The setup steps to integrate with other federal systems such as FPDS-NG, System for Award Management (SAM), etc, are described in the subsequent sections.
PRDS Inbound supports federal agencies in receiving PRDS requests from external agencies and creating purchase requisitions. PRDS is a special kind of XML document used by federal agencies for communication. PRDS represents an entire purchase request in an XML structure.
A PRDS Inbound request is raised using a business event, and the event converts the PRDS Standard XML to an Oracle Standard service XML format, following which the requisition service will be called. The requisition service uses the Oracle standard XML as input and creates a new purchase requisition.
For CLM purchase requisitions, PRDS is the input XML. The Federal Flag attribute in the input XML is defaulted to Y, when PRDS is transformed to Oracle Standard XML.
Business Event Information:
When you create a business event subscription:
Ensure that you, as the administrator/implementer, create the subscription.
The subscription uses the predefined Java rule function – oracle.apps.po.pds.PDSSubscription. It performs the XSLT on input PRDS XML, and invokes the Requisition Creation Web Service.
When you create or update a business event, enter the following information:
Name: oracle.apps.por.service.RequisitionService.Invoke
Display Name: enter a relevant display name
Status: Enabled
Owner Tag: ICX
Owner Name: iProcurement
Customization Level: User
To create or update a business event subscription, enter the following information:
Subscriber region: Enter the system name, for example, S1ICX.US.ORACLE.COM
Triggering Event region: Enter the Source Type (for example: local) and Event Filter (oracle.apps.icx.por.service.RequisitionService.Invoke).
In the Execution Condition region, enter Phase (99), Status (Enabled), and Rule Data (Message).
In the Action Type region, select Invoke Web Service from the Action Type list, and also select Stop and Rollback from the On Error list.
Click Next to continue.
Enter a WSDL URL to populate the WSDL Source.
In the Select Service page, enter the RequisitionService_Service value in the Service Name field.
Select a value for Service Port.
Select the Operation RequisitionService_CreateRequisitionHeaders.
In the Configuration page, view the Web Services details, and enter Web Service Security information.
Click Apply.
Select the Web Service Invoker Parameters, and click Apply.
Business Event Subscription Parameters
SERVICE_NAME | RequisitionService_Service |
SERVICE_PORT | RequisitionService_Port |
SERVICE_PORTTYPE | RequisitionService_PortType |
SERVICE_OPERATION | RequisitionService_CreateRequisition |
Note the XSL Tranformation file that transforms PRDS XML to Oracle Standard Service XML is Oracle .apps.icx.patch.115.publisher.templates.ICX_PRDS_INBOUND_XSL.xsl.
Federal Procurement Data System, Next Generation (FPDS-NG) is an external web application maintained by Global Computer Enterprises that collects contract related data from every agency in the Government for reporting purposes. Congress, federal departments, and agencies use FPDS-NG to track small business goals, report number and amount of contracts to date, show geographical placement of contracts, and summarize contract data for a specific contractor.
CLM integrates with FPDS-NG by providing users the ability to update FPDS-NG information from within the system, create, update, and link Contract Action Reports (CARs) to CLM documents, etc. Before users can use CLM with FPDS-NG, implementers need to set up the following:
You can update FPDS-NG CAR information using Business Service Objects (BSO). See: Business Service Object Web Service to Create, Update and View CLM Awards, IDVs and Modifications (Doc ID 2192891.1) on My Oracle Support.
Checklist for Pre-requisite Setup Steps:
Define valid Address Codes for Issuing Office. See: Defining Addresses.
Define valid Instrument Types. See: Define valid Instrument Types.
Checklist for Implementation Steps:
Set up Site Agency Administration. See: Setting up Site Agency.
Set up profile option values. See: Set up Profile Option values.
Set up Proxy Server Information. See: Set up Proxy Server Information.
Import Security Certificate. See: Importing Security Certificate.
Update Configuration File. See: Update Configuration File.
Extend the Pre-filled Information region. See: Extending the Pre-filled Information region .
Setup Steps
Defining Addresses: This is a pre-requisite step. For more information on defining address codes, see: Configuring CLM Offices and Contacts in the chapter Setting up CLM features. Also, refer to the section Addresses in the chapter Extending CLM Attributes using Attribute Setup Workbench.
Define valid Instrument Types: This is also a pre-requisite step. An Instrument Type indicates the type of instrument by entering a predefined upper case letter in position nine of the procurement instrument identification number (PIIN). For example, Indefinite delivery contracts –D and Basic Ordering Agreement – G. For more information on defining valid Instrument Types, see: Document Numbering in the chapter Extending CLM Attributes using Attribute Setup Workbench.
Setting up Site Agency: When your agency registers its details in FPDS-NG, the FPDS-NG site communicates site agency information to you. Site agency information such as Agency ID, Site ID, Password is sent to you and then you can set up your Site Agency information in CLM. Using the appropriate CLM Purchasing responsibility, navigate to the FPDS-NG Agency Administration page. The page enables you to create an Agency by clicking the Create button. Click Update to update the agency information.
Set up Profile Option values: The profile options you need to define values for are:
PO: Enable FPDS-NG Reporting: This profile option is obsolete. It has been replaced by a control in the CLM Controls region.
PO: FPDS-NG Agency ID: This profile option is obsolete. It has been replaced by a control in the CLM Controls region.
PO: FPDS-NG Contracting Office Agency ID: This profile option is obsolete. It has been replaced by a control in the CLM Controls region.
PO: FPDS-NG Award XML Source: This profile option is obsolete. It has been replaced by a control in the CLM Controls region.
PO: FPDS-NG Award Mod XML Source: This profile option is obsolete. It has been replaced by a control in the CLM Controls region.
PO: FPDS-NG IDV XML Source: This profile option is obsolete. It has been replaced by a control in the CLM Controls region.
PO: FPDS-NG IDV Mod XML Source: This profile option is obsolete. It has been replaced by a control in the CLM Controls region.
PO: User to Notify for Award Release Check Failure: This profile option is obsolete. It has been replaced by a control (FPDS-NG CAR failure notification) in the CLM Controls region.
PO: FPDS-NG User Account for contract action reporting
PO: FPDS-NG User Account for viewing contract action report
PO: OA_HTML Absolute Path
Some profile options are obsolete and are replaced with controls (in the CLM Controls region of the Purchasing Options page). If the profile values are already defined, then these values are migrated automatically by the system to the CLM Controls region.
For more details on the FPDS-NG related profile options, refer to the section Profile Options in the chapter Profile Options in CLM for Public Sector.
Set up Proxy Server Information: Set up the following proxy server details:
Applications Proxy Port: the proxy port of the internal network, e.g. 80.
Applications Server-Side Proxy Host And Domain: the proxy host of the internal network e.g.
Importing Security Certificate: Navigate to the FPDS-NG website, download the security certificate and import it to the key store in the Weblogic server.
Update Configuration File (FPDSConfig.xml): This file contains the Business Service URL and GUI Service URL for IDV and Award for FPDS-NG Webservice calls. These URLs should be appropriately modified during implementation.
Extending the Pre-Filled Information region: Refer to the section Extending the Pre-Filled Information region in the chapter Extensibility for Implementers for more information.
The System for Award Management ( is an official website of the U.S. Government. System for Award Management (SAM) is the single point of entry for Federal buyers to publish Federal government procurement opportunities across departments and agencies. US Federal Government complex contracting and procurement business processes require that all opportunities over a certain amount, currently at $25,000, must be posted to SAM, where suppliers seeking Federal markets for their products and services can search, monitor, and retrieve opportunities solicited by the entire Federal contracting community. Use Sourcing Abstract and Forms in order to integrate with SAM. You can set up REST services to post contract opportunities for solicitations, awards, Indefinite Delivery Vehicle (IDVs), and their modifications to the SAM website.
Posting Contract Opportunities to SAM
When a buyer adds a contract opportunity to a solicitation in Oracle Sourcing and clicks the Post button, the “Generate notices for Contract Opportunities posting” concurrent program automatically runs in the background. This program creates the JSON data for the notice to be posted. This JSON is sent as payload to the web service. Use the Posting Details page to check the status of the concurrent program.
In Oracle CLM Sourcing, you can use REST services to post the following version 10 forms:
Sources Sought Notice
Presolicitation Notice
Modification to Previous Presolicitation Notice
Combined Synopsis/Solicitation
Amendment to Previous Combined Solicitation
Solicitation Amendment
Special Notice
Special Notice Amendment
Setting up REST Services to Post Contract Opportunities to System for Award Management (SAM)
As a prerequisite step, ensure that CLM is installed and enabled in your instance. Log in using your credentials and use the CLM Sourcing Super User responsibility or any other Sourcing responsibility that gives you access to the Administration tab.
Use an appropriate CLM Sourcing responsibility to access the Administration tab. See: Update Abstract and Forms.
Enter profile option values. See: Enter Profile Options
Set up a SAM account. See: Set Up a SAM Account.
Review troubleshooting guidelines. See: Review Troubleshooting Guidelines.
Completing Implementation Steps
Update Abstract and Forms: Navigate to CLM Sourcing Super User > (T) Administration > Negotiation Tools region > (H) Abstract and Forms.
The predefined forms list appears. The status of the forms associated with SAM are set to Draft initially. You need to set the status of each form to Active to be able to use it in the solicitation. Click Update to open the form individually. Select Active from the Status LOV and click Apply to save your changes. Making the form status as Active is a one-time step. Note that to post version 10 abstracts and forms to SAM, you must set up integration with the SAM website.
Set up the following profile options:
PON: Contract Opportunities API URL
PON: Contract Opportunities API Key
PON: Contract Opportunities Contracting Officer ID
PON: Contract Opportunities email ID
For more information on profile options, see: Profile Options.
In addition, you must also set up the following profile options:
Applications Server-Side Proxy Host And Domain: If you are using a proxy server, then enter the address of your proxy server.
Applications Proxy Port: Use this profile option to enter the proxy port number.
Create a SAM account using the contracting officer privilege and complete the necessary setup according to the guidelines for Contract Opportunities at this URL:
When you create the system account, ensure that the IP address of the calling system is correctly configured.
Review Troubleshooting Guidelines
These are a few guidelines to troubleshoot issues that you may encounter during the SAM posting process:
Verify that the Generate notices for Contract Opportunities posting concurrent program runs successfully.
The first step in the process of posting SAM Contract Opportunities notice is that Generate notices for Contract Opportunities posting concurrent must run successfully. Concurrent manager should be up and running and the following profiles must have correct values:
PON: Contract Opportunities API URL
PON: Contract Opportunities API Key
PON: Contract Opportunities Contracting Officer ID
PON: Contract Opportunities email ID
Resolve connection issues to the SAM Contract Opportunities site.
There are chances of encountering errors while connecting to the SAM site. If you are having any proxy settings, then you must update the following profiles:
Applications Server-Side Proxy Host And Domain
Applications Proxy Port
The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) requires the use of the Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA) in federal solicitations as a part of the proposal submission process. ORCA is an integral part of the System for Award Management (SAM) and replaces most of the paper based Representations and Certifications (Reps and Certs) in Section K of solicitations with a web services interface. ORCA enables suppliers to register their certifications (small business, HUBZone business, and so on.). CLM enables buyers to extract this information from ORCA and store it along with the CLM document.
In Oracle CLM Sourcing, buyers can view and extract ORCA information from published solicitations that have been closed for bidding and have active offers.
In Oracle CLM Purchasing, contracting officers can view and extract ORCA information from draft unapproved awards, IDVs, and orders that reference IDVs.
You cannot retrieve ORCA information for approved awards, IDVs, orders that reference IDVs, or modifications.
REST services are used to post contract opportunities for solicitations, awards, indefinite delivery vehicles (IDVs), and their modifications to the SAM website. To enable Oracle CLM to get ORCA details for these documents from the SAM website, you must set up REST services.
To set up REST services to extract ORCA information, complete the following steps:
Set values for the following profile options:
PO: SAM Entity URL
See Profile Options for information about setting these profiles options.
Set up a System for Award Management (SAM) account to access the ORCA web service. See Integrating with System for Award Management (SAM).
Important: If your server connects to the SAM website using HTTP and not HTTPS, then you must specify the following server argument to enable the HTTP handle:
For information about viewing ORCA details from Oracle CLM Purchasing and Oracle CLM Sourcing, see the following topics:
Extracting ORCA Details via CLM Documents, Oracle Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector Purchasing User Guide
Retrieve ORCA Details via Solicitations, Oracle Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector Sourcing User Guide
Each federal program agency is required to maintain a list of suppliers that have been debarred or are otherwise ineligible to do business with federal agencies. When a procurement user selects the Verify Vendor Eligibility action for an award, an IDV, or a modification, Oracle CLM sends a request to the System for Award Management (SAM) and receives vendor verification details through REST services.
To set up REST services for vendor eligibility verification, complete the following steps
Set values for the following profile options:
PO: SAM Entity URL
PO: SAM Exclusion
See Profile Options for information about setting these profiles options.
Set up a System for Award Management (SAM) account to access the ORCA web service. See Integrating with System for Award Management (SAM).
Important: If your server connects to the SAM website using HTTP and not HTTPS, then you must specify the following server argument to enable the HTTP handle:
The following setup steps help you to complete the integration with EDA:
Set the appropriate values for the following profile options:
PO: EDA Batch Size
PO: EDA Files Location
For more information on these profile options, refer to the Profile Options section.
The following steps are mandatory to run the Generate Index File for EDA and Generate Files for EDA concurrent programs:
Ensure that the value for the profile option PO: EDA Files Location is set in the system parameter utl_file_dir. To do this, run the following query:
SELECT value FROM V$PARAMETER WHERE NAME = 'utl_file_dir';
If the location is set, then you do not need to complete the next steps. If the location is not set, then complete the following steps:
Create an Oracle Directory Object with the name PO_EDA_FILES_LOCATION and enter a path_name, for example:
Provide read and write access to the Oracle User as follows:
The concurrent programs described below help you to generate XML, Index and PDF files for EDA:
Generate XML File for EDA: The purpose of this program is to generate an EDA XML file for a given document number.
The parameters for the concurrent program are:
Is Modification Document ? : Select Y if the document is a modification document, select N if the document is a base document (award or IDV).
CLM Document Number: The document number list displays according to the document type you select in the first parameter Is Modification Document ?
Schema Version: This is the version of the Procurement Data Standard schema used to produce the procurement instrument.
System Administrator DoDACC: This is the DoDACC of the user in the agency and is represented by an alphanumeric code.
Data Template: The name of the data template POEDAXML defaults in the parameter field. The data template comes with the patch POEDAXML.xml.
DIPTR Number: Enter the DIPTR Number as per your agency standards.
Document Purpose: Enter the appropriate value as per your agency standards.
Generate PDF File for EDA: The purpose of this program is to generate an EDA PDF file for a given document number.
The parameters for the concurrent program are:
Is Modification Document ? : Select Y if the document is a modification document, select N if the document is a base document (award or IDV).
CLM Document Number: The document number list displays according to the document type you select in the first parameter Is Modification Document ?
Generate Index File for EDA: The purpose of this program is to generate an Index file for a given document number.
The parameters for the concurrent program are:
Is Modification Document ? : Select Y if the document is a modification document, select N if the document is a base document (award or IDV).
CLM Document Number: The document number list displays according to the document type you select in the first parameter Is Modification Document ?
System Name: Enter the name of the contract writing system as provided by your system administrator.
The Generate Files for EDA concurrent program is used to generate all three EDA files (PDF, XML and Index) in a single concurrent program for a given document number or set of documents. The set of documents are queried on the range based input given. This also ensures proper naming for output files.
The concurrent program Generate Files for EDA help you to generate XML, Index and PDF files for EDA. The parameters of this concurrent program are described below:
Base or Modification Documents: You can specify what kind of documents are to be included for EDA processing. The values are Base Documents, Modifications, Both. Based on the input for this value the next lists of values are displayed as part of the parameters. Base Documents is to be used for Awards / IDVs and Modifications is to be used to generate the Modification documents for Awards / IDVs.
EDA Document Number: Based on the above field value, all the eligible document numbers are shown here. This parameter enables you to specify a single document number or a range of document numbers along with the EDA Document Number (To) parameter value.
EDA Document Number (To): The values that are displayed for this parameter are dependent on the EDA Document Number parameter.
If you selected the value ABCDEF-11-A-0010 (DoDACC-Year-Instrument Type-Serial Number) in the EDA Document Number parameter, the system automatically shows you those document numbers where the DoDACC and Instrument Type is the same as the EDA Document Number parameter. Therefore, the EDA Document Number (To) parameter displays only those documents whose numbers contain DoDACC and Instrument Type values that are identical to the EDA Document Number value. You can now select all documents with Year and Serial Number equal to or greater than the EDA Document Number parameter value. For example, you can select 11 or 12 as the Year and any Serial Number equal to or greater than 0010.
Approved Date (From) enables you to enter a date so that all documents whose approval date is greater than or equal to this parameter value are processed.
Approved Date (To) enables you to enter a date value so that all documents whose approval date is below and equal to this parameter value are processed.
Effective Date (From) enables you to enter a date value. All documents whose effective date is greater than or equal to this date value are processed.
Effective Date (To) enables you to enter a date value. All documents whose effective date is less than or equal to this date value are processed.
Select one of the three values of the Document Status parameter: Approved, Draft, All. You can specify which of the statuses of the documents are to be processed.
The EDA Status parameter has three values – Generated, Not Generated, All. This parameter enables you to specify a value based on the whether the concurrent program was run or not, prior to this run, for a given document. Select Generated when you want to re-generate the files that have been generated already.
Schema version: This is the version of the Procurement Data Standard schema used to produce the procurement instrument.
System administrator DODAAC: This is the DoDACC of the user in the agency and is represented by an alphanumeric code.
Data Template: The name of the data template POEDAXML defaults in the parameter field. The data template comes with the patch POEDAXML.xml. If the customer has customized this data template for their specific implementation, then the new data template name is the parameter value for the Data Template parameter.
DIPTR Number: Enter the DIPTR Number as per your agency standards.
Document Purpose: Enter the appropriate value as per your agency standards.
System Name: Enter the name of the contract writing system as provided by your system administrator.
Perform the following setup steps in order to enable Clause Logic Service (CLS) in CLM:
Review the CLS configuration data: The configuration data is stored in table OKC_CLS_CONFIG_DATA, for example, configuration data of the REST API. This data is not expected to change often and it is more of a one-time setup step. If there are any URIs or host name updates to be made, update the table with the required information and refresh the application server for the changes to take effect.
The table contains the configuration data in name value pairs. Each item is explained as follows:
API_KEY - the API key provided by CLS that is used for encryption of data.
API_SECRET - the API secret provided by CLS that is used for encryption of data.
REST_HOST – the host name where the web service is hosted.
CREATE_PROC_DOC_URL - the URL (without the host name) for the web service to create a procurement document in CLS.
CREATE_CLAT_URL - the URL (without the host name) for the web service to create a CLAT.
LAUNCH_CLGUI_URL - the URL (without the host name) for the web service to retrieve the CLS launch URL.
PUT_INDICATOR_URL - the URL (without the host name) for the web service to send the indicators for an existing document.
GET_ALL_CLAUSES_FOR_DOC_URL - the URL (without the host name) for he web service to retrieve all the recommended clauses for a procurement document after running the rules.
GET_ALL_DOCUMENTS_URL - the URL (without the host name) for the web service to retrieve all the procurement documents created using the API KEY and SECRET.
EXPIRE_CLAT_URL - the URL (without the host name) for the web service to expire the existing active CLAT with the system.
LIBRARY_CLAUSES_URL - the URL (without the host name) for the web service to retrieve all the clauses in CLS library.
SERVER_TIMESTAMP_URL - the URL (without the host name) for the web service to retrieve the timestamp of the server.
Enable Rendering of the UI component:
Navigate to Functional Administrator > Personalization > Application Catalog. Find the Create Template page (/oracle/apps/okc/terms/webui/TemplateCreatePG). Click Personalize Page and set the appropriate personalization context. Personalize the Message Check Box: Clause Logic Service Enabled and set the rendered property to 'True'. Repeat the same for View and Update template page(/oracle/apps/okc/terms/webui/TemplatePG). With this there will be a provision to enable a Clause template for CLS integration.
Synchronize the local clause library with CLS: To set up the clause library in a fresh installation, you can get all clauses from CLS and populate them into the library tables.
Invoke the appropriate webservice to get all clauses from CLS.
Use this XML data to populate OKC_ART_INTERFACE_ALL. Ensure that you populate the key columns as follows:
art_system_reference_code with 'CLS'.
system_reference_id1 with the xpath '/Response/Clauses//Clause/@id'
ver_system_reference_code with 'CLS'
ver_system_reference_id1 with the xpath '/Response/Clauses//Clause/Revision/@id'
article_title with Xpath '/Response/Clauses//Clause/Revision/Title/text()'
article_number with Xpath '/Response/Clauses//Clause/Number/text()'
article_text with Xpath '/Response/Clauses//Clause/Revision/Body/text()'
Action as 'N' to create new entries
The remaining fields, as per your requirement
Run the Import Clauses concurrent program that will import the clauses to the local library.
Ensure that the imported clauses in the final table OKC_ARTICLES_ALL and OKC_ARTICLE_VERSIONS are correctly populated.
OKC_ARTICLES_ALL table should have ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE_CODE as 'CLS' and ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE_ID1 as Id of the clause that CLS has sent.
Enable Profile OKC:Clause Library in sync with Clause Logic Service should be set to Y.
If clause setup exists in the system then:
Review the setup to ensure that Article title of the local clause matches the value returned from CLS. In this case you can repeat the steps 1-4 above except in step 2 when populating values to OKC_ART_INTERFACE_ALL mark action as 'U' to update the existing version or 'V' to create new article version. The art_system_reference_code, system_reference_id1, ver_system_reference_code, ver_system_reference_id1 must be updated.
Enable Profile OKC:Clause Library in sync with Clause Logic Service should be set to Y
To keep up with clause revisions in CLS, schedule regular updates to local clause library by creating new versions.
For information on PDS, refer to Doc ID: 2182198.1 (CLM PDS Inbound - A Comprehensive Coverage) and Doc ID: 2182168.1 (Attribute Mapping between CLM and PDS / PRDS) on MyOracle Support.