Setup and Configuration

Setup and Configuration Overview

Setting up, configuring, and extending Oracle Learning Management (OLM) requires an understanding of some basic constituents.

Key and Descriptive Flexfields

Key and descriptive flexfields enable you to configure and extend Oracle Applications. Each flexfield consists of separate fields known as segments.

There are two types of flexfield:


Lookups provide lists of valid values on certain fields. For many types of code you can add your own values and change the values that are predefined. Lookups not only ensure that all users use the same terminology, they also speed up data entry.

Structures and Data

You must also set up other structures and data that all users share across the application. The structures and data include:

Note: If you do have Oracle General Ledger, some or all of the data you require already exists.

Function and Security Configuration

Function and security options can restrict user access to records, windows, and functions. Setting these options can secure your data and grant users access appropriate to their needs. Function security also regulates the display of the competencies and skills.

Organization security can prevent users outside your HR organization from entering or modifying courses, enrollments, or programs.

Enrollment Status security can prevent users with specific responsibilities from entering or modifying enrollments.

Financial security can prevent users with specific responsibilities from changing or deleting monetary or unitary amounts.

Profile Options

A user profile is a set of changeable options that govern a range of features, including waitlisting, interactions with other applications, and the automated creation and transfer of financial details.

Setup Tasks

Setup and Configuration Requirements

Oracle Learning Management (OLM) enables you to configure important parts of the application, and to define additional information you want to record.

What are the advantages of valid lists of values?

Some fields restrict data entry to items in lists of valid values, which

Can you use more than one business group?

Yes, you can, though enterprises often use just one.

Many enterprises decide to use just one business group to hold "live" information so they can display, report, and manage all their information at the same time. However, if you are a holding company or corporation with a number of subsidiary companies who manage their learning quite separately, you may prefer to set up multiple business groups in the same installation.

How do you handle resources?

You can identify all resources--facilities, people, and equipment--you must book to run classes. You can enter instructors as individual workers. Alternatively, you can simply record that a certain supplier can provide a number of unnamed instructors.

Can you update competencies after completion of a class?

If you have implemented the competency approach, you can automatically add these competencies to a learner's competency profile after successful completion of a class. Once added to the profile, these competencies are available for career planning as well as candidate placements, performance appraisals, and other activities.



Lookups provide lists of valid values on certain fields throughout the application. These lists:

Each list of values, called a Lookup type, consists of a code and a meaning. For example, the lookup type YES_NO contains a Code Y, meaning Yes, and a Code N, meaning No. Users do not see the codes.

Each Lookup Type supports a maximum of 250 Lookups.

Predefined Lookup Types

Some Lookup types contain essential codes that you can never delete, though you can change their meaning. For some Lookup types, you can also disable the supplied codes. Your ability to disable and add codes depends on the access level of the Lookup type as the table specifies:

Access Level Meaning
User You can add codes and disable supplied codes.
Extensible You can add codes, but you cannot disable supplied codes because the application requires them.
System You can neither add codes nor disable supplied codes. You can change only the meaning or description of supplied codes.

User and Extensible Lookups lists the predefined Lookup types with an access level of User or Extensible.

User and Extensible Lookups

You can create new values for the following Lookup types in Oracle Learning Management (OLM). Except where noted in brackets, these lookups belong to the Learning Management application.

User and Extensible Lookups

Field or Function Lookup
Source of learner enrollment BOOKING_SOURCE [Human Resources]
Reason a learner failed to successfully complete a class DELEGATE_FAILURE_REASON [Human Resources]
Cross-charge type OTA_CROSS_CHARGE_TYPE
Content server protocol types OTA_CS_PROTOCOL_TYPE
Units of duration OTA_DURATION_UNITS
Date of enrollment in class OTA_ENROLL_CLASS_DATE
Status (of training plan component) OTA_MEMBER_USER_STATUS_TYPE
Object data source OTA_OBJECT_DATA_SOURCE
Training plan component cancellation reason OTA_PLAN_CANCELLATION_SOURCE
Name (of measurement type) OTA_PLAN_MEASUREMENT_TYPE
Status (of training plan) OTA_PLAN_USER_STATUS_TYPE
Time periods OTA_TIME_PERIOD
Status of learning (external learning) OTA_TRAINING_STATUSES
Types of (additional) training OTA_TRAINING_TYPES
Learner enrollment priority level PRIORITY_LEVEL [Human Resources]

Adding Lookup Types and Values

To create a new lookup type, add values to an existing lookup type, or prevent existing values from appearing in a lookup type, use the Application Utilities Lookups window.

Defining Lookup Types

You can create your own Lookup Types to provide lists of values (to validate entries, for example).

To define a new lookup type and the lookup values

  1. Select the access level for the lookup type.

  2. Enter the lookup type.

  3. Enter the user name of the lookup. This is the name that users see from within the application.

  4. In the application field, select Learning Management.

  5. Optionally, add a description of the lookup type.

  6. Enter the code, meaning and optionally a description for each value.

    If you do not enter a start date, the new lookup is valid immediately. If you do not enter an end date, the new lookup is valid indefinitely.

  7. Save your work.

  8. Optionally, click the Usages button and select other Oracle Applications in which you want to use this new lookup type.

To add Lookup values to an existing Lookup type

  1. Query the lookup type to which you want add a value.

    You cannot add values if the access level is System.

  2. Enter the code, meaning and optionally a description for each value.

    If you do not enter a start date, the new lookup is valid immediately. If you do not enter an end date, the new lookup is valid indefinitely.

  3. Save your work.

  4. Optionally, click the Usages button and select other Oracle Applications in which you want to use this new lookup type.

Removing Lookup Values

You cannot delete lookup values after saving them, but you can stop them from appearing in lists of values.

To remove a user defined Lookup

  1. In the Lookups window, do one of the following:

    • Enter an end date to prevent users selecting this value after a certain date.

    • Disable the code by deselecting the Enabled check box to prevent users from selecting this value with immediate effect from the current date.

    • Change the meaning and description to create a replacement lookup.

    If you disable the lookup or set an end date, users cannot select this value when they create new records. However, they can continue to see the value when they query records that contain it.

    If you add, disable, or change the meaning of a lookup, users must log out and log back in again for your changes to take effect.


Key Flexfields

You can set up an unlimited number of structures for key flexfields. Each separate structure can contain up to 30 segments.

The Training Resources key flexfield is an essential feature of the application, but you do not have to define its structures before you begin using OLM. Define them only when you want to define learning resources.

If you do not run Oracle Financials, you must also define an accounting flexfield. If you already run Oracle Financials, the flexfield you require already exists.

Note: Avoid segments containing information that may change regularly. The application does not keep a history of changes to the combinations you create.

Descriptive Flexfields

Many windows include a user-definable descriptive flexfield. You decide the windows in which you want to record additional information. Each user-definable descriptive flexfield contains 20 segments. After you define a descriptive flexfield, the application treats the segments as part of the window.

For each segment, you can define its prompt, the type of data it can contain, and the values a user can enter. You can provide a list or range of valid values. You also control the size and display characteristics of each segment and the order in which the segments appear.

You can define two types of descriptive flexfield segments:

Note: Some descriptive flexfields appear in more than one window. Check all of the windows that use a descriptive flexfield before you define any of the segments. This check is especially important if you intend to make the flexfield context-sensitive to another field. You must ensure that the reference field is present in all of the windows that use the flexfield.

The following table lists all the user-definable descriptive flexfields in OLM.

User-Definable Descriptive Flexfields in OTA

Descriptive Flexfield Title Window and Page Titles
Additional Course Information Courses
Additional Course Version Information Courses
Additional Address Details (HR) Address, Applicant Entry Contact
Additional Booking Deal Information Enrollment Agreements
Additional Booking Status Information Enrollment Statuses
Additional Budget Values Details Training Plan Budgets, Training Plan Member Budget, and Training Plan Events Budget
Additional Category Inclusion Details Category Usages
Additional Delegate Booking [Learner Enrollment] Information Enrollments
Additional Class Association Information Customers for Restricted Classes
Additional Class Information Scheduled Classes, Programs, Development Events, One-Time Events
Additional Finance Header Information Finance Headers
Additional Finance Line Information Finance Lines
Additional Learning Object Information Catalog
Additional Learning Object Folder Information Catalog
Additional Learning Path Information Create and Update Learning Path
Additional Learning Path Member Information Create and Update Learning Path Component
Additional Learning Path Category Inclusion Information Learning Paths
Additional Letter Details (HR) Letter
Additional Location Details (HR) Location
Additional Non-OLM Training History Information Learning History
Additional Organization Information (HR) Organization
Additional Organization Unit Details (HR) Organization
Additional Plan Details Organization Training Plan
Additional Plan Cost Details Training Plan Costs, Training Plan Class Costs, or Training Plan Student Costs
Additional Plan Measure Details Training Plan Measurement Types
Additional Plan Member Details Organization Training Plan (Training Plan Members)
Additional Price List Entry Information Price Lists
Additional Price List Information Price Lists
Additional Question Information Questions
Additional Question Bank Information Question Banks
Additional Resource Bookings Resource Bookings
Additional Resource Usage Information Resource Usages
Additional Suppliable Resource Details Resources
Additional Test Section Information Test Sections
Additional Training Details--replaced by Additional Non-OLM Training History Info --
Additional Vendor Supplies Information Suppliers
Add'l Certification Category Inclusion Info Add, Update Learning Certification, Category Inclusion
Add'l Learning Certification Information Create, Update, View Learning certification
Add'l Learning Certification Member Info Create, Update Learning certification Member

The Org Developer Flexfield

Oracle HRMS supplies a predefined descriptive flexfield, the Org Developer flexfield. Your localization team defines this flexfield to meet the specific legislative and reporting needs of your country. When you use the Organization window in OLM, you see different additional organization information depending on the legislation code you selected for your business group. The legislation code controls which segments of the Org Developer DF are visible.

Descriptive Flexfields (with Startup Data)

Oracle HRMS supplies two predefined descriptive flexfields to hold address information in different styles for different countries. These descriptive flexfields are:

Address Styles in Oracle HRMS

Title Table Name Window Title
Personal Address Information PER_ADDRESSES Address
Location Address HR_LOCATIONS Location

You can use these descriptive flexfields to add new address styles or to change the styles provided.

Oracle HRMS also provides context-sensitive segments to hold each line of the address. The available address styles represent the contexts for these flexfields. The values used are the territory codes that appear in the FND_TERRITORIES table. You can use only one Address Style for each Territory in the FND_TERRITORIES table.

These flexfields provide address styles as startup data. For additional address styles, you must define a new context and segments.

To change the address style for any country, disable those segments that you do not require. Then define new segments to record your own information.

Warning: If you change the predefined styles, upgrading Oracle HRMS will overwrite your changes. If you add styles, any new startup data that contains address styles for these countries may overwrite your changes.


Organization Definitions

Define a business group and internal training organizations so that you can select these organizations when you define courses and schedule classes. You can share your organization definitions with other Oracle Applications.

Business Groups

The business group is OLM's fundamental organizational unit. All the other information you enter belongs to one business group. You can set up several default options that apply across the business group. Unless you are implementing a global business group, you cannot view information online for more than one business group at a time.

Many enterprises decide to use just one business group to hold "live" information so they can display, report, and manage all their information at the same time. However, you may want to set up multiple business groups in the same installation because:

Global or Local?

You can now implement a Global (single) business group, to define all your training structures only once, and enable learners from other business groups to enroll in classes in the global business group. If you are not running or planning to run a localized version of OLM, you use the OTA:Global Business Group profile to set your business group to global.

Running a globalized training organization can result in a more efficient use of resources, greater flexibility and control over classes, and simplified enrollment and accounting procedures. For example, you can quickly identify a Spanish-speaking instructor from Spain who can teach a class in Argentina. If the class and instructor belonged to different HR business groups, you could not view them together at the same time, leading you to miss the appropriate match. However, if you plan to take advantage of the delivered extensions for French legislation, do not implement this global setup. Instead, implement OLM with a French Legislation for your business group.

Warning: Once you have set up a global business group, it is impossible to switch to a local business group. So, if you believe you will require a localized (in other words, country-specific) version of OLM in the future, implement a local OLM business group. Note, too, that any responsibility can view either global or local classes, but not both.

For specific procedures, see Creating a Business Group


In Oracle HRMS, organizations are the internal departments, divisions, sections, and units that comprise the reporting structures within your enterprise. They can also be external organizations, such as recruitment companies (for HR departments) or tax offices (for Payroll departments). In OLM, you set up your internal training departments as organizations, and your training centers as Training Centers.

Note: Do not use OLM organizations of the type Training Center in the role of HR Organization--that is, do not assign people to these Training Centers in Oracle HR, though you must define these centers as HR Organizations in order to add them to Organization Hierarchies. Furthermore, do not use Training Centers in HR Organization Hierarchies that you intend to use for HR reporting purposes such as head counts.

Before you define organizations, enter their site addresses using the Location window. Several organizations can share one site address. Use the Organization window to define a business group and internal training organizations.

Key Flexfields Associated with the Business Group

A number of other key flexfields used in Oracle Human Resources require a structure name so that you can associate it with your business group. These are:

The supplied setup business group contains predefined default structure names. If you create a new business group, you must select the default structure names (or your own structures) in the Business Group Information window, which opens from the Organization window.

Creating Business Groups and Organizations

Creating Business Groups and Organizations

You must create your enterprise business groups and organizations in the following order.

To create Business Groups and Organizations

  1. Create Locations

  2. Create a Business Group

  3. Create a Training Organization

Creating Locations

Create addresses in the Location window.

Note: Locations are shared across business groups in Oracle HR and with many other Oracle applications. Oracle HR uses only some of the fields in the Location window. The others are disabled for HR users.

To create a location and its address

  1. Enter the name and description of the location.

  2. Select a national address style from the list.

    A window opens with the address format for the country you select.

  3. Enter address information in this window and click OK.

  4. Save your work.

Removing Locations

You cannot delete locations, but you can make them inactive.

To remove an address from the Location list

Enter an inactive date from which the location is no longer in use in your enterprise.

Creating a Business Group

If you run Oracle Human Resources, you will probably want to use your HR business group or groups in OLM, to share data on people, organizations, locations, and skills across the applications.

If you are implementing OLM without Oracle HR, use the supplied setup business group, with all of its default definitions, as the starting point for your own. The default responsibility supplied with the application uses this business group.

Global or Local Business Groups

OLM gives you the option of using a global or local business group. If you decide to implement a global business group, you must undertake several additional setup steps, specified below.

The OLM default navigation menus do not include access to an HR Organization Hierarchy window. Depending on your choice of local or global business group, you can manually add either the Global or the Local Organization Hierarchy window.

See Defining Menus, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

To use an HR business group or the setup business group for OLM

  1. Query the business group in the Organization window.

  2. Click the Others button and select Business Group Information.

  3. Check that the legislation code and currency are appropriate for your business group. The legislation code determines the default style for addresses. The currency selected here is the default currency for the business group, but you can enable and use other currencies.

  4. Do not enter any other information in this window, which belongs to Oracle HR, not OLM.

  5. Click OK and save your work.

    Note: If you are not implementing Oracle HR, you can ignore the other windows it provides for business groups, such as Work Day Information and Budget Value Defaults.

To set up a global business group

  1. Create your business group in the Organization window, or follow the above procedure to use the setup business group.

  2. Switch to the System Administrator responsibility, and open the System Profile window.

  3. In the Find System Profile Values window, select the Responsibility check box and enter your responsibility. In the Profile field, enter OTA:Global Business Group and then click Find.

  4. In the Responsibility column on the OTA:Global Business Group line, enter the name of your business group.

  5. Back in the Find System Profile Values window, select the Site check box, deselect the Responsibility check box (if it has remained selected), and enter HR:Cross Business Group in the Profile field.

  6. In the Site column on the HR:Cross Business Group line, enter Yes.

  7. Save your work.

  8. To ensure that you can view and use competencies, verify that each competency is selected as Global. If you can access an HR responsibility, you can reach the Competencies window from Talent Management on the HR Navigator. If you run Oracle HR but cannot access an HR responsibility, contact your System Administrator.

  9. To ensure that you can view all available Training Centers, you must define them in your OLM global business group.

    Note: Do not use OLM organizations of the type Training Center in the role of HR Organization--that is, do not assign people to these Training Centers in Oracle HR, though you must define these centers as HR Organizations in order to add them to Organization Hierarchies. Furthermore, do not use Training Centers in HR Organization Hierarchies that you intend to use for HR reporting purposes such as head counts.

Creating a Training Organization

Use the Organization window to set up internal organizations, such as training departments.

All Oracle applications you install share the information entered in the Organization window. Organization names must be unique within a business group, and business group names must be unique across your applications network.

To create a new organization

  1. Enter a name that is unique within the business group, and optionally, select an organization type.

  2. Enter a start date early enough for any historical information you must enter.

  3. Optionally select a location to record the site address. You can also enter an internal address to add more details such as a floor or office number.

  4. Select Internal or External.

    There is no additional information to enter for a training organization.

  5. Save your work.

    Note: You do not have to select a classification for a training organization. You can select and enable the HR Organization classification to assign employees to this organization in Oracle Human Resources.

Catalog Setup

Class and Enrollment Status Setup

Oracle Learning Management (OLM) provides predefined statuses, such as Planned and Closed that reflect typical stages in the class life cycle. These predefined statuses are values defined for the SCHEDULED_EVENT_STATUS looktype that you cannot update. You can use the predefined class statuses as they are, and you can create your own user statuses (as values for the lookup type EVENT_USER_STATUS). Although these user statuses do not drive the application functionality, you can use them for reporting and information purposes.

You cannot delete an enrollment status used in any learner enrollment records. However, you can deactivate a status to prevent its use in any new enrollments.

Using Lookups, you can also customize the source of an enrollment, such as a brochure or agency, or the reasons learners fail to complete a class. This enables you to track the effectiveness of your class marketing, or to analyze the success rates of certain classes, for example.

Administrator Groups

Administrator Groups

In large and global enterprises several administrators are responsible for learning catalog and content belonging to different departments or geographies. Using the Administrator Access Control feature, enterprises can determine who can view and work with a specific category or content. This feature enables enterprises to control administrators' access to OLM data. For example, learning administrators can create administrator groups such as Sales administrator group and Production administrator group to manage catalog and content belonging to the sales and production departments.

Features of Administrator Group

You can use the Administrator Access Control feature to :

Generating the following reports for a category depends on the access that the administrators have:

Note: When creating administrator groups, you can ensure that any one administrator in your enterprise, for example, a super user is a member of all the administrator groups. Then, this person can access all categories and folders for information purposes.

Working with Administrator Groups

Follow these steps to create administrator groups and define access to learning objects:

  1. From the Setup page, navigate to the Administrator Groups page. OLM provides the Administrator Group functionality from the Setup page for the Learning Administrator responsibility.

  2. On the Administrator Groups page, search for existing groups, create, update, or delete administrator groups. You can search for an administrator group using the administrator group name or any specific administrator. You can view members in all administrator groups irrespective of your security profile. OLM does not apply the HR or OTA security profiles when displaying administrators on the View Members page.

    See: Creating and Maintaining Administrator Groups

  3. After you create administrator groups, select the administrator group to identify the members who can access categories and folders:

    See: Categories

    See: Content Structure

  4. If access to a category is restricted using an administrator group, then this restriction can be removed by the learning administrator who can access that particular category. The Remove Administrator Group check box in the Update Category page enables administrators to remove such restrictions placed on the category and make it accessible to all administrators.

Viewing Members in an Administrator Group

The Administrators in Administrator Group page displays members of an administrator group. This page appears when you click the View Members link on the Administrator Group page. You can also search for administrator group members using criteria such as user name, administrator name or e-mail.

Creating and Maintaining Administrator Groups

This topic describes how to create, update, and delete administrator groups.

For a general introduction to administrator groups, see: Administrator Groups

Creating Administrator Groups

On the Create Administrator Group page:

After you define the basic details of the group, click the Components link to define the components of the group.

Defining Components of an Administrator Group

The name of the user who creates the administrator group appears automatically in the Components in Administrator Group table. You can add individual administrators as members of the group. You can add more than one member at a time by selecting an administrator group as a component.

Updating Administrator Groups

You can update details of an administrator group to meet your requirements. You can either add members or remove members from the administrator group. Only members of an administrator group can edit an administrator group.

Remove the Restriction on Access to a Category to make it Available to all Administrators

If access to a category is restricted using an administrator group, then this restriction can be removed by the learning administrator, who can access that particular category.

After restrictions are placed on access to a category, there may be business requirements to make the category and content within the category available to all administrators. In such a scenario, you can remove the restriction by selecting the Remove Administrator Group check box in the Update Category page. If you select the Remove Administrator Group check box and click Apply, a concurrent program runs in the background that removes the association between category and administrator group. The category and the content within the category then become accessible to all administrators.

Note: : The Remove Administrator Group check box is displayed only for the topmost category associated with the administrator group. This check box is not displayed for categories within the topmost category.

If you remove the administrator group from the category, then the restriction based on the administrator group is removed for:

  1. The specific category and all the objects within this category.

  2. The folder that has content objects associated with this category and any object within this category.

The application also removes the secondary associations this category has with any secured Course, Learning Path, Learning Certification, Forum or Chat.

See: Categories

Deleting Administrator Groups

You cannot delete an administrator group that is associated with a category or folder.

Learner Groups

Learner Groups

Administrators can group learners based on their common interests or job responsibilities. Grouping users simplifies user management and makes it easier to assign learner access and to enroll users in training. For example, you can create learner groups:

You can use learner groups to grant learners access to the following objects:

Features of Learner Group

You can create learner groups for internal learners. To group internal learners, you can use any of the following grouping criteria: individual learners, assignments (organization, position, job), eligibility profiles, and other learner groups. Based on your requirements, you can create a learner group using combinations, such as individual learners and assignments. You can include employees, applicants, and contingent workers in a learner group. An administrator's access to person records depends on the OTA: Global Business Group, HR: Business Group, and HR: Cross Business Group profiles defined in the enterprise. OLM enables administrators to group learners across business groups based on these profiles options. The setting of these profile options define whether an administrator has complete access to select a learner group, when:

Learner Groups and Learner Access

In addition to assignment and learner values, you can select a learner group when you define learner access. If you define learner access at the category level, then the learning objects in that category inherit the learner access. To define learner access at each level in a category, you can select different learner groups. For example, you create a category called Management Development. Then, you create two courses for this category: Advanced Management Training for senior manager positions and New Management Training for manager positions. To enroll all senior managers and managers in the appropriate courses, you create two learner groups: one for senior managers and another for managers. Then, for each of the courses, when you define learner access, you can select the appropriate learner group to enroll learners in specific training.

Administrators can create eligibility profiles based on criteria such as competencies, person type, location, grade, or length of service and attach these profiles to learner groups. When eligibility profiles are attached to a learner group, OLM applies the eligibility profile criteria to determine learner access to catalog objects.

See: Learner Access

See: Using Eligibility Profiles to Define Learner Access to Catalog Objects

How Transfers, Terminations, Job, and Position Changes Affect Learner Groups

If employees, who are part of a learner group, transfer out of the organization, job, and position, then they will no longer be part of the learner group, but they will not be unenrolled from classes where they already are enrolled.

Searching and Viewing Members of Learner Groups

When you search for a learner group, you can use search criteria such as job, position, eligibility profile, or learner group name. You can view members in all learner groups irrespective of your security profile. OLM does not apply the HR or OTA security profiles when displaying learners on the View Members page.

You can add eligibility profiles as components for a learner group and click the Process Eligibility Profiles for Learner Group button to add eligible learners to that learner group. If this program fails or results in error, then OLM displays the error when you click the View Members icon for the relevant learner group on the Learner Groups page.

Working with Learner Groups

Follow these steps to create learner groups and define learner access to objects:

  1. From the Setup page, navigate to the Learner Groups page. OLM provides the Learner Group functionality from the Setup page for the Learning Administrator responsibility.

  2. On the Learner Groups page, search for existing groups, create, update, or delete learner groups.

    See: Creating and Maintaining Learner Groups

  3. After you create learner groups, define learner access to the learning objects.

    See: Learner Access

Creating and Maintaining Learner Groups

This topic describes how to create, update, and delete learner groups.

For a general introduction to learner groups, see: Learner Groups

Creating a Learner Group

On the Create Learner Group page:

  1. Specify the name of the learner group.

  2. Enter a description of the learner group.

  3. Define the availability of the learner group by entering the start and end dates.

Select whether learners in a learner group must be part of all the components in that learner group.

Important: If you select the Learners have to be member of all components in this Learner Group check box, then when you add an eligibility profile as a component to the learner group, you can add only one eligibility profile. This rule applies to the eligibility profile component only.

After you define the basic details of the learner group, use the Components link to define the components of the learner group.

Defining Components of a Learner Group

Prerequisite: To select eligibility profiles as components, eligibility profiles must be defined specifically for OLM using the Participation Eligibility Profiles window. See: Defining Eligibility Profiles in OLM

Create a learner group by including components, such as assignment, learner, another learner group, or eligibility profiles. You can add components to a learner group only if the end of date of the learner group is later than or equal to the system date.

You can include learners across organizations only if the HR: Cross Business Group profile option value is set to Yes.

Learner Group Component Selection Rules

You can add components to a learner group depending on the component types that are already associated with the learner group. Following rules apply during component selection:

Updating Learner Groups

You can update details of the learner groups to meet your training requirements. For example, you can delete learners from one learner group, if they moved out of your enterprise or you can extend the availability of the learner group. Your changes do not affect existing enrollments.

Deleting Learner Groups

You can delete in-use learner groups and create new learner groups. Your deletions do not affect existing enrollments. If you delete an existing learner group, then OLM removes the learner access defined by the learner group. You can delete a learner group that is part of another group. The application will display a warning message if you delete a learner group that is part of another group.

Using Eligibility Profiles to Define Learner Access to Catalog Objects

In OLM, administrators can create learner groups to provide learners access to catalog objects. You can group learners using criteria such as individual learners, learner groups, assignment, and eligibility profiles. When you attach eligibility profiles to a learner group, OLM applies the eligibility profile criteria to determine learner access to catalog objects. Administrators can use learner groups associated with eligibility profiles for bulk and mandatory enrollments.

This topic explains how to use eligibility profiles to define learner access to catalog objects. The topic includes examples to show how you can use eligibility profiles to provide learners access to different catalog objects.

To use eligibility profiles to define learner access to catalog objects

  1. Enable administrators to select a business group while creating derived factors and eligibility profiles.

    See: Define Learner Groups, Oracle Learning Management Implementation Guide

  2. Create derived factors.

    See: Defining Derived Factors for Eligibility Profiles in OLM

  3. Create eligibility profiles.

    See: Defining Eligibility Profiles in OLM

  4. Create learner groups and associate eligibility profiles with learner groups.

    See: Creating and Maintaining Leaner Groups

  5. Select the learner group associated with eligibility profiles while defining learner access for catalog objects.

    See: Learner Access

  6. Run the Process Eligibility Profiles for Learner Groups program to add learners who meet the eligibility profile criteria to learner groups.

    See: Running the Process Eligibility Profiles for Learner Groups Program

  7. If your enterprise uses the mandatory enrollments feature along with eligibility profiles for learner groups, then the Process Eligibility Profiles for Learner Groups program must be run before the Process Mandatory Enrollments program. This action ensures that OLM applies the mandatory enrollment rule for learners meeting the eligibility profile criteria. See: Running the Process Mandatory Enrollments Program

  8. Run the Purge Inactive Eligibility Profiles for Learner Groups program to delete the data of learners who no longer meet the eligibility criteria defined in eligibility profiles.

    See: Running the Purge Inactive Eligibility Profiles for Learner Groups Program

Examples on Using Eligibility Profiles to Define Learner Access

The following sections look at a few examples on using eligibility profiles to define learner access.

Example 1

In this example, Vision England operates sales offices in London, Reading, and Manchester.

Requirement: Employees who are at the senior sales manager position, placed on grade 3, and located in London office must attend a new product training, which is mandatory.

Solution: To meet this requirement, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Participation Eligibility Profiles window. Select the Vision England business group. Enter the name of the eligibility profile, select the Employee Assignment Only assignment type, Active as the status, and Learner Group as the applies to.

    Click the Employment tab.

    Select Position and then select senior sales manager value.

    Select Grade, and then select 3 as the grade value.

    Select Work Location, and then select London as the location value.

    Save your work.

  2. Create the required product training catalog object.

  3. Create a learner group and select the eligibility profile as the component.

  4. Define the learner access for the catalog object. Select the learner group associated with the eligibility profile. Select the Mandatory Enrollment check box.

  5. Run the Process Eligibility Profiles for Learner Groups program to add eligible learners to the learner group.

    See: Running the Process Eligibility Profiles for Learner Groups Program

    Depending on the volume of data to be processed, you can schedule to run the multithread version of the program. For example, if there is a large volume of data to be processed for eligibility profiles, then the multithread version of the programs can be scheduled to run.

  6. Run the Process Mandatory Enrollments program after the Process Eligibility Profiles for Learner Groups program completes successfully.

  7. Navigate to the Learner Groups page and view members of the learner group.

Example 2

This example uses Vision Corporation business group that has locations in San Francisco, San Jose, and San Diego.

Requirement: Vision Corporation is expanding its business operations and has recruited a large number sales executive who are below 25 years of age and whose length of service in Vision Corporation is less than six months. Vision Corporation has created customer relations skills training for these executives and wants to enroll them in the training, which is mandatory.

Solution: To meet this requirement, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Derived Factors window.

    1. Click the Length of Service tab. Select Month as the UOM and Date of Hire as the date to use. Enter 0 in the Min field and 6 in the Max field. Select As of Event Date as the determination code and save your work.

    2. Click the Age tab. Select Year as the UOM, Persons as age to use, 21 as Min, 25 as Max, As of Event Date as the determination code and save your work.

    3. Click the Age and Service tab. Select the length of service and age derived factors created earlier and save your work.

  2. Navigate to the Participation Eligibility Profiles window. Select the Vision Corporation business group. Enter the name of the eligibility profile, select the Employee and Contingent Worker Assignments only assignment type, Active as the status, and Learner Group as the applies to.

    Click the Derived Factors tab.

    Select Combined Age Length of Service. Select the age and service derived factor created in the earlier step.

    Save your work.

  3. Create the required customer relations skills training catalog object.

  4. Create a learner group and select the eligibility profile as the component.

  5. Define the learner access for the catalog object and select the learner group associated with the eligibility profile. Select the Mandatory Enrollment check box.

  6. Run the Process Eligibility Profiles for Learner Groups program to add eligible learners to the learner group.

  7. Run the Process Mandatory Enrollments program after the Process Eligibility Profiles for Learner Groups program completes successfully.

  8. Navigate to the Learner Groups page and view members of the learner group.

Example 3

Requirement: Rapid Inc is a large public section organization and wants to set up an Introduction Course in OLM for applicants from Oracle iRecruitment who have completed the first stages in the hiring process.

Solution: To meet this requirement, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Participation Eligibility Profiles window. Select the Rapid Inc business group. Enter the name of the eligibility profile, select the Applicant Assignment Only assignment type, Active as the status, and Learner Group as the applies to.

    Click the Employment tab.

    Select Assignment Status. Then, select the assignment status values such as Accepted and Final Interview.

    Save your work.

  2. Create the required catalog object.

  3. Create a learner group and select the eligibility profile as the component.

  4. Define the learner access for the catalog object and select the learner group associated with the eligibility profile.

  5. Run the Process Eligibility Profiles for Learner Groups program to add eligible learners to the learner group.

  6. Navigate to the Learner Groups page and view members of the learner group.

Defining Derived Factors for Eligibility Profiles in OLM

Derived Factors are system calculated eligibility factors that change over time. You define a derived eligibility factor to use as a criteria element in an eligibility profile for learner groups.

Click the Derived Factors link in the supplied Learning Administration menu to navigate to the Derived Factors window. Use this window to define derived factors for eligibility profiles in OLM.

Selecting a Business Group to Define a Derived Factor

  1. Select the business group to define a derived factor for use in OLM.

    Note: The window to select a business group appears only if your enterprise uses a global business group. When you select a business group, the business group name appears as a default value in the Name field in the Derived Factors window. If you do not get an option to select a business group, then OLM creates derived factors in the business group that you log in.

Defining Derived Factors: Compensation Level

  1. Enter a Name for this compensation level factor.

  2. Select the Unit Of Measure for this compensation level factor.

  3. Select the Source of the compensation level factor.

    • Select the Defined Balance for this compensation level factor if you selected a source of balance type.

    • Select a Benefits Balance Type if you selected a source of benefits balance type.

    • Select the compensation periodicity in the Stated Comp Periodicity field if you selected a source of stated compensation.

      If you have installed Oracle Incentive Compensation, then you can select either Oracle Incentive Compensation - Amount Earned or Oracle Incentive Compensation - Amount Paid as the source. If you select any of these sources, then the Incentive Compensation Information region displays, where you can enter the Start and End Dates, and select the Prorate if date range differs from OIC range check box

  4. Enter the Minimum amount under which the system does not calculate this compensation level factor.

    Check the No Minimum field if there is no minimum compensation amount under which the system excludes participants when determining participation eligibility and activity rates.

  5. Enter the Maximum amount above which the system does not calculate this compensation level factor.

    Check the No Maximum Compensation field if there is no maximum compensation amount above which the system excludes participants when determining participation eligibility and activity rates.

  6. Select a Determination Code or Rule to define when the system determines a learner's compensation level.

  7. Choose a Rounding Code or Rounding Rule to specify the level to which the system rounds the results of this compensation level factor.

  8. Save your work.

Defining Derived Factors: Hours Worked

  1. Enter a Name for this hours worked.

  2. Select the calculation source for this hours worked.

    Balance Type: The application retrieves hours worked information from a balance.

    Benefits Balance Type: The application retrieves hours worked information from a benefits balance.

  3. Specify when the application calculates this hours worked.

  4. Select the Defined Balance if you selected a calculation source of balance type.

  5. Select a Benefits Balance Type if you selected a calculation source of benefits balance type.

  6. Check the No Minimum field if there is no minimum number of hours worked in period under which the application excludes employees when determining participation eligibility and activity rates. Or, enter the Minimum hours worked in period under which the application does not calculate this hours worked in period factor.

  7. Check the No Maximum field if there is no maximum hours worked in period above which the application excludes employees when determining participation eligibility and activity rates. Or, enter the Maximum hours worked in period beyond which the application does not calculate this hours worked in period factor.

  8. Select an hours worked Determination Code or Rule that defines how to calculate the hours worked in period.

  9. Select a Rounding Code or Rule to specify the level to which the application rounds the results of this hours worked in period factor.

  10. Save your work.

Defining Derived Factors: Length of Service

  1. Enter a Name for this length of service factor.

  2. Select the unit of measure in the UOM field by which you are defining the length of service factor.

  3. Select a Determination Code or Rule that defines how the system calculates an employee's length of service.

  4. Check the No Minimum Applies field if there is no minimum length of service. Or, enter the Minimum length of service under which the system does not calculate this length of service factor.

  5. Check the No Maximum Applies field if there is no maximum length of service.

    Or, enter the Maximum length of service beyond which the system does not calculate this length of service factor.

  6. Select a length of service Date to Use Code or Rule to specify the date from which the system calculates the employee's length of service.

    • Hire Date: The system always uses the employee's hire date as the start date when calculating length of service.

    • Adjusted Service Date: The system first uses the employee's adjusted service date if one exists. If there is no adjusted service date, the system uses the employee's hire date.

  7. Check the Use Override Service Date field to indicate that the system should override the person's service date when determining eligibility.

    You enter the Override Service Date for a person in the Participation Overrides window.

  8. Select a Rounding Code or Rule to specify the level to which the system rounds the results of this length of service factor.

  9. Save your work.

Defining Derived Factors: Full Time Employment

  1. Enter a Name for this full time factor.

  2. Check the No Minimum field if there is no minimum percentage of full-time employment.

    Or, enter a Minimum Percent Value to define the minimum percentage of full-time employment to be used in this calculation.

  3. Check the No Maximum field if there is no maximum percent of full-time employment.

    Or, enter a Maximum Percent Value to define the maximum percent of full-time employment to be used in this calculation.

  4. Check the Use Primary Assignment Only field to specify that the application considers only an employee's primary assignment when determining percent of full time employment.

  5. Check the Use Sum of All Assignments field to specify that the application considers all active assignments when determining percent of full-time employment.

  6. Select a Rounding Code or Rule to specify the level to which the application rounds the results of this calculation.

  7. Save your work.

Defining Derived Factors: Age

  1. Enter a Name for this age factor.

  2. Select the UOM to specify the unit of measure for this age factor.

  3. Select an Age to Use code to indicate the kind of person.

  4. Select an Age Determination Code or Rule to specify the date the application uses to calculate age.

  5. Check the No Minimum Age field if there is no minimum age under which the application excludes employees when determining eligibility for learner groups.

    Or, enter the Minimum age under which the application does not calculate this age factor.

  6. Check the No Maximum Age field if there is no maximum age beyond which the application excludes employees when determining eligibility for learner groups.

    Or, enter the Maximum age beyond which the application does not calculate this age factor.

  7. Select a Rounding Code or Rule to specify the level to which the application rounds the results of this age factor calculation.

  8. Save your work.

Defining Derived Factors: Combination Age and Length of Service

  1. Enter a Name for the combination age and length of service factor you are defining.

  2. Select an Age Factor.

  3. Select a Length of Service Factor. Enter the Minimum value for the combination of age and length of service that qualifies a person as eligible for the learner group.

  4. Enter the Maximum value for the combination of age and length of service that qualifies a person as eligible for the learner group.

  5. Enter an Order Number to specify the order in which the application processes and displays combined age and length of service records.

  6. Save your work.

Create eligibility profiles for use in OLM.

Defining Eligibility Profiles in OLM

Learning administrators can create eligibility profiles based on criteria such as competencies, person type, location, grade, or length of service in OLM and attach these profiles to learner groups. When eligibility profiles are attached to a learner group, OLM applies the eligibility profile criteria to determine learner access to catalog objects. Administrators can use learner groups associated with eligibility profiles for bulk and mandatory enrollments.

Click the Maintain Eligibility Profiles link in the supplied Learning Administration menu to navigate to the Participation Eligibility Profiles window. Use this window to define an eligibility profile with an effective start date of your choice.


Before defining the profile, define any derived factors (such as length of service or compensation level) that you plan to use as eligibility criteria. See: Defining Derived Factors for Eligibility Profiles in OLM

To define an eligibility profile

  1. Select the business group to create or update an eligibility profile for use in OLM.

    Note: The window to select a business group appears only if your enterprise uses a global business group. When you select a business group, the business group name appears as a default value in the Name field in the Participation Eligibility Profiles window. If you do not get an option to select a business group, then OLM creates eligibility profiles in the business group that you log in.

  2. Enter the Name of the eligibility profile you are defining.

  3. Enter a Description of this eligibility profile.

  4. Select an Assignment Type to which this eligibility profile applies. For example, you can define an eligibility profile for employee assignments if this profile is only used for employees.

  5. Select the profile Status.

    • Active: This eligibility profile is in use.

    • Closed: This eligibility profile was once Active or Pending, but is no longer in use.

    • Inactive: This eligibility profile is in use but cannot be associated with any new learner groups.

    • Pending: This eligibility profile is currently proposed, but not active.

    Note: If you set the status of an eligibility profile to Closed or Inactive, you cannot associate the eligibility profile to any learner group to determine eligibility.

    Eligibility profiles that have an end date or at the Closed, Inactive, or Pending status do not appear in the eligibility profiles search in OLM. When an administrator runs the Purge Inactive Eligibility Profiles for Learner Groups program, the program removes data of profiles that are closed, inactive, or have an end date.

  6. The Learner Group value automatically appears in the Applies To field.

  7. Choose the tabbed region that contains a criteria element that you want to include in your eligibility profile. Choose from:

    • Personal

    • Employment

    • Derived Factors

  8. Select a criteria element.

    For example, you could choose Person Type as one of several eligibility criteria of the Personal type. When you define more than one value for a criterion, at least one of the values must be present in the person's record for them to be eligible. However, when you use multiple criteria in an eligibility profile (for example, a Work Location and an Organization), the person must meet at least one value for each criterion.

  9. Enter a Seq (sequence) number specifying the order the system processes this criteria element relative to any other criteria in this eligibility profile. You must assign a sequence number of a higher priority to all criteria that are used to exclude eligibility.

  10. Select one or more values for the criteria element you have selected.

  11. Check the Exclude field if a person becomes ineligible to participate in the compensation object, or to receive the collective agreement entitlement you associate with this eligibility profile if they meet this criterion.

    You typically check the Exclude field when it is easier or faster to define which persons are excluded from eligibility, as opposed to defining which person are eligible.

  12. Repeat steps for each criteria element that you include in your eligibility profile.

  13. Choose the Display All tabbed region to view the criteria elements in this eligibility profile.

  14. Save your work.

You can select eligibility profiles as components of learner groups to define learner access. See: Creating and Maintaining Leaner Groups

Running the Process Eligibility Profiles for Learner Groups Program

After an administrator adds eligibility profiles as components of a learner group and runs the Process Eligibility Profiles for Learner Groups program, this program processes those eligibility profiles and adds the learners who meet the eligibility profile criteria to learner groups.

The program also identifies learners who are no longer eligible to be part of learner groups due to changes in their eligibility profile or their person and assignment data. You must schedule this program to run frequently to generate the correct list of eligible learners based on changes in eligibility profiles or person and assignment data.

You can schedule to run the following programs related to eligibility profiles using the Submit Request window:

Additionally, when you click Process Eligibility Profiles for Leaner Group after adding profiles to a learner group, OLM launches the concurrent program and processes all eligibility profiles attached to the learner group. See: Creating and Maintaining Leaner Groups

To run the Process Eligibility Profiles for Learner Groups program

  1. Select the Process Eligibility Profiles for Learner Groups program or the multithread version in the Name field.

  2. Click in the Parameters field to open the Parameters window. All the parameters are optional.

  3. Define the following parameters for the multithread version:

    • Enter the number of records that each thread must process as the chunk size. The default value is 1000.

    • Enter the total number of threads to process the concurrent program as the thread count. The default value is 3

  4. Select the learner group to evaluate and create a list of learners who match the criteria of the eligibility profile associated with the learner group. The program adds eligible learners to the learner group. If you leave this field blank, then all learner groups are processed.

  5. Select the eligibility profile to find learner groups associated with the eligibility profile and update members of those learner groups. If you leave this field blank, then all eligibility profiles are processed.

  6. If required, select Yes to enable log and create additional information in the concurrent program's log, which will help in reviewing and further diagnostics.

  7. Click OK and then Submit.

You can run the program with the same parameters multiple times and it updates the learner group members based on the eligibility profile requirements. For example, a person who was eligible in the previous run and is not eligible in the current run is removed from the learner group. If a person was not eligible in the previous run and is eligible in the current run, then that person is added to the relevant learner group.

Note: You cannot run the Process Eligibility Profiles for Learner Groups and Process Mandatory Enrollments programs simultaneously.

If your enterprise uses the mandatory enrollments feature along with eligibility profiles for learner groups, then the Process Eligibility Profiles for Learner Groups program must be run before the Process Mandatory Enrollments program. This action ensures that OLM applies the mandatory enrollment rule for learners meeting the eligibility profile criteria. See: Running the Process Mandatory Enrollments Program

Navigate to the Requests window to track the status of the program. To know if learners are added to the learner group, navigate to the Learner Groups page and click the View Members icon. The Learners in Learner Group page appears where you can view the members. Otherwise, if the program is not complete or fails, then OLM displays an error when you click the View Members icon.

Running the Purge Inactive Eligibility Profiles for Learner Groups Program

Learning administrator can run the Purge Inactive Eligibility Profiles for Learner Groups program to delete the data of learners who no longer meet the eligibility criteria defined in eligibility profiles.

Important: Eligibility profiles may become inactive or maybe closed. As an administrator, you must run the Process Eligibility Profiles for Learner Groups program to get up-to-date list of learners based on the eligibility profile criteria.

You run the program using the Submit Request window. You can schedule to run this program as frequently as required.

To run the Purge Inactive Eligibility Profiles for Learner Groups program

  1. Select the Purge Inactive Eligibility Profiles for Learner Groups program in the Name field.

  2. Click in the Parameters field to open the Parameters window. All parameters are optional.

  3. In the Learner Group field, select the learner group for which you want to purge the eligibility profile data. This field displays only learner groups that are associated with eligibility profiles.

  4. In the Eligibility Profile field, select the eligibility profile to purge the eligibility profile data attached to learner groups. This field displays only eligibility profiles that are attached to at least one learner group.

  5. Click OK and then click Submit.

Electronic Records and Electronic Signatures in OLM

Electronic Records and Electronic Signatures (ERES) in OLM

Oracle E-Records is a configurable framework for secure capture, storage, inquiry, and printing of electronic records and electronic signatures (ERES) in compliance with government regulations.

For more information about Oracle E-Records, see: Oracle E-Records Implementation Guide

OLM uses the electronic records and electronic signatures (ERES) functionality of Oracle E-Records to enable organizations meet legislative compliance, such as the United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 21 Part 11, otherwise known as 21 CFR Part 11.

Using the electronic records and electronic signatures functionality, you can obtain electronic signatures for the following business transactions:

You can use Oracle E-Records Evidence Store to query electronic records and electronic signatures. See: Retrieving Electronic Signature Records

This topic explains how:

Enabling Electronic Signature at the Course Level

You enable electronic signature when you create a course by selecting the Enable electronic signature check box. When you select this check box for a course, OLM applies the electronic signatures feature for learners, administrators, and instructors at different stages of learning.

You cannot disable electronic signature for a course if any one learner enrolls into a class.

How the Electronic Signature Functionality Works

Electronic signature when an administrator changes course description, course name, or course code

If the electronic signature is enabled for a course, then when an administrator updates the Description, Course name, or Course Code on the Update Course page and clicks Apply, OLM displays the E-signatures page.

On the E-signature tabbed region, as an administrator select the signature type, which is the type of signer, for example, reviewer or author. Select a Response, which is either Approve or Reject. If you select Approve, then OLM saves the course updates when the electronic signature process is completed. If you select Reject, then OLM does not save the changes when the electronic signature process is completed. Enter any comments, if applicable. Enter your user name and password to sign the document. Click the Sign icon to complete the signature process. The E-Record tabbed region displays a record of the course changes that you make.

Electronic signature when an administrator or instructor changes the enrollment status

On the Update Enrollment Status page, when an administrator changes the enrollment status of learners in a class that is part of a electronic signature enabled course and clicks Apply, OLM displays the E-signatures page.

On the E-signatures tabbed region, as an administrator select the signature type, which is the type of signer, for example, reviewer or author. Select a Response, which is either Approve or Reject. If you select Approve, then OLM saves the changes when the esignature process is completed. If you select Reject, then OLM does not save the changes. Enter any comments, if applicable. Enter your user name and password to sign the document. Click the Sign icon to complete the signature process. The E-Record tabbed region displays a record of the enrollment status change that you make for the class.

Administrators cannot set the enrollment status of a learner directly to Attended in a class that is electronic signature enabled. The administrator can set the enrollment status to Pending Signature to obtain the electronic signature of the learner.

Note: If a class requires learners to provide electronic signature and complete an evaluation, then set the status to Pending Signature and Evaluation. Learners must first provide their electronic signature and then complete the evaluation.

When the administrator performs a mass update of enrollment statuses, OLM saves the electronic signature together with one e-record for each one of the learners whose status is updated. Instructors must also provide electronic signature if they change the enrollment status.

Electronic signature when a learner completes a class

Online Class: When a learner completes the last learning object in a class with electronic signature, the Learner Home page displays the signing icon in the Evaluate or Sign column. When the learner clicks this icon, OLM presents the E-signatures page. On the E-signature tabbed region, the learner can select the signature type and must select the approve or reject response type. OLM saves the learner's electronic signature record if the learner selects the Approve response type. The learner must enter user name and password, and click the Sign icon to provide electronic signature. The E-Record tabbed region displays the electronic signature record details.

Scheduled Class: After the learner participates in a class, the administrator or instructor can change the enrollment status to Pending Signature. When the learner clicks the signing icon in the Evaluate or Sign column, OLM presents the E-signatures page. On the E-signature tabbed region, the learner can select the signature type and must select the approve or reject response type. OLM saves the learner's electronic signature record if the learner selects the Approve response type. The learner must enter user name and password, and click the Sign icon to provide electronic signature. The E-Record tabbed region displays the electronic signature record details.

Retrieving Electronic Signature Records

Use the ERES Administrator responsibility to retrieve the electronic signature records. In the ERES Administrator responsibility, click the Evidence Store function. The E-record Details page stores all the e-records created for an organization. Search for e-records using the event name, for example, OLM ERES Course Update or signer name.

OLM provides the following events for which you can search the electronic signature records:

In the search results table, click the event name. You can print e-records to meet legislative requirements.

Online Content

Content Servers

Defining a content server is not mandatory. OLM can play content associated with any URL. This can be a third-party web server, or your own web server, inside or outside a firewall.

However, if you define one or more content servers within OLM, you can transfer content to the server through the OLM interface, with no requirement for an ftp server, using the Upload and Import utilities:

Content Security

An OLM content server does not automatically provide any additional security to your content. Learners can access the content direct from any browser, if they know the URL, unless you explicitly protect the server, using operating system or software authentication.

Tip: Security Suggestion: If the OLM content server is an Oracle Application Server (Oracle iAS), then disable the `Allow Directory Browsing' flag in the 10giAS server. This will ensure that learners can access and play the course but cannot browse the content storage.


Set up a SCORM adapter if your content explicitly uses SCORM CMI calls. The Oracle CMI Adapter allows for interoperability between SCORM-based web content and OLM

Oracle Learning Management provides the following SCORM adapters. The administrator can select any one of the adapters when registering a SCORM adapter.

See:Setting up a SCORM Adapter

Installing the Oracle SCORM Adapter

Oracle provides two separate CMI adapters one for SCORM 1.2 and one for SCORM 2004 specifications. You require standard Oracle SCORM adapter files for the CMI calls to work. Following is a list of files required for CMI communication.

You can download the SCORM adapter files from this note ID on My Oracle Support: Oracle SCORM Adapter for Oracle Learning Management ID 331572.1

Important: For installation steps and other information, you must review the README.txt file included in the relevant zip files.

For the SCORM adapter to function correctly, you must place a copy of all the files in a web-accessible location on each web server from which you intend to serve SCORM learning objects, and all files must exist together in the same directory.

Oracle_SCORM_Adapter.html is the primary file for SCORM 1.2 and Oracle_SCORM_2004_Adapter.html is the primary file for SCORM 2004. This is the file to which you refer when registering SCORM adapters in the Setup tab in OLM, accessible from the Learning Administrator responsibility.

The URL to the adapter files must have the same protocol, host, and port number as the URL to the content files.

Registering the Oracle SCORM Adapter

Once you have installed the Oracle SCORM adapter in an appropriate location on each web server, you must register the SCORM adapter location in OLM. This enables OLM to determine the URL to the corresponding SCORM adapter, based on the starting URL of each learning object.

If you have multiple business groups, you must register the adapter for each business group.

Previewing Adapters

In the SCORM Adapters page, click the Preview icon for the adapter that you want to view. Use the Preview feature to ensure that the adapter setup is correct.

Diagnosing Problems

If you or your learners encounter problems when playing SCORM-compliant content, and you have verified that the URL properties of the SCORM adapter are correctly set up, select the box, Show diagnostic messages, on the adapter properties page. This option displays diagnostic messages in the browser's Java console, when you launch and play the content. The messages show each CMI function call made by the content, the arguments to the call, the messages sent to and from the server to execute the call, and the value returned from the call.

The Log diagnostic messages box enables the logging of the diagnostic messages to a local file. The logging option is useful for diagnosing problems that are not consistently reproducible. By logging, a permanent record of the SCORM activity is available in the log file, whereas messages in the Java console are lost when the user closes the browser or clears the console. Checking this box implies that the messages are displayed on the Java console, eliminating the need to check Show Diagnostic messages.

Note: The Java console must be enabled in the browser for you to see the diagnostic messages.

Conference Servers

To deliver online synchronous classes, it is mandatory to define a conference server. A conference server integrates your application with Oracle Web Conferencing (OWC). OLM uses the integration with OWC to deliver online synchronous classes over the web.

To set up a conference server, you must know the server URL, which is the URL that OLM uses to make appropriate calls to the conferencing tool. You must also specify the Site ID and the Authentication Token, which are authentication parameters to connect to the OWC server from your application. You can obtain these values from the OWC administrator.

Online Player Setup

Keeping the Player Session Alive

The online player pings the server at a particular interval to ensure that a learner's session is not timed out even if the learner remains in a single learning object for a long period of time. You can control the length of the time out and the interval between pings made to the server, by setting the following profile values:

Supporting Sun Java 2 Security Model

The SCORM API in OLM is compatible with the Sun Java 2 security model, enabling learners to use Netscape, Internet Explorer (IE), Mozilla, and Firefox browsers with SCORM courses. The API works in IE without any configuration changes. To enable the SCORM API to work in Netscape, Mozilla, or Firefox, you must grant the following permission using your Java Policy file:

permission " <OTA hostname> : <port>", "connect"; where <OTA hostname> and <port> are the host and port of your application server.

Logging SCORM Debugging Information

You can log the SCORM debugging information that appears in the Java console to a local file on your computer. This feature works in IE without any configuration changes. To enable logging of SCORM debugging information in Netscape, Mozilla, or Firefox, you must grant the following permissions using your Java Policy file:

permission " <OTA hostname> : <port>", "connect";

permission " ${user.home}$ {/} lms_log.txt", "write";

permission java.util.PropertyPermission " user.home ", "read";

where <OTA hostname> and <port> are the host and port of your application server.

Setting up a Content Server

Setting up a Content Server

OLM uses a servlet to upload or download physical content files. So, you do not require an FTP server, nor a middle tier installation on the content server. You simply require one container for the servlet, such as Apache and ApacheJserv. So that only the trusted servers can access OLM content, the IP addresses of the APPS middle tiers are specified in the container property file as arguments passed to the Java interpreter.

Caution: The servlet does not work for a group that has multiple processes (or JVMs).

You set up a content server in two stages:

  1. Set up the container.

  2. Define the content server in the OLM administration interface.

Steps to set up the container

  1. Install the container, such as Apache and ApacheJserv.

  2. Create a servlet repository called servlets. For example, in Jserv, the servlets repository exists by default.

  3. Copy the following files to your servlet repository directory:$JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/ota/admin/common/util/ContentServerServlet.class $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/ota/admin/common/util/ProtocolConstants.class $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/ota/admin/common/util/SystemUtils.class $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/ota/admin/common/util/SystemUtils$JarUtility.class$JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/ota/admin/common/util/ContentServeerClientData.class

  4. Also ensure the oracle.apps.fnd.common.VersionInfo.class file is located under the class path directory that is defined for the repository.

  5. In, add the following: # ----- OLM Content server ----- # servlet.OtaContentServerServlet.code=oracle.apps.ota.admin.common.util.ContentServerServlet servlet.OtaProtocolConstants.code=oracle.apps.ota.admin.common.util.ProtocolConstants servlet.OtaSystemUtils.code=oracle.apps.ota.admin.common.util.SystemUtils servlet.OtaSystemUtils$JarUtility.code=oracle.apps.ota.admin.common.util.SystemUtils$JarUtility servlet.OtaContentServerClientData.code=oracle.apps.ota.admin.common.util.ContentServerClientData # ----- END OLM

  6. Create an alias for the directory where the content will be stored. For example, in Apache, to create an alias for the physical directory D:/apache/rootdir/, add the following inside the httpd.conf file: Alias /content/ 'D:/apache/rootdir/'

  7. Add the list of middle tiers and the temporary file location as arguments to the Java Interpreter. For example, in Jserv, add following lines inside the file: wrapper.bin.parameters=-Dmiddletier= wrapper.bin.parameters=-DTemp=D:\temp Here the numbers, such as and, are IP addresses of all trusted middle tiers, and + is the separator for multiple addresses. Servers not specified in the list are not able to access the servlet. D:\temp is the absolute path of the temp location where files are saved temporarily while handling physical content. /dbfiles/applcsf/log is any existing directory for log files.

Steps to define the content server in OLM

  1. Log in to OLM with Learning Administrator responsibility.

  2. Click the Setup tab.

  3. Click Content Servers.

  4. Click Create Content Server.

  5. Provide the following information:

    1. Name: XYZ (your choice of content server name)

    2. Protocol: http or https (generally http)

      Additional Information: To use a content server protocol other than ftp, http, or https, you must add the value to the Content Server Protocol Types lookup.

    3. Host: The machine name on which your servlet container is running. Example:

    4. Port: The port at which servlet container is running (by default the port is 80)

    5. Physical Directory: The absolute path of the location where the content will be stored. For example, according to the example above: D:/apache/rootdir/

    6. Virtual Directory: The alias you created when setting up the container properties. For example, according to the example above: /content.

  6. Defining an Oracle WebCenter Content (OWCC) Server

    To use Oracle WebCenter Content (OWCC), formerly Oracle Universal Content Management, as a content server for OLM content, administrator must define an OWCC server. Enter details of the OWCC server and select the UCM Content Server check box. When you select this check box, a section called Test Connection appears. You can test your access to the OWCC server by entering the user name and password. You must place the SCORM adaptor files in the right location in the OWCC server for SCORM content to work correctly.

Setting up a SCORM Adapter

Setting Up a SCORM Adapter

Oracle provides two CMI adapters, one for SCORM 1.2 and one for SCORM 2004 specifications.

You can download the SCORM adapter files from this note ID on My Oracle Support: Oracle SCORM Adapter for Oracle Learning Management ID 331572.1

Important: For installation steps and other information, you must review the README.txt file included in the relevant zip files.

You set up a SCORM adapter in two stages:

  1. Copy the necessary files to the same web server as your SCORM-compliant content. If you have multiple servers that provide SCORM content, each server requires a copy of the files.

  2. Register each adapter in OLM. If you have multiple business groups, you must register the adapter for each business group.

Steps to copy the SCORM adapter files

  1. Download the patch for SCORM Adapter from My Oracle Support to a temporary location.

    You can download the SCORM adapter files from this note ID on My Oracle Support: Oracle SCORM Adapter for Oracle Learning Management ID 331572.1.

  2. Unzip the patch file, and copy the adapter files to a web-accessible location on each web server from which you wish to serve SCORM learning objects. All files must exist together in the same directory.

Steps to Register a SCORM adapter in OLM

  1. Log in to OLM with Learning Administrator responsibility.

  2. Click the Setup tab.

  3. Click SCORM Adapters.

  4. Create an adapter, and enter the following fields:

    • Content Server: Adapter on a content server.

      • You have the choice to either use the drop-down to select a configured content server or enter the URLs to create SCORM Adapter.

      • If you select a content server in the drop-down, then the URL Prefix is read-only as the value is retrieved from the content server configuration.

    • URL Prefix: A starting URL that commonly identifies the location of content on one web server, for example:

    • Adapter URL:

      • The complete URL for the Oracle SCORM Adapter file on the same server for SCORM 1.2, for example:
      • The complete URL for the Oracle SCORM Adapter file on the same server for SCORM 2004, for example: Oracle_SCORM_2004_Adapter.html
  5. In the Adapter Type field, select one of the values:

    • Non Java Adapter: If this option is selected, then the application uses the Javascript based API to play SCORM content.

    • Signed Java Applet Adapter: If this option is selected, then the application uses the Applet based API to play SCORM content.

      Note: You can download non-java based adapters for SCORM 1.2 and one for SCORM 2004 from this note ID on My Oracle Support, Select Non Java Adapter to Play SCORM Content Online, 1631724.1

  6. Cmi Version: CMi version is populated based on the file name. SCORM 2004 adapter must have "2004" in the file name.

  7. Directory: Location to which the SCORM adapter is uploaded.

  8. Repeat the previous step for each business group.

Updating a Content Server Adapter

When you try to update the content server details of the SCORM adapter in the Update SCORM Adapter page, the following rules apply:


Setting Up Question Legends

Using the OLM player, when learners attempt a test, a survey, or an evaluation, the Test Instructions page displays the Test Overview and Questions sections.

In the Test Overview section, the color of each question represents the following status of that question:

As a learning administrator, you can change the default color of each of the default legends.

The following table shows the default legends with their default color codes:

Default Legend Default Color Code
Answered/Marked for Review #00FF00
Answered #008000
Marked for Review #FFFF00
Not Visited #C0C0C0
Skipped #FF0011

To change the color of a legend, click the Update icon. In the Update Color window that appears, enter the new color code and click Apply.

Competency Setup


If you have installed Oracle Human Resources, you can maintain competencies for courses and learners. Competencies hold the qualifications, attributes, and knowledge that learners gain from attending classes.

You can also allow specific users to add the competencies delivered by the class to a learner's competency profile.

To use competencies, you must set up a framework of competencies.

See Career and Succession Management, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

Warning: Do not use this software as the sole method of assessment for making judgements about hiring, performance, or deployment. Your company may be held liable if you rely on incorrect computer data or computerized rules to make such judgements.

It is the customer's responsibility to take all appropriate measures to comply with the Data Protection and Privacy laws of the countries in which they operate.

All personal information that you store or use with this software must be up to date, accurate, and relevant. You should confirm the details of the restrictions that apply to the computerized storage and use of personal information with your own legal department or representative.

Competency Automation Setup

To automate updates to learner competency profiles, you must use Oracle Workflow to configure approval settings. You should also review the default competency-related workflow notifications.

Configuring Competencies

Mapping Competencies to Languages

The Map Competencies to Languages window enables you to link language competencies set up in Oracle HR to the list of languages used in all Oracle Applications. This mapping enables you to search for instructors who fulfill the language requirement of a specific class. You can also add a minimum proficiency level to each mapping, so that your search returns only those instructors who know the language well enough.

See Finding Specific Locales and Instructors

To map competencies to languages

  1. Open the Map Competencies to Languages window from the Navigator.

  2. In the Competence field, select a language competence from the list.

  3. Optionally, select a minimum proficiency level for the mapping.

  4. In the Language field, select a language from the list.

  5. Repeat steps 2-4 as needed.

  6. Save your work.

Configuring Competency Update Automation

Use Oracle Workflow to enable and configure automatic competency updates.

Caution: Changing the workflow process name or the functionality itself may disable the ability to override the automation rule at the course or offering level.

To enable and configure automatic competency updates

  1. From Workflow Builder, query the workflow process name OTA_COMPETENCE_UPDATE_JSP_PRC.

  2. Set the Attribute Name HR_APPROVAL_REQ_FLAG to one of these four options (the default is Notification, Manual Update):

    • Notification, Automatic Update after Approval

    • Notification, Automatic Update without Approval (automatic update occurs without approval)

    • No Notification, No Auto Update

    • Notification, Manual Update (learner or manager notified that they must manually update profile)

Financial Setup


You can use multiple currencies to hold price and cost information in OLM.

Your startup data includes the definitions of all world currencies. These definitions are shared by all Oracle Applications and are controlled by the system administrator responsibility. You enable those currencies in the Currencies window.

You can never delete a currency, but you can disable it.

Note: You must enable at least one currency as the default currency for all information related to money. This default is known as the base currency for your business group.


For internal classes, OLM can charge a learner's cost center when the learner enrolls in an OLM class. The cross-charge accounting window enables implementers to establish links between OLM and Oracle General Ledger. Several system profiles control automatic cross-charging.

Ensuring accurate cross-charging of enrollments takes five steps:

  1. The learner enrolls in a class.

  2. The application automatically creates finance headers and lines, as long as the implementers have accurately mapped accounting fields between OLM/HR and General Ledger.

    See Setting Up Cross-Charge Accounting

  3. Once the course has finished, the learning administrator marks the learner's enrollment status as Attended.

  4. The administrator runs the Create Cross Charging GL Lines for Transfer concurrent process.

  5. To complete the cross-charge transfer, the administrator runs the Journal Import process in GL.

    Note: For OLM to transfer the costs, the Oracle GL application must contain the Journal Import source Transfer.

Financial Security

Set up financial security to restrict which users can enter, update, and delete financial information, and which ones cannot.

How Financial Security Works

You can prevent users of a certain responsibility from being able to update and delete the following amounts:

Monetary and Unitary (Invoice) Amounts

To prevent users from updating and deleting monetary and unitary (invoice) amounts, enter the function OTA_FIN_ST_MONEY_NO_UPDATE on the menu for that responsibility.

Standard Amounts

To prevent users from updating and deleting standard amounts, enter the function OTA_FIN_PRICE_NO_UPDATE on the menu for that responsibility.

Which Windows Does Financial Security Affect?

Once financial security has been set up (depending upon whether you are preventing users from updating money, unitary, or standard amounts), it affects the following windows:

Financial Setup Procedures

Enabling Currencies

Use the Currencies window to enable or disable currencies.

To enable a currency

  1. Query the currency you want to enable.

  2. Select the Enabled check box.

  3. Save your change to enable the currency.

To disable a currency

  1. Query the currency you want to disable.

  2. Deselect the Enabled check box or enter an end date for the currency.

  3. Save your changes to disable the currency.

Setting Up Cross-Charge Accounting

To enable cross-charging to occur when a learner attempts to enroll in a class, you must fill out the Cross-Charge Accounting window, accessible from the Setup menu. The window maps all defined segments in Oracle General Ledger to a particular table in Oracle HR or to a constant value you specify.

See Cross-Charging

You must fill out this window twice for each combination of business group and ledger, once to specify the account to transfer from (the debit account) and once to specify the account to transfer to (the credit account).

Note: To ensure that workflow notifies the appropriate person if the cross-charge processing fails, you must include a value in the Owner field of the Class or Update Class pages.

Setting Up Cross-Charge Accounting

  1. From the lists of values, select an HR business group and a ledger The cross charge type defaults to Enrollment when you click the list of values icon.

  2. Select From in the From/To field. Enter a starting date in the Date From field. You can also enter an ending date in the Date To field. Save your work.

  3. In the Segment Mapping Details region, the GL Chart of Accounts column automatically fills with segments drawn from the ledger you have specified.

    Note: For each row, you must specify at least one value. The function works in sequence: if it fails to find a legitimate value in the HR Costing Data Source column, it moves on to the HR Costing Segment column; if it fails there, it looks for a Constant Value. Then if no constant exists, it generates an error message.

  4. If you use the HR Costing Data Source, select from one of four choices: Assignment, Business Group, Organization from Assignment, or Sponsor Organization. If you select Sponsor Organization, then the Sponsor field in the Scheduled Class window must contain an organization with a cost center value.

  5. If you use the HR Costing Segment, select from the list of values taken from the Payroll Cost Allocation flexfield linked to the specified HR business group.

  6. In the Constant Value field, select from the list (taken from the corresponding segment in GL) a default value that the function can use if it finds no legitimate value in the previous two columns.

  7. Save your work, then repeat the above steps, using To in the From/To field.

Setting Up Financial Security

Use the Menus window to set up financial security.

To set up financial security

  1. Query the OTA_NAV menu.

  2. Insert a new line and enter the sequence number.

    Note: Do not enter values in the Navigator Prompt, Submenu, or Description fields.

  3. To prevent users from updating and deleting monetary and unitary amounts, enter OTA_FIN_ST_PRICE_NO_UPDATE in the Function field .

  4. To prevent users from updating and deleting standard amounts, insert a new line and sequence number and enter OTA_FIN_MONEY_NO_UPDATE in the Function field.

  5. Save your changes.

Creating a Calendar

Use the Calendar window to create a calendar for use by supplier and customer windows.

You have to set up only one period for the calendar. You do not have to enter multiple periods or calendars.

Note: This form is shared with other Oracle Applications. OLM does not use some of the fields in this window.

To create a calendar

  1. Enter a name for the calendar; for example, OLM Calendar.

  2. Enter a description for the calendar.

  3. Enter a period prefix; for example, OLM.

  4. Enter the period type, typically Year.

  5. Enter the four-digit year.

  6. Enter the quarter, 1, 2, 3, or 4.

    OLM creates a name (displayed in the Name field in the Periods region) from the prefix and year you entered.

  7. Enter the period number, which must be 1.

  8. Enter the start and end dates the period covers; for example, 01-JAN-2000 to 31-DEC-2000.

    Note: These dates are for reference only. OLM does not use them.

  9. Save your work.

Defining a Ledger

Use Ledger to determine the currency, account structure, and accounting calendar. You define a ledger using the General Ledger Super User responsibility.

For more information on the following steps, see the Define Accounting Setups Using Accounting Setup Manager section in the Oracle General Ledger Implementation Guide

Creating a Legal Entity

The first step in the process of a ledger creation is to create a legal entity. You create a legal entity using the General Ledger Super User responsibility Legal Entities tab in Accounting Setup Manager.

Creating a Ledger

After you create a legal entity, create a primary ledger for OLM purposes. Enter a unique name for the ledger. Select the name of your Chart of Accounts (that is, the name of the Accounting Flexfield structure you have set up). Then, select the chart of accounting calender and currency. Save the ledger.

Defining Accounting Options

When you save the ledger, the application displays a message that you must define the Accounting Options for this accounting setup. Depending on the type of accounting setup you define, you must complete different accounting options to specify how you want to perform accounting and process transactions. Accounting options include ledger options and reporting currency options. You can either select an existing Subledger Accounting Method or create one. This method is for reference only and is not used by OLM.

Defining a Ledger Set

Use the Accounting Setup Manager, Ledger Sets page to create a ledger set.

Create your ledger set by selecting the ledger , chart of accounts, and calendar you previously created. Save your work.

For more information, see: Oracle General Ledger Implementation Guide

Defining Financials Options

Use the Financials Options window to set up your financials options.

Note: This form is shared with other Oracle Applications. OLM does not use some of the fields in this form.

To define financials options

  1. Select the Accounting tabbed region (if not already displayed).

Entering Accounting Information

  1. Enter 1 in the Future Periods field.

  2. Ensure that zeros (000.000.000) are displayed in the following fields:

    • Liability

    • Prepayment

    • Future Dated Payment

    • Discount Taken

    • PO Rate Variance Gain

    • PO Rate Variance Loss

Entering Supplier-Entry Information

  1. Select any invoice match option from the list.

  2. Select the Supplier Numbers of Automatic as the entry and Numeric as the type from the lists.

Entering Supplier-Payables Information

  1. Select 45 Net as the payment terms.

  2. Select Check (cheque) as the payment method.

Entering Supplier-Purchasing Information

  1. Select any Ship to Location from the list.

  2. Select any Inventory Organization from the list.

Entering Human Resources Information

  1. Enter a business group; for example, OLM DEMO Business Group.

  2. Select Home in the Expense Reimbursement Address region.

  3. Select Automatic as the payment method.

  4. Enter 5 in Next Automatic Number.

  5. Save your work.

Defining System Options

Use the System Options window to set up your system options.

Note: This form is shared with other Oracle Applications. OLM does not use some of the fields in this form.

To define system options

  1. Ensure that the Accounting tabbed region is displayed.

Accounting Information

  1. Enter Cash Basis as the accounting method.

  2. Enter OLM Set of Books as the name.

  3. Select zeros (000.000.000) in the following fields:

    • Finance Charge Activity (course)

    • Realized Gains Accounts

    • Realized Losses Account

    • Tax Account

  4. Leave the default number of days per posting cycle as they are.

Tax Information

  1. Select Sales Tax as the method of paying tax.

  2. Select No Validation - Country as the location flexfield structure.

  3. Leave 000000 to 99999-99999 as the default postal code range.

  4. Select No Validation as the address validation.

  5. Select Total Tax Only for printing invoices.

  6. Leave the default tax cache size as it is.

  7. Select Line as the calculation level.

  8. Select Nearest as the rounding rule.

Transaction and Customer Information

  1. Leave the maximum memory in bytes as 65535.

  2. Leave the log file message level as 0.

  3. Select DEFAULT as the grouping rule name.

Miscellaneous Information

  1. Enter 5000 as the split amount.

  2. Enter 90 as the number of days in the Days Sales Outstanding Calculation

  3. Leave the Invoices per Commit as 1000.

  4. Leave the Receipts per Commit as 1000.

  5. Select Open Invoice Due Date as the charge back due date.

  6. Select United States as the country.

  7. Select None as the source of territory.

  8. Select Line First-Tax After as the applications rule set.

Function and Security Configuration

Organization and User Security

OLM offers three methods for determining administrative access to people and functions:

Role-Based Access Control

OLM uses Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), a core Oracle Applications methodology for controlling administrator access to functions. RBAC uses a hierarchy of roles, permission sets, and permissions to fine-tune the access.

See the Oracle User Management Overview, Oracle User Management User Guide

For detailed information about configuring RBAC, see Creating and Updating Roles, Oracle User Management User Guide and related help topics. Note the OLM-specific information below.

OLM seeds several roles under the main Learning Administrator role:

The Learning Assessment Administrator role is independent of the other administrator roles. Another seeded role, Learning Instructor--Update Enrollment Status, enables instructors to update the enrollment status of learners enrolled in a class they are teaching. Every user who creates and updates roles needs the User Management responsibility and the Security Administrator role.

OLM seeds numerous permissions and permission sets. See OLM Seeded Roles, Permission Sets, and Permissions, Oracle Learning Management Implementation Guide. The seeded permission sets come in two flavors:

The Edit permission sets combine the permissions to create, update, and delete, so you may wish to create your own Update permission sets. You can attach multiple sets to each role.

To configure RBAC for OLM effectively, be aware of the following issues:

Security Groups

If you enable (or an HR implementation has previously defined) the security group model, you can attach security groups to responsibilities, giving users of those responsibilities access only to the people in those groups. By default, each administrator can enter data for all people in their own organization (typically their business group). To grant those administrators access to people outside their organization, you must create security groups that include those organizations. To restrict administrator access to a subset of people within their business group, you can subdivide the business group into multiple security groups according to its organizational hierarchy.

Security groups control access through people-based lists of values such as those found in enrollments and subscriptions. Notable exceptions are instructor (trainer) and training center.

See Security Models, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

Organization Security

If an administrator who belongs to the organization sponsoring (administering) a class selects the Secure box on the Create Class page, only users who belong to the same organization can update and delete classes (including customer-based classes), or enroll and maintain learners in those classes.

Users who do not belong to the sponsoring organization can neither update nor delete classes. They also cannot:

A user from the sponsoring organization can remove security from a class, providing no enrollments exist for the class.

If you do not set up organization security, all users can update and delete classes and programs and enter, delete, and update enrollments.

Profile Options

A system profile is a set of changeable options that determines how (or whether) a particular function runs. You can set profiles at different levels as described in the following table:

Level Meaning
Site level These settings apply to all users at an installation site.
Application level These settings apply to all users of any responsibility associated with the application.
Responsibility level These settings apply to all users currently signed on under the responsibility
User level These settings apply to individual users, identified by their application usernames.

Values set at a higher level cascade as defaults to the lower levels. Values set at a lower level override a default from a higher level. Many profiles enable you to enter a value only at one or more of the levels (see the Configurable Level column in the tables below).

Note: Set site-level options first to ensure that all options contain a default. A profile option without a default value can cause errors when you use windows, run reports, or run concurrent requests.

You use the System Profile Values window, accessible from the System Administrator responsibility, to set profile options at each level for your user community. If you change a user profile option value, the change takes effect as soon as your users log on again or change responsibilities.

Application users can use the Personal Profile Values window to set their own profile options at the user level. Not all profile options are visible to users, and some profile options, while visible, cannot be updated by end users. Changes that users make to their personal profile options take effect immediately.

See Defining Preferences with User Profile Options, Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide

Profile Options Tables and Descriptions

The tables and text below list all the OLM profile options, grouped according to category: General, Content, Waitlisting, Order Management integration, and Self-Service.

The tables indicate the levels at which the User or System Administrator can enter values for the profile options.

Some profile options require you to provide a value, and some already provide a default value that you can change.

General Profile Options

Profile Configurable Level Values (default value in boldface) Value Required?
HR: Query-Only Mode All Yes, No Yes
OTA: Assessment Branding Image Responsibility <name of image>, <null> No
OTA: Data Source Module Responsibility iLearning, iRecruitment, <null> Yes, if using iRecruitment
OTA: Default Attended Enrollment Status Responsibility <enrollment status based on Attended> Yes
OTA: Global Business Group Responsibility <global business group> Yes if using globalization
OTA: Hide Employee External Address Site Yes, No, <null> Yes, at Site level
OTA: Maximum Enrollments Processed Online Site, Application <number of minutes>, 3 No
OTA: Project Accounting Integration All Yes, No No
OTA: Oracle Online Learning Option Licensed Site, Application Yes, No Yes
OTA: Restrict Employees from Customer-Restricted Classes Responsibility, Site Yes, No, <null> No
OTA: Default Enrollment Source Site, Responsibility Null Yes
OTA:Allow Enrollment when learner has future termination date All Yes, No, <null> No
OTA:Hide End Dated Catalog Objects All Yes, No, <null> No

HR: Query-Only Mode

To restrict access to query-only for all OLM windows on a menu, set HR: Query-Only Mode to Yes.

To grant query-only access to some forms and full access to other forms, set the HR: Query Only Mode profile to No and use the parameter QUERY_ONLY=YES at form function level to restrict access to individual forms.

See Restricting Access to Query-Only Mode, Oracle HRMS Implementation Guide

OTA: Assessment Branding Image

Enables other applications to use alternative branding images in assessment headers. Omit any file extension from the name.

OTA: Data Source Module

Restricts access to Generalized Assessment data for users of iRecruitment. Select "iLearning" to enable these users to view data originating in OLM, or "iRecruitment" to enable them to view data only from iRecruitment.

OTA: Default Attended Enrollment Status

Establishes a default value for the Attended enrollment status.

OTA: Global Business Group

Enables globalization. Enter the name of the business group you wish to designate as global.

OTA: Hide Employee External Address

Hides or reveals, at site level, the external (home) addresses of your employees. The default value is null, but is equivalent to Yes (addresses remain hidden).

Warning: To continue to view external employee addresses, existing customers must set this profile to No. For existing enrollments, however, any formerly selectable external address selected remains visible. To ensure data privacy under these circumstances, the user cannot change the address (the lookup contains no items).

OTA: Maximum Enrollments Processed Online

As an administrator selects learners for bulk enrollment, determines the number of enrollments processed immediately; selecting more than the specified number sends the enrollments for processing by the Process Bulk Enrollments concurrent program.

OTA: Oracle Online Learning Option Licensed

Set this value to Yes to enable the setup and play of online classes, if you have licensed OLM with the Online Learning option. If you have not licensed OLM with the Online Learning option, set this profile to No.

OTA: Project Accounting Integration

Identifies whether OLM is integrated with Project Accounting, for reporting purposes only. Entering Yes displays the Project Number and Project Name fields on the Create Class and Update Class pages. You can then enter a Project Number, which displays the corresponding Project Name. You can also write custom reports to list classes held for each project.

OTA: Restrict Employees from Customer-Restricted Classes

Prevents employees in your organization from enrolling in customer-restricted classes.

OTA: Default Enrollment Source

Set this profile to display the Source value on the Enrollment Details tab of the Enrollments and Subscriptions page. You can define the default value at the site level or for different responsibilities. Only Learning Administrators can update the default value when they update the enrollment details. This profile uses the BOOKING_SOURCE Lookup values. For more information, see: User and Extensible Lookups

OTA: Allow Enrollment when learner has future termination date

Determines whether learning administrators can enroll learners who have a future termination date at the time of their enrollment. If the value is set to Yes, learners with future termination date are displayed in the Single Enrollment and Bulk Enrollment searches for enrollment. This value also protects the confidential information of the person's termination. Set the value to No, if you do not want learners with a future termination date to be enrolled in classes.

OTA: Hide End Dated Catalog Objects

Determines the default behavior of the "Show only catalog items with future or empty end date" check box in the Catalog page. If you select Yes at any level, then OLM displays the check box as selected. See Catalog Overview for more information.

Content Profile Options

Profile Configurable Level Values (default value in boldface) Value Required?
OTA: Default Player Session Length Site, Application <number of minutes>, 0 No
OTA: Player Ping Interval Site, Application <number of minutes>, 0 No
OTA: XSD Server Location Application <server address> Yes if using content
OTA: IE Document Mode for Player Application R12.2.x is 10 Yes for SCORM-based content

OTA: Default Player Session Length

This is the default number of minutes that the player session is kept alive when a learner remains on a single learning object. Setting this profile value guarantees that the session lasts at least OTA_PLAYER_TIMEOUT_MINUTES (the value set for the Player Timeout field on the learning object page) after launching the learning object. There is no upper limit on this value.

OTA: Player Ping Interval

This is the interval (in minutes) between pings made to the server by the online player. The ping interval should be less than the session timeout length to ensure that the session does not time out between pings. There is no upper limit on this profile value, but if it is greater than the value of OTA_PLAYER_TIMEOUT_MINUTES (the value set for the Player Timeout field on the learning object page), then the player will not ping the server.

OTA: XSD Server Location

Identifies the directory that holds required XSD files used during export of learning objects or tests. Set the value to http://[machine name]:[port]/OA_HTML/

OTA: IE Document Mode for Player

Identifies the default Internet Explorer (IE) browser to play SCORM-based content. Set this profile option to avoid browser compatibility issues. Before setting the profile option value, check with your SCORM content developers about the IE compatible browser versions for the online content. Select the appropriate value based on the release level of OLM player. The list of values are 5, 10, and edge. Note that the OAF framework default value for compatibility mode for 12.2.x is IE 10.

Waitlisting Profile Options

Profile Configurable Level Values (default value in boldface) Value Required?
OTA: Activate Automatic Waitlist Enrollments All Yes, No Yes, at Site level
OTA: Automatic Waitlist Enrollment Default Booking Status All Placed, <value based on Placed>, <null> Yes
OTA: Automatic Waitlist Enrollments: Hours Prior To Class All <numeric> (0) Yes, at Site level
OTA: Maximum Enrollments Processed Online Responsibility, Site <numeric>, <null> No
OTA: Waitlist Sorting Criteria All Booking Priority, Date Placed Yes, at Site level

OTA: Activate Automatic Waitlist Enrollments

Indicates whether you are activating the automatic waitlist enrollments functionality. Enter Yes or No.

OTA: Automatic Waitlist Enrollment Default Booking Status

Holds the default enrollment status for automatic waitlist enrollments. Enter either Placed or a user-defined value based on Placed.

Warning: Select an enrollment status with the same business group that you intend to use for your OLM responsibility. If you do not, OLM cannot use that status to enroll learners from the waitlist.

OTA: Automatic Waitlist Enrollments: Hours Prior To Class

Specifies, in number of hours prior to a class, when you want to stop automatic waitlist enrollments for any class. You must manually control any enrollments for the period specified. Enter a numeric value (0, 1, 2,...n).

Note: If a value is set in the Restrict Automatic Enrollment from Waitlist field at the class level, then this value overrides the value set for the OTA: Automatic Waitlist Enrollments: Hours Prior To Class profile option. See Classes.

OTA: Maximum Enrollments Processed Online

Determines the number of enrollments processed immediately; selecting more than the specified number sends the enrollments for processing by a concurrent program.

OTA: Waitlist Sorting Criteria

Identifies which criterion--booking priority or date and time placed--takes priority on the waitlist. If waitlisted enrollments share the same priority, their enrollment then depends on date and time placed.

Test Builder Profile Options

Profile Configurable Level Values (default value in boldface) Value Required?
OTA: Hide Assessment Points Application, Responsibility Yes, No No

OTA: Hide Assessment Points

Determines whether learners can view assessment points for test questions. You can define this setting for business processes such as learner or recruitment tests. Set the profile option to Yes so that OLM hides the assessment points when candidates or learners attempt tests.

Oracle Order Management Integration Profile Options

The profiles in this section apply only to classes and enrollments originating in Order Management. Setting a value for OTA: OM Default Class Owner, for instance, does not set the default owner for classes originating in OLM, self-service Training, or OLM.

Oracle Order Management Integration Profile Options
Profile Configurable Level Values (default value in boldface) Value Required?
OTA: OM Default Enrollment Cancelled Status All <enrollment status based on Cancelled> No
OTA: OM Default Class Owner Responsibility <employee from lookup> No
OTA: OM Default Class Training Center Responsibility, User <training center from lookup> No
OTA: OM Default Class System Status Responsibility Normal, Planned, Full, Closed, Cancelled No
OTA: OM Default Class User Status Responsibility <status from lookup> No
OTA: Default Return Reason Code for RMA Application, Responsibility <Credit Memo Reason (CREDIT_MEMO_REASON) lookup> Yes
OTA: OM Restrict Enrollment by Country Responsibility Yes, No, <null> No
OTA: OM Waitlist Priority Site <user-specified value from lookup> No

OTA: OM Default Enrollment Cancelled Status

Establishes a default value for the Cancelled enrollment status. Use this profile to use an enrollment status you have created in place of the standard Cancelled status.

OTA: OM Default Class Owner

Sets a default class owner. Enter a person to receive workflow notifications automatically if no other approver is set.

OTA: OM Default Class Training Center

Sets a default training center for each class created in OM.

OTA: OM Default Class System Status

Establishes a default class system status: Normal, Planned, Full, Closed, or Cancelled.

OTA: OM Default Class User Status

Establishes a default value for the user class status, taken from the values for the lookup type EVENT_USER_STATUS.

Note: Do not confuse this status with the class system status.

OTA: Default Return Reason Code for RMA

Sets the default value for the cancel enrollment reason. OLM uses this default value when learning administrators cancel classes that have orders with generated invoices. Set this profile option so that Return Material Authorization (RMA) can be created without any errors for orders with advance invoice enrollments.

OTA: OM Restrict Enrollment by Country

Restricts enrollments to only those learners whose Operating Unit's country matches the country where the class takes place. You enforce this restriction by setting the profile value to Yes. Note that this restriction largely defeats the purpose of globalization: learners in Colmar, France, for instance, could not take classes in Basel, Switzerland or Freiburg, Germany, all within an hour's drive of one another.

OTA: OM Waitlist Priority

Sets the default OM waitlist priority value taken from the user-defined values for the lookup type PRIORITY_LEVEL.

Self-Service Learning Profile Options

As with OM, the profiles in this section apply only to self-service Learning (enrollments originating in the Learner or Manager interfaces). Setting a value for OLM: Automatic Transfer to GL, for instance, does not automatically transfer headers created in the OLM Finance Headers window.

Profile Configurable Level Values (default value in boldface) Value Required?
OLM: Automatic Creation of Finance Headers and Lines Site Yes, No Yes
OLM: Automatic Transfer to GL Responsibility, Site Yes, No Yes
OLM: Minimum Hours to Cancel for Free Site <numeric value>, 0 Yes
OLM: Read-only Enrollment Message User <Message text>, <null> No

OLM: Automatic Creation of Finance Headers and Lines

Indicates whether you are activating the automatic creation of finance headers and lines. Select Yes if you are running Oracle General Ledger.

OLM: Automatic Transfer to GL

Indicates whether the application transfers automatically created finance headers to Oracle General Ledger. If you select Yes, the application automatically sets the transfer status to Awaiting Transfer (AT). If you select No, for each header and line you must manually set the transfer status to Awaiting Transfer.

OLM: Minimum Hours to Cancel for Free

Specifies, in number of hours prior to a class, when a learner can no longer cancel an enrollment without being charged. You must manually control any enrollments for the period specified. Enter a numeric value (0, 1, 2,...n).

OLM: Read-only Enrollment Message

Sets a user's access to read-only and specifies the message sent when the user attempts to change any enrollment details.

Warning: Placing any value in the field automatically sets the user's access to read-only.

Competency Profile Options

Profile Configurable Level Values (default value in boldface) Value Required?
OTA: Allow Competency Update with Renewal Period Site, Application, Responsiblity Yes, No No

OTA:Allow Competency update with renewal period

Set the profile option value to Yes, to enable OLM to calculate the end date of the competencies using the values defined in the Renewal Period and Units fields for competencies in Oracle HRMS. OLM passes the competence information along with start, end dates, competence levels, and person_id details to the HR_COMPETENCE_ELEMENT_API. This API updates the Competence tables and the end date is displayed on the learner's competence profile. You can set the profile option at the Site, Application, Responsibility, and User levels.

Publicly Callable Business Process APIs in OLM

Application Programmatic Interfaces (APIs) are a logical grouping of all external process routines. The OLM API strategy delivers a set of PL/SQL packages procedures and functions that provide an open interface to the database.

Oracle® Integration Repository, an integral part of Oracle E-Business Suite, is a compilation of information about the numerous interface endpoints exposed by Oracle applications. The full list of public APIs and the purpose of each API is available in the integration repository. See: Oracle Integration Repository Overview, Oracle Integration Repository User Guide

For information on how to access and use Oracle Integration Repository, see: Accessing Oracle Integration Repository, Oracle Integration Repository User Guide

For information on how to call APIs, see the technical essay APIs in Oracle HRMS, Oracle HRMS Implementation Guide

Workflow Notifications

Workflow notifications are messages that communicate information to learners and managers. Notifications can be delivered to users through e-mail or the web.

See the Oracle Workflow User Guide.

OLM offers various categories of notifications, detailed in tables below:

Note: Some of the messages associated with the following notifications have their own OTA_NTF_EMBEDDED_REGION attribute. The OTA_NTF_EMBEDDED_REGION attribute in each of the messages has a constant value assigned to the attribute in the OTA workflow file. These attribute values are not modified anywhere else in the code.

Competency Update Notifications

When learners gain a competency, the application sends the following notifications:

Notifies Learner of Competency Update

Short Description Notify learner that automatic update has occurred.
Sent To Learner
Process Name Competency Update (OTA_COMPETENCE_UPDATE_JSP_PRC)
Message Name Notify Learner of Competency Update
Subject Competency Profile Has Been Updated
Body Text Your completion of the Course &COURSE_TITLE has automatically updated your personal competency profile with the following competencies.
No action is required.

Notifies Manager of Competency Update

Short Description Notify manager that automatic update has occurred.
Sent To Manager
Process Name Competency Update (OTA_COMPETENCE_UPDATE_JSP_PRC)
Message Name Notify Manager of Competency Update
Subject Competency Profile of &EMPLOYEENAME has been updated
Body Text &EMPLOYEENAME has completed the Course &COURSE_TITLE, automatically updating the personal competency profile with the following compencies.
No action is required.

Competency Update Requiring Manager Approval

Short Description Notify approver to approver
Sent To Approver
Process Name  
Message Name Notify Approver Competency Requires Approval
Internal Name  
Subject Competency Update for &EMPLOYEENAME Requires Your Approval
Body Text &EMPLOYEENAME has completed the Course &COURSE_TITLE, which is designed for the learner to attain the competencies listed below. You may approve these competencies, updating &EMPLOYEENAME personal competency profile, or you may reject these competencies, leaving &EMPLOYEENAME personal competency profile unchanged. Click Update Action to delegate or change levels for individual competencies.
No action is required.

Notifies Learner of Competency Approval

Short Description Notify learner of competency approval
Sent To Learner
Process Name Competency Update
Message Name Notify Learner of Competency Approval
Subject Competency Profile of &EMPLOYEENAME Approved by &Approver
Body Text Following your completion of the Course &COURSE_TITLE, &APPROVER has added the competencies to your personal competency profile.

Notifies Learner of Competency Rejection

Short Description Notify learner of competency rejection
Sent To Learner
Process Name Competency Update
Message Name Notify Learner of Competency Rejection
Subject Competency Profile of &EMPLOYEENAME Rejected by &Approver
Body Text &APPROVER has rejected an update to your personal competency profile, following your completion of the Course &COURSE_TITLE. Competencies have not been added to your personal competency profile.
Your personal competency profile has not changed.
No action is required.

Notifies Learner of Manual Competency Update

Short Description Notify learner comps should be granted, but nothing has happened in system (need to manually update)
Sent To Learner
Process Name Competency Update
Message Name Notify Learner of Manual Competency Update
Subject Your Competency Profile Eligible for Update
Body Text After completing the Course &COURSE_TITLE, you are eligible to add the following competencies to your personal competency profile.
To add the competencies to your profile, you must manually update your profile. Unless you or your manager perform this update, your personal competency profile will not change.

Notifies Manager of Manual Competency Update

Short Description Notify manager comps should be granted, but nothing has happened in system (need to manually update)
Sent To Manager
Process Name Competency Update
Message Name Notify Manager of Manual Competency Update
Subject Competency Profile of &EMPLOYEENAME Eligible for Update
Body Text &EMPLOYEENAME has completed the Course &COURSE_TITLE. You can now update their personal competency profile with the following competencies:
To add the competencies to your profile, you must manually update your profile. Unless you or the employee perform this update, their personal competency profile will not change.

Class Enrollment Notifications

When a learner's request to enroll in a class is approved or disapproved, the application sends the following notifications.

Notifies Class Owner CC Transfer To Not Found

Short Description Notify class owner cc transfer to not found
Sent To Class Owner's Email ID
Process Name Enroll in Learning
Message Name Notify Class Owner CC Transfer To Not Found
Subject Cross Charge 'Transfer To' value not found
Body Text The 'Transfer To' value (the receiving cost center) cannot be found for the enrollment record shown below:
Class Name: &CLASS_TITLE
Enrollment Number: &BOOKING_ID
Please manually create the Finance Header and Line, as these cannot be automatically created.

Notifies Class Owner CC Transfer From Not Found

Short Description Notify class owner cc transfer from not found
Sent To Class Owner Email ID
Process Name Enroll in Learning
Message Name Notify Class Owner CC Transfer From Not Found
Subject Cross Charge 'Transfer From' value not found
Body Text The 'Transfer From' value (the paying cost center) cannot be found for the enrollment record shown below:
Class Name: &CLASS_TITLE
Enrollment Number: &BOOKING_ID
Please manually create the Finance Header and Line, as these cannot be automatically created.

Notifies about the Learner Enrollment Request Status (online sync dm)

Short Description Notify learner enrollment request status (online sync dm)
Sent To Creator's Username
Process Name Enroll in Learning
Message Name Notify Enrollment Status to Enrollee (online sync dm)
Subject &PROCESS_DISPLAY_NAME is approved
&FORWARD_TO_DISPLAY_NAME has approved your enrollment in the class &OTA_CLASS_TITLE (Course name &OTA_COURSE_VERSION_NAME) beginning on &OTA_COURSE_START_DATE.
Your enrollment status is: &ENROLL_IN_A_CLASS_STATUS.
This is your enrollment confirmation for the class below. Please keep a copy of this information for your reference.
Enrollment Number: &BOOKING_ID

Notifies about the Learner Enrollment Request Status (offline dm)

Short Description Notify learner enrollment request status (offline dm)
Sent To Creator''s Username
Process Name Enroll in Learning
Message Name Notify Enrollment Status to Enrollee (offline dm)
Subject &PROCESS_DISPLAY_NAME is approved
&FORWARD_TO_DISPLAY_NAME has approved your enrollment in the class &OTA_CLASS_TITLE (Course name &OTA_COURSE_VERSION_NAME) beginning on &OTA_COURSE_START_DATE.
Your enrollment status is: &ENROLL_IN_A_CLASS_STATUS.
This is your enrollment confirmation for the class below. Please keep a copy of this information for your reference.
Enrollment Number: &BOOKING_ID

Notifies about the Learner Enrollment Request Status (online async dm)

Short Description Notify learner enrollment request status (online async dm)
Sent To Creator's Username
Process Name Enroll in Learning
Message Name Notify Enrollment Status to Enrollee (online async dm)
Subject &PROCESS_DISPLAY_NAME is approved
&FORWARD_TO_DISPLAY_NAME has approved your enrollment in the class &OTA_CLASS_TITLE (Course name &OTA_COURSE_VERSION_NAME) beginning on &OTA_COURSE_START_DATE.
Your enrollment status is: &ENROLL_IN_A_CLASS_STATUS.
This is your enrollment confirmation for the class below. Please keep a copy of this information for your reference.
Enrollment Number: &BOOKING_ID
Expiration Date: &OTA_COURSE_END_DATE

Notifies about the change in the Learner Enrollment Status

Short Description Notify learner of the change in enrollment status from Waitlisted to Placed
Sent To Learner
Process Name Learner Enrollment Status Change
Message Name Inform Learner of Enrollment Status Change
Subject Your enrollment to the class &EVENT_TITLE is confirmed
Body Text Your seat in the class &EVENT_TITLE is now confirmed. You have been removed from the waiting List.
Course Name: &COURSE_NAME
Language: &LANGUAGE
Start Date: &TARGET_DATE
Timezone: &TIMEZONE
Enrollment Number: &BOOKING_ID
Cost: &COST
Location: &LP_NAME

Inform waitlisted learner about the class beginning

Short Description Notify waitlisted learner that enrollment was unsuccessful and that the class has begun
Sent To Learner
Process Name Learner Enrollment Status Change
Message Name Inform Waitlisted Learner of Class Beginning
Subject Class &EVENT_TITLE has begun
Body Text Your enrollment in the class &EVENT_TITLE was unsuccessful, as the class has already begun without a place becoming available. Any payment you have made would be refunded.
Course Name: &COURSE_NAME
Language: &LANGUAGE
Start Date: &TARGET_DATE
Timezone: &TIMEZONE
Enrollment Number: &BOOKING_ID
Cost: &COST
Location: &LP_NAME

Notifies successful learner enrollment (online sync dm) where no approval required

Short Description Notify learner of successful enrollment in an online synchronous class that does not require approval for enrollment
Sent To Learner
Process Name Enroll in Learning
Message Name Notify Learner Enrollment (online sync dm) Approval OFF
Subject You have successfully enrolled in the class &OTA_EVENT_TITLE
Body Text You have successfully enrolled in the class &OTA_EVENT_TITLE (course name &OTA_ACTIVITY_VERSION_NAME) beginning on &OTA_COURSE_START_DATE.
Your enrollment status is: &ENROLL_IN_A_CLASS_STATUS.
This is your enrollment confirmation for the class below. Please keep a copy of this information for your reference.
Enrollment Number: &BOOKING_ID
Timezone: &STATE_LIST

Notifies successful learner enrollment (online async dm) where no approval required

Short Description Notify learner of successful enrollment in an online asynchronous class that does not require approval for enrollment
Sent To Learner
Process Name Enroll in Learning
Message Name Notify Learner Enrollment (online async dm) Approval OFF
Subject You have successfully enrolled in the class &OTA_EVENT_TITLE
Body Text You have successfully enrolled in the class &OTA_EVENT_TITLE (course name &OTA_ACTIVITY_VERSION_NAME) beginning on &OTA_COURSE_START_DATE.
Your enrollment status is: &ENROLL_IN_A_CLASS_STATUS.
This is your enrollment confirmation for the class below. Please keep a copy of this information for your reference.
Enrollment Number: &BOOKING_ID
Expiration Date: &OTA_COURSE_END_DATE

Notifies successful learner enrollment (offline dm) where no approval required

Short Description Notify learner of successful enrollment in an offline class that does not require approval for enrollment
Sent To Learner
Process Name Enroll in Learning
Message Name Notify Learner Enrollment (offline dm) Approval OFF
Subject You have successfully enrolled in the class &OTA_EVENT_TITLE
Body Text You have successfully enrolled in the class &OTA_EVENT_TITLE (course name &OTA_ACTIVITY_VERSION_NAME) beginning on &OTA_COURSE_START_DATE.
Your enrollment status is: &ENROLL_IN_A_CLASS_STATUS.
This is your enrollment confirmation for the class below. Please keep a copy of this information for your reference.
Enrollment Number: &BOOKING_ID
Timezone: &STATE_LIST

Notifies learner of enrollment cancellation

Short Description Notify learner of successful enrollment cancellation
Sent To Learner
Process Name Cancel Learning Enrollment
Message Name Notify Learner of Enrollment Cancellation
Subject Your enrollment in the class &EVENT_TITLE is cancelled
Body Text &APPROVAL_CREATOR_DISPLAY_NAME has cancelled your enrollment in the class &EVENT_TITLE (course name &OTA_ACTIVITY_VERSION_NAME) beginning on &OTA_ COURSE_START_DATE.

Notifies about bulk enrollment completion

Short Description Notify user who runs a concurrent request for bulk enrollment that it has been completed
Sent To Requestor
Message Name Bulk Enrollment Completion Notification Message
Subject Your Bulk Enrollment has completed
Body Text Your concurrent request, &CONC_REQUEST_ID, for bulk enrollment into the &OBJECT_TYPE &OBJECT_NAME has completed.
Total Enrollments Requested: &TOTAL_NUMBER
Successful enrollments: &SUCCESS_NUMBER
Unsuccessful enrollments: &ERROR_NUMBER
See the concurrent program log file to view enrollment details.

Mandatory Enrollment Notifications

When the Process Mandatory Enrollments program completes, the application sends the following notification:

Short Description Mandatory enrollments created.
Sent To Class owner
Process Name Bulk Mandatory Enrollment Notification and Cleanup
Message Name Bulk Mandatory Enrollment Request Completion Notification
Subject Mandatory enrollments created.
Body Text The Process Mandatory Enrollments program has completed successfully.
Concurrent Request Id
Class Name
Successful Enrollments
Unsuccessful Enrollments
See the concurrent program log file to view enrollment details.

Evaluation Notifications

The application sends the following notifications when learners complete courses (online and offline), and if there is any mandatory evaluation to complete.

Short Description Course Evaluation Online Class Attended
Sent To Learner
Message Name Notify Online Course Evaluation Attended
Subject Evaluation for the class &CLASS_NAME is ready to be filled out.
Body Text You have completed the class &CLASS_NAME. To complete an evaluation for this class you can go to your Learner Home Page "Enrollments" section and click the icon in the "Evaluation" column.
Short Description Course Evaluation Pending
Sent To Learner
Message Name Course Evaluation Pending
Subject Mandatory evaluation for the class &CLASS_NAMEis ready to be filled out.
Body Text You have completed the class &CLASS_NAME. The class has a mandatory evaluation you must complete before your completion is recorded. Please go to your Learner Home Page "Enrollments" section to complete the evaluation.
Short Description Notify Online Course Evaluation Attended
Sent To Learner
Message Name Course Evaluation Offline Class Attended
Subject Evaluation for the class &CLASS_NAME is ready to be filled out.
Body Text You have finished the class &CLASS_NAME. If you want to fill out an evaluation for the class you can go to your Learning History Page "Enrollments" section and click the icon in the "Evaluation" column to start the evaluation.

Class Cancellation Notifications

When a learner's enrollment in a class is cancelled, the application sends the following notifications

Notifies Learner of Enrollment Cancellation

Short Description Notify learner of enrollment cancellation
Sent To Current person's Username
Process Name Cancel Learning Enrollment
Message Name Notify Learners of Enrollment Cancellation
Subject Your enrollment in the class &CLASS_TITLE is cancelled
&APPROVER_CREATOR_ DISPLAY_NAME has cancelled your enrollment in the class &CLASS_TITLE (course name &OTA_COURSE_VERSION_NAME) beginning on &OTA_COURSE_START_DATE.

Notifies Learner of Class Cancellation

Short Description Notify learner of class cancellation
Sent To Learner
Process Name Class Cancellation
Message Name Inform Learner of Class Cancellation
Subject Class &EVENT_TITLE is cancelled
Body Text The class &EVENT_TITLE has been cancelled. Your enrollment in the class has also been cancelled.
Course Name: &COURSE_NAME
Language: &LANGUAGE
Start Date: &TARGET_DATE
Timezone: &TIMEZONE
Enrollment Number: &BOOKING_ID
Cost: &COST
Location: &LP_NAME

Notifies Instructor of Class Cancellation

Short Description Notify instructor of class cancellation
Sent To Instructor
Process Name Notify Instructor
Message Name Notify Instructor of Class Cancellation
Subject &SECTION_NAME &EVENT_TITLE has been cancelled
Body Text A &SECTION_NAME &EVENT_TITLE you were scheduled to teach has been cancelled.
Course Name: &COURSE_NAME
Language: &LANGUAGE
Start Date: &TARGET_DATE
Timezone: &TIMEZONE
Booking Status: &LP_ENROLEE
Location: &LP_NAME

Notifies Instructor of Class Location Change

Short Description Notify instructor of change in class location
Sent To Instructor
Process Name Notify Instructor
Message Name Notify Instructor of Location change
Subject &SECTION_NAME &EVENT_TITLE has been relocated
Body Text A &SECTION_NAME &EVENT_TITLE you were scheduled to teach has been relocated.
Course Name: &COURSE_NAME
Language: &LANGUAGE
Start Date: &TARGET_DATE
Timezone: &TIMEZONE
Booking Status: &LP_ENROLEE
Location: &LP_NAME

Notifies Instructor of Class Rescheduling

Short Description Notify instructor of change in class schedule
Sent To Instructor
Process Name Notify Instructor
Message Name Notify Instructor of Class Rescheduling
Subject &SECTION_NAME &EVENT_TITLE has been rescheduled
Body Text A &SECTION_NAME &EVENT_TITLE you were scheduled to teach has been rescheduled
Course Name: &COURSE_NAME
Language: &LANGUAGE
Start Date: &TARGET_DATE
Timezone: &TIMEZONE
Booking Status: &LP_ENROLEE
Location: &LP_NAME

Notifies Manager of Cancellation of Enrollment

Short Description Notify Manager of cancellation of enrollment
Sent To Current person's Username, Manager's Username
Process Name Cancel Learning Enrollment
Message Name Notify Learners of Cancellation of Enrollment
Subject &APPROVAL_CREATOR_DISPLAY_NAME has cancelled an enrollment in &CLASS_TITLE
Body Text &APPROVER_CREATOR_ DISPLAY_NAME has cancelled your enrollment in the class &OTA_CLASS_TITLE (course name &OTA_COURSE_VERSION_NAME) beginning on &OTA_COURSE_START_DATE.

External Learning Notifications

When an external learning record of a learner is added, deleted, updated, or corrected, the application sends the following notifications:

Notifies Enrollee of External Learning Delete

Short Description Notify enrollee of external learning delete
Sent To Current person's Username
Process Name External Learning
Message Name Notify External Learning Deleted
Subject &PROCESS_DISPLAY_NAME record has been deleted
The record of your attendance in the class &OTA_CLASS_TITLE has been deleted. If this is an error, you must re-enter the record as external learning. You do not have to take any further action.

Notifies Enrollee of External Learning Create

Short Description Notify enrollee of external learning create
Sent To Current person's Username
Process Name External Learning
Message Name Notify External Learning Created
Subject &PROCESS_DISPLAY_NAME record has been created
Your attendance in the external class &OTA_CLASS_TITLE ending on &OTA_COURSE_END_DATE has been recorded.

Notifies Enrollee of External Learning Update

Short Description Notify enrollee of external learning update
Sent To Current person's Username
Process Name External Learning
Message Name Notify External Learning Updated
Subject &PROCESS_DISPLAY_NAME record has been updated
The record of your attendance in the external class &OTA_CLASS_TITLE ending on &OTA_COURSE_END_DATE has been updated.

Learning Path Completion Notifications

When a learning path is completed or is scheduled for completion, the application sends the following notifications:

Notifies Learner of Learning Path Complete

Short Description Notify learner of learning path complete
Sent To Learner
Process Name Learning Path Notifications (OTA_LRNG_PATH_NOTIFY_PRC)
Message Name Successful Completion of Learning Path
Subject Learning Path successfully completed
Body Text Dear &LP_ENROLLEE:
You have successfully completed the Learning Path &LP_NAME. You can view this learning path in your Learner History.
Completion Date: &COMPLETION_DATE
This notification requires no action.

Notifies Manager and/or Creator of Learning Path Complete

Short Description Notify manager and/or creator of learning path complete
Sent To Manager and/or Creator
Process Name Learning Path Notifications (OTA_LRNG_PATH_NOTIFY_PRC)
Message Name Notify Manager of Learning Path Completion
Subject Learning Path successfully completed
Body Text Dear &LP_CREATOR_NAME:
&LP_ENROLLEE successfully completed the Learning Path &LP_NAME on &COMPLETION_DATE.
This notification requires no action.

Notifies Learner of Completion Target for Self-Subscribed Learning Path

Short Description Notify learner of completion target for self-subscribed learning path
Sent To Learner
Process Name Learning Path Notifications (OTA_LRNG_PATH_NOTIFY_PRC)
Message Name Reminder for Learner Subscribed Learning Path
Subject Learning Path needs completion
Body Text Dear &LP_ENROLLEE,
You are scheduled to complete the Learning Path &LP_NAME in &NOTIFY_DAYS_BEFORE_TARGET days, by &TARGET_DATE.

Notifies Learner of Completion Target for Manager-Subscribed Learning Path

Short Description Notify learner of completion target for manager-subscribed learning path
Sent To Learner
Process Name Learning Path Notifications (OTA_LRNG_PATH_NOTIFY_PRC)
Message Name Reminder for Manager Subscribed Learning Path
Subject Learning Path needs completion
Body Text Dear &LP_ENROLLEE,
&LP_CREATOR_NAME has scheduled you to complete the Learning Path &LP_NAME in &NOTIFY_DAYS_BEFORE_TARGET days, by &TARGET_DATE.

Notifies Learner of Completion Target for Self-Subscribed Learning Path Component

Short Description Notify learner of completion target for self-subscribed learning path component
Sent To Learner
Process Name Learning Path Notifications (OTA_LRNG_PATH_NOTIFY_PRC)
Message Name Reminder for Learner Subscribed Learning Path Component
Subject Learning Path course needs completion
Body Text Dear &LP_ENROLLEE,
You have scheduled yourself to complete the course &COURSE_NAME in &NOTIFY_DAYS_BEFORE_TARGET days, by &TARGET_DATE.
Learning Path: &LP_NAME
Learning Path Section: &SECTION_NAME

Notifies Learner of Completion Target for Manager-Subscribed Learning Path Component

Short Description Notify learner of completion target for manager-subscribed learning path component
Sent To Learner
Process Name Learning Path Notifications (OTA_LRNG_PATH_NOTIFY_PRC)
Message Name Reminder for Manager Subscribed Learning Path Component
Subject Learning Path course needs completion
Body Text Dear &LP_ENROLLEE,
&LP_CREATOR_NAME has scheduled you to complete the course &COURSE_NAME in &NOTIFY_DAYS_BEFORE_TARGET days, by &TARGET_DATE.
Learning Path: &LP_NAME
Learning Path Section: &SECTION_NAME

Notifies Learner of Completion Target for Self-Created Learning Path Component

Short Description Notify learner of completion target for self-created learning path component
Sent To Learner
Process Name Learning Path Notifications (OTA_LRNG_PATH_NOTIFY_PRC)
Message Name Reminder for Learner Created Learning Path Component
Subject Learning Path course needs completion
Body Text Dear &LP_ENROLLEE,
You have scheduled yourself to complete the course &COURSE_NAME in &NOTIFY_DAYS_BEFORE_TARGET days, by &TARGET_DATE.
Learning Path: &LP_NAME

Notifies Learner of Completion Target for Manager-Created Learning Path Component

Short Description Notify learner of completion target for manager-created learning path component
Sent To Learner
Process Name Learning Path Notifications (OTA_LRNG_PATH_NOTIFY_PRC)
Message Name Reminder for Manager Created Learning Path Component
Subject Learning Path course needs completion
Body Text Dear &LP_ENROLLEE,
&LP_CREATOR_NAME has scheduled you to complete the course &COURSE_NAME in &NOTIFY_DAYS_BEFORE_TARGET days, by &TARGET_DATE.
Learning Path: &LP_NAME

Notifies Learner of Learning Path Subscription

Short Description Notify learner of successful subscription to learning path
Sent To Learner
Process Name Learning Path (OTA_LP_JSP_PRC)
Message Name Inform learner of Learning Path subscription
Subject Successfully subscribed to Learning Path &OTA_ACTIVITY_VERSION_NAME
Body Text &CREATOR_PERSON_DISPLAY_NAME have successfully subscribed you to the Learning Path &OTA_ACTIVITY_VERSION_NAME starting on &OTA_COURSE_START_DATE

Notifies Learner of Unsubscription from Learning Path

Short Description Notify learner of unsubscription from learning path
Sent To Learner
Process Name Learning Path (OTA_LP_JSP_PRC)
Message Name Inform learner of Learning Path unsubscription
Subject Successfully unsubscribed from Learning Path &OTA_ACTIVITY_VERSION_NAME
Body Text &CREATOR_PERSON_DISPLAY_NAME have successfully unsubscribed you from the Learning Path &OTA_ACTIVITY_VERSION_NAME starting on &OTA_COURSE_START_DATE

Instructor Notifications

When an instructor booking for a class is planned, confirmed, or cancelled, or when a class is cancelled or relocated, the application sends the following notifications:

Notifies Instructor of Booking for Class

Short Description Notify instructor of booking for class
Sent To Instructor
Process Name Notify Instructor
Message Name Booking an instructor
Subject You have been booked for &SECTION_NAME &EVENT_TITLE
Body Text &LP_CREATOR_NAME has booked you to teach the &SECTION_NAME &EVENT_TITLE detailed below:
Course Name: &COURSE_NAME
Language: &LANGUAGE
Start Date: &TARGET_DATE
Timezone: &TIMEZONE
Booking Status: &LP_ENROLEE
Location: &LP_NAME

Notifies Instructor of Booking Confirmation

Short Description Notify instructor of booking confirmation
Sent To Instructor
Process Name Notify Instructor
Message Name Confirm Instructor Booking
Subject Your booking to &SECTION_NAME &EVENT_TITLE has been confirmed
Body Text Your booking to the &SECTION_NAME &EVENT_TITLE detailed below has been confirmed.
Course Name: &COURSE_NAME
Language: &LANGUAGE
Start Date: &TARGET_DATE
Timezone: &TIMEZONE
Booking Status: &LP_ENROLEE
Location: &LP_NAME

Notifies Instructor of Booking Cancellation

Short Description Notify instructor of booking cancellation
Sent To Instructor and Learner
Process Name Notify Instructor
Message Name Cancel Instructor Booking
Subject Your booking to &SECTION_NAME &EVENT_TITLE has been cancelled
Body Text &LP_CREATOR_NAME has cancelled your booking to teach the &SECTION_NAME &EVENT_TITLE detailed below:
Course Name: &COURSE_NAME
Language: &LANGUAGE
Start Date: &TARGET_DATE
Timezone: &TIMEZONE
Booking Status: &LP_ENROLEE
Location: &LP_NAME

Reminds Instructor of Booking for Class

Short Description Remind instructor of booking
Sent To Instructor
Process Name Notify Instructor
Message Name Remind Instructor of Booking
Subject Teaching Reminder
Body Text You are scheduled to teach the &SECTION_NAME &EVENT_TITLE detailed below:
Course Name: &COURSE_NAME
Language: &LANGUAGE
Start Date: &TARGET_DATE
Timezone: &TIMEZONE
Booking Status: &LP_ENROLEE
Location: &LP_NAME
This is just a reminder notification.

Notifies Instructor of Class Location Change

Short Description Notify instructor of change in class location
Sent To Instructor
Process Name Notify Instructor
Message Name Notify Instructor of Location change
Subject &SECTION_NAME &EVENT_TITLE has been relocated
Body Text A &SECTION_NAME &EVENT_TITLE you were scheduled to teach has been relocated.
Course Name: &COURSE_NAME
Language: &LANGUAGE
Start Date: &TARGET_DATE
Timezone: &TIMEZONE
Booking Status: &LP_ENROLEE
Location: &LP_NAME

Learning Certification Notifications

When a learner subscribes to or unsubscribes from a certification, or when a certification is due for completion, the application sends the following notifications:

Notifies Learner of Certification Coming Due

Short Description Notify learner of certification coming due
Sent To Learner
Process Name Certification Notifications
Message Name Certification Reminder
Subject Certification needs completion

Notifies Learner of Certification Completion

Short Description Notify learner of certification completion
Sent To Learner
Process Name Certification Notifications
Message Name Certification Completion
Subject Certification is completed

Notifies Learner of Certification Renewal

Short Description Notify learner of certification renewal
Sent To Learner
Process Name Certification Notifications
Message Name Certification Renewal
Subject Certification is available for renewal

Notifies Learner of Certification Cancellation

Short Description Notify learner of certification cancellation
Sent To Learner
Process Name Certification Notifications
Message Name Certification Cancellation
Subject Certification &OTA_CERTIFICATION_NAME is becoming obsolete
Body Text The certification &OTA_CERTIFICATION_NAME will become obsolete on OTA_END_TIME.

Notifies Learner of Subscription to a Certification

Short Description Notify learner of subscription to a certification
Sent To Learner
Process Name Certification Notifications
Message Name Notify Learner of enrollment in a certification
Subject Enrollment in certification &OTA_ACTIVITY_VERSION_NAME is confirmed
Body Text Your enrollment into the certification &OTA_ACTIVITY_VERSION_NAME &TEXT &OBJECT_DATE has been confirmed. The certification contains the following components :

Notifies Learner of Unenrollment (Unsubscription) from a Certification

Short Description Notify learner of unenrollment from a certification
Sent To Learner
Process Name Certification Notifications
Message Name Certification Unenrollment
Subject You have successfully unenrolled from &OTA_CERTIFICATION_NAME
Body Text Your enrollment in certification &CERTIFICATION_NAME starting on &CERT_PRD_START_DATE has been cancelled. The certification components are: (A table showing the certification components is displayed)

Notifies Learner of Certification Expiry

Short Description Notify learner of a certification getting expired
Sent To Learner
Process Name Certification Notifications
Message Name Certification Expiration
Subject Your certification has expired

Other Notifications

Notifies Learner of Forum Message

Short Description Notify learner of new message posted to forum
Sent To Learner
Process Name Forum Messages Notification
Message Name Notify Learner of Forum message
Subject New message posted to forum : &COURSE_NAME
Body Text Forum: &COURSE_NAME
Please do not respond to this email.

Notifies Manager of Learner Test Results

Short Description Notify learner of new message posted to forum
Sent To Manager
Process Name Assessment Submission
Message Name Inform Manager of Learner Test Results
Subject &CURRENT_PERSON_DISPLAY_NAME has submitted the test &EVENT_TITLE
Body Text &CURRENT_PERSON_DISPLAY_NAME has completed the following test
Time Spent : &OTA_START_TIME

Notifies Learner of Test Results

Short Description Notify learner of test results
Sent To Learner
Process Name Assessment Submission
Message Name Inform Learner of Test Results
Subject &EVENT_TITLE successfully submitted
Body Text Your test has been successfully submitted.
Time Spent : &OTA_START_TIME

Enrollment Status Security

Set up enrollment status security to prevent users with specific responsibilities from entering, updating, or deleting enrollments of a certain status. For example, your enterprise can allow all users to request enrollments, but allow only the course administrator to place an enrollment.

Once you set up enrollment status security, users with a specific responsibility cannot enter, update, nor delete enrollments of the statuses you specify.

Order Management and OLM

Using OLM with Order Management

The linkage of OLM (formerly Oracle Training Administration) with Oracle Order Management (OM) enables independent training vendors to manage the ordering and pricing of classes through a standard interface. Your customers can contact your organization's call center and order a class or enroll a learner just as they would order a chair or a software package. OM then generates invoices and bills the customers through its interface with Oracle Accounts Receivable.

Note: In some cases, the OM interface uses Oracle Training Administration terminology: "event" or "EVT" for "class", "activity" for "course", and "OTA" for "OLM".

Before you can order classes and enrollments, you must add units of measure, place items in inventory, set up price lists, and link courses to inventory. Then you can add classes and enrollments, and change the maximum number of attendees for a class.

Setting Up Order Management for OLM

For OM to recognize OLM courses, you must set up an OLM-specific Unit-of-Measure Class and two Units of Measure (UOMs). To transfer financial information to Accounts Receivable, you must set up OLM-specific transaction types. To enable direct access from the OLM Enrollment Details window to the OM Sales Order window, you must add two form functions to the OLM menu of the responsibility to which you wish to grant access.

To add the Units Of Measure:

  1. From the OM responsibility, navigate to the UOM Classes window under Setup.

  2. Create a new UOM class called "Training". Enter a description.

  3. Enter a Base Unit of "Enrollment" and a UOM of "ENR". Save your work.

    Note: Do not use other names for the UOMs.

  4. Click the Units of Measure button. In the UOM window, go to the second line and create a new item with the name of "Class" and a UOM of "EVT". Make sure that the Base Unit check box remains set to Enrollment. Save your work.

  5. Return to the UOM Classes window and click the Conversions button. Set the first line to Unit "Enrollment" and a Conversion of 1. Set the second line to Unit "Class" and a Conversion of 1. Save your work.

See Defining UOM Classes, Oracle Inventory User Guide and Defining UOMs, Oracle Inventory User Guide.

To set up OLM-specific transaction types:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Transaction Types > Define.

  2. Set up 3 transaction types:

    • Type: Invoice in Advance; Type Code: Line; Order Category: Order; in the Finance tab, set the Invoicing Rule to Advance and Accounting Rule to Immediate

    • Type: Invoice Upon Attendance; Type Code: Line; Order Category: Order; in the Finance tab, set the Invoicing Rule to Arrears and Accounting Rule to Immediate

    • Type: RMA; Type Code: Line; Order Category: Return; in the Finance tab, set the Invoicing Rule to Arrears (or Advance, depending on your policy) and Accounting Rule to Immediate

  3. Query the transaction type that includes the Order Category of Order and the Fulfillment Flow of Order Flow-Generic. Click on Assign Line Flows.

  4. In the Line Workflow Assignments window, select the Order Type you just queried. You must create two new rows.

  5. Create a new row with Line Type: Invoice in Advance; Item Type: Standard item; Process Name: Line Flow - OTA Item; and Start Date as early as possible.

  6. Create another new row with Line Type: Invoice in Arrears; Item Type: Standard item; Process Name: Line Flow - OTA Item; and Start Date as early as possible. Click OK.

  7. Query the transaction type that includes the Order Category of Return and the Fulfillment Flow of Order Flow-Generic. Click on Assign Line Flows.

  8. In the Line Workflow Assignments window, select the Order Type you just queried.

  9. Create a new row with Line Type: RMA; Item Type: Standard item; Process Name: Line Flow - OTA Return for Credit Only; and Start Date as early as possible.

  10. Save your work.

To grant OLM users direct access to the Sales Order window:

  1. From the System Administrator responsibility, navigate to the Menus window.

  2. Using the standard procedure for adding items to menus, add two functions to the OLM responsibility to which you want to grant access:

    --Order Organizer, ONT_OEXOEORD_SUMMARY

    --Order Organizer View, ONT_OEXOEORD_VW

    See Defining Menus, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

  3. Save your work.

  4. If you want the Sales Order window under such access to be Read Only, in the Form Functions window you must query the Enrollment Details form OTAEDB, then set the Parameter ORDER_QUERY_ONLY=YES. The default value is NO.

Placing Items in Inventory

Once you have created the Units of Measure, you can enter training as items in Oracle Inventory, which you can access directly through OM.

See Defining Inventory Items, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

To place an activity (course) in inventory:

  1. Under Items, navigate to the Master Items window.

  2. Select your inventory organization from the list of values.

  3. To ensure that your system recognizes the links you create between inventory and OLM, you must set the HR: Security Profile (a System Profile under the System Administrator responsibility) to equal your HR business group in the "Responsibility" column.

  4. Name the item. We suggest that you begin each item name with a fixed prefix, which will group all training items alphabetically on any long list of items.

    Warning: Inventory training item names must contain fewer than 80 characters.

  5. Under the Main tab, select your primary UOM (Enrollment) from the list of values. User Item Type is optional, though you may wish to fill in a value to enhance reporting.

  6. Under the Inventory tab, select two boxes: Inventory item and Reservable.

  7. Under the Order Management tab, select the boxes Customer Ordered and Customer Orders Enabled.

  8. Under the Invoicing tab, select Invoiceable Item and Invoice Enabled, if applicable. Save your work.

As a final step before linking OLM courses with OM, you must set up price lists and formulas.

Creating Price Lists for OLM Classes

Oracle Advanced Pricing requires you to set up price lists and pricing formulas. As a prerequisite, you must set up (or verify) an Oracle Advanced Pricing descriptive flexfield.

Note: Oracle Advanced Pricing offers two options, Advanced and Basic. If you have not licensed the Advanced option, you may not be able to complete all the steps below. You can, however, still set up basic price lists that can drive the OLM-OM integration.

To set up the Pricing Contexts descriptive flexfield:

  1. From the System Administrator responsibility, navigate to Application > Flexfield > Descriptive > Segments.

  2. Query the flexfield Pricing Contexts, and enter a Context Field Value with the code OTA, Name OTA Pricing, and Description OTA Pricing Context. Select the Enabled check box.

  3. Click the Segments button to bring up the Segment Summary window. Enter the Number 10, Name Number of students, Window Prompt Number of students, Column PRICING_ATTRIBUTE1, and Value Set QP: Number. Select the Displayed and Enabled check boxes.

  4. Save your work.

To set up Pricing Formulas for restricted events:

  1. From the Order Management responsibility, navigate to Pricing > Pricing Formulas > Formulas Setup.

  2. Name your formula--for instance, OLM Restricted 5-day Classes. Enter 1 in the Formula field. Save your work.

  3. For Formula Type, select Factor List. The Component depends on the list of values set; you may use Number of Trainees or OLM Restricted 5-Day Classes, for example. In the Step column, type 1.

  4. Click the Factors button. For Base Pricing Attribute Context, select OTA Pricing. For Base Pricing Attribute, select Number of Students. The Operator is Between. Repeat these values for each row you need.

  5. In the Value From, Value To, and Adjustment Factor columns, you configure your price points. For instance, to charge $4,000 for 1 to 8 students and $10,000 for 9 to 20 students, you set up two rows as described in the table:

    Value From Value To Adjustment Factor
    1 8 4,000
    9 20 10,000
  6. Click OK and save your work.

To set up Price Lists:

  1. Navigate to Pricing > Price Lists > Price List Setup.

  2. Create a price list as instructed in the Overview of Price Lists document in the Oracle Pricing User's Guide.

  3. In the List Lines region, enter all the inventory items (courses) you wish to sell. Note that, to sell a course both as a restricted class and as enrollments in a public class, you must create one line for EVT and one for ENR. Note also that EVT items need only a formula, not a price.

  4. Save your work.

For further instructions, see Overview of Price Lists, Oracle Pricing User Guide and Overview of Formulas, Oracle Pricing User Guide

Linking Courses to Order Management

Once you have inventoried and priced training items in OM, you can link them to OLM.

To link an inventoried course to OLM:

  1. Navigate to the Courses window in OLM. Create a new course or query an existing course.

  2. Enter or select your inventory organization from the list of values.

  3. Enter or query an inventory item you have already entered in OM. The course name populates automatically, but you can modify this field so you can link various courses with a single inventory item.

  4. Save your work.

Changing the Maximum Number of Attendees

When you decide to raise or lower the maximum number of attendees for a class initiated in OM, you must alert the system by changing the OLM Pricing Attribute from within OM.

Changing the Maximum Number of Attendees in OM:

  1. In the Line Items tabbed region of the Sales Orders form, query or select the class you wish to change.

  2. Confirm that the Quantity is 1 and the Unit of Measure is EVT.

  3. Click the Actions button and select Promotion/Pricing Attribute from the list of values.

  4. In the Pricing Context field of the Pricing Attribute tabbed region, confirm or select OLM from the list of values.

  5. In the Number of Students field of the Pricing Contexts window, enter the new maximum number of attendees for the class.

    Note: If the Pricing Contexts window does not open automatically, click on the Pricing Attribute descriptive flexfield block just to the right of the Pricing Context field.

  6. Save your work.

Ordering Classes and Enrollments

In OM, to order classes and enrollments, you initially follow the standard OM Sales Order Form procedures, then click Actions, to detail the enrollment or class request.

Note: Cancelling a class (an order line of the type EVT) in OM automatically cancels the class in OLM. However, you must manually cancel any resources already booked.

For step-by-step details on creating orders in OM, see Overview of Sales Orders, Oracle Order Management User Guide

To Order a Public Class Enrollment in OM:

  1. Once you have entered or queried the order number and entered the standard OM ordering information, select a line item and click Actions.

    Note: The enrollee defaults as the customer contact in OLM. If you want the student to show up as a learner in OLM, you must enter the student as the Ship To Contact under the Addresses tab of the order line.

  2. Select Training from the list of values.

  3. If the unit of measure of the selected line is ENR, selecting Training brings up the Class Availability form, which gives you a read-only list of the classes scheduled for the course you have selected. Select the class.

  4. Click the Select Enroll button, which brings up the Enter New Student Enrollment window. Fill out the form and save your work.

To Change a Public Class Enrollment in OM:

  1. Query the existing order line and click Actions.

  2. Select Training from the list of values.

  3. When the Modify Student Enrollment window opens, change the Class Title or make other permitted changes. Save your work.

To Order a Restricted Class in OM:

  1. Once you have entered or queried the order number and entered the standard OM ordering information, select a line item and click Actions.

    Note: Before you can enter a new class in OM, you must be sure that you have entered a value in the Number of Students field of the OTA Pricing Attribute. This number serves as the maximum number of students for the class and automatically creates an equal number of enrollments.

    See Changing Maximum Attendees in Order Management

  2. Select Training from the list of values.

  3. If the unit of measure of the selected line is EVT, selecting Training brings up the Enter New Restricted Class form. Fill out the form and save your work.

    Note: If you specify a class status of Full, the student enrollment status is Placed. If you specify a class status of Normal, the student enrollment status is Requested. See Class and Enrollment Statuses

Ordering a Restricted Class Enrollment in OM

You cannot directly enroll a student in a restricted class from within OM. Ordering a restricted class automatically creates a number of enrollments equal to the Number of Students you set in the OLM Pricing Attribute.

To add enrollments to a restricted class, you must query the enrollments in OLM, then create a new line in the enrollment summary window and fill out the enrollment details form. Note that if you do so without decreasing the number of places specified in the original enrollment, the learners you enroll will be waitlisted.

To specify learner names for the block of enrollments created when you created the event in OM, you must query the enrollments in OLM, then decrease the number of places (to 1, typically) and add each student as a new enrollment.

See Entering an Enrollment

Attendance and Processing

OM interfaces to Accounts Receivable on the date when OLM marks the enrollment as Attended. Therefore, you should not mark attendance before the last day of the class, nor too long after the class has concluded.

Processing service revenue before the service has concluded may violate national or local accounting principles, and marking attendance long after the class may cause revenue to be recognized in a later accounting period.

Restricting Enrollments by Country

The OTA: Restrict Enrollments by Country profile option can restrict enrollments to only those learners whose Operating Unit's country matches the country where the class takes place. To enforce this restriction, set the profile value to Yes. The Operating Unit must also include a location in a specified country.

Note that this restriction largely defeats the purpose of globalization: employees in Colmar, France, for instance, could not take classes in Basel, Switzerland or Freiburg, Germany, all within an hour's drive of one another.

The application determines the class's country by searching for:

Creating Return Material Authorization (RMA) for Orders with Advance Invoice Enrollments

You must set the OTA: Default Return Reason Code for RMA. In OLM, when learning administrator tries to cancel classes for which invoices have been generated, the profile option value defaults as the cancel enrollment reason. Using Order Management, Return Material Authorization (RMA) can be created without any errors for orders with advance invoice enrollments. See Profile Options

OLM - OTA Glossary

The following table displays terms used in OLM and the OTA terms they replaced.

Asynchronous Self-Paced -
Catalog Category Activity Category -
Class Event, Scheduled Event -
Competency Skill, Competence -
Completed Completed -
Course Activity -
Customer Restricted Event Types: restricted -
Delivery Mode Delivery Method -
Enrollment End Enrollment To -
Enrollment Start Enrollment From -
Instructor Trainer, Instructor Note that for backward compatibility, we use Trainer as the resource type in OLM
Invoice Total Finance Total -
Learner Student, Delegate, or User -
Learning History Training History -
Learning Path Training Path -
LMS Administrator User, Training Administrator -
Price Amount -
Proficiency Level Proficiency, skill, or performance level HRMS has proficiency and performance level. OTA supports proficiency. Only the appraisal function supports performance.
Room Venue -
Session Event Types: session -
Successfully Completed Successfully Attended -
Training Center Training Center -