Setting Up Opportunity Management

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Opportunity Management

A sales opportunity is a pending sale that can be forecasted. Oracle Partner Management extends the Oracle Sales opportunity module to support the assignment of indirect opportunities to partners. An opportunity can originate from a lead, marketing campaign, deal, or referral, or it can be entered manually by a user.

Oracle Partner Management allows a vendor organization to set up rules that simplify the process of identifying the best partner or partners for an opportunity and subsequently routing the opportunity to the appropriate partner. The Partner Management Opportunity Management module provides a flexible mechanism to control the distribution of notifications associated with opportunities.

Oracle Partner Management integrates with Oracle Sales to provide indirect opportunity management functionality. Oracle Sales has a Partner tab available on the Opportunity Detail page. From the Partner tab, a channel manager can search for and assign partners to an opportunity and track assignment history. When an organization deploys Oracle Partner Management, the Partner tab can be exposed though Personalization.

On the Partner Dashboard, the same opportunity pages are exposed to the partner as are to the vendor, but the vendor can use Personalization to control the information and flows that are available for partner users. Partners can be assigned two levels of update access for opportunities--read-write or read-only.

A vendor can control partner opportunity access four ways:

Partner Users can accept multiple offered opportunities simultaneously. Vendors can see opportunity assignment history information on opportunities offered to partners.

If your organization is integrated with Oracle Sales, additional implementation steps may be required for proper integration of the applications. Refer to Oracle Sales Integration for more information.

Partner Subscriptions for Opportunities

The following are the partner subscriptions used for Opportunities in Oracle Partner Management: The same format is used for subscriptions as is shown in the section of this document called How Event Updates Work. The specific details of four fields changes for each subscription. Those fields are shown below:

Opportunity Post-Create

Event Filter: oracle.apps.asn.opportunity.postcreate

Rule Function: oracle.apps.pv.oa.opportunity.util.server.PvCreatOppSub

Phase: Immediate

Description: Partner Management Opportunity Post-Create Subscription.

Opportunity Pre-Update

Event Filter: oracle.apps.asn.opportunity.preupdate

Rule Function: oracle.apps.pv.oa.opportunity.util.server.PvUpdateOppSub

Phase: Immediate

Description: Partner Management Opportunity Pre-Update Subscription

Integrating with Oracle Sales

Oracle Partner Management can be integrated with Oracle Sales to improve an organization's ability to manage indirect sales opportunities. The procedures described in this chapter must be performed by an organization when integrating Oracle Partner Management with Oracle Sales.

Enabling Business Events

Two Oracle Sales business events and their subscriptions need to be enabled: opportunity post-create and opportunity pre-update. To enable business events, log in to the Oracle Workflow application with the Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility and navigate to Workflow > Find Events/Event Groups.


Migrating External Sales Team Data

Earlier implementations of Oracle Partner Management allowed a partner contact to exist on an opportunity, a lead, and a customer sales team after the partner organization was removed from the opportunity, lead, or sales team. A partner contact is accessed through the partner organization, and thus a contact cannot be accessed if the partner organization has been removed.

The concurrent program PV - External Sales Team migration should be run to make sure that partner organizations are reassociated with opportunities, leads, and customer sales teams if the partner contacts are still associated with the objects after the partner organization has been removed. The concurrent program should be run during the upgrade process to R12 and as part of the Oracle Sales and Oracle Partner Management integration process, and then periodically afterwards. For more information about the concurrent program, refer to Appendix C, Concurrent Programs..

Personalizing Oracle Sales Pages

Some personalizations need to be made to Oracle Sales opportunity pages to enable integration with Oracle Partner Management. The personalizations primarily involve enabling features that are used by an indirect sales organization, for example adding a Partners subtab to the Update Opportunity page and adding a Partners region to the Sales Team.

All of the personalizations listed in this section are performed at the Responsibility level. Depending on business requirements, an organization might choose to enable partner-specific items for Oracle Partner Management-related responsibilities only. Other organizations might choose to enable the items for Oracle Sales users as well. The personalizations for vendor users of Oracle Partner Management and Oracle Sales are the same. Some different personalizations are required for partner users.

Personalizations for Vendor User Responsibilities

Perform these personalizations for vendor users, that is, users who are employees of the implementing organization. The seeded responsibilities for vendor users are:


Personalizations for Partner User Responsibilities - Opportunities Pages

The opportunity-related pages that partner users see are the same pages that are used by vendor users. There are some changes that must be made to these pages to make them appropriate for use by partner users. The changes are made through use of the Oracle Applications Personalization feature.

Perform these personalizations for partner users, that is, users who are employees of the implementing organization's partners. The seeded responsibilities for partner users are:

The personalizations will need to be performed for each additional partner responsibility implemented.


Personalizations for Partner User Responsibilities - End Customer pages

A vendor organization can choose to give its partners access to end-customer information. When a vendor makes end-customer information available to its partners, there are some flows and other items that must be disabled because they are not currently supported by Oracle Partner Management, and these are listed in this section. This section also provides some additional personalizations that are recommended for successful implementation.

Perform these personalizations for partner users, that is, users who are employees of the implementing organization's partners. The seeded responsibilities for partner users are:

The personalizations need to be performed for each additional partner responsibility implemented.

Mandatory Customer Page Personalizations

It is mandatory that the following items be disabled because they can cause errors or conflicts with currently supported flows within Oracle Partner Management.


Recommended Customer Page Personalizations

A vendor organization needs to consider carefully the level of access to and the actions allowed for partner users in the Contacts, Addresses, Phone Numbers, and Attachments sections associated with customers. The information that partner users can see in these sections is not limited to the information created by or relevant to their partner organizations; instead, partner users can see all contacts, addresses, and phone numbers that are available for a customer, and can also see all attachments created by both vendors and other partners. For each of these sections, the vendor must determine whether or not to disable the Create, Update, and Remove or Delete buttons. The deploying company must also determine whether or not to disable Contact Name links.

Opportunity Matching and Routing

Opportunity matching refers to the process of identifying a partner to whom an opportunity should be offered by searching manually or based on a matching rule. Opportunity Management allows the vendor to create rules that identify the best partner for an opportunity based on opportunity criteria, partner criteria, and geographical criteria. An opportunity matching rule can also specify tiebreak criteria.

Opportunity routing refers to the process of offering an opportunity to one or more partners. Routing can be done manually by a vendor user, or automatically. Automatic routing can be set up as part of a matching rule.

Refer to Setting up Partner Matching Rules for instructions on creating matching rules.

Automated Matching and Routing Methods

Opportunity matching and routing can be partially or completely automated. There are three levels of automated matching and routing:


With semi-automatic matching, a user selects which matching rule will be used to generate a list of partners. The user is responsible for completing the routing manually.

Semi-automatic matching requires that the channel administrator set up at least one matching rule. The profile option PV: Matching Rule Selected by Engine must be set to No (No is the default value). In addition, the profile option PV: Rule for Automatic Matching must be set to specify which rule will be used for matching.


With fully-automatic matching, a user initiates the matching process but the Rules Engine selects the best matching rule based on the opportunity's attributes, and then generates a list of partners. The user is then responsible for completing the routing manually.

To implement fully-automatic matching, the channel manager creates matching rules and sets the PV: Matching Rule Selected By Engine profile option to Yes.

Automatic background

With automatic background matching, no user intervention occurs. Automatic background matching is used for opportunities that resulted from the lead to opportunity conversion process or for the opportunities that are created with Campaign association.

In automatic background matching, a workflow background process, either initiated by a user or scheduled to run at regular intervals, queries all opportunities in the indirect channel, determines the best partner(s) for each opportunity, and routes the opportunities based on the routing rules.

To implement automatic background matching for opportunities that are converted from leads, the channel manager creates matching rules that contain partner routing criteria (routing criteria is optional for other types of matching). Two profile options must be set up:

To implement automatic background matching for opportunities that are associated with campaigns, the channel manager creates matching rules that contain partner routing criteria (routing criteria is optional for other types of matching). For this campaign based routing to happen, the profile option PV: Enable Automatic Routing by Campaign must be set to Yes.

Routing Types

Routing refers to the process of distributing an opportunity to one or more partners that have been identified as appropriate matches. Oracle Partner Management supports several routing types:

Manual Matching

Manual matching allows a vendor user to identify a partner match for an opportunity independently of established matching rules. To perform a manual match, the user selects criteria that will be used to search for potential partner matches for an opportunity. The partner criteria available are partner profile attributes that have been enabled for opportunities and matching services.

The criteria available for manual partner matching can be limited by responsibility. For example, an organization might want channel managers to be able to identify partner matches using all available partner criteria, but might want only a subset of the criteria to be available to channel representatives for matching.

For information on setting up manual matching, refer to Setting up Manual Matching Options.

Setting Up Partner Matching Rules

Matching rules make it easy for a vendor organization to offer opportunities to the most appropriate partners. A matching rule evaluates specific opportunity criteria, evaluates it against specific partner criteria, and then determines which partner or partners, out of all available partners, is a best fit for the opportunity.

Channel administrators are responsible for creating matching rules. The rule creation process involves specifying various criteria, and is spread across multiple pages. Creating a matching rule involves the following procedures:

Creating a New Rule

The first step in rule creation is naming the rule and providing basic information about it.


Log on with the channel administrator responsibility, and navigate to Partner tab > Opportunity Routing > Partner Matching Rules, and click Create




Adding Opportunity Selection Criteria to the Partner Matching Rule

Opportunity selection criteria are used by the matching engine to determine if a rule applies to an opportunity. Opportunity selection criteria are opportunity profile attributes, such as Customer Country or Total Purchase Amount. Opportunity profile attributes are used while routing opportunities to partners. You select one or more attributes and then further define conditions for the attribute, such as “equal to,” “between,” or “greater than”. To display these opportunity profile attributes in Oracle Sales, use the flexfields provided at the header and line level of opportunity.


Partner profile attributes must be set up and a partner matching rule must exist.


  1. At the Partner Matching Rules page, click the name of the rule you created in the previous procedure.

    The Edit Matching Rule page appears, displaying links for additional rule creation steps at the top of the page.

  2. Click Opportunity Selection.

  3. In the Opportunity Selection page, click Add Attributes.

    The Add Opportunity Selection Attributes page appears.

  4. On the Attribute Page complete the following:

    1. Select the attribute category, if you know it, from the first drop-down list, or select the blank option to display all attributes. Attributes that belong to the selected category are displayed.

    2. Select the attribute from the second drop-down list. Appropriate conditions and values for the attribute are displayed. The conditions field displays different values depending on the attribute selected.

    3. Select conditions and values for the attribute.

    4. Click Apply to add this attribute or click Apply and Add Another to add this Attribute and display a new Attribute page.

Adding Partner Selection Criteria to the Partner Matching Rule

The conditions specified in the partner selection section defines a group of partners that are eligible to receive the opportunity. Partners selection criteria are partner profile attributes that have been selected for opportunities and enabled for Matching Services.

Use this procedure to add partner selection criteria to the rule. You can select attributes and assign a condition and a value to the attribute.


Partner profile attributes must be set up and a partner matching rule must exist.


  1. Click the Partner Selection link.

  2. On the Partner Selection page, click Add Attribute.

    The Add Partner Selection Attributes page appears.

  3. On the Add Partner Selection Attributes page, complete the following:

    1. The first drop-down lists the attribute categories. Select the category if you know it or select the blank option to display all attributes. Attributes that belong to the selected category are displayed.

    2. Select the attribute from the second drop-down list. Appropriate conditions and values for the attribute are displayed. The conditions field displays different values depending on the attribute selected.

    3. Select conditions and values for the attribute.

    4. Click Apply to add this attribute or click Apply and Add Another to add this Attribute and display a new Attribute page.

Adding Partner Matching Criteria to the Partner Matching Rule

Partner matching criteria helps vendors refine the partner search. In this step, attributes selected for the opportunity are compared to attributes selected for the partner to determine a best partner match for the opportunity. For example, the vendor can decide that the customer address must be in the same state as the partner address, or the customer industry needs to match the partner's target industry.

Use this procedure to add matching criteria to the rule. In this step, you relate attributes selected for the opportunity to attributes selected for the partner.


Attributes for both the opportunity and the partner must be defined and a partner matching rule must exist.


  1. Click Matching Criteria.

    The Matching Criteria page appears.

  2. Select an attribute from the drop-down list in the Opportunity Attribute column. The window refreshes as the Matching drop-down list is populated.

  3. Select an operator from the Matching Condition drop-down list. The values in the Matching Conditions drop-down list are determined by the attribute selected in the Opportunity Attribute.

  4. Select a related attribute from the Partner Attribute column. Attributes displayed in the drop-down list of Partner Attributes are attributes that have the same return type as the attribute selected in the Opportunity Attribute column.

Adding Geographic Proximity to the Partner Matching Rule

Geo-proximity criteria can be specified in a rule to match an opportunity to the partner who is closest to the customer, or to limit the pool of potential partner recipients to those that are within a specified distance.

Use this procedure to assign a geographical region to the rule.


Attributes must be set up and a partner matching rule must exist.


  1. Click Geo-Proximity.

    The Geographic Proximity page appears.

  2. Enter a distance value in the Select Partner Within field.

  3. Select a distance denomination of either miles or kilometers.

  4. In the Select Nearest field, enter the maximum number of partners that should be returned. For example, enter 10 to indicate that you want to limit the matches to the closest 10 partners.

Adding Tiebreak Criteria to the Partner Matching Rule

Tiebreak criteria must be added to a rule if you want the rule to identify a single winner or to produce an ordered list of winners. Tie break criteria uses partner attributes to determine the best partner when more than one partner is equally qualified according to the other matching criteria.

Because the attributes used for tie breaking must provide a way to measure a partner's performance, the attributes that can be used are limited to those with a numeric or date display style. When an attribute with a numeric display style is set up, a value type of minimum or maximum can be specified. A value type of maximum indicates that, when the attribute is used in tie breaking, the partner with the maximum value will win. A value type of minimum indicates the opposite.

When setting up tie break criteria, the channel administrator assigns a rank to each attribute. The rank indicates the importance of the attribute in the tie breaking process. The matching engine evaluates the attribute with the lowest rank first; if a winner can be determined using this attribute, the matching is complete. If no winner emerges using the first attribute, the next-lowest ranked attribute is used to identify a winner, and so on, until a winner emerges. If no winner emerges, the engine selects a partner by random.

Use this procedure to assign tiebreak criteria to the rule.


Attributes must be set up and a partner matching rule must exist.


  1. Click Tiebreak.

    The Tiebreaker page appears.

  2. Select an Attribute from the drop-down list and enter a rank for the attribute.

Adding Routing Information to the Partner Matching Rule

Routing rules are used if matching and routing of opportunities to partners will be performed in the automatic background mode, with no user intervention.

Use this procedure to assign routing information to the rule.


Attributes must be set up and a partner matching rule must exist.


  1. Click Routing.

    The Matching Routing page appears.

  2. Select the Routing Type from the drop-down list.

  3. Select the Bypass Channel Manager Approval check box to skip channel manager approval for this rule.

  4. Enter the Channel Manager Time-Out in days or hours.

    Channel Manager Time-Out specifies the number of days or hours that the channel manager has to review and approve or deny the routing (if channel manager approval is not disabled). If the channel manager does not respond in the specified time, the opportunity is routed automatically.

  5. Enter the Partner Time-Out in days or hours.

    Partner Time-Out specifies the number of days or hours that the partner has to accept or reject the opportunity. If the partner fails to respond in the specified time period, the opportunity is withdrawn automatically.

Note: The time-out periods specified for a matching rule are independent of the other timeout periods that can be specified for opportunities. When routing occurs automatically as a result of automatic background matching, the timeout periods specified by the rules are used; other timeout periods are ignored. Refer to Setting up Timeouts for additional information.

Setting Up Manual Matching Options

For manual matching of partners, all active partner attributes that are enabled for matching are exposed by default on the manual search screen. The channel administrator can restrict this list by identifying partner attributes to be exposed at a responsibility level.

Use this procedure to set up manual matching options at the responsibility level.


Navigate to Opportunity Routing > Manual Matching Setup.




Setting Up Timeouts

Timeouts are time periods during which an action is expected to take place. There are two timeout types:

There are three ways that timeout periods can be specified:

Setting up Country-Specific Timeout Periods

This procedure sets up timeout periods at the country level. Timeouts set at the country level have precedence over default timeouts that are specified through profile options.

To set up country specific timeouts, navigate to Opportunity Routing > Timeout Setup and follow the on-screen instructions.

Setting Up Channel Types

A vendor organization can create channel types that reflect its business processes. In addition, Oracle Partner Management seeds several channel types.

Channel types are used by the lead engine and partner matching engine to identify which opportunities are indirect and should be assigned to partners. Each channel must be defined as either a direct or an indirect channel


Navigate to Opportunity Routing > Channel Setup.




Specifying Status Notification Recipients

Oracle Partner Management provides a built-in workflow system that triggers automatic e-mail notifications to certain groups of people (as determined by role) at different stages in the opportunity and routing processes. Notifications are sent out to the following users whenever the status changes:

The user types are:

From the Status Notification page, the channel manager can add and remove user types from the list of recipients. To access the Status Notification page, navigate to Opportunity Routing > Status Notifications.

Modifying Status Notifications

The status notification messages that are sent to recipients in response to changes in opportunity and routing status are created using Oracle Workflow Builder. You might be able to implement the notifications that have been seeded for Opportunity Management without modification. However, if you need to make changes to the seeded notifications, you will need access to Oracle Workflow Builder and the Oracle database. You can not add new notifications for opportunities.

For more information about modifying status notifications, refer to Setting up Notifications in Oracle Workflow Builder.

Opportunity Events

Oracle Partner Management supports the ability to write interactions into a table visible to channel managers in the channel manager dashboard. The list of events that are tracked in the interaction table are:

Opportunities and Security

In Oracle Partner Management, users' access to opportunities is based on the Oracle Sales team security model.

Opportunity Owner Identification

When a user creates a lead or opportunity, the user is added to the sales team automatically, with the Do Not Reassign flag selected. The user is identified as the opportunity owner.

Opportunity Access Security

There are four levels of access to opportunity information:

for the first two levels, the levels of access that a user has are determined by the setting of the profile option ASN: Opportunity Access Privilege:

Customer Access Security

There are two levels of access to customer information:

The levels of access that a user has are determined by the setting of the profile option ASN: Opportunity Access Privilege:

Partner Contact Security

A partner user with the PV_OPPTY_CONTACT permission is designated as the partner's opportunity contact, and is always added to the sales team of an opportunity. By default, the partner with the PV_PARTNER_PRIMARY_USER permissions-based role has this permission.

Profile Options

There are certain system profile options that must be set for Opportunity Management to function properly. In addition to the profile options mentioned in this chapter, there are additional profile options that may need to be set. Refer to Appendix A, System Profile Options, for a complete list of profile options for Opportunity Management.

Concurrent Programs

There are several concurrent programs that need to be run periodically for Opportunity Management. Refer to Appendix C, Concurrent Programs, for information about setting up and running the programs.