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Sun Network QDR InfiniBand Gateway Switch

Product Notes for Firmware Version 2.0

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1.  Sun InfiniBand QDR Gateway Switch Product Notes

Known Problems

General Information and Issues

Reserved VLAN Identifiers

Jumbo Frames

Subnet Manager

Snapshot Dataset Information

Software Information and Issues

Main Board, Management Controller, and Chassis Serial Numbers

High Availability in Partitions

Email Alert Rules

Time Zone Support

Firmware Update Considerations

Host Software and Firmware

Symbol Errors on Internal Ports

Commands Available to Restricted Linux Shells

Hardware Information and Issues

Ethernet Support

Number of LAGs

Unusable Ports

Documentation Information and Issues

smpartition Command Guidelines

VNIC Configuration on Linux Hosts in Gateway Manual Mode

Corrections to Creating Virtual I/O Adapters (Oracle Solaris)

Set Up VIOAs (Oracle Solaris)

Configure IP Addresses on the Data Link (Oracle Solaris)

SNMP V3 Protocol Passwords

Features and Functionality Documented

Acquire the BXOFED Software

Acquire the ConnectX-2 Firmware

Upgrading the Gateway Firmware

Acquire the Gateway Firmware Package (CLI)

Upgrade the Gateway Firmware (CLI)

Documentation Information and Issues

smpartition Command Guidelines

When partitioning the InfiniBand fabric with the smpartition command, consider these guidelines during the configuration session:

VNIC Configuration on Linux Hosts in Gateway Manual Mode

If you are creating VNICs in Gateway Manual Mode, you must follow these conditions.

VNIC names appear frequently in the documentation. For example, the VNIC-specific configuration file contains the DEVICE parameter, which format is described as:


where name is suggested to be ethXX, and XX is a user-specified sequence number. VNIC names of eth0, eth1, ... to eth7 have been problematic with Linux kernels.

A solution is to use this format for the VNIC name:



An example VNIC name might be eth03_03.

Using this new format, the filename for the VNIC-specific configuration file becomes ifcfg-ethgateway_instance_VNIC_instance. For the previous example, the configuration filename is ifcfg-eth03_03.

For consistency, the VNIC-specific configuration file must contain these two parameters:



Corrections to Creating Virtual I/O Adapters (Oracle Solaris)

In Gateway Administration, there are several errors in the procedures for creating VIOAs in Oracle Solaris. Those procedures are corrected here.

Set Up VIOAs (Oracle Solaris)

Note - If the VIOA is to be assigned to a VLAN, you cannot create the VIOA from the gateway. Instead, use the procedure in Gateway Administration, creating Oracle Solaris VNICs.

  1. Become superuser of the Oracle Solaris 11 host.

    For this procedure, the Oracle Solaris 11 host name is solaris01.

  2. Display the HCA GUIDs and port GUIDs configured on the host.
    # dladm show-ib
    LINK         HCAGUID         PORTGUID        PORT STATE  PKEYS
    ibp0         21280001A0A590  21280001A0A591  1    up     FFFF
    ibp1         21280001A0A590  21280001A0A592  2    up     FFFF
  3. Record the host name, HCA GUIDs, and port GUIDs.

    In this example, the HCA GUID is 21280001A0A590, and the port GUIDs are 21280001A0A591 and 21280001A0A592.

  4. From the management controller of the gateway, display the HCAs recognized by the gateway.
    Ca      : 0x0021280001A0A590 ports 2 "solaris01"
    Ca      : 0x00212856cd22c040 ports 2 "SUN IB QDR GW switch mnm34-97 Bridge 1"
    Ca      : 0x0002c903000891aa ports 2 "mnm34-54 HCA-1"
    Ca      : 0x00212800013ece9e ports 2 "mnm34-55 HCA-1"
    Ca      : 0x0003ba000100e370 ports 2 "mnm34-60 HCA-1"
  5. Compare the output of the ibhosts command with the recorded host name, HCA GUIDs, and port GUIDs.

    The port GUIDs are the HCA GUID +1 (port 1) and HCA GUID +2 (port 2), respectively.

  6. Verify that the gateway recognizes the Oracle Solaris 11 host correctly.

    If not, check the cabling between the gateway and the Oracle Solaris 11 host.

  7. Determine if a VIOA has already been assigned to the Oracle Solaris 11 host.
    ID  STATE     FLG IOA_GUID                NODE       IID  MAC               VLN PKEY   GW
    --- --------  --- ----------------------- ---------- ---- ----------------- --- ----   --------
     4 UP          N 00:03:BA:00:01:00:E3:71 mnm34-60 0000 02:02:02:02:02:03 NO  ffff   0A-ETH-1
     5 UP          N 00:03:BA:00:01:00:E3:71 mnm34-60 0002 02:02:02:02:02:04 NO  ffff   0A-ETH-1
     3 DISABLED    N 00:03:BA:00:01:00:E3:71 mnm34-60 0000 02:02:02:02:02:02 NO  ffff   0A-ETH-1
     6 UP          N 00:03:BA:00:01:00:E3:72 mnm34-60 0000 02:02:02:02:02:05 NO  ffff   0A-ETH-1

    Note - Until the IP interface is created on the data link (using the ipadm command) at the Oracle Solaris host, the STATE of the VNIC is WAIT-IOA.

  8. Examine the output by column:
    • STATE – The state of the VIOA.

    • IOA_GUID – The port GUID of the VIOA. The GUID might be listed several times.

    • NODE – The host name of the node hosting the VIOA.

    • MAC – The MAC address assigned to the VIOA. There might be several MAC addresses.

    • PKEY – The partition key assigned.

    • GW – The physical connector cabled to the node or host.

  9. Determine your next steps.
  10. Determine your MAC addresses and whether they are to be global or locally administrated.

    Note - Each MAC address must be unique and not 00:00:00:00:00:00.

    Note - Only even numbers are supported for the most significant byte of the MAC address (unicast).

  11. Activate the VIOA by assigning a MAC address to it.
    FabMan@gateway_name->createvnic connector -guid guid -mac mac_address -pkey default


    • connector is the name of the connector (0A-ETH-1 to 0A-ETH-4 and 1A-ETH-1 to 1A-ETH-4).

    • guid is the global unique identifier of the target port on the host associated with the VIOA.

    • mac_address is the MAC address to be assigned to the VIOA.

    Note - You can use the information from Step 8 as a guide.

    For example, to assign the MAC address of a0:a5:91:95:30:9a to the VIOA for port GUID 21280001A0A591 through connector 0A-ETH-2:

    FabMan@gateway_name->createvnic 0A-ETH-2 -guid 0021280001A0A591 -mac a0:a5:91:95:30:9a -pkey default
    VNIC created

    The VIOA is created and an Ethernet over InfiniBand data link is bound to the VIOA.

  12. Verify that the VIOA is active.
    ID  STATE     FLG IOA_GUID                NODE       IID  MAC               VLN PKEY   GW
    --- --------  --- ----------------------- ---------- ---- ----------------- --- ----   --------
     7 UP          N 00:21:28:00:01:A0:A5:91 solaris01 0000 a0:a5:91:95:30:9a NO  ffff 0A-ETH-2
     4 UP          N 00:03:BA:00:01:00:E3:71 mnm34-60 0000 02:02:02:02:02:03 NO  ffff   0A-ETH-1
     5 UP          N 00:03:BA:00:01:00:E3:71 mnm34-60 0002 02:02:02:02:02:04 NO  ffff   0A-ETH-1
     3 DISABLED    N 00:03:BA:00:01:00:E3:71 mnm34-60 0000 02:02:02:02:02:02 NO  ffff   0A-ETH-1
     6 UP          N 00:03:BA:00:01:00:E3:72 mnm34-60 0000 02:02:02:02:02:05 NO  ffff   0A-ETH-1

    Note - Until the IP interface is created on the data link (using the ipadm command) at the Oracle Solaris host, the STATE of the VNIC is WAIT-IOA.

  13. Configure an IP address on the data link.

    See Configure IP Addresses on the Data Link (Oracle Solaris).

Configure IP Addresses on the Data Link (Oracle Solaris)

  1. Become superuser of the Oracle Solaris 11 host.
  2. Verify that the data link corresponding to the activated VIOA has been created.

    For example:

    # dladm show-phys
    LINK              MEDIA                STATE      SPEED  DUPLEX    DEVICE
    vnet0             Ethernet             up         0      unknown   vnet0 
    ibp0              Infiniband           up         32000  unknown   ibp0 
    ibp1              Infiniband           down       2000   unknown   ibp1 
    net5              Ethernet             up         10000  full      eoib0 
    net4              Ethernet             up         10000  full      eoib1 
    net6              Ethernet             unknown    10000  full      eoib2 

    The dladm show-phys command displays all data links corresponding to all hardware devices.

    Similarly, the dladm show-link command displays the class, MTU, and state for all data links. For example:

    # dladm show-link
    LINK                CLASS     MTU    STATE    OVER 
    vnet0               phys      1500   up       -- 
    ibp0                phys      65520  up       -- 
    ibp1                phys      65520  down     -- 
    net5                phys      1500   up       -- 
    net4                phys      1500   up       -- 
    net6                phys      1500   unknown  -- 
  3. Create an IP interface on the data link:
    # ipadm create-ip link

    where link is the name of the data link. For example:

    # ipadm create-ip net6

    Note - When you create the IP interface on the data link, the respective VNIC STATE (as seen with the showvnics command) goes from WAIT-IOA to UP.

  4. Verify that the interface was created.
    # ipadm show-if
    eoib2 ip down no --

    Note - You must create the IP interface before an IP address is assigned to it.

  5. Assign an IP address to the IP interface.
    # ipadm create-addr -T static -a IP_address/24 IP_interface/v4


    • IP_address is the IP address to be assigned to the IP interface.

    • IP_interface is the interface corresponding to the data link and VIOA.

    For example, to assign the IP address of to IP interface eoib2:

    # ipadm create-addr -T static -a eoib2/v4
  6. Verify that the IP address was properly assigned.
    # ipadm show-addr IP_interface/v4

    where IP_interface is the interface corresponding to the data link and VIOA. For example:

    # ipadm show-addr eoib2/v4
    eoib2/v4 static ok

SNMP V3 Protocol Passwords

In sections of Gateway Remote Management, authentication and privacy passwords are described for SNMP service user accounts and SNMP V3 protocol commands. For the user accounts and commands, the MD5 and SHA authentication passwords are 8 to 12 characters in length, and the DES privacy password must be exactly 8 characters long.

Features and Functionality Documented

The features and functionality described in the gateway documentation has been updated to reflect the firmware starting with version 2.0. Upgrading your gateway firmware to the most current version helps increase gateway functionality. See Upgrading the Gateway Firmware.

Acquire the BXOFED Software

  1. Open a web browser on a host that will receive the BXOFED software.
  2. Go to this URL:

    Oracle's My Oracle Support page is displayed.

  3. Sign in if you already have an account.

    The dashboard page is displayed.

    Note - If you do not have an account, you must register.

  4. Click the Patches & Updates tab.

    The Patches & Updates page is displayed.

  5. In the Patch Search window, click the Product or Family (Advanced).

    The Patch Search window updates.

  6. In the Product Is field, type BridgeX.

    Possible products are suggested.

  7. Click the most appropriate link.

    The Release Is field might autopropogate with the most current version.

  8. In the Release Is drop-down menu, select the most current version of the BridgeX OFED software.

    For example, BridgeX OFED 1.5.1.

  9. Click outside of the drop-down menu.
  10. Click Search.

    The Patch Search window expands with the search results.

  11. In the Patch Name column, click the patch number link respective to your platform.

    For example, 12621910. The Patch Search window reformats.

  12. Click Read Me to display the README file.
  13. Click Download.

    The File Download window opens.

  14. Click the link to initiate the download.

    For example,

  15. Indicate where the file should be saved.

    The file is downloaded and saved.

  16. In your receiving directory, decompress the file.

    The BXOFED software is in the BXOFED-1.5.1-version_for Oracle.tgz file. There are also readme, release notes, installation guide and user manual files in the file.

  17. Read the README, release notes, and installation guide files for information on how to install the BXOFED software.

Acquire the ConnectX-2 Firmware

For your host to properly interface with the gateway, the firmware of the ConnectX-2 chip in the HCA must be updated to version 2.7.000 or higher.

  1. Open a web browser on the host that will receive the ConnectX-2 firmware.
  2. Go to this URL:

    Oracle's My Oracle Support page is displayed.

  3. Sign in if you already have an account.

    The dashboard page is displayed.

    Note - If you do not have an account, you must register.

  4. Click the Patches & Updates tab.

    The Patches & Updates page is displayed.

  5. In the Patch Search window, click the Product or Family (Advanced).

    The Patch Search window updates.

  6. In the Product Is drop-down menu, select your HCA.

    For example, Sun Dual Port 4x QDR InfiniBand (IB) HCA PCIe ExpressModule.

  7. In the Release Is drop-down menu, select the latest firmware version.

    For example, FW25408 v2.7.8130.

  8. Click outside of the drop-down menu.
  9. In the Platform Is drop-down menu, select the Oracle Solaris appropriate for your host.

    For example, Oracle Solaris on x86-64 (64-bit).

  10. Click outside of the drop-down menu.
  11. Click Search.

    The Patch Search window expands with the search results.

  12. In the Patch Name column, click the respective patch number link.

    For example, 12610332. The Patch Search window reformats.

  13. Click Read Me to display the README file.
  14. Click Download.

    The File Download window opens.

  15. Click the link to initiate the download.

    For example,

  16. Indicate where the file should be saved.

    The file is downloaded and saved.

  17. In your receiving directory, decompress the file.

    The ConnectX-2 firmware is in the fw-ConnectX2-rel-2_7_version.bin file. For example, fw-ConnectX2-rel-2_7_8130-375-3697-01.bin.

  18. Refer to your HCA documentation for instructions on how to upgrade the ConnectX-2 firmware.

Upgrading the Gateway Firmware

In Gateway Remote Management, firmware version numbers are provided as x.y, x.y.z, and x.y.z-w. Currently, these numbers are 2.0, 2.0.8, and 2.0.8-1 respectively. The following two procedures describe how to acquire and upgrade the firmware through the Oracle ILOM CLI.

Acquire the Gateway Firmware Package (CLI)

  1. Open a web browser on a host that is on the same Ethernet network as the management controller to receive the firmware update.
  2. Go to this URL.

    Oracle's My Oracle Support page is displayed.

  3. Sign in if you already have an account.

    The dashboard page is displayed.

    Note - If you do not have an account, you must register.

  4. Click the Patches & Updates tab.

    The Patches and Updates page is displayed.

  5. In the Patch Search window, click the Search tab.

    The Patch Search window updates.

  6. Click the Product or Family (Advance) link.

    The Patch Search window updates.

  7. In the Product Is drop-down menu, select Sun Network QDR Infiniband Gateway Switch.
  8. In the Release Is drop-down menu, select Sun Network QDR Infiniband Gateway Switch x.y.z.

    Where x.y.z is the version number of the firmware package to be acquired. For example, 2.0.8.

  9. Click outside of the drop-down menu.
  10. Click Search.

    The Patch Search window expands with the search results.

  11. In the Patch Name column, click the respective patch number link.

    For example, 16295011. The Patch Search window reformats.

  12. Click Read Me to display the README file.
  13. Click Download.

    The File Download window opens.

  14. Click the link to initiate the download.

    For example,

  15. Indicate where the file should be saved.

    The file is downloaded and saved.

  16. In your receiving directory, decompress the file.

    The firmware is in the SUN_DCS_gw_x.y.z.tar.gz file.

    The README file contains the latest information about the firmware release.

  17. Unpack the .gz file.
    $ gtar -zxvf SUN_DCS_gw_x.y.z.tar.gz

    The extracted files are displayed.

  18. Move the gateway firmware package (filename.pkg) to a directory on a host that is accessible by Oracle ILOM.
  19. Upgrade the gateway firmware.

    See Upgrade the Gateway Firmware (CLI).

Upgrade the Gateway Firmware (CLI)

Note - If you are going to downgrade the firmware to a version earlier than 2.0, you must remove user partitions and depopulate the Subnet Manager nodes list. Refer to Gateway Administration, removing partitions for firmware downgrade.

  1. Open an SSH session as user root and connect to the management controller by specifying the controller's host name.

    For example:

    % ssh -l root gateway_name
    root@gateway_name's password: password

    where gateway_name is the host name of the management controller. Initially, the password is changeme.

  2. If the Subnet Manager is running on the management controller, disable the Subnet Manager with the disablesm command.
    # disablesm
    Stopping partitiond daemon.                                [  OK  ]
    Stopping IB Subnet Manager..                               [  OK  ]
  3. Verify that there is at least 150 MB available in the /tmp directory.
    # df -h /tmp
    Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    tmpfs                 250M  240K 249M 1% /tmp

    In this example, there are 249 MB available. If not enough space is available, you must delete files from the /tmp directory.

  4. Verify that there is at least 1 MB available in the /config directory.
    # df -h /config
    Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/hda2              16M  3.6M   11M  25% /config

    In this example, there are 11 MB available. If not enough space is available, you must delete files from the /config directory.

  5. Verify that there is at least 1 MB available in the /var/log directory.
    # df -h /var/log
    Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/hda3              16M  3.6M   11M  25% /var/log

    In this example, there are 11 MB available. If not enough space is available, you must delete files from the /var/log directory.

  6. Verify that there is at least 150 MB free memory available.
    # free -m
                     total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
    Mem:           498        104        393          0         12         47
    -/+ buffers/cache:         45        453
    Swap:            0          0          0

    In the -/+ buffers/cache: row of the free column, there should be at least 150 MB free memory. In this example, there are 453 MB available. If not enough memory is available, you must exit nonessential applications that are running.

  7. Start the Oracle ILOM shell.
    # spsh
    Oracle(R) Integrated Lights Out Manager
    Version ILOM 3.0 r47111
    Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

    You are now in the Oracle ILOM shell.

    You can use the exit command to return to the Linux shell.

  8. Begin the upgrade process.
    -> load -source URI/pkgname


    • URI is the uniform resource indicator for the host where the gateway firmware package is located. The FTP and HTTP protocols are supported.

    • pkgname is the name of the firmware package in the transfer directory.

    For example, using the FTP protocol:

    -> load -source ftp://root:changeme@
    Downloading firmware image. This will take a few minutes.

    Note - If you are upgrading from firmware version 2.0.X, you can use the -force option to disable version number checking, and force the upgrade.

    The firmware is downloaded. The upgrade begins. A caution is displayed, and you are asked to commit to the upgrade.

    NOTE: Firmware upgrade will upgrade firmware on SUN DCS gw Kontron module,
             I4 and BridgeX. Upgrade takes few minutes to complete.
             ILOM will enter a special mode to load new firmware. No other tasks 
             should be performed in ILOM until the firmware upgrade is complete. 
    Are you sure you want to load the specified file (y/n)?
  9. Answer y to the prompt to commit to the upgrade.

    The upgrade begins.

    Setting up environment for firmware upgrade. This will take few minutes. 
    Starting SUN DCS gw FW update 
    Performing operation: I4 A 
    I4 fw upgrade from 7.3.0(INI:1) to 7.4.1010(INI:1): 
    Upgrade started... 
    Upgrade completed. 
    INFO: I4 fw upgrade from 7.3.0(INI:1) to 7.4.1010(INI:1) succeeded 
    Performing operation: BX A 
    BX fw upgrade from 8.3.3166(INI:4) to 8.4.2812(INI:6): 
    Upgrade started... 
    Upgrade completed. 
    INFO: BX fw upgrade from 8.3.3166(INI:4) to 8.4.2812(INI:6) succeeded 
    Performing operation: BX B 
    BX fw upgrade from 8.3.3166(INI:4) to 8.4.2812(INI:6): 
    Upgrade started... 
    Upgrade completed. 
    INFO: BX fw upgrade from 8.3.3166(INI:4) to 8.4.2812(INI:6) succeeded 
    Summary of Firmware update 
    I4 status                :  FW UPDATE - SUCCESS 
    I4 update succeeded on   :  A 
    I4 already up-to-date on :  none 
    I4 update failed on      :  none 
    BX status                :  FW UPDATE - SUCCESS 
    BX update succeeded on   :  A, B 
    BX already up-to-date on :  none 
    BX update failed on      :  none 
    Performing operation: SUN DCS gw firmware update 
    SUN DCS gw Kontron module fw upgrade from 1.3.2-1 to 2.0.8-1: 
    Please reboot the system to enable firmware update of Kontron module. The download of the Kontron firmware image happens during reboot. 
    After system reboot, Kontron FW update progress can be monitored in browser using URL [http://GWsystem] OR at OS command line prompt by using command [telnet GWsystem 1234] where GWsystem 
    is the hostname or IP address of SUN DCS GW. 
    Firmware update is complete. 
  10. Exit the Oracle ILOM CLI shell.
    -> exit
  11. Reboot the gateway to enable the new firmware.

    Refer to Gateway Administration, restarting the entire gateway.

    Note - The restart process takes between 4 to 5 minutes to complete.

    You can monitor the update progress through:

    • Web browserhttp://gateway_name

    • CLItelnet gateway_name 1234

    where gateway_name is the host name or IP address of the management controller.

    Note - The Oracle ILOM stack requires at least 2 minutes to become operational after a reboot.

    The next time you log in to the gateway, this message is displayed:

    FW upgrade completed successfully on Mon Oct 17 18:36:14 IST 2012.
    Please run the "fwverify" CLI command to verify the new image.
    This message will be cleared on next reboot.
  12. If the Subnet Manager was disabled in Step 2, log in to Oracle ILOM, access the restricted Linux shell, and enable the Subnet Manager.
    % ssh -l ilom-admin gateway_name
    ilom-admin@gateway_name's password: password
    -> show /SP/Fabric_Mgmt
    NOTE: show on Fabric_Mgmt will launch a restricted Linux shell. 
             User can execute switch diagnosis, SM Configuration and IB
             monitoring commands in the shell. To view the list of commands,
             use "help" at rsh prompt. 
             Use exit command at rsh prompt to revert back to
             ILOM shell.
    Starting IB Subnet Manager.                                [  OK  ]
    Starting partitiond daemon.                                [  OK  ]
  13. Verify the firmware version.
    SUN DCS gw version: 2.0.8-1 
    Build time: Feb  6 2013 09:47:52 
    FPGA version: 0x33 
    SP board info: 
    Manufacturing Date: 2009.06.24 
    Serial Number: "NCD3R0853" 
    Hardware Revision: 0x0006 
    Firmware Revision: 0x0103 
    BIOS version: NOW1R113 
    BIOS date: 07/20/2009 

    In the first line of the output is SUN DCS gw version x.y.z-w, where x.y.z-w is the version of the firmware upgraded (or downgraded). For example, 2.0.8-1.

  14. Verify the firmware integrity.
    Checking all present packages:
    ........................................................................... OK
    Checking if any packages are missing:
    ........................................................................... OK
    Verifying installed files:
    ........................................................................... OK