Load Catalog Content

Online Catalog Authoring

Online Catalog Authoring

Online catalog authoring complements the batch upload process, Oracle iProcurement Catalog Help. While batch upload is optimized for large data uploads, online authoring is designed for the catalog administrator to make small and quick updates to catalog content. These updates are made directly to the catalog using the Oracle iProcurement Catalog Administration Web interface.


The online authoring process flows as follows:

Viewing Agreements

  1. From the Agreements tab of the iProcurement Catalog Administration home page you can view your agreements using a set of predefined search parameters or click Search to enter your own.

    If you click Search you can enter Agreement, Supplier, Buyer, or Approval Status information and click Go. You may also add additional search parameters and click Save Search to create your own personalized view.

    You can also create your own specialized views and set the default view by clicking Personalize.

  2. From the search results you would select the agreement that you want to work on, select what you want to do with the agreement from the Select Agreement list, and click Go.

    • Enable Supplier Authoring: If you want the supplier to be able to update this agreement from Oracle iSupplier Portal select this action and click Go. (If the agreement has already been enabled for supplier authoring and no longer want them to do so, select Disable Supplier Authoring and click Go.)

    • Update: This selection opens the Update Blanket Purchase Agreement page which provides the tools to add additional lines to the agreement.

    • View Difference Summary: This selection opens the Difference Summary page which displays the differences between the changes you have entered and latest version of the agreement. The difference summary is available from the moment the administrator saves a change to the document until the buyer accepts or rejects the submitted changes. The lines of difference summary can be exported to a spreadsheet.

    • View PDF: If you wish to see or save a formatted version of the current agreement select this action and click Go. The pdf does not show the not yet approved changes made by the catalog administrator.

    • Export: Exports the content of the search results page as a list of agreements that you see on the page. The file shows all the columns from the page.

Entering Agreements

  1. Select the agreement you want to work on and choose the Update action. You will be able to manage or add to your selected agreement.

    Note: You can only update line information for the agreement. Clicking on the Header or Control tabs provides a view of that information for the agreement. Only an Oracle Purchasing buyer can make changes.

  2. On the Update Blanket Purchase Agreement page you can mange existing agreement lines. You access the management tools using the icons found in the Actions column:

    • Update (pencil): This selection opens the Update Line page. Here you can update the item and category descriptors. For details of the standard information regarding the line see the Oracle Purchasing User's Guide.

      This page also provides access to the Item Attributes for this line. These are the descriptors used by the Oracle iProcurement search engine.

    • Duplicate (pages): This selection opens the Update Blanket Purchase Agreement page with the line you selected now duplicated. Make any changes needed and click Submit.

    • Delete (trash can): This selection provides a warning page indicating that you are about to delete the line.

  3. On the Update Blanket Purchase Agreement page you can add new lines. You have several options for adding lines:

    • From the Add Lines list select From Catalog and click Go. The Stores page provides you with the opportunity to select any item in the catalog. Find your item, click Add to Document, and then click Complete when you are ready to return to your agreement with your new lines.

    • From the Add Lines list select From Favorites and click Go. The Shopping List page provides you with the opportunity to select a list. From the list find your item, click Add to Document, and then click Complete when you are ready to return to your agreement with your new lines.

    • From the Add Lines list select Via Upload and click Go. The Upload Line page is the same page described in Uploading Catalog Files, Oracle iProcurement Catalog Help..

    • Click the Add 5 Rows button and the Update Blanket Purchase Agreement page is refreshed with five empty lines that you can complete with your details. For details of the standard information for your line see the Oracle Purchasing User's Guide.

  4. Click Save to save your changes and then Submit to initiate workflow approval. If appropriate in your organization, you can provide a justification before submitting for approval by clicking Approval Options.

Uploading Catalog Files

Uploading Catalog Files

How do I download templates and instructions?

How do I use an upload file to load my catalog items for blanket purchase agreements and quotations?

How do I use an upload file to load my catalog items for global blanket purchase agreements?

How do fields in upload files map to fields in Oracle iProcurement?

How does translation work in upload files?

How do I check the status of my catalog loads?

How do I correct errors in my catalog loads?

File Format Information

What is XML?, Oracle iProcurement Catalog Help

What is CIF or cXML?

How do I open or edit a CIF or cXML file?

What should I know about CIF files?

What should I know about cXML files?

How do I download templates and instructions?

Resource files, which are provided in a zip file, include a catalog file example or template and an HTML Readme file that describes how to create the file. The zip file may also contains files with a list of line types, job codes and categories used by the buyer. The contents of a resource file vary with the type of file you intend to use to upload.

  1. On the iProcurement Catalog Admimistration home page, click the Upload subtab.

  2. On the View Document Upload History page click Upload.

  3. On the Upload Document page, click Download Resources to open the Download Resources page.

    Note: The resources downloaded from this page and from the global purchase agreement Upload Lines page are the same.

  4. Decide whether you will upload your content using text, XML, CIF, or cXML files.

  5. If you are loading a spreadsheet text file and all your items are in the same category, select the appropriate category name.

    • If you select a category name, you receive a spreadsheet template that includes category descriptor fields for the category you selected.

    • If you are loading catalog items from different categories, leave the category blank.

  6. Click Download and save the zip file to the location of your choice.

How do I use a upload file to load my catalog items for blanket purchase agreements and quotations?

Blanket purchase agreements and quotations can be used for uploading purposes but are not shown in detail in iProcurement Catalog Administration. You select the document number during the upload process. These documents are created and maintained in Oracle Purchasing.

Download the resource zip file as described above and create the upload file:

When you download the instructions, you receive a DTD or template for creating the upload file and a Readme file that contains detailed instructions and examples. If you are creating an upload file to load catalog data for the first time, open and review the Readme file.

Note: : If you have updated Oracle iProcurement, it is important to use the latest version of the DTD or templates. Each time a change is made to the catalog schema, the templates are automatically updated with the latest information. If you upload your catalog items using an older version of a template, the loader may find errors in your file.

Load the upload file to the catalog:

  1. Once you have a completed catalog item file ready to upload, save it to the location of your choice.

  2. Return to the iProcurement Catalog Administration home page. Click Agreement. On the View Document Upload History page click Upload.

  3. On the Upload Document page:

    • Select the Document Type for your upload.

    • Enter or select the Document Number.

    • Select Tab-delimited Text for a text file, XML for an XML file, Catalog Interchange Format (CIF) for a CIF file, or cXML for a cXML file.

    • Click Browse and locate your completed upload file.

    • Select your file and click Open in the dialog box.

      Tip: If you cannot find your file in the Open dialog box, make sure you are browsing in the correct directory, and set the File Type in the dialog box to All files.

  4. If you are uploading a CIF or cXML file, you must select a Classification Domain.

  5. If you want to apply category mapping or some other code conversion to data in the file, select Yes for "Apply Oracle e-Commerce Gateway Mapping." See Applying Category Mapping for details.

  6. Optionally, select a limit for "Set Error Tolerance."

  7. Click Submit. When the loader receives your file, validation begins. A confirmation page displays the job number that is automatically assigned to your job. Check the status of your job to make sure that no errors occurred during the upload.

How do I use a upload file to load my catalog items for global blanket purchase agreements?

Global purchase agreements are those agreements that are visible on the Agreements page. They are created and enabled for catalog authoring in Oracle Purchasing.

Download the resource zip file from the Upload Lines page which is described below for uploads and create the upload file. See the download resources topic above if you need more information.

When you download the instructions, you receive a DTD or template for creating the upload file and a Readme file that contains detailed instructions and examples. If you are creating an upload file to load catalog data for the first time, open and review the Readme file.

Note: : If you have updated Oracle iProcurement, it is important to use the latest version of the DTD or templates. Each time a change is made to the catalog schema, the templates are automatically updated with the latest information. If you upload your catalog items using an older version of a template, the loader may find errors in your file.

Load the upload file to the catalog:

  1. Once you have a completed catalog item file ready to upload, save it to the location of your choice.

  2. Return to the iProcurement Catalog Administration home page. Click Agreement. If needed, run a search for the global agreement you wish to upload items to.

  3. Select your global agreement and open it for update.

  4. Select Via Upload from the Add Lines list and click Go. On the Upload Lines page:

    • Select Tab-delimited Text for a text file, XML for an XML file, Catalog Interchange Format (CIF) for a CIF file, or cXML for a cXML file.

    • Click Browse and locate your completed upload file.

    • Select your file and click Open in the dialog box.

      Tip: If you cannot find your file in the Open dialog box, make sure you are browsing in the correct directory, and set the File Type in the dialog box to All files.

  5. If you are uploading a CIF or cXML file, you must select a Classification Domain.

  6. Select an option for Submit for Approval.

  7. If you want to apply category mapping or some other code conversion to data in the file, select Yes for "Apply Oracle e-Commerce Gateway Mapping." See Applying Category Mapping for details.

  8. Optionally, select a limit for "Set Error Tolerance."

  9. Click Submit. When the loader receives your file, validation begins. A confirmation page displays the job number that is automatically assigned to your job.

  10. Check the status of your agreement to make sure that no errors occurred during the upload.

    • Find your agreement and click it's Agreement link. The uploaded lines should be visible when you click Lines.

    • If your new Lines are not visible; click the Header tab, select the View Upload Errors action, and click Go.

    • Note the Errors, correct the upload file, click Discard Errors, and begin the upload process again. See: Common Upload Errors.

How do fields in upload files map to fields in Oracle iProcurement?

For field mapping details, see the Readme files when downloading instructions and templates or the Oracle iProcurement Implementation Guide.

How does translation work in upload files?

For translation details, see the Readme files when downloading instructions and templates or the Oracle iProcurement Implementation Guide.

What is XML?

An eXtensible Markup Language (XML) .xml file is a general-purpose markup language file used as a way of describing data which can also contain the data. XML is a subset of Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). The primary purpose of XML is to facilitate the sharing of data across different systems. The loader can process XML files to load catalog items and to load catalog schema information provided that the XML files conform to the current OAG XML DTD.

What is CIF or cXML?

A Catalog Interchange Format (CIF) file is a comma-separated text file. A commerce eXtensible Markup Language (cXML) .xml file is based on the XML language. The loader can process CIF or cXML files to load catalog items.

Typically, the supplier gives you a CIF or cXML file that it has prepared. (You can also download suppliers' CIF or cXML files from Exchange.Oracle.com.) The following sections describe how fields in a CIF or cXML file map to fields in Oracle iProcurement and explain how to load the files.

The loader has been qualified with CIF versions 2.1 and 3.0 and with cXML versions no earlier than 1.2.007.

How do I open or edit a CIF or cXML file?

Generally, you should not need to open or edit a CIF or cXML file. If there are problems with the file, however, you can open or edit it.

Open and save a cXML file in any simple text editor; save the file with a .xml extension. Open and save a CIF file in a simple text editor or spreadsheet application; save the file with a .cif extension. (When you view a CIF file in a simple text editor, you may see extra commas or quotations between the CIF fields. You do not need to remove the extra commas or quotations.)

To open a CIF file in a spreadsheet application for easier viewing:

  1. Start your spreadsheet software.

  2. From within the spreadsheet application, open the CIF file.

    Tip: If you cannot find the file in the Open dialog box, make sure you are pointing to the correct directory, and set the File Type in the dialog box to All files.

  3. If your spreadsheet application prompts you for a data type, delimiter, or separator, choose the correct options. For example, in Microsoft Excel, choose Delimited, then Comma (not Tab).

  4. If you make changes, save the file as a .cif file. If you cannot save it directly as .cif, save it as .csv, and then manually change the file name extension to .cif.

    Note: If your CIF file has special characters and you open and edit the file, then you must save it using the proper encoding for the characters. See instructions on encoding and special characters in the spreadsheet Readme

What should I know about CIF files?

There are two kinds of CIF files: index and contract. Index files contain item definitions and their corresponding pricing. Contract files contain pricing only and are not supported by the Oracle iProcurement loader.

CIF files provide a full load option. A full load is a replacement of one catalog file with another. See the Readme file from the Resources file, Oracle iProcurement Catalog Help for complete details regarding CIF files.

What should I know about cXML files?

cXML is based on XML and provides formal XML schemas for standard business transactions.

See the Readme file from the Resources file, Oracle iProcurement Catalog Help for complete details regarding cXML files.

Applying Category Mapping

Applying Category Mapping

If the Apply Oracle e-Commerce Gateway Mapping option during loading is set to Yes, Oracle iProcurement checks whether category mapping is set up in Oracle e-Commerce Gateway. If the category in the file matches a category that is mapped in Oracle e-Commerce Gateway and is in the catalog, the loader adds the item to the mapped category. This option applies to all item load files.

For instructions on setting up category mapping for use by Oracle iProcurement, see the Oracle iProcurement Implementation Guide.

Choose No if you do not want to use category mappings in Oracle e-Commerce Gateway. For example, you may have set up the category mapping strictly for use with punchout catalogs or some other purpose, and do not want those mappings to apply to categories in the local catalog. Choose Yes if you want to apply already-established category mapping to your local catalog.


The mapping process flows as follows:

If your Oracle e-Commerce Gateway mapping overlaps with your iProcurement Catalog Administration mapping, then the following occurs:

Important: The iProcurement category is called a shopping category. A Purchasing category is siply referred to as a category. Requesters can see both types of categories depending on what the administrator makes visible. See the Oracle iProcurement Implementation and Administration Guide for more details.


The following table shows the fields upon which the loader performs category mapping, depending on the file format:

File Format Category Field that is Mapped
Tab-delimited text Shopping Category
Catalog Interchange Format (CIF) version 2.1 SPSC Code
CIF version 3.0 Classification Codes (or SPSC Code if Classification Codes is not provided)
cXML Classification

Oracle iProcurement performs the mapping on the category name specified in the file; however, if you also specified a category key, Oracle iProcurement maps the key if it can't find the name. The category mapping is case insensitive. (The supplier validation for supplier-specific mapping is case sensitive.)

Category mapping is not performed on schema files that you upload.


In the following example:

External Category Oracle Purchasing Category

Assume the following scenarios with this example.

Scenario 1: OFFICE.SUPPLIES already exists in the catalog.

The loader maps the category File Folders to OFFICE.SUPPLIES in Oracle Purchasing. Although the file specified File Folders as the category, the item is added to the category OFFICE.SUPPLIES.

Scenario 2: OFFICE.SUPPLIES already exists in the catalog and includes both general and supplier-specific mapping

Oracle e-Commerce Gateway enables you to specify mapping for a specific supplier, or for no specific supplier. The loader always chooses supplier-specific mapping over non-supplier-specific mapping.

Supplier External Category Oracle Purchasing Category
Supplier A File Folders PAPER.SUPPLIES
(no supplier specified) File Folders OFFICE.SUPPLIES

In this example, the category File Folders in the file is mapped to PAPER.SUPPLIES if the supplier in the file is Supplier A. If the supplier in the file is Supplier B, then File Folders is mapped to OFFICE.SUPPLIES.

Scenario 3: OFFICE.SUPPLIES does not exist in the catalog

The loader can only map categories available in the catalog. In this scenario, the mapping fails. (If a default Purchasing Category has been defined in Oracle Purchasing, the default Purchasing Category is used. Otherwise, an error message is displayed, and the item is not processed..)

Scenario 4: OFFICE.SUPPLIES exists in the catalog and is manually mapped to Organizers

In addition to the mapping in Oracle e-Commerce Gateway, you have also mapped OFFICE.SUPPLIES to an Oracle iProcurement shopping category called Organizers, using Oracle Purchasing category mapping.

External Category Internal Purchasing Category Mapped Shopping Category Mapped Purchasing Category

The loader maps File Folders to OFFICE.SUPPLIES in Oracle Purchasing. Since OFFICE.SUPPLIES is also mapped to Organizers in the catalog, the loader maps and loads this item to the Organizers shopping category. Finally, Oracle iProcurement uses the mapped shopping category to determine the item's purchasing category. For example, if Organizers is mapped to OFFICE.ORGANIZERS, iProcurement will load the item with OFFICE.ORGANIZERS as its PO category. (The requester sees the item in the Organizers category, but once the requisition passes to Oracle Purchasing, the category is OFFICE.ORGANIZERS.)

Monitoring Loader Jobs and Errors

Monitoring Loader Jobs and Errors

How do I check the status of my catalog uploads?

How do I correct errors in my catalog upload?

How can I get more information about the job or error?

What other jobs can I monitor?

How do I check the status of my catalog uploads?

  1. For blanket agreements and quotations navigate to the View Document Upload History page to view the list of jobs.

  2. Use the raised column headings to sort by job or load date, if needed.

  3. Your jobs are assigned one of the following status readings. (For file uploads, large files may take some time to load. You do not need to remain logged in while a job completes.)

    • Pending: The job is waiting to be processed.

    • Running: The job is in progress. For example, for file uploads, iProcurement Catalog Administration is loading the data.

    • Completed: The job completed successfully. For file uploads, all of your catalog lines loaded successfully. If changes to a blanket purchase agreement price exceed the price tolerance, buyers must go to the Purchasing Exceed Price Tolerances in Oracle Purchasing to accept the lines that exceed the tolerance. In addition, for catalog administrators, new blanket purchase agreement or quotation lines always require acceptance in Purchasing Exceed Price Tolerances in Oracle Purchasing

    • Failed or Error: For global purchase agreements, successful lines are loaded into staging area and then can be used in downstream processing such as buyer approval. For blanket purchase agreements and quotation uploads, if the file has one or more errors, the entire file is rejected.

  4. If the job failed, try submitting it again. For file uploads, correct your file and upload it again.

How do I correct errors in my catalog upload?

  1. On the View Document Upload History page, find the jobs with status Error.

  2. For failed jobs, click the status link.

  3. On the View Upload Errors page, a description of each error displays. Edit the incorrect fields in your file. Rejected lines indicate validation errors.

    • Validation Errors Validation errors occur when information in your file does not match corresponding information in Oracle iProcurement. For example, if you enter values for Unit, Category, or Currency that Oracle iProcurement does not recognize, a validation error occurs. The item lines on which validation errors occurred are rejected.

  4. For failed jobs with no rejected lines, the file experiences a format error.

    • Format Errors Format errors occur if your XML file does not conform to the DTD provided sections. Examples of format errors include extra rows or columns in your spreadsheet, or forgetting to include a closing tag. If you include special characters in your file, make sure they are covered by the language encoding specified at the beginning of the file. The field error in the page header displays the file format error message.

    If you uploaded global blanket agreement items, you can check the job status by looking at the Upload Status column in the agreement summary (this column is hidden by default and you must personalize the page to see it). In case of and error, there is a link to see the errors. You must discard the errors before you can update the agreement.

    For more information on correcting upload errors, see the Readme file that is part of your Resources file, Oracle iProcurement Catalog Help.

  5. Once you have corrected the errors, save and re-upload the file.

How do I get more information about the job or error?

If you have trouble diagnosing an error in a job, or if you want to monitor the job in Oracle Applications, use the Requests window in Oracle Applications or Oracle Purchasing. The number assigned to your job on the View Document Upload History page is the same as the Request ID in the Requests window. Use the View Log button in the Requests window to get more details on the errors, if needed.

Note: You must be logged on as the same user who submitted the job to access the View Log button for the request.

Jobs are named as follows in the Requests window:

Note: The Requests window uses different status readings for its jobs. For example, a file with a status of Failed on the View Document Upload History page has a status of Completed - Warning in the Requests window.

What other jobs can I monitor?

Besides file uploads and item deletions, you can also monitor schema jobs.