Online Schema Maintenance

Catalog Structure Overview

Catalog Structure Overview

What is a catalog schema?

What types of categories are there?

What are descriptors?

What is a category hierarchy?

How do I edit schema online?

How do I use XML to upload my catalog schema?

Should I edit schema or upload it?

How many categories and descriptors does the catalog support?

What is a catalog schema?

A catalog's schema refers to the structure and organization of the catalog. Schema consists of categor ies and descriptors.

You can use online Schema maintenance in iProcurement Catalog Administration to manage schema online, or you can upload schema.

What types of categories are there?

A category classifies items. Categories are of two types:

What are descriptors?

A descriptor describes items or categories. Descriptors are of two types:

What is a category hierarchy?

The category hierarchy presents a hierarchical view of the catalog to requesters. Use the category hierarchy to view and create hierarchies of categories and to create browsing categories.

For example, several item categories may be grouped under browsing categories as follows:

Office Equipment, Accessories and Supplies < - browsing category
   Office Supplies < - browsing category
      Desk Furniture < - item category
         MZ451DESK < - item
         MZ882DESK < - item
   Calendars < - item category
Writing Instruments < - browsing category
   Ball Point Pens < - item category
      PA453BIC < - item
      PA221ROL < - item

You do not have to have the same number of levels in all categories. In the example above, Office Equipment, Accessories and Supplies contains multiple levels of categories. Writing Instruments contains just two levels (one browsing and one item category level).

Creating a category hierarchy is optional. If you create one, requesters see the hierarchy when they browse categories. If you do not create one, then requesters cannot browse categories for items. (They can still find items by searching, just not by browsing.) Some companies find it useful to enable requesters to browse categories, others may not.

Note: The changes you make to the category hierarchy are visible immediately in the catalog.

How do I edit schema online?

In iProcurement Catalog Administration, select the Schema tab. Use the subtabs to manage base descriptors, manage item categories (and category descriptors), and manage the category hierarchy (including creating browsing categories).

How do I use XML to upload my catalog schema?

Download the XML zip file as described in the download resources topic and create the XML File:

When you download the XML instructions, you receive a document type definition (DTD) for creating the XML file and a Readme file that contains detailed instructions and examples. If you are creating an XML file to load catalog schema (categories and descriptors) for the first time, open and review the Readme_XML_Schema file.

Load the XML file to the catalog:

  1. Once you complete your XML catalog schema file, save it to the location of your choice. Save the file with any name, using a .xml extension.

  2. Return to the iProcurement Catalog Admimistration home page. Click Schema and Upload.

  3. On the View Schema Upload History page, click Upload.

  4. Click Browse to locate your completed file.

  5. Select your file and click Open in the dialog box.

    Tip: If you cannot find your file in the Open dialog box, make sure you are browsing in the correct directory, and set the File Type in the dialog box to All files.

    Use the View Schema Upload History page to monitor the schema upload jobs and possible errors.

  6. Click Submit. When the loader receives your file, validation begins. A confirmation page displays the job number that is automatically assigned to your job. Check the status of your job to make sure that no errors occurred during the upload.

Should I edit schema or upload it?

You have the same functionality editing schema online as you do uploading it. Uploading gives you the advantage of planning your categories and descriptors up front, and loading them in a single file. Online maintenance enables you to search for, view, and sort the data. (iProcurement category mapping and Oracle Purchasing category mapping are performed only online.)

How many categories and descriptors does the catalog support?

The catalog supports the following:

Managing Item Categories

Managing Item Categories

How do I create or edit a new item category?

How do I search for an item category?

How do I view all item categories in the catalog?

How do I delete an item category, and what happens?

Why does the system create a job for some changes?

Why can't I find a category?

How do I create or edit a new item category?

To create or edit an item category:

  1. In iProcurement Catalog Administration, select the Schema tab.

  2. Click Item Categories.

  3. On the Item Categories page, do either:

    • Click Create Category.

    • Search for the category you want to edit and click the Update icon. If you cannot find the category, seecategory searching.

  4. Enter the following information:

    • Category Key: Internal category code. The key cannot be changed once created and is the same across all languages. It can be the same as the name and can contain spaces. It does not display to requesters. Maximum character limit: 250 bytes.

    • Category Name: Displays to requesters online when shopping for items. The name should be unique among all categories. Maximum character limit: 250 bytes.

    • Description: Description of the category, for your own purposes. The description does not display to requesters. Maximum character limit: 2,000 bytes.

  5. Click Apply.

  6. See editing and creating descriptors if you want to add category descriptors.

    Note: New item categories that you create must be mapped to categories in Oracle Purchasing. Otherwise, requesters cannot order items in that category. See Mapping iProcurement Categories.

To create a browsing category, which contains other categories, manage the category hierarchy.

How do I search for an item category?

On the Item Categories page, use only the following operators to search for item categories:

Press Go. (Do not press Return on your keyboard.)

Only item categories can be found on the Item Categories page. To find browsing categories,manage the category hierarchy.

How do I view all item categories in the catalog?

You cannot use the search capability on the Item Categories page to find and list all item categories. You can, however, use the category hierarchy to do so.

  1. In iProcurement Catalog Administration, select the Schema tab.

  2. Click Category Hierarchy.

  3. On theCategory Hierarchy page, select any browsing category.

How do I delete an item category, and what happens?

On the Item Categories page:

  1. Search for the category. If you cannot find the category, see category searching.

  2. Click the Delete icon.

    Caution: You cannot delete a category if it is “in use” by any items. So you have to mass expire the items first.

  3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

To delete browsing categories, see managing the category hierarchy.

Why can't I find a category?

The Item Categories page contains only item categories. To find browsing categories, see managing the category hierarchy.

Only certain operators are allowed when searching for item categories.

Managing Descriptors

Managing Descriptors

How do I view, edit, or create descriptors?

How do I delete a descriptor, and what happens?

Why does the system create a job for some changes?

How do I view, edit, or create descriptors?

To create or edit base descriptors:

  1. In iProcurement Catalog Administration, select the Schema tab.

  2. Click Base Descriptors.

  3. On the Base Descriptors page click Create Descriptor to create or click the Update icon to edit an existing base descriptor.

  4. Enter descriptor information.

  5. Click Apply.

To create or edit item category descriptors:

  1. In iProcurement Catalog Administration, select the Schema tab.

  2. Click Item Categories.

  3. On the Item Categories page, search for the category to edit or click Create Category to create a new item category. If you cannot find the category to edit, see category searching.

  4. If you intend to edit an existing category, click its Update icon. If you intend to add descriptors to the category, click Manage Category Descriptors.

  5. On the Manage Category Descriptors page, do either:

    • Click Create Descriptor.

    • Click the Update icon for an existing descriptor.

  6. Enter descriptor information.

  7. Click Apply.

    Note: If you change the Searchable attribute of an existing descriptor, the system launches a job to handle the change. See information on monitoring schema jobs.

Entering descriptor information:

How do I delete a descriptor, and what happens?

When you delete a descriptor, you also delete its value. For example, if you delete the descriptor Ink Color from the category Pens, all items in that category no longer display the ink color. If you delete a base descriptor, all items in the catalog no longer display that descriptor. Adding back a descriptor does not add back its values. For example, once you delete Ink Color, the values for Ink Color (such as blue or black) do not return when you add Ink Color back.

To delete a descriptor:

  1. Follow theinstructions above for finding and editing a base or category descriptor.

  2. On the page that displays the descriptors, click the Delete icon for the descriptor.

  3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

  4. A job is created for the deletion. See Monitoring Schema Jobs.

Managing Browsing Categories and the Category Hierarchy

Managing Browsing Categories and the Category Hierarchy

How do I create or modify a hierarchy of categories?

How do I create a browsing or item category?

How do I find categories within the hierarchy?

How do I create a parent category?

How do I create a child category?

How do I remove categories from the hierarchy, and what happens?

How do I delete a category altogether, and what happens?

How do I move categories around?

Can I assign a category to multiple parents?

What is the root category?

How do I create or modify a hierarchy of categories?

Although you can have any number of categories in the system, the performance of the Category Hierarchy page may be slow if it contains too many top-level browsing categories. Alternatively, if you have many browsing categories, but they are categorized under a manageable number of top-level browsing categories, then you will have no issues with the Category Hierarchy page.

Note: If you plan to create a category hierarchy, do so before your list of browsing categories grows too large.

  1. In iProcurement Catalog Administration, select the Schema tab.

  2. Click Category Hierarchy.

  3. On the Category Hierarchy page, do any of the following:

    • Create a topmost browsing category that will contain other categories. Click Create Top-Level Category. (If needed, you can later move this category to another level.)

    • Create a new browsing category and place it under an existing browsing category. Select the existing category and click Create Child.

    • Place an existing item or browsing category under an existing browsing category. Select the category and click Insert Existing Child.

    • To create an item category, do not use this page. Click Item Categories to create your item category. Return to the hierarchy, select the browsing category, and click Insert Existing Child to insert your new item category.

  4. If you are creating a top-level or child category, enter the following information:

    • Category Key: Internal category code. The key cannot be changed once created and is the same across all languages. It can be the same as the name and can contain spaces. It does not display to requesters. Maximum character limit: 250 bytes.

    • Category Name: Displays to requesters online when browsing the category hierarchy. The name should be unique among all categories. Maximum character limit: 250 bytes.

    • Description of the category, for your own purposes. The description does not display to requesters. Maximum character limit: 2,000 bytes.

  5. If you are inserting an existing child:

    • After you click Insert Existing Child, search for the item or browsing category. See searching for the category.

    • Select the category and click Apply.

How do I create a browsing or item category?

Use the category hierarchy to create browsing categories. Use Manage Item Categories to create item categories.

How do I find categories within the hierarchy?

The Category Hierarchy page displays all categories that you created. If you inserted child categories, then these display under their parent browsing categories when you click the expand or focus icon.

To find an existing category that you want to insert under a browsing category, select the browsing category and click Insert Existing Child. Use the following tips to find the category:

How do I create a parent category?

Follow the instructions above for accessing the category hierarchy:

Any category created through the category hierarchy is a browsing category that can contain only other categories, not items.

How do I create a child category?

Follow the instructions above for accessing the category hierarchy:

How do I remove categories from the hierarchy, and what happens?

To remove categories from the hierarchy:

  1. On the Category Hierarchy page, locate the browsing or item category that you want to remove.

  2. You may need to click the expand icon to find the category, if it exists under a parent category.

  3. Click the Remove icon for the category.

Removing a category does not delete it. The category still exists, but it is no longer part of the hierarchy. If the category that you removed contains subcategories, then the subcategories are also removed from the hierarchy. (It is like removing a branch from a tree. The removed branch still contains its sub-branches.)

In the following example, removing Office Supplies disconnects it from Office Equipment, Accessories and Supplies:

Office Equipment, Accessories and Supplies < - browsing category
   Office Supplies < - browsing category
      Desk Furniture < - item category
Writing Instruments < - browsing category
   Ball Point Pens < - item category 

When browsing categories online, requesters now see:

Office Equipment, Accessories and Supplies < - browsing category
Writing Instruments < - browsing category
   Ball Point Pens < - item category

The removed browsing category, Office Supplies, still contains Desk Furniture. The item category Desk Furniture still contains its items. Requesters can still search for specific items in Desk Furniture, but they cannot browse for them through the hierarchy.

A job is created for removing the category from the hierarchy.

How do I delete a category altogether, and what happens?

To delete a browsing category:

  1. On th eCategory Hierarchy page, locate the browsing category that you want to delete.

  2. You may need to click the expand icon to find the category, if it exists under a parent category.

  3. Click the Delete icon for the category.

Deleting a category removes it entirely from the catalog. Deleting a category does not delete that category's subcategories, if any.

A job is created for deleting from category hierarchy.

To delete an item category, use Manage Item Categories.

How do I move categories around?

When you move a browsing category, the category and all its subcategories, if any, are moved to the new location in the hierarchy.

  1. On the Category Hierarchy page, select the desired category and click the Remove icon. The category is removed from the hierarchy, but still exists in the system.

  2. Select the new desired parent category and click Insert Existing Child.

  3. Search for and select the removed category.

  4. Click Apply.

Can I assign a category to multiple parents?

You can assign a category to multiple parents:

  1. On theCategory Hierarchy page, select the desired parent category for the category.

  2. Click Insert Existing Child and search for the category that you want to assign to the parent.

    Tip: Select a Status of Connected to narrow your search.

  3. Select the category and click Apply. The category now exists under both its existing and new parents.

What is the root category?

For technical reasons, the system places all browsing categories under a root category. You cannot delete, remove, or edit the root category. Any time you create a browsing category, it is automatically placed directly under the root category, until you categorize it elsewhere.

Mapping Shopping Categories

Mapping Shopping Categories

Why should I use shopping category mapping?

When should I map shopping categories?

Can I map multiple shoppingt categories to an Oracle Purchasing category?

Can I map a shoppingt category to multiple Oracle Purchasing categories?

Can I map a shopping category that has subcategories to an Oracle Purchasing category?

How do I map shopping categories?

How do I map a shopping category to a job?

How do I find an shopping category to map?

How do I view the current shopping mapping?

How do I view the current shopping mapping to a job?

How do I remove the current shopping mapping?

Why should I use shopping category mapping?

Use shopping category mapping to map Oracle iProcurement catalog categories to categories defined in Oracle Purchasing. This.ensures that the items you upload will not error out. Oracle Purchasing and shopping categories can both be derived by the mapping when maintaining catalog content.

For example, you create a shopping category called Printers. You later want to upload an item to the Printers category. Before requesters can successfully complete a requisition for this item, you must map the shopping category Printers to a category in Oracle Purchasing using shopping category mapping. (Alternatively, you can leverage mapping in Oracle e-Commerce Gateway while uploading items. See Applying Category Mapping.)

When should I map shopping categories?

If your requesters need to use the browsing capability, then you should use shopping category mapping.

Can I map multiple shopping categories to an Oracle Purchasing category?

Yes, using shopping category mapping, you can map multiple Oracle iProcurement catalog categories to a single Oracle Purchasing category.

Can I map an shopping category to multiple Oracle Purchasing categories?

No, using shopping category mapping, you cannot map a single Oracle iProcurement catalog category to more than one Oracle Purchasing category.

Can I map an shopping category that has subcategories to an Oracle Purchasing category?

Only item categories are mapped. By mapping a browsing category, you are mapping all item categories that it and its subcategories contain.

How do I map shopping categories?

  1. In iProcurement Catalog Administration, select the Schema tab.

  2. Click Category Mapping.

  3. On theCategory Mapping page, click Shopping Category. and search for the Shopping category.

  4. Select one or more Shopping categories and click Map.

  5. Search for the Oracle Purchasing category to which you want to map.

  6. Select the Oracle Purchasing category and click Apply.

How do I map a shopping category to a job?

  1. Using a Purchasing responsibility, open the Job Category Association page from Setup > Purchasing.

  2. Click Create.

  3. In the Create Job and Category Association page, click Job, search for a specific Job and select it.

  4. In the Create Job and Category association page, click Category, search for the Category you require and select the required Oracle Purchasing Category.

  5. In the Create Job and Category association page, click Shopping Category, search for the Shopping category and select the appropriate Shopping Category.

  6. After selecting the appropriate Job, Category, and Shopping Category, click Apply.

How do I find an shopping category to map?

How do I view the current shopping mapping?

  1. On the Category Mapping page, select Shopping Category, and search for the shopping category for which you want to view the mapping.

  2. Note that only item categories are mapped. If the shopping category is a browsing category, then search for any of the item categories that it contains.

    Tip: Alternatively, search for the browsing category. Use the hierarchy icon to view its item categories, and then search for the item categories.

  3. Once the item category is listed, click the Oracle Purchasing category to which it is mapped.

  4. The resulting page displays all of the shopping categories that are mapped to that Oracle Purchasing category.

How do I view the current shopping mapping to a job?

  1. Using a Purchasing responsibility, open the Job Category Association page from Setup > Purchasing.

  2. In the Associate Jobs with Categories page, select Shopping Category, and search for the shopping category that you want to view, and that is mapped to the Job you require, and click Go.

  3. The search results display the Job, Purchasing Category, and Shopping Category mapping for the selected shopping Category.

How do I remove the current shopping mapping?

  1. On the Category Mapping page,search for the shopping category for which you want to remove the mapping.

  2. Note that only item categories are mapped. If the shopping category is a browsing category, then search for any of the item categories that it contains.

    Tip: Alternatively, search for the browsing category. Use the hierarchy icon to view its item categories, and then search for the item categories.

  3. Once the item category is listed, click its Remove Mapping icon.

Note: There is a concurrent request for removing shopping category from the hierarchy.

Mapping Oracle Purchasing Categories

Mapping Oracle Purchasing Categories

Why should I use Oracle Purchasing category mapping?

When should I map Oracle Purchasing categories?

Can I map multiple Oracle Purchasing categories to a shopping category?

Can I map an Oracle Purchasing category to multiple shopping categories?

Can I map Oracle Purchasing categories to a shopping category that has subcategories?

How do I map Oracle Purchasing categories?

How do I find an Oracle Purchasing category to map?

How do I view the current Oracle Purchasing mapping?

How do I remove the current Oracle Purchasing mapping?

Why should I use Oracle Purchasing category mapping?

Use Oracle Purchasing category mapping to map categories defined in Oracle Purchasing to categories created in Oracle iProcurement. Oracle Purchasing category mapping is optional, to achieve the following:

For example, the following categories are defined in Oracle Purchasing:

Category Code Category Description
0215.MISC Miscellaneous Office
0217.MISC Miscellaneous Furniture

In Oracle iProcurement, these categories display by their category description to requesters. (If no description is provided - it is optional - then the categories display by their category code to requesters.) You may wish to display a single category name that is more meaningful to requesters than its code or description. In this example, you create a category called Office Supplies in Oracle iProcurement. Then you use Oracle Purchasing category mapping to map 0215.MISC and 0217.MISC to Office Supplies. When requesters order items, they see the category Office Supplies, but internally this category is mapped to 0215.MISC for all miscellaneous office items and 0217.MISC for all miscellaneous furniture items. Once viewed in Oracle Purchasing, the requisition and purchase order display 0215.MISC or 0217.MISC accordingly.

When should I map Oracle Purchasing categories?

If the profile POR: Autocreate Shopping Category and Mapping is set to Yes, then for any new Oracle Purchasing category, a shopping category and the corresponding mapping are automatically created. If the profile is No, then no shopping category and mapping are created. You can create them manually.

Can I map multiple Oracle Purchasing categories to a shopping category? Yes, you can map multiple Oracle Purchasing categories to a single shopping category.

Can I map an Oracle Purchasing category to multiple shopping categories?

No, using Oracle Purchasing category mapping, you cannot map an Oracle Purchasing category to multiple shopping categories.

Can I map Oracle Purchasing categories to a shopping category that has subcategories?

No, using Oracle Purchasing category mapping, you cannot map Oracle Purchasing categories to a category that contains subcategories; you can map only to the lowest-level (item) categories.

How do I map categories using Oracle Purchasing category mapping?

  1. In iProcurement Catalog Administration, select the Schema tab.

  2. Click Category Mapping.

  3. Click the Purchasing Category subtab and search for the Oracle Purchasing category.

  4. Select one or more Oracle Purchasing categories and click Map.

  5. Search for the shopping (Oracle iProcurement) category to which you want to map.

  6. Select the shopping category and click Apply.

How do I find an Oracle Purchasing category to map?

How do I view the current mapping?

  1. On the Category Mapping page, search for the Oracle Purchasing category for which you want to view the mapping.

  2. Once the category is listed, click the Oracle iProcurement category to which it is mapped.

  3. The resulting page displays all of the Oracle Purchasing categories that are mapped to that Oracle iProcurement category.

How do I remove the current category mapping?

  1. On the Category Mapping page, search for the Oracle Purchasing category for which you want to remove the mapping.

  2. Select one or more Oracle Purchasing categories and click Remove Mapping.

Monitoring Schema Jobs

Monitoring Schema Jobs

Why does the system create a job for some changes?

How do I check the status of my jobs?

How can I get more information on a job or error?

What other jobs can I monitor?

Why does the system create a job for some changes?

Some changes that you make in online schema maintenance are delegated to a job, which runs in the background while you complete other tasks.

The following online schema changes are delegated to jobs, which you can monitor on the View Schema Upload History page, by their job name:

Job Name Description
Updating category name to your new category name Changing an item category name launches a job to re-index the items under the new category name.
Updating descriptor searchability: your descriptor name Changing the searchable attribute of an existing descriptor launches a job to re-index the items for future searching.
Deleting descriptor: your descriptor name Deleting a descriptor launches a job to re-index the items without the descriptor, for future searching.
Deleting category from category hierarchy: your category name Deleting category launches a job to update the category list for the content zone(s).
Removing category from category hierarchy: your category name Removing categories from the hierarchy launches a job to update the category list for the content zone
Inserting child category under parent category your parent category name Inserting existing child into category hierarchy launches a job to re-index

How can I get more information on a job or error?

You can monitor the job in the View Schema Upload History page by clicking the error link.

If you have trouble diagnosing an error in a job, or if you want to monitor the job in Oracle Applications, use the Requests window in Oracle Applications or Oracle Purchasing. (The job number is also its Request ID.)

Each schema job is named as follows in the Requests window:

Job Name Request Name
Inserting child category under parent category your parent category name Update Zone For Category Hierarchy Change
Deleting category from category hierarchy: your category name Update Zone For Category Hierarchy Change
Removing category from category hierarchy: your category name Update Zone For Category Hierarchy Change
Updating category name to:your category name Update Items for Category Rename
Modifying category mapping foUpdating descriptor searchability: your descriptor name Populate And Rebuild Intermedia Index For Searchable Change

What other jobs can I monitor?

Besides schema jobs, you can also monitor file upload jobs.