Class Workflow

  extended by com.bea.content.virtual.workflow.Workflow
All Implemented Interfaces

public class Workflow
extends Object
implements Serializable

Represents the Workflow document.

Methods which return an ISortableFilterablePagedList from IWorkflowManager can sort and filter the responses. For a discussion on paging, sorting and filtering, see com.bea.content.paging and ContentListKeys. Native sortable properties for the WLP Repository are found via the ISortablePagedList.getNativeSortableProperties() method on a paged list of Node objects.

For Workflows in the WLP Repository, the current list of native sortable and filterable properties is:

See Also
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static int DRAFT
          Predefined Workflow status
static int PUBLISHED
static int READY
static int REJECTED
static int RETIRED
static int UNDEFINED
          Status which determines if the workflow set a object is not defined in it's corresponding workflow document
Constructor Summary
Workflow(ID id, String name, String comment, Date createdDate, Date modifiedDate)
          Construct a workflow without setting the workflowOps or the workflow document.
Workflow(ID id, String name, String comment, com.bea.content.virtual.workflow.schema.WorkflowDocument document, Date createdDate, Date modifiedDate)
          Construct a Workflow without setting the workflowOps.
Workflow(ID id, String name, String comment, com.bea.content.virtual.workflow.schema.WorkflowDocument document, WorkflowOps spiWorkflowOps, boolean isInheritedOnTarget, Date createdDate, Date modifiedDate)
          Construct a Workflow -- for internal usage by VCR

Method Summary
 int getBeginStatus()
          Return the status that marks the begin point of the workflow
 String getComment()
          Return the comment associated with the workflow
 Date getCreatedDate()
          Return the date workflow was created
 ID getId()
 Date getModifiedDate()
          Return the last modification date of the workflow
 String getName()
 Set<String> getRolesForCapability(ContentContext context, Node node, String capability)
          Return all the published roles for the node represented by the node id.
 Map<Integer,String> getStatusText()
          Returns a map of status representation of the text.
 List<Integer> getStatusTransitions(ContentContext context, Node node, int originStatus)
          Returns a list of valid status transitions for the user from the given status.
 List<WorkflowAction> getTransitionActions(ContentContext context, Node node, int fromState, int toState)
          Return a list of WorkflowAction objects which represent the actions to be executed when making a transition from one state to another.
 boolean hasCheckinAccess(ContentContext context, Node node, int fromStatus, int toStatus)
          Helper method to indicate whether or not a user has access to a to-status element to perform operations on the object.
 boolean hasTransitionAccess(ContentContext context, Node node, int status)
          Helper method to indicate whether or not a user has access to a from-status element to perform operations on the object.
 boolean isInheritedOnTarget()
          Indicates whether or not the given workflow is inherited on the object of the workflow.
 boolean isWorkflowDocumentLoaded()
          Indicates whether the workflow document has been loaded for this object.
 void setComment(String comment)
 void setInheritedOnTarget(boolean isInheritedOnTarget)
          Sets the isInheritedOnTarget value.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int DRAFT
Predefined Workflow status

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final int READY
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final int REJECTED
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final int PUBLISHED
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final int RETIRED
See Also
Constants Summary


public static final int UNDEFINED
Status which determines if the workflow set a object is not defined in it's corresponding workflow document

See Also
Constants Summary


public static final String WORKFLOW_STATUS_FIELD
See Also
Constants Summary
Constructor Detail


public Workflow(ID id,
                String name,
                String comment,
                com.bea.content.virtual.workflow.schema.WorkflowDocument document,
                WorkflowOps spiWorkflowOps,
                boolean isInheritedOnTarget,
                Date createdDate,
                Date modifiedDate)
Construct a Workflow -- for internal usage by VCR

id - The ID of the workflow
name - The name of the workflow - workflow names are unique within a repository
comment - An optional comment associated with a workflow
document - The actual workflow document
spiWorkflowOps - The SPI interface for the workflow.
isInheritedOnTarget - Indicates whether the workflow is inherited on target or not.
createdDate - The date the workflow was created.
modifiedDate - The date the workflow was modified.


public Workflow(ID id,
                String name,
                String comment,
                com.bea.content.virtual.workflow.schema.WorkflowDocument document,
                Date createdDate,
                Date modifiedDate)
Construct a Workflow without setting the workflowOps. Note that this is a helper constructor only and in order to use the Workflow methods to get transitions etc, you need to set the workflowOps also.

id - The ID of the workflow
name - The name of the workflow - workflow names are unique within a repository
comment - An optional comment associated with a workflow
document - The actual workflow document
createdDate - The date the workflow was created.
modifiedDate - The date the workflow was modified.


public Workflow(ID id,
                String name,
                String comment,
                Date createdDate,
                Date modifiedDate)
Construct a workflow without setting the workflowOps or the workflow document. This essentially creates a workflow object which acts only as a value object (useful to display the workflow objects in a list for example) and you cannot perform any transition methods on this object.

id - The ID of the workflow
name - The name of the workflow - workflow names are unique within a repository
comment - An optional comment associated with a workflow
createdDate - The date the workflow was created.
modifiedDate - The date the workflow was modified.
Method Detail


public boolean isWorkflowDocumentLoaded()
Indicates whether the workflow document has been loaded for this object.

whether the workflow document has been loaded for this object or not


public ID getId()
Returns the id.


public String getName()
Returns the name of the workflow


public String getComment()
Return the comment associated with the workflow

The comment


public void setComment(String comment)


public Date getCreatedDate()
Return the date workflow was created

The creation date


public Date getModifiedDate()
Return the last modification date of the workflow

The modification date


public int getBeginStatus()
                   throws RepositoryException
Return the status that marks the begin point of the workflow

-1 if document is not defined, the begin status otherwise
RepositoryException - if the retrieval of the workflow document fails.


public List<Integer> getStatusTransitions(ContentContext context,
                                          Node node,
                                          int originStatus)
Returns a list of valid status transitions for the user from the given status. The list contains Integer values of Status Transitions. If the originStatus does not exist in the workflow document, the method will search for any UNDEFINED transitions described in the workflow document, and will return the available transitions for that status.

context - The ContentContext object
node - The node being operated on.
originStatus - The origin status for the user.
An integer list of allowable status transitions.


public List<WorkflowAction> getTransitionActions(ContentContext context,
                                                 Node node,
                                                 int fromState,
                                                 int toState)
                                          throws IOException,
Return a list of WorkflowAction objects which represent the actions to be executed when making a transition from one state to another. If the transition fromState is not defined in the workflow document, this method will try to retrieve the transition actions for the UNDEFINED state.

context - The ContentContext object
node - The node on which actions are executed.
fromState - The start point of the transition.
toState - The end point of the transition.
A list of WorkflowAction objects, or null if transition fromState -> toState is not defined in the document, and the UNDEFINED transition is also not defined. This method can also return an empty list if the user is not authorized to execute any actions for that transition.
IOException - If an error occurs while reading the workflow document.
com.bea.xml.XmlException - If an error occurs parsing the workflow document.
ClassNotFoundException - If the workflow points to an action class which isn't found.
InstantiationException - If the workflow points to an action class which can't be instantiated.
IllegalAccessException - If the class or its nullary constructor is not accessible.
com.bea.p13n.entitlements.common.EntitlementsException - If a security exception occurs.
RepositoryException - If this operation fails.


public boolean hasTransitionAccess(ContentContext context,
                                   Node node,
                                   int status)
                            throws IOException,
Helper method to indicate whether or not a user has access to a from-status element to perform operations on the object. If the administrator has specified a capabilityConstraint/roleConstraint on the from-status element, this will check for the user's credentials to see if the current user matches these constraints. If the status does not exist in the workflow, the method will throw an exception

context - The contentContext object
node - The node object
status - The status to check.
true if the user has access - false otherwise.
IOException - If an error occurs while reading the workflow document.
com.bea.xml.XmlException - If an error occurs parsing the workflow document.
AuthenticationException - If an authentication failure occurs.
AuthorizationException - If an authorization failure occurs.
TransitionNotFoundException - If the transition is not found
NoSuchNodeException - If the given node does not exist.
RepositoryException - If this operation fails for any other reason.


public boolean hasCheckinAccess(ContentContext context,
                                Node node,
                                int fromStatus,
                                int toStatus)
                         throws IOException,
Helper method to indicate whether or not a user has access to a to-status element to perform operations on the object. If the administrator has specified a capabilityConstraint/roleConstraint on the to-status element, this will check for the user's credentials to see if the current user matches these constraints. If the status does not exist in the workflow, the method will throw an exception

context - The contentContext object
node - The node object
fromStatus - The status which the object has prior to checkin.
toStatus - The status to check (the status the caller has changed the node to.)
true if the user has access - false otherwise.
IOException - If an error occurs while reading the workflow document.
com.bea.xml.XmlException - If an error occurs parsing the workflow document.
AuthenticationException - If an authentication failure occurs.
AuthorizationException - If an authorization failure occurs.
TransitionNotFoundException - If the transition is not found
NoSuchNodeException - If the given node does not exist.
com.bea.p13n.entitlements.common.EntitlementsException - If a security exception occurs.
RepositoryException - If this operation fails for any other reason.


public Set<String> getRolesForCapability(ContentContext context,
                                         Node node,
                                         String capability)
                                  throws AuthenticationException,
Return all the published roles for the node represented by the node id. This will not only find the published role on that node id, but will also try to find published roles which are inherited by the node id. Finally, it will append the "Admin" role to the publish roles list.

context - The content context object
node - The node object
capability - The capability to retrieve
A Set of string roles for the given node id.
AuthenticationException - If an authentication error occurs.
AuthorizationException - If an authorizaton error occurs.
NoSuchNodeException - If the given node does not exist.


public Map<Integer,String> getStatusText()
                                  throws RepositoryException
Returns a map of status representation of the text. The key is the status id (Integer) and the value is the text representation of the status code.

Map of values for the status id's in the order as described in the workflow document.
RepositoryException - If this operation fails to retrieve the underlying workflow document.


public boolean isInheritedOnTarget()
Indicates whether or not the given workflow is inherited on the object of the workflow. For example when you call workflowManager.getWorkflowForNode() the workflow object returned will have this value as True if the workflow was actually inherited for that node. It will be false if the user has explicitly set the workflow on the node itself. The same behavior exists if a workflow is set on the type - when you call workflowManager.getWorkflowForType() In case of a conflict, the value will be returned based on same conflict resolution rules which exist in the workflowManager.getWorkflowForNode() method. So for example for in hierarchy A/B/C if some workflow is set on Node A. Also assume that Node C has a type "Data" which has a workflow associated with that also. So in that case, the method getWorkflowForNode(Node C) will return the workflow of type "Data" and whether or not it is inherited will depend if the workflow on type "Data" is inherited or not.

true if inherited, false otherwise


public void setInheritedOnTarget(boolean isInheritedOnTarget)
Sets the isInheritedOnTarget value. This is computed and set by the system and is based on the object on which the workflow is set.

isInheritedOnTarget - True if inherited

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