Package com.bea.content.virtual.workflow

Interface Summary
WorkflowAction Interface that represents an action that may be called from within a workflow.

Class Summary
DraftAction Sets the workflow status for the current version of the node to the value that's set in the WorkflowActionContext.
JobResult The JobResult class contains information about the jobs which are executed via the checkIn() / schedule() /checkOut() methods.
PublishAction Sets the Workflow status for the current version of the node to the value that's set in the WorkflowActionContext.
ReadyAction Interface that represents an action that may be called from within a workflow.
RejectAction Sets the workflow status for the current version of the node to the value that's set in the WorkflowActionContext.
RetireAction Sets the workflow status for the current version of the node to the value that's set in the WorkflowActionContext.
StandardAction Sets the workflow status for the current version of the node to the value that's set in the WorkflowActionContext.
Workflow Represents the Workflow document.
WorkflowActionContext Represents the Context for a WorkflowAction.

Exception Summary
WorkflowException An exception indicating that there is a problem in workflow exectuion

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