Setup Windows

This appendix covers the following topics:

Overview of Setup Definition Windows

Oracle Project Contracts implementation includes defining data shared with other Oracle Applications. Attributes used by Oracle Project Contracts are defined in Project Contract windows, the Application Object Library lookups, and Oracle Projects windows.

See Also

Oracle Project Contracts Implementation Guide

Application Object Library Lookups for Project Contracts

The Oracle Object Library Lookups windows are used to define and maintain shared lookup types. Lookups are a predefined list of values. A lookup category is called a lookup type, and the allowable values for the lookup type are called lookup codes. You add your own codes to those initially provided for some of the lookup types.

Each value in a lookup type has an internal and a display name. The lookup code is the internal name of a value defined in a lookup type. You can define up to 250 lookups for each Lookup type. The description for the lookup type entered in the Lookup window displays in the lookup window title.

For detailed information on defining and updating lookups, see the online help for Lookups in Oracle Applications Developer, viewed from: Application Utilities Lookups and Application Object Library Lookups, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide.

Programs Window

Programs and program lines enable you to group contracts with similarities. You may want to group contract documents by assigning programs in order to monitor purchasing, funding, resources, or maintenance activities. Use the Programs window to define programs.

When you are creating a new record:

You associate a program to a contract document on the Contract Header window of the contract Authoring Workbench, and on the Funding Pool window.

the picture is described in the document text

See Also

Main Region in the Contract Header Tabbed Window.

Creating and Viewing Funding Pools.

Security Roles and Assignments Windows

A security role for an employee lists the functions and security levels for that individual. You can assign roles to employees working on contract documents, and define access security by the role assignment. Security role assignments can be assigned per a contract document, through a program, or at the site level.

To assign an employee to a security level role:

  1. Navigate to the Security Role Assignments window.

  2. In the Employee field, select the employee from the list of values.

  3. In the View box, select one of the views, either by All Assignments or Active Assignments Only.

  4. Select a security level in the Level field.

    Your choices are:

    • Site: Indicates access to all contract documents for employees with similar access within an organization.

    • Program: Program level assignments provide similar benefits for organizations that group contract documents into programs. See: Programs Window.

    • Contract: Security access is defined for a specific contract document.

  5. Select a value in the Number field if the security level is program or contract.

    the picture is described in the document text

  6. Select a contract role in the Role field.

  7. Optionally, set a date range in the Effective Dates To and From fields.

  8. Save your work.

You can view all assignments for a contract document in the View Contract Assignments window. This includes security level, employee, role, and effective date ranges.

To view all assignments for a contract:

  1. Navigate to the View Contract Assignments window.

  2. Select a contract document type in the Type field.

  3. Select a contract document number in the Number field.

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. In the As Of field, select the date you want to display all current information about this contract document.

  5. Choose View to display all the assignments for this contract document.

    Employees assigned to this specific contract display in the Assignments region by security level, employee name, contract role, and effective date ranges.

Creating Data in the System Setup Window

Oracle Project Contracts provides a setup capability that enables you to create setup data. This information is defined in the System Setup, Program Lines, Terms and Conditions windows.

To define your Project Contract system attributes, navigate to the System Setup window. Choose one of the seven tabbed windows where you can enter system validation information for different contract regions.

To create contract values in the System Setup window:

  1. Navigate to the System Setup window.

  2. Select the tabbed window you want to update.

    There are seven windows, a description for each window follows. This includes Contract Document Types, Billing Methods, Change Statuses, Hold Statuses, Print Forms, Priority Ratings, and Communication Actions.

  3. Enter the appropriate values for the contract attribute.

  4. Save your work.

The Contract Document Types window is used to define different contract terminology used by both commercial and government contractors. For example, a solicitation may be termed a request for proposal, or request for quotation. A proposal may be termed a bid, proposal, quote, or offer. And a contract may be termed award, grant, contract, subcontract, or agreement.

the picture is described in the document text

To define contract document types:

Contract billing methods are also known as pricing agreements, price types, and contract types and may be linked to a contract or individual lines.

the picture is described in the document text

To define billing methods:

You can define change statuses for monitoring, tracking, and executing contract change requests. Each change status is associated with a change status type. You can also associate a workflow process to a change status.

the picture is described in the document text

To define change statuses:

Hold statues are used to monitor and track contract documents, lines, and deliverable lines on hold. You can also associate a workflow process to a hold status to guide the resolution and escalation of the applied hold.

the picture is described in the document text

To define hold statuses:

Print form types are used to indicate which forms are necessary for a particular contract line or deliverable line. Print forms can be listed as mandatory or optional.

the picture is described in the document text

To define print forms:

Priority Ratings are ratings assigned to customer contracts for prioritization of contracts within your organization. Each priority code is associated to a priority type.

the picture is described in the document text

To define priority ratings:

The Communication Action window enables you to define communication actions and associate those actions to a workflow process.

the picture is described in the document text

To define communication actions:

the picture is described in the document text

To define deliverable tracking notifications:

Defining Numbering Options

The Define Numbering Options window is used to set up the type of numbering sequencing you want in your documents. You can define different numbering options for buy and sell contract types. For example, an award type contract would be a manual numbering schema because the customer gives you their document number, where as subcontracts might be automatically numbered. In either instance, the numbering scheme is based on alpha, numeric, or alphanumeric characters.

the picture is described in the document text

Business Areas and Contract Flowdown Attributes

Oracle Project Contracts enables you to configure flowdown of contract information to different business areas such as Purchasing, Receiving, Work in Process, Billing, and Shipping. You define attribute groups, article subjects, terms and conditions types, standard notes types, and print forms information. These values are passed down to the contract header, contract lines, articles, terms and conditions, standard notes, and print forms on the contract document. Contract flowdown attributes are viewed using the Flowdown Viewer in the appropriate business area.

You set up responsibilities to allow access to a specific set of business data and individual users are then assigned these responsibilities. This information is set up in Oracle Application lookup windows and Oracle Project Contracts windows. The Project Contracts windows are described in this section.

The Contract flowdown viewer is a self-service inquiry page and uses the contract and project reference in the business area to determine the flowdown information:

See Also

Oracle Project Contracts Implementation Guide

Discrete Workstation Transactions, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide.

Using the Requisition Lines Summary Window, Oracle Work in Process User's Guide.

For detailed information on defining and updating lookups, see the online help for Lookups in Oracle Applications Developer, Viewed from Application Utilities Lookups and Application Object Library Lookups, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide.

Attribute Group Assignments Window

You can group contract attributes together for similar purposes, such as billing or administrative related activities. The Attribute Group Assignments window is used to assign individual contract attributes.

To assign and view values in the Attribute Group Assignments window:

  1. Navigate to the Attribute Group Assignments window.

  2. In the View By box, select the view you want to define or display.

    Your choices are attribute group assignments for the Header, Line, or Deliverable.

    The Available pane of the window displays the attributes set up in your system. The Selected pane displays the attribute groups defined for your business areas.

  3. To create an attribute group assignment, select the group in the Selected pane. Then select the attribute in the Available pane.

  4. Choose the right arrow key to move the attribute in the Available pane to the Selected pane.

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. To deselect an attribute from a group assignment, select the individual attribute in the Selected pane.

  6. Choose the left arrow key to move the attribute in the Available pane.

  7. Save your work.

Contract Flowdown Matrix Window

Contract information is passed to different business areas using attribute groups, article subjects, terms and conditions types, standard notes types, and print forms information. Use the Contract Flowdown Matrix window to configure the values.

To define contract flowdown values:

  1. Navigate to the Contract Flowdown Matrix window.

    This window has tabbed regions for each section of the contract including Attributes, Terms and Conditions, Articles, Standard Notes, and print Forms.

    The Selected pane of the window displays the business areas defined for your organization. The Available pane displays the values set up in your system for the various sections of the contract.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Select the tabbed region for the area you want to define for contract matrix flowdown.

  3. To define a flowdown value, select the business area in the Selected pane. Then select the attribute in the Available pane.

  4. Choose the right arrow key to move the attribute in the Available pane to the Selected pane.

  5. To deselect an attribute from a section of the contract, select the individual attribute in a business area in the Selected pane.

  6. Choose the left arrow key to move the attribute in the Available pane.

  7. Save your work.

Terms and Conditions Window

You can set up repositories of standard terms and conditions (such as shipping method, payment terms, and freight terms) that can be assigned to any contract document. Use the Terms and Conditions window to assign terms and conditions to different business areas for contract flowdown. Terms and conditions types are defined as lookups in Oracle Project Contracts.

To assign term types to business areas:

  1. Navigate to the Term Types Assignments window.

    The Selected pane of the window displays the business areas defined for your organization. The Available pane displays the terms types set up in your system.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. To assign a term type to a business area, select the business area in the Selected pane. Then select the term type in the Available pane.

  3. Choose the right arrow key to move the term type in the Available pane to the Selected pane.

  4. To deselect a term type from a business area, select the term type in the Selected pane.

  5. Choose the left arrow key to move the term type to the Available pane.

  6. Save your work.

Projects Window

Master projects can be assigned at the contract header level and subprojects or tasks at the contract line level. You can assign a project of any type class (contract, indirect, or capital) to the hierarchy. However, the contract type class must be at the same level for which you want to do funding and billing. Projects can provide:

To view master project information for a contract:

  1. Navigate to the Projects window.

    The left pane of the window displays the project hierarchy and the top level of master project and subprojects listed below it.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. Select the top level project, or expand the view and select a subproject to view project data.

    The right pane displays the project information. See: Entering Project and Task Options, Oracle Projects Fundamentals, and Creating a New Project from a Project Template or Existing Record, Oracle Projects Fundamentals.

    The Customers region displays information about the customers assigned to this project.

  3. Choose Done when you are finished viewing the project information.