Oracle US Federal Human Resources Compensation and Benefits Management Guide


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General Compensation Structures

General Compensation Structures Overview
General Compensation Structures
Elements: Building Blocks of Pay and Benefits
Input Values: Flexible Description of Compensation
Rules for Allocating Compensation
Compensation Entry: Making It Fast and Reliable
Element Classifications and Processing Sequence
Survey of the Classifications
Compensation Policy Changes
Setting Up Total Compensation Elements
Defining an Element
Defining an Element's Input Values
Defining and Linking an Element for Standard and Advanced Benefits
Deleting an Element
Defining Element Links
Generating Element Links
Running the Element Link Details Report
Defining an Element or Distribution Set
Compensation Entry
Compensation Reporting
HR or Payroll Extracts
Making Manual Element Entries
Listing Employees by Element
Viewing Element Entry History
Configuring the HR or Payroll Extracts
Running the HR or Payroll Extracts
Plan Design
      Reimbursement Plans
Plan Design Copy
Special Requirements for Plan Design
Reporting Groups
Defining a Benefits Program
Associating Plans and Plan Types with a Program
Defining Waive Reasons for Plan Types in a Program (Advanced Benefits)
Defining Participation Eligibility Criteria for a Compensation Object
Associating a Life Event Reason with a Compensation Object (Advanced Benefits)
Associating an Organization with a Benefits Program
Associating Reporting Groups with a Program
Associating Program or Plan Year Periods with a Program
Defining Plan Types
Setting Up Spending Account Plans for Forfeitures (Advanced Benefits)
Defining a Benefits Plan
Defining Eligibility and Activity Rate Requirements for a Plan
Defining Plan Restrictions
Defining a Maximum Waiting Period Requirement for a Plan
Defining a Plan Not in Program
Associating Options with a Plan
Maintaining Plan Related Details
Defining Combinations of Plans and Plan Types
Defining Waive Reasons for a Plan (Advanced Benefits)
Maintaining Primary Care Providers for a Plan
Defining Options
Navigating the Program Structure Hierarchy
Defining a Program or Plan Year Period
Defining a Reimbursement Plan (Advanced Benefits)
Defining Reimbursable Goods and Service Types
Copying a Program or Plan
Exporting a Plan Design to a File
Importing a Plan Design From a File
Purging Plan Design Copy Data
Defining a Reporting Group
Defining Regulatory Bodies for a Plan
Defining Regulations for a Plan
Eligibility Requirements for Total Compensation
Waiting Periods
Continuing Eligibility: Benefits Assignments
Eligibility Profile Criteria
User-defined Eligibility Criteria
Derived Factors
Defining an Eligibility Profile
Defining Your Own Eligibility Criteria
Defining Derived Factors: Compensation Level
Defining Derived Factors: Percent of Full Time Employment
Defining Derived Factors: Hours Worked In Period
Defining Derived Factors: Age
Defining Derived Factors: Length of Service
Defining Derived Factors: Combination Age and Length of Service
Defining a Dependent Coverage Eligibility Profile
Defining Benefits Groups
Defining Regulations
Defining Postal Zip Ranges
Defining Service Areas

Salary and Grade Related Pay and Progression

Grades and Their Relationship to Pay
Grades and Pay Structures
Setting up Pay Plans, Grades, and Compensation
Adding a Pay Plan
Setting up Pay Tables
Entering Pay Values
Naming Pay Tables
Running the Federal Valid Combinations Process
Defining a Salary Basis
Adding Grades
Adding Steps
Associating Pay Plans and Grades

Compensation and Awards Management

Compensation and Awards Management Overview
Compensation and Awards Management Requirements
Compensation Actions
Award Actions
Health Care Providers Pay Actions
Pay Table Changes
Incentive Payments
Processing Mass Award Actions
Processing Awards for Ex-Employees
Entering Other Pay and Awards
Processing Recruitment, Relocation, and Retention Incentive Actions
Processing Separation Incentive Actions
Processing Pay for Doctors and Dentists
Processing Pay Increases for Nurses
Processing Student Loan Repayments
Finding a Mass Salary Action
Processing a Mass Standard Pay Adjustment
Processing a Mass Percent Pay Adjustment
Processing a Mass Locality Adjustment
Pay Conversions
Moving Employees to New Pay Tables
Processing a Pay Table Change Action
Pay Increases
Within Grade Increase (WGI) Workflow Decisions
Processing Automatic Within Grade Increases (WGIs)
Denying a WGI
Scheduling the Automatic WGI Process
Vehicle Repository
Vehicle Repository Menu and Function Names
Configuration Settings for Vehicle Repository and Mileage Claims

Leave and Absence Management

Leave and Absence Management Overview
Leave and Absence Management
Absence Categories and Types
Absence Elements
Setting Up Absence Management
Defining and Linking an Absence Element
Defining an Absence Type
Setting Up an Absence Benefit Plan
Accrual Plan Structure
Accrual Elements
Accrual Formulas
Accrual Balances Maintained By the Payroll Run
Net Accrual Calculation
Seeded Accrual Type Formulas
Accrual Start Date for New Hires
Accrual Bands
PTO Carry Over Process
Setting Up PTO Accrual Plans
Defining a PTO Accrual Plan
Setting Up Length of Service Bands
Changing Net Accrual Calculations
Costing Liability For PTO Accruals
Absence Recording
Accrual Plan Administration
Entering Absences
Enrolling Employees in PTO Accrual Plans
Running the Participation Process: Absence
Running the PTO Carry Over Process
Authorizing Creditable Service for Annual Leave
Reviewing Employees' PTO Accruals
Viewing Absence History
Listing Employees by Absence Type
Running the Absences Report
Workforce Intelligence Key Concepts for Leave and Absence Management
Employee on Leave Detail Workbook

Setup for Health and Welfare Management

Set up for Health and Welfare Management Overview
Standard and Advanced Benefits Implementation
US Federal Self Service Benefits
Benefits Enrollments
Setting Up User Access to Self-Service Benefits
Enabling US Federal Benefits Notifications
Setting up FEHB
Populating FEHB Programs and Design Plans
Compiling FEHB Fast Formulas
Migrating FEHB Information
Setting up TSP and TSP Catch-Up
Populating TSP and TSP Catch-Up Programs and Plans
Compiling TSP and TSP Catch-Up Fast Formulas
Migrating TSP and TSP Catch-Up Information
Basic Benefits Overview
Basic Benefits Setup
Setting Up Basic Benefits
Configuring Components for Health Care Benefit Plans (Basic Benefits)
Establishing Plan Coverage and Default Contributions (Basic Benefits)
Life Event Reasons
Collapsing Life Events (Advanced Benefits)
Seeded Life Event Reasons
Life Event Definition (Advanced Benefits)
Defining General Characteristics of Life Event Reasons
Defining Person Changes
Associating Eligibility Profiles with a Person Change of a Life Event
Deleting Unrestricted Life Events
Associating a Person Change with a Life Event
Defining a Collapsing Life Event (Advanced Benefits)
Enrollment Requirements
Enrollment Types
Enrollment Codes
Enrollment Period Determination for Life Events
Reinstatement of Elections for Reprocessed Life Events
Dependent Coverage and Beneficiary Designation Requirements
Defining Enrollment Methods for a Program
Defining Coverage Requirements for a Program
Defining an Action Item Due Date (Advanced Benefits)
Defining Activity Rate Enrollment Requirements for a Program
Defining Enrollment Requirements for Plan Types in a Program
Defining Enrollment Limitations for Plan Types in a Program
Defining Enrollment Requirements for a Plan in a Program
Defining Coverage Requirements for a Plan in a Program
Defining Coverage Start and End Dates for a Plan Type in a Program
Defining Activity Rate Start and End Dates for a Plan in a Program
Defining Activity Rate Start and End Dates for a Plan Type in a Program
Defining a Scheduled Enrollment for a Program
Setup Close Enrollment for Use in Self-Service
Defining Requirements for a Life Event Enrollment for a Program (Advanced Benefits)
Defining Enrollment Periods for Life Event Enrollments for a Program (Advanced Benefits)
Defining Coverage and Activity Rate Periods for a Plan in a Program
Associating an Enrollment Rule with a Program
Defining Life Event Enrollment Requirements
Defining Dependent Coverage Enrollment Requirements for a Program or a Plan Type in Program
Defining Dependent Coverage Certifications for a Program
Defining Dependent Coverage Eligibility Profiles for a Program
Defining Dependent Coverage Eligibility Profiles for a Plan Type in a Program
Defining Dependent Coverage Change of Life Event Enrollment Requirements
Defining Dependent Coverage Certifications for Change of Life Event Enrollment Requirements
Defining an Enrollment Method for a Plan
Defining Enrollment Coverage Requirements for a Plan
Defining Activity Rates Requirements for a Plan
Defining Enrollment Limitations for a Plan
Defining Designation Enrollment Requirements for a Plan or Option in Plan
Defining Enrollment Requirements for Not in Program Plans
Defining Enrollment Requirements for Options in a Plan
Defining Enrollment Limitations for an Option in a Plan
Defining a Scheduled Enrollment for a Plan
Associating Enrollment Rules with a Plan
Defining Requirements for a Life Event Enrollment for a Plan (Advanced Benefits)
Defining a Life Event Enrollment Period for a Plan (Advanced Benefits)
Defining Life Event Enrollment Certifications for a Plan or Option in Plan (Advanced Benefits)
Defining Life Event Enrollment Requirements for a Not in Program Plan
Defining Life Event Enrollment Requirements for an Option in a Plan
Defining Dependent Coverage Requirements for a Plan
Defining Dependent Coverage Eligibility Profiles for a Plan
Defining Dependent Coverage Change of Life Event Enrollment Requirements for a Plan
Defining Certifications for Enrollment in a Plan
Defining Beneficiary Designation Requirements for a Plan
Activity Rates
      Coverage Calculations
      Interim Coverage (Advanced Benefits)
      Unsuspended Enrollments (Advanced Benefits)
      Imputed Income Calculations (US only)
      Actual Premium Calculations
      Period-to-Date Limits
Variable Rate Factors
Calculation Methods: Values, Increments, and Operations
Activity Rate Calculations
Coverage Calculations
Actual Premium Calculations
Defining Activity Rates for a Standard Contribution/Distribution
Defining a Calculation Method for a Standard Contribution or Distribution
Defining Proration for a Standard Contribution or Distribution Calculation
Defining Characteristics of Annual Rates
Defining Processing Information for a Standard Contribution/Distribution
Defining Deduction and Payment Schedules for a Standard Contribution/Distribution
Defining a Non-Oracle Payroll System to Process Benefit Earnings and Deductions
Associating a Variable Rate Profile with a Standard Contribution/Distribution Calculation
Defining Matching Rates for a Standard Contribution Calculation
Associating a Period-to-Date Limit with a Standard Contribution/Distribution Calculation
Defining General Information for a Variable Rate Profile
Defining a Calculation Method for a Variable Rate Profile
Defining the Criteria in a Variable Rate Profile
Defining Matching Rates for a Variable Rate Calculation
Defining a Coverage Calculation
Defining a Coverage Calculation Method
Associating a Variable Rate Profile with a Coverage Calculation Method
Defining a Coverage Limit Across Plan Types
Defining an Imputed Income Calculation
Defining an Actual Premium
Defining Period-to-Date Limits
Defining a Benefit Balance

Administration for Health and Welfare Management

Administration for Health and Welfare Management Overview
Standard and Advanced Benefits Administration
Federal Employee Health Benefits Overview
Appointment, Conversion, and Extension Enrolments
FEHB Administration
FEHB and Retroactive Actions, Cancellations, Corrections
Thrift Savings Plan Overview
Thrift Savings Catch-Up Contributions
Administration of Specific Federal Life Events
Enrolling Employees in FEHB
Enrolling Employees in Agency Sponsored Health Plans
Changing an Employee's Enrollment Status
Changing Employee Enrollment Options for Child Equity Court Orders
Enrolling Employees in TSP
Suspending TSP for Hardship Loans
Continuing TSP Coverage for Rehires and Transfers
De-enrolling Employees in TSP
De-enrolling Employees in TSP Catch-Up
Benefits Enrollment
Establishing Benefit Coverage for Dependents
Stopping Dependent Coverage Only
Recording Beneficiaries for Benefits
Stopping Employee and Dependent Coverage
Removing Beneficiaries When Employee Benefits Stop
Removing Beneficiaries When Employee Benefits Continue
Reviewing Employee Enrollment in Benefit Plans (Basic Benefits)
Maintain Participant Eligibility (Standard Benefits)
Running the Maintain Participant Eligibility Process (Standard Benefits)
Running the Eligibility and Enrollment List Report
Participation Batch Processes (Advanced Benefits)
Benefits Batch Processes (Advanced Benefits)
Participation Management (Advanced Benefits)
      Participation Information (Advanced Benefits)
      Life Events and Electable Choices (Advanced Benefits)
      Manually Created Life Events and Voided Life Events (Advanced Benefits)
      What-if Eligibility (Advanced Benefits)
Runtime Parameters for the Participation Batch Process (Advanced Benefits)
Defining Batch Process Parameters (Advanced Benefits)
Running the Participation Batch Process (Advanced Benefits)
Monitoring Batch Processes (Advanced Benefits)
Setting Up a Role Based on a Life Event Type
Running the Life Events Summary Report
Running the Reopen Life Events Process
Running the Participation Audit Activity Purge Process (Advanced Benefits)
Purging Person Data for Backed-Out and Voided Life Events
Viewing a Person's Participation Information (Advanced Benefits)
Viewing a Person's Life Event Information
Viewing Electable Choices for a Person Based on a Life Event (Advanced Benefits)
Manually Creating a Potential Life Event for a Person (Advanced Benefits)
Manually Voiding a Potential Life Event for a Person (Advanced Benefits)
Re-opening a Processed Life Event for a Person (Advanced Benefits)
Setting Up What-if Modeling
Modeling a Person's Benefits Eligibility (Advanced Benefits)
Enrollment Management
Enrolling a Person in a Flex Program (Advanced Benefits)
Manually Deleting an Enrollment
Viewing a Person's Flex Credits (Advanced Benefits)
Allocating Excess Credits for a Person Enrolling in a Flex Program (Advanced Benefits)
Enrolling a Person in a Non-Flex Program
Enrolling a Person in a Savings Plan
Enrolling a Person in a Miscellaneous Plan
Viewing Special Rates for a Plan or Option
Maintaining a Participant's Primary Care Provider
Running the iRecruitment Create Enrollment Process
Displaying Enrollment Results
Running the Benefits Enrollment and Confirmation Reports
Running the Benefit Confirmation and Summary Report Email
Running the Manage Open Enrollment Window Process
Viewing Dependent Information
Maintaining Dependent Designations
Maintaining Beneficiary Designation Information for a Participant
Recording Enrollment Actions Items for a Person (Advanced Benefits)
Recording Receipt of Enrollment Certifications (Advanced Benefits)
Overriding Enrollment Results for a Plan (Advanced Benefits)
Overriding Participation Information for a Person
Overriding Eligibility Participation Information for a Person
Overriding Waive Participation Information for a Person (Advanced Benefits)
Overriding Participation Information for a Person for an Option in a Plan (Advanced Benefits)
Managing Eligible Person Waivers (Advanced Benefits)
Maintaining Court Orders for a Participant
Recording a Continuing Benefits Payment
Recording a Contribution or Distribution
Continuing Benefits Eligibility
Maintaining a Benefits Assignment
Recalculate Participant Values Overview (Standard Benefits)
Updating Activity Rates from Year-to-Year
Running the Recalculate Participant Values Process (Standard Benefits)
Running the Premium Reconciliation Report
Viewing and Adjusting Monthly Premiums for a Plan or Option in Plan
Viewing and Adjusting Monthly Premiums for a Participant
Defining Person Benefit Balances
Recording a Reimbursement Request (Advanced Benefits)
Running the Process Forfeitures Concurrent Request (Advanced Benefits)

HRMS Glossary
