wait until the Excel application is ready.

    The Confirmation page appears. An Excel spreadsheet opens and the Confirmation page returns to the Navigator page. Alternately, click Return to return to the Navigator page.

To enter data in the spreadsheet

  1. Use one of the following Transaction Types when entering values into the spreadsheet:

    • Create

      Select this option to create a new manufacturer part number association using the values entered in the spreadsheet.

    • Delete

      Select this option to delete an existing manufacturer part number association.

    • Sync

      Select this option to:

      • Create a manufacturer part number association if it does not exist in the system.

      • Update an manufacturer part number association if the manufacturer part number association exists in the system.

    • Update

      Select this option to update an existing manufacturer part number association using the values entered in the spreadsheet.

    Note the Batch ID at the top of the spreadsheet. You will need it to upload the spreadsheet in the system.

  2. Enter values for the attributes.

    Transaction Type - Select the appropriate transaction type from the drop down list.

    Item - Enter the item number. For instance, M1000.

    Organization Code - Select your organization from the drop down list.

    Manufacturer - Select the name of the manufacturer from the drop down list.

    Manufacturer Part Number - Enter the manufacturer part number.

    First Article Status - Optionally, select the first article status from the drop down list. The first article status indicates whether or not a manufacturer has built and/or provided the first article.

    Approval Status - Optionally, select the approval status of the manufacturer and manufacturer part number from the drop down list.

    Effective From - Enter the start of the effective date range for the manufacturer part number. Date format - mm/dd/yyyy.

    Effective To - Enter the end of the effective date range for the manufacturer part number. Date format - mm/dd/yyyy.

  3. Select Upload from the Oracle menu in the tool bar.

  4. In the Upload Parameters window, enter the Batch ID and click Upload.

  5. After upload, a message appears with the Concurrent Request number. Note this number. You will need it to verify the view log for the concurrent request. Click Close when the process messages complete.

    Tip: It is recommended that you review the concurrent process view log to ensure that the upload was successful.

To import structures using a spreadsheet

You can import a new or update an existing structure using a spreadsheet. Each row in the spreadsheet represents a component item in the structure. You can add as many rows as needed to the spreadsheet.

  1. In the Applications tree menu, Development Manager responsibility, navigate to Batch Import > Import Items. Click the Import from Excel link.

  2. In the Import page, select Structures and click Continue.

  3. In the Add to Batch: Import Structure page, select values for the following fields from the drop down lists, then click Import.

    • Structure Type. See: Defining Structure Types, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide.

    • Structure Name. See: Associating a Structure Name with a Structure Type, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide.

    • Import Format. See: Defining Display Formats and Search Criteria for Structures, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide.

      The import/display format selected determines which columns are automatically provided in the spreadsheet for data entry.

  4. In the Select: Viewer page, select the appropriate version of Excel and click Next.

    The Processing: Creating Document page appears. Wait until the Excel application is ready.

    The Confirmation page appears. An Excel spreadsheet opens and the Confirmation page returns to the Navigator page. Alternately, click Return to return to the Navigator page.

To enter data in the spreadsheet

  1. Enter values in the following fields for the new or existing structure.

    • Batch Name - Enter a unique name.

    • Item Name - Enter the name of the item associated with this structure.

    • Organization Name - Enter the organization name of the item structure.

    • Structure Name - this value defaults from the value selected in the Add to Batch: Import Structure page. Optionally, enter a different structure name.

    • Item Revision - Enter the revision label of the item associated with this structure.

    • Structure Type - this value defaults from the value selected in the Add to Batch: Import Structure page. Optionally, enter a different structure type.

    • Engineering - Enter Yes or No. Yes indicates this is an engineering structure. No indicates it is a manufacturing structure.

    • Implementation Date - Enter the implementation date in this field if the Effectivity Control field value is Date. Use the format DD-MMM-YYYY.

    • Effectivity Control - Enter Date, Revision, Unit, or Serial. See: Managing Structures Using Effectivity Control.

    • Preferred Structure - Enter Yes or No to indicate whether this is the preferred structure for the structure type.

    • Common Item / Organization - Enter Yes or No to indicate whether the updates apply to the common structure.

    Tip: Note the Batch ID at the top of the spreadsheet. You will need it to upload the spreadsheet in the system.

  2. Use the following Transaction Types when entering components into the spreadsheet:

    • Add

      Select this option to create a new component from an existing item.

    • Create

      Select this option to create a new component/item.

    • Delete

      Select this option to delete an existing component.

    • Sync

      Select this option to:

      • Create/add a component.

      • Update an existing component.

    • Update

      Select this option to update an existing component using the values entered in the spreadsheet.

  3. Enter the following field values for each component.

    • Level - Enter the component's level.

    • Organization Code - Enter the component's organization code.

    • Item Revision - Enter the revision of this component.

    • Component - Enter the component name.

    • Parent Name - Enter the name of the component's assembly item.

    • Assembly Type - Enter the assembly type (standard, model, option class and planning).

    • Parent Revision - Enter the assembly's revision.

    Additional columns may exist, depending on the import/display format selected earlier.

  4. Select Upload from the Oracle menu in the tool bar.

  5. In the Upload Parameters window, enter the Batch ID and click Upload.

  6. After upload, a message appears with the Concurrent Request number. Note this number. You will need it to verify the view log for the concurrent request. Click Close when the process messages complete.

    Tip: It is recommended that you review the concurrent process view log to ensure that the upload was successful.

To import item relationships using a spreadsheet

  1. In the Applications tree menu, Development Manager responsibility, navigate to Batch Import > Import Items. Click the Import from Excel link.

  2. In the Import page, select Item Relationships and click Continue.

  3. In the Import: Item Relationships page, click Import.

  4. In the Select: Viewer page, select the appropriate version of Excel and click Next.

    The Processing: Creating Document page appears. Wait until the Excel application is ready.

    The Confirmation page appears. An Excel spreadsheet opens and the Confirmation page returns to the Navigator page. Alternately, click Return to return to the Navigator page.

To enter data in the spreadsheet

  1. Use one of the following Transaction Types when entering values into the spreadsheet:

    • Create

      Select this option to create a new item relationship using the values entered in the spreadsheet.

    • Delete

      Select this option to delete an existing item relationship.

    • Update

      Select this option to update an existing item relationship using the values entered in the spreadsheet.

    Note the Batch ID at the top of the spreadsheet. You will need it to upload the spreadsheet in the system.

  2. Enter values for the attributes.

    Transaction Type - Select the appropriate transaction type from the drop down list.

    Organization Code - Enter your organization code.

    From Item - Enter the item number for which you are defining the item relationship. For instance, M1000.

    To Item - Use this field when creating a new item relationship as well as updating or deleting a previously defined item relationship. When updating or deleting, this mandatory field identifies the existing item relationship. Enter the related item number.

    New To Item - Use this field when updating an item relationship. Enter the new related item number.

    Current Relationship Type - Use this field when creating a new item relationship as well as updating or deleting a previously defined item relationship. When updating or deleting, this mandatory field is used to identify the existing item relationship. Select the type of relationship from the drop down list.

    New Relationship Type- Use this field when updating an item relationship. Select the new type of relationship from the drop down list.

    Reciprocal - Enter Yes if the items are both related to each other (each item defines the other as a related item). Otherwise, enter No.

    Start Date - Enter the start of the effective date range for the item relationship. Date format - mm/dd/yyyy.

    End Date - Enter the end of the effective date range for the item relationship. Date format - mm/dd/yyyy.

  3. Select Upload from the Oracle menu in the tool bar.

  4. In the Upload Parameters window, enter the Batch Name and click Upload.

  5. After upload, a message appears with the Concurrent Request number. Note this number. You will need it to verify the view log for the concurrent request. Click Close when the process messages complete.

    Tip: It is recommended that you review the concurrent process view log to ensure that the upload was successful.

Related Topics

Creating New Items

Managing Item Imports

Microsoft Office Integration with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i and R12, My Oracle Support ( Document ID 1077728.1.

Updating Existing Items

You can choose from two methods to update existing items. Both methods provide the same result.

Updating Existing Items Using a Spreadsheet

You can use a Microsoft® Office Excel spreadsheet to edit/update existing items. Before doing so, you must also have the appropriate version of the Excel spreadsheet installed.

Whenever you enter new or existing data in the spreadsheet, the Upl column displays a flag, making it easier to scan the spreadsheet for rows that have been changed.

Items uploaded from a spreadsheet become, by default, Engineering items. If you wish to upload a non-Engineering item, then include an available primary attribute column called "Engineering Item Flag" in your import format. When uploading the spreadsheet, identify such items in this column by specifying the value "Yes" or "No". If you leave the column blank, the item once again defaults to an Engineering item.

To update existing items, you must first search for the items, and then import the search results into the spreadsheet. Search results are limited to 200 items or less. Using this spreadsheet import/update saves you time, as the spreadsheet now contains the attributes/columns needed to update the specific items you wish to change.

To update existing items using an Excel spreadsheet

  1. In the Applications tree menu, use either of the searches (Simple or Advanced) to locate the item you wish to update.

  2. On the Search Results page, click Export All Items.

  3. On the Select Viewer page, select the version of Excel that you are using and click Next. You cannot enable or disable Reporting.

  4. An Information page and Download window present processing messages. Follow the instructions in these messages. Click Close when the transfer is complete. The Excel spreadsheet also opens. Note that all your search results have been exported to the spreadsheet.

  5. In the spreadsheet, primary attributes are listed first (on the left), and user-defined attributes appear after (on the right). When entering values into the spreadsheet, you must use one of the following Transaction Types:


    If the item already exists, the spreadsheet values are used to update it. If the item does not already exist, a new one is created using the spreadsheet values. If the Sync creates a new item, then the mandatory attributes for Create are also mandatory for the Sync. If the Sync updates an existing item, then the mandatory attributes for Update are also mandatory for the Sync.


    A new item is created using the values entered in the spreadsheet. The following attributes are mandatory when using this transaction type:

    • Item

    • Organization Code

    • Item Catalog Category

      Conditional Action: The Item Catalog Category is only mandatory if the profile option EGO: Item Catalog Category required for Create Item using Spreadsheet is set to Yes.

      If you specify an ICC, you can also select an item template associated with the ICC. The template provides default attribute values for the new item.

    • Primary Unit of Measure

    • Description

    Note: Description is a primary attribute, but appears on the right side of the spreadsheet among the user-defined attributes. It is placed here so that long descriptions will not disrupt the flow of the spreadsheet.

    For more information, see Importing Items and Related Objects Using a Spreadsheet.


    Existing items are updated using the values entered in the spreadsheet. The following attributes are mandatory when using this transaction type:

    • Item

    • Organization Code

    Warning: Although your downloaded spreadsheet can include item alternate catalog and alternate category columns, you can not change the item alternate catalog or the alternate category of an item when using the Sync or Update transaction type in a spreadsheet. To update the item alternate catalog and alternate category of an item using an Excel spreadsheet, select the Import Object 'Item Categories' in the Import Item page (see: Importing Item Categories Using a Spreadsheet).

    Additional Information: You can delete attribute values when using the transaction types Update, Sync, and Delete. To delete an existing value in a record, enter the following data in the appropriate column of the spreadsheet:

    For field type: Enter value:
    Date 31-DEC-9999
    Character !
    Numeric 9.99E125

    If you want to retain an existing value in a record, enter NULL in the appropriate column of the spreadsheet.

    Exception: In the user defined attributes interface table, when you want to delete an existing value in any of the following fields, use the value !. If you want to retain an existing value in a record, no entry is necessary.





    Important: Make a note of the Result Format Usage ID at the top of the spreadsheet. You will need this ID later when you upload the spreadsheet in the system.

  6. After data entry is complete, select Upload from the Oracle menu in the toolbar.

  7. In the Upload Parameters window, enter the following and then click Upload.

    • Batch Name

    • Import:

      • Immediately on data load - automatically updates the Oracle Item Master table with matched data.

      • Schedule Data and Time - select the date and time to import the confirmed items or structures in the batch.

      • None - leaves the data in the Import Workbench. You can manually import the data at a later time.

    • Select whether to create a new change order, add to an existing change order, or to not create a change order.

    • Select whether to create a new item request:

      • None

      • One per Item

      • One per Item Catalog Category

  8. After the upload process completes, a message appears with the Concurrent Request number. Make a note of this number, as you will need it later when you access the view log for the concurrent request. Click Close when the process messages complete.

  9. Return to the Applications tree menu and click the "View Concurrent Requests" link. It is recommended that you check the concurrent process view log to ensure that the upload process was successful.

  10. On the View Concurrent Requests page, click the Details icon.

  11. On the Request Details page, click View Log.

  12. From the View Log, paste the URL string in a web browser to view any errors. If no errors appear, the upload was successful.

Related Topics

Microsoft Office Integration with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i and R12, My Oracle Support ( Document ID 1077728.1.

Mass Updating Items, Categories and Associations

You can use the Mass Update functions to edit and update items, categories and item assignments when you want to change many items or categories and/or many organizations. Mass update item searches are not subject to the 200 item search limit like the spreadsheet option (see: Updating Existing Items Using a Spreadsheet).

Choose from the following mass update functions:

All mass update functions are located in the Mass Change folder/section in the navigation menu.

To mass update master item attributes

  1. From the navigation menu, in the Mass Change section, select Update Master Item Attributes.

  2. In the Update Master Item Attributes: Select Items page, use either Simple Search or Advanced Search to find the items you want to update. See: Searching for Items. The Update Master Item Attributes: Review Results page appears.

  3. Review the search results. If the search results returned the expected items, click Export. If you need to refine the search criteria, click Back.

  4. After clicking Export, the Select Viewer page appears. Select the version of Microsoft Office® Excel on your desktop.

    Follow the instructions on your screen to download the file to your desktop. Update the spreadsheet, then upload it as described in Updating Existing Items Using a Spreadsheet.

To mass update organization item attributes

  1. Navigate to the Update Organization Item Attributes: Select Items page.

  2. Use either Simple Search or Advanced Search to find the items you want to update. See: Searching for Items. The Update Organization Item Attributes: Review Results page appears.

  3. Review the search results. If the search results returned the expected items, click Next and the Select Organization page appears. If you need to refine the search criteria, click Back.

  4. Search for an organization using one of the following fields:

    • Organization Code

    • Organization Name

    • Hierarchy

    Click Next and the Update Organization Item Attributes: Review Organizations page lists all organizations matching your search criteria.

  5. Select the organizations you want to update, then click Next and the Update Organization Attributes: Review Results page appears. If you want to refine the Organization search, click Back. Otherwise, click Export.

  6. The Select Viewer page appears. Select the version of Microsoft Office® Excel on your desktop.

    Follow the instructions on your screen to download the file to your desktop. Update the spreadsheet, then upload it as described in To update existing items using an Excel spreadsheet with the following exceptions in the Upload Parameters window:

    • Enter the Batch Name

    • Select an import option:

      • Immediately on data load - automatically updates the Oracle Item Master table with matched data.

      • Schedule Data and Time - select the date and time to import the confirmed items or structures in the batch.

      • None - leaves the data in the Import Workbench. You can manually import the data at a later time.

    • Select whether to create a new change order, add to an existing change order, or to not create a change order.

To mass update supplier, supplier site, and supplier site organization assignment attributes

The process for mass updating supplier, supplier site, and supplier site organization assignment attributes is almost the same. The only difference between mass updating assignment attributes for the three different supplier business objects is the page name. For example, when mass updating supplier assignment attributes, the first page name is Update Supplier Assignment Attributes: Supplier Assignment Search. When mass updating supplier site organization assignment attributes, the first page name is Update SupplierSite-Organization Assignment Attributes: SupplierSite-Organization Assignment Search. The following steps assume that you are mass updating supplier assignment attributes.

  1. Navigate to the Update Supplier Assignment Attributes: Supplier Assignment Search page.

  2. Use either Simple Search or Advanced Search to find the items you want to update. See: Searching for Items. The Update Supplier Assignment Attributes: Review Supplier Assignment page appears.

  3. Review the search results. If the search results returned the expected items, click Export and the Select Viewer page appears. If you need to refine the search criteria, click Back.

  4. Select the version of Microsoft Office® Excel on your desktop.

    Follow the instructions on your screen to download the file to your desktop. Update the spreadsheet, then upload it as described in To update existing items using an Excel spreadsheet .

To mass assign items to organizations

  1. Navigate to the Assign Items to Organizations: Select Items page.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Next. See: Searching for Items. The Assign Items to Organizations: Review Items page appears.

  3. Review the search results. You can filter the search results and select the items that you want to assign. If the search results returned the expected items, click Next and the Assign Items to Organizations: Select Organizations page appears. If you need to refine the search criteria, click Back.

  4. Search for an organization using one of the following fields:

    • Organization Code

    • Organization Name

    • Hierarchy

    Click Next and the Assign Items to Organizations: Review Organizations page lists all organizations matching your search criteria.

  5. Select the organization(s) you want to update, then click Next and the Assign Items to Organizations: Review Results page appears.

    If you want refine the Organization search, click Back. Otherwise, click Finish.

  6. Review the Item Organization Assignments.

    If the items selected have associated packs or structures, the Select Options region appears. Select one of the following options:

    • Assign Packs

      Enables the selected items to share their associated (common) packs across the selected organizations. See: Referencing Common Bills and Routings, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide and Managing the Packaging Hierarchy

    • Assign Structures

      Copies or uses a common structure associated with each of the selected items across the selected organizations. See: Referencing Common Bills and Routings, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide

    Click Back if you need to change your selected organization(s) or Finish to proceed with assigning the items to organizations.

  7. After clicking Finish, the Assign Items to Organizations: Choose Action page appears. Choose one of the following actions:

    • Apply changes to Database (This option enables you to enter changes directly into the database.)

    • Export to Excel

    Click Submit.

If you selected Apply changes to Database

  1. The Schedule Request: Schedule page appears. Choose when you would like your request to run. You can choose the following:

    • Start Date - choose as soon as possible or a specific date and time.

    • Recurrence - select Never Repeat or Repeat on a certain interval, ending at a certain date and time.

    • Apply the Interval - apply the interval based on the start or completion date and time.

    • Schedule Name - optionally select a predefined schedule from the list. Select Increment Date Parameters to set the next date.

    • Save Schedule - define and save a new schedule by entering a new Schedule Name, Description, and selecting Save Schedule.

  2. Click Next. The Schedule Request: Review page appears.

    Review the schedule parameters. Click Back if you need to change any of the parameters.

  3. Click Submit.

    A message appears, saying your request for EGO Spreadsheet Java Concurrent Program has been scheduled and giving you the Request ID.

  4. Click OK.

    The Requests page appears. From here, you can find out the details and status of your request.

If you selected Export to Excel

  1. The Select Viewer page appears. Select the version of Microsoft Office® Excel on your desktop.

    Follow the instructions on your screen to download the file to your desktop. Update the spreadsheet, then upload it as described in To update existing items using an Excel spreadsheet.

To mass assign items to suppliers, supplier sites, and supplier site organizations

The process for mass assigning items to suppliers, supplier sites, and supplier site organizations is almost the same, and very similar to mass assigning items to organizations. The only difference between assigning items to the three different supplier business objects is the page name. For example, when assigning items to suppliers, the first page name is Assign Items to Suppliers: Select Items. When assigning items to supplier site organizations, the first page name is Assign Items to SupplierSite Organizations: Select Items. The following steps assume that you are assigning items to suppliers.

  1. Navigate to the Assign Items to Suppliers: Select Items page.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Next. See: Searching for Items. The Assign Items to Suppliers: Review Items page appears.

  3. Review the search results. You can filter the search results and select the items that you want to assign. If the search results returned the expected items, click Next and the Assign Items to Suppliers: Select Suppliers page appears. If you need to refine the search criteria, click Back.

  4. Search for a supplier using one of the following fields:

    • Supplier

    • Supplier Number

    • DUNS Number

      This field only appears when assigning items to suppliers.

    • Tax Payer ID

      This field only appears when assigning items to suppliers.

    • Tax Registration Number

      This field only appears when assigning items to suppliers.

    You can also search for supplier sites. Select Show Supplier Sites, then search for supplier sites using the following fields:

    Note: These fields automatically appear when assigning items to supplier sites or supplier site organizations.

    • Supplier Site

    • City

    • State

    • Country

    Click Next and the Assign Items to Suppliers: Review Supplier Results page lists all suppliers matching your search criteria.

  5. Select the supplier(s) you want to assign to the item(s), then click Next. The Assign Items to Suppliers: Review Results page appears.

  6. Review the item supplier assignments.

    Select a display format for export, then click Go.

    Click Back if you need to change your selected supplier(s) or Finish to proceed with assigning the items to suppliers.

  7. After clicking Finish, the Assign Items to Suppliers: Choose Action page appears. Choose one of the following actions:

    • Apply changes to Database (This option enables you to enter changes directly into the database.)

    • Export to Excel

    Click Submit.

If you selected Apply changes to Database

  1. The Schedule Request: Schedule page appears. Choose when you would like your request to run. You can choose the following:

    • Start Date - choose as soon as possible or a specific date and time.

    • Recurrence - select Never Repeat or Repeat on a certain interval, ending at a certain date and time.

    • Apply the Interval - apply the interval based on the start or completion date and time.

    • Schedule Name - optionally select a predefined schedule from the list. Select Increment Date Parameters to set the next date.

    • Save Schedule - define and save a new schedule by entering a new Schedule Name, Description, and selecting Save Schedule.

  2. Click Next. The Schedule Request: Review page appears.

    Review the schedule parameters. Click Back if you need to change any of the parameters.

  3. Click Submit.

    A message appears, saying your request for EGO Spreadsheet Java Concurrent Program has been scheduled and giving you the Request ID.

  4. Click OK.

    The Requests page appears. From here, you can find out the details and status of your request.

If you selected Export to Excel

  1. The Select Viewer page appears. Select the version of Microsoft Office® Excel on your desktop.

    Follow the instructions on your screen to download the file to your desktop. Update the spreadsheet, then upload it as described in To update existing items using an Excel spreadsheet.

To mass assign items to and unassign items from categories

The processes for mass assigning items to categories and unassigning items from categories are almost identical and following the same first three steps:

Caution: Only users with create/edit category privileges can create or edit category information in a catalog. A user can assign items to categories only if the user has item assignment privileges for the catalog side as well as the item. For example, a user can assign item A to category B in catalog C only if the user has item assignment privileges for the item as well as managing catalog item assignment privileges for the catalog.

  1. Navigate to one of the following mass update functions:

    • Assign Items to Categories

    • Unassign Items from Categories

    The (mass update function): Select Catalog page appears.

    Search for and select a catalog. Click Next.

  2. The (mass update function): Select Items page appears.

    Use either Simple Search or Advanced Search to find the items you want to update. See: Searching for Items

    The Assign Items to Categories: Assign Items or the Unassign Items from Categories: Unassign Items page appears.

  3. Select the items you want to assign or unassign, then choose a category. Click Assign or Unassign, then click Next.

  4. The (mass update function): Select Organizations page appears.

    Search for an organization using one of the following fields:

    • Organization Code

    • Organization Name

    • Hierarchy

    Click Next and the Assign Items to Organizations: Review Organizations page lists all organizations matching your search criteria.

  5. The (mass update function): Review Results page appears.

    Review the search results. If the search results returned the expected items, click Finish. If you need to refine the search criteria, click Back.

  6. After clicking Finish, the (mass update function): Choose Action page appears. Choose one of the following actions:

    • Apply changes to Database - use this option to directly update the database

    • Export to Excel - use this option if you want to update more than the category information or need more time to determine the updates needed.

    Click Submit.

  7. If you chose Export to Excel, the Select Viewer page appears. Select the version of Microsoft Office® Excel on your desktop.

    Follow the instructions on your screen to download the file to your desktop. Update the spreadsheet, then upload it as described in To update existing items using an Excel spreadsheet.

  8. If you chose to Apply changes to Database, then the Schedule Request: Review page appears. Submit the concurrent program.

To reassign categories

Caution: Only users with create/edit category privileges can create or edit category information in a catalog. A user can assign items to categories only if the user has item assignment privileges for the catalog side as well as the item. For example, a user can assign item A to category B in catalog C only if the user has item assignment privileges for the item as well as managing catalog item assignment privileges for the catalog.

  1. Select Reassign Categories from the menu.

    The Reassign Categories: Select Catalog page appears.

    Search for and select a catalog. Click Next.

  2. The Reassign Categories: Select Categories page appears.

    Select an origin and a destination category. Click Next.

  3. The Reassign Categories: Select Organizations page appears.

    Enter an organization code, name, or hierarchy. Click Next.

  4. The Reassign Categories: Review Organizations page lists all organizations matching your search criteria.

    Select only those organizations for which you want to reassign categories. If you need to refine the search criteria, click Back.

  5. The Reassign Categories: Review Categories page appears.

    Review the results. If the results are as expected, click Finish. If you need to refine the categories, click Back.

  6. After clicking Finish, the Reassign Categories: Choose Action page appears. Choose Apply changes to Database.

    Click Submit.

  7. The Schedule Request: Review page appears. Submit the concurrent program.

Deleting Items

You can delete or purge items from Oracle Product Hub using deletion groups, deletion constraints, and deletion statements. Use deletion groups to specify the items that you want to delete. Deletion statements define what records to delete, for a particular deletion group, from a particular database table. Deletion constraints define the conditions when you can not delete a record from a database table. Oracle provides many predefined item deletion statements and deletion constraints, but you can also create custom deletion statements and deletion constraints. Other Oracle applications use deletion groups, statements, and constraints to delete other entities, too. For details on how to use deletion groups, statements, and constraints, see the Related Topics listed below.

The predefined item deletion statements specify that the following records are deleted, along with the master item record:

Predefined item deletion constraints created specifically for Oracle Product Hub include:

Warning: Although you can navigate to Oracle Product Hub's Development Manager responsibility, then Item Catalog > Delete Items, this function only enables you to delete Engineering items. To delete Production (Manufacturing) items, you must navigate to a responsibility that includes Oracle Inventory, such as Manufacturing and Distribution Manager, then Inventory > Items > Delete groups. Optionally, you can create a new submenu under the Item Catalog menu that points to the Manufacturing Delete Items form.

Related Topics

Deleting Items, Bills, Routings, Components, and Operations, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide

Deletion Constraints and Statements, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide

Creating Custom Deletion Statements and Constraints, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide

Item Deletion, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Delete Items Report, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide

Updating Multi-Row Attributes in a Spreadsheet

When creating or updating items/item revisions using a spreadsheet, you can provide values for multi-row attributes. When updating an item/item revision's multi-row attributes, you only provide the values for the multi-row attributes; you cannot make changes to the primary or single-row attributes--doing so results in errors.

Additionally, when selecting multi-row attributes from a display format for export to a spreadsheet, you can choose to select which multi-row attribute group to update from the search results page or select all multi-row attribute groups. To select all multi-row attribute groups, click Export All Items to export all items in the category to a spreadsheet. Select the Include All AGs checkbox to export all multi-row attribute groups included in the display format and associated with each item. Each row of a multi-row attribute group appears on a separate row of the spreadsheet.

When updating an item multi-row attribute in a spreadsheet, you must input values for the following primary attributes for each multi-row attribute row:

When updating an item revision multi-row attribute in a spreadsheet, you must input the Revision Code for each multi-row attribute row.

To create or update an item's multi-row attributes in a spreadsheet

  1. Perform steps 1-7 in the Importing Items Using a Spreadsheet procedure.

  2. In the spreadsheet, copy the row for the item (or item revision) and paste it into the next row. Then, delete the values of the primary/single row attributes in the new row. You must delete the values of the primary/single row attributes; if you do not, errors will occur.

    Note: By default, the spreadsheet is protected. To copy/paste rows, select the Tools menu, then select Protection, and then select Unprotect.

  3. Ensure that the unique key remains the same. After you have a row containing the same unique key as the item (or item revision) whose multi-row attributes you wish to update, and the primary/single row attributes are removed, you can enter values for the multi-row attributes In the following spreadsheet the unique key (Org Code and Item) in the second and third rows remain the same; the single row attributes have been deleted, and the multi-row attribute (Product Name, Impact Classification) values are provided.

    Additional Information: To delete an existing value in a record, enter the following data in the appropriate column of the spreadsheet:

    For field type: Enter value:
    Date 31-DEC-9999
    Character !
    Numeric 9.99E125

    If you want to retain an existing value in a record, have it blank in the appropriate column of the spreadsheet.

    Exception: In the user defined attributes interface table, when you want to delete an existing value in any of the following fields, use the value !. If you want to retain an existing value in a record, no entry is necessary.





    Sample Spreadsheet with Multi-Row Attribute

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Make a note of the Result Format Usage ID at the top of the spreadsheet. You will need this ID later when you upload the spreadsheet in the systemk.

  5. After data entry is complete, select Upload from the Oracle menu in the toolbar.

  6. In the Upload Parameters window, enter the Result Format Usage ID and check the Automatically Submit Concurrent Process box, and then click Proceed to Upload.

  7. In the Oracle Web ADI window, click Upload. After the upload process completes, a message appears with the Concurrent Request number. Make a note of this number, as you will need it later when you access the view log for the concurrent request. Click Close when the process messages complete.

  8. Return to the Applications tree menu and click the "View Concurrent Requests" link. It is recommended that you check the concurrent process view log to ensure that the upload process was successful.

  9. On the View Concurrent Requests page, click the Details icon.

  10. On the Request Details page, click View Log.

  11. From the View Log, paste the URL string in a web browser to view any errors. If no errors appear, the upload was successful.

Related Topics

Microsoft Office Integration with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i and R12, My Oracle Support ( Document ID 1077728.1.

Managing Item Specifications

The specifications of an item are divided into structured and unstructured information. The structured item information is captured in the form of numerous primary and operational attributes that are enabled at the master item or item organization level and in the form of user defined and transaction attributes that are inherited from the catalog category of the item. You can also add an unlimited number of descriptions and images about an item to enrich its specification. All unstructured item information can be added as an attachment to the item.

Most of the item specification information is available at the item revision level as well, which enables you to keep track of the specification information by item revision. For information that is tracked at the revision level, you can perform all of the following actions for each item revision.

Additional Information: You can automatically trigger actions based on an item attribute change. See: Item Business Events, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide and Managing Business Events, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.

To update an item's detailed description, images, and primary attributes

  1. Locate the item whose description, images or primary attributes you wish to update.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. On the item's Overview page, select Update from the Actions list and click Go.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. Optionally, on the Update Overview page, select a template from which to copy detailed descriptions, primary attributes, and images.

  4. Optionally, update the description and long description.

  5. Optionally, select a different User Item Type and Conversions option.

  6. Optionally, select a different Lifecycle and Lifecycle Phase.

    If the lifecycle and lifecycle phase are not editable, it is because they have already been defined and are in use. If these fields are editable, it is because they have not yet been defined.

  7. Optionally, select a different Primary Unit of Measure.

    If the primary UOM is not editable, it is because item transactions or associated entities exist. You can only update an item's primary UOM before performing item transactions, such as material transactions, sales orders, and purchase orders, or before creating associated item entities, such as bills and routings.

  8. Optionally, add, update or delete an image.

    • Add

      In the Images region, click Add Another Row. Provide the Sequence, a Translatable Label, and choose an attached file for the description. The Display Mode enables you to either display the contents of the image inline or as a link.

    • Update

      Update the fields in the Images region.

      Note: Files attached using Oracle's E-Business Suite are rendered inline. Files attached using Oracle Files Online are rendered as links, regardless of what is specified in the Display As list.

    • Delete

      Click the Delete icon in the image row you want to delete.

  9. Optionally, add, update, or delete a detailed description.

    • Add

      In the Detailed Description region, click Add Another Row. Provide the Sequence, Description Source, Translatable Label and choose an attached file if the Description Source is Item Attachments. The Display Mode enables you to display the contents of the file inline or as a link.

      Note: Use the Description Source list to select either an Item Attachments description or a Long Description. If you wish to select Item Attachments, then the list of values in the Attached File field is enabled. However, if you select the Long Description, then the Attached File field is disabled and the list of values returns no results. Also note that files attached using Oracle's E-Business Suite are rendered inline. Files attached using Oracle Files Online are rendered as links, regardless of what is specified in the Display Mode field.

    • Update

      Update the fields in the Detailed Description region.

    • Delete

      Click the Delete icon in the detailed description row you want to delete.

  10. Click Apply to save your changes.

To update an item's operational and user-defined attributes

When you define or update an item's operational and user-defined attributes, you update them at the item's organization and revision level, not at the master item level. If you want to update an operational or user-defined attribute across all organizations, then see: Mass Updating Items, Categories and Associations.

  1. Locate the item whose operational and user-defined attributes you want to update.

  2. Click the attribute group you want to update.

    For example, click Physical Attributes. In the Physical Attributes page, the Update button appears when:

    • a user's role has privileges to update the item and

    • the item is in a lifecycle phase where direct updates are allowed

    The Create Change Order button appears when:

    • the attribute group's change policy is set to Change Order Required and the item is in a lifecycle phase that requires change orders. See: Defining Change Policies, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide

    If both the Update and the Create Change Order buttons appear, then you can choose whether to create a change order before updating the attributes or not.

    Additional Information: Change management is not supported for the following operational attributes. You must update them using the Update button:

    • Shipping Subinventory (Sales and Order Management attribute group)

    • Receiving Subinventory (Purchasing attribute group)

    • Move Order Receipts SubInventory (Inventory/WMS attribute group)

    the picture is described in the document text

To update attributes without creating a change order

  1. Click Update.

    The Update (Attribute Group) Attributes page appears. Enter the new attribute values and units of measure, if applicable.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Click Apply.

To update attributes using a change order

  1. Click Create Change Order.

To update an item's transaction attributes

When you update an item's transaction attributes, you update them at the item's organization and revision level, not at the master item level.

  1. Locate the item whose transaction attributes you want to update.

  2. From the item's Overview page, click Transaction Attributes.

  3. For further instructions on how to update an item's transaction attributes, see: "To update a transaction attribute:" in Defining Transaction Attributes, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide.

Related Topics

Creating Change Orders

Performing Actions

Managing Item Phases

Lifecycles enable you to model the lifecycle phases of your items in a flexible manner. You can pre-establish phase level controls that determine the behavior of an item in the different modules. You can also define a list of valid item statuses within each phase. The item status in turn controls the behavior of the item in eight functional areas. There is one lifecycle definition, which is the same for the item and the item revisions. However, an item and item revisions can be in different phases even if they are using the same lifecycle definition. It is not mandatory that an item have a lifecycle; however, if the item revisions have phases, then you must have a lifecycle defined for the item.

You can promote or demote an item from its current phase. When an item enters a new phase, based on the control factors of the new phase and status, the behavior of the item will change. For example, when you move an item from the engineering phase to the production phase, you may want to place tighter controls on changes to product specifications, since that will entail significant change management efforts and costs.

To promote or demote an item to another phase

  1. Locate the item that you wish to promote to another lifecycle phase.

  2. On the item's Primary Attributes page, click the Lifecycle tab.

  3. On the Overview page, click Change Phase.

    This option is only available if the item is under lifecycle control and if the item has no pending lifecycle phase change.

  4. On the Change Item Phase page, in the Action field, select Promote or Demote.

  5. In the To Phase field, select the phase to which you want to promote or demote the item.

    You can promote or demote the item to any phase within the lifecycle. Select the phase from the list of available phases.

  6. Provide the Effective Date.

    Select either the current date and time (defaults automatically) or a future date and time.

  7. Click Apply.

To view an item change policy

  1. Locate the item for which you wish to view the change policy.

  2. On the item's Overview page, click the Lifecycle tab.

  3. On the Item Phases Overview page, click the Change Policy subtab.

To change the item status

  1. Locate the item for which you wish to change the status.

  2. On the item's Overview page, click the Lifecycle tab.

  3. On the Item Phases Overview page, click Change Status.

  4. On the Change Item Status page, in the To Status field, search for and select a status.

  5. Provide the Effective Date.

    Select either the current date and time (defaults automatically) or a future date and time.

  6. Click Apply.

To implement the phase/item status changes

  1. Locate the item for which you wish to implement the item phase/status change.

  2. On the item's Overview page, click the Lifecycle tab.

  3. On the Item Phases Overview page, select the Pending Phases tab.

  4. Click Implement.

Related Topics

Managing Revision Phases

Managing Item Statuses, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide

Defining Change Policies, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide

Managing AMLs

You can associate a list of manufacturers and their corresponding part numbers with any item. You can also specify the manufacturer's approval status, preference level, and identify whether or not the first article has been completed. This list of manufacturers and part numbers is called an Approved Manufacturers List (AML). The AML for an item is often defined during the new item creation and request process. The AML is thereby reviewed and approved by all necessary people. An item AML may be updated after item creation either manually or through a change order. The item's change policy determines for each phase of an item's lifecycle whether or not an AML can be updated and if a change order is required.

For more details about item change policies, see Defining Change Policies , Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide.

To specify manufacturer part numbers when creating an item

  1. On the Create Item: Review Item Information page (typically the second step in the create item process), click the Manufacturer Part Number tab.

  2. When the page refreshes, click Add Another Row.

  3. In the empty fields for the row, provide the required information.


    If you know the approval status of the manufacturer and manufacturer part number, select it. Otherwise, leave this field blank.

    Preference Level

    The Preference Level indicates whether or not the manufacturer has been designated as preferred in the item catalog category. Preference Levels range from High (most desirable) to Low (least desirable). A manufacturer can have different Preference Levels for different items--this is a result of the items being in different item catalog categories. Hence, the Preference Level is specified at the item catalog category and not editable in this context.

    First Article Status

    First Article Status is a milestone that indicates whether or not a manufacturer has built and/or provided the first article.

Creating Item Revisions

Items undergo changes that you may want to track using item revisions. You can associate both structured and unstructured information with item revisions.

Additional Information: You can automatically trigger actions based on an item revision change. See: Item Business Events, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide and Managing Business Events, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide.

To create an item revision

  1. Locate the item for which you wish to create a revision.

  2. On the item's Primary Attributes page, select the Revise action and click Go.

  3. On the Revise Item page, provide in the required information and click Apply.

To update an item revision

  1. Locate the item for which you wish to create a revision.

  2. On the item's Primary Attributes page, click the Revisions tab.

  3. On the Revisions page, click the revision's name link.

  4. Click Update.

  5. On the Update Revision page, update the relevant information and click Apply.

Managing Item Attachments

The specifications of an item are divided into structured and unstructured information. You can add unstructured information to the item as an attachment. Attachments include files, folders, text, and URLs. All management of item attachments occurs from the Attachments page. To navigate to this page, locate the item. On the item's Primary Attributes page, click the Attachments tab.

You can add attachments to items at the item revision level as well, enabling you to track specification information by item revision. Most tasks related to item attachments are the same as those for attachments to any other business object. For an explanation of all tasks related to attachments to any business object, see: Using E-Business Suite Attachments.

You can also use a Change Management approval and review process to control the changes to item attachments. Change Management for item attachments provides change control functionality for all types of attachments, a crucial and important piece of non-structured information about the product.

Types of attachment changes supported using a change order include:

Change control is achieved by providing a mechanism to author, track and manage changes to attachments through a change order approval and implementation process. You can:

Once the change order is approved, implement the changes manually or automatically on the specified implementation date.

Change Management for item attachments is supported through the Change Management functionality. User can create a change order and specify changes to the attachments of a reviewed item. There are no additional steps required in the setting up of a change order to be able to do attachment changes for a revised item.

To request review or approval of an attachment

You can request approval or a review of a file version, URL, or text using workflows. Each approval or review consists of a number of phases; you can associate a workflow approval with each phase.

The workflow lists the steps in the approval process. You can add steps to the process only if a workflow routing is associated with the particular phase. You cannot delete predefined steps. You can add additional assignees to a step, but you cannot delete predefined assignees. For more details about approvals, see Managing Workflows.

When you send a file version stored in a Oracle Universal Content Management (UCM) content repository through a review or approval process, the same status is reflected everywhere else this file version is attached. The process is the same for both reviews and approvals, but the following steps use the request approval action to explain the process.

  1. In the Attachments page, find and select the files that you want to approve or review.

  2. In the Select Attachments field, select either Request Approval or Request Review, then click Go.

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. In the Create File Approval: Select File Approval Type page, select the file approval type from the dropdown list. Click Continue.

  4. In the Create File Approval page, enter a file approval name.

    Optionally, enter values in the following fields:

    • Description

    • Priority

    • Reason

    • Need By Date

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. In the Create File Approval page, click the Workflow Approval tab to add update, add, or delete any workflow steps. For more information about workflows, see:

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. Click Submit.

    In the Attachments page, the status of the selected files has changed to Submitted for Approval.

To view the status of a review or approval

You can view the review or approval status of a particular attachment from the Attachments page Status column. By moving your cursor over a status icon in the Status column, you can see the status of a particular attachment. If you click on the status icon for an attachment going through the review or approval process, the system takes you to a review or approval summary page

You can also view the status of a review or approval by clicking on the Attachment Details icon in the Details column for a particular attachment. From the Details page, click either the Reviews or Approvals tab. Each tab lists all reviews or approvals associated with the attachment.

View pending attachment changes

the picture is described in the document text

You can view pending attachment changes for an item from the attachments sub-tab in the item workbench. You can select a pending change from the attachments drop-down list in the View section and view change details.

Using Item Business Events

Using Oracle Workflow, you can automatically trigger actions after the following item business events occur:

In one case, business event oracle.apps.ego.item.preAttributeChange, you can trigger actions before a business event occurs. Before changing an item attribute, you can test a proposed attribute change against your validating criteria before committing the attribute value to the database. This business event requires one extra step: checking the Raise Pre Attribute Change Event box (see: Defining Item Attributes and Attribute Groups , Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide). Examples of actions you can trigger include issuing notifications or launching a workflow.

Business Event Examples

The following scenarios show how subscribing to a business event can simplify business processes:

For more information about setting up and subscribing to business events, see the related topics listed below.

Related Topics

Item Business Events, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide

Managing Business Events, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide

Defining Procedures and Functions for Oracle Workflow, Oracle Workflow Developer's Guide

Enabling Organization Assignments

Items are engineered, manufactured, and distributed by physical facilities called "organizations". To enable an organization to perform one of these functions on an item, you have to first enable the item into that organization with the appropriate attributes. Some of the attributes are modifiable at the organization level. These are called organization-level attributes.

Additional Information: When integrating a retail system such as Oracle Retail with Oracle eBusiness Suite, you must set up the retail sites as organizations. Refer to the retail site hierarchy and create a matching organization hierarchy. Model retail site clusters as single level organization hierarchies, with one of the sites defined as a parent (a dummy role). Once the organizations are defined, you can synchronize retail site data with the organizations.

See: Setting Up Organizations, Oracle HRMS Enterprise and Workforce Management Guide

Choose from the following methods of assigning organizations to items:

Important: Only those users with access to an organization can assign items to it.

To enable an item in an organization

  1. Locate the item you wish to enable.

  2. On the item's Overview page, click the Organizations tab.

  3. On the Organization Assignments page, click Assign to Organization.

    Note: When you are viewing an item within the master organization context, you can also click Mass Assign to Organization. This button is not available within child organizations. See: "To mass assign items to organizations:" in Mass Updating Items, Item Categories and Item Associations.

    The Assign to Organization button enables you to copy the following item attribute values from the master organization context to the new organizations:

    • Status

    • Primary Unit of Measure

    • Tracking

    • Pricing

    • Secondary Unit of Measure

    • Defaulting

    • Negative Deviation Factor

    • Positive Deviation Factor

    If you want to copy more attribute values, then use the Mass Assign to Organization button.

  4. On the Update Organization Assignments page, select the Assigned check box in the row of each organization to which you want to assign the item. Click Assign All to assign the item to all organizations.

  5. Click Apply.

    A message appears, listing the concurrent request ID.

To disable an item in an organization

  1. Locate the item you wish to disable.

  2. On the item's Overview page, click the Organizations tab.

  3. On the Organization Assignments page, click Unassign From Organization.

  4. On the Update Organization Assignments page, deselect the Assigned check box in the row of each organization from which you want to unassign the item. Click Unassign All to unassign the item from all the child organizations. However, you cannot unassign the item from a master organization.

  5. Click Apply.

    A message appears, listing the concurrent request ID.

To assign a pack to an organization

You can assign any level in a packaging hierarchy to one or more organizations. All items below the pack item selected are assigned to the same organization(s) as the pack item.

  1. Navigate to the Packs page of an item.

    From the item's Overview page, click the Configuration tab, then the Packs subtab. The Packs page displays a list of each pack item of which this item is a member.

  2. In the bottom table that displays the pack hierarchy, select the pack item that you want to assign to one or more organizations.

  3. Click Assign Pack to Organization.

  4. In the Assign Items to Organizations: Select Organizations page, search for the organizations to select using one or more of the following fields:

    • Organization Code

    • Organization Name

    • Hierarchy

    Click Next.

  5. In the Assign Items to Organizations: Review Organizations page, select one or more organizations, then click Next.

  6. In the Assign Items to Organizations: Review Results page, review the items and the organization assignments. Click Back to change them or Finish to complete the organization assignment.

  7. in the Assign Items to Organization: Choose Action page, choose to either apply the changes to the database or to export the changes to Excel.

    Click Submit.

  8. If you chose the apply to database option, follow the next steps that appear to schedule the concurrent request, choose a report layout, and review the options you have chosen. Click Submit to schedule the concurrent request.

    If you chose the export to Excel option, follow the next steps that appear to download the changes into an Excel spreadsheet. Update the spreadsheet if necessary, then upload it as described in Updating Existing Items Using a Spreadsheet.

To change the organization context

You can change the organization context to look at item information in a different organization either from the main menu or from within the item workbench.

To change organizations from the main menu

  1. From the menu, find and select Change Organization.

To change organizations from the item workbench

  1. Navigate to the item's Overview page or to any page within the item workbench.

  2. From the Shortcuts drop down list, select Organization, then click Go.

  3. In the Choose Organization page, click the Quick Select icon next to the organization you want to select.

Alternatively, from the item's Overview page, select the Organizations tab. In the Change Organization drop down list, select an organization.

To view item organization assignments

Important: You can only view those organizations to which you have access.

  1. Navigate to the item's Overview page.

  2. Select the Organizations subtab.

    The Organization Assignments page lists all of the organizations assigned to the item.

Managing Revision Phases

Lifecycles enable you to model the lifecycle phases of your item revisions in a flexible manner. You can pre-establish phase level controls that determine the behavior of an item revision in the different modules.

You can promote or demote an item revision from its current phase. When an item enters a new phase, based on the control factors of the new phase and status, the behavior of the item revision changes. For example, when you move an item from the engineering phase to the production phase, you may want to place tighter controls on changes to product specifications, since that will entail significant change management efforts and costs.

To promote or demote an item revision to another phase

  1. Locate the item for which you wish to promote or demote the item revision.

  2. On the item's Overview page, click the Lifecycle tab.

  3. On the Item Phases Overview page, click the Revision Phases tab.

  4. On the Revision Phases Overview page, click Change Phase.

    This option is only available if the item revision is under lifecycle control and if the item revision has no pending lifecycle phase change.

  5. On the Change Item Revision Phase page, in the Action field, select Promote or Demote.

  6. In the To Phase field, select the phase to which you want to promote or demote the item revision.

    You can promote or demote the item revision to any phase within the lifecycle. Select the phase from the list of available lifecycle phases.

  7. Provide the Effective Date.

    Select either the current date and time (defaults automatically) or a future date and time.

  8. Click Apply.

To implement the phase changes

  1. On the Revision Phases Overview page, select the Pending Changes tab.

  2. Review the pending phase change.

    If you do not want to implement the phase change, then update or delete it.

  3. Click Implement.

Viewing Item Transaction Information

Using the Oracle Transaction Viewer, you can present real-time item transaction information gathered from the entire Oracle E-Business Suite within the Item workbench. View transactions from various functional areas such as Sales, Inventory, Purchasing, Install Base, Service, Retail, and others. The Oracle Transaction Viewer, shared by Oracle Customer Data Hub, enables users to configure views of their product data across all spoke systems, providing a 360 degree transactional view of the product within a single Item Workbench tab.


To view item-related transaction information

  1. Find the item for which you want to view item transaction information. See: Searching for Items.

  2. On the item's Overview page, click the Transactions tab.

    You can view transaction information under the following sections of the Transactions page.

    • Open Orders

    • Onhand Quantities

    • Open Returns

    • Open Service Requests

    • Installed Units Information

    • Open Purchasing Orders

    Important: The Transactions tab remains hidden by default but becomes visible once you seed a transaction for IMC_TXN_BE_ITEM.

    the picture is described in the document text

Generating Reports

Item reports can be generated for one or more items from the item Search Results, Browse Catalog category, and item Overview pages. You can export these item reports in various formats such as Adobe Acrobat, Rich Text Format, as a Web page, Microsoft Excel, or XML using custom report formats. You can design report formats using familiar desktop tools such as Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft Word.

Report security is consistent with search security. You can only generate reports for item objects on which you have the required role. Also, you can only export item information in the report on which you have the required role.

You can export or generate the following item-related reports:


To generate a report

  1. Using item simple or advanced search, find the items for which you want to generate the report.

  2. Select items from the search results. In the Select Items: field, select Generate Reports, then click Go.

  3. In the Generate Report page, select the Report template and Output format.

  4. If you want to include images in the report, select 'Include Item Overview Images'.

    This option includes any images attached to an item's description.

  5. Click Export.

    Upon export, the report generates in the required format.

    Additional Information: You can also generate reports from the Browse Catalog and item Overview pages.