Creating and Using Campaigns

This chapter covers the following topics:

Campaigns Overview

One of the biggest challenges for business managers is to envision and develop marketing programs for their products and services. To meet such a challenge, you can create and execute marketing activities with specific themes and goals.

In Oracle Marketing, a campaign is a collection of marketing activities designed to support a goal. A campaign is the vehicle for putting out information about an organization's products, services, offers, and messages to existing and potential customers.

Marketing campaigns consist of the campaign and its activities. An activity determines when, where, and how a specific marketing message is delivered. A particular campaign may have multiple activities that execute through different marketing channels.

For example, Vision Mobile wants to promote their new wireless instant messaging. They create a campaign called "Wireless IM Promotion" and under that campaign they add activities. They might add an outbound telemarketing component in which telemarketing representatives call a list of people to see if they want the new service. They might have a banner ad that promotes the service and brings people to a web registration page. They might also have an e-mail blast that goes out to a list of contacts, who can then click on a link to move to a Web registration page.

Because all campaigns are not created alike, Oracle Marketing allows for Campaign Templates to easily configure campaigns for different activities and marketing channels. Campaigns are often a hierarchical structure and can be divided by geography, by product, or by marketing channel.

Oracle Marketing also provides out-of-the-box calculations for key metrics such as leads and opportunities generated, event registrations, and planned and approved budgets. These scalable calculations enable you to evaluate critical marketing performance indicators and the effectiveness of their campaign spending and also determine which channel is most effective.

Through its life cycle, a campaign goes through a number of status transitions: New, Pending Theme Approval, Planned, Pending Budget Approval, Active, and so on. For more details, refer Oracle Marketing Implementation Guide.

Campaign Processes

Campaigns are constructed using a wide variety of marketing objects. The basic components of campaigns are its theme, funding (budgets), execution (activities), target audience (lists and marketing mediums), cost (costs), and effectiveness measuring devices (metrics).

A campaign in Oracle Marketing is a planning tool and to execute it, you can create campaign activities. A basic marketing campaign can be divided into several processes as depicted in the following figure.

Campaign Planning and Execution

the picture is described in the document text

The logical process flow for a campaign is as follows:

  1. Planning a Campaign, which includes:

    • Creating the campaign

    • Associating products and offers

    • Determining the budget

    • Obtaining concept and budget approvals

    • Associating costs, revenues, and other metrics

  2. Executing a campaign, which includes:

    • Creating a campaign activity by selecting channels and setting dates

    • Creating a target list

    • Arranging collateral

  3. Tracking a campaign, which includes

    • Viewing costs, revenues, and other metrics

The campaign statuses reflect the location of the campaign in the process, as shown in the following diagram. The campaign is a draft until the theme is approved, at which time it becomes planned. When the budget is approved, the campaign is available and can be manually or automatically made active. When the campaign is completed it can be closed and archived.

Campaign Statuses

the picture is described in the document text

Creating a Campaign

To speed up campaign creation, your new campaign is based either on a campaign template or on an existing campaign (which also uses a template).

Notes for Copying an Existing Campaign

Notes for Creating a New Campaign

When your copy or create completes, the details page appears and you can view and update all the details and associations.

Related Topics

Setting Up Campaigns

Setting Up Campaigns

The campaign is the main planning instrument for marketing actions. Campaign planning includes identification and definition of the target market with the key issues to address for the identified target segment, definition of solutions to address these issues, formulation of the right marketing message to deliver, communications plan to reach the target segment with this message, and finally the execution plan to deliver the message via appropriate channels.


Sourcing Budgets for a Campaign

To source funds for a campaign, you can associate a campaign to a budget. Using this information, the initial estimate can be communicated to approvers during the approval process.

You must have access to the budget that you want to associate to the campaign.



Associating Costs, Revenues, and Metrics to a Campaign

Costs and Revenues are special types of metrics with features specific to accounting for costs and revenues and calculating the return on investment (ROI). Apart from costs and revenues, relevant seeded metrics are automatically available for tracking a campaign. Additionally, you may need to associate metrics that are specific for a campaign.

Use the Tracking tab to view, enter, and associate costs, revenues, and metrics for a campaign. The Views available to you for associating metrics to a campaign include Costs, Revenues, Metrics, or All. For each of these, you have the Details view that shows a table or the Hierarchy view. You can see the history for any metric and post actual costs to the budgets.

Prerequisite: The costs, revenues, and metrics that you want to add were set up by your administrator

Navigation: View a campaign in the Campaign Dashboard and select the Tracking tab.

Notes for Adding Metrics

Viewing Campaign Metrics History

You can view the trends of the actual and forecasted values for a metric by viewing its history. The Metric Background Processes concurrent program records the actual and forecasted values for metrics and populates the history tables for the corresponding marketing objects. The values in the metrics history tables are then used to display the metrics history. Refer Oracle Marketing Implementation Guide for more information on the background processes.

There must exist a marketing campaign with associated Metrics to view campaign metrics history.

Navigation: View campaign in the Campaign Dashboard > Tracking tab > click the History icon beside a metric


Entering Values for Campaign Costs and Revenue Metrics

You can update the forecast and actual values for relevant metrics.


Understanding Campaign Execution

Campaign activities are the vehicles used to execute marketing campaigns. Topics in this section include:

Campaign Activities Overview

Activities set up the actual delivery of the marketing campaign. They determine when a specific marketing activity is going to take place, what the methodology of that activity is, and how the responses will be captured. They also determine how any mailing or calling lists, cover letters, or other content are used and what deliverables, if any, are involved.

Understanding Activity Types

Activities are categorized based on the outbound channel of execution. In Oracle Marketing, you can create a specific type of activity by choosing a channel category and a channel for the activity. For example, the Channel Category is Direct Marketing and the Channel is E-mail.

For some marketing activities you have a choice of channels. For example, for an indirect marketing channel, such as Advertisement, you can select from a list of channels, such as TV, Radio, Billboards, and so on.

Metrics and Monitors

Metrics can be used to initiate monitors when the specified condition is met. Within a monitor, a condition is defined in which a metric value is compared to a user-defined value, to another metric value, or to an Oracle Discoverer workbook that generates a single value. The monitor can then be associated with a campaign activity. When the specified monitor condition is met, the campaign activity is activated.

Additional Information: See also My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2277369.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Support Implications for Discoverer 11gR1.

The process flow is as follows:

  1. Create the Campaign Activity.

  2. Define attributes for the Campaign Activity.

  3. Define the Monitor.

  4. Associate the Monitor to Campaign Activity.

  5. The system activates the Campaign Activity if and when the monitor condition is met.

Understanding Teams

You can choose to limit all access to one or more marketing campaigns to only those resources who are within your team (or group of users such as a franchise, organization, or branch). You can do so by setting the Confidential flag for a campaign. When you create a campaign, you can define it to be confidential, so that only you and your team members can access it.

An administrator has full access to all the campaigns, immaterial of the status of the Confidential flag.

You can give read-only access to other users and teams by adding them to a campaign. This enables rollup access to a parent program.

Campaign schedules associated with a campaign inherit the confidentiality associated with the campaign.