General Receivables Setup Tasks

Descriptive Flexfields

Use descriptive flexfields to store additional information that you cannot enter into standard windows. A descriptive flexfield can have context-sensitive or global segments.

This example shows you how to set up the Receipt Information descriptive flexfield for the Receipts window with a free form field to store the employee name of the person receiving the payment. You can set up the flexfield to validate against your HR table or use a context to differentiate between headquarters employees and field employees.

Example of setting up a descriptive flexfield:

  1. Navigate to the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window.

  2. Query the flexfield with Oracle Receivables in the Application field and Receipt Information in the Title field.

  3. Uncheck the Freeze Flexfield Definition check box.

  4. In the Context Field region, uncheck the Displayed check box to hide the Context Value field.

    Note: If you do want to store context-sensitive information, for example to differentiate between headquarters and field employees, you can define the context value and its associated segments.

  5. Navigate to the Context Field Values region and select Global Data Elements.

  6. Press the Segments button. The Segments Summary window appears.

  7. Press the New button. The Segments window appears.

  8. Enter Employee Name in the Name field, ATTRIBUTE1 in the Column field, and 1 in the Number field.

  9. Press the Value Set button. The Value Sets window appears.

  10. Enter 30 Characters in the Value Set Name field.

  11. Enter 30 in the Maximum Size field.

    Note: If you want to validate against your HR table, select Table in the Validation Type poplist, press the Edit Information button for the Validation Table Information window, and provide a SQL statement for validation.

  12. Save your work and close the Value Sets window.

  13. In the Segments window, enter the value set that you just defined, 30 Characters, in the Value Set field.

  14. Make sure that the Enabled check box is checked for all items, save your work, and close the Segments and Segments Summary windows.

  15. In the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window, check the Freeze Flexfield Definition check box.

  16. Press the Compile button to run a concurrent request.

  17. After the concurrent request successfully completes, you can enter information in the flexfield of the Receipts window.

Related Topics

Descriptive Flexfield Concepts, Oracle E-Business Suite Flexfields Guide

Descriptive Flexfield Segments Window, Oracle E-Business Suite Flexfields Guide

Implementing Document Sequences

Document sequence numbers are unique numbers that can be assigned to transactions you create in Receivables. Assigning unique numbers to transactions lets you account for every transaction you enter.

This essay is a discussion on how to implement document sequences in Receivables. Refer to the Defining Document Sequences chapter in the Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide for more detailed information on using and defining document sequences and an explanation of the feature.

Receivables gives you the ability to track any transaction from creation to when it is posted. In addition:

Automatic and Manual Sequences

Automatic sequences let you create an audit trail of unique, sequential document numbers without data entry.

Manual sequences let you decide which document numbers you want to assign to transactions at the time of data entry, while always ensuring that your numbers are unique.

Assign Sequences to Every Transaction

Unique, sequential document numbers can be assigned to imported, automatically generated, and manually entered transactions.

You can assign different sequences for every transaction type, receipt method, adjustment, and late charge activity you use.

Partial Sequencing

You can choose to enter document numbers for every transaction or for selected categories of transactions. You can also assign these numbers either manually or automatically.

Document Categories

When you define a new receipt method, transaction type, or receivables activity, Receivables automatically creates a corresponding document category with the same name.

Document categories store the sequence numbers assigned to your transactions to ensure that they are unique within each document type (for example, receipts, transactions, and adjustments).

Use Document Number as Transaction Number

You can control whether the document number and transaction number are the same for manually entered or imported transactions assigned to a specific batch source. The transaction batch source option Copy Document Number to Transaction Number determines whether these attributes are the same when the transaction is completed or if they are assigned different values.

Gapless Document Numbering

If the document sequence type for your application is set to Gapless, you can ensure that your transaction numbers are also gapless. Gapless numbering ensures that transaction numbers are sequential and that there are no missing numbers.

To generate gapless transaction numbers, check the Copy Document Number to Transaction Number check box when you define your transaction batch sources. When you complete transactions, Receivables always assigns the same value to both the document number and the transaction number. See: Transaction Batch Sources.

Related Topics

Overview of Document Sequencing

Setting Up Document Sequences

Sample Implementation

What is a Document Sequence?, Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide

Overview of Document Sequencing

Document sequencing is an optional feature within Receivables that can be activated using a profile option. The exception to this is if you are using the Receivables Automatic Receipts feature, in which case you must use document sequencing to sequence the automatically generated receipts.

You can enter document numbers in all of the transaction entry windows in Receivables. In addition, any program that creates transactions will automatically assign document numbers.

The following operations can assign document numbers. A sequence type of either manual or automatic can be used in any of these operations:

If a transaction is not manually entered, Receivables assigns a document number to the automatically generated transaction. These transactions fall into two categories.

The first category are transactions that Receivables generates in order to perform an adjustment or reversal. For example, when you delete a receipt application that has a chargeback applied to it, Receivables will reverse out the chargeback. To do this, Receivables creates a new transaction to zero out the original. These transactions are used to ensure the correct accounting entries are made for the adjustments and reversals that you create. Receivables assigns document numbers to these items to ensure that every transaction has a unique document number.

The second category consists of the following programs that assign document numbers to the transactions they create:

You can use the following windows to review document numbers that have been assigned to your transactions:

Related Topics

Setting Up Document Sequences

Sample Implementation

What is a Document Sequence?, Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide

Setting Up Document Sequences

To ensure that the document sequence feature works correctly, perform the following steps in the order listed.

Use the System Administrator responsibility to access all windows listed in this section.

Note: During an upgrade, Receivables automatically creates categories for each receipt method, transaction type, and receivables activity that you have defined. When installing Receivables for the first time, Receivables creates categories for each seeded adjustment activity and transaction type.

Step 1 Enable Sequential Numbering Profile Option

To implement document sequences, you must first enable the Sequential Numbering profile option. This can be set at the site and/or application level. To view the current setting of this option, navigate to the Personal Profile Values window and query the 'Sequential Numbering' profile option.

Note: This profile option can be viewed, but not updated, in the Personal Profile Values window. You can access this window from the Navigator.

Valid profile option values are:

Step 2 Define Document Number Generation System Option

The Document Number Generation Level system option lets you determine when Receivables generates a document number for your transactions (except bills receivable). You can choose to generate a document number when the transaction is committed, or when the transaction is completed. The default value is 'When the transaction is committed.'

If you are using bills receivable, then Receivables ignores this system option and generates a document number when the transaction is completed.

Step 3 Choose whether Document Number is same as Transaction Number

When you create or import transactions, the transaction batch source determines whether Receivables automatically generates the batch and transaction numbers or if you need to enter these numbers manually. The transaction batch source also determines whether Receivables uses the same number for both the document and the transaction number.

Note: If your application uses Gapless document sequencing, this option ensures that your transaction numbers are also gapless.

To ensure that the document number and transaction number are the same for transactions for a batch source:

  1. Navigate to the Transaction Sources window.

  2. Enter or query the transaction source. See: Transaction Batch Sources.

  3. Check the Copy Document Number to Transaction Number box.

    Important: If the Copy Document Number to Transaction Number option is set to Yes, it is possible to have more than one transaction with the same transaction number and batch source in Receivables. However, the document number and transaction number are always unique for any transaction type with a document sequence assignment.

Step 4 Define Sequences

Use the Document Sequences window to define the name, type, and initial value for your sequence. Use the System Administrator responsibility to access this window.

It is not necessary to define a different sequence for each transaction that you enter. You may decide, for example, to have just three sequences set up, one for invoices, one for receipts, and one for adjustments. Alternatively, you may want to assign a different sequence to each transaction type, receipt method, and adjustment activity.

The following Receivables transactions must have automatic sequence types. All other transactions can have manual or automatic sequences.

Receivables generates chargeback adjustments when you create a chargeback. The chargeback adjustment reduces the balance of the transaction to which the chargeback is applied by the amount of the chargeback. Similarly, commitment adjustments are generated when you invoice against a deposit or guarantee. The commitment adjustment reduces the balance of the invoice in the case of a deposit applied to an invoice, or reduces the balance of the guarantee in the case of a guarantee applied to an invoice.

Late charge adjustments are created when you calculate late charges. They are used to adjust the transaction balance by the amount of the late charge.

Adjustment and chargeback reversals are generated when you delete a receipt application that has an adjustment or chargeback associated with it.

Tip: If you are using AutoInvoice, you can manually enter sequential numbers in the AutoInvoice interface tables. However, Receivables automatically assigns sequence numbers to the transactions you import if you use an automatic sequence type for these transactions.

Step 5 Assign Sequences to Categories

Use the Document Sequences window to assign a sequence to one or more combinations of:

When you define a new receipt method, transaction type, or receivables activity, Receivables automatically creates a corresponding document category with the same name.

Note: Although Receivables creates a corresponding document category for each receivables activity that you define, only the document categories that were created for Adjustment or Late Charge receivables activities require sequence assignments.

Application and Document Category make up your document flexfield. Each active document flexfield combination must be unique for any given transaction date range.

Note: You can assign the same sequence to one or more document flexfield combinations, but all of the categories in the flexfield must point to the same application table.

For more information, see: Assigning a Document Sequence, Oracle E-Business Suite Setup Guide.

Step 6 Implement Document Sequences in Oracle General Ledger

If you have Oracle General Ledger installed and have sequential numbering enabled for this application, you must define sequences, categories, and assignments for your journal entry categories before you can post.

Receivables posts to the following General Ledger journal categories:

Related Topics

Sample Implementation

Sample Implementation

The table below gives an example of how you might set up sequences, categories, and assignments within Receivables. Your implementation will depend on whether you want to perform any manual entry of document numbers and how many sequences you want to use for your transactions and receipts. Additionally, it will depend on whether you use the Receivables automatic receipts, AutoInvoice, AutoLockbox, and late charge features.

Sequence Name Sequence Type Document Category
Invoice Automatic/Manual Each Invoice Transaction Type
Debit Memo Automatic/Manual Each Debit Memo Transaction Type
Commitment Automatic/Manual Each Deposit Transaction Type
Commitment Automatic/Manual Each Guarantee Transaction Type
Chargeback Automatic/Manual Each Chargeback Transaction Type
Credit Memo Automatic/Manual Each Credit Memo Transaction Type
Lockbox Receipt Automatic Each Lockbox Receipt Method
Automatic Receipt Automatic Each Automatic Receipt Method
Manual Receipt Automatic/Manual Each Manual Receipt Method
Automatic Adjustment Automatic Each Automatic Adjustment Activity (including seeded activities)
Automatic Adjustment Automatic Each Late Charge Activity
Manual Adjustment Automatic/Manual Each Manual Adjustment Activity

If you use the same receipt methods for your lockbox receipts as you do for your manually entered receipts, you must use an automatic sequence for both manual and lockbox receipts, as AutoLockbox requires an automatic sequence. Additionally, if you want to use automatic sequencing with AutoInvoice, you should assign an automatic sequence to the transactions types you assign to your imported transactions.

Solving Problems

Below is a list of errors you might encounter if you have set the sequential numbering profile option to either 'Partially Used' or 'Always Used,' but have not set up your document sequences correctly:

Related Topics

Entering Transactions, Oracle Receivables User Guide

Implementing Document Sequences

Header and Line Level Rounding

When you create a foreign currency receipt or transaction, Receivables requires you to enter an exchange rate. Receivables uses this rate to convert the amount to your functional currency and create accounting entries in both currencies.

When you create a transaction with several line items, the total amount in the two currencies may vary slightly (usually by the minimum accountable unit defined for your functional currency). These differences occur due to rounding, the mathematical process of approximating an amount to a specific number of decimal places. Rounding differences can occur whenever you use an exchange rate to convert transaction amounts to a different currency.

Depending on legal requirements established in your home country, you may need to round amounts at the transaction header level and then account for and post the rounding difference in a separate account. You can do this in Oracle Receivables by enabling Header Level Rounding and defining a Header Rounding Account in the System Options window. If you do not enable Header Level Rounding, Receivables rounds amounts at the line level and posts any rounding difference to the Receivables account.

Note: If you enable Header Level Rounding, then Receivables displays a rounding distribution line for all transactions, regardless of currency. If the transaction is in your functional currency, then the amount of this line is zero.


In this example, Header Level Rounding is set to Yes and a Header Rounding Account is defined.

You have an invoice in Euro, which consists of three line items. To convert the invoice to the US Dollar, you specify an exchange rate of 1.385999.

The following table shows the calculations Receivables performs to convert each amount when you save the invoice.

Item Description Amount in Euro (EUR) Exchange Rate Amount in US Dollar (USD) Comment
Paper 15.00 1.385999 10.82 rounded down
Pens 12.00 1.385999 8.66 rounded up
Envelopes 25.00 1.385999 18.04 rounded up
Subtotal: 52.00   37.52 sum of items
Rounding Difference     - 0.01  
Total Amount: 52.00   37.51 rounded down

In this example, Receivables first converts each line item and then adds them to give a total of 37.52 USD. The 0.01 is the rounding difference, which Receivables records in the Header Rounding Account that you define.

If Header Level Rounding is not enabled, Receivables converts amounts by first adding the line amounts in the invoice currency and then dividing by the exchange rate. Using the amounts in this example, the result is: 52/1.385999 = 37.51

Setting Up

To enable Header Level Rounding, check the Header Level Rounding check box and define a Rounding Account in the System Options window. For more information, see: Accounting System Options.

Warning: After you enable Header Level Rounding and save your work, you cannot disable the feature.

Related Topics

Foreign Currency Transactions, Oracle Receivables User Guide

Cross Currency Receipts, Oracle Receivables User Guide

Defining Receivables Lookups

Lookup names display as list of value choices throughout Oracle Applications to help speed data entry and accuracy. Receivables provides many lookups types for you. Some lookup types can be updated to suit your business needs. You cannot update a lookup type if Receivables requires those settings for its own internal use. For example, you cannot update attributes of the 'Tax Classification' lookup type.

You can create new lookup types and define as many additional lookups as you want in the Receivables Lookups window. For example, you can define additional lookups to the lookup type 'Collector Actions' to describe your collection actions. Receivables displays these lookups as list of values choices for the Action field in the Call Actions window.

You cannot change lookup name values after you save them. To remove an obsolete lookup you can: disable the code, enter an end date, or change the meaning and description to match a replacement code.

You can view all Receivables lookups in the Oracle Receivables Lookups window. However, you can't modify most lookups.

If you use Multiple Language Support, you can define lookups in multiple languages. Select Translations from the toolbar or menu to enter the lookup name and description in another language. When a user selects lookups from a list of values, the lookups on the list appear in the user's language.

The following sections group the predefined Receivables lookups by their function and provide a brief description of where each is used within Receivables.

Note: If you have Multi Lingual Support (MLS), you can define lookups in each of your installed languages. To enter translations, select Translations from the View menu or click on the globe icon. For more information, see: Oracle E-Business Suite Concepts Guide or the Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide.

Related Topics

Application Utilities Lookups and Application Object Library Lookups, Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide

Reviewing and Updating Receivables Lookups

Customer Lookups

Customer Profile Lookups

Transaction Lookups

Collections Lookups

Receipt Lookups

Credit Management Lookups

Demand Class Lookups

Reviewing and Updating Receivables Lookups

You can review any predefined or new lookup types in the Receivables Lookups window. You can update a lookup type only if its access level is either User or Extensible. Receivables requires that lookup types that have an access level of System remain unchanged for its own internal use.

You can always update lookup types that you create. However, although you can make a lookup inactive, you cannot delete a record from a lookup type, regardless of its access level.

Note: When defining your organization types during Oracle Receivables setup, you need to switch to the Oracle Purchasing responsibility, navigate to the Lookups window, then define the ORG_TYPE lookup. Then, switch back to the Receivables responsibility to continue Oracle Receivables setup.

For detailed information about defining and updating lookups, see: Application Utilities Lookups and Application Object Library Lookups, Oracle E-Business Suite Developer's Guide.

Important: Lookups in Receivables are maintained by the FND_LOOKUP_VALUES table, which requires that values in both the LOOKUP_TYPE column and the MEANING column be unique. Since this requirement is new, you may have legacy data in the MEANING column that Receivables would now consider to be duplicate data.

In these situations, where you might have duplicate data in a lookup, Receivables will append the "at" sign (@) to all subsequent duplicates in order to differentiate the entries from each other and to satisfy the requirement that each entry be unique.

For example, you might have a LOOKUP_TYPE of "Flavors," a LOOKUP_CODE of "Vanilla," and a MEANING of "Ice Cream Flavor." This same MEANING, then, might be used in your LOOKUP_CODEs for "Mint Chip," "Chocolate," and "Butter Pecan." Receivables will adjust the multiple "Ice Cream Flavor" entries in the MEANING column this way: @1@Ice Cream Flavor, @1@@Ice Cream Flavor, and @1@@@Ice Cream Flavor, and so on. Note that the number 1 (as in @1@) may change, depending upon the selected value.

Related Topics

Customer Lookups

Customer Profile Lookups

Transaction Lookups

Collections Lookups

Receipt Lookups

Credit Management Lookups

Demand Class Lookups

Customer Lookups

The following table lists customer lookup types. You can define lookups for these types in the Receivables Lookups and Demand Class windows. See: Demand Class Lookups.

Meaning/Type Code Where Used
Address Categories ADDRESS_CATEGORY Category in the Customer Addresses window.
Business purposes for a customer address SITE_USE_CODE Usage in the Business Purpose region and Description in the Contact Roles region.
Categories for Customers CUSTOMER_CATEGORY Category in the Classification region of the Customers window.
Customer Class CUSTOMER_CLASS Class in the Classification region of the Customers window.
Demand Class (Demand Class Lookups window) DEMAND_CLASS Demand Class in the Business Purpose Detail window.
FOB (free on board) FOB FOB in the Classification region of the Customers window.
Job Titles for Customer Contact RESPONSIBILITY Job in the Contact: Roles and Contact:Telephones regions.
Party Fiscal Classification for Leasing AR_TAX_PARTY_FISCAL_CLASS A tax determining factor assigned in the Tax Groups window.
Type of contact roles. CONTACT_ROLE_TYPE The type of contact roles.
Titles for contact persons at customer sites CONTACT_TITLE Title in the Contact: Roles and Contact:Telephones regions.
Types of communication used in contacting customers COMMUNICATION_TYPE Type in the Telephones and Contact: Telephones regions of the Customers window.
Types of documents to send to customers with this relationship to primary customer RELATIONSHIP_TYPE Type in the Relationships tabbed region of the Customers window.
SIC code types SIC_CODE_TYPE SIC Code Type in the Classification region of the Customers window.
State codes STATE State in the Customer Addresses window.

Related Topics

Reviewing and Updating Receivables Lookups

Customer Profile Lookups

The following table lists customer profile lookup types. You can define lookups for these types in the Receivables Lookups window.

Meaning/Type Code Where Used
Account Status ACCOUNT_STATUS Account Status in the Profile: Transaction region of the Customers window.
Credit rating for customers CREDIT_RATING Credit Rating in the Profile: Transaction region of the Customers window.
Customer credit risk RISK_CODE Risk Code in the Profile: Transaction region of the Customers window.

Related Topics

Reviewing and Updating Receivables Lookups

Transaction Lookups

The following table lists lookup types used for Receivables transactions. You can define lookups for these types in the Receivables Lookups window.

Meaning/Type Code Where Used
Adjustment Reason ADJUST_REASON Assigned to a manual adjustment in Adjustments window.
Approval Type APPROVAL_TYPE Status of approvals such as Approved, Pending approval and Rejected.
Batch Status BATCH_STATUS Status of batches such as Closed, New, Open, and Out of Balance.
Canadian Provinces AR_CANADIAN_PROVINCE Assigned to a tax code in the Tax Groups window.
Commitment Description COMMITMENT_DESCRIPTION Used when entering commitments in the Transactions workbench.
Credit Memo Reason CREDIT_MEMO_REASON Assigned to credit memos.
Credit Memo Request Status CREDIT_MEMO_REQUEST_STATUS Assigned to credit memo requests generated using iReceivables.
Invoice Reason INVOICING_REASON Assigned to an invoice line in the More region of the Lines window.
Location Qualifier ARTAXVDR_LOC_QUALIFIER Determines whether your tax vendor creates tax lines separately for state, county, and city or sums tax amounts into a single tax line.
Magnetic Format Codes MAGNETIC_FORMAT_CODE Assigned to bills receivable transaction types.
Product Fiscal Classification AR_TAX_PRODUCT_FISCAL_CLASS A tax determining factor assigned in the Tax Groups window.
Special Instructions SPECIAL_INSTRUCTIONS Assigned to bills receivable transactions created manually or in batch.
Tax Classification AR_TAX_CLASSIFICATION Assigned to a tax code in the Tax Groups window.
Tax Exemption Reason TAX_REASON Assigned to a tax exemption when entered manually or when importing transactions using AutoInvoice.
Tax Rate Exception reason TAX_EXCEPTION_REASON Assigned to a tax rate exception in the Item Tax Rate Exceptions window.
Tax Types TAX_TYPE Assigned to a tax code in the Tax Codes and Rates window.
Transaction Fiscal Classification AR_TAX_TRX_BUSINESS_CATEGORY A tax determining factor assigned in the Tax Groups window.
Types of Messages STANDARD_MSG_TYPES Used for Printing Statements.
Type of Standard Text Usage STANDARD_TEXT Used for Printing Statements.
Values for Special Instructions SPECIAL_INSTRUCTIONS Assigned to a transaction in the More tabbed region of the Transactions window.

Related Topics

Reviewing and Updating Receivables Lookups

Collections Lookups

The following table lists lookup types used for collections. You define lookups for these types in the Receivables Lookups window.

Meaning/Type Code Where Used
Type of data to include in a specific bucket AGING_BUCKET_LINE_TYPE Aging bucket line type in the Aging Buckets and Interest Tiers window. Also used in Aging reports.
Also used by Oracle Advanced Collections.

Related Topics

Reviewing and Updating Receivables Lookups

Receipt Lookups

The following table lists lookup types used for receipts. You define values for these types in the Receivables Lookups window.

Meaning/Type Code Where Used
Credit Card Error Notes AR_CC_ERROR_HANDLING Receipt Classes window (receipt method setup)
Matching Method ARLPLB_MATCHING_OPTION Match Receipts By field in Lockboxes window.
Match on corresponding date ARLPLB_USE_MATCHING_DATE Match on Corresponding Date poplist in Lockboxes window.
Payment Type CASH_RECEIPT_TYPE Payment Type poplist in the Receipt Classes window.
Reason for Receipt Reversal CKAJST_REASON Used in the Reverse window as a reason for reversing a receipt.
Mandatory field prompt for message dictionary MANDATORY_FIELD_PROMPT Used in the Receipts and QuickCash windows to generate a message that the field must be entered.
Reverse Payment Reason REVERSE_PAYMENT_REASON Used in the Reverse window as a reason for reversing a receipt.

Related Topics

Reviewing and Updating Receivables Lookups

Credit Management Lookups

To view the lookup types used for Oracle Credit Management, see: Defining Lookups, Oracle Credit Management User Guide.

Related Topics

Reviewing and Updating Receivables Lookups

Demand Class Lookups

Use the Demand Class Lookups window to maintain existing and define additional lookups for your shared demand classes. Demand classes are categories you can use to segregate scheduled demand and supply into groups, so that you can track and consume the groups independently.

You can define up to 250 lookups for each demand class. You assign a demand classes to customers in the Customers windows.

You can disable a demand class lookup by either unchecking the Enabled check box or entering an effective end date, and then saving your work.

Access Levels

The Access Level for each demand class determines whether you can add new demand classes or modify existing demand classes of this type. The three levels are:

User: No restrictions on adding or modifying codes are enforced.

Extensible: New codes may be added, but you can only modify or disable seeded codes if the application of your responsibility is the same as the application of this demand class.

System: You can only modify code meanings and descriptions.

To define a demand class lookup:

  1. Navigate to the Demand Class Lookups window.

  2. Choose the Application associated with this demand class type. Choose 'Oracle Inventory' or 'Oracle Manufacturing.'

  3. Enter the Code for your demand class. You cannot change this value after saving your work. If you are updating lookups with an access level of System, you cannot add new lookups to this lookup type.

  4. Enter the Meaning and a Description of this demand class.

  5. Enter a range of Effective Dates in the From and To fields (optional). If you do not enter a start date, this demand class is valid immediately. If you do not enter an end date, this demand class is valid indefinitely.

  6. Save your work. To use your new lookups, exit, then reenter Receivables.

Related Topics

Reviewing and Updating Receivables Lookups


Define organizations to describe the distinct distribution entities in your company, such as separate warehouses or manufacturing facilities.

You must define at least one organization to use Receivables. If other Oracle Manufacturing Applications that use organizations are installed, you should set up your organizations from within these products and use their product-specific documentation. If you have both Oracle Order Management and Receivables installed, you can set up your organizations from either application.

Note: When you create a new operating unit, run the Replicate Seed Data concurrent program. This program creates certain required data in Receivables setup tables for the new operating unit.


To define an organization:

  1. Navigate to the Organization window.

  2. Enter a unique Name for this organization.

  3. Enter a range of Dates for this organization (optional). The default start date is today's date, but you can change it. If you do not enter an end date, this organization will be valid indefinitely.

    Note: The Location, Internal or External, Location Address, and Internal Address fields are not applicable to Receivables, so you can ignore them.

  4. Save your work.

  5. Enter the Organization Classifications Name for this organization.

  6. To enable this organization classification, check the Enabled box.

  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each of your organization classifications, then save your work.

  8. To enter additional organization classification information, choose Others.

    Note: For an organization with an 'Inventory Organization' classification, you must first define your accounting and then your inventory information before you can enter additional information.

  9. Select 'Accounting Information' to enter ledger information.

    Select 'Inventory Information' to enter inventory setup options.

    Select 'Receiving Information' to enter receiving setup options (this option is not applicable for an 'Inventory Organization' classification).

  10. If you chose 'Accounting Information,' enter a ledger identifier. A ledger describes a group of accounts that share a common general ledger account structure, calendar, and functional currency. See: Defining Ledgers, Oracle General Ledger Implementation Guide.

    If you chose 'Inventory information,' enter a unique Organization Code.

If you have Oracle Order Management installed:

After you define your organizations and items, you must specify an item validation organization in the Order Management Parameters window. The item validation organization, which must be an item master organization, indicates the organization that Receivables uses to validate items.

The information in the Organization window is shared by all Oracle applications that you install. Consequently, you can query all the organizations set up within other products. If you can query other organizations, then you do not have to set up an organization specific to Receivables.

You can disable an organization classification by unchecking the Enabled box next to that classification, and then saving your work.

Note: You can use the Oracle E-Business Suite Multiple Organization Support feature to use multiple ledgers for a single Receivables installation. See: Using the Multiple Organization Support Feature.

Related Topics

Setting Up Receivables

Organization Parameters Window, Oracle Inventory User's Guide

Oracle E-Business Suite Multiple Organizations Implementation Guide

Using the Multiple Organization Support Feature

You can use the Oracle E-Business Suite Multiple Organization Support feature to use multiple ledgers within a single Receivables installation. You can then assign a unique ledger (with its unique calendar, chart of accounts, and ledger currency) to each organization that you define. When you assign responsibilities using function security, you can limit a user to one organization's ledger.

In addition to its original title, the organization name is displayed in the header of reports also.

With the Multiple Organization Support feature, you can segregate transactions by operating unit, yet you can still choose to share certain information (such as customers) between organizations, so the information needs to be entered only once.

You can access multiple operating units from a single responsibility to enter, process, view, and report on data. Receivables can display data within one operating unit or across all operating units.

Related Topics

Oracle E-Business Suite Multiple Organizations Implementation Guide

Defining Receivables System Options

Define system options to customize your Receivables environment. During Receivables setup, you specify your accounts, customer and invoice parameters, and how the AutoInvoice and Automatic Receipts programs will run.


To define your Receivables system options:

  1. Navigate to the System Options window.

  2. Define your accounting, miscellaneous, and invoices and customers system options.

Related Topics

Accounting System Options

Transactions and Customers System Options

Claims System Options

Miscellaneous System Options

Setting Up Receivables

Using the Multiple Organization Support Feature

Accounting System Options

Use the Accounting tabbed region to define your accounting flexfields. You can also choose whether to use automatic journal import, enable header level rounding, and specify how many days should be included in each posting cycle.

To define your Receivables accounting system options:

  1. Navigate to the System Options window.

  2. Specify an operating unit.

  3. Enter your Realized Gains and Realized Losses Accounts. Receivables posts changes in your functional currency to your Realized Gains or Losses account in your general ledger if there are differences in exchange rate gains or losses.

    For example, if the exchange rate for a foreign currency invoice is 1.7 and the exchange rate of your payment for this invoice is 2.0, Receivables posts the difference as a gain to your Realized Gains account. Receivables provides descriptions of each segment, verifies that all flexfield segments are active, and ensures that you enter a valid combination.

  4. Enter a default Tax Account.

  5. Enter your Unallocated Revenue Account. Receivables uses this account when you apply a cash receipt with a balance other than zero to an invoice with a zero balance.

  6. In the Cross Currency Rate Type field, enter the default exchange rate type that Receivables uses when the receipt and transaction currency are different and the two currencies do not have a fixed rate relationship. (If the receipt and transaction do have a fixed rate relationship, then Receivables uses the exchange rate that you defined.)

    The Applications and QuickCash windows use the value that you define here to calculate the Allocated Receipt Amount when you enter the Amount Applied and vice versa (if this system option is not defined, then you must manually enter both values).

    Additionally, AutoLockbox uses this system option to apply cross currency receipts if the currencies do not have a fixed exchange rate and the program cannot automatically calculate the rate to use. See: Importing and Applying Cross Currency Receipts, Oracle Receivables User Guide.

  7. Enter a Cross Currency Rounding Account. Receivables uses this account to record any rounding error amounts created during a cross currency receipt application for currencies that have a fixed rate relationship. You need to define a rounding error account if you create cross currency receipts. See: Cross Currency Receipts, Oracle Receivables User Guide.

  8. Define a Header Rounding Account and enable Header Level Rounding (optional). Receivables uses this account to record any rounding differences that occur when converting foreign currency transactions to your functional currency. For more information, see: Header Level Rounding.

    Warning: After you enable Header Level Rounding and save your work, you cannot disable the feature.

  9. To import the batches of transaction records that you post into your general ledger, check the Automatic Journal Import box.

  10. Enter the number of Days per Posting Cycle. This lets you process the transactions you are posting in smaller groups to ensure that you do not run out of rollback space during posting. For example, if your accounting period is 30 days and you set this value to 30, the posting program uses only one cycle. If your accounting period is 30 days and you set this value to 17, the posting program uses two cycles. We recommend that you set this field to a value that is less than the number of days in your accounting period.

Related Topics

Transactions and Customers System Options

Claims System Options

Miscellaneous System Options

Discounts, Oracle Receivables User Guide

Transactions and Customers System Options

Receivables lets you define several options for your invoices and use of the AutoInvoice program. You can choose whether to allow updates to printed invoices and whether you can apply payments to an unrelated customer's transactions. Receivables lets you define the segments to use for Accounting Flex Tuning, System Items Tuning, and Territory Tuning during AutoInvoice.

You can also specify whether to purge the interface tables that you use for AutoInvoice, the maximum number of bytes to use, whether SQL Trace is active for this program, and the grouping rule to use for the revenue and credit transactions you create through AutoInvoice.

To define your Receivables transaction and customers system options:

  1. Open the Transactions and Customers tabbed region.

  2. To allow updates to transactions that have been printed, check the Allow Change to Printed Transactions box. This option also determines whether you can update a customer's address when printed, posted, or applied transactions are assigned to that address. See: Entering and Updating Customer Information, Oracle Receivables User Guide.

    Important: You cannot update a transaction if it has activity against it, regardless of how you set this option. Examples of activity include payments, credit memos, adjustments, and including the transaction on a balance forward bill.

  3. To allow transactions to be deleted from Receivables after they have been saved, check the Allow Transaction Deletion box. If you set this option to Yes, you can still specify at the responsibility level which users can delete transactions by using function security. Setting this option to No prevents all Receivables users from deleting transactions; this is a requirement for installations that are legally required to number transactions sequentially with no missing transaction numbers.

  4. To allow receipt applications to debit items of unrelated customers, or to allow bills receivable assignments to transactions of unrelated customers, check the Allow Payment of Unrelated Transactions box. If you check this box, Receivables lets you select debit items for unrelated customers and apply your receipts to them in the Applications window, and lets you select transactions of unrelated customers and assign them to bills receivable in the Assignments window or the Bills Receivable Transaction Batches window. See: Applying Receipts, Oracle Receivables User Guide and Bills Receivable Creation, Oracle Receivables User Guide.

  5. Check the Show Billing Number check box if you want Receivables to display the balance forward bill number on certain reports and windows. Receivables assigns a unique billing invoice number when you print a draft or final version of your balance forward bills.

    Receivables windows that can display the balance forward bill number include the Receipts, Transactions, Credit Transactions, Transaction Overview, Applications, and Search and Apply windows.

    Reports that can display the balance forward bill number include the Account Status, Aged Trial Balance, Billing and Receipt History, Disputed Invoice, Past Due Invoice, Sales Journal by GL Account, and Transaction Detail reports.

    Note: The balance forward bill number field on the Transactions workbench always displays, regardless of this system option setting.

  6. Enter the Tax Invoice Printing method to use. This is the method Receivables will use when printing tax amounts on your invoices. The value you enter here becomes the default for your customer profile classes. Choose one of the following methods:

    European Tax Format: Does not itemize tax information for each line, but does print tax rates as the last column of invoice lines. Prints freight items last. At the end of the invoice, the Tax Summary by Tax Name section includes a summary of taxable amounts and tax charged for each tax rate code.

    Itemize and Sum: Itemizes tax information for each invoice line. At the end of the invoice, the Tax Summary by Tax Name section includes a summary of the tax charged for each tax rate code.

    Additionally, at the end of the invoice, Receivables prints the invoice subtotal, tax, shipping, and invoice total in a vertical format.

    Itemize Taxes: Itemizes tax information for each invoice line.

    Itemize With Recap: Itemizes tax information for each invoice line. At the end of the invoice, the Tax Summary by Tax Name section includes a summary of the tax charged for each tax rate code.

    Recap: Does not itemize tax information for each line. At the end of the invoice, the Tax Summary by Tax Name section includes a summary of the tax charged for each tax rate code.

    Sum Taxes: Does not itemize tax information for each line. At the end of the invoice, the Tax Summary by Tax Name section includes a summary of the tax charged for each tax rate code.

    Additionally, at the end of the invoice, Receivables prints the invoice subtotal, tax, shipping, and invoice total in a vertical format.

    Summarize By Tax Name: Does not itemize tax information for each line. At the end of the invoice, the Tax Summary by Tax Name section includes a summary of the tax charged for each printed tax name and rate.

    Total Tax Only: Displays only the total tax amount at the bottom of the document.

  7. From the Document Number Generation Level drop-down list, select the point at which Receivables generates a document number for your transactions. Choose one of the following:

    • When the transaction is committed

    • When the transaction is completed

    For bills receivable, Receivables ignores this option and generates the document number when the bill is completed.

  8. Select the Assess Late Charges box if you want to assess late charges on overdue transactions.

    Receivables reviews this option first, before reviewing the various aspects of your late charge policies that are defined on the customer record, either defaulted from the customer profile class, or defined at the account or site level.

    Note: If this system option is not selected, then Receivables will not create late charges for a customer, even if that customer is enabled for late charges at the account or site level.

    See: Setting Up Late Charges.

  9. During late charge policy definition, you can select the Average Daily Balance calculation method. Typically, you use this calculation method for balance forward bills.

    If you are using the Average Daily Balance calculation method, then use the Average Daily Balance region to modify how Receivables calculates the average daily balance.

    • Use the Balance Calculation field to include or exclude as part of the balance calculation any debit items that were billed after the most recently generated balance forward bill.

      • Include Post-Billing Debit Items

        The average daily balance formula includes debit items that were created after the previous balance forward bill cutoff date.

      • Exclude Post-Billing Debit Items

        The average daily balance includes only those debit items that were already included on the last balance forward bill.

    • Use the Calculation Period field to specify the period that Receivables uses to calculate the average daily balance.

      • Due-Date to Run Date

        Receivables computes the sum of the applicable debits and credits for each day that falls between the balance forward bill due date and the Generate Late Charges program submission date. To calculate the average daily balance, Receivables divides the sum by the number of days.

      • Run-Date to Run-Date.

        Receivables computes the sum of the applicable debits and credits for each day that falls between the last submission date and current submission date of the Generate Late Charges program. To calculate the average daily balance, Receivables divides the sum by the number of days.

      Open balances at any other time of the month, and number of days that a payment is late, are not included in the calculation.

  10. During late charge policy definition, you decide how to present late charges to your customers (adjustment, debit memo, or interest invoice), and you define Receivables setup components to support that decision. Select those components that you previously defined.

    • Interest Invoice Transaction Type

      Select the transaction type that you defined for interest invoices.

    • Debit Memo Charge Transaction Type

      Select the transaction type that you defined for debit memos.

    • Interest Charge Activity

      Select the receivables activity that you defined for late charges.

      The Generate Late Charges program will use this value, if none exists at the customer account or site.

    • Penalty Charge Activity

      Select the receivables activity that you defined for penalties.

    • Late Charge Batch Source

      Select the batch source that you defined for debit memo or interest invoice creation.

    See: Step 3. Set Up Late Charge Documents and Accounting.

  11. To automatically purge the AutoInvoice Interface tables after running AutoInvoice, check the Purge Interface Tables box. If you check this box, Receivables deletes the records that have successfully transferred into permanent Receivables tables. Do not check this box if you want to submit the AutoInvoice Purge program manually after running AutoInvoice. See: Importing Transactions Using AutoInvoice, Oracle Receivables User Guide.

  12. Enter the Maximum Memory (in bytes) to allocate to AutoInvoice for validation. For best results, enter a value that is the maximum number of records that you import (rounded to an even number) multiplied by 1024. For example, if you use AutoInvoice to import no more than 100 records at a time, enter a value of 102400.

  13. Enter a Log File Message Level. This number (from 0 to 3) indicates the amount of detail you want AutoInvoice to display in the AutoInvoice log file. The higher the number, the greater the detail.

    Note: For more information about the AutoInvoice system options, see: Preparing Receivables for AutoInvoice, Oracle Receivables User Guide.

    Enter the Accounting, System Items, and Territory Flexfield segments that are most often selected by AutoInvoice. Receivables uses this information to increase AutoInvoice performance.

  14. To automatically assign a unique number to every new customer, check the Automatic Customer Numbering box. Do not check this box if you want to manually assign customer numbers.

    Your Oracle Applications system administrator or developer can specify the initial number to be used for Automatic Customer Numbering.

    • Switch to the Application Developer responsibility.

    • In the Navigator window select Application, then Database, and finally Sequence.

    • In the Name field of the Sequences window, query for HZ_ACCOUNT_NUM_S.

    • In the Start Value field of the Sequences window, enter the initial number to be used for Automatic Customer Numbering.

  15. To automatically assign numbers to your customer's business purposes, check the Automatic Site Numbering box.

    Tip: If you do not check the Automatic Site Numbering box, you can provide descriptive location names for your business purposes. For example, your customer has several addresses, but they want all invoices to be sent to their office in Chicago. For the Bill-To business purpose, enter a location name of 'Chicago-Bill To Site Only.' This will help you identify the correct address to enter when creating invoices.

  16. Select the Create Reciprocal Customer box to automatically select by default the Reciprocal check box when creating new account relationships.

  17. Enter the default Grouping Rule Name you want AutoInvoice to use. AutoInvoice uses grouping rules to group revenue and credit transactions into invoices, debit memos, and credit memos.

Related Topics

Accounting System Options

Claims System Options

Miscellaneous System Options

Entering and Updating Customer Information, Oracle Receivables User Guide

Defining Customer Profile Classes

Claims System Options

If using Oracle Trade Management, then use the Claims tabbed region to indicate how to evaluate, during Lockbox and Post QuickCash processing, your customers' remittances for claim creation.

You can choose which types of unmatched remittance lines that you want to create claims for.

You can also decide if you want to create claims for matched remittances. With matched remittances:

If you want to create claims for matched remittances, then you can optionally exclude short payments of credit memos from claim creation.


To define your Receivables claims system options:

  1. Open the Claims tabbed region.

  2. In the Unmatched Remittance Lines region, indicate the type of remittance line that you want Receivables to create claims for.

  3. In the Matched Remittance Lines region, select the Prepare for Claim Creation box if you want Receivables to create claims for matched remittances.

  4. Select the Exclude Credit Memos box if you want Receivables to exclude credit memos from automatic claim creation.

Related Topics

Working with Claims, Oracle Receivables User Guide

Using AutoLockbox, Oracle Receivables User Guide

How AutoLockbox Creates Claims, Oracle Receivables User Guide

QuickCash, Oracle Receivables User Guide

Defining Receivables System Options

Miscellaneous System Options

Use the Miscellaneous tabbed region to specify your split amount and the number of days to use for your Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) Calculation in the Collection Effectiveness Indicators Report.

You can also:

To define your miscellaneous Receivables system options:

  1. Open the Miscellaneous tabbed region, then enter the Split Amount that Receivables will use when you generate the Collection Effectiveness Indicators Report. Receivables prints this amount as a selection option for this report.

    Use the split amount to determine the number of invoices over and under this amount, as well as the total amounts remaining. For example, your company generates invoices that are either $300 or $500. You choose $400 as your split amount so that you can review how much of your open receivables are comprised of your $300 business and how much corresponds to your $500 business.

  2. Enter the Discount Basis you want Receivables to use when calculating discounts for your invoices. Receivables uses this value as the default Discount Basis in the Payment Terms window. Choose one of the following discount methods:

    Invoice Amount: Choose this option to calculate the discount amount based on the sum of the tax, freight charges, and line amounts of your invoices.

    Lines Only: Choose this option to calculate the discount amount based on only the line amounts of your invoices.

    Lines, Freight Items and Tax: Choose this option to calculate the discount amount based on the amount of line items, freight, and tax of your invoices, but not freight and charges at the invoice header level.

    Lines and Tax, not Freight Items and Tax: Choose this option to calculate the discount amount based on the line items and their tax amounts, but not the freight items and their tax lines, of your invoices.

  3. Enter an AutoCash Rule Set (optional). Receivables uses this AutoCash Rule Set when you enter a receipt for a customer whose profile class has not been assigned an AutoCash Rule Set.

    Your AutoCash Rule set and the Discount Grace Days you specify in a customer's credit profile determine the sequence of AutoCash Rules that Receivables uses when you run Post QuickCash to automatically apply receipts to this customer's open debit items. See: AutoCash, Oracle Receivables User Guide and AutoCash Rule Sets.

  4. Enter the Number of Days to use when calculating your conventional Days Sales Outstanding for the Collection Effectiveness Indicators Report.

    Conventional DSO = (total outstanding receivables / total sales for last DSO days) * (DSO days)

  5. Enter a Sales Credit Percent Limit (optional). This setting applies only to sales credit adjustments that you make using the Revenue Accounting feature. The Sales Credit Percent Limit imposes a limit on the percentage of revenue plus non-revenue sales credit that a salesperson can have on any transaction line. If you do not enter a limit here, then no validation is performed when using Revenue Accounting. See: Revenue Accounting, Oracle Receivables User Guide.

  6. Enter the write-off limits per receipt.

    You cannot write off receipt balances that are less than or greater than the system level write-off limits that you define here. You define the write-off limits range in your functional currency. See: Writing Off Receipts, Oracle Receivables User Guide.

  7. To allow Receivables to accept unearned discounts, check the Allow Unearned Discounts box. Unearned discounts are discounts a customer takes after the discount period passes. You define discount periods when defining your payment terms. See: Payment Terms.

  8. To allow discounts to be taken for partial payments, check the Discount on Partial Payment box. A partial payment is a payment that is less than the remaining amount due for a transaction. If this option is Yes, you can still choose to not allow discounts on partial payments at the transaction level when defining your Payment Terms. Set this option to No if you never allow discounts on partial payments.

  9. To require that salespersons be entered when entering your transactions, check the Require Salesperson box.

    If you plan to use the Revenue Accounting feature, you must check this box. See Revenue Accounting, Oracle Receivables User Guide.

  10. To require that a bill-to location be associated with a cash receipt, check the Require Billing Location for Receipts box. If this option is Yes, the Post QuickCash program does not create receipts that do not have billing locations.

    If you check this box, be sure that you also check the Require Billing Location box when defining your Lockboxes; otherwise, Receivables displays an error when you submit AutoLockbox.

    Tip: If you have customers without statement sites, we recommend that you check this box. If you do not check this box and you have receipts for customers who do not have statement sites and who do not have a billing location associated with the receipt, the unapplied amount of the receipt will not appear on any of the statements for this customer.

  11. To print your remit-to addresses on your customers' statements, check the Print Remit to Address box. You use remit-to addresses to inform your customers of where they should send their payments. See: Remit-To Addresses.

    The width and height (in characters) of your customer's remit-to address in your printed dunning letters is 8 characters (height) by 30 characters (width).

  12. To print your home country on your invoices and statements that refer to addresses in that country, check the Print Home Country box.

  13. Enter an amount in the Minimum Refund Amount field. This field is used for automated receipt handling only.

    AutoInvoice will automatically create refunds for credit memos that are imported against paid invoices, if the credit request amounts are equal to or greater than the minimum specified here.

    AutoInvoice will place on account any credit amount that is less than the specified minimum.

    See: Automatic Receipt Handling for Credits, Oracle Receivables User Guide.

  14. Select the default Credit Card Payment Method for transactions to be paid by credit card.

    This field is for use with iReceivables only.

  15. Select the default Bank Account Payment Method for transactions to be paid by Automatic Clearing House bank account transfer.

    Note: To accept bank account transfer payments via Oracle Payments and the ACH network, you must select an ACH Bank Account payment method from the list of values.

    This field is for use with iReceivables only.

  16. Enter the number of invoices you want the Automatic Receipt program to process before saving in the Invoices per Commit field.

  17. Enter the number of receipts you want the Automatic Receipt program to process before saving in the Receipts per Commit field.

    Tip: Set the Receipts per Commit option to a large number to avoid intermediate saves in the program. You should use numbers that are large enough to handle your largest automatic receipt batches. To help determine the numbers to use, look at the end of the log file for your largest Automatic Receipt Creation Batch; this gives you the number of receipts marked for this batch. Enter this number in the Receipts per Commit field. You should only reduce the number if you run out of rollback segments.

  18. Enter your default Chargeback Due Date. Receivables uses this date when you create a chargeback. Choose from the following:

    Current Date: Use today's date as the default.

    Deposit Date: Use the receipt deposit date as the default.

    Open Invoice Due Date: Use the due date of the invoice or debit memo as the default.

    Receipt Date: Use the receipt date as the default. This is the date that you entered the receipt.

  19. Enter a Default Country. Receivables uses this information to specify the home country for tax calculation, flexible bank structures, flexible address formats, and taxpayer id and tax registration number validation. It also provides a default value of the Country field when you enter addresses. (You can override this value by setting the user profile option 'Default Country.' See: Profile Options in Oracle Application Object Library).

  20. In the Area field, enter the Source of Territory you want Receivables to default into the Salespersons, Transactions, and Customers windows. Receivables uses the value you enter here to determine the default territory for your invoices and commitments. Choose from the following sources:

    Bill-To Site: Use your customer's Bill-To Address as the default.

    Salesrep: Use the territory assigned to your customer's primary salesperson as the default.

    Ship-To Site: Use your customer's Ship-To Address as the default.

    None: Do not enter a default territory.

  21. Enter an Application Rule Set or select one from the list of values. Your Application Rule Set determines the default payment steps when you use the Applications window or Post QuickCash to apply receipts. Receivables uses this rule set if none is assigned to the debit item's transaction type. See: Receivables Application Rule Sets., Oracle Receivables User Guide

Related Topics


Accounting System Options

Transactions and Customers System Options

Claims System Options

Entering Transactions, Oracle Receivables User Guide

Automatic Receipts, Oracle Receivables User Guide

Writing Off Receipts, Oracle Receivables User Guide

Printing Statements, Oracle Receivables User Guide

Revenue Accounting, Oracle Receivables User Guide


Receivables lets you define multiple customer territory combinations. You can assign territories to your customers, salespeople, invoices, and commitments. For example, you can divide your industry class into different types of businesses and your regions into North, South, East, and West to evaluate growth by location.

Receivables uses the value you enter in the Source of Territory field in the System Options window to determine the default territory for your invoices and commitments.

Active territories appear in the list of values in the Customers, Salespersons, and Transactions windows. Receivables does not display inactive territories in these windows.


To define a territory:

  1. Navigate to the Territories window.

  2. Enter a unique territory Name and Description.

  3. Enter the territory Flexfield information for this territory.

  4. Enter the range of Effective Dates that this territory will be active. The default Start date is the current date, but you can change it. If you do not enter an End date, this territory will be active indefinitely.

Related Topics

Defining Receivables System Options

Entering Transactions, Oracle Receivables User Guide


Territory Flexfield

Oracle E-Business Suite Flexfields Guide

Territory Flexfield

You can use the Territory Flexfield for recording and customized reporting on your territory information. Territory Flexfields are also displayed in the Transaction Detail and Customer Detail reports in Receivables. Receivables provides a default structure for your Territory Flexfield. You can define up to twenty segments for this structure in the Key Flexfield Segments window.

Once you have defined your Territory Flexfield segments, you need to define value sets for these segments. Receivables does not provide any default value sets.

Next, you need to navigate to the Territories window to create your Territory Flexfield combinations. The Territory Flexfield does not allow dynamic insert, so you must ensure that you have defined all of your flexfield combinations before you assign them. See: Territories.

You can assign territories to your salespeople in the Resource window, to invoices and commitments in the Transactions window, and to customer business purposes in the Customers window.

You can choose to default the Territory Flexfield in your invoices and commitments using the Source of Territory field in the Miscellaneous tabbed region of the System Options window. You can choose from the following sources:

When you recur an invoice that has a Territory Flexfield assigned to it, the same Territory Flexfield will be copied to your recurred invoice. In addition, you can import Territory Flexfield information when importing your invoices through AutoInvoice. However, note that Receivables does not support the import of Territory Flexfields through the Customer Interface utility.

Important: The Territory Flexfield is optional, so if you do not wish to group your receivables data by territory, you do not have to implement this flexfield. However, you must enable at least one segment of your territory flexfield.

Territory Flexfield

Basic information about the territory flexfield includes:

Related Topics


Defining Descriptive Flexfields, Oracle E-Business Suite Flexfields Guide

Maintaining Countries and Territories

Maintaining Countries and Territories

Receivables lets you review and update your system's predefined country and territory information. You cannot enter new countries or territories, but you can update the name, description, Value Added Tax (VAT) member state code, or address style for any predefined countries.

The VAT member state code identifies a country or territory as belonging to the European Union (EU). There are special Value-Added Tax rules that apply to member states of the EU.


To maintain your country and territory information:

  1. Navigate to the Countries and Territories window.

  2. Update the predefined Description of the country or territory (optional).

  3. Update the VAT Member State Code for a country belonging to the European Union. Receivables uses member state codes to determine which customers to include in the European Sales Listing. If a country does not belong to the European Union, you should not enter a VAT member state code. See: European Sales Listing, Oracle Receivables User Guide.

  4. Update the Address Style to use for addresses within a country throughout Oracle Financials. If you leave this field blank, then Receivables uses the default address style. Choose one of the following predefined address styles:

    • Japan: Address Style used in Japan.

    • Northern Europe: Address Style used in Northern Europe.

    • South America: Address Style used in South America.

    • Southern Europe: Address Style used in Southern Europe.

    • UK/Africa/Australasia: Address Style used in the United Kingdom, Africa, and Australasia.

    Note: You can also create your own address styles. See: Flexible Addresses.

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