Kanban Planning

This chapter covers the following topics:

Overview of Kanban Planning

Kanban is a pull replenishment system whose aims are zero stockouts, shorter lead times, and reduced inventory with minimal manual supervision. The tasks of Kanban Planning are determining the optimal number of Kanban cards and calculating the Kanban size. Kanban planning is performed and updated in the Kanban Planning tab of the Electronic Kanban workbench. The Kanban Planning tab consists of two sub-tabs:

Planning Workbench

The Planning Workbench subtab is divided into several regions: Search, Pull Sequence Planning, Planning Details, and Horizontal Plan.

Plan Definition

Use the Plan Definition tab to view, edit, create, and update kanban planning. You can use Forecast, Master Demand Schedule, Master Production Schedule, or Actual Production for planning definitions. See: Viewing and Updating Kanban Planning Definitions

Kanban Planning Recommendations

When planning recommends a decrease in the number of cards, production is updated with the new value. Replenishment calculations consider the number of cards to reduce and cancel cards in succeeding replenishment cycles until the number of cards to eliminate is reached.

If planning recommends an increase in the number of cards, and production is updated with the new value, additional cards are immediately generated, and the number of cards is added.

Note: When set to Yes (the default value), top level assemblies are included in the Kanban planning process when the inventory item attribute Make or Buy is set to Buy.

Searching for Pull Sequence Planning Data

There are two search regions in the Kanban Planning tab of the Electronic Kanban workbench: one in the Planning Workbench subtab and one in the Plan Definition subatab. Both regions enable you to search for Kanban Planning records using either a Simple or an Advanced Search. If you select the Advanced Search, you can add extra search criteria fields.

To perform a Simple Search for pull sequence planning information:

  1. Navigate to the Planning Workbench subtab of the Kanban Planning tab.

  2. Select a value in the Planning Basis field indicating a planning measurement. You can select either Kanban Plan or Actual Demand.

  3. If the Planning Basis is Kanban Plan, select a value in the Kanban Plan field and a full or partial value in the Item field.

  4. If the Planning Basis is Actual Demand, select a full or partial value in the Item field.

    To view all kanban plan records, leave the item field null.

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Click Go.

    The results of your search appear in the Pull Sequence Planning region. Click Clear to begin another search.

    See: To Save Search Criteria

To perform an Advanced Search for pull sequence planning information:

  1. Navigate to the Planning Workbench subtab of the Kanban Planning tab and click Advanced Search.

  2. In the Planning Basis criteria field, select either Kanban Plan or Actual Demand.

  3. If you selected a Planning Basis of Actual Demand, select a full or partial item value in the Item field.

  4. If you selected a Planning Basis of Kanban Plan, you also have the option to select a full or partial item value in the Item field.

  5. From the Add Another drop-down box, you can select additional search criteria including the following values:

    • Description

    • Item

    • Kanban Plan

    • Locator

    • Planner

    • Basis

    • Subinventory

  6. Click Go.

    The results of your search appear in the Pull Sequence Planning region. Click Clear to reset the search fields and begin another search.

    See: To Save Search Criteria

Viewing and Updating Pull Sequence Planning

The Pull Sequence Planning region displays the results of your search for kanban plans. You can view information on Item, Description, Point of Use, Actual Lead Time, Planner, Lead Time, Actual Demand, Average Demand, Allocation, Safety Stock Days, Minimum Order Quantity, Fixed Lot Multiplier, Kanban Size, Number of Cards, Future Planned and Ready for Update. You can also recalculate and update production from this region.

When you select a record in the table from your search, you can view the Planning Details of the plan for the selected pull sequence in the table, and Horizontal Plan for the selected pull sequence for a period of time.

You can change the Pull Sequence Planning summary table display format by selecting specific columns to display, reordering how the columns appear in the table, and detaching or reattaching the table from the page to view more result information by clicking on the Actions: Pull Sequence Planning icon to the right of Update Production button.

Highlight Current and Calculated Kanban Parameter Differences for Pull Sequences

When you perform an Advanced Search in the Pull Sequence Planning region, pull sequences with different current and calculated values for Kanban Size or Number of Cards are highlighted in bold in the Planning Workbench to identify the pull sequences with different values in the Current and Calculated fields. You can add the filter Calculated Different from Current to view the pull sequences with different calculated and current values for Kanban Size or Number of Cards. You can select the following options from the Calculated Different from Current drop-down:

Current and Calculated Kanban Parameter Differences

the picture is described in the document text

The Advanced Search criteria will also display the pull sequences with the following conditions:

Note: The search results will not display pull sequences if the value in both the Current and Calculated fields is zero.

Creating Demand for Pull Sequences with Different BOM Subinventories

The distribution of demand for the pull sequences is based on the total allocation percentage and for pull sequences that have matching BOM subinventories. If the sum of allocation percentage of all the pull sequences with matching subinventories is 100 percent, then the application distributes the allocation percentage to each pull sequence accordingly. You can also calculate and distribute demand for pull sequences that do not have matching BOM subinventories and with allocation percentage that is not equal to 100 percent. Use the profile option FLM: Consider Non Matching Subinv Demand to ensure that the Kanban Planner concurrent program calculates and distributes the demand for multiple pull sequences for an item component with different BOM subinventories and with allocation percentage that is not equal to 100 percent.

Note that if you enable the profile option FLM: Consider Non Matching Subinv Demand, all other functionality remains the same. However, if the sum of the allocation percentage for pull sequences with different subinventories is not equal to 100 percent, then the application distributes the demand equally to all the available pull sequences. If the sum of allocation percentage of all the pull sequences with different subinventories is 100 percent, then the application distributes the demand to each pull sequence according to the allocation percentage.

To view and update pull sequence planning information:

  1. From the Electronic Kanban workbench, click the Kanban Planning tab, then the Planning Workbench subtab. Search for records.

    See: Searching for Pull Sequence Planning Data

    The results of your search appear in the Pull Sequence Planning region.

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. You can edit some of the fields and update the data. Planning data for the pull sequences display in the following columns.

    • Item

    • Point of Use: Location of the pull sequence material.

    • Description

    • Actual Lead Time: The true lead time to replenish cards for this pull sequence.

    • Planner: This field displays the code associated to the planner.

    • Lead Time: Period of time needed to replenish cards for this pull sequence. This field can be updated.

    • Allocation: Division of this item used to replenish cards for this pull sequence. This field can be updated.

    • Actual Demand: Requirement for the pull sequence material, from a number of sources such as customer orders.

    • Average Demand: This field can be updated.

    • Safety Stock Days: This field can be updated.

    • Minimum Order Quantity: This field can be updated.

    • Fixed Lot Multiplier: This field can be updated.

    • Kanban Size: The values in the Current and Calculated fields are populated by kanban planning calculations.

    • Number of Cards: The values in the Current, Calculated, and Temporary fields are populated by kanban planning calculations.

    • Future Planned: This field is populated by planning.

    • Ready for Update: Select this check box to include this record when you click Update Production in the following steps.

  3. After updating a row, click Select, then click Recalculate to see the effects of your changes to the kanban size in the Horizontal Plan region.

  4. To save the results of your recalculation, click the Update Production. The Update Production dialog box appears.

    The Update Production dialog box appears.

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. You can modify the value in the Number of Cards field.

  6. You can choose to enter the details in all the fields and click Update or you can leave the fields blank and then click Update.

  7. To save the results of your recalculation work for multiple records or all records appearing in the table, select the Ready for Update check box for each record, then click Update Production.

    The updates from your changes appear for the records selected in the table.

To view planning details and the horizontal plan for a pull sequence:

  1. From the Electronic Kanban workbench, click the Kanban Planning tab, then the Planning Workbench subtab. Search for records.

    The results of your search appear in the Pull Sequence Planning region.

  2. Select a pull sequence record in the search results table to display the Planning Details and Horizontal Plan for the selected pull sequence.

    In the Planning Details region, you can see values in the following fields:

    • Item

    • Description

    • Point of Use

    • Calculate: Indicates the method to calculate either size or number of cards.

    • Current Temporary Cards

    • Last Implemented Plan

    • Plan Start Date

    • Plan End Date

    • Plan Effective Date

    • Planned Card Size

    • Planned Number of Cards

    the picture is described in the document text

  3. The Horizontal Plan displays the kanban plan for the pull sequence item selected in the Pull Sequence Planning region for a selected period of time. Information is displayed in the following fields:

    • Date

    • Beginning On Hand

    • Expected Receipts

    • Daily Demand

    • Adjusted Daily Demand

    • Available On Hand

    • Inventory Value

    • Cards On Hand

    • Cards Replenished

    • Safety Stock Days

    • Adjusted Safety Stock Days

    • Safety Stock Target

  4. You can change the Adjusted Daily Demand and Adjusted Safety Stock Days by entering values in these fields.

    the picture is described in the document text

  5. Select Adjust Values to calculate the new data and save your work.

    Values in the Available On Hand column change incrementally for each date listed.

  6. From the Horizontal Plan, you can export pull sequence planning data and Horizontal Plan data to Excel or PDF.

    Note: In the Planning Workbench, all the quantity attributes in Pull Sequence Planning and Horizontal Plan must be greater than or equal to 0.

Viewing and Updating Kanban Plan Definitions

Use the Plan Definition subtab within the Kanban Planning tab is to view and update kanban planning. There are two areas in this page: a Filters region and a table of the Kanban Plan records.

Click Actions: Kanban Plans to select one of the following options:

By default, all Kanban plans already defined are displayed. If no plans are defined, the table displayed is empty. Use the Filters region to view only the kanban plans that match your filter criteria. One filter, Kanban Plan, is provided by default. You can add additional fields as filters.

To filter kanban plans in the Plan Definition region:

  1. Navigate to the Plan Definition tab of the Kanban Planning tab.

  2. Enter a search value in the Kanban Plan field. Click on Add Plan to add a row and then enter the values in the Kanban Plan field.

  3. Click Search.

    The results of your search appear in the Kanban Plan region of this page.

  4. Click Add to include other filters to use in your search. A list of available filters appears.

  5. Depending on the field value selected, enter a full or partial search value in the field box.

  6. Click Search.

  7. The results of your search appear in the Kanban Plan region of this page.

To view and update Kanban plans:

  1. In the Plan Definition subtab use the Filters region to find the Kanban plan you want to view or update.

    Your filtered Kanban plan results appear in the Kanban Plan table with the following columns:

    • Kanban Plan

    • Description

    • Demand Type

    • Forecast/Schedule

    • Last Run Execution Date

    • Inactive On

    • Request ID

    • Phase

    • Status

    • Executed By

    • Execute

    • View

    • Delete

    the picture is described in the document text

  2. In the Demand Type field, you can change the way demand is calculated by selecting one of the choices:

    • Forecast

    • MDS: Master Demand Schedule

    • MPS: Master Production Schedule

    • Actual Production

  3. In the Forecast/Schedule field, search for and select the name of the Forecast, MDS, or MPS value.

    This field is not used for Actual Production demand.

    the picture is described in the document text

  4. Perform a Simple Search for a schedule or forecast by selecting values in the following fields:

    • Forecast Designator

    • Description

    You can also choose Advanced Search to search using additional other fields in the search criteria.

  5. Click Go.

    The results meeting your criteria appear in the dialog box.

  6. Choose a record, and click Select to change the value in the Forecast/Schedule field.

  7. In the Inactive On field, select a date if you want this record to have a time limited definition.

  8. You can click on the Add Plan to add a record in the table and enter the Plan details.

  9. Click Save to save your work.

  10. Click Execute to open the Execute Kanban Plan dialog window.

  11. Enter parameters in the following fields:

    • From Item

    • To Item

    • Category Sets

    • From Category

    • To Category

    • BOM Effectivity

    • Demand Start Date

    • Demand Cutoff Date

    the picture is described in the document text

  12. Click Submit to execute the plan.

  13. Click View to navigate the Planning Workbench subtab to view the planning details of the plan. You can also export Plan definitions to Excel or PDF.