

access privileges
  assigning to data sharing groups link
account merge
  rules link
  Automerge link
acquisition attributes link
  administering and overview link
  communication protocol link
  configuring link
  creating for address validation link
  setting up for batch address validation link
  XML message format link
address correction link
Address entity link
   See also Other entities
  corresponding tables link
  in Data Quality Management link
  interface search and staged schema tables link
  tax location validation link
Address Formatting API link
address keys link link
   See also fuzzy search
address styles
  setting default link
  setting up for validations link
address validation link
   See also geography validation
  adapter overview link
  creating adapters link
  setting up batch validation link
  setting up Bulk Import link
  setting up real-time validation link
  XML message format link
Address Validation program link link
  display map of address link
  validating and mapping to geographies link
Administration tab
  defining access to link
  description link
  Address Formatting link
  Name Formatting link
  Phone Number Formatting link
  Phone Number Parsing link
Application Proxy Port profile option link
Applications Proxy Bypass Domains profile option link
Applications Proxy Port profile option link link link
Applications Server-Side Proxy Host And Domain profile option link link link
Applications Server-Side Proxy Host and Domain profile option link
Apps Servlet Agent profile option link
AR: Customer Merge Commit Size profile option link
area code time zones
  description link
assigning responsibilities to users
  general implementation link
attribute groups
  overview link
  Single Source of Truth example link
attribute scores
  match rules link
attributes link
  Bulk Import de-duplication processes link
  creating custom link
  defining for Bulk Import de-duplication link
  defining in Data Quality Management link
  description link
  in Data Quality Management link link
  scoring in match rules link
  selecting and defining for match rules link
  tips for Data Quality Management link
automatic D&B import
  setting up link
automatic merge thresholds
  batch duplicate identification link
  Bulk Import de-duplication processes link link
automatic synchronization
  description link
Automerge link
   See also Automerge program
  description link link
  Registry de-duplication link
Automerge program
  description link
  not running for batch duplicate identification link
  parameters link
Automerge thresholds
  defining link


B-Tree indexes
  Bulk Import de-duplication processes link
  creating and updating link
  description link
  overview link
  synchronizing with TCA Registry link
batch de-duplication
  process details link
  setting up link
batch duplicate identification
  setting up link
BES callouts link
black boxes
  description link
bulk duplicate identification
  description link
  matching process link
  process link
Bulk Import
  de-duplication processes link
  setting up link
  setting up for D&B batch load link
  synchronizing extensions data link
business events link link
   See also business object business events
   See also granular business events
  defining types to raise link
  setting up link
  setup process link
  situations to disable for link
  types link
  usage in Oracle E-Business Suite link
business object business events
  description link
   See also business events
business objects
  description link


  description link
CDL link
   See Oracle Customer Data Librarian (CDL)
  administering link
  managing levels link
  managing reasons link
circular relationships
  defining in relationship types link
class categories
  assigning entities to link
  copying link
  creating link
  description link
  searching for link
  updating link
class code hierarchies
  description link
  updating link
  viewing link
class codes
  creating link
  description link
  updating link
classification rules
  defining link
  description link
classification schema
  description link
  standard and seeded link
  administering link
  overview link
contact link
Contact entity
  in Data Quality Management link
  interface search and staged schema tables link
contact numbers
  generating link
Contact Point entity link
   See also Other entities
  corresponding table link
  in Data Quality Management link
  interface search and staged schema tables link
contact points
  description link
  description link
Copy Organization Extensions Data for Profile Versioning program
  description link
  parameters link
Copy Person Extensions Data for Profile Versioning program
  description link
  parameters link
Copy Relationship Type and All Relationships program link
country names
  setting default language link
country structures
  defining link
  description link
  mapping to location table attributes link
country time zones
  description link
Credit Rating entity link
   See also Other entities
  corresponding table link
customer link
customer account link
customer account sites
  description link
customer accounts
  description link
  indexing link
Customer Interface
  synchronizing extensions data link
customer interface
  setting up link
Customer Interface program
  disabling business events link
customer merge
  setting up link
Customer text data creation and indexing program
  description link
  parameter link
  AR: Customer Merge Commit Size profile option link
  description link
Customers set of pages
  process flow link
  usage link


D&B link
   See also Third Party Data Integration
  adapter overview link
  configuring adapter link
  contact information link
  setting up automatic import link
  setting up batch load link
  setting up integration link
D&B Import Adapter request set link
  disabling business events link
data librarian
  default link
Data Quality Management (DQM)
  administering link
  examples link
  globalization link
  major features link
  matching process link
  overview link
  overview of current setup link
  process link
  setting up batch duplicate identification link
  setting up Bulk Import link
  setting up Relationship Manager link
Data Sharing and Security (DSS)
  administering link
  assigning administration privileges link
  enabling link
  overview link
  setting up Bulk Import link
data sharing groups
  assigning access privileges to link
  creating link
  description link
  seeded link
  updating link
  viewing only link
data sources
  attribute groups example link
  party profiles example link
database objects
  EBS_TEMP link
de-duplication processes
  Bulk Import link
display rules
  attribute groups example link
  example link
  setting up for party profile entities link
  Single Source of Truth link
DQM link
   See Data Quality Management (DQM)
DQM : Generate XML Data for the Diagnostic Reports program
  description link
  parameters link
DQM Compile All Rules program
  compiling match rules link
  description link
DQM diagnostic reports link
DQM Duplicate Identification program
  defining number of workers link
DQM Index Creation program
  description link
  setting default memory to use link
DQM Index Optimization program
  description link
  parameters link
  prerequisites link
  setting maximum processing time link
DQM Match Rule for Batch Duplicate Identification profile option link
DQM search
  Web service implementation link
DQM Stage Worker link
DQM Staging program
  description link
  parameters link
  prerequisite to compiling all match rules link
  prerequisites link
  updating transformations link
  updating word replacements link link
DQM Synchronization program
  compared to DQM Index Optimization program link
  description link
  prerequisites link
DSS link
   See Data Sharing and Security (DSS)
DUP_BATCH_RESTRICTION_LIST Receivables lookup link
duplicate identification
  example link
duplicate prevention
  example link


ECX: Log File Path profile option link link
eLocations Spatial Data Integration
  rebuilding HZ_LOCATIONS index link
  setting up link
  adding and deleting in Merge Dictionary link
  administering relationships link
  assigning to class categories link
  controlling with Data Sharing and Security link
  defining custom link
  description link link
  in Data Quality Management link
  registering in Merge Dictionary link
  attribute groups setup for Single Source of Truth link
  Data Quality Management link
  extensions link
  get_quality_score procedure link
  get_quality_weighting procedure link
  match rule link
  quality adjusted search results link
  Single Source of Truth link
  source systems link
  XML message for address validation adapters link
extensions link
  administering link
  copying for profile versioning link
  example link
  process link


  match rules link
Financial Report entity link
   See also Other entities
  corresponding tables link
  for defining entities link
  source systems link
Flexible Address Formatting
  address styles link
  Geography Hierarchy link
fuzzy keys link link
   See address keys
   See name keys


general implementation
  assigning responsibilities to users link
  setting up workflow directory synchronization link
  description link
  updating link
  viewing and defining link
Geography Hierarchy
  administering link
  overview link
  setting up real-time address validation link
Geography Name Referencing process
  description link
  Geography Hierarchy administration link
  parameters link
  prerequisites link
  setting up real-time address validation link
geography types
  creating link
  description link
  mapping to location table attributes link
geography usage
  description link
geography validation
  setting up link
geography validation levels
  assigning to countries link
get_quality_score user hook procedure link
get_quality_weighting user hook procedure link
granular business events
  description link
   See also business events
  impact and alternatives of not raising link


hierarchical relationship types
  converting to link
  defining link
  defining address styles and validations link
  Geography Name Referencing link
HZ Security Main Menu link
HZ: Address Key Index profile option link
HZ: Address Key Length profile option link
HZ: Address Validation Level for Application profile option link
HZ: Address Validation Level for Application profile option link
HZ: Address Validation Level for Site profile option link
HZ: Allow Import of Records with Disabled Lookups profile option link link
HZ: Allow Update to Standardized Address profile option link link
HZ: Allow Updates of Address Records During Import profile option link link
HZ: Allow User to Update Third Party Data profile option link
HZ: Apps Servlet Agent profile option link
HZ: Audit Customer Account Merge profile option link
HZ: Automerge Master Party Selection profile option link
HZ: Bank Branch Contact Point Validation Procedure profile option link
HZ: Bank Branch Contact Validation Procedure profile option link
HZ: Bank Branch Location Validation Procedure profile option link
HZ: Bank Branch Site Validation Procedure profile option link
HZ: Bank Branch Validation Procedure profile option link
HZ: Bank Contact Point Validation Procedure profile option link
HZ: Bank Contact Validation Procedure profile option link
HZ: Bank Location Validation Procedure profile option link
HZ: Bank Site Validation Procedure profile option link
HZ: Bank Validation Procedure profile option link
HZ: Banking Group Member Validation Procedure profile option link
HZ: Banking Group Validation Procedure profile option link
HZ: Batch Size for committing records in Geography Name Referencing process profile option link
HZ: Batch Size for committing records in Geography Name Referencing process profile option link link
HZ: Batch Size for committing records in Geography Name Referencing process profile option link
HZ: Character Value to Indicate NULL During Import profile option link link
HZ: Cleanse Fuzzy Key profile option link
HZ: Clearinghouse Assignment Validation Procedure profile option link
HZ: Create Log for Adapters profile option link link
HZ: Created By Module profile option link
HZ: D&B Policy Function Exists profile option link
HZ: D&B User Name profile option link link
HZ: Data Sharing and Security Enabled link
HZ: Data Sharing and Security Enabled profile option link
HZ: Date Value (DD-MM-YYYY) to Indicate NULL During Import profile option link
HZ: Date Value to Indicate NULL During Import profile option link
HZ: Default Address Style profile option link link
HZ: Default Data Librarian profile option link
HZ: Default Data Sharing Group profile option link link
HZ: Default Flexible Address Format profile option link link
HZ: Default Location Service Adapter profile option link link link
HZ: Default Name Style profile option link
HZ: Default Party Type profile option link
HZ: Default Phone Number Purpose profile option link
HZ: Default Profile Attributes for Merge Mapping profile option link
HZ: Default Secondary Profile Attributes for Merge Mapping profile option link
HZ: Detailed Concurrent Program Output profile option link link link
HZ: Display Certification Level profile option link
HZ: Display Certification Status profile option link
HZ: Do not use contact addresses and contact points for DQM Duplicate identification profile option link
HZ: DQM Index Creation Memory profile option link link
HZ: DQM Match Rule for Batch Duplicate Identification profile option link
HZ: DQM Maximum Index Optimization Time profile option link
HZ: DQM Resolution for Party Name Searches that Exceed Maximum Number of Results profile option link
HZ: DQM Synchronization Method profile option link link
HZ: DQM Text Index Build Type profile option link
HZ: Enable DQM for Integration Services link
HZ: Enable DQM Merge Suggestion link
HZ: Enable Quality Weighting for DQM Match Scores profile option link link
HZ: Enable Real Time Address Validation profile option link
HZ: Error Limit for Import profile option link link
HZ: Format Business Object Business Events as Bulk profile option link link link
HZ: Gather Table Stats profile option link
HZ: Generate Contact Number profile option link
HZ: Generate Party Number profile option link
HZ: Generate Party Site Number profile option link
HZ: Google Map Client ID profile option link
HZ: Google Map Registration Key link
HZ: Import Batch De-Duplication Match Rule profile option link link
HZ: Import Registry De-Duplication Match Rule profile option link link
HZ: Import Tax Details Using Customer Interface profile option link
HZ: Key Word Count profile option link
HZ: Language for Country Display profile option link
HZ: Location Updatable profile option link
HZ: Log Customer Merge profile option link
HZ: Maintain Location History profile option link link link
HZ: Match Rule for Organization Services link
HZ: Match Rule for Person Services link
HZ: Match Rule for Relationship Manager Search profile option link link
HZ: Maximum Number of Match Results profile option link
HZ: Merge Master Party Defaulting profile option link
HZ: Merge Master Party Defaulting profile option link link
HZ: Name/Address Backwards Compatibility profile option link
HZ: Number of Days to Preserve Business Object Business Event Information profile option link link link
HZ: Number of workers for a given Geography Name Referencing request profile option link
HZ: Number of workers for a given Geography Name Referencing request profile option link link
HZ: Number of workers for a given Geography Name Referencing request profile option link
HZ: Number of Workers for DQM Duplicate Identification Program profile option link
HZ: Number of Workers for Import profile option link link
HZ: Number of Workers Used by Customer Interface profile option link
HZ: Number of Workers Used by Party Merge Program profile option link
HZ: Numeric Value to Indicate NULL During Import profile option link link
HZ: Postal Code Key Length profile option link
HZ: Profile Version Method for Updates profile option link link
HZ: Raise API Events profile option link link link link link link
HZ: Reference Language profile option link
HZ: Reference Territory profile option link link
HZ: Report Error on Obsolete Columns profile option link
HZ: Return User Name in GET APIs profile option link
HZ: Show Address Mapping Suggestions profile option link
HZ: Show Relationship Mapping Suggestions profile option link
HZ: Spatial Provider URL profile option link link
HZ: Special Characters Enabled profile option link
HZ: Stop Scoring After Reaching DQM Automerge Threshold profile option link
HZ: Submit Suggested Person Merge Request profile option link
HZ: Third Party Data Integration Set Up for Organization Profile Entity profile option link
HZ: Third Party Data Integration Set Up for Person Profile Entity profile option link
HZ: Timeout Limit for Address Validation profile option link link link
HZ: Use Data Sharing and Security During Import profile option link link
HZ: Use DQM Suggested Groupings for Automerge profile option link
HZ: Use DQM Suggested Groupings for Automerge profile option link
HZ: Use HR Security During Import profile option link link
HZ: User Create and Update Rule for Other Entities profile option link link
HZ: User Overwrite Rule profile option link link
HZ: Validate First 5 Digits of US ZIP Code profile option link
HZ: Validate Flexfields During Import profile option link link
HZ: Work Unit Size for Import profile option link link
HZ_ADAPTER_LOGS table link
HZ_CLASS_CATEGORIES table link link
HZ_CLASS_CODE_DENORM denormalization table link
HZ_CONTACT_POINTS table link link link link
HZ_CONTACTS table link
HZ_DNB_SOURCE_DIR directory object
  EBS_TEMP directory object link
HZ_DOMAIN_ISP_LIST Receivables lookup link
HZ_DOMAIN_SUFFIX_LIST Receivables lookup link
HZ_DQM_QUALITY_UH_PKG package link
HZ_LOCATIONS table link
  corresponding entity link
  defining address styles and validations link
  Geography Name Referencing link
  maintaining location history link
  rebuilding spatial index link link
  validating flexfields during import link
HZ_ORG_CONTACTS table link
HZ_ORIG_SYS_MAPPING table link link
HZ_PARTIES table link
  corresponding staged schema table link
  criteria for duplicate identification batches link
  default person name style link
  input records for get_quality_score procedure link
  validating flexfields during import link
HZ_PARTY_CERT_LEVEL Receivables lookup link
HZ_PARTY_CERT_REASON Receivables lookup link
HZ_PARTY_SITES table link link link link
HZ_RELATIONSHIPS table link link
HZ_SRCH_CPTS table link
HZ_SRCH_PARTIES table link
HZ_SRCH_PSITES table link
HZ_STAGED_CONTACTS table link link
HZ_STAGED_PARTIES table link link
HZ_STAGED_PARTY_SITES table link link
HZ_WORD_RPL_CONDS_B table link


IMC: Import Run Address Validation profile option link
IMC: Import Run Batch De-Duplication profile option link
IMC: Import Run Registry Match profile option link
  feature specific link
  general link
implementing Web services
  Web service implementation link
Import Batch to TCA Registry program
  disabling business events link
  setting default for Batch De-Duplication Match Rule parameter link
  setting default for Registry De-Duplication Match Rule parameter link
  setting up D&B batch load link
input record link
Integration Services
  matching process link
interface search tables link
interMedia indexes
  creating and updating link
  description link
  optimizing link
  overview link
  synchronizing with TCA Registry link


JTFRS: Business Group for Synchronizing Employees profile option link
JTFRS: Cascade Skill Rating Rules profile option link
JTFRS: Employee Resource Update Access profile option link
JTFRS: Group Update Access profile option link
JTFRS: Hide Sensitive HR Data profile option link
JTFRS: Mode of Salesperson Number Creation profile option link
JTFRS: Resource active days after termination of source profile option link
JTFRS: Resource Lookup Audience profile option link
JTFRS: Restrict Group Update link
JTFRS: Role Update Access profile option link
JTFRS: Server Group Check Flag profile option link
JTFRS: Synchronize Employees as of date (MM/DD/YYYY) profile option link


  country name display link
  setting default for determining name style formats link
  description link
Locations Spatial Index Rebuild program
  description link
  setting up eLocations Spatial Data Integration link


  display map of address link
master records link
   See merge masters
match percentages
  adjusting for quality link
match rule sets
  defining link
match rules link
   See also match rule sets
  adjusting search results for quality link
  assigning scores, transformations, and thresholds link
  batch duplicate identification link
  Bulk Import de-duplication processes link link
  compiling link
  defining link
  deleting link
  description link
  entering details link
  example link
  including in get_quality_score procedure link
  including in get_quality_weighting procedure link
  matching process for Bulk Duplicate Identification purpose link
  matching process for Expanded Duplicate Identification purpose link
  matching process for Integration Services purpose link
  matching process for Search purpose link
  matching processes link
  overview link
  Relationship Manager link
  selecting attributes and defining usage link
  types link
  viewing link
match thresholds
  Bulk Import de-duplication processes link link
  defining link
  Relationship Manager link
  HZ Security Main Menu link
  TCA Main Menu link
Merge Dictionary
  customizing link
  description link
  maintaining link
  overview link
  setting up Party Merge link
merge masters
  Automerge link
  creating custom defaulting method link
  defaulting link
merge procedures
  defining custom link
  HZ_PARTY_MERGE. veto_delete link
  AR: Customer Merge Commit Size profile option link


NACE (European Union's Statistical Classification of Economic Activity) link
NAICS (North American Industrial Classification System) link
Name Formatting API link
name keys link link
   See also fuzzy search
navigation paths link
   See standard navigation paths


OCO link
   See Oracle Customers Online (OCO)
Oracle Advanced Collections
  alternatives when business events are disabled link
  using TCA business events link
Oracle Application Object Library link
Oracle Credit Management
  using with Party Merge link
Oracle Customer Data Librarian (CDL)
  Administration tab link link
  assigning certification levels and reasons link
  System Duplicate Identification batches from Automerge link
  System Duplicate Identification batches from Registry de-duplication link
Oracle Customer Data Librarian Superuser responsibility link
Oracle Customers Online (OCO)
  Administration tab link link
  using extensions link
Oracle Customers Online Superuser responsibility link
Oracle eLocations link
Oracle Human Resources
  disabling TCA business events link
Oracle Integration Repository
  iRep link
Oracle iStore
  disabling TCA business events link
Oracle Marketing
  disabling TCA business events link
Oracle Order Management
  disabling TCA business events link
Oracle Partner Management
  using TCA business events link
Oracle Payables
  disabling TCA business events link
Oracle Product Hub
  extensibility features and framework link
Oracle Sales
  alternatives when business events are disabled link
  disabling TCA business events link
  using TCA business events link
Oracle Service Bean
  framework link
Oracle Shipping
  alternatives when business events are disabled link
  using TCA business events link
Oracle Site Management
  disabling TCA business events link
Oracle Student System
  disabling TCA business events link
  using TCA business events link
Oracle Telecommunications Billing Integrator
  using TCA business events link
Oracle Trading Community Architecture (TCA)
  implementing link
Oracle Trading Community Architecture (TCA)
  administering link
  overview link
Oracle Transportation
  disabling TCA business events link
Oracle Workflow Business Event System link
Oracle Workflow listener
  starting automatic synchronization link
Organization Profile entity
  description link
organization profiles link
   See party profile entities
original words
  word replacement pairs link
Other entities
  data security overview link
  description link
  user create and update rules link


  description link
party link
Party entity
  in Data Quality Management link
  interface search and staged schema tables link
Party Merge
  setting up link
Party Merge program
  defining number of workers for Automerge link
party numbers link
   See Registry IDs
party profile entities
  attribute groups link
  description link
  setting up display rules link
  setup example link
  user overwrite rules link
party site numbers
  generating link
party sites
  Automerge link
  description link
party types
  description link
person name style
  setting default link
Person Profile entity
  description link
person profiles link
   See party profile entities
phone formats
  defining link
Phone Number Formatting API link link
Phone Number Parsing API link link
phone numbers
  administering link
  defining time zones link
  description link
profile option categories
  Address Formatting Deployment link
  Address Validation Deployment link
  Bulk Import Deployment link
  Bulk Import Setup link
  Customer Interface Deployment link
  Customer Merge Deployment link
  Data Sharing and Security link
  description link link
  DQM Deployment link
  DQM Fuzzy Key Generation link
  Geography Hierarchy Deployment link
  overview link link
  Party Import Setup link
  Party Merge Deployment link
  Party Merge Setup link
  Resource Security link
  Resource Setup link
  Source System Management Setup link
  Spatial Deployment link
  TCA Deployment link
  Third Party Deployment link
profile options
  Application Proxy Port link
  Applications Proxy Bypass Domains link
  Applications Proxy Port link link link
  Applications Server-Side Proxy Host And Domain link link link
  Applications Server-Side Proxy Host and Domain link
  Apps Servlet Agent link
  AR: Customer Merge Commit Size link
  descriptions link link
  DQM Match Rule for Batch Duplicate Identification link
  ECX: Log File Path link link
  Enable DQM for Integration Services link
  Enable DQM Merge Suggestion link
  HZ: Address Key Index link
  HZ: Address Key Length link
  HZ: Address Validation Level for Application link link
  HZ: Address Validation Level for Site link
  HZ: Allow Import of Records with Disabled Lookups link link
  HZ: Allow Update to Standardized Address link link
  HZ: Allow Updates of Address Records During Import link link
  HZ: Allow User to Update Third Party Data link
  HZ: Apps Servlet Agent link
  HZ: Audit Customer Account Merge link
  HZ: Automerge Master Party Selection link
  HZ: Bank Branch Contact Point Validation Procedure link
  HZ: Bank Branch Contact Validation Procedure link
  HZ: Bank Branch Location Validation Procedure link
  HZ: Bank Branch Site Validation Procedure link
  HZ: Bank Branch Validation Procedure link
  HZ: Bank Contact Point Validation Procedure link
  HZ: Bank Contact Validation Procedure link
  HZ: Bank Location Validation Procedure link
  HZ: Bank Site Validation Procedure link
  HZ: Bank Validation Procedure link
  HZ: Banking Group Member Validation Procedure link
  HZ: Banking Group Validation Procedure link
  HZ: Batch Size for committing records in Geography Name Referencing process link
  HZ: Batch Size for committing records in Geography Name Referencing process link link
  HZ: Batch Size for committing records in Geography Name Referencing process link
  HZ: Character Value to Indicate NULL During Import link link
  HZ: Cleanse Fuzzy Key link
  HZ: Clearinghouse Assignment Validation Procedure link
  HZ: Create Log for Adapters link link
  HZ: Created By Module link
  HZ: D&B Policy Function Exists link
  HZ: D&B User Name link link
  HZ: Data Sharing and Security Enabled link
  HZ: Data Sharing and Security Enabled profile option link
  HZ: Date Value (DD-MM-YYYY) to Indicate NULL During Import link link
  HZ: Default Address Style link link
  HZ: Default Data Librarian link
  HZ: Default Data Sharing Group link link
  HZ: Default Flexible Address Format link link
  HZ: Default Location Service Adapter link link link
  HZ: Default Name Style link
  HZ: Default Party Type link
  HZ: Default Phone Number Purpose link
  HZ: Default Profile Attributes for Merge Mapping link
  HZ: Default Secondary Profile Attributes for Merge Mapping link
  HZ: Detailed Concurrent Program Output link link link
  HZ: Display Certification Level link
  HZ: Display Certification Status link
  HZ: Do not use contact addresses and contact points for DQM Duplicate identification link
  HZ: DQM Index Creation Memory link link
  HZ: DQM Match Rule for Batch Duplicate Identification link
  HZ: DQM Maximum Index Optimization Time link
  HZ: DQM Resolution for Party Name Searches that Exceed Maximum Number of Results link
  HZ: DQM Synchronization Method link link
  HZ: DQM Text Index Build Type link
  HZ: Enable Quality Weighting for DQM Match Scores link link
  HZ: Enable Real Time Address Validation link
  HZ: Error Limit for Import link link
  HZ: Format Business Object Business Events as Bulk link link link
  HZ: Gather Table Stats link
  HZ: Generate Contact Number link
  HZ: Generate Party Number link
  HZ: Google Map Client ID link
  HZ: Google Map Registration Key link
  HZ: Import Batch De-Duplication Match Rule link link
  HZ: Import Registry De-Duplication Match Rule link link
  HZ: Import Tax Details Using Customer Interface link
  HZ: Key Word Count link
  HZ: Language for Country Display link
  HZ: Location Updatable link
  HZ: Log Customer Merge link
  HZ: Maintain Location History link link link
  HZ: Match Rule for Organization Services link
  HZ: Match Rule for Person Services link
  HZ: Match Rule for Relationship Manager Search link link
  HZ: Maximum Number of Matching Results link
  HZ: Merge Master Party Defaulting link
  HZ: Merge Master Party Defaulting link link
  HZ: Name/Address Backwards Compatibility link
  HZ: Number of Days to Preserve Business Object Business Event Information link link link
  HZ: Number of workers for a given Geography Name Referencing request link
  HZ: Number of workers for a given Geography Name Referencing request link link
  HZ: Number of workers for a given Geography Name Referencing request link
  HZ: Number of Workers for DQM Duplicate Identification Program link
  HZ: Number of Workers for Import link link
  HZ: Number of Workers Used by Customer Interface link
  HZ: Number of Workers Used by Party Merge Program link
  HZ: Numeric Value to Indicate NULL During Import link link
  HZ: Postal Code Key Length link
  HZ: Profile Version Method for Updates link link
  HZ: Raise API Events link link link link link link
  HZ: Reference Language link
  HZ: Reference Territory link link
  HZ: Report Error on Obsolete Columns link
  HZ: Return User Name in GET APIs link
  HZ: Show Address Mapping Suggestions link
  HZ: Show Relationship Mapping Suggestions link
  HZ: Spatial Provider URL link link
  HZ: Special Characters Enabled link
  HZ: Stop Scoring After Reaching DQM Automerge Threshold link
  HZ: Submit Suggested Person Merge Request link
  HZ: Third Party Data Integration Set Up for Organization Profile Entity link
  HZ: Third Party Data Integration Set Up for Person Profile Entity link
  HZ: Timeout Limit for Address Validation link link link
  HZ: Use Data Sharing and Security During Import link link
  HZ: Use DQM Suggested Groupings for Automerge link link
  HZ: Use HR Security During Import link link
  HZ: User Create and Update Rule for Other Entities link link
  HZ: User Overwrite Rule link link
  HZ: Validate First 5 Digits of US ZIP Code link
  HZ: Validate Flexfields During Import link link
  HZ: Work Unit Size for Import link link
  IMC: Import Run Address Validation link
  IMC: Import Run Batch De-Duplication link
  IMC: Import Run Registry Match link
  JTFRS: Business Group for Synchronizing Employees link
  JTFRS: Cascade Skill Rating Rules link
  JTFRS: Employee Resource Update Access link
  JTFRS: Group Update Access link
  JTFRS: Hide Sensitive HR Data link
  JTFRS: Mode of Salesperson Number Creation link
  JTFRS: Resource active days after termination of source link
  JTFRS: Resource Lookup Audience link
  JTFRS: Restrict Group Update link
  JTFRS: Role Update Access link
  JTFRS: Server Group Check Flag link
  JTFRS: Synchronize Employees as of date (MM/DD/YYYY) link
  overview link link
profile versioning link
  extensions link
  Address Validation link link
  Automerge link link
  Copy Organization Extensions Data for Profile Versioning link
  Copy Person Extensions Data for Profile Versioning link
  Copy Relationship Type and All Relationships link
  Customer Interface link
  Customer text data creation and indexing link
  DQM : Generate XML Data for the Diagnostic Reports link
  DQM Compile All Rules link link
  DQM Duplicate Identification link
  DQM Index Creation link link
  DQM Index Optimization link link
  DQM Stage Worker link
  DQM Staging link link
  DQM Synchronization link link
  Geography Name Referencing link link link
  Import Batch to TCA Registry link link link link
  list of link
  Locations Spatial Index Rebuild link link
  migration and upgrade link
  Party Merge link
  Refresh of Classification Denormalization link
  Source System - Migrate Party Level Source System References link
  Spatial Information for Locations Batch Update link
  TCA Business Object Events: Cleanse Infrastructure Program link
  TCA Business Object Events: Generate Infrastructure Packages Program link
  TCA Business Object Events: Raise Events Program link
  Third Party Data Integration Update link


quality adjusted match percentage
  calculating link
Quality Adjusted Search Results
  creating logic for link
  description link
quality score
  description link
quality weighting
  description link


Receivables lookups
Refresh of Classification Denormalization program
  description link
  parameters link
Registry de-duplication
  process details link
  setting up link
Registry IDs
  description link
  generating link
  mapping to source IDs link
  account relationship link
  party relationship link
Relationship entity link
   See also Other entities
  corresponding table link
relationship groups
  assigning phrases and roles to link
  description and list of link
Relationship Manager
  setting up link
relationship phrase and role pairs
  adding to relationship types link
  viewing link
relationship phrase pairs link
   See relationship phrase and role pairs
relationship phrases
  assigning to relationship groups link
relationship role pairs link
   See relationship phrase and role pairs
relationship roles
  assigning to relationship groups link
relationship types
  adding phrase and role pairs to link
  converting to hierarchical link
  copying link
  creating link
  searching for link
  viewing link
  viewing concurrent requests link
  administering link
  administration process link
  Automerge link
  copying link
  overview link
replacement words
  word replacement pairs link
  DQM diagnostic reports link
  list of link
request sets
  D&B Import Adapter link link
  Oracle Customer Data Librarian Superuser link
  Oracle Customers Online Superuser link
  System Administrator link link
  TCA Data Security Administrator link link link
  Trading Community Manager link
  Trading Community Manager link link link link link link link
RM SEARCH RULE match rule link


scoring attributes link
SDI batches link
   See System Duplicate Identification (SDI) batches
search for parties
  example link
search operator link link
security criteria link
setting up
   customer merge link
  customer interface link
setting up workflow directory synchronization
  general implementation link
SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) link
similarity algorithm link
Similarity option
  match rules link
Single Source of Truth (SST)
  administering link
  attribute groups link
  attribute groups example link
  display rules link
  example link
  in Data Quality Management link
  overview link
  regenerating SST record link
  user overwrite rules link
  account site link
  customer address link
  location link
  party site link
source IDs
  example link
  mapping to Registry IDs link
Source System - Migrate Party Level Source System References program
  description link
Source System Management (SSM) link link link
   See also Other entities
   See also Single Source of Truth (SST)
   See also source systems
  administering link
  overview link
  setting up Bulk Import link
source system overwrite rules
  description link
  example link
source systems
  administering link
  creating and updating link
  example link
  migrating data link
  overview link
  viewing link
Spatial Information for Locations Batch Update program link
spoke systems link
SSM link
   See Source System Management (SSM)
SST link
   See Single Source of Truth (SST)
staged schema
  Bulk Import de-duplication processes link
  creating and updating link
  defining attributes and transformations link
  description link
  installing seeded transformations link
  mapping to TCA Registry tables link
  overview link
  synchronizing with TCA Registry link
  transformed attributes link
staged schema tables
  mapping to interface search tables link
standard navigation paths link
System Administrator responsibility
  assigning users to responsibilities link
  defining access to Administration tab link
System Duplicate Identification (SDI) batches
  from Automerge link
  from Registry de-duplication link


  HR_LOCATIONS_ALL link link
  HZ_CONTACT_POINTS link link link link
  HZ_LOCATIONS link link link link link link link link
  HZ_PARTIES link link link link link link
  HZ_PARTY_SITES link link link link
  in staged schema link
tax validation
  setting up link
TCA link link
   See Oracle Trading Community Architecture
   See Oracle Trading Community Architecture (TCA)
TCA Business Object Events: Cleanse Infrastructure Program link
TCA Business Object Events: Generate Infrastructure Packages Program link
TCA Business Object Events: Raise Events Program link
TCA Data Security Administrator responsibility
  assigning users to link
  Data Sharing and Security access link link
TCA Main Menu link
TCA Registry
  administering link
  description link
  extending link
  setting default for determining address style formats link
Third Party Data Integration
  setting up link
  setting up batch load link
Third Party Data Integration Update program
  description link
  parameters link
  prerequisite link
  synchronizing extensions data link
  match rules link
time zones
  defining for phone numbers link
Trading Community Manager responsibility
  general implementation link
Trading Community Architecture link link
   See Oracle Trading Community Architecture
   See Oracle Trading Community Architecture (TCA)
Trading Community Manager responsibility
  Administration tab link
  assigning users to link
  Data Sharing and Security access link link
  defining access to Administration tab link
  feature-specific implementation link
  standard navigation paths link
  Automerge link
  Bulk Import de-duplication processes link
  creating custom link
  defining link
  defining for Bulk Import de-duplication link
  defining in match rules link link
  description link
  installing in staged schema link
  lookups link
  ordering for Search match rules link
  overview link
  seeded link
  tips link
  using word replacements link


  running requests link
user create and update rules
  description link
  setting up link
user hooks
  creating for merge master party defaulting link
  get_quality_score link
  get_quality_weighting link
user overwrite rules
  attribute groups example link
  description link
  example link
  setting up link


V2 business events link
   See granular business events
validation status codes link link


Web service implementation
  business object APIs link
Web services
  framework link
  implementation link
Web services implementation
  Account Merge link
  party merge link
  match rules link
weighted match percentage
  calculating link
weighted quality percentage
  calculating link
word replacement lists
  creating, updating, and copying link
word replacement pairs
  creating and updating link
word replacements
  creating custom conditions link
  creating, updating, and copying lists link
  description link
  overview link
  seeded word replacement pairs link
  tips link
work unit
  Bulk Import de-duplication processes link
  description link
Workflow Directory synchronization
  alternatives when business events are disabled link
  using granular business events link