Use the Purchasing Options window to define default values and controls for functions throughout Oracle Purchasing. You can often override purchasing options when you are creating documents.
Using an appropriate CLM Purchasing responsibility, navigate to Setup: Organizations > Purchasing Options.
The Purchasing Options window consists of several regions, using which you can define the options you require:
Document Control
Document Defaults
Receipt Accounting
Document Numbering
CLM Controls
CLM - FPDS-NG Reporting
For more information on the regions Document Controls, Document Defaults, Receipt Accounting and Document Numbering, refer to the Oracle Purchasing User's Guide.
For more information on the regions CLM Controls and CLM - FPDS-NG Reporting, refer to the sections that follow.
On the Purchasing Options page, the CLM Controls region is used to enable functions and define some CLM options so that the listed features work in the application.
Use the options in the CLM Controls region to determine the features that the agencies can use. This region is available and displayed only if the profile option CLM Installed has a value of Yes for the instance (CLM Installed is a site level profile). The functions in the CLM Controls region are enabled at the operating unit level.
Important: Enabling the check boxes for ACRN, MIPR, UCA, Payment Instructions, ELINs and CDRLs are one time setup steps. Implementers, administrators, or users are advised not to change the value of the check boxes (by selecting or deselecting) once documents are created using the respective feature.
The CLM Controls region consists of the following options:
Enable FPDS-NG Reporting: This check box, when selected, is used to turn on the FPDS-NG functionality in CLM and integrate with the FPDS-NG website. This feature is enabled at the operating unit level. If you select this check box, another region called CLM - FPDS-NG Reporting is enabled and displays below the CLM Controls region. For more information on the CLM - FPDS-NG reporting region, refer to the section that follows.
Enable Default Distributions in Award: If you select this check box, then when you create an award and add lines or schedules to it, the distributions are automatically created for you. If you leave this check box deselected, then distributions are not automatically created when you create award lines or schedules. The Create Default Distribution action can be used to create default distribution, if the check box is not selected. The creation of default distributions does not apply to auto-created awards.
The setting of this check box is cached on the award header at the time of award creation. For example, if the check box is selected and awards are created, users can add lines to the award later and the distributions will be defaulted, regardless of the current value of the check box.
Enable Accounting Classification Reference Number: If you select this check box, then the ACRN field (which is a two-character field) is displayed in the Distributions tab of an award or the Accounts tab of a requisition. Additionally, the Regenerate ACRN action is enabled and displayed in the Actions list of values in these tabs. Users must enter the ACRN number or have it automatically generated using the Regenerate ACRN action. This takes place when the CLM document is saved or when the user selects the Regenerate ACRN action.
Contracting Officer's Electronic Signature Required: Determines if the contracting officer must electronically sign CLM documents. This is applicable only if the Bilateral Indicator on the document is selected. If this check box is not selected, then the signature gets routed to the buyer of the doc if the Bilateral Indicator is set to the value Signature Required. Selecting this check box will work in addition to the choice users will make at the document level.
Enable Undefinitized Contract Actions: If you select this check box, then the Undefinitized Contract Actions feature is enabled for users. Users can definitize or undefinitize lines in CLM documents using this feature.
Enable Payment Instructions: The Enable Payment Instruction check box is displayed only if the Enable Accounting Classification Reference Number check box is selected. When you select the Enable Payment Instruction check box, the Payments Instructions feature is enabled and the Payment Instructions can be specified at header or line levels.
Enable Verify Vendor Eligibility: When this check box is selected the Verify Vendor Eligibility action is available in the Actions list of values in awards, IDVs, and solicitations. Contracting officers use this action to open the Verify Vendor Eligibility page to check whether the vendor is eligible to do business or has been disbarred. See Verify Vendor Eligibility, Oracle Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector Purchasing User Guide.
Note: You must set up REST services to enable contracting officers to verify vendor eligibility. See Setting Up REST Services to Verify Vendor Eligibility.
Enable Wage Determination Online: This check box, when selected, enables and displays the Wage Determination action in the Awards, Modifications and Solicitations pages. Clicking this action opens the Wage Determination page, using which users can capture wage information along with the award, modification or solicitations.
Wage Determination Online URL: Enter a URL of a wage determination website (
). When users click the Launch WDOL button on the Wage Determination page, the system reads this URL and opens the webpage in a new browser window.
Enable Exhibit for Deliverables (CDRL): When this check box is selected, users can define deliverables as exhibits. When the Enable Exhibit for Deliverable (CDRL) check box is selected, the Manage Exhibit and Specify Exhibit buttons are available in the Define Contract Terms page. Additionally, the Exhibit Details and Pricing Details regions are displayed in the Create Deliverables page.
Enable Exhibit for Lines: When this check box is selected, users can define lines as Exhibit lines in awards, IDVs, modifications and solicitations. The Exhibit column is displayed in the Lines page for awards, IDVs, modifications and solicitations when you select this check box. Using this column, users can specify if a line is an Exhibit line. When this check box is selected, the Manage Exhibits action is available at the document level and the Convert to/From Exhibit Lines action is available in the Lines details region.
Enable MIPR: Use this check box to make the Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) feature available to users in Oracle CLM iProcurement and Oracle CLM Purchasing. If you deselect the Enable MIPR check box, and then reselect the check box, existing MIPRs (which are already created) will be shown to users.
Enable MIPR Acceptance: This option is displayed only if the Enable MIPR check box is selected. When you select Enable MIPR Acceptance, for MIPRs of type MIPR-Own, the MIPR Acceptance region is displayed and is available to users in the Requisition page.
Enable PRDS Outbound: Select the PRDS Outbound check box, and then specify the URL that will contain the generated XML files in the field called PRDS Outbound Directory Path. The PRDS Outbound Directory Path field is only enabled and available when the PRDS Outbound check box is selected.
Enable Small Business Coordination Records: Select this check box to enable users to create and use Small Business Coordination Records (DD-2579s). Creating DD-2579 documents may not be carried out by all federal agencies, which is why the check box is available to enable this feature for the agencies that require to create and use Small Business Coordination Records.
Enable Taxes: Select this check box to use Oracle E-Business Tax in requisitions, awards, and modifications.
Release Funds for Backing Requisition: Select this check box to ensure funds are sent back to requisitions rather than to the budget pool. If you select this check box, funds remain with the requisition even after the amount in the related award is reduced after modification. By default, this check box is clear, and funds are sent back to the budget pool.
Automatically Calculate Workload Milestone Dates Serially: Use this option to automatically compute the estimated start and completion dates for each milestone based on the preceding sequential milestones. The contracting officer can use this information to prioritize milestones based on the estimated completion date in the workload assignment. If you select this option, then the start date of each milestone on the Create Workload Assignment page is automatically set to the day following the estimated completion date of the preceding milestone. For example, for the first milestone, the start date is set to 06-Dec-2023 and the estimated days is set to 7. If this option is selected, then for the first milestone the estimated completion date is calculated as 13-Dec-2023. The start date of the next milestone is automatically set as 14-Dec-2023, which is the estimated completion date of the previous milestone plus 1 day. The selection in the CLM Controls region defaults to the Create Workload Assignment page. The contracting officer can update the default value. However, if the option is selected during the creation of the workload assignment, then the option cannot be changed when the workload assignment is updated. For information about workload assignments, see Using Workload Assignments from the Requisitions Page, Oracle Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector Purchasing User Guide.
Note: If you do not want to use this option, then you can hide the check box using the Oracle Framework Personalization feature.
Decommit Remaining Funds During Obligation: When a contracting officer is able to fulfill an order obligating less than what was committed in the requisition, unused funds are available. Select this option to release unused committed funds from the requisition. When a requisition is placed on an award for less than the full requisition amount, the balance is automatically decommitted upon the award's approval. Unused commitment of the linked requisition is released to the budget. You can use this option to proactively decommit funds instead of trying to find all the requisitions with remaining balances and then attempting to liquidate funds. By default, this option is unchecked. For more information, see Funding an Award from Requisitions, Oracle Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector Purchasing User Guide.
Allow Overcommitment of Obligation: You can select this option only if the Decommit Remaining Funds During Obligation option is selected. Select this option if you want to increase order line amount even if an associated requisition does not have sufficient backing funds available. When a requisition is placed on an award with more than the full requisition amount, the additional obligation (funds) required will be utilized from the budget based on the availability of funds. For more information, see Funding an Award from Requisitions, Oracle Contract Lifecycle Management for Public Sector Purchasing User Guide.
Important: The Allow Overcommit of Obligation check box is hidden by default. If required, display the check box using personalization. See Personalizing the CLM Interface.
Enable Supplier Changes Using BSO Web Service: Select this check box to use PDS (Procurement Data Standard) and Business Service Object (BSO) web services to modify the suppliers on a current award as part of a Novation procedure. After selecting this check box, you must run the PO CLM PDS Inbound concurrent program to complete changes for a supplier. For information about PDS and PO CLM PDS Inbound concurrent program, refer to Doc ID: 2182198.1, CLM PDS Inbound - A Comprehensive Coverage and Doc ID: 2182168.1, Attribute Mapping between CLM and PDS / PRDS on My Oracle Support.
Important: The Enable Supplier Changes Using BSO Web Service check box is hidden by default. Display the check box using personalization. See Personalizing the CLM Interface.
Document Amount Threshold (USD): Enter a numeric value for the Document Amount Threshold. This Document Amount Threshold value is compared to the total value of the solicitation or modification. A warning message is displayed when the solicitation / modification is submitted for approval and the document's value exceeds the threshold, but a signed DD-2579 is not attached.
If you clear an already selected check box, a warning message displays, informing you that disabling the feature will lead to data inconsistencies. You can opt to Revert Changes and let the check box remain selected; or, click Yes to disable the feature by clearing the check box.
If the check box Enable FPDS-NG Reporting is selected, then the CLM - FPDS-NG Reporting region is displayed below the CLM Controls region. All the options in this region pertain to setup steps for FPDS-NG. The options are applicable for the operating unit level.
The CLM - FPDS-NG Reporting region consists of the following fields and options:
FPDS-NG Agency ID: When you register at the FPDS-NG site, you need to provide your agency ID. You need to enter this registered agency ID value in the field in order to integrate with the FPDS-NG site. For example, an agency ID of 9700 (Navy) is registered at the FPDS-NG site. 9700 is the value you enter for this field.
FPDS-NG Contracting Office Agency ID: When you register at the FPDS-NG site, you need to provide your Contracting Office agency ID. You need to enter this registered Contracting Office agency ID value in the field in order to integrate with the FPDS-NG site.
FPDS-NG Award XML Source: The value of this LOV indicates that the XML source for generating the payload for posting to the FPDS-NG page. The prefill information that is displayed in the Reporting Details region is also based on this XML.
FPDS-NG Award Mod XML Source: The value of this LOV indicates the XML source for generating the payload for posting to the FPDS-NG page. The prefill information that is displayed in the Reporting Details region is also based on this XML.
FPDS-NG IDV XML Source: The value of this LOV indicates the XML source for generating the payload for posting to the FPDS-NG page. The prefill information that is displayed in the Reporting Details region is also based on this XML.
FPDS-NG IDV Mod XML Source: The value of this LOV indicates the XML source for generating the payload for posting to the FPDS-NG page. The prefill information that is displayed in the Reporting Details region is also based on this XML.
FPDS-NG CAR failure notification: The values for this LOV are : Buyer or Approver. Before submitting for approval, the CAR needs to be authenticated. If any errors occur during this stage, the buyer or approver specified receives a notification listing the errors. During CAR approval, if there are any technical or other issues at the FPDS-NG site, notifications are sent to the buyer or approver specified, informing them of the errors.