Reports and Processes

This chapter explains how to submit report requests and briefly describes each Oracle Quality report.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Reports

Oracle Quality provides you with a wide variety of reports and processes, intended for different business needs. Detailed information on submitting and analyzing Oracle Quality reports and processes is provided in these topics:

Collection Element Action Rules Report

Use the Collection Element Action Rules Report to list your collection elements and the action rules associated with them. You can choose to list information for one or all collection elements. You can also choose to list information for only enabled collection elements. Collection elements, their associated action rules, and the actions related to those action rules are listed in alphanumeric order by collection element.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, enter Collection Element Action Rules Report in the Name field. You can also choose to select Collection Element Action Rules Report (XML).

Report Parameters

Collection Element Name

Enter a collection element name. Oracle Quality prints information for only this collection element. If you do not enter a collection element name, information for all collection elements is printed.

Collection Element Enabled

Choose one of the following options:

Yes Print information for enabled collection elements only. This is the default option.
No Print information for all collection elements.

Related Topics

Defining Collection Elements

Defining Collection Element Actions

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Collection Element Usages Report

Use the Collection Element Usages Report to list your collection elements and the collection plans they have been copied to. You can choose to report information for one or all collection elements. You can also choose to list only enabled collection elements and enabled collection plans associated those collection elements. Collection elements and the collection plans they are associated with are grouped by collection element type and listed in alphanumeric order by collection element name.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, enter Collection Element Usages Report in the Name field. You can also choose to select Collection Element Usages Report (XML).

Report Parameters

Collection Element

Enter a collection element name. Oracle Quality prints information for only this collection element. If you do not enter a collection element name, information for all collection elements is printed.

Enabled Collection Elements Only

Choose one of the following options:

Yes Print only enabled collection elements. This is the default option.
No Print all collection elements.

Enabled Plan Elements Only

Choose one of the following options:

Yes Print only collection elements that are enabled on the collection plan they are associated with. This is the default option.
No Print all collection elements that are on the collection plan they are associated with.

Related Topics

Defining Collection Elements

Creating Collection Plans

Defining Collection Plan Elements

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Collection Elements Report

Use the Collection Elements Report to list information about your collection elements. You can choose to list all collection elements for a particular collection element type. You can also choose to list information for one or all collection elements. Lastly, you can also choose to list information for enabled collection elements only. Collection element information includes the datatype, reporting length, decimal precision (if applicable), default value (if any) and whether they are enabled, predefined, or mandatory. Information is listed in alphanumeric order by collection element name.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, enter Collection Elements Report in the Name field. You can also choose to select Collection Elements Report (XML).

Report Parameters

Collection Element Type

Choose a collection element type. See: Collection Element Types.

Collection Element

Enter a collection element name. Oracle Quality prints information for only this collection element. If you do not enter a collection element name, information for all collection elements is printed.

Enabled Collection Elements Only

Choose one of the following options:

Yes Print information for enabled collection elements only. This is the default option.
No Print information for all collection elements.

Related Topics

Defining Collection Element Types

Defining Collection Elements

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Collection Plan Action Rules Report

Use the Collection Plan Action Rules Report to list your collection plans and collection elements and action rules assigned to them. You can choose to list collection elements and action rules for one or all collection plans. You can also choose to report information for only enabled collection plans. Collection plans, their effectivity dates, associated collection elements and the action rules and related actions associated with those collection elements are listed in alphanumeric order by collection plan name.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, enter Collection Plan Action Rules Report in the Name field. You can also choose to select Collection Plans Action Rules Report (XML).

Report Parameters

Collection Plan Name

Enter a collection plan name. Oracle Quality prints information for only this collection plan. If you do not enter a collection plan name, information for all collection plans is printed.

Enabled Collection Plans Only

Choose one of the following options:

Yes Print information for enabled collection plans only. This is the default option.
No Print information for all collection plans.

Collection Element

Enter a collection element name. Oracle Quality prints information for only this collection element. If you do not enter a collection element name, Oracle Quality reports information for all collection elements.

Enabled Collection Elements Only

Choose one of the following options:

Yes Print information for enabled collection elements only. This is the default option.
No Print information for all collection elements.

Related Topics

Defining Collection Plan Element Actions

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Collection Plan Details Report

Use the Collection Plan Details Report to list detailed information about your collection plans. You can choose to list details for a particular collection plan type. You can choose to list information for one or all collection plans. Collection plan details include information on the collection elements assigned to the collection plan, such as their sequence number on the plan, element type, prompt, default value (if any) and whether they are mandatory, enabled, or displayed. Information is listed in alphanumeric order by collection plan name.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, enter Collection Plan Details Report in the Name field. You can choose to select Collection Plan Details Report (XML).

Report Parameter

Collection Plan Type

Choose a collection plan type. See: Collection Plan Types.

Collection Plan Name

Enter a collection plan name. Oracle Quality prints information for only this collection plan. If you do not enter a collection plan name, information for all collection plans is printed.

Enabled Collection Plans Only

Choose one of the following options:

Yes Print information for enabled collection plans only. This is the default option.
No Print information for all collection plans.

Related Topics

Creating Collection Plans

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Collection Plan Summary Report

Use the Collection Plan Summary Report to list summary information about your collection plans. You can choose to list summary information for a particular collection plan type. You can choose to list information for one or all collection plans. Collection plan summary information includes the specification type (if any) and the view name. Information is listed in alphanumeric order by collection plan name.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, enter Collection Plan Summary Report in the Name field. You can also choose to select Collection Plan Summary Report (XML).

Report Parameters

Collection Plan Type

Choose a collection plan type. See: Collection Plan Types.

Related Topics

Creating Collection Plans

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Manage Collection Element Indexes Process

Ask your System Administrator to run the Manage Collection Element Indexes process if you want to enable faster searches on user-defined collection element values across one or multiple collection plans. This process creates a function-based index that determines which database column in each collection plan contains a particular user-defined collection element. The following search windows and pages use the indexes to quickly find collection element values:

Note: The above search windows and pages can find collection element values even if you do not run this process, but the search time decreases when the search windows and pages use function-based indexes.

In most cases, you only need to run this process once for each of the user-defined collection elements that you intend to search on often. If the system detects a need to regenerate an existing index when you add a collection element, a message appears, informing you to ask the System Administrator to run the Manage Collection Element Indexes process.

Process Submission

In the Submit Requests window, enter Manage Collection Element Indexes in the Name field.

Process Parameters


Choose one of the following options:

Create or Regenerate Create or regenerate the user-defined collection element index.
Drop Delete the user-defined collection element index.

Index Name

Enter an index name. This becomes the name of the user-defined collection element index in the database.

Collection Element

Choose a user-defined collection element from the list of values.

Additional Parameters

Optional. Enter SQL command words to append to the index create, regenerate, or drop command.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Quality Results Report

Use the Quality Results Report to print custom reports created using the Quality Results ReportWriter.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, enter Quality Results Report in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Report Name

Enter the name of a previously saved report. See: Using the Quality Results ReportWriter.

Related Topics

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Quality Specifications Report

Use the Quality Specifications Report to list information about your quality specifications. You can choose to list all specifications for a particular specification type. You can also choose to list information for one or all specifications. Lastly, you can choose to list specifications by their category sets and categories. Specification information includes the specification type, effectivity date, characteristic name, unit of measure, target value, and upper and lower specification limits, reasonable limits, and user-defined limits. Information is listed in alphanumeric order by specification name.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, enter Quality Specification Report in the Name field. You can also choose to select Quality Specifications Report (XML).

Report Parameters

Specification Type

Choose a specification type. See: Specification Types.

Specification Subtype

Choose a specification subtype. See: Specification Subtypes

Characteristic Group

Choose a characteristic group.

Category Set

Choose a category set.


Choose a category depending on the category set chosen.


Choose an item, customer, or supplier depending on the specification type chosen.

Related Topics

Defining Specifications

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Sequence Element Audit Report

Use the Sequence Element Audit Report to verify that all sequence type collection element numbers generated when entering collection plan results have been used and that you can account for any deleted numbers. For example, you have entered collection plan results and the sequence numbers generated for this set of results are 101, 102, 104, and 105. If you ran the Sequence Element Audit Report over this set of results, the report would only show results associated with the missing number, 103. You can choose to list any numbers unaccounted for in a sequence for all sequence type collection elements or for one particular sequence type collection element. You can also choose to list only the sequential numbers unaccounted for within a date range or those unaccounted for on all dates. The report lists, for each sequence type collection element in alphanumeric order, the following information:

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, enter Sequence Element Audit Report in the Name field. You can also choose to select Sequence Element Audit Report (XML).

Report Parameters

Sequence Collection Element

Choose a sequence type collection element. See: To define sequential counter information for a collection element. and Step 3 - Update of Sequence prefix and suffix (mandatory), Oracle Quality Implementation Guide.

From Date

Enter a beginning date to restrict the report to a range of dates.

To Date

Enter an ending date to restrict the report to a range of dates.

Related Topics

To define sequential counter information for a collection element.

Submitting a Request, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Step 3 - Update of Sequence prefix and suffix (mandatory), Oracle Quality Implementation Guide.

Collection Plan Transactions Report

Use the Collection Plan Transactions Report to list detailed information of all the transactions associated with your collection plan. The report displays all the associated transation along with the transactions triggering conditions defined on the context elements.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, enter Collection Plan Transactions Report in the Name field.You can also select Collection Plan Transactions Report (XML).

Report Parameters

Collection Plan Name

Enter a collection plan name. Oracle Quality prints information for only this collection plan.

Quality to AK Plan Mapper

Use the Quality to AK Plan Mapper to generate the dynamic regions for the collection plans, which form the data entry, update, and view regions on the Workbench application. The Quality to AK Plan Mapper is automatically executed every time a collection plan is changed to enure that the associated new elements, prompts, and element attributes like mandatory properties, attached values, and list of values reflect in the data entry regions in the Quality Workbench. Quality to AK Plan Mapper also generates entry, and/or view regions for the Standalone Quality Workbench, Nonconformance/Correction action plans (if defined using the template), and EAM transaction regions (if the plan is associated with any of the five available EAM transactions.).

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, enter Quality to AK Plan Mapper in the Name field.

Report Parameters

Collection Plan Name

Enter a collection plan name. Oracle Quality prints information for only this collection plan.

Organization Name

The organization name defaults to the organization you are working in.

Quality Shipping ERES Collector

Use the Quality Shipping ERES Collector to collect the E-Record information for outbound shipping delivery transactions for each delivery. To use this feature, enable the ERES profile option. Note that you can run the Quality Shipping ERES Collector for a date range of five days.

Report Submission

In the Submit Requests window, enter Quality Shipping ERES Collector in the Name field.

Report Parameters

From Date

Enter a beginning date to restrict the collection of E-Record information to a range of dates. Ensure that you enter a date range for a period of five days.

To Date

Enter an ending date to restrict the collection of E-Record information to a range of dates. Ensure that you enter a date range for a period of five days.