Purchasing Options


Use the Purchasing Options window to define default values and controls for functions throughout Oracle Purchasing. You can often override purchasing options when you are creating documents.

Using an appropriate CLM Purchasing responsibility, navigate to Setup: Organizations > Purchasing Options.

The Purchasing Options window consists of several regions, using which you can define the options you require:

For more information on the regions Document Controls, Document Defaults, Receipt Accounting and Document Numbering, refer to the Oracle Purchasing User's Guide.

For more information on the regions CLM Controls and CLM - FPDS-NG Reporting, refer to the sections that follow.

CLM Controls

CLM Controls region

On the Purchasing Options page, the CLM Controls region is used to enable functions and define some CLM options so that the listed features work in the application.

Use the options in the CLM Controls region to determine the features that the agencies can use. This region is available and displayed only if the profile option CLM Installed has a value of Yes for the instance (CLM Installed is a site level profile). The functions in the CLM Controls region are enabled at the operating unit level.

Important: Enabling the check boxes for ACRN, MIPR, UCA, Payment Instructions, ELINs and CDRLs are one time setup steps. Implementers, administrators, or users are advised not to change the value of the check boxes (by selecting or deselecting) once documents are created using the respective feature.

The CLM Controls region consists of the following options:

If you clear an already selected check box, a warning message displays, informing you that disabling the feature will lead to data inconsistencies. You can opt to Revert Changes and let the check box remain selected; or, click Yes to disable the feature by clearing the check box.

CLM - FPDS-NG Reporting region

If the check box Enable FPDS-NG Reporting is selected, then the CLM - FPDS-NG Reporting region is displayed below the CLM Controls region. All the options in this region pertain to setup steps for FPDS-NG. The options are applicable for the operating unit level.

The CLM - FPDS-NG Reporting region consists of the following fields and options:

G-Invoicing Defaults

See Setting Up G-Invoicing.