
Accrual Write-Off Report

The Accrual Write-Off Report to provide supporting detail for your write-off journal entries. The process is as follows. First, you analyze the Accrual Reconciliation Report for transactions that you should expense out of the accrual accounts. After you have researched the reported accrual balances, you then use the Accrual Write-Off window to indicate which entries you wish to remove and write off from this report. And, after you have written off these entries, you use the Accrual Write-Off Report as supporting detail for your manual journal entry.

For example, you may want to write off a miscellaneous inventory transaction that debited your Inventory AP accrual account. After you write off the transaction with the Accrual Write-Off window, the Accrual Write-Off Report displays a positive amount for your write-off. If you go back to the Accrual Write-Off window and reverse the write-off, the Accrual Write-Off Report displays a negative amount for your reversal, and a positive amount for the initial write-off.

Once you have completed the accrual reconciliation process, you can use this report to display written off transactions for the following problems in receiving, purchasing, inventory, work in process, or accounts payable transactions:

In addition, the Accrual Write-Off Report supports multiple AP accrual accounts in Purchasing. When you define your purchase order requisitions or orders, the Account Generator processes create your AP accrual accounts. Typically, you only use one AP accrual account for all of your inventory organizations. However, for certain situations you may want to use more.


Since this report displays transactions from purchase order receipts and accounts payable invoices, you must install Purchasing and Payables to run this report. If you have Inventory or Work in Process, the Accrual Write-Off Report also displays any inventory or work in process transactions you have written off.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, select Accrual Write-Off Report in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Operating Unit

Select the operating unit for this report.


Enter your title for this run of the report.

Balancing Segment From

Lower limit of balancing segment range to use for this report.

Balancing Segment To

Upper limit of balancing segment range to use for this report.

Minimum Write-Off Amount

Lower limit of amount range to use for this report.

Maximum Write-Off Amount

Upper limit of amount range to use for this report.

Write-Off Dates From

Enter the beginning general ledger date. Usually, this is the beginning date of the accounting period.

Write-Off Dates To

Enter the ending general ledger date. Usually, this is the ending date of the accounting period.

Write-Off Reason

Enter a specific write-off reason.

Print Comments

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether you want to print your write-off comments on the report.

Sort By

Select a value to determine how to sort write-off transaction data

Valid Values Date (Default), Amount, Reason, Offset Account

Related Topics

Overview of Receipt Accounting

Advanced Shipment Notice Discrepant Receipts Report

For each Advance Shipment Notice (ASN) sent to you by your supplier, the Advanced Shipment Notice Discrepant Receipts report checks for overshipped or unfulfilled shipments. It looks for discrepancies between what the ASN said was shipped and what you actually received. In addition, these discrepancies are sent to the Oracle e-Commerce Gateway process responsible for generating Application Advices. (For example, Application Advices are sent back to suppliers detailing errors that occurred when the suppliers sent ASNs.)

Note: Goods returned to a supplier are considered shipped. For example, if a supplier promised to ship 200 items and you received 200 items but returned 40, this is not considered a discrepant receipt.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, select Advanced Shipment Notice Discrepant Receipts in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Start Date / End Date

The report evaluates discrepancies for expected receipt dates that fall within the date range you enter. It also sends information to e-Commerce Gateway for the generation of Application Advices, if the expected receipt date of the shipment falls within the date range you enter.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Advance Shipment Notices (ASNs)

AP and PO Accrual Reconciliation Report

The purpose of this report is to show all Oracle Payables (AP) and Oracle Purchasing (PO) transactions where the AP transactions are matched to PO (could be receipt as well). The AP and PO Accrual Reconciliation Report provides a transactional breakdown of each accrual account with a net balance not equal to zero in a summarized or full transaction details version. In summarized mode, for each accrual account, only the distribution information and PO, AP, WO (Write-Off) and Total Balances are displayed. For detailed mode, the individual transaction details for each distribution are also shown.

You can also see the age of the distribution on this report. Age of the distribution is calculated based on the value of a system profile “CST: Age in Days”. If this profile is set to “Last Receipt Date”, then age is calculated based on the date of the latest receipt transaction corresponding to this distribution. If the profile is set to “Last Activity Date” then age is calculated based on date of the latest invoice or receipt transaction corresponding to this distribution.

The report is first grouped by accrual account, then by aging bucket and then by purchase order distribution ID. Aging bucket is calculated depending on user specified value of “Aging period days” while submitting the report. Transactions are grouped according to their age into aging buckets

Usually this report is run in conjunction with the Summary Accrual Reconciliation Report as part of your period end accrual reconciliation process. See: Overview of Receipt Accounting


If you install Purchasing and Oracle Payables, you can run this report. If you accrue expense purchases on receipt, you can reconcile your expense AP accrual account using this report. If you accrue expense purchases at period end and you do not perform inventory receipts, no information will be available to report.

Important: Most commercial installations accrue expense receipts at period end because this information is not required as the receipt occurs. If you accrue expense purchases on receipt, you have more entries to reconcile in the AP accrual accounts.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, select AP and PO Accrual Reconciliation Report in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Operating Unit

Select the operating unit for the report.


Enter your title for the report.

Sort By

Parameter to specify how to sort the data at the distribution level (independent of summarization parameter)

Valid Values: Item, Age in Days, Total Balance, Vendor, PO Number (default).

Aging Period Days

The number of days by which to group transactions sorted in descending order. (For example, if age group days is 60 which translates into 10 groupings for your transactions, then all distributions whose age in days is less than 60 days from the current date are in group 10. If the age in days is greater than 60 days, but less than 120, then they will be in group 9.).

Item From

Lower limit of item range to consider for this report.

Item To

Upper limit of item range to consider for this report.

Vendor From

Lower limit of vendor range to consider for this report.

Vendor To

Upper limit of vendor range to consider for this report.

Min Outstanding Balance

Lower limit of distribution balance to display.

Max Outstanding Balance

Upper limit of distribution balance to display.

Balancing Segment From

Lower limit of balancing segment range to consider for this report.

Balancing Segment To

Upper limit of balancing segment range to consider for this report.

Related Topics

Inventory Standard Cost Transactions, Oracle Cost Management User's Guide

Overview of Standard Costing, Oracle Cost Management User's Guide

Overview of Average Costing, Oracle Cost Management User's Guide

Overview of Work in Process Costing, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide

Overview of Receipt Accounting

Accrual Write-Off Report

Using the Account Generator in Oracle Purchasing

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Backordered Internal Requisitions Report

The Backordered Internal Requisitions Report details information on your backordered internally-sourced requisition lines. You can run this report only if Order Management is installed.


In the Submit Requests window, select Backordered Internal Requisitions Report in the Name field.


Creation Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending creation dates.


Enter a requestor name.

Subinventories From/To

Enter the beginning and ending subinventories.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Blanket and Planned PO Status Report

The Blanket and Planned PO Status report can be used to review purchase order transactions for items you buy, using blanket purchase agreements and planned purchase orders. For each blanket purchase agreement and planned purchase order you create, Purchasing provides you with the detail of the releases you created against these orders. Purchasing prints the blanket agreement or planned purchase order header information, if no release exists.


In the Submit Requests window, select Blanket and Planned PO Status Report in the Name field.


PO Numbers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchase order numbers.


Enter a buyer name.

Suppliers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier numbers.

Categories From/To

Enter the beginning and ending categories.

Expired Date

Enter an expiration date to restrict the report to purchase orders with earlier expiration dates.

Sort By

Use the Sort By feature to produce a report customized to your specific needs. Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Purchase Order Number Sort the report by purchase order number.
Supplier Sort the report by supplier.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Buyer Listing

The Buyer Listing shows the buyer name, default purchasing category, ship-to location, and effective dates of all buyers or a selected set of buyers. You can also use the report to isolate buyers who are assigned to a category of procurement items. See: Defining Buyers.


In the Submit Requests window, select Buyer Listing in the Name field.



Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Active List only active buyers on the report.
Both List both active and inactive buyers on the report.
Inactive List only inactive buyers on the report.

Categories From/To

Enter the beginning and ending category names.


Enter a ship-to location.

Sort By

Use the Sort By feature to produce a report customized to your specific needs. Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Buyer Name Sort the report by buyer name. This is the default if you do not choose a sort by option.
Category Sort the report by purchasing category.
Location Sort the report by location.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Buyer's Requisition Action Required Report

The Buyer's Requisition Action Required Report identifies all or specific approved requisition lines that buyers have not placed on purchase orders. Later, you can use the AutoCreate Documents window to modify a requisition line, return a requisition, or place a requisition line onto a purchase order.

The report includes suggested document types Blanket, Agreement, Catalog, and Quotation.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, select Buyer's Requisition Action Required Report in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Suggested Suppliers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending suggested supplier names.

Categories From/To

Enter the beginning and ending category from the purchasing category set. The report breaks and prints by categories.

Need By Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending need-by dates.


Enter a location.


Enter a requestor name.

Requisition Numbers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending requisition numbers.

Print Price History

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether you want to print the price history on the report. If you leave this field blank, the default is Yes.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Cancelled Purchase Orders Report

The Cancelled Purchase Orders Report can be used to review information on cancelled purchase orders.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, select Cancelled Purchase Orders Report in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Suppliers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier names.


Enter the buyer name.

Cancelled Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending cancelled dates.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Cancelled Requisitions Report

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, select Cancelled Requisitions Report in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Preparers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending preparer names.

Requisition Creation Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending creation dates to restrict the report to a range of dates.

Requestors From/To

Enter the beginning and ending requestor names to restrict the report to a range of requestors.

Sort By

Use the Sort By feature to produce a report customized to your specific needs. Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Preparer Sort the report by preparer. This is the default if you do not choose a sort by option.
Requisition Number Sort the report by requisition number.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Contract Status Report

The Contract Status Report can be used to review the status of your contracts and list purchase order information for each contract. Purchasing prints the contract information if there are standard purchase order lines that reference that contract.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, select Contract Status Report in the Name field.

Report Parameters

PO Numbers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchase order numbers.

Suppliers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier names.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Country of Origin Report (by Item)

This report lists, by item, all suppliers and their countries of origin as follows:

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, select Country of Origin Report (by Item) in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Items From/To

Enter the beginning and ending system item numbers.

Category From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchasing categories.

Ship To Organization

Select the ship-to organization for which to display the country of origin information. To see information from all ship-to organizations, leave this field blank.

Date From/To

Enter the beginning and ending document creation dates. The report includes all purchase orders or receipts that fall between these dates.

Country of Origin

If you want to see a list of all items belonging to just one country of origin, enter that country. To see all countries of origin, leave this field blank.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Entering Purchase Order Shipments

Entering Receipt Lines

Country of Origin Report (by Supplier)

This report lists, by supplier, all countries of origin and their items as follows:

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, select Country of Origin Report (by Supplier) in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Ship To Organization

Enter a ship-to organization.

Country of Origin Code

If you want to see a list of all suppliers and items belonging to just one country of origin, enter that country. To see all countries of origin, leave this field blank.

Supplier From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier names.

Supplier Site

To display countries of origin for just one site, enter the supplier site.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

CUM History Report

The CUM History Report prints details of receipts, returns and adjustment activity that have impacted the CUM for a specified CUM period. This report also includes the receipts, returns and adjustment activity created for standard purchase orders that refer to Global Blanket Purchase Agreements (GBPAs) which have the Supply Agreements checkbox selected.

Report Submission

In the Transaction Reports (for Inventory) or Submit Requests window, select CUM History Report in the Name field.

Report Parameters


Select an organization to restrict the report to a specific organization.

CUM Period

Select a CUM Period to restrict the report to a specific period.


Select a supplier to restrict the report to a specific supplier.

Supplier Site

Select a supplier site to restrict the report to a specific site.

Items From/To

To restrict the report to a range of items, enter a beginning and ending item.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Encumbrance Detail Report

The Encumbrance Detail Report can be used to review requisition and purchase order encumbrances for a range of accounts if you have enabled the encumbrance option for requisitions or purchase orders, and have entered and approved requisitions and purchases. You use this report to review the accounts encumbered.

The Encumbrance Detail Report reflects activity from General Ledger, not Purchasing or Oracle Payables. Therefore, use the Encumbrance Detail Report in a way that matches the accounting method:

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, select Encumbrance Detail Report in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Accounts From/To

Enter the beginning and ending accounts.

Cost Centers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending cost centers.

Encumbrance Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending encumbrance dates.

Document Type

Enter a document type to restrict the report to a specific document type. Leave this field blank if you want the report to include both document types. Otherwise, choose one of the following options.

Variable Description
Requisition list only requisitions.
Purchase order list only purchase orders and blanket agreements.

Suppliers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier names.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Expected Receipts Report

The Expected Receipts Report can be used to review all or specific supplier sourced expected receipts or expected customer returns that have not yet been received for a particular date or a range of dates. The report excludes purchase orders that are cancelled, closed, or closed for receiving at the header, release, line, or shipment level. You can specify the expected receipts you want to review.

For Supplier source type the Due Date is the promised date. If the promised date is not entered, this is the need by date. For internally sourced requisition lines, the Due Date is the need by date. For a Customer source, the Due Date is the request date on the return material authorization (RMA) document.

The Quantity/Amount Ordered and Quantity/Amount Due are not printed on the report if you are using blind receiving.

Use this report to improve or speed up your receiving operations. Your receivers may sometimes not have access to Oracle Applications when they need to enter receiving transactions. They can use the report of expected receipts to record receiving transactions and later enter them. There is space at the end of each shipment for you to record comments, the receipt date, and the quantity/amount you received.

Report Submission

In the Transaction Reports (for Inventory) or Submit Requests window, select Expected Receipts Report in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Purchase Order Numbers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchase order numbers.

Requisition Numbers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending requisition numbers.


Enter the supplier name.

Items From/To

Enter the beginning and ending item numbers.

Categories From/To

Enter the beginning and ending categories.

Due Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending promised dates.

Ship-To Location

Enter a location to restrict the report to that location.

Note: This parameter cannot be used to restrict the report for RMAs.

Organization Name

Enter an organization name to restrict the report to that organization.

RMA Numbers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending return material authorization (RMA) document numbers. An RMA is created in Order Management to authorize a customer return to your company.

Customer From/To

Enter a beginning and ending customer name if you want to review all expected returns from a specific customer or customers. These returns are authorized through an RMA document, which is created in Order Management.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Financials/Purchasing Options Listing

The Financials/Purchasing Options Listing can be used to review the options set for your system in the Financials Options and Purchasing Options windows. This report also displays your receipt numbering options in the Receiving Options window, for each organization.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, select Financials/Purchasing Options Listing in the Name field.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Internal Requisition Status Report

Use the Internal Requisition Status Report to print status information for internal requisitions.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, select Internal Requisition Status Report in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Creation Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending creation dates.

Items From/To

Enter the beginning and ending item numbers.


Enter a requestor name to restrict the report to a specific requestor.

Subinventories From/To

Enter the beginning and ending subinventories.


Enter the status to restrict the report to a specific status.

Requisition Numbers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending requisition numbers.

Sort By

Use the Sort By feature to produce a report customized to your specific needs. Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Creation Date Sort the report by creation date.
Requestor Sort the report by requestor.
Subinventory Sort the report by source subinventory.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Internal Requisitions/Deliveries Discrepancy Report

The Internal Requisitions/Deliveries Discrepancy Report lists requisition documents with items whose source type is inventory. Internal requisitions are typically for transfers of material from your inventories. Use this report to identify goods that have been shipped and have a delivery discrepancy. This report can be run only if Order Management is installed.

The Quantity Variance is the difference between the quantity shipped and the quantity delivered. If the quantity shipped is less than the quantity received, the result displays with a negative sign.

The Cost Variance is the variance in cost between the quantity shipped and the quantity delivered. The calculation for the cost variance is the quantity delivered times the requisition unit price, minus quantity shipped, times the sales order price.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, select Internal Requisitions/Deliveries Discrepancy Report in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Requisition Numbers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending requisition numbers.


Enter a requestor name to restrict the report to a specific requestor.

Requisition Creation Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending creation dates.

Sort By

Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Creation Date Sort the report by creation date. This is the default if you leave this field blank.
Requestor Sort the report by requestor.
Subinventory Sort the report by item source organization subinventory.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Invoice Price Variance Report

The Invoice Price Variance Report shows the variance between the invoice price and the purchase price for all inventory and work in process related invoice distributions. Payables records invoice price variances when the invoices are matched, approved, and posted.

The report includes invoice Entry Types Adjustment, Entry, and Reversal.

The invoice price variance is the quantity invoiced multiplied by the difference between the invoice unit price and the purchase order unit price.

If the invoice price and the purchase order unit price are in the same currency but the exchange rates differ, the exchange rate variance is also displayed in this report. For example, if the report displays an invoice price variance of -9.5 and an exchange rate variance of -6, the total invoice price variance of -9.5 includes the exchange rate variance of -6.


Payables records invoice price variance only when you have inventory or work in process related invoices. Use this report only if you use Inventory by itself or with Work in Process.

Report Submission

In the Cost and Period Close Reports (for Inventory) or Submit Requests windows, select Invoice Price Variance Report in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Categories From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchasing categories.

Suppliers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier numbers.

Period Name

Enter an accounting period to restrict the report to a specific period.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Invoice Price Variance by Supplier Report

The Invoice Price Variance Report shows the variance between the invoice price and the purchase price for all inventory and work in process related invoice distributions. Payables records invoice price variances when the invoices are matched, approved, and posted.

The report includes invoice Entry Types Adjustment, Entry, and Reversal.

The invoice price variance is the quantity invoiced multiplied by the difference between the invoice unit price and the purchase order unit price.

If the invoice price and the purchase order unit price are in the same currency but the exchange rates differ, the exchange rate variance is also displayed in this report. For example, if the report displays an invoice price variance of -9.5 and an exchange rate variance of -6, the total invoice price variance of -9.5 includes the exchange rate variance of -6.


Payables records invoice price variance only when you have inventory or work in process related invoices. Use this report only if you use Inventory by itself or with Work in Process.

Report Submission

In the Cost and Period Close Reports (for Inventory) or Submit Requests windows, select Invoice Price Variance by Supplier Report in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Categories From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchasing categories.

Suppliers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier numbers.

Period Name

Enter an accounting period to restrict the report to a specific period.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Item Detail Listing

The Item Detail Listing shows detail information for items defined as Purchasing Items in the Item window as well as unit of measure conversion, notes, manufacturer part numbers, and dispositions assigned to the item. Purchasing lets you isolate items by limiting the items, categories, or buyer you want to review. For example, if your categories reflect purchased commodities, you can use the listing to review what manufactured items are for a commodity.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, select Item Detail Listing in the Name field.

Report Parameters


Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Active List only active items on the report.
Both List both active and inactive items on the report.
Inactive List only inactive items on the report.

Categories From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchasing categories.

Items From/To

Enter the beginning and ending item numbers.


Enter the buyer name to restrict the report to a specific buyer.

Sort By

Use the Sort By feature to produce a report customized to your specific needs. Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Category Sort the report by purchasing category.
Item Sort the report by item number.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Defining Items, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Item Summary Listing

The Item Summary Listing shows the inactive or active status of items. You can also use the report to review the commodities of items that are inactive. And, finally, you can use the report as a listing of all items defined as Purchasing Items in the Items window.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, select Item Summary Listing in the Name field.

Report Parameters


Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Active List only active items on the report.
Both List both active and inactive items on the report.
Inactive List only inactive items on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Defining Items, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Location Listing

The Location Listing shows internal organizations locations and addresses. Purchasing lets you specify which locations you want to review: Ship To, Bill To, Office, Internal, and Receiving. Use this report to isolate locations which are only for a specific function, such as locations where receiving is permitted. This document can be used as a resource when entering purchase order receiving locations.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, select Location Listing in the Name field.

Report Parameters


Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
All List locations regardless of site criteria. This is the default if you do not choose a sort by option.
Bill-To List only locations that are bill-to sites.
External List only locations that are not internal sites.
Office List only locations that are office sites.
Receiving List only locations that are receiving sites.
Ship-To List only locations that are ship-to sites.


Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Active List only active locations on the report.
Both List both active and inactive locations on the report.
Inactive List only inactive locations on the report.

Sort By

Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Country Sort the listing by country.
Location Sort the listing by location. This is the default if you do not choose a sort by option.
State Sort the listing by state.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Defining Locations

Matching Holds by Buyer Report

The Matching Holds by Buyer Report can be used to review all or selected invoices that Purchasing or your accounts payable system placed on matching hold. You can review price holds, quantity ordered holds, quantity received holds, and quality holds. You can review the matching holds for one or more buyers. After printing all of a particular buyer's matching holds, Purchasing prints summary matching hold information for this buyer. At the end of the report, Purchasing prints summary matching hold information for all of the buyers that you selected. This report helps you understand why an invoice is on hold and provides you with the information you need to solve the problem. You can also monitor the performance for suppliers or buyers using this report.

Tip: Use this report carefully when monitoring the performance of a supplier or buyer. This report summarizes the matching holds information and provides the reason why invoices are on hold. The buyer may have no control over some of the problems.


In the Submit Requests window, select Matching Holds by Buyer Report in the Name field.



Enter a buyer name to restrict the report to a specific buyer.

Suppliers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier names.

Invoice Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending invoice dates.

Categories From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchasing categories.

Items From/To

Enter the beginning and ending item numbers.

Price Hold

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether the report includes purchase orders on price hold. If you leave this field blank, the default is Yes.

Quantity Ordered Hold

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether the report includes purchase orders on quantity ordered hold. If you leave this field blank, the default is Yes.

Quantity Received Hold

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether the report includes purchase orders on quantity received hold. If you leave this field blank, the default is Yes.

Quantity Accepted Hold

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether the report includes purchase orders on quantity accepted hold. If you leave this field blank, the default is Yes.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Miscellaneous Accrual Reconciliation Report

The purpose of this report is to show all inventory and AP (not matched to PO) transactions that have hit the accrual accounts. Transactions are grouped by accrual code. The report can be run either in summary where only the distribution information and balance is shown or in detail where all the transaction that make up a particular distribution are shown as well.

Usually this report is run in conjunction with the Summary Accrual Reconciliation Report as part of your period end accrual reconciliation process. See: Overview of Receipt Accounting


If you install Oracle Purchasing and Oracle Payables, you can run this report. If you accrue expense purchases on receipt, you can reconcile your expense AP accrual account using this report. If you accrue expense purchases at period end and you do not perform inventory receipts, no information will be available to report.

Important: Most commercial installations accrue expense receipts at period end because this information is not required as the receipt occurs. If you accrue expense purchases on receipt, you have more entries to reconcile in the AP accrual accounts.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, select Miscellaneous Accrual Reconciliation Report in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Operating Unit

Select the operating unit for the report.


Enter your title for the report.

Sort By

Parameter to specify how to sort the data at the distribution level (independent of summarization parameter)

Valid Values: Item, Transaction Date (default), Amount.

Date From

Starting date of time period to display for this report.

Date To

Ending date of time period to display for this report.

Item From

Lower limit of item range to consider for this report.

Item To

Upper limit of item range to consider for this report.

Min Amount

Lower limit of transaction amount to display.

Max Amount

Upper limit of transaction amount to display.

Balancing Segment From

Lower limit of balancing segment range to consider for this report.

Balancing Segment To

Upper limit of balancing segment range to consider for this report.

Related Topics

Inventory Standard Cost Transactions, Oracle Cost Management User's Guide

Overview of Standard Costing, Oracle Cost Management User's Guide

Overview of Average Costing, Oracle Cost Management User's Guide

Overview of Work in Process Costing, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide

Overview of Receipt Accounting

Accrual Write-Off Report

Using the Account Generator in Oracle Purchasing

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

New Supplier Letter Report

The New Supplier Letter Report prints letters you send to your suppliers to ask for information about the nature of their businesses. Purchasing prints the New Supplier Letter Report together with the corresponding supplier letters. The report gives you a listing of the supplier names, sites, and addresses to which you can send your letters, and prints the letters for each supplier on the listing.


In the Submit Requests window, select New Supplier Letter Report in the Name field.


Supplier Type

Enter the supplier type from the Enter Lookup Codes window to restrict the report to a specific supplier type.

Suppliers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier names.

Supplier Site

Enter the supplier site to restrict the report to a specific supplier site.

Creation Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending creation dates.


Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Active List only active suppliers on the report.
Both List both active and inactive suppliers on the report.
Inactive List only inactive suppliers on the report.

Sort By

Use the Sort By feature to produce a report customized to your specific needs. Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Supplier Sort the report by supplier name and supplier site. This is the default if you do not enter an option.
Supplier Site Sort the report by supplier site and supplier name.
ZIP Code Sort the report by postal code, supplier name, and supplier site.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Open Purchase Orders Report (by Buyer)

The Open Purchase Orders Report (by Buyer) lists all or specific open purchase orders that relate to buyers. Purchasing lets you specify the open purchase orders you want to review. An open purchase order is one that references an item that your supplier has not yet fully billed or received. The report excludes closed, final closed, and cancelled orders.


In the Submit Requests window, select Open Purchase Orders Report (by Buyer) in the Name field.



Enter a buyer name to restrict the report to a specific buyer.

Suppliers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier names.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Open Purchase Orders Report (by Cost Center)

The Open Purchase Orders Report (by Cost Center) can be used to review all or specific open purchase orders relating to one or more cost centers. An open purchase order is one that references an item that your supplier has not yet fully billed or received. The report excludes closed, final closed, and cancelled orders.


In the Submit Requests window, select Open Purchase Orders Report (by Cost Center) in the Name field.


Companies From/To

Enter the beginning and ending company names.

Cost Centers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending cost centers.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Sort By

This parameter indicates the sequence of the information on the report. Select COMPANY to sort by company or COST CENTER to sort by cost center.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Overdue Supplier Shipments Report

This report can be used to follow-up with suppliers. The report includes the supplier contact and the phone number along with percentage delivery and the due date. The report also includes purchase orders that do not have a supplier contact assigned. By limiting the report to only one buyer, you can do follow-up by buyer. And, finally, by limiting the report by categories, you can do purchasing follow-up for a range of commodities.

The Due Date is the date the supplier promised delivery for the items you ordered on the shipment, or the date you indicated that you needed the goods by.


In the Transaction Reports (for Inventory) or Submit Requests windows, select Overdue Supplier Shipments Report in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Overdue as of

Enter a date to restrict the report to purchase orders not fully received where the promised date is less than or equal to this date. If you do not enter a date, the report prints all purchase orders that you have not yet fully received where the promised date is less than or equal to the current date. If the promised date is not provided, the need by date is used.


Enter a buyer to restrict the report to a specific buyer.

Suppliers From/To

Enter a beginning and ending supplier.

Ship-to Location

Enter a ship-to location to restrict the report to overdue shipments for a specific location.

Categories From/To

Enter a beginning and an ending category from the purchasing category set.

Organization Name

Enter the organization name to restrict the report to a specific organization.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Overshipments Report

The Overshipments Report lists purchase order receipts with a quantity received greater than the quantity ordered. You can also use the Overshipments Report to identify service overcharges or suppliers who deliver more than the requested quantity.


In the Submit Requests window, select Overshipments Report in the Name field.


Receipt Location

Enter the receipt location to restrict the report to overshipments to a specific internal location.


Enter the name of the employee to restrict the report to overshipments to a specific receiver.

Receipt Date From/To

Enter the beginning and ending receipt dates to restrict the report to a range of receipt dates.

Supplier From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier names to restrict the report to a range of suppliers.

Supplier Site

Enter the supplier site to restrict the report to overshipments to a specific supplier site.

Organization Name

Enter the organization name to restrict the report to a specific organization.

Sort By

Use the Sort By feature to produce a report customized to your specific needs. Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Purchase Order Number Sort the report by document number. This is the default if you do not choose an option.
Supplier Sort the report by supplier.

Quantity Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Printed Change Orders Report (Landscape)

The Printed Change Orders Report (Landscape) prints changed purchase orders. The change purchase orders are the hard copy document you print on a preprinted form and distribute through the mail or fax to confirm changed orders you have requested or confirmed with your suppliers. Purchasing provides a default format for the preprinted form. Contact your Oracle Consultant for information regarding the forms. See: Printed Purchase Order Overview.

A purchase order will not print or fax if the supplier site on the purchase order is already set up to receive purchase orders through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

The Printed Change Orders Report (Landscape) prints changed purchase orders. The change purchase orders are the hard copy document you print on a preprinted form and distribute through the mail or fax to confirm changed orders you have requested or confirmed with your suppliers. Purchasing provides a default format for the preprinted form. Contact your Oracle Consultant for information regarding the forms. See: . See: Printed Purchase Order Overview

You can print most fields on this report in another language, if you use Multilingual Support (MLS). See: Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide.

Note: You can print item descriptions in other languages only for inventory items for which translations have been entered. If you change the item description on the document, it does not print in the translated language.


In the Submit Requests window, select Printed Change Orders Report (Landscape) in the Name field.



Select a buyer name to restrict the report to a specific buyer.

Purchase Order Numbers From/To

To restrict the report to a range of purchase orders, select the beginning and ending numbers.

Release Numbers From/To

To restrict the report to a range of releases, select the beginning and ending numbers.

Release Dates From/To

To restrict the report to a release date range, enter the beginning and ending dates.

Print Releases Option

Enter Y or N to indicate whether you want Blanket and Planned Purchase Order releases to be automatically printed with the Blanket and Purchase Order Agreements.

Sort By

Select one of the following options:

Variable Description
Buyer Name Sort the report by buyer name. This is the default if you leave the field blank.
Purchase Order Number Sort the report by purchase order number.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Fax Enabled / Fax Number

Select Fax Enabled and enter a Fax Number to automatically send a facsimile of the document. CommercePath, or any facsimile software that is compatible with the CommercePath Fax Command Language (FCL), must be installed to use this functionality.

Important: If you entered a Purchase Order Numbers From/To range, all of the purchase orders in that range must use the same supplier site. Otherwise, the purchase orders will be sent to the same facsimile number you enter here. (The Fax fields will be disabled if the purchase orders aren't from the same supplier site.)

Selecting Fax Enabled without entering a Fax Number sends the document to your facsimile server once it is approved. Depending on your CommercePath setup, you can choose where or when to send the documents that are stored on your facsimile server.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Viewing Requests, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Printed Planning Schedule Report

Printed Planning Schedule Report is used to print any supplier schedule that was built using either the Scheduler's Workbench or AutoSchedule. This report also includes information for standard purchase orders that refer to Global Blanket Purchase Agreements (GBPAs) which have the Supply Agreements checkbox selected.

Note: You must confirm a schedule to print it.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, select Printed Planning Schedule Report in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Schedule Number

Select a schedule number to restrict the report to a specific schedule.

Schedule Revision

Select a schedule revision to restrict the report to a specific revision.

Schedule Subtype

Select a schedule subtype to restrict the report to a specific subtype.

Horizon Start/End

To restrict the report to a date range, select the starting and ending horizon dates.

Supplier From/To

To restrict the report to a range of suppliers, select the beginning and ending suppliers.

Supplier Site

Select a supplier site to restrict the report to a specific site.

Test Print

Select Yes or No to indicate whether you want a test print of the report. This allows you to print a schedule that is not confirmed. "Test Print" appears in the report title.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Printed Change Orders Report (Portrait)

The Printed Change Orders Report (Portrait) prints changed purchase orders to send to your suppliers. The change purchase orders are the hard copy document you print on a preprinted form and distribute through the mail or fax to confirm changed orders you have requested or confirmed with your suppliers. Purchasing provides a default format for the preprinted form. Contact your Oracle Consultant for information regarding the forms. See: Printed Purchase Order Overview.

A purchase order will not print or fax if the supplier site on the purchase order is already set up to receive purchase orders through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

The Printed Change Orders Report (Portrait) prints changed purchase orders to send to your suppliers. The change purchase orders are the hard copy document you print on a preprinted form and distribute through the mail or fax to confirm changed orders you have requested or confirmed with your suppliers. Purchasing provides a default format for the preprinted form. Contact your Oracle Consultant for information regarding the forms. See: Printed Purchase Order Overview

You can print most fields on this report in another language, if you use Multilingual Support (MLS). See: Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide.

Note: You can print item descriptions in other languages only for inventory items for which translations have been entered. If you change the item description on the document, it does not print in the translated language.


In the Submit Requests window, select Printed Change Orders Report (Portrait) in the Name field.

Report Parameters


Select a buyer name to restrict the report to a specific buyer.

Purchase Order Numbers From/To

To restrict the report to a range of purchase orders, select the beginning and ending numbers.

Release Numbers From/To

To restrict the report to a range of releases, select the beginning and ending numbers.

Release Dates From/To

To restrict the report to a release date range, enter the beginning and ending dates.

Print Releases Option

Enter Y or N to indicate whether you want Blanket and Planned Purchase Order releases to be automatically printed with the Blanket and Purchase Order Agreements.

Sort By

Select one of the following options:

Variable Description
Buyer Name Sort the report by buyer name. This is the default if you leave the field blank.
Purchase Order Number Sort the report by purchase order number.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Fax Enabled / Fax Number

Select Fax Enabled and enter a Fax Number to automatically send a facsimile of the document. Facsimile software that is compatible with the CommercePath Fax Command Language (FCL), must be installed to use this functionality.

Important: If you entered a Purchase Order Numbers From/To range, all of the purchase orders in that range must use the same supplier site. Otherwise, the purchase orders will be sent to the same facsimile number you enter here. (The Fax fields will be disabled if the purchase orders aren't from the same supplier site.)

Selecting Fax Enabled without entering a Fax Number sends the document to your facsimile server once it is approved. Depending on your facsimile system, you can choose where or when to send the documents that are stored on your facsimile server.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Viewing Requests, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Printed Purchase Order Report (Landscape)

The Printed Purchase Order Report (Landscape) prints your purchase orders. Purchasing lets you specify the purchase orders you want to review or print on your preprinted form. The printed purchase orders are the hard copy document you print on a preprinted form and distribute through the mail or fax to confirm orders you have requested or confirmed with your suppliers. Purchasing provides a default landscape format for the preprinted form. Contact your Oracle Consultant for information regarding the forms. See: Printed Purchase Order Overview.

A purchase order will not print or fax if the supplier site on the purchase order is already set up to receive purchase orders through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

The Printed Purchase Order Report (Landscape) prints your purchase orders. Purchasing lets you specify the purchase orders you want to review or print on your preprinted form. The printed purchase orders are the hard copy document you print on a preprinted form and distribute through the mail or fax to confirm orders you have requested or confirmed with your suppliers. Purchasing provides a default landscape format for the preprinted form. Contact your Oracle Consultant for information regarding the forms. See: Printed Purchase Order Overview

You can print most fields on this report in another language, if you use Multilingual Support (MLS). See: Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide.

Note: You can print item descriptions in other languages only for inventory items for which translations have been entered. If you change the item description on the document, it does not print in the translated language.


In the Submit Requests window, select Printed Purchase Order Report (Landscape) in the Name field.


Print Selection

Select one of the following options:

Variable Description
All Print the report for all purchase orders. This is the default for no entry.
Changed Print the report only for changed purchase orders.
New Print the report only for new purchase orders.


Select a buyer name to restrict the report to a specific buyer.

Purchase Order Numbers From/To

To restrict the report to a range of purchase orders, select the beginning and ending numbers.

Release Numbers From/To

To restrict the report to a range of releases, select the beginning and ending numbers.

Release Dates From/To

To restrict the report to a release date range, enter the beginning and ending dates.


Select Yes or No to indicate whether the report is restricted to approved purchase orders.


Select Yes or No to indicate whether the report is a test.

Print Releases Option

Enter Y or N to indicate whether you want Blanket and Planned Purchase Order releases to be automatically printed with the Blanket and Purchase Order Agreements.

Sort By

Select one of the following options:

Variable Description
Buyer Name Sort the report by buyer name and purchase order number.
Purchase Order Number Sort the report by purchase order number.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Fax Enabled / Fax Number

Select Fax Enabled and enter a Fax Number to automatically send a facsimile of the document. CommercePath, or any facsimile software that is compatible with the CommercePath Fax Command Language (FCL), must be installed to use this functionality.

Important: If you entered a Purchase Order Numbers From/To range, all of the purchase orders in that range must use the same supplier site. Otherwise, the purchase orders will be sent to the same facsimile number you enter here. (The Fax fields will be disabled if the purchase orders aren't from the same supplier site.)

Selecting Fax Enabled without entering a Fax Number sends the document to your facsimile server once it is approved. Depending on your CommercePath setup, you can choose where or when to send the documents that are stored on your facsimile server.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Viewing Requests, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Printed Purchase Order Report (Portrait)

The Printed Purchase Orders Report (Portrait) prints the purchase orders you specify. The printed purchase orders are the hard copy document you print on a preprinted form and distribute through the mail or fax to confirm orders you have requested or confirmed with your suppliers. Purchasing provides a default portrait format for the preprinted form. Contact your Oracle Consultant for information regarding the forms. See: Printed Purchase Order Overview.

A purchase order will not print or fax if the supplier site on the purchase order is already set up to receive purchase orders through Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) or Extensible Markup Language (XML).

The Printed Purchase Orders Report (Portrait) prints the purchase orders you specify. The printed purchase orders are the hard copy document you print on a preprinted form and distribute through the mail or fax to confirm orders you have requested or confirmed with your suppliers. Purchasing provides a default portrait format for the preprinted form. Contact your Oracle Consultant for information regarding the forms.

You can print most fields on this report in another language, if you use Multilingual Support (MLS). See: Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide.

Note: You can print item descriptions in other languages only for inventory items for which translations have been entered. If you change the item description on the document, it does not print in the translated language.


In the Submit Requests window, select Printed Purchase Order Report (Portrait) in the Name field.


Print Selection

Select one of the following options:

Variable Description
All Print the report for all purchase orders. This is the default for no entry.
Changed Print the report only for changed purchase orders.
New Print the report only for new purchase orders.


Select a buyer name to restrict the report to a specific buyer.

Purchase Order Numbers From/To

To restrict the report to a range of purchase orders, select the beginning and ending numbers.

Release Numbers From/To

To restrict the report to a range of releases, select the beginning and ending numbers.

Release Dates From/To

To restrict the report to a release date range, enter the beginning and ending dates.


Select Yes or No to indicate whether the report is restricted to approved purchase orders.


Select Yes or No to indicate whether the report is a test.

Print Releases Option

Enter Y or N to indicate whether you want Blanket and Planned Purchase Order releases to be automatically printed with the Blanket and Purchase Order Agreements.

Sort By

Select one of the following options:

Variable Description
Buyer Name Sort the report by buyer name and purchase order number.
Purchase Order Number Sort the report by purchase order number.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Fax Enabled / Fax Number

Select Fax Enabled and enter a Fax Number to automatically send a facsimile of the document. CommercePath, or any facsimile software that is compatible with the CommercePath Fax Command Language (FCL), must be installed to use this functionality.

Important: If you entered a Purchase Order Numbers From/To range, all of the purchase orders in that range must use the same supplier site. Otherwise, the purchase orders will be sent to the same facsimile number you enter here. (The Fax fields will be disabled if the purchase orders aren't from the same supplier site.)

Selecting Fax Enabled without entering a Fax Number sends the document to your facsimile server once it is approved. Depending on your CommercePath setup, you can choose where or when to send the documents that are stored on your facsimile server.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Viewing Requests, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Printed RFQ Report (Landscape)

The Printed RFQ Report (Landscape) prints in landscape format RFQs with a Status of Active. Purchasing lets you specify the RFQs you want to review or print. Purchasing provides a default landscape format for preprinted landscape forms. Contact your Oracle Consultant for information regarding the forms.

You can print most fields on this report in another language, if you use Multilingual Support (MLS). See: Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide.

Note: You can print item descriptions in other languages only for inventory items for which translations have been entered. If you change the item description on the document, it does not print in the translated language.


In the Submit Requests window, select Printed RFQ Report (Landscape) in the Name field.


Report Type

Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
All Print the report for all RFQs.
Changed Print the report only for changed RFQs.
New Print the report only for new RFQs.


Enter a buyer name to restrict the report to a specific buyer.

RFQ Numbers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending RFQ numbers.


Enter Yes or No to indicate whether the report is a test.

Sort By

Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Buyer Name Sort the report by buyer name.
RFQ Number Sort the report by RFQ number.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Printed RFQ Report (Portrait)

The Printed RFQ Report (Portrait) prints in portrait format RFQs with a Status of Active. Purchasing lets you specify the RFQs you want to review or print. Purchasing provides a default portrait format for preprinted portrait forms. Contact your Oracle Consultant for information regarding these forms.

You can print most fields on this report in another language, if you use Multilingual Support (MLS). See: Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide.

Note: You can print item descriptions in other languages only for inventory items for which translations have been entered. If you change the item description on the document, it does not print in the translated language.


In the Submit Requests window, select Printed RFQ Report (Portrait) in the Name field.


Report Type

Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
All Print the report for all RFQs.
Changed Print the report only for changed RFQs.
New Print the report only for new RFQs.


Enter a buyer name to restrict the report to a specific buyer.

RFQ Numbers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending RFQ numbers.


Enter Yes or No to indicate whether the report is a test.

Sort By

Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Buyer Name Sort the report by buyer name.
RFQ Number Sort the report by RFQ number.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Printed Requisitions Report

The Printed Requisitions Report prints the requisitions which have the following status: Approved, Rejected, In Process, Pre-Approved, and Returned. The report does not include requisitions with status Incomplete or cancelled. You can circulate the printed requisitions for signature approvals and notes.

Additional Information: In the Approver field the report prints the name of the last person who performed an action on the requisition. This is not necessarily the approver.


In the Submit Requests window, select Printed Requisitions Report in the Name field.


Requisition Numbers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending requisition numbers.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Printed Shipping Schedule Report

Use the Printed Shipping Schedule Report to print any supplier schedule that was built using either the Scheduler's Workbench or AutoSchedule. This report also includes information for standard purchase orders that refer to Global Blanket Purchase Agreements (GBPAs) which have the Supply Agreements checkbox selected.

Note: You must confirm a schedule to print it.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, select Printed Shipping Schedule Report in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Schedule Number

Select a schedule number to restrict the report to a specific schedule.

Schedule Revision

Select a schedule revision to restrict the report to a specific revision.

Schedule Subtype

Select a schedule subtype to restrict the report to a specific subtype.

Horizon Start/End

To restrict the report to a date range, select the starting and ending horizon dates.

Supplier From/To

To restrict the report to a range of suppliers, select the beginning and ending suppliers.

Supplier Site

Select a supplier site to restrict the report to a specific site.

Test Print

Select Yes or No to indicate whether you want a test print of the report. This allows you to print a schedule that is not confirmed. "Test Print" appears in the report title.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Purchase Agreement Audit Report

You can use this report to review purchase order transactions for items you normally buy using blanket purchase agreements. Purchasing lets you determine if you are efficiently using the blanket purchase agreements you negotiate with your suppliers. For each item you buy using blanket purchase agreements, Purchasing provides you with the detail of the existing purchase orders for this item and the detail of the agreement lines- blanket or standard- you created for this item. Purchasing shows you when you purchased items using a standard purchase order where you could have used a blanket purchase agreement.

The Opportunity Cost is calculated as the sum of the amount of the purchase order subtracted from the sum of the amount of the blankets.


In the Submit Requests window, select Purchase Agreement Audit Report in the Name field.



Enter a buyer name to restrict the report to a specific buyer.

Blanket PO Numbers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending blanket purchase agreement numbers.

Creation Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending creation dates.

Categories From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchasing categories.

Items From/To

Enter the beginning and ending item numbers.

Sort By

Use the Sort By feature to produce a report customized to your specific needs. Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Category Sort the report by purchasing category.
Item Sort the report by item number.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Purchase Order Commitment by Period Report

The Purchase Order Commitment By Period Report shows the monetary value of your purchased commitments for a specified period and the next five periods. You can use the report sorted by buyer to monitor buyer performance. You can also use the report when negotiating with a supplier by limiting the commitments to a specific supplier.


In the Submit Requests window, select Purchase Order Commitment by Period Report in the Name field.



Enter the beginning period to be covered by the report. If the purchase order number shipment promise date falls within the period start and end date, the monetary value is included in the report. For orders which do not include a promise date, the need-by date is considered.

PO Numbers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchase order numbers.

Suppliers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier names.


Enter the buyer name to restrict the report to a specific buyer.

Categories From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchasing categories.

Sort By

Use the Sort By feature to produce a report customized to your specific needs. Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Supplier Sort the report by supplier.
Buyer Name Sort the report by buyer.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Purchase Order Detail Report

The Purchase Order Detail Report lists all, specific standard, or planned purchase orders. Purchasing displays the quantity you ordered and received so you can monitor the status of your purchase orders. You can also review the open purchase orders to determine how much you still have to receive and how much your supplier has already billed you.


In the Submit Requests window, select Purchase Order Detail Report in the Name field.

Report Parameters


Enter the buyer name to restrict the report to a specific buyer.

Items From/To

Enter the beginning and ending item numbers.

Categories From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchasing categories.

Suppliers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier names.

PO Numbers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchase order numbers.


Enter the purchase order status to restrict the report to a specific status. Choose one of the following options: Approved, In Process, Incomplete, Pre-Approved, Rejected, Requires Reapproval, Reserved, or Returned.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Purchase Order Distribution Detail Report

The Purchase Order Distribution Detail Report shows account distributions for a range of purchase orders. If you use Purchase Order Encumbrance Control and you set the failure funds only report option to Yes, Purchasing prints only those accounts that fail funds reservation.

The Quantity Ordered is the uncancelled shipment quantity. For planned purchase order shipments, this quantity excludes cancelled quantities and any scheduled release quantities associated with the shipment.


In the Submit Requests window, select Purchase Order Distribution Detail Report in the Name field.


Ledger Currency

Select the reporting currency for the report.

PO Numbers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchase order numbers.

Creation Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending creation dates.

Suppliers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier numbers.


Enter a buyer name to restrict the report to a specific buyer.

Failed Funds Only

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether you want to restrict the report to purchase orders that failed funds checking.

Sort By

Use the Sort By feature to produce a report customized to your specific needs. Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Purchase Order Number Sort the report by purchase order number.
Supplier Sort the report by supplier.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Purchase Order and Releases Detail Report

The Purchase Order and Releases Detail Reports show detail information for your blanket purchase agreements and planned purchase orders. Purchasing displays the quantity that you ordered, received, billed, and that is due to be received so you can monitor the status of your purchase orders. You can review releases to determine how much is remaining to be received and invoiced.


In the Submit Requests window, select Purchase Order and Releases Detail Report in the Name field.



Enter the buyer name to restrict the report to a specific buyer.

Categories From/To

Enter a beginning and an ending value.

Items From/To

Enter the beginning and ending item numbers.

Suppliers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier names.

PO Numbers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchase order numbers.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Purchase Price Variance Report

The Purchase Price Variance Report shows the variance between the purchase price on the purchase order and standard cost for all items you receive and deliver into inventory and work in process. Inventory records purchase price variance on delivery into a subinventory. Work in Process records purchase price variance on delivery into a job or repetitive schedule. For internal requisitions, the purchase order ship to location is associated with the organization in the Customers window. See: Creating and Updating Customers, Oracle Receivables User's Guide.

The purchase price variance is calculated as the quantity received multiplied by the difference between the purchase order price and the standard cost.


Since this report displays purchase price variances for standard costing, this report is appropriate only for organizations using Inventory and standard costing. If you use Work in Process, this report also displays the outside processing purchase price variance.


In the Cost and Period Close Reports (for Inventory) or Submit Requests windows, select Purchase Price Variance Report in the Name field.


Categories From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchasing categories.

Transaction Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending transaction dates.

Suppliers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending suppliers.

Organization Name

Enter the organization name. The ship to location is associated with the organization in the Location Association window.

Sort By

Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Buyer Name Sort the report by buyer name.
Category Sort the report by item category.
Item Sort the report by item number.
Supplier Sort the report by supplier.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Purchase Requisition Status Report

The Purchase Requisition Status Report can be used to review the approval status of the requisitions you create. You can use the report as a tool to plan and monitor the buyer workload. You can also use the report to monitor requisitions in the approval process or returned and requiring further attention.

The report can include requisitions with the following statuses:

Variable Description
Approved An approver with sufficient authority approved the requisition. A buyer can now place the corresponding requisition lines onto purchase orders.
Cancelled A requisition preparer cancelled the requisition.
In Process The preparer completed the requisition and submitted to the approval process. However, no one with sufficient authority has approved the requisition.
Incomplete The requisition is incomplete and the preparer has not yet submitted the requisition to an approver.
Pre-Approved At least one person with sufficient authority approved the requisition. The status is not Approved either because the approver forwarded the requisition to someone else, or the approver has not yet reserved the funds.
Rejected The approver rejected the requisition. Purchasing returns the entire requisition to the preparer.
Returned A buyer returned the requisition. Purchasing returns to the preparer all requisition lines within the same requisition that are not on a purchase order.


In the Submit Requests window, select Purchase Requisition Status Report in the Name field.


Requisition Numbers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending requisition numbers.

Creation Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending creation dates.


Enter a requestor name to restrict the report to a specific requestor.


Enter a deliver to location to restrict the report to a specific location.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Purchase Summary Report by Category

The Purchase Summary Report by Category shows the amount of orders you place with suppliers for a given category of item. Use the report to monitor the purchase documents included in a range of categories.


In the Submit Requests window, select Purchase Summary Report by Category in the Name field.


Categories From/To

Enter the beginning and ending categories assigned to the item from the purchasing category set.

Buyers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending buyer names.

Suppliers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier names.

Creation Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending creation dates.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Purchasing Activity Register

The Purchasing Activity Register shows purchase order monetary activity carried out for a time interval, such as a day or month. The report excludes all fully cancelled purchasing documents. The report includes blanket and contract purchase agreements and planned purchase orders for reference. However, since these documents do not represent actual purchase activity, their amounts are not shown in the PO Amount and Functional Amount columns and are not included in the Total amount.


In the Submit Requests window, select Purchasing Activity Register in the Name field.


Ledger Currency

Select the reporting currency for the report.

Creation Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending document creation dates.

PO Type

Enter the purchase order type to restrict the report to a specific type.


Enter the supplier name to restrict the report to a specific supplier.


Enter the buyer name to restrict the report to a specific buyer.

Sort By

Use the Sort By feature to produce a report customized to your specific needs. Choose Buyer Name or Creation Date.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Purchasing Interface Errors Report

The Purchasing Interface Errors Report shows you what errors occurred, if any, while running the following programs:

For each row in the interface tables that fails validation, the above programs create one or more rows with error information that appears in the Purchasing Interface Errors Report.


In the Submit Requests window, select Purchasing Interface Errors Report in the Name field. A batch ID number is generated that you can refer to when you choose View My Requests from the Help menu.


Source Program

Select the program whose errors you want reported.

Variable Description
Receiving Open Interface Shows what errors occurred when the Receiving Open Interface tried creating an invoice from an Advance Shipment and Billing Notice (ASBN).
Pay on Receipt - Receipt transactions Shows what errors occurred when the Pay on Receipt program tried creating an invoice from a receipt. Since Pay on Receipt also initiates the Payables Open Interface Import program to finish creating the invoices, also check the error report for the Payables Open Interface Import program. See: Payables Open Interface Import, Oracle Payables User's Guide.
Purchasing Documents Open Interface Shows what errors occurred when the Purchasing Documents Open Interface program ran. The Purchasing Documents Open Interface program processes blanket purchase agreements, catalog quotations, or standard purchase orders that are in the Oracle Applications interface tables to ensure that the data is valid before importing it into Purchasing.

Purge Data

Choose Yes to purge the data in the Purchasing Interface Errors table after the report runs. The errors you see in the report will not reappear the next time you run it. Only the data for the Source Program you chose will be deleted. Choose No to keep the errors in the table and in the report, listed along with any new errors.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Receiving Price/Sales Catalog Information Electronically

Purchasing Documents Open Interface

Purge Purchasing Open Interface Processed Data

The Purge Purchasing Open Interface Processed Data process purges data in the Purchasing Documents Open Interface tables. You can purge this data after you have imported the data into Purchasing. This process purges only accepted or rejected data, not data that is still pending.


  1. In the Submit Requests window, select Purge Purchasing Open Interface Processed Data in the Name field.

  2. Optionally specify the following information:

    • Document Type - Purges only documents of the document type you select.

    • Document Subtype - Purges only documents of the document subtype you select.

    • Purge Accepted Data - Purges only those documents that did not produce errors in the interface tables.

    • Purge Rejected Data - Purges only those documents that produced errors in the interface tables.

      Note: When you purge rejected data, leave the Document blank.

    • Start Date or End Date - Purges only those documents between the start and end dates you enter.

    • Batch ID - Purges only those documents imported under the Batch ID you enter.

    • Document - Select the document you want to purge.

    If you leave all of these fields blank, this process purges all of the data in the interface tables.

  3. Choose OK and Submit to begin the process.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Receiving Price/Sales Catalog Information Electronically

Purchasing Documents Open Interface

Quality Code Listing

The Quality Code Listing shows inspection quality codes. You can use this listing to help assign quality codes when inspections are performed. See: Defining Quality Inspection Codes.


In the Submit Requests window, select Quality Code Listing in the Name field.



Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Active List only active codes on the report.
Both List both active and inactive codes on the report.
Inactive List only inactive codes on the report.

Sort By

Use the Sort By feature to produce a report customized to your specific needs. Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Quality Code Sort the report by quality code.
Ranking Sort the report by ranking.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Quotation Action Required Report

The Quotation Action Required report lists quotations that require follow-up action. This report provides you with all of the information you need to take immediate action on the quotation. Purchasing lets you specify the quotations you want to review. If you do not specify a date range, all quotations are displayed.

This report prints quotations that are about to expire. For each of these quotations, Purchasing prints the quotation number, the supplier name, the supplier site, the supplier quotation number, and the expiration date. Purchasing displays the quotation line details so you can quickly review the purpose of the quotations. See: Entering Quotation Headers.


In the Submit Requests window, select Quotation Action Required Report in the Name field.


Suppliers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier names.


Enter a buyer name to restrict the report to a specific buyer.

Quotation Expiration Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending expiration dates to limit the quotations to the ones with expiration dates during the date range. Note that if you enter a date range, the quotation warning delay is considered but quotations without an expiration date are excluded from the report.

Categories From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchasing categories.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Receipt Adjustments Report

The Receipt Adjustments Report lists purchase order shipments, internal requisition lines, or return material authorization (RMA) lines with corrections or returns to supplier (or customer).

For supplier sourcing, the Source column lists the name of the supplier and supplier source for whom you make the adjustment. For inventory sourcing, the Source is the organization and subinventory. For returns from a customer, the Source is the customer name.


In the Transaction Reports (for Inventory) or Submit Requests window, select Receipt Adjustments Report in the Name field.


Receipt Location

Enter the receipt location to restrict the report to a specific location.


Enter the receiver name to restrict the report to a specific receiver.

Receipt Date From/To

Enter the beginning and ending receipt dates.

Supplier From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier names.

Supplier Site

Enter the supplier site to restrict the report to a specific supplier site.

Customer From/To

Enter a beginning and ending customer name if you want to review all expected returns from a specific customer or customers. These returns are authorized through an RMA document, which is created in Order Management.

Organization Name

Enter the organization name to restrict the report to a specific organization.

Sort By

Use the Sort By feature to produce a report customized to your specific needs. Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Document Number Sort the report by document number.
Supplier Sort the report by supplier name.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Receipt Traveler

The Receipt Traveler facilitates receiving inspection and delivery of goods you receive within your organization. After you receive the goods, you can print receipt travelers and attach these tickets to the goods. You can enter selection criteria to specify the receipt travelers you want to print. One receipt traveler prints per distribution, and each traveler has space for you to record delivery comments.

The report includes the document type. For the Supplier source type: Standard Purchase Order, Blanket Release, or Scheduled Release. For the Internal Order source type: Internal Requisition. For the Inventory source type: Inventory. For a return from a customer: Return Material Authorization.

The report also includes the source for the item you deliver. For source type Supplier, this is the supplier name. For source type Inventory, this is the Organization name. For source type Internal Order, this is the source subinventory. For source type Customer, this is the customer name.

If the RCV: Print Receipt Traveler profile option is set to Yes, the receipt traveler automatically prints when you perform a receipt or a receiving transaction, and when you match unordered receipts.


In the Transaction Reports (for Inventory) or Submit Requests window, select Receipt Traveler in the Name field.


Delivery Location

Enter a delivery location to restrict the report to a specific delivery location.

Receipt Numbers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending receipt numbers.

Items From/To

Enter the beginning and ending item numbers.

Categories From/To

Enter a beginning and an ending category.

Ship to Location

Enter a ship-to location to restrict the report to a specific location.

Organization Name

Enter the organization name for this report.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Profile Options in Purchasing

Receiving Account Distribution Report

The Receiving Account Distribution Report lists the accounting distributions for your receiving transactions. This report supports the distributions created for the following transactions:


In the Transaction Reports (for Inventory) or Submit Requests windows, select Receiving Account Distribution Report in the Name field.



Enter your title for the report.

Sort Option

Use the Sort By parameter to produce a report customized to your specific needs. Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Account and Item Sort the report by account and item.
Account and Receipt Sort the report by account and receipt number.
Account and Supplier Sort the report by account and supplier name.

Organization Name

Enter the organization name to restrict the report to a specific organization. If you leave this field blank, the report prints distributions for all organizations.

Date From/To

Enter the beginning and ending receipt dates.

Item From/To

Enter the beginning and ending item numbers.

Category Set

Enter the category set for which you want to print the report.

Category From/To

Enter the beginning and ending categories.

Supplier From / Supplier To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier names.

Receipt Number From / Receipt Number To

Enter the beginning and ending receipt numbers.

Account From / Account To

Enter the beginning and ending accounts.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Receiving Exceptions Report

Use the Receiving Exceptions Report to review receipts for which there is a receipt exception. These receipts cannot be automatically closed for receiving or invoicing. You can enter a receipt exception when you receive the item.


In the Transaction Reports (for Inventory) or Submit Requests window, select Receiving Exceptions Report in the Name field.


Receipt Location

Enter the receipt location to restrict the report to a specific location.


Enter the receiver name to restrict the report to a specific receiver.

Receipt Date From/To

Enter the beginning and ending receipt dates.

Supplier From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier names.

Supplier Site

Enter the supplier site to restrict the report to a specific supplier site.

Organization Name

Enter the organization name to restrict the report to a specific organization.

Sort By

Use the Sort By feature to produce a report customized to your specific needs. Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Purchase Order Number Sort the report by purchase order number.
Supplier Sort the report by supplier name.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Receiving Interface Errors Report

This report shows you what warnings or errors occurred while the Receiving Transaction Processor was processing rows in the Receiving Open Interface tables. Rows processed in the Receiving Open Interface include Advance Shipment Notices (ASNs), receipts, and deliveries. Any errors that occur during this process are displayed in the Receiving Interface Errors report when you run the report. At the same time, the errors are also sent to the Oracle e-Commerce Gateway process responsible for generating Application Advices. (For example, Application Advices are sent back to suppliers detailing errors that occurred when the suppliers sent ASNs.)


In the Submit Requests window, select Receiving Interface Errors Report in the Name field.


Start Date / End Date

Enter the Start and End dates of the period in which the Receiving Open Interface information was processed and the errors were generated.

Purge Data

Enter Yes to purge the error records retrieved during this run.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Advance Shipment Notices (ASNs)

Receiving Transactions Register

The Receiving Transactions Register lists detail information about your receiving transactions. The register is sorted by item, category, receipt number, document number, and transaction date. The three-part document number represents purchase order number, purchase order line number, and purchase order shipment number. For receiving transactions created against customer returns, the two-part document number represents the return material authorization (RMA) number and RMA line number.

Note that the register does not include information for transactions that are awaiting processing when the receiving transaction processor is in Batch or Immediate mode.


In the Transaction Reports (for Inventory) or Submit Requests window, select Receiving Transactions Register in the Name field.



Enter the organization name to restrict the report to a specific organization.

Transaction Type

Enter the transaction type to restrict the report to a specific transaction type.

Transaction Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending transaction dates.

Receipt Numbers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending receipt numbers.


Enter the receiver to restrict the report to a specific receiver.

Items From/To

Enter the beginning and ending items.

Categories From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchasing categories.

Suppliers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending suppliers.

Purchase Order Numbers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchase order numbers.


Enter the buyer to restrict the report to a specific buyer.

Internal Requisition Numbers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending internal requisition numbers.

Shipment Numbers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending shipment numbers.


Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print only transactions with a receiving exception or only transactions with no receiving exception. Leave this field blank to print transactions regardless of exception status.


Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print detail.

Include Lot/Serial

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether to print lot/serial number information.

RMA Numbers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending return material authorization (RMA) document numbers. An RMA is created in Order Management to authorize a customer return to your company.

Customer From/To

Enter a beginning and ending customer name if you want to review all receiving transactions that were created against returns from a specific customer or customers. These returns are authorized through an RMA document, which is created in Order Management.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Receiving Value Report

The Receiving Value Report shows item quantity, valuation, and detailed receipt information for your receiving inspection location.

Note: If you choose a currency other than your functional currency, all value fields are multiplied by the exchange rate.

The Average Unit Price is calculated by dividing the total receiving value by the total receiving quantity on hand, using the primary unit of measure.

The Total Purchase Value is the quantity times the average unit price.

The Current Value is the sum of the quantity times the supplier cost for the cost type. This is the total cost of the item less any material overheads for the item. If material overheads are included, then the Purchase Price Difference column would be incorrect.

The Purchase Price Difference is the difference between the Total Purchase Value and the Current Value columns. You see this column only for inventory and shop floor (outside processing) destinations. This report also displays Outside Processing items with no associated resource value. You can use this information to manually accrue potential purchase price variances, before you deliver into inventory or work in process.


In the Cost and Period Close Reports (for Inventory) or Submit Requests (for Cost Management) window, select Receiving Value Report in the Name field.


Organization Name

Enter the organization to restrict the report to a specific organization.

Cost Type

Optionally, enter a cost type to change the reported values for the Current Value column. If you do not enter a cost type, the report uses the Frozen or Average cost type, depending on your costing method. If you specify a cost type, the report values the items at this cost type, for the respective supplier cost. This is the total cost of the item less any material overheads for the item. If the item is not in the specified cost type, the report values the item at the default cost type. For example, if you choose Quarter1 as the cost type and Quarter1 has Frozen as the default cost type, the report values the item at the Quarter1 cost. If Quarter1 is not available, it values the items at the Frozen cost type.

Report Option

Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Detail Include detail receipt information, such as receipt date, receipt number, shipment number, current location, deliver-to location, packing slip, document type, document number, and item revision.
Summary Include only summary information for the item, such as item description, quantity, average unit price, and total purchase value.


Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Category Sort the report by category set and category.
Destination Sort the report by purchase order destination and then by item.
Destination and Category Sort the report by destination, by category set/category and then by item.
Item Sort the report by item.
Location Sort the report by current receiving location and then by item.
Supplier Sort the report by supplier and then by item.

Item From / Item To

Enter a beginning and an ending item to restrict the report to a range of items.

Category Set

Enter a category set to restrict the report to that category set.

Category From / Category To

Enter a beginning and an ending category to restrict the report to a range of categories.


Enter a currency. When you enter a currency other than your functional currency, item costs are converted to the selected currency using the End of period rate you choose in the Exchange Rate field.

Exchange Rate

Choose an exchange rate. If you choose a currency other than your functional currency, the default is the most recent End of period rate. However, you can choose any prior End of period rate. See: Entering Period Rates, Oracle General Ledger Implementation Guide.

Quantities by Revision

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether you want to display item quantities by the revision of the item on the report. You can see revision quantities only when you choose Detail for the Report Option.

Display Zero Costs Only

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether you want to display items with zero costs only on the report. You use this option to identify any items that have a zero standard cost, before you deliver into inventory.

Document Type

Enter Purchase Order or Requisition to limit the reported information. If you do not enter a document type, the report displays both document types.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Receiving Value Report by Destination Account

The Receiving Value Report by Destination Account lists received items by purchase order destination and distribution account. If you accrue both inventory and expense at the time of receipt, you may have both inventory and expense as part of your receiving valuation account. The Receiving Value Report by Destination Account allocates your receiving balances by the purchase order line inventory, expense accounts, and quantities. You can then use this report to manually reclass the receiving valuation account to the appropriate expense accounts.


In the Cost and Period Close Reports (for Inventory) or Submit Requests windows, select Receiving Value Report by Destination Account in the Name field.


Items From / Items To

Enter the beginning and ending item numbers.

Categories From / Categories To

Enter the beginning and ending purchasing categories.

Destination Type

Enter a destination type to restrict the report to a specific destination type, such as Expense, Inventory, or Shop Floor.

Accounts From / Accounts To

Enter the beginning and ending accounts.

Organization Name

Enter the organization name to restrict the report to a specific organization.

Exclude One-time Items

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether you want to exclude one-time items from the report.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

ReqExpress Templates Listing

The ReqExpress Templates Listing shows requisition template detail information.

The report lists sourcing information appropriate for the source type. For the Inventory source type, this is the organization and subinventory. For the Supplier source type, this is the buyer, supplier, supplier site, contact, supplier item number, and RFQ Required flag value.


In the Submit Requests window, select ReqExpress Templates Listing in the Name field.


Express Name

Enter the template name to restrict the report to a specific template.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Requisition Activity Register

The Requisition Activity Register shows requisition activity and monetary values. Purchasing prints the requisitions in order of creation date and prepared name.


In the Submit Requests window, select Requisition Activity Register in the Name field.


Creation Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending requisition creation dates.


Enter the preparer name to restrict the report to a requisitions from a specific preparer.

Requisition Type

Enter the requisitions document type (Purchase Requisition or Inventory Requisition) to restrict the report to a specific type.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Requisition Distribution Detail Report

The Requisition Distribution Detail Report lists requisitions, distributions, and charge account information. You can also use the report to review requisitions that failed funds reservation if you have enabled encumbrance. Totals print only if encumbrance has been enabled.


In the Submit Requests window, select Requisition Distribution Detail Report in the Name field.


Requisition Numbers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending requisition numbers.

Requisition Creation Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending creation dates.


Enter a preparer name to restrict the report to a specific preparer.

Failed Funds Only

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether you want to restrict the report to purchase orders that failed funds checking.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Requisition Import Exceptions Report

The Requisition Import Exceptions Report shows errors from the Requisition Import process. If the Requisition Import process finds any requisitions that it cannot create, Purchasing records the errors in the PO Interface Errors Table.


In the Submit Requests window, select Requisition Import Exceptions Report in the Name field.


Import Source

Enter the interface source to restrict the report to a specific import source.

Import Batch ID

Enter the name of a Requisition Import batch to restrict the report to a specific batch within your Import Source.

Delete Exceptions

Enter Yes or No to indicate whether you want to delete the exceptions from the PO interface errors table. If you enter Yes, Purchasing prints the report and deletes the items printed from the PO Interface Errors Table. If you enter No, Purchasing Prints the report and leaves the errors in the error table. Each time Requisition Import process is generated, new transaction id numbers are created for errors. If the errors are not deleted, they remain in the Errors Table and are listed along with new error messages generated by the Requisition Import process for the same Import Source and Import Batch ID.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Requisition Import Process

Requisitions on Cancelled Sales Order Report

The Requisitions on Cancelled Sales Order Report shows information on internally sourced requisition lines for which a sales order has been generated and subsequently cancelled. You can run the report only if Order Management is installed.


In the Submit Requests window, select Requisitions on Cancelled Sales Order Report in the Name field.


Items From/To

Enter the beginning and ending item numbers.


Enter a requestor name to restrict the report to a specific requestor.

Categories From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchasing categories.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

RFQ Action Required Report

The RFQ Action Required report lists RFQs that require follow-up action. This report provides you with all of the information you need to take immediate action on RFQs approaching the reply due date. Purchasing lets you specify which RFQs you want to review.

This report prints your RFQs for which you have not received complete responses. For each RFQ, Purchasing prints the RFQ description and the reply due date. To help you contact the supplier that requires action, Purchasing prints the supplier, supplier site, supplier contact, and telephone number of the contact. See: Entering RFQ Headers.


In the Submit Requests window, select RFQ Action Required Report in the Name field.



Enter a buyer name to restrict the report to a specific buyer.

RFQ Reply Date From/To

Enter the beginning and ending reply dates. Purchasing breaks and prints on the reply date.

Suppliers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier names.

Categories From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchasing categories.

Sort By

Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Buyer Name Sort the report by buyer name.
RFQ Reply Date Sort the report by RFQ reply date.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Savings Analysis Report (by Buyer)

The Savings Analysis Report (By Buyer) shows buyer performance by purchase order.

The Negotiated Amount is the product of the price on the quotation and the quantity ordered. If a quote is not defined, Purchasing prints the product of the market price of the item ordered and the quantity ordered. If the market price is not defined, Purchasing uses the list price.

The report includes a price type Legend at the bottom of each page for the price type. If the line price type is Q, the line price was from the Quote. If the line price type is M, the line price was from Market Price, and if the line price type is L, the line price was from List Price.

The Actual Amount is the product of the actual price listed on the purchase order line and the quantity ordered.

The Amount Saved is the negotiated amount less the actual amount, with negative figures in parentheses.


In the Submit Requests window, select Savings Analysis Report (By Buyer) in the Name field.


Creation Date From/To

Enter the beginning and ending creation dates.


Enter the buyer name to restrict the report to a specific buyer.

Sort By

Use the Sort By feature to produce a report customized to your specific needs. Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
PO Type Sort the report by buyer name and purchase order type.
Purchase Order Number Sort the report by buyer name and purchase order number.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Savings Analysis Report (by Category)

The Savings Analysis Report (By Category) shows buyer performance by category. Use the report to compare the market, quote, or list price to the actual price.

The Negotiated Amount is the product of the price on the quotation and the quantity ordered. If a quote is not defined, Purchasing prints the product of the market price of the item ordered and the quantity ordered. If the market price is not defined, Purchasing uses the list price.

The report includes a price type Legend at the bottom of each page for the price type. If the line price type is Q, the line price was from the Quote. If the line price type is M, the line price was from Market Price, and if the line price type is L, the line price was from List Price.

The Actual Amount is the product of the actual price listed on the purchase order line and the quantity ordered.

The Amount Saved is the negotiated amount less the actual amount, with negative figures in parentheses.


In the Submit Requests window, select Savings Analysis Report (By Category) in the Name field.



Enter the buyer name to restrict the report to a specific buyer.

Creation Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending document creation dates.

Categories From/To

Enter the beginning and ending categories from the purchasing category set.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Standard Notes Listing

The Standard Notes Listing shows your standard notes and their start and end dates.

The report lists standard notes alphabetically by usage and name.


In the Submit Requests window, select Standard Notes Listing in the Name field.


Usages From/To

Enter the beginning and ending usages. Standard usages are the following: Approver, Buyer, Invoice Internal, Item Internal, PO Internal, Payables, Quote Internal, RCV Internal, RFQ Internal, Receiver, Req Internal, and Supplier.

When you enter a note for an invoice, you can assign a use of Invoice Internal or Supplier.

Names From/To

Enter the beginning and ending note names.

Purchasing includes notes whose names fall alphabetically, within the range you enter, including the notes with the beginning and end names you specify.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Substitute Receipts Report

The Substitute Receipts Report lists all or specific substitute receipts. To prevent disruption in your receiving process, Purchasing lets you receive items which a supplier has delivered as a substitute for the ordered item. You need to predefine the items you accept as substitute for other items. See: Defining Item Revisions, Oracle Inventory User's Guide.

The report includes sourcing information appropriate for the source type. For the Inventory source type, this is the organization and subinventory. For the Supplier source type, this is the supplier and supplier site.


In the Submit Requests window, select Substitute Receipts Report in the Name field.


Transaction Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending transaction dates.

Organization Name

Enter the organization name to restrict the report to a specific organization.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Summary Accrual Reconciliation Report

The Summary Accrual Reconciliation Report can be used to analyze the balance of the Accounts Payable (AP) accrual accounts. You can accrue both expense and inventory purchases as you receive them. When this happens, you temporarily record an accounts payable liability to your Expense or Inventory AP accrual accounts. When Oracle Payables creates the accounting for the matched and approved invoice, Oracle Payables clears the AP accrual accounts and records the liability from the supplier site. See: Overview of Receipt Accounting

The Accrual Reconciliation Report helps you monitor potential problems with purchasing and receiving activities that can affect the accuracy of your A/P accrual accounts. It displays the balance of each accrual account as well as partial representation of source of the balance


If you install Purchasing and Oracle Payables, you can run this report. If you accrue expense purchases on receipt, you can reconcile your expense A/P accrual account using this report. If you accrue expense purchases at period end and you do not perform inventory receipts, no information will be available to report. If you have installed Oracle Inventory or Work in Process, the Accrual Reconciliation Report also displays any inventory or work in process transactions for the accrual accounts.

Important: Most commercial installations accrue expense receipts at period end because this information is not required as the receipt occurs. If you accrue expense purchases on receipt, you have more entries to reconcile in the A/P accrual accounts. In addition, if you also receive inventory, you need to use the Receiving Value By Destination Account Report to break out your receiving/inspection value by asset and expense.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, select Summary Accrual Reconciliation Report in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Operating Unit

Select the operating unit for the report.


Enter your title for the report.

Balancing Segment From

Lower limit of the balancing segment range you want the report to consider.

Balancing Segment To

Upper limit of the balancing segment range you want the report to consider.

Related Topics

Inventory Standard Cost Transactions, Oracle Cost Management User's Guide

Overview of Standard Costing, Oracle Cost Management User's Guide

Overview of Average Costing, Oracle Cost Management User's Guide

Overview of Work in Process Costing, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide

Overview of Receipt Accounting

Accrual Write-Off Report

Using the Account Generator in Oracle Purchasing

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Supplier Affiliated Structure Listing

The Supplier Affiliated Structure Listing shows information about your supplier's parent-child relationships. Your list of suppliers includes suppliers who are subsidiaries of larger companies. The Supplier Affiliated Structure Listing allows you to review the relationships established. The subsidiary company is the child supplier to the parent supplier.


In the Submit Requests window, select Supplier Affiliated Structure Listing in the Name field.


Suppliers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier names.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Supplier Price Performance Analysis Report

Use the Supplier Price Performance Analysis Report to compare the price of an item from different suppliers.


In the Submit Requests window, select Supplier Price Performance Analysis Report in the Name field.


Suppliers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier names.

Period From/To

Enter the beginning and ending periods.

Creation Date From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchase order creation dates.

Categories From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchasing categories.

Items From/To

Enter the beginning and ending system item numbers.

Sort By

Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Category Sort the report by purchasing category. If you do not make an entry, this is the default.
Item Sort the report by item number.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Supplier Purchase Summary Report

The Supplier Purchase Summary report lists the numbers and amount of orders you have placed with various suppliers during a particular period. You can use this information to analyze and manage your purchasing volume with your suppliers. You can also use the Small Business Sort By option to get the statistics you need to complete the Cumulative Commitments section of Form 295 as required for compliance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) (U.S.). In addition, with the New Supplier Listing you can update the information provided by your suppliers.


In the Submit Requests window, select Supplier Purchase Summary Report in the Name field.


Creation Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending creation dates.

Supplier Type

Enter the supplier type from the Lookup Codes window to restrict the report to a specific supplier type. See: Defining Lookup Codes.

Small Business

Enter Yes to restrict the report to small business suppliers.

Minority Owned

Enter Yes to restrict the report to minority owned suppliers.

Women Owned

Enter Yes to restrict the report to women owned suppliers.

Sort By

Use the Sort By feature to produce a report customized to your specific needs. Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Supplier Sort the report by supplier name, supplier site, and PO number
Supplier Type Sort the report by supplier type, supplier name, supplier site, and PO number

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Suppliers, Oracle iSupplier Portal Implementation Guide.

New Supplier Listing

Supplier Quality Performance Analysis Report

The Supplier Quality Performance Analysis Report can be used to review your suppliers' quality performance. You can review supplier quality performance for percents accepted, rejected, and returned. You can use this report to identify suppliers with quality performance issues.


In the Submit Requests window, select Supplier Quality Performance Analysis Report in the Name field.


Items From/To

Enter the beginning and ending item numbers.

Suppliers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier names.

Categories From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchasing categories.


Enter a buyer name to restrict the report to a specific buyer.

Creation Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending creation dates.


Enter Yes or No to indicate whether you want to print detail information on the report.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Supplier Service Performance Analysis Report

The Supplier Service Performance Analysis Report lists late shipments, early shipments, rejected shipments, and shipments to wrong locations. You can use this report to derive a supplier service penalty by multiplying the days variance quantity by a percentage of the price.

The % Open Current is the percentage of the ordered quantity not yet received, but within the receipt tolerance days or not past due.

The % Open Past Due is the percentage of the ordered quantity not received by the promise date and beyond the receipt tolerance days.

The % Received On Time is the percentage of the ordered quantity received on the promise date or within the receipt tolerance days.

The % Received Late is the percentage of the ordered quantity received after the promise date and outside the receipt tolerance days.

The % Received Early is the percentage of the ordered quantity received before the promise date and outside the receipt tolerance days.

The Days Variance is calculated as the summation of the date differential (transaction date subtracted from promise date) multiplied by the corrected received quantity (the received quantity plus or minus corrections) for each shipment, all divided by the total corrected received quantity. The result is the quantity per day the supplier is in variance.


In the Submit Requests window, select Supplier Service Performance Analysis Report in the Name field.


Items From/To

Enter the beginning and ending item numbers.

Suppliers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier names.

Categories From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchasing categories.


Enter a buyer name to restrict the report to a specific buyer.

Creation Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending creation dates.


Enter Yes or No to indicate whether you want to print detail information for each purchase order on the report.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Supplier Volume Analysis Report

The Supplier Volume Analysis Report shows the dollar value of items you purchase from a supplier. The report prints the items that are assigned sourcing rules. Use the report to compare your actual purchase percentages with your sourcing percentage.

The Expenditure is the sum of the item line amounts for standard purchase orders for the supplier.

The Actual Percentage is the items expenditure as a percentage of the total expenditure for the date range of the report.

The Intended Commitment is the total expenditure multiplied by the split percentage entered in the sourcing rules.


In the Submit Requests window, select Supplier Volume Analysis Report in the Name field.


Items From/To

Enter the beginning and ending item numbers.

Creation Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchase order creation dates.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Suppliers on Hold Report

The Suppliers on Hold Report lists all suppliers with purchase orders that are on hold. This report also prints all purchase orders you still have outstanding with the suppliers on hold.


In the Submit Requests window, select Suppliers on Hold Report in the Name field.


Supplier Names From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier names.

PO Numbers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchase order numbers.

Sort By

Use the sort by feature to produce a report customized to your specific needs. Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Purchase Order Number Sort the report by purchase order number
Supplier Sort the report by supplier

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Uninvoiced Receipts Report

The Uninvoiced Receipts Report should be run before the Receipt Accrual - Period-End process. With this report, you can review all or specific uninvoiced receipts for both period end and online accruals. Uninvoiced receipts are goods and services you have received that your supplier did not invoice yet. This report indicates exactly what you have to accrue and for what amount, and helps you analyze your receipt accrual entries. The accrual amount is the difference between the quantity received and the quantity billed multiplied by the unit price of the item.


In the Submit Requests window, select Uninvoiced Receipts Report in the Name field.



Enter your title for the report.

Accrued Receipts

Enter Yes to indicate that you want to include accrued receipts on the report. Otherwise, the report includes only unaccrued receipts.

Include Online Accruals

Enter Yes to indicate that you want to include online accruals on the report. Typically, you use the Accrual Reconciliation Report rather than this report to analyze your online accruals.

Include Closed POs

Enter Yes to indicate that the report should include purchase orders with a status of closed. Otherwise, the report excludes all the purchase orders in a closed status.

Categories From/To

Enter the beginning and ending purchasing categories.

Minimum Extended Value

Enter the minimum extended value for the report.

Period Name

Enter a period name to restrict the report to the periods up to and including the specified period.

Suppliers From/To

Enter the beginning and ending supplier names.

Sort By

Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Category Sort the report by purchasing category.
Supplier Sort the report by supplier name.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Receipt Accruals - Period End Process

Accrual Reconciliation Report

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Unit of Measure Class Listing

The Unit Of Measure Class Listing shows the classes of measurement you have defined. A unit of measure class is a grouping of common units of measurement. For example, the standard measurement for distance is inch, yard, foot, or mile. Units of distance are assigned to the class Distance. The units assigned to a class are reviewed in the Unit Of Measure Listing.


In the Submit Requests window, select Unit of Measure Class Listing in the Name field.



Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Active List only active unit of measure classes on the report.
Both List both active and inactive unit of measure classes on the report.
Inactive List only inactive unit of measure classes on the report.

Related Topics

Defining Unit of Measure Classes, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Unit of Measure Listing

The Unit of Measure Listing shows the unit conversions you have defined in the Unit of Measure Conversions window. A unit of measure is assigned to a class. The class is a common grouping of units based on a common denominator. For example, distance is a class of measurement; where inch, foot, yard and mile are units of distance measurement. The base unit would be foot. The unit of measure inch would have a conversion of .08333, which is multiplied by the base unit foot to create the conversion from inch to foot. The conversion for mile would be 5280. A unit is assigned to a class to ensure that it has a common denominator of conversion. In other words, gallons are in a different class than miles. Gallons are a unit of volume, and miles are a unit of distance. You can assign items an interclass conversion.

Use this report to review the units of measure conversions when you create purchase orders or requisitions, or enter receiving, delivery, or inspection transactions


In the Submit Requests window, select Unit of Measure Listing in the Name field.



Choose one of the following options:

Variable Description
Active List only active units of measure on the report.
Both List both active and inactive units of measure on the report.
Inactive List only inactive units of measure on the report.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle Applications User's Guide

Defining Unit of Measure Conversions, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Unordered Receipts Report

The Unordered Receipts Report lists all or selected unordered receipts. Unordered receipts refer to received items that receivers could not match to purchase orders or return material authorizations (RMAs). You can enter unordered receipt transactions only if you set up your system options accordingly. Purchasing lets you specify which unordered receipts you want to review. See: Defining Purchasing Options.


In the Submit Requests window, select Unordered Receipts Report in the Name field.


Transaction Dates From/To

Enter the beginning and ending transaction dates.

Organization Name

Enter the organization to restrict the report to a specific organization.


Choose Supplier to view unordered receipts that will be matched to purchase orders.

Choose Customer to view unordered receipts that will be matched to return material authorization (RMA) documents. An RMA is created in Order Management to authorize a customer return to your company.

If you want to view all unordered receipts (for suppliers and customers), run the report twice, once with a Customer source and once with a Supplier source.

Dynamic Precision Option

Enter the decimal precision for quantities on the report.

Related Topics

Defining Unit of Measure Conversions, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BI Publisher) Purchasing Reports

Many E-Business Suite application reports have been converted to Oracle BI Publisher (formerly XML Publisher). BI Publisher separates data definition to provide generic report extracts. Use these data extracts with standard desktop tools, such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Adobe Acrobat, to create and maintain custom report formats. Prior to using the XML reports, you must accommodate them in appropriate request groups and set up the required currency format.

BI Publisher Purchasing Reports

BI Publisher versions are available for majority of Oracle Purchasing reports. Customers can use the XML reports instead of the RDF ones.

Following is a list of Purchasing reports converted to BI Publisher:

XML Publisher Report Technical Name
Printed RFQ Report(Portrait) POXPRRFP_XML
Requisition Activity Register POXREQAC_XML
Requisition Import Exceptions Report POXREQIM_XML
RFQ Action Required Report POXRFRAR_XML
Cancelled Requisition Report POXRQCRQ_XML
Requisition Distribution Detail Report POXRQDDR_XML
ReqExpress Templates Listing POXRQEXP_XML
Requisitions on Cancelled Order Report POXRQRCO_XML
Vendor Service Performance Analysis Report POXSERPR_XML
Purchase Summary Report By Category POXSUCAT_XML
Item Summary Listing POXSUMIT_XML
Location Listing POXSURLC_XML
Unit of Measure Class Listing POXSURUC_XML
Unit of Measure Listing POXSURUM_XML
Vendor Volume Analysis Report POXVCVAR_XML
New Vendor Letter Report POXVDRVL_XML
Purchasing Activity Register POXACTPO_XML
Buyer Listing POXAGLST_XML
Purchase Order and Releases Detail Report POXBLREL_XML
Contract Status Report POXCONST_XML
Country of Origin (By Item) Report POXCORIT_XML
Country of Origin (By Supplier) Report POXCORSL_XML
Item Detail Listing POXDETIT_XML
Financials/Purchasing Options Listing POXFIPOL_XML
Savings Analysis Report(by Category) POXKIAGN_XML
Savings Analysis Report(by Buyer) POXKISUM_XML
Standard Notes Listing POXNOTES_XML
Purchasing Interface Errors Report POXPIERR_XML
Purchase Agreement Audit Report POXPOABP_XML
Blanket and Planned PO Status Report POXPOBPS_XML
Printed Requisitions Report POXPRREQ_XML
Quotation Action Required Report POXQTQAR_XML
Vendor Quality Performance Analysis Report POXQUAPR_XML
Purchase Price Variance Report POXRCPPV_XML
Purchase Requisition Status Report POXRQRSR_XML
Internal Requisitions/Deliveries Discrepancy Report POXRQSDD_XML
Internal Requisition Status Report POXRQSIN_XML
Buyer's Requisition Action Required Report POXRQUNI_XML
Vendors on Hold Report POXVDVOH_XML
Vendor Affiliated Structure Listing POXVESTR_XML
Cancelled Purchase Orders Report POXPOCAN_XML
Purchase Order Commitment By Period Report POXPOCOM_XML
Purchase Order Distribution Detail Report POXPODDR_XML
Encumbrance Detail Report POXPOEDR_XML
Open Purchase Orders Report(by Buyer) POXPOPAA_XML
Open Purchase Orders Report(by Cost Center) POXPOPAR_XML
Matching Holds Report by Buyer Report POXPOSMH_XML
Purchase Order Detail Report POXPOSTD_XML
Vendor Purchase Summary Report POXPOVPS_XML
Vendor Price Performance Analysis Report POXPRIPR_XML
Backordered Internal Requisitions Report POXRQOBO_XML
