Communication With Suppliers

Overview of Supplier Communication

Purchase Order Communication to Suppliers

In a business climate that is more global and electronic everyday, enterprises are being asked to produce procurement documents in a variety of different formats. Oracle Purchasing supports the following methods of communicating purchase orders:

You can print, reprint, e-mail, or fax purchase orders as often as you want using the Submit Requests window (See: Concurrent Processing, Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide. You can choose from the following options:

The communication method normally used by Oracle Purchasing is determined by the selection of Notification Method in the Supplier Site window and your application configuration. See: Setup Purchase Order Communication to Suppliers

Important: Your administrator must enable PDF output (described below) to activate the Communicate selection in the Tools menu of the Purchase Order Summary window.

Print Purchase Orders

The traditional way to communicate purchase orders to your supplier is by printing them and sending a copy to the supplier in the mail. Your purchase order can be printed using text or PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format) formatting. If you use the text format, you can print at the time you approve the purchase order or when you submit the Printed Purchase Order and Printed Change Order reports. If you choose the PDF format, you can create the PDF at the time you approve the purchase order, from the Purchase Order Summary window, or the PO Output for Communication process. See: Purchase orders in PDF.

See: Printed Purchase Order Overview.

You can send facsimiles of purchase orders using text or PDF formatting. If you choose text format you can fax at the time you approve the purchase order or when you submit the Printed Purchase Order and Printed Change Order reports. If you choose PDF format, you can fax at the time you approve the purchase order, or from the Purchase Order Summary window. See: Purchase orders in PDF.

Note: This communication method requires that your system administrator configure your Oracle Application to support fax transmission.

E-mail Purchase Orders

You can send e-mail copies of purchase orders using HTML or PDF formatting. If you are using HTML format, you can e-mail at the time you approve the purchase order. For the PDF format, you can e-mail at the time you approve the purchase order or from the Purchase Order Summary window. Note that the PDF format purchase orders are sent as attached files. See: Purchase orders in PDF.

Note: This communication method requires that your system administrator configure your Oracle Application Notification Mailer workflow to support e-mail transmission.

XML Purchase Orders

Purchase orders and change orders can be communicated to the supplier using XML if the Oracle XML Gateway is implemented. Your XML documents are sent at the time you approve the purchase order.

EDI Purchase Orders

Purchase orders and change orders can be communicated to the supplier using EDI if the Oracle e-Commerce Gateway is implemented. Your EDI documents are sent at the time you approve the purchase order.

You can also communicate consolidated order information about future long-term and short-term delivery forecasts to your suppliers. For more information, see: Using Supplier Scheduling in Oracle Purchasing chapter in this guide.

Online Viewing

Purchase orders and change orders can be viewed by suppliers through the Oracle iSupplier Portal application. This application enables suppliers to view and take action on their purchase orders through a secure, Internet-based portal.

Purchase Orders in PDF

Purchase orders can be viewed, e-mailed, and faxed to suppliers in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). A style sheet template is specified to control the appearance and layout of the formatted PDF file. If you have implemented Oracle Procurement Contracts, there is a separate style sheet template which controls the appearance and layout of the contract terms as part of the purchase order PDF file. These templates are managed using Oracle XML Publisher. See the Oracle XML Publisher User's Guide.

Purchase orders in PDF can be viewed online by buyers from the Enter Purchase Order window, the Purchase Order Summary window, and the PO Output for Communication report.

Note: This feature requires configuration of your Oracle Applications by your system administrator.

Printed Purchase Orders Overview

Oracle Purchasing formats your purchase orders to be communicated to suppliers on a standard purchase order form. This section explains how Oracle Purchasing formats the purchase order information. You can use the standard format or customize the report to meet your needs.

Note: Some of the titles described in this section (related to specific functionality) may vary slightly depending on whether your organization is using text or PDF report format.

Multilingual Support

If you use Multilingual Support (MLS), you can print most of the fields on the following reports in another language:

See: Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide.

Note: You can print item descriptions in other languages only for inventory items for which translations have been entered. If you change the item description on the document, it does not print in the translated language.

Major Features

Portrait and Landscape Formats

Purchasing lets you print your purchase orders in portrait or landscape format. Use the Submit Requests window to choose either the Printed Purchase Order Report (Landscape) or the Printed Purchase Order Report (Portrait). The explanations that follow describe both portrait and landscape characteristics. See: Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide.

Printed Change Orders Report

In addition to the Printed Purchase Order Report, you can also use the Submit Requests window to choose the Printed Change Orders Report in portrait or landscape formats. This prints only the changes between revisions of purchase orders, but is otherwise identical to the Printed Purchase Order Report. When you have purchase orders with many lines, you can print only pertinent change information to send to the supplier. If a modification to the purchase order shipment causes the purchase order revision to change, the Printed Change Orders Report prints the revised shipment, line, and header. If the modification is to the line, the report prints the revised line and header. If only the header is modified, the report prints only the header. Note that the report does not include purchase orders for which only the distribution is modified.

Brief Notes

Purchasing prints the brief notes to supplier that you attach to the purchase order header or line. These notes can contain up to 240 characters. Purchasing automatically wraps the notes after 103 characters per line for landscape orientation and 75 for portrait. These notes may wrap in the middle of a word to ensure the correct line count for each page.


Purchasing prints all text attachments with a usage of Supplier on the purchase order. These notes contain up to 64K characters per note. You can attach as many notes as you want to the purchase order headers and lines. Purchasing also prints text attachments to the items. Purchasing prints 78 characters per line and automatically wraps to the next line. The note appears on the purchase order exactly as you enter it. See: Attaching Notes to Purchasing Documents.

The PDF version of the purchase order displays the non-text attachment filenames at the appropriate level. The header level not-text attachments are displayed in the Notes section as “Attachments.” The line and shipment or price break level non-text attachments appear at the lines or shipments or price breaks they reference. Besides the non-text files, hyperlinks of HTML attachments and web pages are included in the PDF in this way. Clicking on these hyperlinks would cause the HTML attachments to open in a new window.

Note: When communicating PDF purchase orders using e-mail, all File type attachments are zipped into a single zip file named ""

Purchase Agreements

Purchasing prints an appropriate document title on all your purchase agreements and releases.

If you provide effective dates on your contract or blanket purchase agreements, Purchasing also prints titles appropriate for those effective dates and your choice of formatting. See: Agreement/Release Components.

Cancelled Orders

Purchasing automatically indicates whether you cancelled any part of your purchase order. If you cancel the purchase order header, Purchasing prints the following cancellation message at the top of the purchase order and does not print cancellation messages for lines or shipments:

If you cancel a purchase order release, Purchasing prints the following cancellation message:

If you cancel a purchase order line without cancelling the corresponding header, Purchasing prints the following cancellation messages:

If you cancel a purchase order shipment without cancelling the corresponding purchase order line, Purchasing prints the following messages. Purchasing also prints these messages for each shipment if you cancel the corresponding purchase order line.

Confirming Orders

You designate whether a purchase order is a confirming order when you enter the purchase order header information. If you select Confirming Order in the Purchase Order Details window, Purchasing automatically prints CONFIRMATION -- DO NOT DUPLICATE. See: Entering Purchase Order Details Information.

Foreign Currency

For the text report format, when you designate that a purchase order is in a different currency than your base currency Purchasing prints All prices and amounts on this order are expressed in [foreign currency]. The PDF report format always indicates the currency. You designate the currency when you create the purchase order.


If you require an acceptance from your supplier, Purchasing prints the following message: Please formally accept this order by: [acceptance date]. You designate whether you require an acceptance when you create the purchase order. When you indicate that you require an acceptance, you also provide an acceptance date by which you expect your supplier to respond. See: Entering and Viewing Purchase Order Acceptances.

Purchase Agreement References

Purchasing prints the following message for each standard purchase order line that references an agreement number: This PO line references contract PO# [agreement number]. You associate a purchase agreement number with a standard purchase order line when you create the purchase order.

Quotation References

Purchasing prints the following message for each purchase order line that references a quotation number: This PO line references Quotation #: [supplier quotation number] Line: [line number] Your Quotation #: [purchase order quotation number]. You associate a quotation number with a purchase order line when you create the purchase order.

Automatic Table Update

Purchasing automatically updates the item history table when you print your purchase order for each revision. Purchasing records the item, supplier, quantity, unit of measure, price, and purchase order number. This information is available when you view last price and history information. See: Overview of the Supplier Item Catalog.

Printed Purchase Order Diagram Descriptions

The following table includes both portrait and landscape explanations for the text and PDF formats.

Tip: N/A indicates not available. P/L indicates differences between portrait and landscape versions, see the description for details.

Field Description TextPO PDF PO
PO Number (PDF: Order) Purchasing prints the purchase order number. If the order is a release, Purchasing prints a dash ('-') after the purchase order number followed by the release number. 12 12
Revision Purchasing prints the purchase order revision. 4 4
Page Purchasing prints the page number. 3 3
Ship To The ship to information contains up to 3 lines of address. After the address, Purchasing prints the city, state (or province), and zip code on line 4. On line 5, Purchasing prints the country. Purchasing prints the ship to location even if it is the same as the bill to location. (portrait - 28 characters for line 1 through 4 lines, 25 characters for line 5; landscape - 30 characters for lines 1 through 4, 25 characters for line 5) P/L P/L
Bill To The bill to information contains up to 3 lines of address. After the address, Purchasing prints the city, state (or province), and zip code on line 4. On the line 5, Purchasing prints the country. (portrait - 28 characters for line 1 through 4 lines, 25 characters for line 5; landscape - 30 characters for lines 1 through 5) P/L P/L
Supplier Purchasing prints the supplier name on line 1. Purchasing then prints up to 3 lines of address. On line 5, Purchasing prints the city, state (or province), and zip code. Purchasing prints the country on line 6. (portrait - 40 characters for line 1, 35 characters for lines 2 through 4, 42 characters for line 5; landscape - 42 characters for line 1, 35 characters for lines 2 through 6) P/L P/L
Customer Account Purchasing prints the number your supplier associates with your company. You provide this number in the Supplier window. (portrait - 13 characters, landscape - 9 characters) See: Suppliers, Oracle iSupplier Portal Implementation Guide. P/L P/L
Supplier No. Purchasing prints the number for your supplier. (portrait - 13 characters; landscape - 9 characters) P/L P/L
Date Of Order/ Buyer Purchasing prints the original buyer and creation date. (portrait - first initial of first name and 10 characters of last name; landscape - first initial of first name and 11 characters of last name) P/L N/A
Order Date Purchasing prints the creation date. N/A 10
Created By Purchasing prints the original buyer's name. N/A  
Revised Date/ Buyer If you revise the purchase order and do not change the name of the original buyer, Purchasing prints the original buyer's name and the date of the revision. If you change the buyer's name, the new name is printed. If you have not yet revised the purchase order, Purchasing leaves this field blank. (portrait - first initial of first name and 10 characters of last name; landscape - first initial of first name and 11 characters of last name) P/L N/A
Revision Date If you revise the purchase order, Purchasing prints the revision date. N/A 10
Revised By If you revise the purchase order, the buyer's name is printed. N/A  
Payment Terms Purchasing prints the payment terms for your purchase order. (portrait - 27 characters; landscape - 21 characters) P/L P/L
Ship Via Purchasing prints the mode of transportation for the items on the purchase order. (portrait - 22 characters; landscape 22 characters) P/L P/L
FOB (PDF: F.O.B.) Purchasing prints the free on board terms. (portrait - 28 characters; landscape 20 characters) P/L P/L
Freight Terms Purchasing prints the freight terms code that explains the condition of the freight charges and the party responsible for the freight. (portrait - 27 characters; landscape - 21 characters) P/L P/L
Requestor/ Deliver To (PDF: Deliver To/Requester) If the standard purchase order is for one requestor only, Purchasing prints the full first and last name of the requestor. For multiple requestors, Purchasing prints Many. (portrait - 22 characters; landscape - 52 characters) P/L P/L
Confirm/ Telephone (PDF: Confirm To/Telephone) Purchasing prints the contact name and contact phone number. (portrait - first initial of first name, up to 10 characters of last name, 15 characters for the phone number; landscape - 37 characters for first and last name combined, 16 characters for the phone number) P/L P/L
Timezone Note Purchasing prints a note identifying the timezone that applies to this purchase order. N/A  
Transportation Arranged (PDF: Transportation) If Oracle Transportation is implemented, Purchasing prints the party responsible for transportation. N/A  

Standard/Planned Purchase Order Components

Purchasing prints the main text underneath the Item title on the purchase order. Purchasing first prints header information followed by line, shipment, and distribution information.

Note: Planned purchase orders are not supported in PDF format.

For single shipments with the same ship-to address as the header, Purchasing pulls all information up to the line level and blanks out the shipment level entirely, regardless of other factors. For multiple shipments or a single shipment with a different ship-to address from the header, Purchasing prints information at both shipment and line levels.

In the PDF format, if all the shipments have the same ship-to address, but the address is different from the header, Purchasing suppresses the address at the shipment level and instead prints the ship-to address in the header.

Standard and Planned Purchase Order Header

Standard and planned purchase orders print the following header information if it pertains to the purchase order:

Standard and Planned Purchase Order Lines

After printing the header information, Purchasing prints the following line information:

Tip: N/A indicates not available. P/L indicates differences between portrait and landscape versions, see the description for details.

Field Description Text PO PDF PO
Line Purchasing prints the purchase order line number.    
Item Number/ Description (PDF: Part Number/Description) Purchasing prints your item number first. If you have an item revision number, Purchasing prints [revision number]. If you specify a supplier item number, Purchasing prints (Your #: [supplier item number]) for text or (Supplier Item: [Supplier item number]) for PDF on the next line. Purchasing then prints the item description on the following line. (portrait - wraps after 23 characters per line, landscape - wraps after 45 characters per line) (For PDF Purchasing also includes the Supplier Configuration ID: [Config ID]) P/L P/L
Delivery Date Purchasing prints dates only for single shipments. If you provided a promised date, Purchasing prints the promised date. If you provided a need by date, Purchasing prints the need by date. Otherwise, this space is blank. 10 N/A
Delivery Date/Time Purchasing prints the promised date and need by date, labeled PROMISED: and NEEDED:. N/A  
Quantity Purchasing prints the quantity of the item you are ordering if the line type is quantity-based (in number format 999999999 with any existing decimal places, portrait and landscape). P/L P/L
Unit (PDF: UOM) Purchasing prints the item unit of measure for quantity-based items. 4 4
Unit Price (PDF: Unit Price (Curr)) Purchasing prints the item unit price if the line type is quantity-based (in number format 999999999999 with any existing decimal places in the precision associated with the currency, portrait and landscape) P/L P/L
Extension (PDF: Amount (Curr)) Purchasing prints the total amount of the line. This number is the product of the quantity and unit price. (in number format 9999999999999 with any existing decimal places in the precision associated with the currency, portrait and landscape). For amount-based line types, Purchasing prints the price extension only for single shipments. P/L P/L
Tax For single shipments, Purchasing prints Y or N to indicate whether this is a taxable item. 1 1
UN Number If you associate a UN number with a purchase order line, Purchasing prints UN Number: [UN number and description]. The UN number and description can contain up to 240 characters. Purchasing prints 87 characters per line for landscape orientation (60 for portrait) and automatically wraps to the next line. See: Purchasing Hazardous Materials. P/L P/L
Hazard Class If you associate a hazard class with a purchase order line, Purchasing prints Hazard Class: [hazard class name]. Purchasing prints up to 87 characters per line for landscape orientation (60 for portrait). See: Purchasing Hazardous Materials. P/L P/L
Contractor Name For temporary labor orders; the contractor's name, start date, and end date. N/A  
Price Differentials For temporary labor orders, the price differentilals for this purchase order. N/A  

After printing the first line of the purchase order, Purchasing prints the following if they pertain to the purchase order:

Standard and Planned Purchase Order Shipments

After printing each line, Purchasing prints the following shipment information:

After printing the bullet and address to signify a new shipment, Purchasing prints the following information:

Tip: N/A indicates not available. P/L indicates differences between portrait and landscape versions, see the description for details.

Field Description Text PO PDF PO
Delivery Date If you provided a promised date, Purchasing prints the promised date. If you provided a need by date, Purchasing prints the need by date. Otherwise, this space is blank. 10 N/A
Delivery Date/Time Purchasing prints the promised date and need by date, labeled PROMISED: and NEEDED:. N/A  
Quantity Purchasing prints the quantity of the item you are ordering for quantity-based items (in number format 999999999 with any existing decimal places, portrait and landscape). P/L P/L
Unit (PDF: UOM) Purchasing prints the item unit of measure for quantity-based items. 4 4
Extension (PDF: Amount (Curr)) For multiple shipments of amount-based line types, Purchasing prints the total amount of the line. This number is the product of the quantity and item price override. (in number format 9999999999999 with any existing decimal places in the precision associated with the currency, portrait and landscape) P/L P/L
Tax Purchasing prints Y or N to indicate whether this is a taxable item. For amount-based line types, Purchasing prints the tax flag only for multiple shipments. 1 1
Customer Name For drop ship orders, the customer name. Purchasing prints this as: Contractor Name: [Last Name, Title First Name], Start Date: [DD-MMM-YYYY] End Date: [DD-MMM-YYYY]. N/A  
Customer Contact For drop ship orders; the customer contact name, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address. N/A  

If you cancelled a shipment, Purchasing prints the following information:

Standard and Planned Purchase Order Distributions

After printing each shipment, Purchasing prints the following distribution information:

Field Description Text PO PDF PO
Ship Method For drop ship orders, the shipping method. N/A  
Shipping Instructions For drop ship orders, the shipping instructions. N/A  
Packing Instructions For drop ship orders, the packing instructions. N/A  
Customer PO For drop ship orders; Purchasing prints: Customer PO Number: [customer's purchase order number], Line Number: [customer's line number], Shipment Number: [customer's shipment number]. N/A  
Customer Item Description For drop ship orders, the customer's item description. N/A  

Agreement/Release Components

Blanket/Contract Purchase Agreement Header

Purchasing prints the following header information if it pertains to the purchase order:

Blanket Purchase Agreement Lines

After printing the header information, Purchasing prints the following line information:

Tip: N/A indicates not available. P/L indicates differences between portrait and landscape versions, see the description for details.

Field Description Text PO PDF PO
Line Purchasing prints the purchase agreement line number    
Item Number/ Description (PDF: Part Number/Description) Purchasing prints your item number first. If you have an item revision number, Purchasing prints [revision number]. If you specify a supplier item number, Purchasing prints (Your #: [supplier item number]) on the next line. Purchasing then prints the item description on the following line. (portrait - wraps after 23 characters per line, landscape - wraps after 45 characters per line) (In PDF Purchasing also includes the Supplier Configuration ID: [Config ID]) P/L P/L
Quantity Purchasing prints the quantity committed of the item you are ordering for quantity-based items (in number format 999999999 with any existing decimal places, portrait and landscape) P/L P/L
Unit (PDF: UOM) Purchasing prints the item unit of measure for quantity-based items. 4 4
Unit Price Purchasing prints the item unit price for quantity-based items (in number format 999999999999 with any existing decimal places in the precision associated with the currency, portrait and landscape) P/L P/L
Extension (PDF: Amount (Curr)) Purchasing prints the total amount committed for the line. This number is the product of the quantity and unit price. (in number format 9999999999999 with any existing decimal places in the precision associated with the currency, portrait and landscape). For amount-based line types, Purchasing prints the price extension only for single shipments. P/L P/L
Expires On Purchasing prints the Expiration Date. N/A 12

After printing the first line of the purchase order, Purchasing prints the following information if it pertains to the purchase order:

Blanket Purchase Agreement Price Breaks

After printing each line, Purchasing prints the following price break information:

Blanket Purchase Agreement Release Header

Purchasing prints the following header information if it pertains to the release:

Note: Planned purchase orders are not supported in PDF format.

Blanket Purchase Agreement Release Lines

After printing the header information, Purchasing prints the following line information:

Tip: N/A indicates not available. P/L indicates differences between portrait and landscape versions, see the description for details.

Field Description Text PO PDF PO
Line Purchasing prints the purchase order line number    
Item Number/ Description (PDF: Part Number/Description) Purchasing prints your item number first. If you have an item revision number, Purchasing prints [revision number]. If you specify a supplier item number, Purchasing prints (Your #: [supplier item number]) for text or (Supplier Item: [Supplier item number]) for PDF on the next line. Purchasing then prints the item description on the following line. (portrait - wraps after 23 characters per line, landscape - wraps after 45 characters per line) (For PDF Purchasing also includes the Supplier Configuration ID: [Config ID]) P/L P/L
Unit Price Purchasing prints the item unit price for quantity-based items (in number format 999999999999 with any existing decimal places in the precision associated with the currency, portrait and landscape) P/L P/L

After printing the first line of the purchase order, Purchasing prints the following information if it pertains to the purchase order:

Blanket Purchase Agreement Release Shipments

After printing each line, Purchasing prints the following shipment information:

After printing the bullet and address to signify a new shipment, Purchasing prints the following information:

Tip: N/A indicates not available. P/L indicates differences between portrait and landscape versions, see the description for details.

Field Description Text PO PDF PO
Delivery Date If you provided a promised date, Purchasing prints the promised date. If you provided a need by date, Purchasing prints the need by date. Otherwise, this space is blank.   N/A
Delivery Date/Time Purchasing prints the promised date and need by date, labeled PROMISED: and NEEDED:. N/A  
Quantity Purchasing prints the quantity of the item you are ordering for quantity-based items (in number format 999999999 with any existing decimal places, portrait and landscape) P/L P/L
Unit (PDF: UOM) Purchasing prints the item unit of measure for quantity-based items. 4 4
Unit Price Purchasing prints the item price override for quantity-based items (in number format 999999999999 with any existing decimal places in the precision associated with the currency, portrait and landscape) P/L P/L
Extension Purchasing prints the total amount of the line. This number is the product of the quantity and item price override. (in number format 9999999999999 with any existing decimal places in the precision associated with the currency, portrait and landscape) P/L P/L
Tax Purchasing prints Y or N to indicate whether this is a taxable item. 1 1
Customer Name For drop ship orders, the customer name. N/A  
Customer Contact For drop ship orders; the customer contact name, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address. N/A  
Ship Method For drop ship orders, the shipping method. N/A  
Shipping Instructions For drop ship orders, the shipping instructions. N/A  
Packing Instructions For drop ship orders, the packing instructions. N/A  
Customer PO For drop ship orders; the customer's purchase order number, line number, and shipment number. N/A  
Customer Item Description For drop ship orders, the customer's item description. N/A  

If you cancelled a shipment, Purchasing prints the following information:

Blanket Purchase Agreement Release Distributions

After printing each shipment, Purchasing prints the following distribution information:


Purchasing prints Continued at the bottom of every page except for the last page of the purchase order for the text version and Page x of y for the PDF version. Purchasing prints the sum total of the purchase order lines on the bottom of the last page.

Communication Methods

Using Forms or Buyer Work Center, you can select or update the communication method for your purchase orders, releases and agreements. The communication methods are Print, Fax and Email. XML / EDI are also used, and take precedence over the rest of the transmission methods.

Purchase Orders window

When you create purchase orders, releases, or agreements using Forms, the system supports one or more of the available communication or transmission methods to send the order document to suppliers: email, print, fax, XML / EDI.

In the Purchase Orders form and in the Purchase Orders Summary form, you can specify the Communication method.

Enter the purchase order, release, or agreement information in the Purchase Orders form, and then click Approve. The Approve Document window displays, with the Approval Details tab highlighted. The Approval Details tab has a Transmission Methods region with the following checkboxes: Print, Fax, E-mail. There are fields for the Fax number and email address next to the respective checkboxes. You can select one or more communication methods to the suppliers. Note that if a communication method has not been specified for this supplier in the supplier site or supplier contact pages, then these checkboxes are not selected. However, if a value is entered by the buyer in the supplier site or supplier contact pages, the selected value will be checked by default. You can override the default communication method by unselecting the checkbox and selecting the communication method of your choice.

Email addresses (the field next to the Email checkbox) are defaulted based on the value of the profile option PO: Communication Email Default. The Email address is automatically populated from supplier contact (profile option value is Contact) or from the supplier site (profile option value is Site).

If they have been set up, the EDI and XML options are enabled for use.

Please ensure you enter an email address or a fax number in the fields provided next to the checkboxes, otherwise an error message displays while submitting the document for approval.

Purchase Orders Summary window

Find your purchase orders or agreements using the Find window of the Purchase Orders Summary form. The Summary window displays the approved purchase order or approved agreement information. Select Tools > Communicate from the menu option. The Communicate window displays, where defaulting of transmission or communication method is governed using the profile option PO: Default Communication method from Order document. If the value for the Profile is set to No, the communication method is defaulted from the supplier site or from the supplier contact information. If the value for the profile option is set to Yes, the communication method is defaulted from the latest approved purchase order document.

You can select one or more of the following communication methods: Print, Fax or Email. Email addresses (the field next to the Email checkbox) are defaulted based on the value of the profile option PO: Communication Email Default. The Email address is automatically populated from supplier contact (profile option value is Contact) or from the supplier site (profile option value is Site).

Select one or more communication methods and click Ok. You get a confirmation message that the concurrent request for submitting communication methods is processing.

Using View > Requests, verify if the request is processed successfully. You can view the output for the Print option using the View Output button in the Requests window.

Note that the defaulting of transmission or communication method is governed using the profile option PO: Default Communication method from Order document. If the value for the Profile is set to No, the communication method is defaulted from the supplier site or from the supplier contact information. If the value for the profile option is set to Yes, the communication method is defaulted from the latest approved purchase order document.

Communicating Revision of Purchasing Documents in Forms

When you change or revise purchase orders, releases, or agreements using Forms, the system supports one or more of the available communication or transmission methods to send the order document to suppliers: email, print, fax, XML / EDI.

In the Purchase Orders form, you can specify the Communication method (print, fax, email) and this is stored as part of the revised purchase order header information.

Enter the purchase order, release, or agreement revision information in the Purchase Orders form, and then click Approve. The Approve Document window displays, with the Approval Details tab highlighted. The Approval Details tab has a Transmission Methods region with the following checkboxes: Print, Fax, E-mail. There are fields for the Fax number and email address next to the respective checkboxes. You can select one or more communication methods to the suppliers.

Defaulting of transmission method during Purchase document revision is determined by the value of the profile option PO: Default Communication method from Order document.

If the profile option value is set to No, the communication method is defaulted from the supplier - site or from the supplier contact. Email addresses (the field next to the Email checkbox) are defaulted based on the value of the profile option PO: Communication Email Default. The Email address is automatically populated from supplier contact (profile option value is Contact) or from the supplier site (profile option value is Site).

If the profile option value is set to Yes, the communication method is defaulted from the latest approved purchase order document.

If they have been set up, the EDI and XML options are enabled for use.

Please ensure you enter an email address or a fax number in the fields provided next to the checkboxes, otherwise an error message displays while submitting the revised document for approval.

Communicating Cancellation of Purchasing Documents in Forms

Purchase Orders, Contract Purchase Agreements and Blanket Purchase Agreements are cancelled using the action Cancel PO that is available in the Tools > Control menu option of the Purchase Orders Summary form. Buyers can communicate purchasing document cancellations to their suppliers using one or more transmission methods (Print, Email, Fax, XML / EDI) in the Control window. The transmission methods (Print, Email, Fax) are available as checkboxes in the Control window.

Defaulting of transmission method during Purchase document cancellation is determined by the value of the profile option PO: Default Communication method from Order document.

If the profile option value is set to No, the communication method is defaulted from the supplier - site or from the supplier contact. Email addresses (the field next to the Email checkbox) are defaulted based on the value of the profile option PO: Communication Email Default. The Email address is automatically populated from supplier contact (profile option value is Contact) or from the supplier site (profile option value is Site).

If the profile option value is set to Yes, the communication method is defaulted from the latest approved purchase order document.

Communicating in Buyer Work Center

Communication Methods during Purchasing Documents creation

When you create purchase orders, or agreements using Buyer Work Center, the system supports one or more of the available communication or transmission methods to send the order document to suppliers: email, print, fax, XML / EDI.

In the Header page of the purchase order, or agreement, the Communication Method has three checkboxes: Print, Fax, Email.

If you select a communication method before specifying suppler site details, the selected communication method is overridden with the default communication method maintained at the supplier site level.

When the communication method is set to Print at the supplier site level, the Print checkbox is selected by default after specifying the supplier site information in the Purchase Orders or Agreements page.

When the communication method is set to Fax at supplier site and Fax number is specified at the supplier contact or supplier site level, the Fax checkbox is selected by default in the header, and the Fax number is populated after specifying the supplier site information in the Purchase Orders or Agreements page.

When the communication method is set to Email at supplier site level, the Email checkbox is selected after specifying the Supplier site information and the Email address is defaulted based on the value of the profile PO: Communication Email Default. The values are:

If the fax number and email address are not provided / populated, you see an error message during save. The save action also saves the default value of the Communication Method in the purchase order or agreement header.

When the purchasing document is copied using either Duplicate With Attachment or Duplicate without Attachment action from the Orders Summary page, then the system defaults the communication methods from the source purchasing document.

Note: XML/EDI takes precedence over other modes of communication.

Communicating Revision of Purchasing Documents in Buyer Work Center

When the user creates a revision of a purchasing document, the defaulting of the transmission method value is governed by the profile option PO: Default Communication method from Order document

If the profile option value is set to No, the communication method is defaulted from the supplier - site or from the supplier contact. Email addresses (the field next to the Email checkbox) are defaulted based on the value of the profile option PO: Communication Email Default. The Email address is automatically populated from supplier contact (profile option value is Contact) or from the supplier site (profile option value is Site). If the profile option value is set to Yes, the communication method is defaulted from the latest approved purchase order document.

Any values defaulted for the communication methods before changing supplier site details should be overridden with the default communication method maintained at the supplier site level.

When the communication method is set to Print at the supplier site level, the Print checkbox is selected by default after specifying the supplier site information in the Purchase Orders or Agreements page.

When the communication method is set to Fax at supplier site and Fax number is specified at the supplier contact or supplier site level, the Fax checkbox is selected by default in the header, and the Fax number is populated after specifying the supplier site information in the Purchase Orders or Agreements page.

When the communication method is set to Email at supplier site level, the Email checkbox is selected after specifying the Supplier site information and the Email address is defaulted based on the value of the profile PO: Communication Email Default. The values are:

When a purchase order is revised, the communication to the supplier is controlled by the value that is set for the Archive On drop-down list.

In Oracle Purchasing if Archive On is set to Transmission in the Document Types window, Automatically Notify Supplier is deselected from the Document Control options in the Purchasing Options page, and a communication method is selected, then only the revised purchase order is communicated to suppliers in the iSupplier portal.

See: Defining Document Types.

See: Document Control Options.

Note: Personalize the advance search feature of the Purchase Order Summary window to display Latest Rev Communicated.

See: Creating Personalized Views

Communicate Action in Buyer Work Center (Orders Summary page)

The Communicate action in the Orders Summary page supports multiple communication methods to transmit Purchase documents to the supplier. The Print, Email and Fax checkboxes support multiple communication modes.

The defaulting of transmission methods in the Communicate page from Orders Summary (action : Communicate) is governed using the profile option PO: Default Communication method from Order document.

If the value for the Profile is set to No, the communication method is defaulted from the supplier site or from the supplier contact.

If the default value is Print, the Print checkbox is selected automatically in the Communication page.

If the default value is Email, the Email checkbox is selected automatically; the Email address is defaulted based on the value of the profile PO: Communication Email Default. The values are:

If the default value is Fax, the Fax checkbox is selected automatically in the Fax number defined at the supplier site or at the supplier contact will be defaulted in the Communication Methods region.

If the value for the Profile is set to Yes, the communication method is defaulted from the latest approved Purchase order document.

Communicating Cancellation of Purchasing Documents in Buyer Work Center

Purchase Orders, Contract Purchase Agreements and Blanket Purchase Agreements are cancelled using the action Cancel PO that is available in the Actions menu in the Purchase Order page. Buyers can communicate purchasing document cancellations to their suppliers using one or more transmission methods (Print, Email, Fax, XML / EDI). The transmission methods (Print, Email, Fax) are available as checkboxes.

Defaulting of transmission method during Purchase document cancellation is determined by the value of the profile option PO: Default Communication method from Order document.

If the profile option value is set to No, the communication method is defaulted from the supplier - site or from the supplier contact. Email addresses (the field next to the Email checkbox) are defaulted based on the value of the profile option PO: Communication Email Default. The Email address is automatically populated from supplier contact (profile option value is Contact) or from the supplier site (profile option value is Site).

If the profile option value is set to Yes, the communication method is defaulted from the latest approved purchase order document.