Optimizing Audience Lists with Predictive Analytics

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics is a process used to discover strong, meaningful patterns and relationships in large amounts of data. These patterns and relationships are used to more accurately predict and analyze the behavior of customers and prospects.

For example, you can use the Oracle Data Mining functionality within Oracle Marketing to predict customer behavior for a variety of purposes, such as identifying which customers are most likely to:

Effective predictive analytics enables you to make better business decisions. You can more effectively apply your marketing budget by targeting only the strongest prospects, thereby driving up margin.

The predictive analytics process consists of the following general steps and concepts:

  1. Building a model

    A model is a set of rules that can be used to predict the value of a specific customer attribute based on the known values of other attributes.

    Building a model involves using data mining algorithms to create a set of rules based on the training data it is supplied. The training data is historical information about existing customers. This information consists of the known values for customer attributes such as direct mail responder, income, age, gender, and so on.

    Oracle Marketing provides seeded model types (three response, one loyalty/retention, one product affinity, and one customer profitability models) to help automate the data mining process. Custom model types that predict any customer behavior can also be implemented.

  2. Evaluating model results

    Three reports are generated automatically when a model is built: Lift Chart, Performance Matrix, and Attribute Importance. By evaluating this information, you can determine the accuracy of the model and make adjustments to the training data that will improve the performance and predictive power of the model.

  3. Scoring a target population

    The process of scoring is also referred to as executing a scoring run. During a scoring run, a model is used to predict the future behavior of a target population. The score assigned to each customer record in the target population indicates the likelihood that this customer will exhibit a particular behavior. For example, customer A may be scored with a 90% probability of responding to a particular e-mail campaign.

  4. Viewing the scoring run results and generating a list

    The scoring run results are presented as a continuous range of 10 segments. Each segment has an associated percentage range (for example, 80–89.99%). The percentage indicates the likelihood that the customers within a particular range will exhibit the target behavior.

    From the scoring run results page, you can generate lists of customer records. The breakdown into segments allows you to narrow your target population and select only the customers who exhibit the desired behavior.

    Each of the steps above is described in more detail in the following sections.

Understanding and Building Predictive Models

The process of building a model consists of the following steps:

  1. Creating the model by selecting a

  2. Selecting the training data

  3. Building (training) the model

The target comprises a target field and a data source. The data source is implied through the model type and target field association.

Related Topics

About Model Statuses

About Model Types

Oracle Marketing models are predictive models used to predict future customer behavior. They are built using the Naive Bayes algorithm, which can predict binary or multi-class outcomes. Currently in Oracle Marketing, this algorithm is used to predict the binary outcomes of a target field.

For example, you might want to predict which customers are likely to respond to a direct marketing campaign. The possible values for the target field would be yes or no.

The following model types are seeded in the application and are designed to automate the model building process.

Sample Business Scenarios

The following scenarios are examples where you can use predictive modeling to help you generate lists whose members are most likely to exhibit the desired behavior. Sections later in the chapter describe the different functionality and tasks mentioned in the scenarios in detail.

About Data Sources and Targets

When creating a model, you must select a data source and a target. A data source consists of a flexible set of customer attributes that are evaluated by the data mining engine. The data mining engine determines which attribute values correlate with the target behavior (yes or no).

A target field is a column in the data source that represents the customer behavior you are trying to predict. Selecting the target while creating a model automatically selects the target field. For example, your System Administrator might define a target called Home Ownership that is mapped to a column in a specific user-defined data source with the name Own Rent Flag.

Oracle Marketing currently supports binary outcomes for the target field. As such, the possible value for a target field must either be binary or must be mapped to a binary outcome. For example, if the value for a field can be an income, and you are interested in high income households, then values equal to or exceeding $100,000 could be mapped to 1 (yes), and values under $100,000 could be mapped to 0 (no).

User-defined data sources and target fields can be set up by your System Administrator. System Administrators should also know the attributes present in these data sources.

Oracle Marketing provides two seeded data sources for each model type: TCA Persons for B2C models and TCA Organization Contacts for B2B models. Both of these data sources are associated with customer data from the Oracle customer model (TCA). Refer the Oracle Marketing Implementation Guide for a complete list of attributes included in the seeded data sources.

The following table lists the seeded targets and data sources provided by Oracle Marketing for the different model types. For Custom model types, your System Administrator must define the associated target fields and data sources. They can also create additional data sources and targets for the out-of-the-box models.

data miningmodelsseeded target fields and data sourcesSeeded Target Fields and Data Sources
Model Type Data Source Targets
Direct Mail Response Organization Contacts B2B: Direct Mail Responders
  Persons B2C: Direct Mail Responders
E-Mail Response Organization Contacts B2B: E-Mail Responders
  Persons B2C: E-Mail Responders
Telemarketing Response Organization Contacts B2B: Telemarketing Responders
  Persons B2C: Telemarketing Responders
Loyalty/Retention Organization Contacts B2B: Loyalty/Retention
  Persons B2C: Loyalty/Retention
Product Affinity Organization Contacts B2B: Product Affinity
  Persons B2C: Product Affinity
Customer Profitability TCA Organization Contacts B2B: Customer Profitability
  TCA Persons B2C: Customer Profitability
Custom None None. Must be set up by your System Administrator.

About Training Data

In data mining, a model requires a data set from which to learn and build the model. The data set is referred to as the training data and the process of learning is referred to as training the model.

Training data consists of organizations contacts or individuals that you select. It should consist of members:

The more similar the training data is to the target population, the greater the predictive power of the model. For example, to conduct a telemarketing campaign for consumers, you would train the model using data that consists of consumers targeted by a similar telemarketing campaign in the past, and whose response to the campaign is known.

Note: If historical information from a similar campaign is not available, you must create and execute a test campaign before you can build a model.

About Building a Model

As mentioned above, model building is the process of training the model using a data set that you have selected. The data set consists of both positive and negative values (responses, affinity, or profitability). During model building, the data set is divided into two parts: input data (70% of the training data set) and holdout or test data (30% of the training data set). The test data is to used to validate the discovered relationship and patterns for determining the effectiveness of the model.

Both positive and negative values are split in the 70:30 ratio. Which means once split, the input data will contain 70% of the positives and 70% of the negatives and the test data will contain 30% of the positives and 30% of the negatives. This ensures that the input and the test data reflect the positives and negatives proportion in the data set. The training data should have adequate number of positive and negative values to successfully build a model.

For more information on the test data and how it is used, see Evaluating Model Build Results.

The data mining engine uses the input data to discover relationships and patterns to build a set of rules. Depending upon the target field and data source selected, the application may examine the following:

The attributes examined can include demographic information such as age, gender, and income. Historical data can include information such as the number of times a customer has been contacted, number of past purchases, and the number of service requests they have opened. It can also include data collected using your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications, or data that you have purchased from outside vendors and imported into the database.

Different types of models are trained on different subsets of attributes depending upon the target audience. Here are some examples.

About Model Statuses

The status of a model indicates its state. The current status of a model determines whether or not you can use it for a build or a scoring run, modify it, copy it, or change its status.

The following table provides a description of each status, what the status can be reset to, what fields you can modify, and whether or not you can copy the model.

Model Status
Status Meaning Can be reset to What you can modify What you can copy
Draft All new models have this status initially. Archived (manually) All fields. Create an identical model with a different name and status of Draft.
Scheduled Model is scheduled to be built. Draft by cancelling the build. All fields. Create an identical model with a different name and status of Draft.
Building The application is in the process of building the model. Draft by cancelling the build. Training data is locked. Create an identical model with a different name and status of Draft.
Failed An error occurred while building or previewing the model. Archived (manually) View the model log, make the necessary changes. Preview or rebuild the model. Create an identical model with a different name and status of Draft.
Invalid The model was successfully built (status was Available), but cannot be used for scoring because changes were made to the training data. See Invalid below for more information. Archived (manually) Rebuild the model. Create an identical model with a different name and status of Draft.
Previewing The training data has been submitted for previewing. If successful, the status is changed to Draft. If the preview fails, the status is changed to Failed.
A request to build the model during this state terminates the preview.
Cannot be reset. All fields. Create an identical model with a different name and status of Draft.
Scoring A scoring run is taking place. Available by cancelling the scoring run. Target population data is locked. Create an identical model with a different name and status of Draft.
Available Model is built and available for a scoring run.
When rebuilding a model, the results of the previous build are purged.
Archived (manually) All fields. Create an identical model with a different name and status of Draft.
Expired The model expires at the end of the date you enter in the Expiration Date field. Cannot be reset. Cannot be modified. Create an identical model with a different name and status of Draft.
Archived Archived models only appear in the All Models list.
The application automatically deletes the source data for the model.
Cannot be reset. Cannot be modified. Create an identical model with a different name and status of Draft.


As stated in Table Model Status, a status of Invalid means that the model was successfully built, but that some change occurred after the build that has caused the status to change. The changes that can result in a status of Invalid are:

Evaluating Model Build Results

The accuracy of a model is determined by evaluating the results of the model build. The evaluation is performed by applying the set of rules created during the model build to the test data (30% of the total data made up of 30% of the positives and 30% of negatives).

Because the actual value of the target field for the test data is known, the predicted and actual values are compared to determine the effectiveness of the model.

One report and two charts are created during the evaluation. The following table describes what you can use each for.

Model Reports
Report or Chart Use
Lift Chart A graphical representation of the benefits of using the model over contacting your target population at random.
Performance Matrix Report Provides statistical insight into the accuracy of the model build.
Attribute Importance Chart Displays the predictive power of the customer attributes in determining the target value.

Based upon the information in these reports, you can make modifications to your data that will improve the predictive power of your model. See Improving Model Results.

About the Lift Chart

The Lift Chart illustrates the benefit of using a predictive model to intelligently select a portion of your target population as opposed to targeting the entire population at random. Targeting only the strong prospects allows you to reduce marketing costs and improve your return on investment.

The x axis, Percent Targeted, is the total target population. The y axis, Percent of Records, is the population exhibiting the target behavior. For a Response model, this indicates the percentage of positive responders. For a Loyalty/Retention model, this indicates the percentage of customers who have not placed an order within the last three months. For a Customer Profitability model, this indicates the percentage of profitable customers. For a Product affinity model, this indicates percentage of purchasers for a selected product or product category.

The following figure displays a sample lift chart.

A Sample Lift Chart

the picture is described in the document text

In the graph, the A and B lines represent the percentage of the total population (x axis) that you must target to reach the desired percentage of responders, purchasers, defectors, or profitable customers (y axis).

The curved line (B) is the lift. It indicates the advantage the model provides over targeting prospects at random. The more the line curves to the upper left hand corner of the graph, the more benefit you will achieve with the model.

Reading different points along the lines indicates what percentage of the total population you must target to meet your goal. In the Lift Chart in Figure 15–1, let us assume that our target population consists of 100,000 customers (x axis) and the total responders equal 5,000 (y axis). The intersection labeled 1 indicates that randomly contacting 50% (50,000) of your target population might yield a positive response rate of 50% (2,500). The intersection labeled 2 indicates that by using the predictive model, you can selectively target just 50% (50,000) of the population with the possibility of a 97% (4,850) response rate.

This outcome demonstrates the increase in campaign return on investment that may be achieved using predictive modeling.

You can also view a table reporting the lift chart details below the chart and can also download the data to a .csv file.

About the Performance Matrix Report

The Performance Matrix report (also referred to as a Confusion Matrix) provides statistical insight into the accuracy of the model. It displays information in two formats: as record counts, and as percentages. It rates the predictions made by the model against what actually occurred within the holdout sample of the training data.

The following figure displays a sample Performance Matrix Report.

A Sample Performance Matrix Report

the picture is described in the document text

As shown in the figure, the Counts table displays the number of correct and incorrect predictions the model made. For example, out of 90 responders, the model predicted 79 non defectors correctly and 4 incorrectly.

The Percentages table shows the overall accuracy rate of the model in percentage numbers. For example, the percentage of responders predicted correctly is 79/90 or 95.18%.

About the Attribute Importance Chart

The Attribute Importance chart displays the importance of the attributes in determining the target field value. It allows you to see which customer attributes have the most significant effect on the predictive capability of a model.

Attribute importance information can be displayed in three formats: as a pie chart, vertical bar chart, or a horizontal bar chart. Each slice of the pie chart is labeled with a percent; the total of the slices equals 100%. The bar charts indicate a numerical value for each attribute on the Y-axis. In the chart legends, the attributes are displayed in descending order of importance.

The following figure displays a sample Attribute Importance Chart.

A Sample Attribute Importance Chart

the picture is described in the document text

By default, only the top 10 attributes are displayed. You have the option of displaying additional or fewer attributes by entering a value in the Number of Attributes field.

Improving Model Results

After evaluating the model results, you can manipulate your training data in a number of ways to improve the predictive power of your model. You can:

Building a Model

This section provides step-by-step instructions on model building. Use the following procedures to build a model.

  1. Create the model.

  2. Schedule a build for a model.

  3. View build results.

Creating the Model

Use the following information to create a model.

Navigation: Analytics > Models


Next you will select the training data for your model. The training data can reside in the Oracle TCA or a user-defined data source. Proceed to do one of the following:

Selecting Training Data For Response Models Using Seeded Data Sources

Follow this procedure to select the training data for response models that will use an Oracle Marketing seeded data source. Your data source is seeded if it is listed as TCA Persons or TCA Organization Contacts.


Navigation: Analytics > Models > Training Data


Selecting Training Data for Loyalty/Retention Models Using Seeded Data Sources

Follow this procedure to select the training data for loyalty/retention models that will use an Oracle Marketing seeded data source. Your data source is seeded if it is listed as TCA Persons or TCA Organization Contacts.


Note: The application looks at each list and performs the include, exclude, and intersect operations in the order specified. For example, you specify three sources numbered 1, 2 and 3, with no size restrictions.

  1. The application includes all of the records in source 1 in the training data set. We will call this the current training data.

  2. It then compares the current training data with source 2. If the operation is exclude, the data is modified to consist of the records unique to source 1 only. This set of records is now the current training data.

  3. Finally, the application compares the current training data with source 3. If the operation is intersect, it modifies the data to consist of only the records that are common to both sets (in other words, the results from step 2 and source 3.)

Selecting Training Data for a Customer Profitability Model Using Seeded Data Sources

Follow this procedure to select the training data for customer profitability models that will use an Oracle Marketing seeded data source. Your data source is seeded if it is listed as TCA Persons or TCA Organization Contacts.


Navigation: Analytics > Models > Training Data


Selecting Training Data for a Product Affinity Model Using Seeded Data Sources

Follow this procedure to select the training data for customer profitability models that will use an Oracle Marketing seeded data source. Your data source is seeded if it is listed as TCA Persons or TCA Organization Contacts.


Navigation: Analytics > Models > Training Data


Selecting Training Data for Custom Models Using Seeded or User-Defined Data Sources

To select training data for a custom model from the Oracle customer model (TCA) or a user-defined data source, follow the steps below.


Navigation: Analytics > Models > Training Data


Scheduling a Build for a Model

Use the following information to schedule a build for your model.

PrerequisitesFor all model types, the model must exist and the training data set must be specified, including any restrictions on the training data size.

Navigation: Analytics > Models > Build


Viewing Build Results

Use the following information to view the build results for your model.


Navigation: Analytics > Models


Understanding Scoring Runs Generation

Scoring is the process of using a model to predict the future behavior of a specific population based on the attribute values of individual customer records. The score assigned to a customer or prospect indicates the likelihood that they will exhibit the desired behavior.

Because of budget, resource, or other constraints, you may need to restrict the size of the list you are scoring and specify a minimum and a maximum size for it. You may also choose to score the target population immediately or specify a date and time when the scoring should execute.

After scoring, the target population is divided into ten continuous segments called deciles. Each decile represents a certain number of customers, prospects, or both. The sum of the record counts in each decile equals the total target population. The deciles are ordered from the highest to the lowest probability of displaying the target behavior. Therefore, the customer records in decile 1 are the most likely to exhibit the behavior you are interested in.

Based on this information, you can select the groups with the highest probability of exhibiting a target behavior and generate a list. The list can then be used for marketing activities such as executing an e-mail campaign. Campaign execution closes the loop of using a predictive model to score a target population and generate a list of customers or prospects that are most likely to exhibit the target behavior.

You can also perform an Optimal Targeting analysis and then generate an optimal list of people to target for your marketing activities. See Optimal Targeting Analysis for the details of Optimal Targeting analysis.

Once you have generated a list, you can access it from Audience Workbench. To view the actual names on the list and other related details, click the Entries link.

For more information about lists, see Creating a List Using Natural Language Query and Using Target Groups.

An example of the scoring run results for a Response model is shown in the following table. The table Scoring Run Report provides a description of each column in the scoring run results table.

Scoring Run Results
Decile Propensity to Respond* Number of Records Percent of Positive Values Include in List
1 90-100% 1560 26.54 x
2 80-89.99% 183 3.11 x
3 70-79.99% 87 1.48 x
4 60-69.99% 48 .82 x
5 50-59.99% 45 .77 -
6 40-49.99% 78 1.33 -
7 30-39.99% 231 3.93 -
8 20-29.99% 183 3.11 -
9 10-19.99% 261 4.44 -
10 0-9.99% 3,201 54.47 -

* Propensity to Respond is displayed for Response model types. For Loyalty/Retention models, this column is labeled Propensity to Defect; for Customer Profitability model it is labeled Profitability; for Product Affinity model it is labeled Propensity to Purchase; for Custom models it is labeled Propensity for Positive Target Values.

The following table describes each of the columns on a scoring run report.

Scoring Run Report
Column Description
Decile Each number represents a group of customers, prospects or both. The deciles are ordered by the probability of response, from the highest to the lowest. The first decile represents group members with a 90-100% likelihood of exhibiting the target behavior; the second decile includes those who are 80-89.99% likely to respond to your campaign; and so on.
Propensity to Respond (Response models)
Propensity to Defect (Loyalty/Retention models)
Propensity to Purchase (Product Affinity model)
Propensity to be Profitable (Customer Profitability model)
Propensity for Positive Target Values (Custom models)
The probability that persons or organization contacts (customer records) in the decile will exhibit the target behavior. Select the deciles with the highest predicted probabilities for your list.
For a Loyalty/Retention model, the percentages represent how likely the members of each decile are to defect to a competitor.
For a Product Affinity model, the percentages represent the likelihood that members will purchase the specified product.
For a Customer Profitability model, the percentages represent how profitable to you the customers will be.
Number of Records The number of records in the decile.
Percent of Positive Values A percentage representation of the number of records in the decile to the total number of records.
Include in List This column contains a check box for each decile. The check boxes allow you to select the customer records in a particular decile and include them in a list.

You can associate attachments, notes, and tasks to a scoring run and add users and teams to allow them access to the scoring run.

Related Topics

Optimal Targeting Analysis

Generating a Scoring Run

Optimal Targeting Analysis

If you have costs or budget constraints for your marketing activities, the build results from a model may not be adequate for arriving at an optimal target list. You can use the Optimal Targeting Analysis functionality and perform an analysis of the costs, revenues, and scored response probabilities of the population for a test campaign and derive the expected gross profit per customer. The result of this analysis is presented as an Optimal Targeting Chart.

Navigation: Campaign Workbench > Predictive Analytics > Select a model > Click Scoring Run to view details > in the side navigation Results: Optimal


The X-axis of the Optimal Targeting Chart represents the total target population and the Y-axis represents the expected Return On Investment (ROI) or Profits for the campaign. The highest Y-axis value on the chart determines the optimal number of customers to target. In the following figure, it is seen that the optimal percent of customers to target is about 14%. You can modify the costs, margins per order, and costs per customer details and arrive at optimal ROI and profits.

A Sample Optimal Targeting Return On Investment Chart

the picture is described in the document text

You can perform optimal targeting analysis for scored response probabilities of Response and Product Affinity models where targeted customers will place orders and you can easily identify the costs and revenues per customer. However, for Loyalty/Retention and Customer Profitability models, customers do not place orders and so identifying the costs and revenues per customer for optimal targeting analysis is not possible. The purposes of these models is to identify the profitable customers or arrive at marketing strategies to build up and retain customers. For example, in a call center, telemarketing executives may be instructed to assign higher priority to calls from profitable customers.

Once the optimal targeting chart is generated, you can generate an optimal list to target for a campaign activity. An optimal list may be associated with campaign activities in the Draft or Active statuses. You can restrict the size of the optimal list to within a budget amount or to the top x% of targets.

If a campaign activity already has a target group defined, then the entries in the optimal list generated are added to the target group. If no target group has been defined for a campaign activity, then a new target group is created with the entries of the optimal list.

Related Topics

See the Performing an Optimal Targeting Analysis and Generating an Optimal List topic in Generating a Scoring Run.

Generating a Scoring Run

The scoring process looks at the data mining attribute values for each member (customer record) of the target population. It then scores each record based on how likely that member is to exhibit the target behavior. The application then divides the population into 10 groups called deciles based on the score given to the record.

As part of the scoring process, costs and revenues for a customer can also be analyzed to arrive at optimal targeting data.

When the scoring is complete, you can generate a list by selecting the deciles (customer records) with a high likelihood of exhibiting the target behavior or by using the results of an optimal targeting analysis. The list would then be targeted in a future marketing campaign.

Use the following procedures to generate a scoring run.

Creating a Scoring Run

Navigate to Analytics > Models and Analytics > Scoring Runs to create a scoring run.

Prerequisites: A model that has been built and is in the Available status

To download the list of scoring runs to a .csv file, click the Download to CSV file icon, click Save in the File Download dialog box, navigate to a relevant folder, and save the .csv file.

Selecting Target Population When Using a Seeded Data Source

Your data source is seeded if it is listed as TCA Persons or TCA Organization Contacts. Use the following information to select seeded data sources for scoring.

Prerequisites: A scoring run must be created for a model

Navigation: Analytics > Scoring > Selections


Selecting a Target Population When Using a User-Defined Data Source

For a user-defined data source, you can use a combination of attributes and Discoverer Workbook filters to restrict the size of your target population. If no filters are specified, the scoring run will select and score all of the records in the data source.

Additional Information: See also My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 2277369.1, Oracle E-Business Suite Support Implications for Discoverer 11gR1.

Use the following information to select a target population from a user-defined data source.

Prerequisites: A scoring run must be created

Navigation: Analytics > Scoring Runs > Selections


Scheduling a Scoring Run

Use the following information to schedule the scoring run.

Prerequisite: A scoring run for a model must exist

Navigation: Analytics > Scoring Runs > Score

Viewing Scoring Run Results

Use the following information to view the results of a scoring run. For information on scoring run statuses, see About Scoring Run Statuses

Prerequisites: The scoring run must be in the Completed status.

Navigation: Analytics > Scoring Runs > Results


About Scoring Run Statuses

The following table describes the seeded statuses for scoring runs, and tells you:

Scoring Run Statuses
Status Meaning Can reset to What you can modify What you can copy
Draft Initial status for all scoring runs. Archived (manually) All fields. Create an identical scoring run with a different name and status of Draft.
Scheduled The scoring run is scheduled. Draft by cancelling the scoring run. All fields. Create an identical scoring run with a different name and status of Draft.
Running The application is in the process of scoring the target population. Draft by cancelling the scoring run. Data selections are locked. Create an identical scoring run with a different name and status of Draft.
Invalid A scoring run that completed successfully (status was Completed) has been invalidated. Archived (manually) All fields. All scoring run fields are locked and cannot be modified.
Failed An error occurred while generating or previewing a scoring run.
View the log, make the necessary changes, and resubmit it for a run or preview.
Archived (manually) All fields. All scoring run fields are locked and cannot be modified.
Previewing The run has been submitted for previewing.
If the preview is:
- successful, the status changes to Draft.
- unsuccessful, the status changes to Failed.
A request to score will terminate the preview operation.
Scheduled by setting up a run time. All fields. Create an identical scoring run with a different name and status of Draft.
Completed The scoring run finished and was successful. Archived (manually) All fields. Create an identical scoring run with a different name and status of Draft.
Archived Archived scoring runs appear only in the All Scoring Runs list.
The application automatically deletes any source data for the scoring run.
Cannot be reset. Data selections are locked. Create an identical scoring run with a different name and status of Draft.

Generating a List Based on Decile Scores

Use the following information to use the deciles from the scoring run to generate a list.

Prerequisite: The scoring run must be in the Completed status

For more information on scoring run statuses, see About Scoring Run Statuses.

Navigation: Analytics > Scoring Runs


Performing an Optimal Targeting Analysis and Generating an Optimal List

Use the following information to use the deciles from the scoring run to generate a list.

Prerequisite: The scoring run must be in the Completed status

For more information on scoring run statuses, see About Scoring Run Statuses.

Navigation: Analytics > Scoring Runs

Campaign Activity: Only those campaign activities whose target groups have been created using the Advanced option of the audience workbench will be available for selection.

To generate a list, the Workflow Background Process must be running. See your System Administrator or refer to the Oracle Marketing Implementation Guide for more information on the Workflow Background Process.

Viewing Logs

For Data Mining, the log sequentially summarizes the back-end process occurs during model builds and scoring runs. If your build or scoring run fails, you can view the log to help determine the cause of the failure. Log entries are listed in ascending order.