Implementing Oracle Project Procurement Command Center Plus

The chapter discusses the prerequisite products and the post-installation setup required to use Oracle Project Procurement Command Center Plus.

This chapter covers the following topics:


To use Oracle Project Procurement Command Center Plus, you must have the following:

Additionally, as Oracle Project Procurement Command Center Plus interacts with the following products, licensing and implementing these products is optional, but use of these products would enable a more complete experience and the optimal business information:

Setting Up Oracle Project Procurement Command Center Plus

Prior to performing Oracle Project Procurement Command Center Plus setup steps, you must ensure that the following are completed:

  1. Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.2 V6 (Doc ID 1970071.1).

  2. Download and install patch 22187133:R12.PRC_PF.C, see patch readme.

Complete the following post-installation steps:

Required Steps

Note: Following these installation and configuration steps does not ensure you have Project Procurement up and running within your organization. Deployment of this application goes above and beyond installation and configuration steps. It involves bringing about process changes within your organization around how the project-management team, the engineering team and the procurement team interact with each other during the planning and execution of the project. The team adopting project procurement will need to understand the value this application is trying to drive, and will need to enable this feature at the template and / or project level.

  1. Set up the following profile options for Oracle Project Procurement Command Center Plus:

    • PO: Item and Supplier Analysis Data-load Cut-off – Set an applicable date based on how much data you want to use when evaluating items or services and suppliers. This profile value determines the historical procurement documents, such as requisitions, purchase orders, agreements, and negotiations that are loaded into the data set that supports the Supplier and Item Analysis pages. The application does not load any data beyond this cut-off and compares this date with the creation date of the document header to determine the document information to load. You must set the value in the canonical date format (example: 2010/01/01).

      Note: If you choose a date that is too far in the past, then the amount of data to be loaded increases, resulting in longer full-load and incremental-load times, and more memory resources demanded by the Information Discovery server. If you select too recent a date, then the insights might not be extensive or accurate.

    • PO: GL Calendar for Project Procurement – This profile option is set at the site level. Use the profile option to define a combination of Calendar and Period Type that is used to identify the period name for each requirement, and to bucket requirements by period names in the Schedule Summary tab of the dashboard, when the po-proc full load is run.

      If a project-level bucketing calendar is not defined, the value entered in this profile option determines the bucketing type used in the Project Manager view. Please note that the project-level bucketing setup does not apply to the Project Buyer dashboard which always uses the site-level profile option.

      Refer to the optional setup steps in the following paragraphs to view the setup for calendar name and period type.

      For more information on setting up GL Calendars, refer to MyOracle Support Note: 130539.1 (General Ledger Calendar Setup, Usage and Troubleshooting).

  2. Set up access privileges for project manager and project buyer users as follows:

    • For project manager users, set up the following for the Projects Super User responsibility:



      • Permission Set Name - PA Project Procurement Endeca Access Permission Set

    • For project buyer users, set up the following for the Project Procurement (Buyer) responsibility:



      • Permission Set Name - Purchasing Project Procurement Buyer Permission Set

    See: Oracle E-Business Suite Security Guide and the 'steps to add product-specific roles to responsibilities to provide user access to Endeca-related pages and components in Oracle E-Business Suite' section in My Oracle Support note 1497685.1

  3. Enable procurement planning on project templates that you intend to use for creating projects that you will enable for Oracle Project Procurement Command Center Plus. Use the Project Template Setup page. See: Specifying Project and Task Options for a Template, Oracle Projects Fundamentals Guide. The option value defaults to new projects created from templates with procurement planning enabled.

  4. Select a financial plan type for procurement reporting that the application uses to compare actual results to planned values. You can select a predefined financial plan type or a user-defined financial plan type. To create your own financial plan type, see Financial Plan Types and Defining Financial Plan Type, Oracle Projects Implementation Guide.

    Note: Only a forecast financial plan that is set up as cost and revenue planned together is eligible for selection.

  5. Enable a project for procurement planning. If the option value is not defaulted from a template, then you can update the project setup option to enable procurement planning for a project after it is created. You can only upload procurement plans or view projects in the Oracle Project Procurement Command Center Plus pages that have been enabled in the project setup. Project managers can access the Setup page using the following navigation: Projects: Delivery > Search Projects > Advanced Search > Search results > Project Name link > Procurement tab > Setup sub tab

    Note: Only projects that have shared structure are eligible for procurement planning.

  6. Optional step: Define the calendar name and the period type. These values are defaulted from the profile option, but can be modified if the user requires different values.

  7. Run Full Load Graph. See: Running the Full Load Graph

  8. Set up the scheduler for incremental refresh. See: Setting up the Scheduler for Incremental Refresh

Optional Steps

  1. You can use the predefined expenditure types or define applicable expenditure types to specify in the procurement plan. See: Expenditure Types and Defining Expenditure Types, Oracle Projects Implementation Guide.

  2. You can use the predefined values in the PA_PSC_SUPP_SELECTION lookup to select applicable values for the Priority 1 and Priority 2 columns of the PO_PROC_PLAN_LINE_INTERFACE table. Else, you can set up applicable values for the user extensible PA_PSC_SUPP_SELECTION lookup to specify priority 1 and priority 2 values. See: Application Utilities Lookups and Oracle Application Object Library Lookups, Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide

  3. Enable touch-less processing for purchase requisitions created from the Oracle Project Procurement Command Center Plus by setting up automatic sourcing. See: Setting up Automatic Sourcing, Oracle Purchasing User's Guide.

  4. Configure filtering components. See: Filtering Components in Oracle Information Discovery, Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery Plus Integration and System Administration Guide.

  5. Update the White List that appears in the Tag Cloud of the Item Analysis page. Access the TagList.xlsx in Item sandbox ( -> data-in folder) when you run the full load graph and update the excel sheet as per your requirements.

  6. Descriptive Flexfields (DFF): Use the Plan Line DFF and the Period DFF to capture additional attributes on the procurement plan. For more information on configuring DFFs, see: Oracle E-Business Suite Flexfields Guide.

Running the Full Load Graph

Once you have run the full load graph in accordance with the Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.2 V6 document (Doc ID: 1970071.1), attribute configuration is loaded for all seeded attributes. Additionally, you need to run the following full data loads as follows:

To run a full Endeca Refresh on the Integrator Server:

  1. Login to Integrator server using your Clover login.

  2. Click the Scheduling tab.

  3. Select the New Schedule link.

  4. Enter a Description for the scheduler, for example, Projects Full Load Scheduler.

  5. Select Periodic as the Type.

  6. Select by interval as the Periodicity.

  7. Enter a start date and time in the Not active before date/time field.

  8. Enter an end date and time in the Not active after date/time field.

  9. Enter a value in the Interval (minutes) field.

  10. Ensure you select the Fire misfired event as soon as possible check box.

  11. Select Execute graph from the Task Type list.

  12. Select po-proc, po-proc-item and po-proc-sup from the Sandbox list one after another. Ensure to run the full load gragh for each of these sandboxes.

  13. Select as follows from the graph list:

    • po-proc (FullLoadConfig.grf) when you select po-proc sandbox

    • po-proc-item(Full.grf) when you select po-proc-item sandbox

    • po-proc-sup(Full.grf) when you select po-proc-supp sandbox

  14. Click Create to set the scheduler.

Setting Up the Scheduler for Incremental Refresh

Once the Full graph is run in accordance with the Installing Oracle E-Business Suite Information Discovery, Release 12.2 V6 document (Doc ID: 1970071.1), initial data load for Oracle Project Procurement Command Center Plus is complete. For incremental refresh, you must determine how often the Information Discovery data should be refreshed from EBS depending upon your organizational requirements. Oracle recommends that you keep this near real time. As the data is updated in the EBS, you need to ensure it is updated in the Endeca MDEX server. You set up the Scheduler to load incremental graphs depending on the volume of information requiring update.

To set up the scheduler:

  1. Login to Integrator server using your Clover login.

  2. Click the Scheduling tab.

  3. Select the New Schedule link.

  4. Enter a Description for the scheduler, for example, Projects Full Load Scheduler.

  5. Select Periodic as the Type.

  6. Select by interval as the Periodicity.

  7. Enter a start date and time in the Not active before date/time field.

  8. Enter an end date and time in the Not active after date/time field.

  9. Enter a value in the Interval (minutes) field.

  10. Ensure you select the Fire misfired event as soon as possible check box.

  11. Select Start a graph from the Task Type list.

  12. Select po-proc, po-proc-item, and po-proc-sup from the Sandbox list one after another. Ensure to run the full load graph for each of these sandboxes.

  13. Select as follows from the graph list:

    • po-proc(IncrementalLoadConfig.grf) when you select po-proc sandbox

    • po-proc-item(Incremental.grf) when you select po-proc-item sandbox

    • po-proc-sup(Incremental.grf) when you select po-proc-sup sandbox

  14. Click Create to set the scheduler.

Running the Targeted Incremental Load Graph

The Targeted Incremental Load graph is run for the following actions:

Actions by the Project Manager

Actions by the Buyer

The Targeted Incremental Load Graph performs updates and inserts for only part of that data that the Incremental Load Graph updates.

The targeted incremental load is incompatible with the regular incremental load - this is because Oracle Information Discovery can process only one incremental load at a time. The Targeted Incremental load graph usually completes within a minute.

Views and Joins to Load Command Center, Item Analysis, and Supplier Analysis Data

The following views are used by the ETL layer in Information Discovery to load and display command center, item analysis, and supplier analysis data to the Information Discovery data store:

These views load data from Oracle Projects and Oracle Procurement (purchase orders, agreements, negotiations, and supplier) into the ETL.

Responsibilities and Menu Navigation

Oracle Project Procurement Command Center Plus enables: