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Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Installation Guide: JumpStart Installations     Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Information Library
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Document Information


1.  Where to Find Oracle Solaris Installation Planning Information

2.  JumpStart (Overview)

3.  Preparing JumpStart Installations (Tasks)

Task Map: Preparing JumpStart Installations

Creating a Profile Server for Networked Systems

How to Create a JumpStart Directory on a Server

Allowing All Systems Access to the Profile Server

Using a Wildcard Entry to Allow All Systems Access to the Profile Server

Creating a Profile Diskette for Stand-alone Systems

SPARC: How to Create a Profile Diskette

x86: How to Create a Profile Diskette With GRUB

Creating the rules File

Syntax of the rules File

How to Create a rules File

rules File Example

Creating a Profile

Syntax of Profiles

How to Create a Profile

Profile Examples

Testing a Profile

How to Create a Temporary Oracle Solaris Environment to Test a Profile

How to Test a Profile

Profile Test Example

Validating the rules File

How to Validate the rules File

4.  Using Optional JumpStart Features (Tasks)

5.  Creating Custom Rule and Probe Keywords (Tasks)

6.  Performing a JumpStart Installation (Tasks)

7.  Installing With JumpStart (Examples)

8.  JumpStart Keyword Reference

9.  Installing a ZFS Root Pool With JumpStart



Creating the rules File

The rules file is a text file that contains a rule for each group of systems on which you want to install the Oracle Solaris OS. Each rule distinguishes a group of systems that are based on one or more system attributes. Each rule also links each group to a profile. A profile is a text file that defines how the Oracle Solaris software is to be installed on each system in the group. For example, the following rule specifies that the JumpStart program use the information in the basic_prof profile to install any system with the sun4u platform group.

karch sun4u - basic_prof -

The rules file is used to create the rules.ok file, which is required for JumpStart installations.

Note - If you set up the JumpStart directory by using the procedures in Creating a Profile Diskette for Stand-alone Systems or Creating a Profile Server for Networked Systems, an example rules file is already located in the JumpStart directory. The sample rules file contains documentation and some example rules. If you use the sample rules file, ensure that you comment out the example rules you do not intend to use.

Syntax of the rules File

The rules file must have the following attributes:

The rules file can contain any of the following:

How to Create a rules File

  1. Use a text editor to create a text file that is named rules or open the sample rules file in the JumpStart directory that you created.
  2. Add a rule in the rules file for each group of systems on which you want to install the Oracle Solaris software.

    For a list of rules file keywords and values, see Rule Keywords and Values.

    A rule within a rules file must adhere to the following syntax:

    !rule-keyword rule-value && !rule-keyword rule-value ... begin  profile  finish

    A symbol that is used before a keyword to indicate negation.


    A predefined lexical unit or word that describes a general system attribute, such as host name, hostname, or memory size, memsize. rule-keyword is used with the rule value to match a system with the same attribute to a profile. For the list of rule keywords, see Rule Keywords and Values.


    A value that provides the specific system attribute for the corresponding rule keyword. Rule values are described in Rule Keywords and Values.


    A symbol you must use to join rule keyword and rule value pairs in the same rule (a logical AND). During a JumpStart installation, a system must match every pair in the rule before the rule matches.


    The name of an optional Bourne shell script that can be executed before the installation begins. If no begin script exists, you must type a minus sign (-) in this field. All begin scripts must be located in the JumpStart directory.

    Information about how to create begin scripts is presented in Creating Begin Scripts.


    The name of a text file that defines how the Oracle Solaris software is to be installed on the system when a system matches the rule. The information in a profile consists of profile keywords and their corresponding profile values. All profiles must be located in the JumpStart directory.

    Note - Optional ways to use the profile field are described in Using a Site-Specific Installation Program and Creating Derived Profiles With a Begin Script.


    The name of an optional Bourne shell script that can be executed after the installation is completed. If no finish script exists, you must type a minus sign (-) in this field. All finish scripts must be located in the JumpStart directory.

    Information about how to create finish scripts is presented in Creating Finish Scripts.

    At the minimum, each rule must contain the following:

    • A keyword, a value, and a corresponding profile

    • A minus sign (-) in the begin and finish fields if no begin or finish scripts are specified

  3. Save the rules file in the JumpStart directory.
  4. Ensure that root owns the rules file and that the permissions are set to 644.

rules File Example

The following example shows several example rules in a rules file. Each line has a rule keyword and a valid value for that keyword. The JumpStart program scans the rules file from top to bottom.

When the JumpStart program matches a rule keyword and value with a known system, the JumpStart program installs the Oracle Solaris software that is specified by the profile that is listed in the profile field.

For a complete list of rules file limitations, see Syntax of the rules File.

Example 3-1 rule File

 # rule keywords and rule values       begin script       profile       finish script
 # -----------------------------       ------------       --------      -------------
  hostname eng-1                       -                  basic_prof    -
  network && !model \
 'SUNW,Sun-Blade-100'                  -                  net_prof      -
  model SUNW,SPARCstation-LX           -                  lx_prof       complete
  network && karch i86pc  setup               x86_prof      done
  memsize 64-128 && arch i386          -                  prog_prof     -
  any   -                              -                  generic_prof  -

Some of the keywords and values in this example are as follows:


The rule matches if the system's host name is eng-1. The basic_prof profile is used to install the Oracle Solaris software on the system that matches the rule.


The rule matches if the system is on subnet and if the system is not a Sun Blade 100 (SUNW,Sun-Blade-100). The net_prof profile is used to install the Oracle Solaris software on systems that match this rule. This rule also provides an example of continuing a single rule onto a new line by using the backslash character (\).


The rule matches if the system is a SPARCstation LX. The lx_prof profile and the complete finish script are used to install the Oracle Solaris software on systems that match this rule.


The rule matches if the system is on subnet and is an x86 based system. The setup begin script, the x864u_prof profile, and the done finish script are used to install the Oracle Solaris software on systems that match the rule.


The rule matches if the system has between 64 and 128 MB of memory and is an x86 based system. The prog_prof profile is used to install the Oracle Solaris software on systems that match the rule.


The rule matches any system that did not match the previous rules. The generic_prof profile is used to install the Oracle Solaris software on systems that match the rule. If any is used, it should always be the last rule in the rules file.