Compensation and Benefits


Survey of the Classifications

The survey of classifications identifies:

Primary Classifications

Classification Meaning
Information Information elements can be set up for the following purposes: representing information items that are not used in payroll processing, holding information for use in other elements and triggering the processing of other elements, for example, PAYE Details.
Absence Absence elements are used to make payments to employees for periods of absence.
Direct Payment Direct Payment elements are for expenses or loans made through the payroll that are not subject to tax. They are not included in gross or net pay balances.
Earnings Earnings elements represent most payments made to an employee. These payments are usually subject to deductions of tax and PRSI, and are normally processed in the regular payroll run each period.
Benefits Benefits elements represent payments, such as sickness benefit and occupational injury benefits, payable to an employee.
Supplementary Earnings Supplementary Earnings elements include earnings from other positions or investments, for example letting property, and are subject to tax and social insurance contributions.
Third Party Payments to Employees Third Party elements are payments made to employees from other organizations, for example banks and building societies.
Pre-Tax Deductions Pre-Tax Deductions elements are for voluntary deductions, such as PAYE contributions, made before taxation.
PRSI PRSI elements represent all the categories of employee PRSI payments, and also maintain information for statutory reporting.
PAYE PAYE elements represent tax deductions and maintain information for statutory reporting.
Court Orders Court ordered attachment of earnings elements represent deductions made from employee earnings under orders from courts.
Voluntary Deductions Voluntary Deductions elements are for deductions, such as union dues, that the employee authorizes the employer to make voluntarily on their behalf after tax.
Employer Charges Employer Charges elements represent payments, such as contributions to the company pension scheme or employer's PRSI, made to statutory bodies and third parties by the employer for the employee.
Balance Initialization Balance Initialization elements are used specifically for the loading of initial values into balances. You would mainly use these elements when transferring data from another payroll system.
Pre Tax and Pre PRSI Deduction Pre Tax and Pre PRSI Deduction elements hold the pre-tax and pre-PRSI deductions.
IE Imputed Taxable Earnings IE Imputed Taxable Earnings elements represent the imputed taxable earnings.
IE Earnings Non PRSIable IE Earnings Non PRSIable elements process the Social Benefits after 36 day tax exemption period.
IE Earnings Non Taxable and Non PRSIable IE Earnings Non Taxable and Non PRSIable elements process the Social Benefits within 36 day tax exemption period.
IE Social Benefits Clearup IE Social Benefits Clearup elements hold the Social Benefit deduction amount if the employee retains cheque.
Advance Earnings Advance Earnings elements represent the advance earnings.
IE Benefit In Kind Arrearage IE Benefit In Kind Arrearage elements hold the arrearage amount for Benefits In Kind such as Company Vehicle and Accommodation.
IE Benefit In Kind Arrearage Recovery IE Benefit In Kind Arrearage Recovery elements hold the arrearage recovery amount for Benefits In Kind such as Company Vehicle and Accommodation.

Primary Classification Processing Priorities and Cost Types

The following table shows processing priority and costing details for the primary classifications supplied.

Primary Classification Priority Range Default Priority Cost Type
Information 1 - 1000 500 -
Absence 1001 - 2000 1500 Debit
Direct Payments 2001 - 3000 2500 Debit
Earnings 3001 - 4000 3500 Debit
Benefits 4001 - 5000 4500 Credit
Supplementary Earnings 5001 - 6000 5500 Debit
Employer Charges 6001 - 7000 6500 Credit
Third Party Payments to Employees 7001 - 8000 7500 Credit
Pre-Tax Deductions 8001 - 9000 8500 Credit
PRSI 10001 - 10500 10300 Credit
PAYE 10501 - 11000 10800 Credit
Court Orders 11001 - 12000 11500 Credit
Voluntary Deductions 12001 -13000 12500 Credit
Pre Tax and Pre PRSI Deduction 8001-9000 8300 Credit
IE Imputed Taxable Earnings 3001-4000 3600 Debit
IE Earnings Non PRSIable 3001-4000 3500 Debit
IE Social Benefits Clearup 12001-13000 12500 Credit
Advance Earnings 15000-17000 16000 Credit
IE Benefit In Kind Arrearage 11001-11500 11200 Debit
IE Benefit In Kind Arrearage Recovery 11001-11500 11200 Credit

Predefined Secondary Element Classifications

The following table shows the predefined secondary classifications supplied. You cannot update or delete these predefined classifications.

An element is automatically given any default secondary classifications defined for its primary classification.

Primary Classification Secondary Classifications Default
PRSI PRSIable Earnings Yes
PAYE Taxable Earnings Yes

Setting Up Total Compensation Elements

Follow this process to set up elements for items in the compensation package you offer to employees. There are additional steps for setting up the following types of compensation and benefits:

Also, there are additional steps if you want to process the elements in a payroll run.

See: Setting Up Total Compensation Elements for Payroll, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

Define Validation and Lookups

Define validation for entries of any new elements you are creating.

  1. To restrict compensation entries to a list of valid values, define a new Lookup Type and add Lookup Values for this new lookup.

    See: Adding Lookup Types and Values, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide.

  2. To validate compensation entries using formulas, write a formula of type Element Input Validation.

    See: Writing Formulas for Validation, Oracle HRMS FastFormula User Guide.

  3. To create a matrix of values (such as bonus amount against years of service) for use in formulas or QuickPaint reports, set up user tables.

    See: Setting Up User Tables, Columns, and Rows, Oracle HRMS Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide

    Define Elements and Links

  4. Define elements and element input values to record information about employee compensation, benefits, and equipment:

    See: Defining an Element.

    See: Defining an Element's Input Values.

    See also: Defining and Linking an Element for Standard and Advanced Benefits

    See also: Deleting an Element

  5. Define element links to identify one or more groups of employees who are eligible to receive an element.

    See: Defining Element Links, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

    See also: Running the Element Link Details Report, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

  6. For elements without Standard links, make entries of your elements for all employee who should receive them.

    See: Making Manual Element Entries, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

Defining an Element

Use the Element window to create an element to represent compensation and benefit types or earnings and deductions.

This procedure describes how to define elements using a Payroll responsibility (that is, a responsibility with the HR User Type profile option set to Payroll User or HR with Payroll User). If you are an HR-only user, you will not see certain fields relating to element processing information. You can just ignore the steps that apply to these fields.

Note: Depending on your localization and the types of element you want to create, you may not need to start from scratch in the Element window. Check which earnings and deductions are available in the template library in the Configuration Workbench. If these template elements do not meet your requirements, you may be able to generate earnings and deductions using Earnings and Deductions windows or the Element Design Wizard. You can use the Element window to further configure template elements and generated elements.

Dates, Names and Classifications

To enter dates, names, and a classification for the element

  1. Set your effective date early enough to handle any historical element entries you want to make. Note that an element cannot be linked or entered until its start date.

  2. Enter a unique:

    • Name

    • Reporting name

    Start the names with a letter of the alphabet (not a number or symbol). The reporting name is a short identifier for reports and pay advices.

  3. Enter a description for the element.

  4. Select a Primary Classification.

    This controls an element's processing priority and the balances it feeds. If you are defining a salary element for Salary Administration, you must select the classification Earnings.

Processing Information

To enter processing information for the element

  1. Select the processing type. Select Recurring if an entry of this element applies in every period until the entry is ended, or Nonrecurring if an entry applies in one pay period only. The dates of the pay period are determined by the payroll to which the employee is assigned.

    Note: If you are defining a salary element for salary administration, you must select the type Recurring. If you are defining a net-to-gross element you must select the type Nonrecurring.

  2. Select a termination rule to determine how entries of the element are processed after termination of the employee:

    Note: UK only: Always select Actual Termination for UK proration.

    • Actual Termination if you want recurring entries to close down on the date the employee leaves. For a nonrecurring element, select Actual Termination if you want the entries to close down at the end of the pay period in which the employee leaves, or on the date the assignment ends (the final process date) if this is earlier.

    • Final Close if you want the entries to stay open beyond the employee's leaving date so that you can continue to pay the employee.

    If you are a Payroll user, you can also select:

    • Last Standard Process for all recurring and nonrecurring elements if you want their entries to close down on the Last Standard Process date or on the date the assignment ends (the final process date) if this is earlier. The Last Standard Process date defaults to the last day of the pay period in which the employee is terminated, but you can set it to a later period when you terminate an employee.

  3. Select the Multiple Entries Allowed check box if you want to give an employee more than one entry of the element at the same time. If you are creating a net-to-gross element, you must select Multiple Entries Allowed.

  4. Select the Additional Entries Allowed check box if you want to make occasional one-time entries of a recurring element (instead of, or in addition to, a normal recurring entry).

    US and Canada only: The Additional Entry Allowed rule is not applicable for US and Canadian installations.

  5. Select the Closed for Entry check box if you want to prevent any new entries being made for the element, either temporarily or permanently. This does not affect any existing entries of the element.

    Important: Use this feature with caution. When you perform certain important tasks in Oracle HRMS, the application may automatically create or delete element entries. These tasks include hiring and terminating people, and updating assignments. Therefore, if you check Closed for Entry on an element, this might prevent users terminating employees and updating assignments. If there are standard links for the element, it will also prevent users hiring people who are eligible for the element.

    HR-only users: Go to Currency.

    Oracle Payroll Users:

  6. Select the Process in Run check box if you want the element to process in payroll runs.

  7. Select the Once Each Period check box to ensure that only the first payroll run of each period processes entries of this element.

    Note: If this check box is not available for your localization, you can select a ONCE_EACH_PERIOD skip rule for the element instead.

  8. Select the Indirect Results check box if you want the element only to accept entries from indirect formula results. Leave the check box unchecked if you want to accept entries both from indirect formula results and from manual entries in the Element Entries window.

  9. Select the Adjustment Only check box if you want to use the element only for creating balance adjustments.

  10. Select the Third Party Payments check box if you want to use the element only for creating third-party payments.

  11. Overwrite the default priority number in the Priority field if you want to determine the order in which the element processes within its classification range. Lower numbers process before higher ones.

    If the order of processing within the element classification is not important, you can accept the default priority number, which is the midpoint of the range.

  12. Select a formula in the Skip Rule field if you have written a skip rule formula to determine the circumstances in which the element should be processed.

    UK only: If you are using different run types, select the ONCE_EACH_PERIOD skip rule for all earnings, to ensure they are not processed by each child run type.


    The default currency for element entry values is the currency defined for the Business Group. You can select a different currency for the element if required.

Advanced Processing Information

Oracle Payroll users only: Use the Advanced tab to enter further processing information if you are defining:

Note: The Advanced tab may not be available for some localizations.

To define an element as a separate payment

  1. On the Advanced tab, select the Separate Payment check box.

    The Process Separate box is checked automatically.

    UK users: Do not select this check box. This functionality is not currently available for UK Payroll.

To define an element to process separately

  1. On the Advanced tab, select the Process Separate check box.

To define an element for net-to-gross calculation

  1. On the Advanced tab, select the Gross Up check box.

    The Iterative Flag and Process Separate boxes are checked automatically.

  2. Select DEFAULT_GROSSUP in the Iterative Formula field. This formula controls the iterative calculation of the pay value, adjusting an input value as necessary to get a result that is defined to be close enough to the required net payment.

    Note: After saving your element, choose the Iterative Rules button to specify how to use the formula results. Also choose the Exclude Balances button to select which balances are grossed up for the element (meaning that these deductions are paid by the employer).

  3. Optionally, enter a value in the Iterative Priority field to determine the sequence in which elements are adjusted during iterative calculations. Elements with lower iterative priority values are adjusted first.

  4. Select the Separate Payment box if you want the payment to be made separately from the regular payment. UK Payroll, Irish Payroll: Do not select this check box.

  5. Save your work.

To set up iterative processing for a pre-tax deduction (UK)

  1. Check the Iterative Flag box.

  2. Select PQP_GB_ITERATIVE_ARREARAGE in the Iterative Formula field.

  3. Enter an Iterative Priority number in the range 1 to 1500. The element with the lowest iterative priority number is reduced first. If this deduction is reduced to zero and net pay is still insufficient to cover taxes and court orders, the element with the next lowest priority number is reduced, and so on.

    Important: Iterative priority numbers must be in the reverse sequence of the processing priority numbers. This means that the element that is processed first is reduced last.

  4. Choose Iterative Rules, and select the L_stopper rule.

Advance Pay Processing Information

Oracle Payroll Users only except Ireland. If Advance Pay by Element is enabled in your legislation, use the Advance Pay tab to:

To define an element as an Advance Pay element

  1. On the Advance Pay tab, check the Mark as an Advance Pay Indicator check box.

    This marks the element as an Advance Pay indicator. This means that when you run the Advance Pay by Element process, it will identify this that this element can be potentially processed as an Advance Pay element according to the processing conditions that you define.

To set the processing conditions for an Advance Pay element

On the Advance Pay tab:

  1. Check the Include as an Advance Element check box if you want to process this element as an Advance Pay element.

  2. If you want to specify a separate Advance Pay element, select this element from the list of available elements in Use Advance Element. If you leave Use Advance Element blank and do not specify an element, then you do not select a separate advance pay element. You can still process advance payments, but all the entries are held within your current earnings element rather than reported separately in an advance pay element.

  3. Check the Deduct Advance Amount check box if you want to show the deduction for the advance in the current payroll period. Every advance payment has a deduction associated with it to bring the overall payroll amounts back into balance. You can use this check box to control the point at which the deduction should be applied.

  4. If you want to specify a separate Deduction element, select this element from the list of available elements in Use Deduction Element. If you leave Use Deduction Element blank and do not specify an element, then you do not create a separate deduction element. You can still process deductions for advance payments, but all the entries are held within your current earnings elements rather than reported separately in a deduction element.

    Note that when you create either an Advance Pay element, or a Deductions element, you must ensure that it exists for the same period of time as the underlying earnings element, and that the input values match those on the underlying element.

  5. Check the Process Advance Entry in Run check box if you want to include this element in a payroll run, If you do not check this box, then the element does not process in a payroll run and is reported as information in your Statement of Earnings report.

Continuous Calculation

For prerequisite steps to set up continuous calculation, see: Setting Up Continuous Calculation

To set up an element for continuous calculation

  1. Choose the Recalculation tab and select a RetroPay element. This is an event group that defines the events that trigger proration for this element.


In some localizations, Oracle Payroll can calculate proportionate earnings amounts whenever payroll-relevant data changes during a payroll period. The Payroll Earnings and Deductions section describes the full setup steps for the relevant localizations. To enable proration for an element, choose the Proration tab.

To set up an element for proration

  1. Choose the Proration tab and select a proration group. This is an event group that defines the events that trigger proration for this element.

  2. Optionally, select a proration formula. Alternatively you can edit the element's payroll formula to handle proration.

Further Information

  1. Enter the Further Information field if:

    • Your Oracle localization team has set up additional fields for element definition

    • You are in the UK, and you use Oracle SSP/SMP

    French Payroll

    • Select a group, which is the name by which this element, and the others in the group, appears as one line on the pay advice.

    • On the pay advice, most earnings and deductions are shown as a base, a rate, and an amount. Select the base unit if you want this displayed on the pay advice.

    South African Payroll

    • Enter a clearance number for Statutory Information and Deduction elements, if applicable. This number appears on the tax certificate.

    Kuwait Payroll

    • Select a deduction type for the Deductions elements. This information is used by the PIFSS report.

    New Zealand Payroll:

    • If you want to display custom elements with the classification of Employer Charges in the Online Payslip, SOE form, and Statement of Earnings under Employer Superannuation Contribution section, select Yes in the Super Section Display field.

  2. Choose Input Values to define input values for the element

    See: Defining an Element's Input Values

    Oracle Payroll Users:

  3. Choose Balance Feeds to select balances you want this element to feed

    See: Creating Balance Feeds for Individual Elements, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

  4. Click Balance Feed Control to add or remove secondary element classifications for this element.

    Mexico only: Click this button to attach sub-classifications to your element.

    See: Creating Classes of Balance Feeds, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

  5. Choose Frequency Rules to enter frequency rules to determine when the element should be processed.

    See: Defining Frequency Rules

  6. For a net-to-gross element, choose Exclude Balances to select the deductions to be paid by the employer.

  7. For a net-to-gross element, or any other element that is processed iteratively, choose Iterative Rules to specify how to use the Iterative Formula results.

Extra Information

Choose the Extra Information button to enter extra attribution for the element. You can link as much attribution as you need to an element.

Note: You can only access Extra Information types if your system administrator has set them up for your responsibility.

If Payslip Modeling feature has been enabled for your localization, you can specify whether to enable the element for payslip modeling. If you select No, the elements will not be available for the users during payslip modeling process.

Payslip Modeler

If Payslip Modeler has been enabled, then you can specify whether to enable the element for payslip modeling. If you select No, the element will not be available for the users during payslip modeling process.

To enable an element to be available for payslip modeling, query the element and select Yes in the Enable Simulation field in the Element Extra Information window. You can select input values of this element which are to be made available for simulation. Only user enterable input values are available for Payslip modeling. Ensure to select all mandatory input values to be made available for simulation, if the element is available for simulation.

If the Multiple Entries checkbox is enabled for an element, then you cannot use this element for payslip modeling. Instead, create a copy of the base element, enter input values, attach the appropriate formulas and balances as the base element and then use this element for payslip modeling. Ensure that this new element is not used for payroll run.

Note: Please note that there is a restriction for predefined elements being used for payslip modeling. For predefined elements, if you setup the details in one business group, then these details will be accessible to other business groups. For example, for predefined element Regular Salary element, if you want to enable Input Value A for one Business Group and Input Value B for another Business group, then this is not possible. This limitation occurs for predefined elements applicable to all localizations. Therefore, if there are multiple business groups, then you must define a single structure for the predefined elements. If there are custom elements, then the custom elements are accessible only for that business group.

Additional Resources: For more information about using the payslip modeler, see the Oracle Self-Service Human Resources Deploy Self-Service Capability Guide, Payslip Modeling (UK).


To exclude the element from a run type

  1. Choose the Usages button if you want to exclude this element from a run type, or combination of run types.

  2. Select the run type or combination of run types from which you want to exclude this element.

    Note: For Norway: You must select the Employer Contributions run type to exclude the elements.

  3. Select the effective dates for your exclusions.

  4. Save your work.

Defining an Element's Input Values

Use the Input Values window to define the input values for the element. You can define up to 15 input values for an element.

Depending on the type of element you have defined, Oracle HRMS may have applied one or more default input values.

North America users: All elements must have the default Jurisdiction input value.

Norway users: All elements that feed the Holiday Pay Base classification must have the Tax Municipality input value. This input value must have the HR_NO_TAX_MUNICIPALITY valueset attached to it.

Payroll users: If you are creating balance feeds for individual elements, ensure you define an input value of the same unit of measure as the balance. Money units must be the same currency.

You can add new input values to a saved element only if you have not entered the element for any employees. To add an input value, you must set your effective date to the element's start date.

To define input values

  1. Set your effective date early enough to handle any historical element entries you want to make.

  2. Enter or query the element in the Element or Element Link window and choose the Input Values button.

  3. Enter the name of the first input value. Remember that if you want to define a pay value to hold run results, you must name it Pay Value.

  4. Select the unit type of your input value (money, hours, character, date, number, or time). A Pay Value must have the unit type Money if the element is in a Payments type classification.

  5. You can enter numbers in the Sequence field to change the order in which the input values appear in the Entry Values window.

  6. Check the Required check box if all entries of the element must have a value for this input.

    Note: When you have saved an input value, you cannot change it to be Required. If you have saved it as Not Required by mistake (or you have generated an element that has an input value you want to make required), delete the input value and re-enter it with the correct values. If you are re-entering a generated input value, be careful to enter exactly the same name. You cannot delete the input value if you have made any entries of the element for employees.

  7. Check the User Enterable check box if users can enter a value for this input. Uncheck it if you want to ensure that the default value is entered for all employees.

  8. Check the Database Item check box if you want the value to be available to formulas or QuickPaint inquiries.

    Database Items are simple identifiers that the system uses to find specific items of information in the human resources database. Any spaces in the input value name are converted to underscores in the Database Item name.

Entering Element-Level Defaults

If you enter defaults at the element link level, these override the defaults at element level. If you update an element-level default, remember to check the values on the element links too.

To enter a default for an input value

  1. Enter the value in the Default field.

  2. If you want existing entries to be updated whenever the default is changed, check the Hot Default check box. The input value must be required if you want to use this option.

    A hot default appears in the Entry Values window in quotation marks.

    Important: If a user overrides a hot default in the Entry Values window, subsequent changes to the default will not affect the entry. For this reason, you may prefer to use BEE to change defaults for large groups of employees, rather than the hot default feature.

Defining Entry Validation

To enter validation for an input value

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Enter maximum and minimum values for the input.

    • Select a Lookup Type to act as a lookup supplying a list of valid values.

    • Select a formula to validate entries for this input value. Formulas can return messages to users about the success or failure of the validation.

  2. Select Warning or Error to determine whether the system warns users that an entry is invalid or prevents them from saving an invalid entry. You cannot select a value if you chose a Lookup because a user cannot enter an invalid value for an input value validated by lookup.

Defining and Linking an Element for Standard and Advanced Benefits

You set up elements for Standard and Advanced Benefits as you would other elements, with certain restrictions noted below. Element setup is the same for Standard and Advanced Benefits.

In the US and Canada, use the Earnings or Deduction window to create an element if you process the element in a payroll run.

Outside the US and Canada--or if you are an HR-only customer in any legislation--use the Element window to create an element.

To define an element for Standard and Advanced Benefits

  1. Set your effective date early enough to handle any historical element entries you want to make.

  2. Enter a unique element Name.

    When you define a standard activity rate, you select the element that corresponds to the rate you are defining.

  3. Select the appropriate Classification for the earning or deduction.

  4. For Payroll users in the US and Canada, select a Category on the Earnings or Deduction window.

    If you are using the Element window, you can select a Category in the Further Element Information flexfield.

  5. In the US, optionally select a Benefit Classification.

    Note: For any element attached to a standard activity rate, do not select a Benefit Classification of Dental, Medical, or Vision.

  6. Select a Termination Rule of Final Close for any element attached to an activity rate.

  7. Do not check the Standard Link check box (Earnings and Deduction windows) or the Standard check box (Element and Element Link windows) since you use eligibility profiles to control benefits eligibility.

  8. Complete the definition of the element according to your business rules.

  9. Save your work.

  10. Choose Input Values.

    You can define multiple input values for the element, but you can only link one input value to a standard activity rate.

  11. Save your work.

Defining an Element Link for Standard and Advanced Benefits

After you define an element, open the Element Link window. Because you create eligibility profiles for Standard and Advanced Benefits, you should limit use of the Element Link window to creating an open link for elements you do not cost.

To define an element link for Standard and Advanced Benefits

  1. Set your effective date.

  2. In the Element Name field, select the element for which you are defining a link.

  3. Save the record without selecting any assignment links to create an open link.

    Note: If you define links for costing, your links must not conflict with any eligibility profiles you set up for Standard and Advanced Benefits. Your element must have a valid link at all times.

    For more help on element links and costing, see: Defining Element Links, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

Deleting an Element

Before you delete an element, you must first delete any entries of the element recorded for employees and then any links defined for the element.

Use the following process to delete any elements you defined in the Element window, Earnings or Deduction template, or Element Definition Wizard.

Important: Do not delete any predefined elements.

To delete an element

  1. Use the List Employees by Element window to get a list of all employees with entries for the element.

  2. For each employee, query the element entry in the Element Entries window, choose Delete Record, and save.

  3. Query the element in the Element Link window and, for each link for this element, choose Delete Record, and save.

  4. Perform one of the following:

    • If you created this element through the Element Definition Wizard, query this element from within the wizard.

    • If you created this element through the US and Canadian Earnings or Deductions templates, query this element from within the template.

    • If you created this element through the Element window, query this element from that window.

  5. Delete the element and save.

    The system prompts you to either End Date the element or Purge it. Select End Date if you want the element to remain in the system but be effective through a certain date. Select Purge if you made a mistake defining the element and you want to delete it from the system altogether.

Enrollment Management

Enrollment Management

Enrollment management is the process of registering your employees and other eligible participants in benefit plans and options. It includes recording contribution rates and coverage amounts and entering the dependents and beneficiaries of the primary participant into the system.

Enrollments commonly occur when a benefits specialist enters a participant's elections into the HR system. However, for Advanced Benefits users, enrollments can also include default enrollments for persons who do not specify elections during an enrollment period and automatic enrollments which are typically used to enter newly hired employees into interim coverage until they can make their own elections.

Because enrolling employees in benefits programs can be a labor intensive process for an organization with many employees, the product enables self-service enrollments using web enrollment forms and interactive voice response technology (IVR).

Enrollment eligibility and electable benefit choices are based on the eligibility profiles and enrollment requirements that you associate with a benefit.

You can override eligibility results if you are an Advanced Benefits customer. You can grant an exception so that an ineligible person can enroll in a plan or option for which they are otherwise ineligible. Conversely, you can waive a person's participation in a plan for which they have met the eligibility criteria.

Enrollment Forms

The system is delivered with four enrollment forms:

You use the Flex enrollment form to enroll participants in flexible benefits programs and vacation buy/sell programs.

You use the Non-Flex enrollment form if you are implementing a benefits program that does not use flex credits.

You use the Savings Plan form to enroll a participant in an investment plan.

You use the Miscellaneous Plan form to enroll participants in plans that are not part of a program.

Flex Program Enrollment (Advanced Benefits)

You manage open enrollment and life event enrollment for a flex program or a flex plus core program using the Flex Enrollment form.

You use the form to enter an eligible person's elections, contribution rates, and coverage levels. As elections are entered, the system calculates the eligible person's spent and unspent flex credits.

From the Flex Enrollment window you can taskflow to windows that enable you to:

Non-Flex Program Enrollment

You use the Non-Flex Enrollment form to enroll participants in plans and options that are not funded by flex credits. This is the enrollment form you use if you have not purchased the Advanced Benefits product license, or if you are an Advanced Benefits customer who maintains benefit programs that are not funded by flex credits.

You use the form to enter an eligible person's elections, contribution rates, and coverage levels. From the Non-Flex Enrollment window you can taskflow to windows that enable you to:

Savings Plan Enrollment

You use the Savings Plan Enrollment form to record a person's contribution rate and their investment option elections for a savings plan.

From the Savings Plan Enrollment form you can taskflow to windows that enable you to:

Important: The product does not accommodate 401(k) balance transfers from other benefits systems for employees who are rolling over 401(k) balances from a previous employer.

Savings Plan Enrollment Form and SECURE Act 2.0 (US)


Miscellaneous Plan Enrollment

You use the Miscellaneous Plan Enrollment form to enroll a participant in a plan that is not part of a program and is not a savings plan. Miscellaneous plans do not provide flex credits to participants.

You use the form to enter an eligible person's elections, contribution rates, and coverage levels. From the Miscellaneous Enrollment form you can taskflow to windows that enable you to:

Special Plan Rates

Note: The special plan rates feature is reserved for future use.

Special contribution rates are sometimes offered by a benefits carrier for the joint election of two plans. When a participant elects a plan that is defined as part of a special rate pair, they receive a discounted rate on the second plan.

You use the Special Rates form to view any special rates offered for the plans in a Flex program, Non-Flex program, or for a miscellaneous (not in program) plan.

Action Items and Certifications (Advanced Benefits)

As part of enrolling a participant in a benefit, you can view the action items that must be completed before the enrollment is valid.

From the Person Enrollment Action Items form, you can navigate to the following forms to enter changes to the record of a participant, dependent, or beneficiary in order to complete the action item.

You define required action items as part of your plan design.

Action Items and Subsequent Life Events

If you process a subsequent life event for a participant with an open action item, how the application processes the suspended election and any interim coverage for the participant depends on a variety of factors. The scenarios below outline how the application processes action items under different conditions.

Dependents and Beneficiaries

As part of enrollment processing, you record the persons selected by a participant as dependents or beneficiaries of a plan or option. The system displays eligible designees for participants with enrollments in progress.

Because you can limit the relationship type of the dependents who are eligible to receive coverage under a benefit plan, the system displays only those dependents eligible for coverage. For example, if a participant elects employee plus spouse coverage, the system only displays dependents of the spouse relationship type.

You use the Dependent/Beneficiary Designation form to:

Participants can designate dependents at the plan or option level; beneficiaries are designated at the plan level.

Primary Care Providers

You can record in the system the physician or dentist that a participant elects to be their primary care provider. Providers are categorized by their service provider type, such as General Practitioner, Dentist, or Ob/Gyn. The system provides these and other service provider types and your system administrator can extend this list as part of your implementation.

Note: A person can have only one primary care provider of each provider type within the a plan.

Enrollment Results

After you enroll a participant in a benefit, you can display the enrollment results for that person.

Enrollment information is date effectively displayed so that you can view historical or future-dated information. You can display enrollment results that are created by one of the following means:

Participation Overrides (Advanced Benefits)

The ability to override eligibility results is a requirement for enterprises with a high need for flexible benefits administration. Grand-fathered coverage, special employment terms, or required adjustments for highly compensated employees are all typical reasons for overriding eligibility results.

You use the Person Participation Information window to override eligibility results for a person for one or more plans after you run the Participation process to determine eligibility and electable choices. You then enroll the person using the Enrollment Override window.

You also use the Person Participation Information window to record an election for a person who was not processed in the Participation batch process.

You use the Enrollment Override window to enroll a person in a plan or option for which they have been found ineligible. You can also use this window to override rate and coverage amounts for a plan or an option and to override dependent eligibility results.

Waive Participation Management

You can allow an eligible person to waive participation in a plan type or plan in one of two ways. You can enroll the person in a special plan called a waive plan, or, if you are an Advanced Benefits customer, you can use the Waive Participation form to specify which plan types or plans a person is waiving.

You typically define a waive plan when you want the waive plan to appear to the participant as an electable choice.

When you waive a person's participation in a plan type, the person waives the ability to enroll in all plans in that plan type. You cannot override a plan type waiver for any plans in that plan type.

Retroactive Enrollments

A variety of common business practices dictate that enrollment coverage may start retroactive to the current system date. These examples include:

Note: SSHR users: Suspended plan rates are not included in displayed used amounts, and so are not deducted from Flex credits.

You define enrollment coverage start dates and activity rate start dates for a compensation object as part of your plan design. Because coverage can start based on a date prior to an election, there is the potential for activity rates to also start before the election is recorded.

If a payroll run occurs between the activity rate start date and the election date, the activity rate will not be processed in the payroll run. Since the election had not yet occurred, the activity rate did not exist for the payroll run.

In this scenario, and in other cases where activity rates start before an election is recorded in the system, you may need to create payroll adjustments to deduct payments if your organization requires retroactive benefits payments.

For retroactive enrollments that replace a previous enrollment, the system end-dates the previous enrollment based on the coverage and rate end dates defined for the compensation object. You should define your enrollment coverage and rate start and end dates such that overlapping dates do not occur.

Court Orders

You can use the product to record court orders that require a participant to provide coverage for a dependent or that place restrictions on how a benefit payment can be distributed.

In the US, regulations termed Qualified Medical Child Support Orders (QMCSO) require a participant to cover a dependent when the participant is eligible for a plan and a court order has been issued.

A Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) is a judgement, decree, or order that relates to the provision of child support, alimony payment, or marital property rights to a spouse, child, or other dependent of a participant.

You can use the product to:

During enrollment, the system issues a warning message indicating that a participant is subject to a court order. This warning does not prevent the election because the participant may have covered the dependent outside of the employer's plan.

You define enrollment requirements and restrictions for QMCSOs and QDROs as part of your plan design.

Extraction of Employees with VHI Medical Insurance

Oracle HRMS enables you to identify and extract a list of the employees who belong to health insurance schemes such as the Voluntary Health Insurance (VHI) Scheme. You do this by using the Benefits System Extract process.

You can define the criteria that determine which records are to be extracted. You can also define the layout of the extracted records including the data elements that comprise the extract, the date range of the records you are selecting, and the output directory and file name of the extract file.

The benefit plan and options can be set up using the Oracle Standard Benefits functionality and then you can subsequently extract the information. To find out how to extract employees with VHI.

See: Benefits System Extract, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide.

Managing Program Enrollments

Enrolling a Person in a Flex Program (Advanced Benefits)

You use the Flex Program window to enroll an eligible participant in a flex program. Completing an enrollment involves:

Important: Before you use this window, you must run the Participation batch process to 1) ensure that the list of eligible persons for this enrollment cycle is up-to-date, and 2) create available enrollment choices for those persons.

To enroll a person in a flex program

  1. Set the effective date.

  2. Query the Name, Social Security number, or other standard identifying information for the person you are enrolling.

  3. Select the Program in which the person is enrolling.

    Important: If you take no enrollment action, the participant will be enrolled in the plans and options that are currently displayed.

  4. Tab into a blank Plan Type field and select the Plan Type that contains the plan and option that the person is electing.

  5. Select the person's election in the Plan and Option field.

  6. Choose the Info Online button from the toolbar--available if you license the third-party product Authoria HR--to display a context-sensitive list of pages in the Authoria HR repository.

  7. Complete the election by entering participant values, where appropriate, in the tabbed regions of the enrollment window.

  8. Choose the Recalculate button to update the standard rate or coverage amount based on election information you entered.

    You only need to recalculate a rate if your system administrator defined a Post Enrollment Calculation rule for the standard rate or coverage calculation.

  9. Save this person's elections when you have completed the enrollment.

Flex Credit Summary

Based on the participant's current elections, the system displays a flex credit summary for the currently selected plan type.

Provided: The total flex credits provided for the plan type

Less Used: The amount of flex credits spent on the plans and options in this plan type. Typically this is the pre-tax amount.

Excess: The amount of flex credits left unspent.

Forfeited: The amount of flex credits that will be forfeited if they are not spent.

Other: The cash amount spent that does not decrement a benefits pool; this amount typically reflects the amount of after-tax cash spent on a benefit.

Net: The sum of pre-tax and after-tax contributions.

General Tab

  1. Choose the General tab. The system displays the following view-only information:

    • The Coverage Start and End date for this plan or option

    • The Start Code used to calculate the coverage start date

    • The Original Start date that this person enrolled in this plan

    • The effective date of the enrollment

    Note: The Enrolled field appears checked if a person is currently enrolled in this plan or option.

Amount Tab

  1. Choose the Amount tab.

    • The tax type of this activity rate appears in the Taxability field.

  2. Enter the annual coverage amount that can be elected for this plan or option in the Annual Amount field.

    Use this field if the participant can elect an annual amount to contribute to a plan. The system displays the minimum and maximum annual contribution amounts based on your plan definition.

  3. Enter the Defined Amount of the contribution or distribution, if applicable. The system displays the following view-only information:

    • The Increment by which a contribution or distribution can be increased or decreased.

    • The Minimum and Maximum contribution or distribution amount.

    Note: The fields in the Communicated block indicate the communicated activity rate for this contribution or distribution if this rate is different than the actual amount that is used for element entries.

Rate Tab

  1. Choose the Rate tab. The system displays the following view-only information:

    • The activity rate Start and End date and the unit of measure in which the rate is expressed

    • A checkbox indicating if the activity rate has been overriden for this plan or option and the date through which the rate is overriden

Benefit Tab

  1. Choose the Benefit tab.

  2. Enter the benefit Amount if the participant can choose the amount they contribute to this plan or option.

    The remainder of the fields in the Benefit tabbed region contain view-only information:

    • The Type field displays the tax type of this benefit.

    • The Calculation field displays the calculation method used to derive the activity rate for this benefit.

    • The Minimum and Maximum fields display this plan or option's coverage limits for this participant.

    • The Increment field displays the increments in which coverage can be increased or decreased.

Limitation Tab

  1. Select the Limitation tab. The system displays the following view-only information:

    • The Certification Alert field appears checked if the participant is required to provide certification before being enrolled in this benefit.

    • The Suspended field appears checked if enrollment in this benefit has been suspended pending the completion of an action item, such as providing required certification.

    • The Interim field appears checked if this plan or option has been assigned to the participant as interim coverage pending the completion of an action item.

    • The Automatic field appears checked if the participant has been automatically enrolled in this plan or option.

    • The Dependents field indicates if dependents are required or optional for this plan.

    • The Earliest De-enroll field indicates the earliest date on which a participant can de-enroll from this plan or option.

    • The Must Also Enroll In field displays any plan or option in which a participant must be enrolled in order to make this election.

      Note: This field is reserved for future use.

    • The Override Through date indicates the date through which the enrollment has been overriden.

    • The Override Reason indicates the reason given for the override.

Manually Deleting an Enrollment

You use the same process to manually delete an enrollment regardless of the enrollment form in which you entered the enrollment.

To deenroll newly ineligible participants in batch, Standard Benefits users can run the Maintain Participant Eligibility process; Advanced Benefits users can run the Life Event mode of the Participation Process.

To manually delete an enrollment

  1. Open the form in which you entered the enrollment. Choose from:

    • Flex Program Enrollment form

    • Non-Flex Program Enrollment form

    • Savings Plan Enrollment form

    • Miscellaneous Plan Enrollment form

  2. Set the effective date.

  3. Query the Name, Social Security number, or other standard identifying information for the person whose enrollment you are deleting.

  4. Select the plan and option you are deleting.

    Note: To delete a savings plan enrollment, you delete both the savings plan and any options in which the person is enrolled.

  5. Choose the Delete Record icon on the toolbar.

  6. Save your work.

Viewing a Person's Flex Credits (Advanced Benefits)

You can view the flex credits available to a participant and the benefit pool that provides the credits.

To view a person's available flex credits

Allocating Excess Credits for a Person Enrolling in a Flex Program (Advanced Benefits)

If you allow participants to specify how they allocate their excess flex credits after they have made their elections, you can view this information for a person in the Excess Credits window.

To allocate excess credits

Enrolling a Person in a Non-Flex Program

You use the Non-Flex Program window to enroll an eligible participant in a program that is not funded by flex credits. Completing an enrollment involves:

Important: For Advanced Benefits users, you must run the Participation batch process before you use this window to 1) ensure that the list of eligible persons for this enrollment cycle is up-to-date, and 2) create available enrollment choices for those persons.

Important: If you are using Standard Benefits, electable choices are created when you query the program in the enrollment window for a participant.

To enroll a person in a non-flex program

  1. Set the effective date.

  2. Query the Name, Social Security number, or other standard identifying information for the person you are enrolling.

  3. Select the Program in which the person is enrolling.

    Important: If you take no enrollment action, the participant will be enrolled in the plans and options that are currently displayed.

  4. Tab into a blank Plan Type field and select the Plan Type that contains the plan and option that the person is electing.

  5. Select the person's election in the Plan and Option field.

  6. Choose the Info Online button from the toolbar--available if you license the third-party product Authoria HR--to display a context-sensitive list of pages in the Authoria HR repository.

  7. Complete the election by entering participant values, where appropriate, in the tabbed regions of the enrollment window.

  8. Choose the Recalculate button to update the standard rate or coverage amount based on election information you entered.

    You only need to recalculate a rate if your system administrator defined a Post Enrollment Calculation rule for the standard rate or coverage calculation.

  9. Save this person's elections when you have completed the enrollment.

General Tab

  1. Choose the General tab. The system displays the following view-only information:

    • The Coverage Start and End date for this plan or option

    • The Start Code used to calculate the coverage start date

    • The Original Start date that this person enrolled in this plan

    • The effective date of the enrollment

    Note: The Enrolled field appears checked if a person is currently enrolled in this plan or option.

Amount Tab

  1. Choose the Amount tab.

    • The tax type of this activity rate appears in the Taxability field.

  2. Enter the annual coverage amount that can be elected for this plan or option in the Annual Amount field.

    Use this field if the participant can elect an annual amount to contribute to a plan. The system displays the minimum and maximum annual contribution amounts based on your plan definition.

  3. Enter the Defined Amount of the contribution or distribution, if applicable. The system displays the following view-only information:

    • The Increment by which a contribution or distribution can be increased or decreased.

    • The Minimum and Maximum contribution or distribution amount.

    Note: The fields in the Communicated block indicate the communicated activity rate for this contribution or distribution if this rate is different than the actual amount that is used for element entries.

Rate Tab

  1. Choose the Rate tab. The system displays the following view-only information:

    • The activity rate Start and End date and the unit of measure in which the rate is expressed

    • A checkbox indicating if the activity rate has been overriden for this plan or option and the date through which the rate is overriden

Benefit Tab

  1. Choose the Benefit tab.

  2. Enter the benefit Amount if the participant can choose the amount they contribute to this plan or option.

    The remainder of the fields in the Benefit tabbed region contain view-only information:

    • The Type field displays the tax type of this benefit.

    • The Calculation field displays the calculation method used to derive the activity rate for this benefit.

    • The Minimum and Maximum fields display this plan or option's coverage limits for this participant.

    • The Increment field displays the increments in which coverage can be increased or decreased.

Limitation Tab

  1. Select the Limitation tab. The system displays the following view-only information:

    • The Certification Alert field appears checked if the participant is required to provide certification before being enrolled in this benefit.

    • The Suspended field appears checked if enrollment in this benefit has been suspended pending the completion of an action item, such as providing required certification.

    • The Interim field appears checked if this plan or option has been assigned to the participant as interim coverage pending the completion of an action item.

    • The Automatic field appears checked if the participant has been automatically enrolled in this plan or option.

    • The Dependents field indicates if dependents are required or optional for this plan.

    • The Earliest De-enroll field indicates the earliest date on which a participant can de-enroll from this plan or option.

    • The Must Also Enroll In field displays any plan or option in which a participant must be enrolled in order to make this election.

      Note: This field is reserved for future use.

    • The Override Through date indicates the date through which the enrollment has been overriden.

    • The Override Reason indicates the reason given for the override.

Enrolling a Person in a Savings Plan

You use the Savings Plan window to enroll an eligible participant in a savings plan. Completing an enrollment involves:

Important: For Advanced Benefits users, you must run the Participation batch process before you use this window to 1) ensure that the list of eligible persons for this enrollment cycle is up-to-date, and 2) create available enrollment choices for those persons.

Important: If you are using Standard Benefits, electable choices are created for the participant when you query the participant in the enrollment window.

To enroll a person in a savings plan

  1. Set the effective date.

  2. Query the Name, Social Security number, or other standard identifying information for this person.

  3. Select the savings plan in which the person is enrolling in the Name field.

    The system displays the following view-only information:

    • The Life Event reason prompting this savings plan enrollment

    In the Coverage block the system displays:

    • The Coverage Start and End date for this savings plan

    • The Start Code used to calculate the coverage start date

    • The Original Start date that this person enrolled in this plan

    In the Override block the system displays:

    • The date through which a savings plan can be overriden and the reason supporting the override

    The other fields in the Savings Plan window display information about the status of this savings plan.

    Note: The Enrolled field appears checked if a person is currently contributing to this plan.

    • The Automatic field appears checked if the participant has been automatically enrolled in this plan

    • The Suspended field appears checked if enrollment in this plan has been suspended pending the completion of an action item, such as providing required certification

    • The Interim field appears checked if this plan has been assigned to the participant as interim coverage pending the completion of an action item

    • The Certification Alert field appears checked if the participant is required to provide certification before enrolling in this plan

    • The Earliest De-enroll field indicates the earliest date on which a participant can de-enroll from this plan

    • The Currency field indicates the currency in which this benefit is paid.

    • The Must Also Enroll In field displays any plan in which a participant must be enrolled in order to make this election

      Note: This field is reserved for future use.

  4. Choose the Info Online button from the toolbar--available if you license the third-party product Authoria HR--to display a context-sensitive list of pages in the Authoria HR repository.

    Entering Investment Rates

    You use the Rates window to enter the total contribution percentage or amount for a savings plan. You then use the Investment Options window to enter the contribution amount for one or more options in the plan.

    Note: As a prerequisite, you must check the Enroll in Plan and Option field in the Plan Enrollment Requirements window when you define the savings plan if a participant can enroll in both the plan and the options in that plan.

  1. Query the Name, Social Security number, or other standard identifying information for this person in the Savings Plan window.

  2. Select the savings plan in which the person is enrolling in the Name field.

  3. Choose the Rates button.

    General Tab

  4. Choose the General tab. The system displays the following view-only information:

    • The Name of the activity rate definition

    • The Activity Type, for example Employee Contribution or Employer Contribution

    • The unit of measure (UOM) for the currency of the activity rate

    • The activity rate Start and End dates

    Types Tab

  5. Choose the Types tab. The system displays:

    • The Tax Type of the activity rate, such as pre-tax or aftertax

    • The Calculation method used to derive the activity rate

  6. Check the Stop Contribution field if the employee's participation in this investment plan has ended.

    Defined Amount Tab

  7. Choose the Defined Amount tab.

  8. Enter the Amount or percentage of the contribution or distribution. The system displays the following view-only information:

    • The activity rate Period

    • The Minimum and Maximum contribution or distribution amount

    • The Increment by which a contribution or distribution can be increased or decreased

    Note: The Enter Value at Enrollment field appears checked to indicate that the investment amount is entered during the enrollment, as opposed to being a default amount.

    Communicated Amount Tab

    Note: The fields in the Communicated Amount tabbed region indicate the communicated activity rate for this contribution or distribution if this rate is different than the actual amount that is used for element entries.

  9. Choose the Annual Amount tab.

  10. Enter the annual amount or percentage that is contributed to the investment plan in the Amount field.

    Use this field if the participant can elect an annual amount to contribute to a plan. The system displays the minimum and maximum annual contribution amounts based on your savings plan definition.

  11. Save this person's elections.

Entering Investment Options

You use the Investment Options window to enter a participant's elections for a savings plan.

  1. Query the Name, Social Security number, or other standard identifying information for this person in the Savings Plan window.

  2. Select the savings plan in which the person is enrolling in the Name field.

  3. Choose the Investment Options button.

    General Tab

  4. Choose the General tab.

  5. Select a savings plan investment option in the Name field.

    Note: The Enrolled field appears checked if a person is currently contributing to this option.

    The system displays the following view-only information:

    • The Coverage Start and End date for this option

    • The Start Code used to calculate the coverage start date

    • The Original Start date that this person enrolled in this option

    Amount Tab

  6. Choose the Amount tab.

  7. Select a savings plan investment option in the Name field.

  8. Check the Stop Contribution field if the employee's participation in this investment option has ended.

  9. Enter the annual amount or percentage that is contributed to the investment option in the Amount field.

    Use this field if the participant can elect an annual amount to contribute to an option. The system displays the minimum and maximum annual contribution amounts based on your option definition.

  10. Enter the Defined Amount of the contribution or distribution, if applicable. The system displays the following view-only information:

    • The Increment by which a contribution or distribution can be increased or decreased.

    • The Minimum and Maximum contribution or distribution amount.

    Note: The fields in the Communicated block indicate the communicated activity rate for this contribution or distribution if this rate is different than the actual amount that is used for element entries.

    Rate Tab

    1. Choose the Rate tab. The system displays the following view-only information:

      • The Taxability of this activity rate

      • The activity rate Start and End date and the unit of measure (UOM) in which the rate is expressed

      • A checkbox indicating if the activity rate has been overriden for this option and the date through which the rate is overriden

Enrolling a Person in a Miscellaneous Plan

You use the Miscellaneous Plan window to enroll an eligible participant in a plan that is not associated with a program. Such plans are called not in program plans. Miscellaneous plans do not provide flex credits to participants. Completing an enrollment involves:

Important: For Advanced Benefits users, you must run the Participation batch process before you use this window to 1) ensure that the list of eligible persons for this enrollment cycle is up-to-date, and 2) create available enrollment choices for those persons.

Important: If you are using Standard Benefits, electable choices are created for the participant when you query the participant in the enrollment window.

To enroll a person in a miscellaneous plan

  1. Set the effective date.

  2. In the Find Person window, enter the Name, Employee Number, or Social Security number for the person you are enrolling and choose the Find button.

    General Tab

  3. Choose the General tab.

  4. Select the not in program Plan and Option in which the person is enrolling.

    Note: If you take no enrollment action, the participant will be enrolled in the plans and options that are currently displayed.

    The system displays the following view-only information:

    • The Status of the enrollment

    • The Plan Type of the electable plan

    • The Life Event reason prompting this enrollment

    • The Frequency of the benefit distribution or contribution

    • The Certification Required Alert field appears checked if the participant is required to provide certification before being enrolled in this benefit.

    • The Pending Approval field appears checked if enrollment in this benefit has been suspended pending the completion of an action item, such as providing required certification.

    • The Currency in which this benefit is paid

    In the Benefit/Coverage region the system displays:

    • The Amount of the contribution or distribution and its currency (in the UOM field).

    • The Coverage Start and End date for this plan

    • The Original Start date that this person enrolled in this plan

  5. Choose the Info Online button from the toolbar--available if you license the third-party product Authoria HR--to display a context-sensitive list of pages in the Authoria HR repository.

    Benefit/Coverage Tab

  6. Choose the Benefit/Coverage tab.

    The system displays the following view-only information:

    • The tax Type of this benefit

    • The Calculation Method used to derive the activity rate for this benefit

    • The Start Date Code used to calculate the coverage start date

    In the Amount Limitations region, the system displays:

    • The coverage limits for this participant this plan and option

    • The increments in which coverage can be increased or decrease

    Enrollment Tab

  7. Select the Enrollment tab. The system displays the following view-only information:

    • The Automatic Enrollment field appears checked if the participant has been automatically enrolled in this plan or option.

    • The Dependents field indicates if dependents are required or optional for this plan.

    • The Must Also Enroll In field displays any plan or option in which a participant must be enrolled in order to make this election.

      Note: This field is reserved for future use.

    • The Earliest De-enroll field indicates the earliest date on which a participant can de-enroll from this plan or option.

    • The Override Through date indicates the date through which the enrollment has been overriden.

    • The Override Reason indicates the reason given for the override.

  8. Save this person's elections.

Viewing Special Rates for a Plan or Option

Before enrolling a participant in a flex program, non-flex program, or plan not in program, you can view special rates for which the participant may be eligible if certain plans are elected in conjunction with one another.

For example, you could define a medical plan so that the participant receives a special rate for a dental plan if they elect both plans. You define special rates using the variable rate profiles window.

See: Defining the Criteria in a Variable Rate Profile, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

To view special rates for a plan or option

  1. Query a participant in the Flex Enrollment, Non-Flex Enrollment, or Miscellaneous Plan Enrollment window depending on the type of plan in which the participant is enrolling.

  2. Choose the Special Rates button. The system displays:

    • The plan type, plan, and option that must be elected by the participant to receive the special rate on the related compensation object

    • The related plan type, plan, and option for which a special rate is available

    • The standard rate for the related plan if the selected plan is not elected

    • The special rate for the related plan if the selected plan is elected

Maintaining a Participant's Primary Care Provider

You date effectively enter, update, and delete a person's primary care providers in the Primary Care Providers window.

To select a primary care provider for a person

  1. Query the Person whose primary care provider you are entering.

  2. Select the Plan Type and Plan for which you are entering the person's primary care provider.

    The available plans are limited to the plans in which the participant or their dependent is currently enrolled.

  3. Select a provider in the Identifier, Name, and Type fields.

    If you enter the provider's identifier, the system fills in the Name and Type fields if a provider exists with the same identifier for this plan.

  4. If necessary, select providers of a different service provider type in this plan, or select providers for different plans.

  5. Save your work.

Displaying Enrollment Results

You use the View Enrollment Results window to display a person's enrollment information. This is a read-only form.

You can display enrollment information after an enrollment result is created by one of these means: an electable choice is saved on an enrollment form, a default enrollment is processed, or the close enrollment process has completed.

Enrollment information is date effectively displayed so that you can also view historical information.

To display enrollment results for a person

  1. Set the effective date to the date for which you want to view enrollment results.

  2. Query the person for whom you want to view enrollment results.

    The system displays enrollment information for the compensation objects in which the person is enrolled.

  3. Check the View By Coverage Date field to view the person's enrollment information as of their coverage start date.

    • Or, check the View By Session Date to view the person's enrollment information as of the system's effective date.

  4. Choose from the available tabbed regions and task flow windows to view enrollment results.

    The system displays the windows that can be accessed from this form in read-only mode.

  5. Choose the Info Online button from the toolbar--available if you license the third-party product Authoria HR--to display a context-sensitive list of pages in the Authoria HR repository.

Viewing Dependent Information

You use the Dependent/Beneficiary Designation window to view enrollment information for the dependent of a participant, including the following:

Note: You can only view dependent information when your effective date is between the dependent coverage start and end date for the compensation object.

To view dependent information

  1. Query the name of the participant for whom you are viewing dependent designations.

  2. Choose the View Dependents tab.

  3. Highlight a Plan:Option in which the participant is enrolled.

    The system displays the dependents that have been designated for that plan or option.

  4. Choose the Designate Dependents tab or the Designate Beneficiaries tab to create a designation.

Maintaining Dependent Designations

Use the Dependent/Beneficiary Designation window to designate a participant's dependents.

The participant must have an open life event to designate a dependent if you are using Advanced Benefits. Standard Benefits customers, or Advanced Benefits customers using the Unrestricted enrollment type, may designate dependents at any time.

Note: As a prerequisite, you must enter the participant's contacts into the system before you can designate a contact as a dependent. Check the Personal Relationship field for each potential dependent on the Contact window. The dependent must also meet the designation requirements defined for the plan and option and the requirements of any dependent eligibility profiles linked to the compensation object before becoming an eligible dependent.

See: Entering Next of Kin and Other Contacts, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

To enter or modify a participant's dependent designation

  1. Query the name of the participant for whom you are entering or modifying dependent designations.

  2. Select the plan and option for which the participant is designating a dependent in the Plan:Option field.

    • Any eligible dependents for this plan and option are displayed in the Eligible Dependents field.

    • The Employee field appears checked if this dependent is also an employee.

    • The Start and Through dates indicate the dependent coverage start and end dates for this plan.

  3. Check the Covered field to indicate that this person is a dependent for this benefit.

    Uncheck the Covered field to undesignate a dependent previously covered by this benefit.

  4. Choose the Certifications button to open the Dependent Certifications window.

    The system displays any certifications that must be submitted for this dependent.

  5. Enter the Date Received to record receipt of a certification.

  6. Save your work.

  7. Close the Dependent Certifications window.

  8. Choose the Care Providers button to specify a primary care provider for a dependent.

    See: Maintaining a Participant's Primary Care Provider

  9. Choose the Contacts button to open the More Contacts window where you can view the dependents who were found ineligible for the selected plan or option.

  10. Select a dependent from the list and choose the Designate button to have the system check for this dependent's eligibility.

    If the dependent is found eligible, the dependent will be added to the list of designees in the Eligible Dependents field, the Covered field will appear checked, and the record will automatically be saved.

  11. Choose the Contacts button to open the Contact window where you can add a new contact for this primary participant.

Maintaining Beneficiary Designation Information for a Participant

You can designate a person or an organization as a beneficiary for plans that allow or require beneficiary designation using the Dependent/Beneficiary Designation window.

You can designate a beneficiary at any time, even after a life event or enrollment period is closed. However, for Advanced Benefits customers, beneficiary certifications only restrict designations when the participant's life event is open.

Beneficiary designation restrictions are based on your plan design.

See: Maintaining Beneficiary Designation Requirements for a Plan, Oracle HRMS Compensation and Benefits Management Guide

To enter or modify a participant's beneficiary designation

  1. Query the name of the participant for whom you are entering or modifying beneficiary designations.

  2. Choose the Designate Beneficiaries tab.

  3. Select a Plan for which you are entering or modifying beneficiary designation information for this participant.

  4. Select a beneficiary name in the Beneficiaries field to designate a person or charitable organization as this participant's beneficiary.

  5. Select this beneficiary's Type, either Primary or Contingent.

  6. If the participant is assigning a percentage of the benefit to the beneficiary, enter the % value of the total value of this benefit.

    While you do not need to need to enter an Amount value, you must enter at least one % value. The sum of all % values for a plan must equal 100%. If you specify a monetary Amount, the system pays this Amount value before it pays out any % values. In such a case, the % values refer to the paid benefit following the deduction of the Amount value.

  7. If the participant is assigning a monetary amount from this benefit to this beneficiary, enter this monetary Amount.

  8. Choose the Details button to open the Details window if you want to enter trustee information or special instructions regarding this beneficiary designation for this participant for this plan.

  9. If appropriate, select a Trustee to oversee the benefits the participant assigns to this beneficiary.

    The trustee is the person you identify for a designated beneficiary who is a minor. During implementation, your system administrator can configure the application to require a participant to identity a trustee for beneficiaries who are minors. You can generate an action item that suspends the election pending the assignment of a trustee.

  10. If appropriate, enter Instructions regarding this beneficiary designation.

  11. Close the Details window.

  12. Choose the Certifications button to open the Beneficiary Certifications window.

    The system displays any certifications that must be submitted for this beneficiary.

  13. Enter the Date Received to record receipt of a certification.

  14. Save your work.

Adding a New Beneficiary for a Participant

To add a new beneficiary for a participant

  1. From the Dependent/Beneficiary Designation window, choose the Designate Beneficiaries tab then choose the Contacts or Organizations button depending on whether the beneficiary is a person or an organization.

  2. Complete the Contacts or Organizations window, as appropriate.

  3. Save your work.

See Also:Entering Next of Kin and Other Contacts, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide

Creating an Organization

Recording Enrollment Actions Items for a Person (Advanced Benefits)

You use the Person Enrollment Action Items window to view and complete enrollment action items that have been created for a person. Action items are based on the enrollment requirements for the compensation objects in which the person is enrolling or de-enrolling. The following action items can be completed using this form:

To complete an action item for a person

  1. Query the Name, Social Security number, or other standard identifying information for this person.

  2. Select the action item that the person is requested or required to complete in the Action Items field. The system displays:

    • A description of this action item

    • The compensation object in which the person is enrolling, de-enrolling, or changing elections

    • The life event prompting this enrollment, de-enrollment, or change in elections

    • The Due Date by which the action item is to be completed

    • Whether the action item is Required

  3. Use the task flow buttons to navigate to the Certifications, People, or Designee window and complete the missing information, depending on the action item to be completed.

  4. Check the Completed field when the action item is complete.

    Note: If the action item is for a missing certification, the Completed field appears checked when you enter the certification received date and save.

  5. Select the Show Completed Action Items check box to display all completed and open action items for a person.

  6. Save your work. You cannot save in this form unless the action item is complete.

    Note: When a required action item is completed, the system unsuspends the participant's election if there are no other incomplete required action items and there is no more than one optional action item left incomplete. If a required action item is not completed, the enrollment is end-dated as of the effective date of the Close Enrollment process if the action is due before the close of enrollment.

    For more information on how the application processes action items, see: Action Items and Certifications (Advanced Benefits)

Recording Receipt of Enrollment Certifications (Advanced Benefits)

You record the receipt of enrollment certifications for a person using the Person Enrollment Certifications window.

You can also add and delete certifications or mark a received certification as denied.

Note: Use the Dependent/Beneficiary Designation window to record receipt of enrollment certifications for dependents and beneficiaries.

To record receipt of an enrollment certification for a person

  1. In the Find Person window, enter the Name, Employee Number, or Social Security number for this person and choose the Find button.

  2. Select the certification type submitted by the participant in the Certifications field. The system displays:

    • The compensation object and life event that generated the certification

    • The due date by which the certification must be completed

    • A check box indicating if certification is required for enrollment in this compensation object

    • A check box indicating if the participant's enrollment in this compensation object has been suspended pending the completion of any action items.

  3. Check the Received field to indicate that this certification has been received.

    Note: You can un-check the Received field after you save, if necessary.

  4. Check the Denied field if this certification has been rejected.

To add a certification for a person

  1. Select a new certification from the list of certification types to add a certification to this participant's election.

  2. Check the Required field to indicate that failure to provide this certification results in a suspended election.

  3. Select the reason for the certification in the Due To field.

  4. Save your work.

To delete a certification for an election

  1. Select the certification type and choose the delete icon from the toolbar.

  2. Save your work.

To record receipt of a certification required by an activity rate

  1. Choose the Rate Certification button.

    This button appears for enrollments in compensation objects that have standard rates that require certification.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Mark the certification as Received. This enters the element associated with the standard rate on the date calculated by the rate start date code. (This code is specified on the Plan Enrollment Requirements window.)

    • Mark the certification as Denied. The Rate Certification Required check box remains checked on the View Enrollment Results window.

    Note: Once the certification is marked as Received, you cannot change it to Denied. Instead, you can delete the rate on the Miscellaneous Plan enrollment window or set the rate to zero on the Enrollment Override window. You can always update a certification from Denied to Received.

  3. Save your work.

Administering Enrollment Overrides

Overriding Enrollment Results for a Plan (Advanced Benefits)

You use the Enrollment Override window to override election information after you have used the Participation Overrides window to specify that a person can enroll in a plan or option for which they have been found ineligible.

You can also override the rate and coverage amounts for a given benefit. If the participant designates a dependent for the plan, you can override the dependents that are covered by the plan.

Caution: You can set your effective date to any date and override enrollment information without backing out subsequent life events. You do not need to reprocess life events after you correct data. However, you must not compromise data integrity when processing an override. The application does not validate data, such as activity rates, that you enter in the Enrollment Override window.

To override enrollment results for a plan

  1. Set the effective date.

  2. Query the Name of the person for whom you want to override enrollment results.

    Note: The system displays the programs, plans, and options in which the person is currently enrolled.

    General Tab

  3. Choose the General tab if it is not already selected.

  4. Select the plan and option you want to override.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • Delete the enrollment by choosing the delete icon on the toolbar. Then, add a new row to the enrollment and select the plan and option in which you are enrolling the participant.

    • Or, override the enrollment by selecting a new plan and option from the list of values in the Plan field.

    Note: The list of electable plans is based on the plan type of the plan in which the participant is currently enrolled.

    Note: The Overridden field appears checked if this plan is an overriding plan and not a plan in which the participant was enrolled under normal circumstances.

    Override Tab

  6. Check the Overridden field to override this plan or option.

  7. Enter the date through which the system overrides the otherwise ineligible person's participation in this plan or option in the Thru field.

    Note: You enter the override through date if you only want the override to be in effect for a limited period of time. The override through date cannot be later than the coverage end date.

  8. Select the reason you are allowing this overriding enrollment in the Reason field.

    Coverage Tab

  9. Enter the following dates, as applicable:

    • Coverage Start date

    • Coverage End date

    Note: When you override a plan in which a person is enrolled, the new enrollment begins as of the coverage start date you enter. If you do not enter a coverage end date, coverage for the plan ends based on the coverage end date code defined for the plan.

    • Original Start Date

    • Earliest De-enrollment date

    Benefit Tab

  10. Enter the new coverage amount for this plan or option in the Value field.

  11. Select the unit of measure of the benefit in the UOM field.

  12. Enter the tax type of this benefit in the Type field.

  13. Save your work.

    Overriding Dependent Coverage Designations for a Plan

    You use the Override Dependents window to override a participant's dependent designations for a plan.

    Note: You use the Dependent/Beneficiary Designation form to enter a participant's beneficiaries for an overriding plan.

Overriding Participation Information for a Person

You use the Participation Overrides window to maintain override information for a potential benefits participant who is otherwise ineligible to participate in a particular program.

To override participation information for a person

  1. Query the Name of the person for whom you are overriding participation information.

  2. Check the View By Session Date field to view the person's participation information as of the system's effective date.

    Or, check the View By Participation Date to view this information as of the person's participation start date.

  3. Select the Level in the compensation object hierarchy at which you are defining override information.

  4. Select the Compensation Object for which you are overriding participation eligibility information for this person.

  5. Check the Eligible field if this person is eligible for this benefit.

  6. Choose the General tab if it is not already selected.

  7. Select the Life Event Reason explaining why you are overriding this person's eligibility/ineligibility for this program or plan.

  8. Enter the Waiting Period Completion Date if the participant must wait until a certain date before enrolling or de-enrolling in this compensation object.

  9. Enter the Participation Start and End Dates through which this person participates in this program or plan.

  10. Check the Restricted Distribution field if some organization (typically a court) has placed a restriction on the distribution of benefits to this participant.

    For example, a QDRO (US) specifies a portion of the participant's retirement benefits must be paid to that person's prior spouse.

  11. Check the Highly Compensated field if this person is highly compensated according to the terms of the plan.

  12. Check the Key Employee field if this person is a key employee according to the terms of the plan.

  13. Check the Dependents Only field if this plan only covers this person's dependents.

  14. Save your work.

Overriding Eligibility Participation Information for a Person

You can override the run results of the Participation batch process for a person in the Participation Overrides window.

You can also freeze the future calculation of derived factors, such as age or length of service, for a person in a program or plan. The ability to freeze derived factors is useful when you want to exempt a participant from the eligibility rules that are linked to a particular derived factor.

To override eligible participation information for a person

  1. Query the Name of the person for whom you are overriding participation information.

  2. Choose the Eligibility tab if it is not already selected.

    Age and Length of Service

  3. Choose the Age/Length of Service alternate region.

  4. If you want the person's age to differ from that shown in the Age field, modify or enter that number.

  5. If you want the person's age UOM to differ, modify or enter the unit of measure.

  6. If you want the person's length of service to differ from that shown in the LOS field, modify or enter that number.

  7. If you want the person's length of service UOM to differ, modify or enter that unit of measure.

  8. If you want the person's number of hours worked to differ from that shown in the Hours Worked field, modify or enter that number.

  9. If you want to modify the period in which the Hours Worked are measured, select a new value in the In Period field.

  10. Enter the person's age and length of service in the Age & LOS field if you are overriding this derived value.


  11. Choose the Compensation alternate region.

  12. If you want the person's computed compensation level to differ from that shown in the Compensation Reference field, modify or enter that number.

  13. If you want the person's compensation currency to differ, enter that Currency.

  14. If you want the calendar date the system uses to determine this person's length of service to differ from that shown in the Override Service Date field, modify or enter that date.

  15. If you want the person's percent of full-time employment to differ from that shown in the Percent Full Time field, modify or enter that percentage.

  16. Enter or modify the Hours Worked Qualification value if the system calculates the hours worked once (for a life event or an open enrollment period) or on a continuing basis each time you run the Participation batch process.


  17. In the Freeze block, check the derived factors you do not want the system to recalculate the next time it calculates derived factors for this person.

  18. Save your work.

Overriding Waive Participation Information for a Person (Advanced Benefits)

You can use the Participation Overrides window to override the certifications required to enroll in a waive plan.

To override waive participation information for a person

  1. Query the Name of the person for whom you are overriding participation information.


  2. Choose the Waive tab if it is not already selected.

  3. Check the Waive Plan field if this person is waiving this program or plan.

  4. Select the Certification Type that this person is waiving for this program or plan.

  5. Select a Reason explaining why this person is being allowed to waive this certification type for this program or plan.


  6. Choose the Override tab.

  7. Check the No Maximum Participation field if special circumstances dictate that this person is eligible or ineligible for this plan or program.

    Checking this field indicates that this person's eligibility/ ineligibility for the specified compensation object remains in force for an indefinite period of time, regardless of changes to this person's derivable or temporal information.

  8. Check the Override field to override the otherwise ineligible person's participation in this plan.

  9. Enter the date through which the system overrides the otherwise ineligible person's participation in this plan in the Through Date field.

  10. Select a Reason explaining why you are overriding the otherwise ineligible person's participation in this plan.

  11. Save your work.

Overriding Participation Information for a Person for an Option in a Plan (Advanced Benefits)

You can override eligibility results for a person enrolling in a plan option by using the Participation Overrides window.

Choosing to override eligibility results for one or more options in a plan is useful when you do not want to override the eligibility results for all options in a plan.

To override participation information for a person for an option in a plan

  1. Query the Name of the person for whom you are overriding participation information.

  2. Select the program and plan that contains the option to override.

  3. Choose the Options button.

  4. Select the name of the option in this plan for which you are overriding participation information in the Eligible Options field.

  5. Check the Eligible field if you want this otherwise ineligible person to be eligible to participate in this option in this plan.

    Conversely, do not check the Eligible field if you want this otherwise eligible person to be ineligible to participate in this option in this plan.

  6. Enter a Waiting Period Completion Date to change the date that must pass before a person is eligible for this benefit.

  7. Enter the Start and End Dates through which this person is eligible/ineligible to participate in this option in this plan.

  8. Check the Override field if special circumstances dictate that this person is deemed eligible or ineligible for this option in this plan.

  9. Check the No Maximum Participation Override Through field if this person's eligibility or ineligibility for this option in plan remains in force for an indefinite period of time regardless of changes to this person's derivable or temporal information.

  10. Select an Hours Worked Qualification code to indicate if the participant must meet the hours worked in period eligibility criteria once or on a recurring basis to qualify for this benefit.

  11. Enter the date through which this override remains effective for this person's participation in the Override Through Date field, and select the Override Reason.

  12. Save your work.

Managing Eligible Person Waivers (Advanced Benefits)

You use the Waive Participation window to enter waive information for plan types and plans in a program.

To manage eligible person waivers for a plan type in a program

  1. Query the Person who is eligible to receive the participation waiver.

  2. Select the Program associated with the plan type or plans that this person is electing to waive.

  3. Choose the Plan Type tab or the Plan tab depending if you are waiving all the plans in a plan type or only selected plans.

  4. Select a Plan Type or Plan in this program that this person is electing to waive.

  5. Select the Waive Reason that supports why this person is waiving participation in this plan type or plan.

  6. Select the Certification Provided code that indicates this person provided the certification required to waive participation in this plan type or plan.

  7. Check the Preferred field if this waive Certification is preferred, but not required.

  8. Save your work.

Maintaining Court Orders for a Participant

You use the Court Orders window to record a Qualified Medical Child Support Order or a Qualified Domestic Relation Orders for participants in the US who are subject to either of these court orders.

When a participant enrolls in a plan type or plan that is subject to a court order, the system determines if the participant's dependents that are named in the court order are covered by the plan type or plan in question. A warning message is issued at the time of enrollment notifying the benefits administrator of the court order.

To maintain a court order for a participant

  1. Query the person for whom you are entering a court order.

  2. Select a court order type in the Type field.

  3. Enter a court order identifier in the Order ID field.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • Select the plan subject to the court order in the Plan field.

    • Or, select the Plan Type if the court order applies to all plans in the plan type.

  5. Enter the name of the court that issued the order in the Issuing Court field.

  6. Complete these date-related fields.

    • Issued Date- the date the court issued the order

    • Received Date- the date your organization received the order

    • Qualified Date- the date you validated that the order satisfies the criteria of a qualified order

  7. Enter a Description of the court order.

    In the Period in Effect block:

  8. Enter the dates on which dependent coverage starts and ends based on this court order.

    In the QDRO Payment block:

  9. Specify the QDRO payment amount in either the Amount field or the % (Percent) field.

    • Enter the unit of measure of this payment, if the order is for an amount.

    • Select a distribution method in the Distribution field.

    • Enter the Number of Payments that must be made Per Period

    In the Cited block:

  10. Select the name of the dependent or other person cited as a recipient of this benefit based on the court order.

    • Choose the Contacts button if you need to add a dependent for this participant.

  11. Save your work.

Recording a Continuing Benefits Payment

You use the Record Continuing Benefits Payment window to enter the amount paid by a participant for participation in a continuing benefits plan, such as US COBRA plans.

To record a continuing benefits payment

  1. Query the person for whom you are recording a continuing benefits payment.

    The system displays all plans in which the participant is currently enrolled.

  2. Select the plan and option for which you are recording a payment.

    The system display the activity rate for the plan you select and the Expected Payment Amount.

  3. Enter the participant's payment amount in the Current Payment Amount field.

  4. Save your work.

Recording a Contribution or Distribution

You use the Record Contributions or Distributions window to enter an amount paid by or paid to a participant in association with a plan or an option.

To record a contribution or distribution

  1. Query the person for whom you are recording a contribution or distribution.

  2. Choose the Activities tab.

  3. Select the activity rate for which you are recording a contribution or distribution in the Activity field.

  4. Enter the Amount of the participant's payment or distribution.

  5. Choose the Compensation Objects tab to view the plans and options associated with the activity rate for which you are recording a contribution or distribution.

  6. Choose the Display Payments button to display the Payments window. You can view the element associated with an activity rate and any payments recorded by the element in this window.

  7. Save your work.