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Enterprise and Workforce Management
Workforce Sourcing and Deployment
If you are implementing Oracle HRMS for Romania, then you must also complete the following additional implementation steps.
Please see the implementation section in Implementing Oracle HRMS for all other implementation steps that are not specific to Romania.
To create document of records for your workforce, you must set up the following identity documents:
For Romanians
Identity Card
Identity Bulletin
Other type of identity document
Residence Card
Residence Permit
Another type of Romanian identity document
Another type of identity document (stateless, tolerated)
For non-European Union foreign citizens who need a work authorization to be employed in Romania, set up the following authorization types:
For permanent workers
For detached workers
For season workers or interns
For sportsmen
For cross-border workers
Nominal authorization
For high-qualified workers
Additionally, set up the Fiscal Residence Certificate issued by the fiscal authority in the respective country (where the non-resident has the fiscal residence), in order to benefit from the Double Taxation Avoidance Conventions agreed between Romania and other states.
See: Entering and Maintaining Documents of Record, Oracle HRMS Workforce Sourcing, Deployment, and Talent Management Guide
Step 1.1: Add sub-categories to the predefined document categories
Navigate to Other Definitions > User Types and Statuses and add the following subcategories for category RO ID Information.
Category Subcategory | Description | Subcategory Code |
RO ID Information | Identity card | RO_ID_CARD |
RO ID Information | Passport | RO_PASSPORT |
RO ID Information | Identity bulletin | RO_ID_BULTN |
RO ID Information | Others identity document | RO_OTHERS |
RO ID Information | Residence card | RO_RESIDENCE_CARD |
RO ID Information | Residence permit | RO_RESIDENCE_PERMIT |
RO ID Information | Another type of Romanian identity document | RO_ANOTHER_TYPE |
RO ID Information | Another type of identity document (stateless, tolerated) | RO_ID_SL_TR |
Add the following subcategories for category RO Work Authorization
Note: The following work permit types are no longer supported from tax year 2020:
Detached Workers (RO_DETACHED_WORKERS)
Sportsmen (RO_SPORTSMEN)
Nominal Authorization (RO_NOMINAL)
Category Subcategory | Description | Subcategory Code |
RO Work Authorization | For Permanent workers | RO_PERMANENT_WORKERS |
RO Work Authorization | For detached workers | RO_DETACHED_WORKERS |
RO Work Authorization | For season workers | RO_SEASON_WORKERS |
RO Work Authorization | For interns | RO_INTERNS |
RO Work Authorization | For sportsmen | RO_SPORTSMEN |
RO Work Authorization | For cross-border workers | RO_CROSSBRDR_WORKERS |
RO Work Authorization | Nominal authorization | RO_NOMINAL |
RO Work Authorization | For high-qualified workers | RO_QUALIFIED_WORKERS |
RO Work Authorization | Exception | RO_EXCEPTION |
RO Work Authorization | Au Pair workers | RO_AU_PAIR_WOKRERS |
Add the following subcategory for category RO Fiscal Certificate
Category Subcategory | Description | Subcategory Code |
RO Fiscal Certificate | For foreign citizens | RO_FOREIGN_CITIZEN |
Step 1.2: Define Document Type
You must define a unique document type for every unique category/sub category. Define document type for each category/sub category as follows:
Document Types | Category Code | Category Description | Subcategory Code | Subcategory Description |
RO Identity Card | RO_ID_INFO | RO ID Information | RO_ID_CARD | Identity Card |
RO Passport | RO_ID_INFO | RO ID Information | RO_PASSPORT | Passport |
RO Identity Bulletin | RO_ID_INFO | RO ID Information | RO_ID_BULTN | Identity Bulletin |
RO Others Identity document | RO_ID_INFO | RO ID Information | RO_OTHERS | Others Identity document |
RO Residence card | RO_ID_INFO | RO ID Information | RO_RESIDENCE_CARD | Residence card |
RO Residence permit | RO_ID_INFO | RO ID Information | RO_RESIDENCE_PERMIT | Residence permit |
RO Permanent workers | RO_WORK_AUTH | RO Work Authorization | RO_PERMANENT_WORKERS | For Permanent workers |
RO Detached workers | RO_WORK_AUTH | RO Work Authorization | RO_DETACHED_WORKERS | For detached workers |
RO Season workers | RO_WORK_AUTH | RO Work Authorization | RO_SEASON_WORKERS | For season workers |
RO Interns | RO_WORK_AUTH | RO Work Authorization | RO_INTERNS | For interns |
RO Sportsmen | RO_WORK_AUTH | RO Work Authorization | RO_SPORTSMEN | For sportsmen |
RO Cross-border workers | RO_WORK_AUTH | RO Work Authorization | RO_CROSSBRDR_WORKERS | For cross-border workers |
RO Nominal authorization | RO_WORK_AUTH | RO Work Authorization | RO_NOMINAL | Nominal authorization |
RO High-qualified workers | RO_WORK_AUTH | RO Work Authorization | RO_QUALIFIED_WORKERS | For high-qualified workers |
RO Foreign citizens | RO_FISCAL_CERT | RO Fiscal Certificate | RO_FOREIGN_CITIZEN | For foreign citizens |
RO Identity Card | RO_WORK_AUTH | RO Work Authorization | RO_EXCEPTION | Exception |
RO Identity Card | RO_WORK_AUTH | RO Work Authorization | RO_AU_PAIR_WOKRERS | Au Pair workers |
Step 1.3 Run Register Document Types (EITs) Program
Run the concurrent Program Register Document Types (EITs) to define the document type corresponding to each category/subcategory.
Enter the parameters as follows:
Document Type: Populate Document Type as defined above.
Multiple Rows: Yes
Country Code: Romania
Description: (as appropriate)
Category Code : Select the appropriate Category code from LOV
Subcategory code: Select the appropriate Subcategory code from LOV
Authorization Required: (set to No)
Waiting period: Null
This concurrent program populates the document type in hr_document_types table as follows:
184 | RO_ID_INFO | RO_ID_CARD | RO | RO Identity Card |
201 | RO_ID_INFO | RO_PASSPORT | RO | RO Passport |
202 | RO_ID_INFO | RO_ID_BULTN | RO | RO Identity Bulletin |
203 | RO_ID_INFO | RO_OTHERS | RO | RO Others Identity document |
204 | RO_ID_INFO | RO_RESIDENCE_CARD | RO | RO Residence card |
205 | RO_ID_INFO | RO_RESIDENCE_PERMIT | RO | RO Residence permit |
221 | RO_WORK_AUTH | RO_PERMANENT_WORKERS | RO | RO Permanent workers |
222 | RO_WORK_AUTH | RO_DETACHED_WORKERS | RO | RO Detached workers |
223 | RO_WORK_AUTH | RO_SEASON_WORKERS | RO | RO Season workers |
224 | RO_WORK_AUTH | RO_INTERNS | RO | RO Interns |
225 | RO_WORK_AUTH | RO_SPORTSMEN | RO | RO Sportsmen |
226 | RO_WORK_AUTH | RO_CROSSBRDR_WORKERS | RO | RO Cross-border workers |
227 | RO_WORK_AUTH | RO_NOMINAL | RO | RO Nominal authorization |
228 | RO_WORK_AUTH | RO_QUALIFIED_WORKERS | RO | RO High-qualified workers |
229 | RO_WORK_AUTH | RO_EXCEPTION | RO | RO Exception |
230 | RO_WORK_AUTH | RO_AU_PAIR_WORKERS | RO | RO Au Pair workers |
Step 1.4: Add Document Type
To add the document type:
Navigate to Security > Information Types Security
Query the responsibilities to add the DOCUMENT TYPE
Select the DOCUMENT TYPE defined in step 1.2. The application populates the category and subcategory automatically based upon what was defined when the document type was created.
In the individual labor contract, to select the title of the job from an official list named COR (The Classification of Occupations in Romania) and to meet REVISAL (to report labor contracts) requirements and for statistical reports, you must include the COR in either JOB, Position, or Grade flexfield. Use the applicable user table to specify in which key flexfield you have the COR along with the segment number holding the value.
Set up address and job title related data by uploading the SIRUTA and COR files. See: My Oracle Support Note 1559031.1.