Using Configuration Management

This chapter covers the following topics:

Searching for Items in a Structure

You can search for items in a structure using component and item attributes, as well as other additional criteria. These searches are performed within the context of a selected item structure.

To perform a simple search

  1. Locate an item that is in the structure you wish to view by clicking the "Simple Search" link in the Item menu.

  2. On the item's Search Results page, click the item's name link.

  3. On the Overview page for the item, click the Configuration tab.

  4. On the Structure List page, click a structure name link.

  5. On the Structure: (Structure Type) page, click Simple Search.

  6. On the Simple Search page, enter the name of the item structure you wish to locate and click Search.

To perform an advanced search

  1. Locate an item that is in the structure you wish to view by clicking the "Simple Search" link in the Item menu.

  2. On the item's Search Results page, click the item's name link.

  3. On the Overview page for the item, click the Configuration tab.

  4. On the Structure List page, click a structure name link.

  5. On the Structure: (Structure Name) page, click Advanced Search.

  6. Choose one or more of the following options to enter search criteria:

    • In the Criteria field, select a search criteria template, then click Go.

      The attributes, components and catalog category defined for that criteria template populate the remaining attribute, component and catalog category fields on the page.

    • Click Personalize to create a new user search criteria template. See: Defining Display Formats and Search Criteria for Structures, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide

    • Click Add Criteria to add search criteria for this search only.

      In the Add Criteria page, you can search for a single attribute by using the Attribute Name field and clicking Find or you can search for attributes by using the Attribute Group list. Select an attribute group, then click Go.

      You can move search criteria back and forth from the Available Criteria list to the Selected Criteria list via the Move, Move All, Remove, and Remove All shuttles. When finished, click Apply.

    • In the Item Catalog Category field, search for and select an item catalog category, then click Go.

      In the Criteria Template list field below, valid templates for the selected item catalog category are available for selection. Select one, then click Go.

  7. Add or delete attributes and enter values to define your parametric search. You must include at least one indexed attribute in your search.

    You can select and preview a display format for the search results.

  8. Click Search.

Related Topics

Defining Display Formats and Search Criteria for Structures, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide

Searching for Items

Viewing Item Structures

Configuration Management enables you to view multiple BOMs (product structures) defined for an item. You can view indented structures of those BOMs. You can also manage attachments to those structures. Configuration Management also provides you the capability to view items where used to view an imploded list of all the items using assemblies for a specified component.

To view structure details

  1. Use any of the search methods (simple or advanced search) within the system and locate the item in which you are interested.

  2. Click the Configuration tab. You can see one or more product structures defined for the item.

  3. Click the Detail icon. You can view the structure's details on the Structure Detail page.

To view indented structures

  1. Use any of the search methods (simple or advanced search) within the system and locate the item in which you are interested.

  2. Click the Configuration tab. You can see one or more product structures defined for the item.

  3. Click the structure name.

  4. On the Structure Components page, select the Filter and Display Option.

  5. Click Go to explode the structure in the hierarchy view. You can expand or collapse portions of the indented structure.

  6. View the indented structure for other structures and item revisions of this item by switching options in the quick search sandbox.

To locate components or subassemblies in indented structures

  1. In the indented structure, click Search.

  2. In the Search field, provide the search criteria and click Go.

  3. Click the View in Hierarchy icon in the search results table to focus the indented structure on the selected component or subassembly.

  4. Click Criteria to return to indented structure options.

To view the structure list by item revision

  1. Locate an item that is in the structure you wish to view by clicking the "Simple Search" link in the Item menu.

  2. On the item's Search Results page, click the item's name link.

  3. On the Primary Attributes page for the item, click the Configuration tab.

  4. On the Structures page, select the specific Item Revision you wish to view and click Go.

    Note: Each item has a specific revision (the Item Revision menu defaults to the current revision), and there is an effectivity date for each of these item revisions. Each component that is part of the item structure also has an effectivity date. As long as the component has an effectivity date that occurs on or before the date of the item revision, that component will appear in the item structure.

To reclassify structures

Reclassify a structure by changing the structure type. For details about this task, see: Creating Structure Types, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide

Managing Item Structures

Define structures in the Product Workbench (see: Creating Structures) or in Oracle Bills of Material (see: Creating a Bill of Material, Oracle Bills of Material User's Guide). Once the structure is defined, you can manage the following from the Setup Workbench:

Important: You can only update structure and component attribute values using the Product Workbench. See: Editing Structure Information.

To add attachment categories to a structure type

Associating attachment categories with a structure type enables you to view item attachments to structure components within a BOM. Suppose you have a CAD drawing attached to each of the major subassemblies in each of your engineering BOMs. You can associate the attachment category CAD Drawing to the structure type Engineering BOM. The CAD drawings for each of the subassemblies will then appear in the EBOM structures.

An attachment category must be created by the system administrator before it can be associated with a structure type. For more information, see the Attachments chapter in the Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide. Once an attachment category is associated with a structure type, you can add attachments to a component within a structure of that type.

  1. In the Applications tree menu, click the Setup Workbench link.

  2. On the Search: Item Catalog Categories page, click the Structures tab.

  3. On the Search: Structure Types page, click on the name of the structure type to which you wish to add an attachment category.

  4. On the Basic Information page, click the Item Attachment Categories link.

  5. On the Item Attachment Categories page, select the attachment category you wish to add. If it does not appear in the list, enter the name in the Search field and click Go.

  6. After locating the correct attachment category, select it and click Add.

To display structure component attachments

You cannot view attachments for a structure unless an attachment category has already been created and added to the structure type. To create an attachment category, contact your system administrator.

  1. Use any of the search methods (simple or advanced search) within the system and locate an item that is part of the structure in which you are interested.

  2. Click the Configuration tab. You can see one or more product structures defined for the item.

  3. On the Structures page, click the First Level Components icon for the structure whose attachments you wish to view.

  4. On the Structure Components page, locate the component whose attachments you wish to display and click the Show (+) icon preceding the component name to open the attachments display.

    Note: In a hierarchical grid display, attachments appear as nodes in the component.

To update a structure

  1. Locate the item whose structure you wish to update.

  2. Click the structure you want to update

    The Update button appears when:

    • a user's role has privileges to update the item and

    • the item is in a lifecycle phase where direct updates are allowed

    The Create Change Order button appears when:

    • a user's role does not have privileges to update the item or, even if you do have privileges,

    • the attribute group's change policy is set to Change Order Required and the item is in a lifecycle phase that requires change orders.

    If both the Update and the Create Change Order buttons appear, then you can choose whether to create a change order before updating the structures or not.

To associate an ICC structure with an item

If an item belongs to an item catalog category with an associated structure, you can associate this ICC structure with the item in the master organization. ICC structures are useful when many of the items within an item catalog category use a similar structure.

The ICC structure version associated with an item revision depends on the item revision's and ICC structure version's effective dates.

For more information about ICC structures, see Creating an Item Catalog Category Structure, Oracle Product Hub Implementation Guide.

  1. Navigate to an item created within an item catalog category that has a defined ICC structure.

  2. In the item's Overview page, select the Configuration tab. In the Structure List page, click Create Structures.

  3. In the Create Structure Header page, select the following field values:

    • Structure Type

      Select the same structure type as the ICC structure.

    • Engineering

      Select this box. Only an Engineering item can use the ICC structure to create a structure for itself.

    • Structure Name

      Select the same structure name as the ICC structure.

    • Effectivity

      Select Revision Effectivity.

    The ICC's structure components default to the item structure if the item's structure is a revision effective Engineering structure with the same structure type, structure name, and master organization as the ICC structure.

  4. Click Apply.

    The Structure: (Structure Name) page opens, displaying the item's new structure. From the Actions field, you can launch the Product Workbench.

Managing the Packaging Hierarchy

You can create a packaging hierarchy to define the various pack configurations in which you can package a base item. For example, you sell flash memory sticks (the base item, VI11416) in packs of 3 at retail stores, but ship 20 of the 3-packs in a case to the store. The packaging hierarchy looks like this:

A packaging hierarchy can have any number of levels. The pack type defines each level in a hierarchy. The pack types used in the above example are Case, Pack or Inner Pack, and Base Unit or Each. The pack type of any item above the base unit or each level is stored as the pack item's primary attribute Trade Item Unit Descriptor (TIUD). The base item defines the lowest level in a packaging hierarchy. A base item can belong to multiple pack hierarchies.

The following pack type validations apply:

Pack Type (TIUD) Parents Parent Instance Children Child Instance
Mixed Module None - Case, Pack or Inner Pack, Setpack, Multipack, Base Unit or Each Multiple
Pallet None - Display Shipper, Case, Pack or Inner Pack, Setpack, Multipack, Base Unit or Each Single
Display Shipper Pallet Single Case, Pack or Inner Pack, Setpack, Multipack, Base Unit or Each Multiple
Case Pallet, Mixed Module, Display Shipper Multiple Pack or Inner Pack, Setpack, Multipack, Base Unit or Each Single
Setpack Pallet, Mixed Module, Display Shipper, Case Multiple Pack, Base Unit or Each Multiple
Multipack Pallet, Mixed Module, Display Shipper, Case Multiple Pack, Base Unit or Each Multiple
Pack or Inner Pack Pallet, Mixed Module, Display Shipper, Case Multiple Base Unit or Each Multiple
Base Unit or Each Pallet, Mixed Module, Display Shipper, Case, Pack or Inner Pack, Setpack, Multipack Multiple - -

Additional Information: If you have used the structure type Packaging Hierarchy in releases prior to 12.1, note that only the preferred packaging structure from this structure type is migrated over in the upgrade process. If you have defined multiple packaging structures and want to migrate all of them, consider bringing them into the system by transferring them into other structure types, at which time they will be treated as regular structure types and not Packs.

To create a packaging hierarchy

Important: You can only create and update a packaging hierarchy in the item's master organization. Once you create the packaging hierarchy in the master organization, assign it to the child organizations by following the procedure To assign packs to organizations:.

  1. Locate the item for which you want to create a packaging hierarchy.

  2. On the item's Overview page, click the Configuration tab, then the Packs subtab.

  3. Click Create.

    Alternatively, you can select Create Pack Hierarchy from the Actions drop down list in the item's Overview page.

  4. In the Create/Update Pack page, Select Pack Type field, select the appropriate pack type to either add (if the pack item exists) or create above or below the selected pack type listed below in the table. Click Go.

    If you selected a pack type to create, follow the instructions at Creating New Items to create the new pack item.

    If you selected a pack type to add, find the existing pack item you want and select it.

    Caution: You cannot add or create more than one pack item of the same pack type below another pack item. In other words, you cannot create a multi-level, heterogeneous pack using a top down approach. Instead, use a bottom up approach by selecting either the Create Above or Add Above option. Here is an example of a multi-level, heterogenous pack:

    • Pallet

      • Case

        • Multipack 1 (Pack)

          • Base Item 1 (Each)

          • Base Item 2 (Each)

        • Multipack 2 (Pack)

          • Base Item 1 (Each)

          • Base Item 2 (Each)

    Using the top down approach, you can add/create Multipack 1, but you cannot add/create Multipack 2 unless you use the bottom up approach.

  5. In the Add Next Level to Packaging Structure page, specify the quantity of the pack item to put into the above pack item level.

    For example, when adding a pack or inner pack below a multipack, specify that 3 packs or inner packs go into the multipack.

    Click Apply.

  6. In the Create/Update Pack page, you have another opportunity make changes to the packing quantities if needed. Click Apply to see if your changes generate any errors or warnings, then click Save.

To update a packaging hierarchy

  1. Locate an item contained in the packaging hierarchy which you want to update.

  2. On the item's Overview page, click the Configuration tab, then the Packs subtab.

  3. In the Pack Hierarchy page, in the first table, select the pack type that you want to update, then click Update.

  4. In the Create/Update Pack page, use the expand/collapse icons or links to view certain items in the hierarchy.

  5. To delete items from the packaging hierarchy, in the Remove column, click the Remove icon for the item row that you want to remove.

    If you remove an upper level pack item, all lower level items contained within it are also removed.

  6. To update packing quantities, change them in the quantity column.

  7. To add or create a pack type level, follow the same steps as those listed in "To create a packaging hierarchy:" above.

    Additional Information: If the pack level selected is already attached to a pack level of the same type that you want to add or create, you must add the new pack items using the Add Above option, not the Add Below option.

To export a packaging hierarchy

  1. In the Pack Hierarchy page, select the pack that you want to export, then click Export.

    You can update the packaging hierarchy similarly to how you update existing items using a spreadsheet. See: Updating Existing Items Using A Spreadsheet

To assign packs to organizations

You can assign a pack hierarchy to multiple organizations at once from either the item workbench Configuration tab, Packs subtab (see: "To assign a pack to an organization:" in Enabling Organization Assignments) or from the mass change menu option "Assign Items to Organizations" (see: "To mass assign items to organizations:" in Mass Updating Items, Item Categories and Item Associations).

Related Topics

Creating a SKU Packaging Hierarchy

Performing Item 'Where Used' Inquiries

You can view assemblies where a component is used throughout all BOM structures. You can search for assemblies in the component Where Used hierarchy.

To view items where used

  1. Use any of the search methods (simple or advanced search) within the system and locate the item in which you are interested.

  2. On the Primary Attributes page, click the Configuration tab.

  3. On the Structures page, click the Where Used tab.

  4. On the Item Where Used page, select one of the following:


    Select to inquire about component usage in the current organization.


    Select to inquire about the current organization and all subordinate organizations in the chosen organization hierarchy.


    Select to inquire about all organizations having the same item master organization as the current organization. Enter the organization hierarchy name because current organizations can be accessed from more than one organization hierarchy.

  5. Select the display option.

  6. Click Go. You can expand or collapse portions of the indented item usages.

To locate assembly items in indented item usages

  1. In the indented item usages, click Search Item.

  2. In the search field, provide search criteria and click Go.

  3. Click the View in Hierarchy icon in the search results table to focus the indented item usages on the assembly item.

  4. Click Criteria to return to Where Used.