
This topic includes procedures for entering and finding item samples and monitoring samples. Procedures for displaying sample groups and displaying sample summaries on the navigator are also provided.

This chapter covers the following topics:


Following are some requirements that customers have for samples in Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) Quality Management.

Can the application help me plan sample collection?

Yes. Use the optional sampling plan to set up the sampling process in your facility. A Sample Creation Notification workflow helps manage the sample collection process. You can set up automatic sample creation so that the application creates planned sample records with the default sample group information such as batch, step, and item.

Use a Sampling Plan to Schedule Sample Collection

Define both the sampling frequency and sample quantity with the optional sample plan that is set up prior to creating specifications and taking samples. Use the sampling plan with the Sample Creation Notification workflow. Use automatic sample creation when a lot is yielded to simplify data entry of production sampling in high volume production environments, or at various points in the supply chain.

Can I reserve a sample in case of sample breakage, leakage in transit to a testing facility, or future quality audits?

Yes. If you experience sample breakage, leakage, or spoiling during transit to a testing facility, then retain a reserve sample until testing is complete. For quality audits, retain an archive sample for future testing.

Reserve a Physical Sample without Testing

Sometimes samples break or leak in transit to the testing facility. If you need the insurance of a replacement sample, then take an extra sample and mark it as Retain or Reserve. You can select reserve sample material during testing of the original sample. Create a Retain As Archive sample. If future testing is required, then change the disposition of this sample to Pending and send it for testing.

Can I track the lifecycle of a sample?

Yes. Record dates for when the sample is drawn and when it expires. If the sample is pulled from storage, specify the date and time it was retrieved, when the quality laboratory received it, and when analysis is due.

Enter Sample Dates to Track the Complete Sample Lifecycle

Manage samples from the moment they are drawn and stored to when they are retrieved for testing. Enter additional dates for when analysis is required and when the sample expires. This helps you manage lab activities and ensures proper sample disposal.

Can I indicate which samples are designated for lot retesting purposes?

Yes. Select the Lot Retest/Expiry indicator for a sample when retesting an expired lot. Samples are marked appropriately to trace them in the storage subinventory if you need to retest the same material periodically.

Set the Lot Retest/Expiry Indicator to Indicate the Purpose of Retesting

The Lot Retest indicator is included on the Sample record to identify the purpose of retest as a lot retest or expiration test. A notification can be sent to create a sample based on lot retesting or lot expiration requirements.

Can I track sample quantities after testing is completed?

Yes. Track the quantity of sample remaining based on the actual test quantities recorded. You can also track the physical storage subinventory and locator of a sample taken for quality testing purposes using the Sample Storage Summary inquiry.

Track Sample Quantities and Storage Locators

Track remaining sample quantities on the Samples Summary window based on the actual test quantities recorded. Use the Sample Storage Summary inquiry to track the physical storage subinventory and locator for all your samples.

Can I create an aggregate sample for distributed sampling?

Yes. You can create an aggregate sample based on an aggregate specification. For a product specification that requires different types of testing, you can set up unit specifications for an item, organization, and sample source that are based on sample characteristics and specify different laboratories for each unit specification. The aggregate specification contains these multiple unit specifications and an aggregate sample contains the unit samples based on these unit specifications.

Use the Aggregate Samples window to create samples based on aggregate specifications

The Aggregate Samples window lets you create an aggregate item sample and associate it to the aggregate specification created for the item. When you create the aggregate sample, unit samples are created automatically, based on the unit specifications that are included in the aggregate specification. You can use the aggregate sample for distributed sampling and disposition each unit sample individually in the associated laboratory organization. The disposition of the aggregate sample will be derived from the unit sample and the final disposition of the product will be based on the aggregate sample. See: Creating Aggregate Samples

Can I create an Acceptance Quality Limits (AQL) sample for normal inspections?

Yes. You can create an AQL sample based on an AQL specification and use AQL single sampling plans for normal inspections to define the maximum number of defective units that can be rejected in a lot quantity. For example, if 3 has been defined as maximum number of rejections for a sample lot, then if there are 3 or more rejections, the sample lot is rejected.

Create an AQL Sample in the AQL Samples window

AQL standards represent the maximum number of defective units, beyond which a batch is rejected. When you create an AQL sample using an AQL specification and AQL validity rules, the application calculates the sample size, as well as the accept and reject quantity for each test method group. This calculation is based on the seeded AQL standards according to ISO 2859-1 standards for single sampling plans for normal inspections for a given lot quantity.

Can I create a calibration sample for instrument calibration?

Yes. You can create calibration samples, based on calibration specifications and calibration specification validity rules.

Create a calibration sample in the Calibration Samples window

Use the calibration samples to test and ensure that the instruments you use in the laboratory testing process are correctly calibrated. You can also view details and monitor calibration samples you create using key metrics in the Calibration Details page. You then enter test results for the calibration samples in the Results window.

Understanding Sampling

Acceptance sampling supports quality inspection of materials during various points in the supply chain. This includes sample collection at events such as receiving, batch creation, batch step release, batch completion, production yield, and lot expiration. Sampling inspection also occurs for material received from suppliers, for work in process material, for inventory, for specific customers, and for shipments. Samples are also created as part of a stability study for a particular item.

You can take multiple samples from the same source, and their collective disposition can be used to control and update other processes in the supply chain. Samples can be taken to monitor environmental conditions of locators or resources used for material storage.

Refer to "Setting Up Sampling Plans" for a discussion of the sampling plan.

Samples are sent to a quality laboratory organization for testing. The organization must be process-enabled and defined a Quality Laboratory in the Process Quality Parameters window. For detailed information on inventory organizations, refer to the Oracle Inventory User's Guide.

If an item substitution affects the quality specifications required for a batch, then you can change the specification association for a sample during sample creation or specification comparison. Refer to the Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development User's Guide for detailed information on item substitution.

For more information about sampling related to a batch placed on hold, refer to the Holding a Batch chapter in Oracle Process Manufacturing Process Execution User's Guide.

Defining a Sample Numbering Scheme

You can set up a manual or automatic document numbering scheme for samples in the Process Quality Parameters window. If you create a sample with Assignment Type as Automatic, then the sample number is generated automatically. Automatic sample numbers are noneditable, sequential numbers. If you create a sample with Assignment Type as Manual, then you can enter the sample number.

Defining and Applying Sampling Plan

Sampling methodologies are definable and maintainable using a sampling plan. The sampling plan lets you define the number of required, reserved, and archived samples. It also lets you specify the sample quantity and sampling frequency. Set up the optional sampling plan prior to creating specifications and samples. It becomes effective for an item, and optionally for a grade, when it is associated with a Specification Validity Rule. When a specification is associated to a sample, some data from the sampling plan defaults into the sample record:

Refer to "Setting Up Sampling Plans" for more information.

Creating an Item Sample

The sampling process can be performed whether the Sample Creation Notification workflow is enabled or disabled. Following are the conditions:

Sample Creation Notification Workflow is Activated

You receive a notification to take samples when the Specification Validity Rule in effect requires sampling for an event. If a sampling plan is defined, then the notification window displays details of the applicable sampling plan.

If a batch creation triggered a sample notification, then the batch number defaults as the sample source information. Optionally, if the batch step is not entered by default, then enter the batch step where the sample was taken and save the sample.

Once testing is complete, results are entered against the sample. Enter or update additional sample details such as sample expiration date and time and the storage subinventory and storage locator on the sample record. Run the Inventory Date Notification concurrent program in Oracle Inventory to either send a notification to manually or automatically create samples based on lot retest or lot expiry. The concurrent request can launch the Lot and Serial Date Notification workflow, which raises the business events for reaching the lot retest or expiry date. The Inventory Date Notification concurrent request searches for item lots that are process quality-enabled in a process-enabled inventory organization. Refer to the Oracle Inventory User's Guide for detailed information on the concurrent request parameters.

When a batch is terminated, the Sample Creation Workflow notifications that are open are canceled. Manage any samples that are created against the batch.

Understanding Automatic Sample Creation

Automatic sample creation simplifies data entry and integrity when sampling in high volume production environments, or at various points in the supply chain. When you set up automatic sample creation, the application creates planned sample records with the default sample group information such as batch, item, and optional lot. This is based on a business event in the application. Existing business events that can trigger the sample creation workflow include lot expiration and retest, inventory adjustment, batch or batch step creation, batch step release, batch completion, and receiving material into inventory or a receiving location. Automatic sample numbering and the sampling plan information such as sample count, sample quantity, and UOM, provide the information to create several sample records simultaneously, and associate these samples to a sample group. The application can create required, archive, and reserve sample record types. When samples are taken physically, you can update the planned sample records with details that include the actual sample quantity taken, date drawn, and sample expiration date.

Responsibilities: Workflow Administrator Event Manager, AME Application Administrator, Quality Manager

Sample Creation Notification Workflow is Not Activated

Determine the material to sample. This includes items that require retesting and items that require evaluation of their expiration date. Refer to "Reports and Inquiries" for reports to run that assist in this process. When the Sample Creation Notification workflow is not enabled, create a sample directly using the Item Samples window.

Delaying the Entry of Lot Numbers

Delayed lot entry lets you create a sample without entering a lot number. It postpones the identification of a lot number during sample creation until it is known at the time of assigning a final disposition. This delay accommodates sampling processes in which the material is analyzed before delivery to inventory. When assigning a final sample group disposition, the lot is specified, so that quality-driven updates to the lot status, grade, hold date, reason code, and the recommended lot-specific unit of measure conversions can occur simultaneously. For WIP and Supplier samples, the lot must belong to the batch or receipt specified at the time of sampling. After the lot number is entered at disposition time, it displays in all the sample records within the sample group for genealogy purposes.

Setting Up for Delayed Lot Entry

The Delayed Lot Entry indicator is available when Lot Optional on Sample is selected in the Process Quality Parameters window or the Validity Rules for Item Spec window. Select Delayed Lot Entry to permit the entry of a lot number only when the sample is assigned a final disposition of Accept, Accept with Variance, or Reject. Deselect to permit the entry of a lot number only at sample creation for supplier, inventory, or WIP sources.


Select Lot Optional on Samples and Delayed Lot Entry in the Process Quality Parameters window and in he applicable specification validity rule.

To delay the entry of a lot numbers on a sample:

  1. Create a sample without entering a lot number. The Lot field is protected after you save the sample.

  2. Enter and evaluate results.

  3. Assign a final sample group disposition and enter the following:

    • Lot number, to update all sample records in the sample group.

    • Lot update information, including requirements for status, grade, hold date, and the UOM conversion recommendation.

    • Lot number and appropriate lot update information displays for all the samples in the sample group. If the sample group has a single sample, then update the sample to a final disposition to enter the lot number. Otherwise, composite results before you assign a final sample group disposition and enter the lot number.

Accounting for Sample Quantity Drawn from a Batch

This feature reflects the sample quantity taken from a batch by modeling the sample as a batch byproduct. An inventory transaction for this sample byproduct is created automatically based on the reason code defined on the Process Quality Parameters window.


Formulator, Process Engineer, Production Supervisor, Quality Manager


To update the batch with the sample quantity:

  1. Create a formula by entering the item to sample as a byproduct formula line:

    • Set the byproduct quantity equal to the quantity you plan to take as a sample.

    • Set the Yield Type to Manual, and the Byproduct Type to Sample.

  2. Change the status of the formula to Approved for General Use.

  3. Create a recipe that contains the formula.

  4. Create a recipe validity rule for the recipe and the organization in which you will run the batch.

  5. Change the status of the recipe and the status of the recipe validity rule to Approved for General Use.

  6. Create and approve a specification for the item.

  7. Create and approve a WIP specification validity rule, specifying the recipe, formula, and formula line at which the sample byproduct is yielded. Ensure that the Update Inventory Quantity indicator is selected

  8. Create a batch from the recipe. If the Sample Creation Notification workflow is enabled, then the system prompts for the creation of the WIP sample when the batch is created.

  9. Release the batch.

  10. Create a sample for the item in the batch. An inventory transaction is created for the byproduct line in the batch. If the Sample Creation Notification workflow is not enabled, then use the Get Spec function to tie the sample record to the applicable WIP Specification Validity Rule for the sample byproduct line in the batch.

Terminating Batches

When a batch is terminated, the sample creation workflow notifications that are open are canceled. Manage any samples that are created against the batch.

Recording Sample Expiration Date

Record the sample expiration date and time to indicate sample shelf life. The sample expiration date and time defaults to the corresponding lot expiration date. This date is stored for informational purposes, and used as a reminder to complete required testing, and properly dispose of the sample.

Grouping Samples

Samples that originate from the same source or business event can be grouped together as a sample group so that the composite of their results can be reported or used to control inventory, production, receiving, shipping, and allocation processes.

If samples are not created using the workflow, then they can still be grouped by the Get Spec function that associates the same specification and version to these samples. Refer to "Appendix B" for the hierarchies used. The specification validity rule for this specification and version identifies the sampling plan where the required sample count is number of samples required in the sample group. When a new sample and sample group are created and a sampling plan is not specified in the specification validity rule, then the number of samples required in the sample group (and reflected in the sample record) is one.

By default, when you click Get Spec or save the sample record the application groups samples associated to the same specification and version until the sample group has a final disposition. For example, if the sampling plan requires three samples, then the first sample record has a sample instance of one of the three samples required. Each time a sample is added to a sample group, the total samples required increases by one, and each new instance is numbered appropriately in the series. When you use the Get Spec function, you can also create a new sample group instead of adding the new sample to an existing sample group.

The Get Spec function retrieves item specifications for item samples and monitoring specifications for monitoring samples. You can continue to add samples to a sample group while the sample group disposition is Pending, In Progress, or Complete. Samples with a disposition of Complete revert to In Progress when you add a test.

Understanding Parent Lots and Lots

Lots can be created with a reference to a parent lot. A sample or sample group can represent the quality characteristics of a single lot or multiple lots, indicated by specifying a parent lot only. For samples against a particular lot, the final sample group disposition can update lot attributes such as material status and grade for the lot specified. For samples against a parent lot only, the lot attributes update can apply to all lots one level below the parent lot.

Changing Disposition and Compositing Results for a Sample Group

An item sample group contains one or more samples that share the same organization, item, and source, and optionally, the same lot. Tie the sample group to a specification and specification validity rule at the Item Samples window for the first sample created. This must be done before assigning a sample group disposition or creating composite results.

Determining Quality Characteristics

Quality characteristics for a lot are determined through inspection samples or by associating a sample with another sample group. You can do this by using the parent lot disposition, results association between item samples, or lot transactions such as split, merge, or translate. For example, a lot split transaction can inherit the quality sample taken against the source lot through to the destination lot. Refer to "Associating Results to Another Sample" topic and to the Oracle Inventory User's Guide for detailed information on lot transactions. The Lot Genealogy inquiry or the specification matching functionality using the Select Available Inventory window initially searches for samples taken against the specified lot before using the inherited sample group association to retrieve the samples.

Determining Sample Disposition Manually

Assign a control sample disposition manually, by responsibility, when the Sample Creation Notification workflow is not enabled. To assign a new disposition, choose Change Disposition from the Actions menu on the Samples window. The following summarizes sample disposition change possibilities:

Using the Sample Storage Summary Inquiry

The Sample Storage Summary inquiry lets you find item samples based on their storage subinventory and storage locator. The Item Inquiry window in the Oracle Inventory application is used to find the sample storage locator based on the item and lot number.

Understanding Retained, Archive, and Reserve Samples

Following is a discussion that describes the differences among retained, archive, and reserve samples:

Retained Sample

A Sample Disposition of Retain identifies that a sample is stored for possible future testing. Retained samples can be used as a control group for subsequent samples that have been tested against the same sample source. Samples drawn from the same source can be separated into aliquots, or fractional samples. These samples can be used for standard quality testing, archived into storage for investigative or forensic testing, or reserved as a backup for possible future testing. A retained sample is classified by its use or type.

Retained samples can be submitted for analysis later according to the specification assigned to the sample group. You can change the sample disposition of a standard testing sample from Retain to Pending to indicate that analysis is expected, and initiate the optional OPM Quality Test notification workflow if it is enabled. For example, a stability sample is created and put into storage. Later, it is pulled for time point testing according to an item specification. Samples with a disposition of Retain are not available for entry of results until the sample disposition is changed to Pending. You cannot change the disposition of a tested sample to a disposition of Retain.

The samples for archive and reserve use do not contribute to the total number of samples required in a sample group based on a sampling plan. Therefore, it is important to distinguish these samples for traceability purposes. A standard testing sample is created based on the sampling plan definition.

Archive Samples

The archive sample can be used to research a market complaint. This sample is stored immediately in sample archives without any default specification assignment or initial testing. When analyzed, select the specification or add tests manually to an archive sample. The archive sample can progress through the existing sample dispositions (Pending, In Progress, Complete, Accept, Accept with Variance, Reject, or Cancel), but it remains in an archived state without any of the subsequent updates to inventory and production based on the specification validity rule.

Reserve Samples

This type of retained sample is set aside as additional inventory from the same sample source. A reserve sample is used as a backup supply of additional testing material when one or more tests are repeated due to instrumentation problems or reagent failure. Its quantity is consumed when the original sample for standard quality testing is insufficient to complete all required testing. A reserve sample remains in the Retain sample disposition and can only be changed to a disposition of Cancel. This supports the recording of results that are performed against a reserve sample, but reported against the original sample for standard quality testing.

Creating Stability Study Samples

Stability study sample records are created by the application when the planned stability study is approved. These samples are based on the:

These system-generated item samples are automatically associated to a stability study as identified by the sample source fields. You cannot create stability samples manually through the Samples window.

Creating a Monitoring Sample

You create a monitoring sample on the Monitoring Samples window. Monitoring samples are taken to check the acceptability of environmental conditions for each variant storage condition in a stability study. You take these samples for tests defined in a monitoring type specification. Refer to "Understanding Specifications" for additional information.

Delaying the Entry of Lot Numbers

To display the Delayed Lot Entry indicator on the Validity Rules for Item Specifications window, you must select it on the Process Quality Parameters window. If a WIP, Inventory, or Supplier sample is created with the Delayed Lot Entry indicator enabled, then you can create a sample without entering a lot number. Enter the lot number when you enter a final disposition for the sample or sample group.

Setting Up on the Process Quality Parameters Window

The Delayed Lot Entry indicator is available when Lot Optional is selected. The field defaults to null. Select Delayed Lot Entry to permit the assignment of a lot number after sample creation for a supplier, inventory, or WIP specification validity rule. The sample must have a final disposition of Accept, Accept with Variance, or Reject. Deselect to permit the assignment of a lot number only at sample creation for a supplier, inventory, or WIP specification validity rule.

Implementation Considerations

Following is a summary of implementation considerations:

Process Flow for Delayed Lot Entry

  1. Create a sample without entering a lot number. The Lot field is protected after you save the sample.

  2. Enter and evaluate results.

Quality Change Disposition Window

Lot is required if:

You access this window from the Composite Results window for a sample group or from the Item Samples window if the sample is the only sample in the sample group.

A sample or sample group can represent the quality characteristics of a single lot or multiple lots, indicated by specifying a parent lot only. For samples against a particular lot, the final sample group disposition can update lot attributes such as material status and grade for the lot specified. For samples against a parent lot only, the lot attributes update can apply to all lots one level below the parent lot.

Entering Item Samples

The Item Samples window lets you create samples from the following sources:

Refer to the "Understanding Sampling" topic for an explanation of sampling.

Note: You cannot create stability study samples from this window. However, you can query a sample with the Stability Study source from this window. Refer to the "Stability Studies" topic for additional information. You cannot create monitoring sample from this window. Refer to the "Entering Monitoring Samples" topic for additional information.

Using the Item Samples Window with Sample Creation Notification Workflow Activated

A sample group is created by a transaction event such as a receiving transaction, or an inventory transaction. If the Item Samples window is accessed from the Sample Creation Notification workflow, then the Item Samples window displays the following information:

If a sampling plan is associated to the specification validity rule in effect, then Retain As, Sample Quantity, Sample Quantity UOM , and Samples Required fields also default in the Item Samples window. Enter the following information:

Using the Item Samples Window with Sample Creation Notification Workflow Inactivated

When you create a sample without using a workflow notification, the Item Samples window displays the following information:

Enter the following minimum required information:

E-Record and E-Signature Approvals

There may be an e-signature event associated with this window. Refer to "Appendix D" for additional information on e-record and e-signature approvals associated with this window.

You can use folders, attachments, and flexfields with this window.

See: Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide and Oracle E-Business Suite Flexfields Guide.


To enter an inventory sample:

  1. Navigate to the Item Samples window. The process-enabled organization displays in the window title. Select a different organization using the Organizations window.

  2. Enter the Sample. If automatic sample numbering is selected, then the Sample field is blank and disabled until the record is saved, at which point a sample number is assigned. Otherwise, enter the number. Required.

  3. Enter the Disposition as the sample status:

    • Planned when the sample is scheduled to be taken.

    • Retain when the sample is taken and put in storage. Results cannot exist for a sample with this disposition.

    • Pending when the sample is saved, and results are expected, but not yet recorded. This is the default disposition.

    • Cancel when the sample is canceled.


      Refer to "Understanding Sampling" for an explanation of how to change sample disposition.

  4. Enter a Description for the sample. If you do not enter a description, then the item description defaults from the item entered.

  5. If Retain is the disposition, then enter Retain As to indicate whether the sample type is an Archive, Reserve, or required sample.

  6. Enter Item as the process quality-enabled item sampled. A description of the item displays. Required.

  7. Enter the item Revision. If the item is not revision-controlled, then this field is disabled. Required.

  8. Enter a Priority for the sample as:

    • Normal to indicate that the sample has the usual processing requirements.

    • Low to indicate that the sample has minimal urgency for processing.

    • High to indicate that the sample has urgent processing requirements.

  9. Select the sample Source as Inventory.

  10. Select the restricted or non-restricted Subinventory where the item sampled is located.

  11. Select the restricted or nonrestricted Locator if the subinventory and item are locator-controlled. Locator control is defined at the organization, subinventory, or item level. .

    Note: Restricted subinventories indicate whether to restrict transactions of an item to or from a subinventory specified in a list you define using the Item/Subinventory Information window in Oracle Inventory. Restricted locators indicate whether to restrict a transaction of the item to or from a locator specified in the list you define using the Item/Subinventory Information window in Oracle Inventory. You cannot restrict locators unless you also restrict subinventories.

  12. Enter the sample item Parent Lot, if the item is child lot-controlled. Refer to "Understanding Parent Lots and Lots" for detailed information on parent lots and lots.

  13. Enter the sample item Lot code. Edit this field if the item entered is child lot-controlled. Lot is not required if marked as optional for samples on the Process Quality Parameters window.

  14. Enter the LPN for the inventory sample to consume. You can select the LPN number from the LOV. This field is enabled only for WMS enabled organizations.

  15. Lot Retest is selected if the item is lot-controlled.

  16. Name is the item specification name.

  17. Version is the item specification version.

  18. Grade is the grade associated to the specification version.

    Note: If the sample was previously associated to a specification using the Sample Creation Notification workflow, then the Get Spec function is disabled. If a sample source field (Lot, Subinventory, or Locator) is changed, then the Spec, Version, and Grade fields are cleared. You can also save a sample without having a specification associated to it.

  19. Click Get Spec to associate a specification for this sample. The Specification Association dialog box displays.

  20. Select one of the following:

    • Use Default displays the specification, version, and grade with a specification validity rule that exactly or best matches the sample source information entered. The specification match depends on the process quality parameter Exact Spec Match in the Process Quality Parameters window. Select Exact Spec Match if a specification needs to be an exact match. Deselect if a specification does not need an exact match. The best match is based on the specification matching hierarchy described in "Specification Matching Business Rules" found in "Appendix B".

    • Use Alternate to select a specification that is different from the default specification for the sample. If Manual Spec Selection is enabled in the Process Quality Parameters window, then select Use Alternate. Select from a list of applicable specifications chosen from the specification matching hierarchy. This list is ordered based on the most specific to most generic match. If you select Use Alternate, then select the Spec as the alternate specification to use. The current Version and Grade display.

    Note: If there is an existing sample group that matches the sample source and specification selected, then the Created On, Samples Taken, and Samples Required fields display. Deselect Create New to add the new sample to the existing sample group. Select Create New to add the new sample to a new sample group. If no sample group information is retrieved, then Create New defaults as selected.

  21. Click OK to continue. The Spec, Version, and Grade display for the specification selected.


  22. Enter the Quality Laboratory as the inventory organization where the sample is tested.


  23. The Update Inventory Quantity indicator is selected when the sample transaction updates the amount of sample in inventory. When you enter a specification, Update Inventory Quantity is set to the value on the specification validity rule.

  24. Enter the sample Quantity in its inventory UOM. This is the item primary UOM, or another UOM with a valid conversion.The value defaults from the quantity entered on any associated sampling plan. Required.

  25. Remaining Quantity displays the balance of sample remaining after the actual test quantities are deducted at the time of result entry. UOM displays the unit of measure. It is expressed in the same UOM as the sample quantity.


  26. Enter Drawn as the date and time the sample was taken. This field defaults to the current system date and time. Required.

  27. Retrieved displays the date and time the stability sample was pulled from storage for testing by the quality laboratory. This date defaults from the stability study.

  28. Enter Received as the date and time the sample was received for testing by the quality laboratory.

  29. Enter Required as the date and time when the sample analysis must be completed.

  30. Enter Expired as the date and time when the sample expires.

    Sample Group

  31. The following fields for the sample group are display only:

    • Sample Instance is the sample iteration with respect to the total number of samples in the sample group based on the samples taken.

    • Samples Taken is the total number of samples already taken for the sample group.

    • Samples Required is the total number of samples required in the sample group based on the sampling plan requirement.


  32. Enter External ID as an alternate or cross-reference code for the sample. For example, if the sample is recorded on another test database, then enter the sample ID recorded on the external system.

  33. Select a Storage Organization as the inventory organization where the sample is stored.

  34. Enter Storage Subinventory as the subinventory where the remaining sample quantity is stored. The description of the storage subinventory displays. If the item is restricted, then the storage subinventory is restricted. Query item samples by storage subinventory and locator using the Sample Storage Summary inquiry.

  35. Enter a Storage Locator for the sample. If the sample storage locator is:

    • Restricted, then a valid locator must be entered for the specified storage subinventory. The LOV displays valid locators for the Storage Subinventory entered.

    • Non-restricted, then you do not have to specify a valid locator for the specified storage subinventory. Enter a storage locator in this field; however there is no LOV.

      This field is protected from entry if the storage subinventory does not exist for the locator. If a Storage Subinventory is entered, then this field is required.

    Note: Restricted subinventories indicate whether to restrict transactions of an item to or from a subinventory specified in a list you define using the Item/Subinventory Information window in Oracle Inventory. Restricted locators indicate whether to restrict a transaction of the item to or from a locator specified in the list you define using the Item/Subinventory Information window in Oracle Inventory. You cannot restrict locators unless you also restrict subinventories.


  36. Enter the Sampler as a code for the individual who withdrew the sample. The name of the individual appears in the field next to this code. This field defaults to the current user.

    Note: If you intend to set up workflow and Oracle E-Records events against samples, then do not enter Sampler, Sample Approver, or Inventory Approver. Refer to "Appendix D" for additional information.

  37. Enter the Sample Approver as the individual who is responsible to approve the sample.

  38. Enter the Inventory Approver as the individual who can approve the item to release to production.

    Composite Results:

  39. If the sample belongs to a sample group with composited results, then the Composite Results tab is enabled. The following fields are display only:

    • Specification indicates the specification name used for the composite results.

    • Version indicates the specification version used for the composite results.

    • Grade indicates the grade defined by the specification displayed.

    • Validity Rule Use indicates the type of validity rule in use to composite the results.

    • Date Composited indicates the date and time the composite results were saved.

    • Disposition indicates the disposition of the sample based on the composite results.

  40. Click View to display the Composite Results window for this sample.

    Spec Disposition:

  41. If the specification associated to the sample was replaced through specification comparison, then the history of sample dispositions against each specification displays. The following fields are display only:

    • Specification indicates the specification name associated to the sample.

    • Version indicates the specification version.

    • Grade indicates the grade assigned to the specification displayed.

    • Disposition indicates the disposition of the sample with respect to the specification displayed.

    • Validity Rule Use indicates the type of specification validity rule used.

    • Control Lot Attributes indicates if a lot status, and optionally a grade is dependent on the specification displayed.


  42. Enter Comments for the sample.

  43. Save your work.

To enter a WIP sample:

  1. Navigate to the Item Samples window. The context organization displays in the window title. Select a different organization using the Organizations window.

    Note: The Item Samples window lets you create a WIP sample for a closed batch. A WIP sample cannot update the inventory quantity or batch step quantity of a closed batch. To create a WIP sample for a closed batch, set the profile option GMD: Sample Closed Batches profile option to Yes. When the profile is set to Yes, the Batch list of values in the Item Samples window sorts by batch status and displays WIP, Completed, and Closed batch statuses, in that order, if the sample Source is WIP. You cannot create a WIP sample for a closed batch if this profile is set to No.

    See: Setting Up Profile Options, Oracle Process Manufacturing Product Development User's Guide

  2. Enter the Sample. If automatic sample numbering is selected, and the sample is a new record, then the Sample field is blank and disabled until the record is saved, at which point a sample number is assigned. Otherwise, enter the number. Use automatic sample numbering for samples generated in a stability study. Required.

  3. Enter the Disposition as the sample status:

    • Planned when the sample is scheduled to be taken.

    • Retain when the sample is taken and put in storage. Results cannot exist for a sample with this disposition.

    • Pending when the sample is saved, and results are expected, but not yet recorded. This is the default disposition.

    • Cancel when the sample is canceled.


      Refer to "Understanding Sampling" for an explanation of how to change sample disposition.

      Note: When creating a WIP sample for a closed batch, enter the Disposition as Pending when the sample is saved, and results are expected, but not yet recorded.

  4. Enter a Description for the sample. If you do not enter a description, then the item description defaults from the item entered.

  5. If Retain is the disposition, then enter Retain As to indicate whether the sample type is an Archive, or Reserve sample.

  6. Enter the Item as the process quality-enabled item sampled. A description of the item entered displays. Required.

  7. Enter the item Revision. If the item is not revision-controlled, then this field is disabled. Required.

  8. Enter a Priority for the sample as:

    • Normal to indicate that the sample has the usual processing requirements.

    • Low to indicate that the sample has minimal urgency for processing.

    • High to indicate that the sample has urgent processing requirements.

  9. Select the sample Source as WIP.

  10. Enter Batch as the batch number for the WIP sample.

    If the sample is created through the Sample Creation Notification workflow, then the following defaults as the sample source:

    • Batch number

    • Batch step, if applicable

    • Recipe number and version

    • Formula number and version

    • Routing number and version

    • Operation number and version

      If the sample is created manually, then one of the following is required for the sample source:

      • Batch number, if the sample is created in a plant or lab organization.

      • Recipe number and version, if the sample is created in a lab organization.

        Note: If a batch is specified, then the material detail line is used instead of the formula line.

        Note: When creating a WIP sample for a closed batch, select Batch as the batch number for the WIP sample.

        If the GMD: Sample Closed Batches profile option is set to Yes, then you can create WIP samples for closed batches. The Batch list of values displays batches with the statuses WIP, Completed, and Closed, in that order. Note that:

        • A WIP sample cannot update the onhand inventory balance for a closed batch. The Update Inventory Quantity indicator is cleared and disabled if the GMD: Sample Closed Batches profile option is set to Yes. If you associate a specification validity rule with the Update Inventory Quantity indicator selected, then an error message displays and the sample is not saved. You can select another specification and specification validity rule for which the Update Inventory Quantity indicator is not selected.

        • A WIP sample cannot update the batch step status for a closed batch. If you associate a specification validity rule with the Update Batch Step Status indicator selected, then an error message displays and the sample is not saved. You can select another specification and specification validity rule for which the Update Batch Step Status indicator is not selected.

  11. Enter the Line as the line sequence for the item listed in the batch or formula.

  12. Type defaults from the material or formula line entered, and indicates the type of consumption or yield that is applicable to the formula line.

  13. Enter the Step as the batch step, if it is applicable.

  14. Enter the step Charge as the charge controlled by the listed specification.

  15. Enter the Subinventory where the WIP item is yielded and the sample is taken.

  16. Enter the Locator if the subinventory exists for the locator and the item is locator controlled. Locator control is defined at the organization, subinventory, or item level, in that order.

  17. Enter the sample item Parent Lot code if the item is child lot-controlled. Refer to "Understanding Parent Lots and Lots" for detailed information on parent lots and lots.

  18. Enter the sample item Lot code. Edit this field if the item specified is lot-controlled. If Lot Optional On Samples is selected on the specification validity rule associated to the sample or if you enter a parent lot, then Lot is not required.

  19. Enter the LPN for the WIP sample to consume. You can select the LPN from the LOV. This field is enabled only for WMS enabled organizations.

  20. Enter the Recipe and version if the sample is created in a lab organization and a batch number is not entered.

  21. Formula displays the formula used in the batch and its version. If a recipe is entered. then these fields default.

  22. Routing displays the routing used in the batch and its version. If a batch is entered, then routing and routing version default from the batch. If a valid recipe is entered, then the routing associated to the recipe displays. You cannot change these fields.

  23. Operation displays the operation and version associated to the routing and step displayed. These fields are blank if a routing and step are not entered.

    Note: If the sample was previously associated to a specification using the Sample Creation Notification workflow, then the Get Spec function is disabled. You can also save a sample without having a specification associated to it.

  24. Click Get Spec to associate a specification for this sample. The Specification Association dialog box displays.

  25. Select one of the following:

    • Use Default displays the specification, version, and grade with a specification validity rule that exactly or best matches the sample source information entered. This depends on the value entered for the process quality parameter Exact Spec Match in the Process Quality Parameters window. Select Exact Spec Match if a specification needs to be an exact match. If a specification does not need an exact match, then deselect. The best match is based on the specification matching hierarchy described in "Specification Matching Business Rules" found in "Appendix B."

    • Use Alternate to select a specification that is different from the default specification for the sample. Select from a list of applicable specifications chosen from the specification matching hierarchy. This list is ordered based on the most specific to most generic match. If you select Use Alternate, then select the Spec as the alternate specification to use. The current Version and Grade display.

    Note: The Created On, Samples Taken, and Samples Required fields display if there is an existing sample group that matches the sample source and specification selected. Deselect Create New to add the new sample to the existing sample group. Select Create New to add the new sample to a new sample group. If no sample group information is retrieved, then Create New defaults as selected.

  26. Click OK to continue. The specification Name, Version, and Grade display for the specification selected.

    Note: The Identity, Storage, Approvers, Composite Results, Spec Disposition, and Comments tabs have the same field definitions as those that appear in the "To enter an inventory sample" task. Refer to that task for this information.

  27. Save your work.

To enter a supplier sample:

  1. Navigate to the Item Samples window.

  2. Enter the Sample. If automatic sample numbering is selected, and the sample is a new record, then the Sample field is blank and disabled until the record is saved, at which point a sample number is assigned. Otherwise, enter the number. Required.

  3. Enter the Disposition as the sample status:

    • Planned when the sample is scheduled to be taken.

    • Retain when the sample is taken and put in storage. Results cannot exist for a sample with this disposition.

    • Pending when the sample is saved, and results are expected, but not yet recorded. This is the default disposition.

    • Cancel when the sample is canceled.


      Refer to "Understanding Sampling" for an explanation of how to change sample disposition.

  4. Enter a Description for the sample. If you do not enter a description, then the item description defaults from the item entered.

  5. If Retain is the disposition, then enter Retain As to indicate whether the sample type is an Archive or Reserve sample.

  6. Enter Item as the process quality-enabled item sampled. A description of the item entered displays. Required

  7. Enter the item Revision. If the item is not revision-controlled, then this field is disabled. Required.

  8. Enter a Priority for the sample as:

    • Normal to indicate that the sample has the usual processing requirements.

    • Low to indicate that the sample has minimal urgency for processing.

    • High to indicate that the sample has urgent processing requirements.

  9. Select the sample Source as Supplier.

  10. Select the Internal Order check box if the sample is associated with an internal order. This check box is not selected by default.

  11. Enter the Supplier number. Required. This field is replaced by the Source Org field if the Internal Order check box is selected.

  12. Enter a source organization as the Source Org for the sample. This field is available only when the Internal Order check box is selected.

  13. Enter the Operating Unit corresponding to the supplier site. The operating unit must have an Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM) fiscal policy to indicate that it is used for process manufacturing. This field is not displayed if the Internal Order check box is selected.

  14. Enter the Supplier Site as the supplier site code that appears on the corresponding purchase order. This field is replaced by the Source Subinventory field if the Internal Order check box is selected.

  15. Select a subinventory from the same organization as the Source Subinventory if the sample is being created against an internal order.

  16. If the sample is associated to a purchase order, then enter the PO number and Line number. The PO Line field is replaced by the Requisition field if the Internal Order check box is selected.

  17. If the sample is being created against an internal order, then enter the Requisition number.

  18. If the sample is associated to a receipt, then enter the Receipt number and receipt Line number.

  19. Enter the receiving Subinventory and Locator for the material.

  20. Enter the sample item Parent Lot code if the item is child lot-controlled. Refer to "Understanding Parent Lots and Lots" for detailed information on parent lots and lots.

  21. Enter the sample item Lot code. Edit this field if the item you specified is lot-controlled. If Lot Optional On Samples is selected on the specification validity rule associated to the sample, then Lot is not required .

  22. Enter the LPN for the Supplier sample to consume. You can select the LPN number from the LOV. This field is enabled only for WMS enabled organizations.

  23. Enter the Supplier Lot number.

    Note: If the sample was previously associated to a specification using the Sample Creation Notification workflow, then the Get Spec function is disabled. If any sample source fields (Lot, Subinventory, or Locator) are changed, then the Spec, Version, and Grade fields are cleared. You can also save a sample without having a specification associated to it.

  24. Click Get Spec to associate a specification for this sample. The Specification Association dialog box displays.

  25. Select one of the following:

    • Use Default displays the specification, version, and grade with a specification validity rule that exactly or best matches the sample source information entered. This depends on the process quality parameter Exact Spec Match in the Process Quality Parameters window. Select Exact Spec Match if a specification needs to be an exact match. If a specification does not need an exact match, then deselect. The best match is based on the specification matching hierarchy described in "Specification Matching Business Rules" found in Appendix B.

    • Use Alternate to select a specification that is different from the default specification for the sample. Select from a list of applicable specifications chosen from the specification matching hierarchy. This list is ordered based on the most specific to most generic match. If you select Use Alternate, then select the Spec as the alternate specification to use. The current Version and Grade display.

    Note: If there is an existing sample group that matches the sample source and specification selected, then the Created On, Samples Taken, and Samples Required fields display. Deselect Create New to add the new sample to the existing sample group. Select Create New to add the new sample to a new sample group. If no sample group information is retrieved, then Create New defaults as selected.

  26. Click OK to continue. The specification Name, Version, and Grade display for the specification selected.

    Note: The Identity, Storage, Approvers, Composite Results, Spec Disposition, and Comments tabs have the same field definitions as those that appear in the "To enter an inventory sample" task. Refer to that task for this information.

  27. Save your work.

To enter a customer sample:

  1. Navigate to the Item Samples window.

  2. Enter the Sample. If automatic sample numbering is selected, and the sample is a new record, then then the Sample field is blank and disabled until the record is saved, at which point a sample number is assigned. Otherwise, enter the number. Use automatic sample numbering for samples generated in a stability study. Required.

  3. Enter the Disposition as the sample status:

    • Planned when the sample is scheduled to be taken.

    • Retain when the sample is taken and put in storage. Results cannot exist for a sample with this disposition.

    • Pending when the sample is saved, and results are expected, but not yet recorded. This is the default disposition.

    • Cancel when the sample is canceled.


      Refer to "Understanding Sampling" for an explanation of how to change sample disposition.

  4. Enter a Description for the sample. If you do not enter a description, then the item description defaults from the item entered.

  5. If Retain is the disposition, then enter Retain As to indicate whether the sample type is an Archive, or Reserve sample.

  6. Enter Item as the process quality-enabled item sampled. A description of the item entered displays. Required.

  7. Enter the item Revision, if the item is revision-controlled. If the item is not revision-controlled, then this field is disabled. Required.

  8. Enter a Priority for the sample as:

    • Normal to indicate that the sample has the usual processing requirements.

    • Low to indicate that the sample has minimal urgency for processing.

    • High to indicate that the sample has urgent processing requirements.

  9. Select the sample Source as Customer.

  10. Enter the Customer name. Required.

  11. Enter the Operating Unit corresponding to the ship-to or bill-to location. The operating unit must have an OPM fiscal policy to indicate that it is used for Process Manufacturing.

  12. Enter one or both of the following fields only if you enter an operating unit:

    • Ship-To to indicate the ship-to location for the specified customer and operating unit.

    • Order to indicate the order number. If you enter an order number, then Type displays the sales order type code from those set up for the operating unit in the Oracle Order Management application.

      If you did not enter an operating unit, then leave both of these fields blank.

  13. Enter the Line associated to the order.

  14. Enter the sample item Parent Lot code if the item is child lot-controlled. Refer to "Understanding Parent Lots and Lots" for detailed information on parent lots and lots.

  15. Enter the sample item Lot code. If the item you specified is lot-controlled, then edit this field. If Lot Optional On Samples is selected on the specification validity rule associated to the sample, then Lot is not required.

    Note: If the sample was previously associated to a specification using the Sample Creation Notification workflow, then the Get Spec function is disabled. You can also save a sample without having a specification associated to it.

  16. Enter the LPN for the Customer sample to consume. You can select the LPN from the LOV. This field is enabled only for WMS enabled organizations.

  17. Click Get Spec to associate a specification for this sample. The Specification Association dialog box displays.

  18. Select one of the following:

    • Use Default displays the specification, version, and grade with a specification validity rule that exactly or best matches the sample source information entered. This depends on the process quality parameter Exact Spec Match in the Process Quality Parameters window. Select Exact Spec Match if a specification needs to be an exact match. Deselect if a specification does not need an exact match. The best match is based on the specification matching hierarchy described in "Specification Matching Business Rules" found in Appendix B.

    • Use Alternate to select a specification that is different from the default specification for the sample. Select from a list of applicable specifications chosen from the specification matching hierarchy. This list is ordered based on the most specific to most generic match. If you select Use Alternate, then select the Spec as the alternate specification to use. The current Version and Grade display.

    Note: The Created On, Samples Taken, and Samples Required fields display if there is an existing sample group that matches the sample source and specification selected. Deselect Create New to add the new sample to the existing sample group. Select Create New to add the new sample to a new sample group. If no sample group information is retrieved, then Create New defaults as selected.

  19. Click OK to continue. The Spec, Version, and Grade display for the specification selected.

    Note: The Identity, Storage, Approvers, Composite Results, Spec Disposition, and Comments tabs have the same field definitions as those that appear in the "To enter an inventory sample" task. Refer to that task for this information.

  20. Save your work.

To view a stability study sample:

You cannot enter a stability study sample on the Item Samples window. However, you can display information about it.

  1. Navigate to the Variants window.

  2. Query the stability Study with the desired sample.

  3. Select the variant Num that has the sample to view.

  4. Click Time Points.

  5. Select the Time Interval that has the sample to view.

  6. Click Samples.

  7. Select the sample to view.

  8. Click View Sample.

  9. The Item Samples window displays the desired variant time point sample.

  10. The following fields are display only:

    • Disposition displays the sample status or disposition as:

      • Planned when the sample is scheduled to be taken.

      • Pending when the sample is saved, and results are expected, but not yet recorded. This is the default disposition.

      • In Progress when at least one result exists for the sample, but testing is not yet complete.

      • Complete when testing of all required tests and all additional tests is complete.

      • Accept when sample testing is complete, and results are in-specification.

      • Accept With Variance when sample testing is complete, and at least one result is in the experimental error region or out-of-specification. However, the sample approver has accepted this with variance.

      • Reject when sample testing is complete, and results are not acceptable, or out-of-specification.

      • Retain when the sample is taken and put in storage. Results cannot exist for a sample with this disposition.

      • Cancel when the sample is canceled.

    • Description displays a description of the time point sample for the sample.

    • Retain As indicates whether the sample type is an Archive, Reserve, or required sample.

    • Item displays the process quality-enabled item sampled and its description.

    • Revision displays the item revision, if the item is revision-controlled.

    • Source is Stability Study.

    • Study is the organization and study number.

    • Variant displays the variant sampled.

    • Time Point displays the variant time point sampled.

    • Scheduled displays the date and time the sample is scheduled for testing.

    Note: The Identity, Approvers, Composite Results, Spec Disposition, and Comments tabs have the same field definitions as those that appear in the "To enter an inventory sample" task. Refer to that task for this information.


  11. The following fields are display only:

    • Storage Organization displays the process quality-enabled inventory organization where the stability study sample is stored.

    • Storage Subinventory displays the storage subinventory for the variant time point sample.

    • Storage Locator displays the variant time point sample.

    • Resource displays the storage resource specified on the storage condition plan for the variant time point sample.

    • Instance displays the specific resource instance identified for the storage condition specified in the monitoring specification for the variant time point sample.

To mark a sample for deletion:

Choose Mark for Purge from the Actions menu. The sample is marked for deletion.

To edit text:

  1. Choose Edit Text from the Actions menu. The Select Text Paragraph window displays.

  2. Make appropriate text changes.

  3. Save your work.

To compare specifications:

Click Spec Comparison to compare specifications. Refer to "Specification Comparison" for additional information.

To change sample or sample group disposition:

  1. Choose Change Disposition from the Actions menu.

  2. Enter the new sample disposition.

  3. If the current sample completes testing for the entire sample group, then you can enter these additional fields if the Control Lot Attributes indicator is selected on the specification validity rule:

    • Enter Change Lot Status To as the new or revised lot status.

      Note: To change the lot status of a sample that belongs to a sample group with more than one sample, you will first need to change the quality disposition using Composite Results button in the Sample Groups window.

    • Enter Change Grade To as the new or revised grade.

    • Enter Reason Code as a valid reason code for the change.

  4. Enter Hold Date as the new or revised lot hold release date.

  5. Select the recommended test results to store the lot-specific UOM conversion factors if Calculate UOM Conversion is selected on tests from the associated specification. Refer to "Using Lot UOM Conversions Based on Quality Results" for additional information.

  6. Save your work.

Using a retained sample for testing:

  1. Query the sample with the disposition Retain.

  2. Change the sample disposition to Pending.

    • For Retain As Archive samples, optionally select Schedule Spec Tests to assign tests from the associated specification upon request for investigation.

    • For Retain As Archive samples, the disposition remains as Retain and you cannot change it to Pending. Reserve samples can be selected for additional test quantities when testing against a required sample.

  3. Navigate to the Results window to enter results for the sample when they become available. Refer to "Understanding Retained, Archive, and Reserve Samples" for detailed information.

To display the Results window:

You can choose Results from the Actions menu, or click Results to display the Results window.

Managing samples for terminated batches:

When a batch is terminated, the Sample Creation Workflow notifications that are open are canceled. Manage any samples that are created against the batch.

Entering Monitoring Samples

The Monitoring Samples window lets you create a sample against a locator or resource using the monitoring specification that is associated to it. The monitoring sample provides the information needed to evaluate the acceptability of environmental conditions for each variant storage condition in a stability study. Take these samples for tests defined in a monitoring specification. A monitoring sample is defined for:


To enter a physical location monitoring sample:

  1. Navigate to the Monitoring Samples window. The context organization displays in the window title. Select a different organization using the Organizations window.

  2. Enter the Sample. If automatic sample numbering is selected, and the sample is a new record, then the Sample field is blank and disabled until the record is saved, at which point a sample number is assigned. Otherwise, enter the number. Required.

  3. Enter the Disposition as the sample status or disposition as:

    • Planned when the sample is scheduled to be taken.

    • Pending when the sample is saved, and results are expected, but not yet recorded. This is the default disposition.

    • Cancel when the sample is canceled.


      Refer to the "Understanding Sampling" topic for an explanation of how to change sample disposition.

  4. Enter a Description for the monitoring sample.

  5. Select the sample Source as Physical Location. Required.

  6. Enter a Priority for the sample as:

    • Normal to indicate that the sample has the usual processing requirements.

    • Low to indicate that the sample has minimal urgency for processing.

    • High to indicate that the sample has urgent processing requirements.

  7. Enter the Subinventory for the monitoring sample.

  8. Enter the Locator in the subinventory for the monitoring sample.

  9. Click Get Spec to retrieve the specification for this sample. The Specification Association dialog box displays.

  10. Select one of the following:

    • Use Default displays the specification and version with a specification validity rule that exactly or best matches the sample source information entered. This depends on the process quality parameter Exact Spec Match in the Process Quality Parameters window. Select Exact Spec Match if a specification needs to be an exact match. If a specification does not need an exact match, then deselect. The best match is based on the specification matching hierarchy described in "Specification Matching Business Rules" found in "Appendix B".

    • Use Alternate to select a specification that is different from the default specification for the sample. Select from a list of applicable specifications chosen from the specification matching hierarchy. This list is ordered based on the most specific to most generic match. If you select Use Alternate, then select the Spec as the alternate specification to use. The current Version and Grade display.

      Note: The Created On, Samples Taken, and Samples Required fields display if there is an existing sample group that matches the sample source and specification selected. Deselect Create New to add the new sample to the existing sample group. Select Create New to add the new sample to a new sample group. If no sample group information is retrieved, then Create New defaults as selected.

  11. Click OK to continue.

  12. Name displays the effective default specification that best matches the sample source information, or the alternate you selected.

  13. Version displays the version of the specification selected.


  1. Enter the Quality Laboratory as the organization where the sample is tested.


  2. Enter Drawn as the date and time the sample was taken. This field defaults to the current date and time.

  3. Enter Received as the date and time the sample was received for testing.

  4. Enter Required as the date and time when the sample is required to be taken.


  1. Enter External ID as an alternate or cross-reference code for the sample. For example, if the sample is recorded on another test database, then enter the sample ID recorded on the external system.


  1. Enter Comments for the sample.

  2. Save the window.

To enter a resource monitoring sample:

  1. Navigate to the Monitoring Samples window. The context organization displays in the window title. Select a different organization using the Organizations window.

  2. Enter the Sample. If automatic sample numbering is selected, and the sample is a new record, then the Sample field is blank and disabled until the record is saved, at which point a sample number is assigned. Otherwise, enter the number. Required.

  3. Enter the Disposition as the sample status:

    • Planned when the sample is scheduled to be taken.

    • Pending when the sample is saved, and results are expected, but not yet recorded. This is the default disposition.

    • Cancel when the sample is canceled.


      Refer to "Understanding Sampling" for an explanation of how to change sample disposition.

  4. Enter a Description for the monitoring sample.

  5. Select the sample Source as Resource. Required.

  6. Enter the Resource for the monitoring sample.

  7. Enter the resource Instance for the monitoring sample.

    Refer to the Oracle Process Manufacturing Planning user's guides for detailed information on entering resource information linked to the resource instance that identifies it.

  8. Enter a Priority for the sample as:

    • Normal to indicate that the sample has the usual processing requirements.

    • Low to indicate that the sample has minimal urgency for processing.

    • High to indicate that the sample has urgent processing requirements.

  9. Click Get Spec to retrieve the specification for this sample. The Specification Association dialog box displays.

  10. Select one of the following:

    • Use Default displays the specification and version having a specification validity rule that best matches the sample source information entered. This match is based on the specification matching hierarchy described in "Specification Matching Business Rules" found in "Appendix B."

    • Use Alternate to select a specification that is different from the default specification for the sample. Select from a list of applicable specifications chosen from the specification matching hierarchy. This list is ordered based on the most specific to most generic match. If you select Use Alternate, then select the Spec as the alternate specification to use. The current Version and Grade display.

      Note: The Created On, Samples Taken, and Samples Required fields display if there is an existing sample group that matches the sample source and specification selected. Deselect Create New to add the new sample to the existing sample group. Select Create New to add the new sample to a new sample group. If no sample group information is retrieved, then Create New defaults as selected.

  11. Click OK to continue.

  12. Name displays the effective default specification that best matches the sample source information, or the alternate selected.

  13. Version displays the version of the specification selected.


  1. Select the Quality Laboratory as the organization where the sample is tested.


  2. Enter Drawn as the date and time the sample was taken. Defaults to the current date and time.

  3. Enter Received as the date and time the sample was received for testing.

  4. Enter Required as the date and time when the sample is required to be taken.


  1. Enter External ID as an alternate or cross-reference code for the sample. For example, if the sample is recorded on another test database, then enter the sample ID recorded on the external system. This field is for informational purposes only.


  1. Enter Comments for the sample.

  2. Save the window.

To mark a sample for deletion:

Choose Mark for Purge from the Actions menu. The sample is marked for deletion.

To edit text:

  1. Choose Edit Text from the Actions menu. The Select Text Paragraph window displays.

  2. Make appropriate text changes.

  3. Save the window.

To change sample or sample group disposition:

  1. Choose Change Disposition from the Actions menu.

  2. Enter the new sample disposition.

  3. Save the window.

To display the Results window:

Choose Results from the Actions menu, or click Results to display the Results window.

To display the monitoring specification:

Click Specification. The Specifications window displays the monitoring specification.

To display the monitoring specification validity rules:

Click Spec Validity Rule. The Validity Rules for Monitoring Spec window displays the monitoring specification validity rules.

Entering Aggregate Samples

The Aggregate Samples window lets you create an aggregate sample using an aggregate specification that contains unit specifications associated to an item, organization, and sample source. You can use the Aggregate Samples window to create aggregate samples from the following sources:

When you create an aggregate sample based on an aggregate specification, you automatically generate unit samples that are based on the unit specifications. The aggregate sample is the container for all the unit samples. The aggregate sample and the unit samples have unique identities. You can query for the aggregate sample number and enter unit sample results from the Aggregate Samples window.


To enter an aggregate sample

  1. Navigate to the Aggregate Samples window.

  2. Use the header region to provide information for the following fields:

    • Item: Enter the item for which you have created an aggregate specification.

    • Source: Enter the sample source as Inventory, WIP, Customer, or Supplier

    • Disposition: This field defaults as Pending.

    • Priority: The priority defaults as Normal. You can select from the following options:

      • Normal, to indicate that the sample has the usual processing requirements.

      • Low, to indicate that the sample has minimal urgency for processing.

      • High, to indicate that the sample has urgent processing requirements.

    Optionally, provide information for the following fields:

    • Revision: This field shows the item revision, if the item is revision-controlled.

    • Description: Enter a description for the aggregate sample.

    • Subinventory: Enter the subinventory information.

    • Locator: Enter the locator information.

    • Parent Lot: Enter the parent lot.

    • Lot: Enter the lot information.

    To associate an aggregate specification to an aggregate sample:

  3. On the Aggregate Samples window, click Get Spec.

  4. The Specification Association window appears to let you select the aggregate specification you want to associate to the aggregate sample. You can select one of the following options:

    • Use Default, to show the specification and version with a specification validity rule that exactly or best matches the sample source information entered.

    • Use Alternate, to select a specification that is different from the default specification for the sample. This option lets you select from a list of applicable specifications chosen from the specification matching hierarchy.

  5. Select Use Alternate to select the aggregate specification you created for the item and which contains the required unit specifications.

  6. In the Spec field, find and select the aggregate specification from the Alternate Specifications list of values.

    The Version and Grade fields default from the aggregate specification that you select.

  7. In the Sample Group region, select Create New to add the new sample to a new sample group. Note that if no sample group information is retrieved, then Create New defaults as selected.

  8. Click OK.

  9. On the Aggregate Samples window, note that in the Spec region, the Name and Version fields shows the aggregate specification name and the version of the aggregate specification that you have selected.

  10. The Unit Specs tab in the Aggregate Samples window lists each of the unit specifications included in the selected aggregated specification. The values that appear in the Unit Spec tab fields, default from the unit specification definitions included in the selected aggregate specification. You cannot update the Seq, Unit Spec, Version, and Grade fields.

  11. The Update Inventory Quantity defaults from the aggregate specification. You can choose whether to select or not select this check box.

  12. You can update the following fields that default from the unit specification validity rules that you defined:

    • Quality Laboratory: You can update this field to select another laboratory organization.

    • Quantity: You can update the sampling plan quantity.

    • UOM: You can update the sampling plan quantity unit of measure

    • Samples Required: You can update the number of samples required.

  13. The Date Drawn field defaults to the current date and time.

  14. In the Date Received field, you can optionally enter the date and time the sample is received for testing.

  15. In the Date Required field, you can optionally enter the date and time when the sample is required to be taken.

  16. To enter information in the Storage tab, see steps 32 to 35 in the "To enter an inventory sample" task in the Entering Item Samples topic.

  17. To enter information in the Approvers tab, see steps 36 to 38 in the "To enter an inventory sample" task in the Entering Item Samples topic.

    Note: The Storage and Approvers tabs for inventory, supplier, customer, and WIP samples have the same field definitions as given in "To enter an inventory sample".

  18. Click Save, upon reviewing the information in the Aggregate Samples window.

  19. Confirm that the Sample field in the Aggregate Samples window header shows the generated sample number.

  20. Confirm that the Sample Group fields in the Unit Samples tab show the automatically generated unit sample numbers for each unit sample.

    Note: The Disposition field for the unit sample defaults as Pending.

  21. Click to expand the Sample Group field to view each individual unit sample associated to that unit sample group.

  22. Click Spec Validity Rule to see the validity rules for a selected unit specification in the Item Spec Validity Details window.

  23. Click Specification to see the details of a selected unit specification in the Specifications window.

  24. Click Add Unit Sample to add a unit sample at the sample group level using the Item Samples window.

  25. Click Unit Sample to see the details of a selected unit sample in the Item Samples window.

  26. Click Unit Sample Results to enter the test results for a selected unit sample using the Results window. See: Entering Results

    Note that the disposition for the aggregate sample also defaults as Pending and changes to In Progress when you enter test results for the unit samples. See: Changing Quality Disposition

    You can select the following unit sample dispositions:

    • Accept, if all individual unit samples in the group have the sample disposition as Accept.

    • Accept with Variance or Reject, if one or more individual unit samples have the sample disposition as Reject, and the remaining are accepted.

    • Reject, if all the individual unit samples have the sample disposition as Reject.

    You can select the following aggregate sample dispositions:

    • Accept, if all samples groups in the aggregate sample have the disposition as Accept.

    • Accept with Variance or Reject, if one or more sample groups have the sample disposition as Reject, and the remaining are accepted.

    • Reject, if all the unit samples in the aggregate sample have the sample disposition as Reject.

Entering AQL Samples

When you create an AQL sample based on an AQL specification, the application calculates the sample size, as well as the accept and reject quantity for each test method group. This calculation is based on the seeded AQL standards according to ISO 2859-1 standards for single sampling plans for normal inspections for a given lot quantity.

For the example given in the Entering an AQL Specification Validity Rule topic, when you associate the AQL specification validity rules with the sample in the AQL Samples window, the application would calculate the following sample size and accept and reject values for AQL test groups:

Calculating Sample Size and Accept/Reject Quantity for AQL Inspections
AQL Test Group Inspection Type Inspection Level AQL Level Sample Size UOM Sample Size Accept Reject
Glove - Physical Counting General G1 0.15 EA 315 1 2
Labeling and Packing General G1 0.65 EA 315 5 6
Water Leak Test General G1 1.5 EA 315 10 11
Visual Test Major General G1 2.5 EA 315 14 15
Visual Test Minor General G1 4.0 EA 315 21 22
Dimension and Weight Special S2 4.0 EA 13 1 2

The AQL Samples window lets you create an AQL sample using AQL specifications associated to an item, organization, and sample source. You can use the AQL Samples window to create AQL samples from the following sources:

To enter an AQL Sample


  1. Navigate to the AQL Samples window.

  2. In the header region to provide information for the following fields:

    • Item - Enter the item for which you have created an AQL specification.

    • Source - Enter the sample source as Inventory, WIP, Customer, or Supplier.

    • Disposition - This field defaults as Pending.

    • Priority - The priority defaults as Normal.

    • AQL Quantity - The minimum AQL quantity is 2. If the AQL quantity has decimal quantity, it will be rounded off to the nearest value.

    • Revision - This field shows the item revision if the item is revision-controlled.

    • Description - Enter a description for the aggregate sample.

    • Subinventory - Enter the subinventory information.

    • Locator - Enter the locator information.

    • Parent Lot- Enter the parent lot.

    • Lot - Enter the sample item lot. You must enter the lot to enable the Get Spec button.

  3. Click Get Spec.

  4. Use the Specification Association dialog box that opens, to associate the specification validity rules to this AQL sample.

  5. Select one of the following:

    • Use Default to display the AQL specification and version for the AQL specification validity rule that best matches the sample source information entered.

    • Use Alternate to select an AQL specification that is different from the default specification for the AQL sample. Select from a list of applicable specifications chosen from the specification matching hierarchy. If you select Use Alternate, then select the Spec as the alternate specification to use.

      Note: Only AQL specification validity rules are available to select.

  6. Click OK.

    When you associate the AQL specification validity rules to an AQL sample, the application calculates the sample size, and the accept and reject values for the AQL sampling plan.

  7. Open the Specification Association dialog box and click AQL Details. The AQL Sampling plan that opens shows the calculated values.


  8. Select the Quality Laboratory as the organization where the sample is tested. Storage


  9. Enter External ID as an alternate or cross-reference code for the sample. This field is for informational purposes only.


  10. Enter the Sampler, Sampler Approver, and Inventory Approver (depending on the sample source you select) information.

    Composite Results

  11. If the sample belongs to a sample group with composited results, then the Composite Results tab is enabled. Or else the fields in this tab are read only.

    Spec Disposition

  12. If the specification associated to the sample was replaced through specification comparison, then the history of sample dispositions against each specification displays.


  13. Enter Comments for the sample.

    For more information on these tabs for inventory, supplier, customer, and WIP samples, see the Entering Item Samples topic.

  14. Click Save to create the AQL sample.

  15. Click the Results to enter results in the AQL Results window that opens.

    See the following for more information on creating AQL test groups, specifications, validity rules, samples, and results entry:

Entering Calibration Samples

You can create calibration samples based on the calibration specifications. Calibration samples enable you to associate the calibration specification validity rule and perform tests to ensure that the instrument is calibrated for optimum use.

To enter a calibration sample:


  1. Navigate to the Calibration Samples window.

  2. Enter Resource as the instrument you want to calibrate.

  3. Click Get Spec.

    Confirm the specification association defined for the resource.

  4. Click Specification to view the calibration specification for this resource in the Specification Details page.

  5. Click Spec Validity Rules to view the calibration validity rules and the calibration frequency for this resource in the Validity Rules page. If the Spec Validity Rule status is Approved for Calibration, you can create calibration samples.


  6. Select the Quality Laboratory as the organization where the sample is tested.


  7. Enter comments if any, for the calibration sample.

  8. Click Save to create a calibration sample.

    Note: The application also creates a calibration sample for future use depending on the defined calibration frequency that displays for the resource in the Validity Rules page. You can perform a query for this sample in the Calibration Samples window. Thee Disposition for this future sample displays as Planned, and the Identity tab shows the date drawn as the date based on the calibration frequency that you defined.

  9. Click Results to enter results for the calibration sample you created in the Results window.

    See the following for more information on calibration specifications, calibration samples, and results entry

Viewing Calibration Sample Details

You can view calibration sample details that enable you to review the next round of calibration that might be required for an instrument.

To view calibration sample details:

  1. Navigate to the Calibration Details page.

  2. Select an Organization.

  3. Click Apply.

  4. Review the following metrics in the summary bar that display for calibration samples based on dates:

    • Due Today - Displays the number of calibration samples that are to be drawn for today.

    • Past Due - Displays the number of calibration samples that are in the Complete or In Progress status and the final disposition is not changed.

    • In Progress - Displays the number of calibration samples that are being processed for results entry and disposition.

    • Pending - Displays the number of calibration samples for which future calibration is pending.

  5. Click a calibration sample metric to review information in the following fields:

    • Sample

    • Resource

    • Instance

    • Recent Calibration Date

    • Status

    • Certified By

    • Next Calibration Due

  6. Click Actions and select from the following:

    • View Sample - Select this action to view the calibration sample in the Calibration Samples window.

    • Create New Sample - Select this action to create a new calibration sample for the resource in the Calibration Samples window.

      See: Entering Calibration Samples

  7. Click Search on the Calibration Samples page to select and enter information in the following Simple Search criteria to search for a calibration sample:

    • Resource

    • Instance

    • Disposition

    • Certified By

  8. Click Go.

    The table displays the calibration samples based on your search criteria.

    See the following for more information on calibration specifications, calibration samples, and results entry:

Finding Samples

The Find Samples dialog box lets you find a sample by item, revision, parent lot, lot, disposition, priority, source, date and time drawn, specification, grade, quality laboratory, storage subinventory and locator, or external ID.


To find an item sample:

  1. Navigate to the Find Samples dialog box. The process-enabled context organization displays in the window title. Select an organization using the Organizations window.

  2. Enter any of the following to narrow your search:

    • Sample code as the combination of the three-letter organization code and sample document number.

    • Item code as the process quality-enabled item associated to the sample.

    • Revision as the item revision, if the item is revision-controlled.

    • Parent Lot as the sample parent lot, if the item is child lot-controlled.

    • Lot as the sample lot, if the item is lot-controlled.

    • LPN as the LPN number for the sample. You can select the LPN number from the LOV. This field is enabled only for WMS enabled organizations.

    • Disposition of the sample as Pending, In Progress, Complete, Accept, Accept with Variance, Reject, Retain, or Cancel. If you leave this field blank, then it does not include sample disposition in the search.

    • Retain As to indicate whether the item sample was retained as an Archive or Reserve sample.

    • Priority of the sample as Normal, Low, or High. If you leave this field blank, then it does not include sample priority in the search.

  3. Select one of the following as sample Source:

    • Customer to indicate that the sample source is for a customer sample. Enter Customer, Operating Unit, Customer Location, and Line.

    • Inventory to indicate that the sample source is for an inventory sample. Enter Subinventory and Locator.

    • Supplier to indicate that the sample source is for a supplier sample. Enter Supplier, Supplier Site, Operating Unit, Supplier Lot, Purchase Order number and Line, and Receipt and Line.

      If the sample source is an internal supplier and the sample is associated with an internal order, select the Internal Order check box.

      Enter the Source Organization, Subinventory, Requistion number and requistion Line number instead of Supplier Name, Supplier Site, Purchase Order and purchase order Line number respectively.

      The Supplier Lot, Receipt and Line fields are not displayed when the Internal Order check box is selected

    • Stability Study to indicate that the sample source is for a stability study sample. Enter Study Name, Variant, Time Point, Scheduled, and Date Retrieved.

    • WIP to indicate that the sample source is for a work in process sample. Enter Batch, Recipe and its Version, Routing and its Version, Step, Charge, Operation and its Version, and Formula and its Version.

      The fields listed in this step for each source type are described in the "Entering Samples" topic.

  4. To narrow the search to a specific time interval that samples were drawn:

    • Enter the Date Drawn From field as the starting date and time for the search.

    • Enter the To field as the ending date and time for the search.

  5. Enter the Specification, its Version, and an optional Grade for the search.

  6. Enter the Quality Laboratory for sample processing.

  7. Enter the Storage Organization for the sample.

  8. Enter the Storage Subinventory for the sample.

  9. Enter the Storage Locator for the sample.

  10. Enter the External ID for the sample.

  11. Select Marked for Deletion Yes to find samples that are marked for deletion. Select No to find samples that are not marked for deletion. If you do not want to limit your search based on whether a sample is marked for deletion, then leave this field blank.

  12. Click Find. The Item Samples window displays the results of the search.

To find a monitoring sample:

  1. Navigate to the Find Samples dialog box.

  2. Enter any of the following to narrow your search:

    • Sample code as the combination of the three-letter organization code and sample document number.

    • Disposition of the sample as Pending, In Progress, Complete, Accept, Accept with Variance, Reject, Retain, or Cancel. If you leave this field blank, then it does not include sample disposition in the search.

    • Priority of the sample as Normal, Low, or High. If you leave this field blank, then it does not include sample priority in the search.

  3. Select one of the following as sample Source:

    • Physical Location to indicate that the sample source is for a locator sample. Enter the Subinventory and Locator.

    • Resource to indicate that the sample source is for a resource sample. Enter the Resource and Resource Instance.

      The fields listed in this step for each source type are described in the "Entering Samples" topic.

  4. To narrow the search to a specific time interval that samples were drawn:

    • Enter the Date Drawn From field as the starting date and time for the search.

    • Enter the To field as the ending date and time for the search.

  5. Enter the Specification and its Version.

  6. Enter the Quality Laboratory for sample processing.

  7. Enter Storage Organization as the process quality-enabled inventory organization where the physical location or resource monitoring sample is stored.

  8. Enter the Storage Subinventory for the sample.

  9. Enter the Storage Locator for the sample.

  10. Enter the External ID for the sample.

  11. Select Marked for Deletion as Yes to find samples that are marked for deletion. Select No to find samples that are not marked for deletion. If you do not want to limit your search based on whether a sample is marked for deletion, then leave this field blank.:

    • Yes to find samples that are marked for deletion.

    • No to find samples that are not marked for deletion.

    • Leave this field blank if you do not want to limit your search based on whether a sample is marked for deletion.

  12. Click Find. The Monitoring Samples window displays the results of the search.

To enter a new sample from the Find Samples dialog box:

  1. Click New. The Monitoring Samples window displays.

  2. Create a new sample as described in the "Entering Samples" topic.

Displaying Sample Groups

The Sample Groups window lists all existing sample groups that share common sampling information. The query function lets you filter the sample groups of interest. For a selected sample group, view or add samples in the sample group. Create or view composite results for a sample group.


To display sample groups:

  1. Navigate to the Sample Groups window. The Find Sample Groups dialog box displays. The context organization displays in the window title. Select an organization using the Organizations window.

  2. Enter any of the following to narrow your search:

    • Sample as the sample number.

    • Item as the item number sampled.

    • Revision as the item revision, if the item is revision-controlled.

    • Parent lot as the parent lot number of the item sampled.

    • Lot as the lot number sampled, if the item is lot-controlled.

    • LPN as the LPN number for the sample group. You can select the LPN number from the LOV. This field is enabled only for WMS enabled organizations

    • Select the Sample Group Disposition as Planned, Retain, Pending, In Progress, Complete, Accept, Accept with Variance, or Reject.

    • Source

      If the sample source is an internal supplier and the sample is associated with an internal order, select the Internal Order check box.

      Enter the Source Organization, Subinventory, Requistion number and requistion Line number instead of Supplier Name, Supplier Site, Purchase Order and purchase order Line number respectively. The Supplier Lot, Receipt and Line fields are not displayed when the Internal Order check box is selected

  3. Click Find. The following fields are display only on the Sample Groups window:

    • Source indicates whether the sample source is Customer, Inventory, Locator, Resource, Supplier, Stability Study, or WIP.

    • Creation Date indicates the date and time of sample group creation.

    • Item indicates the process quality-enabled item sampled and its Description.

    • Revision indicates the item revision, if the item is revision-controlled.

    • Parent Lot indicates the parent lot number of the item sampled, if the item is child lot-controlled.

    • Lot indicates the lot number sampled, if the item is lot-controlled.

    • LPN indicates the LPN number for the sample group.

    • Disposition indicates the sample group disposition as Planned, Retain, Pending, In Progress, Complete, Accept, Accept with Variance, or Reject.


    • Required indicates the total number of samples required in the sample group based on the sampling plan requirement.

    • Taken indicates the total number of samples taken for the sample group based on the sampling plan requirement.

    • Lot Retest is selected if the item is lot-controlled

    • Archived Taken indicates the total number of archived samples taken.

    • Reserved Taken indicates the total number of reserved samples taken.

  4. The following fields are display only for a customer sample source:

    • Customer Name indicates the name of the customer.

    • Operating Unit indicates the operating unit.

    • Order indicates the order number.

    • Line indicates the order line number.

    • Customer Location indicates a ship-to or bill-to location.

  5. The following fields are display only for an inventory sample source:

    • Subinventory is the inventory subinventory code.

    • Locator is the inventory locator code.

  6. The following fields are display only for a physical location monitoring sample source:

    • Subinventory indicates the subinventory for the monitoring sample.

    • Locator indicates the locator in the subinventory for the monitoring sample.

  7. The following fields are display only for a resource monitoring sample source:

    • Resource indicates the resource for the monitoring sample.

    • Instance indicates the specific instance for the monitoring sample.

  8. The following fields are display only for a supplier sample source:

    • Supplier is the supplier code.

    • Internal Order indicates whether the sample is created against an internal order.

    • Source Org indicates name of the source organization.

    • Src Subinventory indicates the source subinventory.

    • Requistion indicates requisition number.

    • Line indicates requisition line number

    • Supplier Site indicates the supplier site number.

    • Operating Unit indicates the operating unit.

    • Supplier Lot indicates the supplier lot number.

    • Purchase Order indicates the purchase order number.

    • PO Line indicates the purchase order line.

    • Receipt is the receipt number.

    • Line is the receipt line number.

  9. The following fields are display only for a stability study sample source:

    • Study indicates the stability study name.

    • Variant indicates the variant for the sample group.

    • Time Point indicates the time point tested for the sample group.

    • Schedule Date From indicates the scheduled start date and time for drawing the sample group based on the stability study scheduled start date.

    • Schedule Date To indicates the scheduled date and time for drawing the sample group based on the stability study scheduled end date.

  10. The following fields are display only for a WIP sample source:

    • Batch indicates the batch document number.

    • Recipe indicates the recipe used in the batch and its Version.

    • Routing indicates the routing that is associated to the recipe used in the batch and its Version.

    • Step indicates the step number in the batch.

    • Charge indicates the charge number in the step.

    • Operation indicates the operation in the routing and its Version.

To add a sample in a sample group:

  1. Select the Sample Group to add a sample.

  2. Click Add Sample. The Item Samples or the Monitoring Samples window displays, depending on the sample source.

  3. Refer to the "Entering Samples" topic for more information on creating a sample.

  4. Save the window.

To view a sample in a sample group:

  1. Select the Sample Group that has the sample.

  2. Click View Samples.

  3. Scroll through the samples to view the sample details.

To create or view a composite results set:

  1. Select the Sample Group to composite, or that has existing composite results to view.

  2. Click Composite Results.

  3. Refer to "Compositing Test Results" for information on compositing a results set.

  4. Save the window.

To find a sample group:

  1. Choose Find from the View menu.

  2. Enter any of the following to narrow your search:

    • Sample

    • Item

    • Revision

    • Parent lot

    • Lot

    • LPN as the LPN number for the sample.

    • Source

  3. Click Find.

Refer to the "Finding Samples" for a discussion of these fields.

To select samples for mass entry from the Sample Groups window:

  1. Select the sample group that has the samples to process.

  2. Click Mass Results. The Test and Description display for each test.

  3. Enter the Tester as the individual who enters results. Defaults to your current organization. Required.

  4. Enter the Result Date as the date and time the result was entered. Defaults to the current system date and time. Required.

  5. Click Select All to select all tests, or Select the tests to enter for the sample group. Deselect Select to remove tests you do not want to enter for the sample group.

  6. Click Mass Results Entry. The Mass Results Entry window displays to enter test results for all samples selected. You cannot enter mass results for archive or reserve sample types.

Displaying Sample Summaries from the Navigator

The Samples By... windows let you display summaries of item samples sorted by organization, item, disposition, test, test class, test method, and laboratory.

You can use flexfields and folders with this window.

See: Oracle Applications User's Guide and Oracle Applications Flexfields Guide


To display the Samples By... windows:

  1. Navigate to the Quality Workbench.

  2. Select Show Active Samples to display only those samples that are active. Active samples are defined as those samples that have a disposition of Pending or In Progress. Deselect this indicator to display item samples with all sample dispositions.

  3. Select View By Organization, Item, Disposition, Test, Test Class, Test Method, or Laboratory to sort samples by organization, item, disposition, test, test class, test method, or laboratory.

  4. Expand the node, and select the desired Samples By... window.

  5. Drill down to item samples and results.

  6. The following fields are display only on the Samples By... windows:

    • Sample displays the sample number.

    • Mass Results Entry indicates whether you can enter mass results for the sample group.

    • Item displays the code for the material being specified as it is listed on the Item Master in Oracle Inventory. The item must be set up as process quality-enabled.

    • Date Drawn displays the date and time the sample was taken.

    • Revision displays the item revision, if the item is revision-controlled.

    • Disposition displays the sample disposition as:

      • Pending when the sample is saved, and results are expected, but not yet recorded.

      • In Progress when at least one result exists for the sample, but testing is not yet complete.

      • Complete when testing of all required tests and all additional tests is complete.

      • Accept when sample testing is complete, and results are in-specification.

      • Reject when sample testing is complete, and results are not acceptable, or out-of-specification.

      • Retain when the sample is taken and put in storage. Results cannot exist for a sample with this disposition.

    • Retain As indicates whether the sample type is an Archive, Reserve, or required sample.

    • Source displays Customer, Inventory, Monitoring, Supplier, Stability Study, or WIP to indicate the sample source.

    • Parent Lot displays the sample parent lot, if the item is child lot-controlled.

    • Lot displays the sample lot.

    • LPN displays the LPN number for the sample.

    • Specification displays the item specification.

    • Specification Version displays the item specification version.

    • Grade displays the grade associated to the item specification.

    • Sample Quantity displays the sample quantity taken.

    • Sample UOM displays the inventory unit of measure for the sample.

    • Remaining Quantity displays the quantity of the sample remaining from the original sample quantity taken.

    • Laboratory Organization displays the quality laboratory that analyzes the sample.

    • External ID displays an alternate or cross-reference code for the sample. For example, if the sample is recorded on another test database.

    • Source Comment displays the origin of the material sampled in addition to the sample source.

    • Expiration Date displays the sample expiration date and time.

    • Storage Organization displays the organization where the sample is stored.

    • Storage Subinventory displays the subinventory where the sample is stored.

    • Storage Locator displays the restricted or non-restricted storage locator for the sample.

    • Sampler displays the code for the individual that withdrew the sample.

    • Sample Instance displays the sample iteration with respect to the total number of samples in the sample group based on the applicable sampling plan.

    • Samples Required displays the total number of samples required in the sample group based on the sampling plan requirement.

    • Samples Taken displays the total number of samples already taken for the sample group. The position of this sample is indicated.

    • Lot Retest is selected if the item is lot-controlled.

  7. The following fields are display only:

    • Supplier displays name of the supplier.

    • Site displays the supplier site number.

    • Internal Orders indicates whether the sample is associated with an internal order.

    • Operating Unit displays the operating unit.

    • PO indicates the purchase order number.

    • PO Line indicates the purchase order line.

    • Source Organization indicates the name of the source organization.

    • Source Subinventory indicates the name of the source subinventory.

    • Supplier Lot indicates the supplier lot number.

    • Requisition indicates the requisition number.

    • Line indicates the requisition line number.

    • Receipt is the receipt number.

    • Receipt Line is the receipt line number.

  8. Click View Sample to display the Item Samples window for the selected sample.

  9. Click Create Sample to display the Item Samples window where you can create a new sample.

  10. Click Results to display the Results window.

To select samples for mass entry from the Samples By... windows:

  1. Select Show Active Samples to display only those samples that are active. Active samples are defined as those samples that have a disposition of Pending or In Progress. Deselect this indicator to display item samples with all sample dispositions.

  2. Select View By Organization, Item, Disposition, Test, Test Class, Test Method, or Laboratory to sort samples by organization, item, disposition, test, test class, test method, or laboratory.

  3. Expand the Samples By... node, and select the desired sample or sample group.

  4. Click Mass Results Entry next to all samples that you want to select for entry of mass results. You cannot enter mass results for archive or reserve sample types.

  5. Click Mass Results Entry to display the Mass Results Entry Test Selection window. The Test and Description display for each test.

  6. Enter the Tester as the individual who enters results. Defaults to your current organization. Required.

  7. Enter the Result Date as the date and time the result was entered. Defaults to the current system date and time. Required.

  8. Enter Lab Org as the laboratory organization associated to the Test Method object type in the Operator Certification -Create Object window. Depending on the Operator Certification setup, if competency of the logged in tester is less than the required level of certification for the test method and laboratory organization, the Operator Certification - Override window opens. See: Entering Results with Operator Certification Checks

    In Operator Certification - Override window, enter the user name and password details, click the Override button. You can then Select the test to enter for the sample group.

    If the override is not defined during Operator Certification setup, the application displays an error and the logged in tester cannot enter results if the competency of the logged in tester is less than the required level of certification for the test method and laboratory organization.

  9. Click Select All to select all tests, or Select the tests to enter for the sample group. Deselect Select to remove tests you do not want to enter for the sample group.

  10. Click Mass Results Entry. The Mass Results Entry window displays to enter test results for all samples selected. You cannot enter mass results for archive or reserve sample types.

Displaying the Samples Summary Window

The Samples Summary window displays a summary of samples by organization.

You can use flexfields and folders with this window.


To display summaries of sample information:

  1. Navigate to the Samples Summary window. The context organization displays in the window title.

  2. The following information is display only:

    • Organization

    • Sample

    • Sample Description

  3. Click Mass Results Entry to display the Mass Results Entry Test Selection window. After selecting appropriate tests, click Mass Results Entry to display the Mass Results Entry window where you can enter test results.

  4. The following fields are display only:

    • Item is the process quality-enabled item sampled.

    • Revision is the item revision, if the item is revision-controlled.

    • Item Description is the description on the Item Master.

    • Sample Description is the description of the sample.

    • Date Drawn is the date and time the sample was drawn.

    • Disposition is the current sample disposition.

    • Retain As indicates whether the sample type is an Archive, Reserve, or required sample.

    • Source is the sample source.

    • Parent Lot is the sample item parent lot code, if the item is child lot-controlled.

    • Lot is the sample item lot code.

    • Specification is the specification associated to the sample.

    • Specification Version is the specification version.

    • Grade displays the grade associated to the item specification.

    • Sample Quantity displays the sample quantity taken.

    • Sample UOM displays the inventory unit of measure for the sample.

    • Remaining Quantity displays the quantity of sample remaining from the original sample quantity taken.

    • Laboratory Organization displays the quality laboratory that analyzes the sample.

    • External ID displays an alternate or cross-reference code for the variant time point sample if the sample is recorded on another test database.

    • Source Comment displays the origin of the material sampled in addition to the sample source.

    • Expiration Date displays the sample expiration date and time.

    • Storage Organization displays the storage organization for the sample.

    • Storage Subinventory displays the storage subinventory for the sample.

    • Storage Subinventory displays the storage subinventory for the sample.

    • Storage Locator displays the restricted or non--restricted storage locator for the sample.

    • Sampler displays the code for the individual that withdrew the sample.

    • Sample Instance displays the sample iteration with respect to the total number of samples in the sample group based on the applicable sampling plan.

    • Samples Required displays the total number of samples required in the sample group based on the sampling plan requirement.

    • Samples Taken displays the total number of samples already taken for the sample group. The position of this sample is indicated.

    • Lot Retest is selected if the item is lot-controlled.

    The following fields are display only:

    • Supplier displays name of the supplier.

    • Site displays the supplier site number.

    • Internal Orders indicates whether the sample is associated with an internal order.

    • Operating Unit displays the operating unit.

    • PO indicates the purchase order number.

    • PO Line indicates the purchase order line.

    • Source Organization indicates the name of the source organization.

    • Source Subinventory indicates the name of the source subinventory.

    • Supplier Lot indicates the supplier lot number.

    • Requisition indicates the requisition number.

    • Line indicates the requisition line number.

    • Receipt is the receipt number.

    • Receipt Line is the receipt line number.

    Note: Additional fields displayed on the window depend on the sample source, and are the same as the source information described in "Entering Item Samples." Refer to this topic for field definitions.

To select samples for mass results entry:

  1. Select the sample group that has the samples to process.

  2. Click Mass Results Entry. The Test and Description display for each test.

  3. Enter the Tester as the individual who enters results. Defaults to your current organization. Required.

  4. Enter the Result Date as the date and time the result was entered. Defaults to the current system date and time. Required.

  5. Click Select All to select all tests, or Select the tests to enter for the sample group. Deselect Select to remove tests you do not want to enter for the sample group.

  6. Click Mass Results Entry. The Mass Results Entry window displays to enter test results for all samples selected.