Class CommunityContext

  extended by com.bea.netuix.servlets.manager.communities.CommunityContext

public final class CommunityContext
extends Object

The CommunityContext object serves as a cache container and accessor for community and membership information for a HttpSession. Each CommunityContext object instance has exactly one community in scope, in the form of a CommunityDefinition object. If the authenticated principal (logged-in user) for the HttpRequest has a membership in the community, the CommunityContext also contains the membership information in the form of a CommunityMembership object.

CommunityContexts can be accessed for the "default" community (the one associated with the Desktop currently being viewed, if any) but may also be retrieved for any CommunityDefinition within the webapp.

The caching scope used within a CommunityContext is controlled by the underlying CommunityUserContext object. There are cases where the cache can become stale; these are discussed along with remedies in the documentation for CommunityUserContext.

The overview of community functionality contains a description of the community framework.

See Also
CommunityUserContext, CommunityInvitationContext, CommunityRedirectionHelper, CommunityInvitationHelper, ICommunityManager, ICommunityMemberManager

Method Summary
 void activateCommunity(Date expirationDate)
          Sets the state of the community associated with this CommunityContext to ACTIVE for the specified time.
 void activateMembership()
          Activates the CommunityMembership associated with this CommunityContext.
 void addMembershipCapability(MembershipCapability capability)
          Adds a capability to the CommunityMembership associated with this CommunityContext.
 void checkPermissions(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, boolean updateAccess)
          Checks to see if the currently-logged-in (or not logged-in) individual is allowed to access the community in this CommunityContext, and if so, automatically updates the membership's last access date if appropriate.
protected  Object clone()
          Throws CloneNotSupportedException, as cloning of CommunityContext objects is not allowed.
 CommunityMembership createMembership()
          Creates a CommunityMembership for the authenticated principal in the current Request object for the community associated with this CommunityContext.
 CommunityMembership createMembership(Invitation invitation)
          Creates a CommunityMembership for the authenticated principal in the current Request object for the specified Invitation.
 void deactivateCommunity()
          Sets the state of the community associated with this CommunityContext to INACTIVE.
 void disableMembership()
          Disables the CommunityMembership associated with this CommunityContext.
 void disablePersonalPages()
          Disables members from adding personal pages to the community associated with this CommunityContext.
 void enablePersonalPages()
          Enables members to add personal pages to the community associated with this CommunityContext.
 boolean equals(Object o)
 CommunityDefinition getCommunity()
          Retrieves the CommunityDefinition for the community associated with this CommunityContext.
static CommunityContext getCommunityContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          A convenience method for returning the "default" CommunityContext object associated with the specified Request.
static CommunityContext getCommunityContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, CommunityDefinition community)
          Returns the CommunityContext object associated with the specified request and CommunityDefinition.
static CommunityContext getCommunityContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, CommunityDefinitionId communityId)
          Returns the CommunityContext object associated with the specified request and CommunityDefinitionId.
static CommunityContext getCommunityContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, CommunityMembership membership)
          Returns the CommunityContext object associated with the specified request and CommunityMembership for the currently authenticated principal.
static CommunityContext getCommunityContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, CommunityURI communityUri)
          Returns the CommunityContext object associated with the specified request and community.
 CommunityInvitationContext getCommunityInvitationContext()
          Returns the CommunityInvitationContext object for this community.
 CommunityMembershipCriteria getCommunityMembershipCriteria()
          Returns a CommunityMembershipCriteria object for the community represented by this CommunityContext.
static GenericURL getCommunityURL(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response, CommunityURI community)
          Returns a URL to the specified community, if the URL can be determined.
 CommunityUserContext getCommunityUserContext()
          Returns the CommunityUserContext object backing this CommunityContext.
 CommunityMembership getMembership()
          Retrieves the CommunityMembership object assicated with this CommunityContext object, if a membership exists.
 int hashCode()
 boolean isCommunityInAdminMode()
 boolean isMembershipActive()
          Determines if the member and membership records associated with the authenticated principal (logged-in user) and this CommunityContext object are active or disabled.
 void removeMembership()
          Destroys the CommunityMembership associated with this CommunityContext.
 void removeMembershipCapability(MembershipCapability capability)
          Removes a capability from the CommunityMembership associated with this CommunityContext.
 void setCommunityExpirationDate(Date expirationDate)
          Sets the expiration date for the community associated with this CommunityContext.
 String toString()
 CommunityDefinition updateCommunity(CommunityDefinition communityDefinition)
          Deprecated This method does not invoke CommunityCallback classes registered with the community if the community is activated or deactivated through this call. Use updateCommunity(com.bea.netuix.application.definition.CommunityDefinition, boolean) instead.
 CommunityDefinition updateCommunity(CommunityDefinition communityDefinition, boolean invokeCallbackClass)
          Updates the CommunityDefinition for the community associated with this CommunityContext.
 long updateLastAccessDate()
          Updates the last access date for the membership associated with this CommunityContext to the current time.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static CommunityContext getCommunityContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
A convenience method for returning the "default" CommunityContext object associated with the specified Request. This is the CommunityContext appropriate for the Desktop viewed by the Request. This method should be called every time a CommunityContext is needed, and the returned value should never be cached or kept as a reference, since the context object maintains a reference to the request and will be invalid on subsequent requests. This method is optimized internally to only create a new context object once per request, so there is no performance benefit to maintaing references to the return value in any case.

request - the HttpServletRequest.
the "default" (desktop-associated) CommunityContext object associated with the request, or null if the desktop associated with the request is not a community desktop.


public static CommunityContext getCommunityContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                                   CommunityURI communityUri)
Returns the CommunityContext object associated with the specified request and community. This method should be called every time a CommunityContext is needed, and the returned value should never be cached or kept as a reference, since the context object maintains a reference to the request and will be invalid on subsequent requests. This method is optimized internally to only create a new context object once per request, so there is no performance benefit to maintaing references to the return value in any case.

request - the HttpServletRequest.
communityUri - the URI for the community.
the appropriate CommunityContext object, or null if no community with the specified URI exists.


public static CommunityContext getCommunityContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                                   CommunityDefinition community)
Returns the CommunityContext object associated with the specified request and CommunityDefinition. This may be useful for obtaining a CommunityContext if the CommunityDefinition has already been retrieved through a call from a method returning only CommunityDefintion objects, such as the CommunityUserContext.getCommunities() method. This method should be called every time a CommunityContext is needed, and the returned value should never be cached or kept as a reference, since the context object maintains a reference to the request and will be invalid on subsequent requests. This method is optimized internally to only create a new context object once per request, so there is no performance benefit to maintaing references to the return value in any case.

request - the HttpServletRequest.
community - the community.
the appropriate CommunityContext object.


public static CommunityContext getCommunityContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                                   CommunityDefinitionId communityId)
Returns the CommunityContext object associated with the specified request and CommunityDefinitionId. This method should be called every time a CommunityContext is needed, and the returned value should never be cached or kept as a reference, since the context object maintains a reference to the request and will be invalid on subsequent requests. This method is optimized internally to only create a new context object once per request, so there is no performance benefit to maintaing references to the return value in any case.

request - the HttpServletRequest.
communityId - the community ID.
the appropriate CommunityContext object.


public static CommunityContext getCommunityContext(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                                   CommunityMembership membership)
Returns the CommunityContext object associated with the specified request and CommunityMembership for the currently authenticated principal. This may be useful for obtaining a CommunityContext if the CommunityMembership has already been retrieved through a call from a method returning only CommunityMembership objects, such as the CommunityUserContext.getCommunityMembership() method. CommunityContext objects can only be obtained for the currently authenticated principal (user) or, if no authenticated principal exists for the request, the anonymous user. Since the anonymous user cannot have a membership in a community, this method will only return a CommunityContext if the specified membership is for the currently authenticated principal in the request. This method should be called every time a CommunityContext is needed, and the returned value should never be cached or kept as a reference, since the context object maintains a reference to the request and will be invalid on subsequent requests. This method is optimized internally to only create a new context object once per request, so there is no performance benefit to maintaing references to the return value in any case.

request - the HttpServletRequest.
membership - the membership to obtain the CommunityContext for. This membership must be for the authenticated principal in the request; if the membership is for any other user, this methos will return null.
the appropriate CommunityContext object, or null if no appropriate CommunityContext exists.


public static GenericURL getCommunityURL(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request,
                                         javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response,
                                         CommunityURI community)
Returns a URL to the specified community, if the URL can be determined. If the specified community is in another web application which is not deployed on this server and the URL to the webapp cannot be determined, null will be returned.

request - the request object.
response - the response object.
community - the community to get a URL to.
a URL to the specified community, if the URL can be determined. If the specified community is in another web application which is not deployed on this server and the URL to the webapp cannot be determined, null will be returned.


public CommunityUserContext getCommunityUserContext()
Returns the CommunityUserContext object backing this CommunityContext.

the CommunityUserContext object backing this CommunityContext.


public void checkPermissions(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response,
                             boolean updateAccess)
                      throws CommunityAccessRedirectionException
Checks to see if the currently-logged-in (or not logged-in) individual is allowed to access the community in this CommunityContext, and if so, automatically updates the membership's last access date if appropriate. This method is automatically called by the framework for the "default" community (associated with the currently-viewed desktop) and does not need to be called in this case. When accessing community information outside of a community desktop (or accesssing information for a different community) this method should be called by the application to determine if the user has rights to access the community information.

This method throws a CommunityAccessRedirectionException if the authenticated principal (or lack thereof) is not allowed to view the community associated with this CommunityContext. The exception contains information on what access violation occured and where the user can be redirected to to see the community error page or the community registration page. For portlets using community information outside of the community desktop, this information can be used to display "access denied" type error messages or offer a link to the community registration page without actually affecting a redirect.

Note that this method may not throw an exception even if the member or membership is disabled, if the community is public. Therefore, the isMembershipActive() method can be used to ensure the membership and member records are not disabled.

If the user has permission to view the community, and the community has access tracking enabled, the membership's last access date is updated if it is the first attempt at access for this community in this HttpSession and the updateAccess argument is true. In some cases, access rights may need to be ascertained without the application qualifying it as a full "access" to the community; this parameter allows control over this feature. Note that the updateLastAccessDate() method may be used to force updating at any time.

The logic implemented by this method is:

  • Is the Community public?
    • Yes: Is the Community active?
      • Yes: update membership's last access date if appropriate and return.
      • No: throw an exception to redirect to the error page with error COMMUNITY_DEACTIVATED
    • No: Is a user logged in and do they have a membership in the Community?
      • Yes: Is their Community member record active?
        • Yes: Is their Community membership record active?
          • Yes: Is the Community active?
            • Yes: update membership's last access date if appropriate and return.
            • No: throw an exception to redirect to the error page with error COMMUNITY_DEACTIVATED
          • No: throw an exception to redirect to the error page with error MEMBERSHIP_DEACTIVATED
        • No: throw an exception to redirect to the error page with error MEMBER_DEACTIVATED
      • No: Is public registration enabled?
        • Yes: Is a user logged in and do they have a Community member record?
          • Yes: Is the member record active?
            • Yes: throw an exception to redirect to the registration page.
            • No: throw an exception to redirect to the error page with error MEMBER_DEACTIVATED
          • No: throw an exception to redirect to the registration page.
        • No: Is a user logged in and do they have an invitation to this Community?
          • Yes: throw an exception to redirect to the registration page.
          • No: throw an exception to redirect to the error page with error NO_PUBLIC_ACCESS

response - the response object.
updateAccess - indicates whether or not the last access date for the membership should be updated to reflect this access. See method description for a full discussion of this.
CommunityAccessRedirectionException - if the authenticated principal (or lack thereof) is not allowed to view the currently viewed community. The exception contains information on what access violation occured and where the user can be redirected to to see an explanitory error page or the community registration page.
See Also


public boolean isMembershipActive()
Determines if the member and membership records associated with the authenticated principal (logged-in user) and this CommunityContext object are active or disabled. Note that it is possible to have an active membership and member record but to also have the community disabled; for this reason this method is not equivalent to the checkPermissions() method.

true if both the CommunityMember and CommunityMembership associated with this CommunityContext are active; false if the member or membership record does not exist or are disabled.
See Also
checkPermissions(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse, boolean)


public CommunityInvitationContext getCommunityInvitationContext()
Returns the CommunityInvitationContext object for this community.


public CommunityDefinition getCommunity()
Retrieves the CommunityDefinition for the community associated with this CommunityContext. This method returns a new clone of the CommunityDefinition.

the CommunityDefinition object for the community associated with this CommunityContext


public CommunityMembership getMembership()
Retrieves the CommunityMembership object assicated with this CommunityContext object, if a membership exists.

the CommunityMembership object for the currently-logged-in user for the community associated with this CommunityContext object, or null if no such membership exists.


public boolean isCommunityInAdminMode()


public CommunityDefinition updateCommunity(CommunityDefinition communityDefinition)
                                    throws ObjectNotFoundException,
Deprecated This method does not invoke CommunityCallback classes registered with the community if the community is activated or deactivated through this call. Use updateCommunity(com.bea.netuix.application.definition.CommunityDefinition, boolean) instead.

Updates the CommunityDefinition for the community associated with this CommunityContext.

communityDefinition - community definition with updated attributes
The updated CommunityDefinition
ObjectNotFoundException - if community to be updated does not exist
NotEntitledException - if current user does not have permission to update this community
IllegalOperationException - if part of or all of the update is illegal based on the current state of the community for e.g. if the update tries to set expirationDate on or activate a community that is marked as a template
ObjectInUseException - if the update tries to point the community to a desktop that is already in use by another community


public CommunityDefinition updateCommunity(CommunityDefinition communityDefinition,
                                           boolean invokeCallbackClass)
                                    throws ObjectNotFoundException,
Updates the CommunityDefinition for the community associated with this CommunityContext.

communityDefinition - community definition with updated attributes
invokeCallbackClass - if true and the community is activated or deactivated by this call, invokes the appropriate methods on the CommunityCallback object associated with the community, if one exists. If false, no callback call is made.
The updated CommunityDefinition
ObjectNotFoundException - if community to be updated does not exist
NotEntitledException - if current user does not have permission to update this community
IllegalOperationException - if part of or all of the update is illegal based on the current state of the community for e.g. if the update tries to set expirationDate on or activate a community that is marked as a template
ObjectInUseException - if the update tries to point the community to a desktop that is already in use by another community
CommunityCallbackException - if a callback class registered with the community is invoked and throws an exception


public void activateCommunity(Date expirationDate)
                       throws ObjectNotFoundException,
Sets the state of the community associated with this CommunityContext to ACTIVE for the specified time. A community in the ACTIVE state can accept new members, supports updates and addition of new content.

expirationDate - The new expiration date for the community, or null if the community should not expire.
ObjectNotFoundException - if community to be activated does not exist
NotEntitledException - if current user does not have permission to activate this community
IllegalOperationException - if this community is a template
IllegalArgumentException - if the supplied expirationDate is in the past
CommunityCallbackException - if an error occurs when making a community callback


public void deactivateCommunity()
                         throws IllegalArgumentException,
Sets the state of the community associated with this CommunityContext to INACTIVE. A community in the INACTIVE state does not support any interaction excepting that with certain priviledged users.

ObjectNotFoundException - if community to be deactivated does not exist
NotEntitledException - if current user does not have permission to deactivate this community
CommunityCallbackException - if an error occurs when making a community callback


public void setCommunityExpirationDate(Date expirationDate)
                                throws IllegalArgumentException,
Sets the expiration date for the community associated with this CommunityContext. The community is put into the INACTIVE state once this date has passed. Setting a new expiration date on a community resets the original expiration date and the community stays active until the new expiration date.

expirationDate - The new expiration date.
IllegalArgumentException - If the expirationDate is before current date
ObjectNotFoundException - if specified community does not exist
NotEntitledException - if current user does not have permission to set the expirationDate for this community
IllegalOperationException - if this community is a template


public void enablePersonalPages()
                         throws ObjectNotFoundException,
Enables members to add personal pages to the community associated with this CommunityContext.

ObjectNotFoundException - if specified community does not exist
NotEntitledException - if current user does not have permission to perform this operation


public void disablePersonalPages()
                          throws ObjectNotFoundException,
Disables members from adding personal pages to the community associated with this CommunityContext.

ObjectNotFoundException - if specified community does not exist
NotEntitledException - if current user does not have permission to perform this operation


public CommunityMembership createMembership()
                                     throws RemoteException,
Creates a CommunityMembership for the authenticated principal in the current Request object for the community associated with this CommunityContext. Invitations may contain information about community capabilities to grant to the new membership, so when an invitation exists, the other form of this method (which takes an Invitation object) should be used. If a community member record does not exist, it is created with default values active=true and external=false. If no user is logged in, a NotEntitledException is thrown.

a CommunityMembership object containing membership information.
NotEntitledException - if there is no user logged in.
DuplicateObjectException - if a membership already exists for the specified member and community.


public CommunityMembership createMembership(Invitation invitation)
                                     throws IllegalArgumentException,
Creates a CommunityMembership for the authenticated principal in the current Request object for the specified Invitation. If a community member record does not exist for the currently authenticated user, one is created with default values active=true and external=false. If no user is logged in, a NotEntitledException is thrown. Note that the invitation specified may be for a community other than the community associated with this CommunityContext; in that case a membership will be created in the correct community but will not be reflected in this CommunityContext.

a CommunityMembership object containing membership information.
IllegalArgumentException - if the invitation does not have "sent" status or if the invitation is not for the currently logged-in user.
NotEntitledException - if there is no user logged in.
DuplicateObjectException - if a membership already exists for the specified member and community.


public void removeMembership()
                      throws RemoteException,
Destroys the CommunityMembership associated with this CommunityContext.

ObjectNotFoundException - if there is no CommunityMembership associated with this community.


public void disableMembership()
                       throws RemoteException,
Disables the CommunityMembership associated with this CommunityContext.

ObjectNotFoundException - if no membership exists for this CommunityContext.


public void activateMembership()
                        throws RemoteException,
Activates the CommunityMembership associated with this CommunityContext.

ObjectNotFoundException - if there is no CommunityMembership associated with this community.


public long updateLastAccessDate()
                          throws ObjectNotFoundException,
Updates the last access date for the membership associated with this CommunityContext to the current time.

the new last access timestamp for the membership.
ObjectNotFoundException - if no membership is associated with this CommunityContext object or if no user is currently logged in.


public void addMembershipCapability(MembershipCapability capability)
                             throws RemoteException,
Adds a capability to the CommunityMembership associated with this CommunityContext.

capability - the capability to add to the membership
ObjectNotFoundException - if there is no CommunityMembership associated with this CommunityContext
IllegalArgumentException - if the capability specified is not valid.


public void removeMembershipCapability(MembershipCapability capability)
                                throws RemoteException,
Removes a capability from the CommunityMembership associated with this CommunityContext.

capability - the capability to remove from the membership
ObjectNotFoundException - if there is no CommunityMembership associated with this CommunityContext
IllegalArgumentException - if the capability specified is not valid.


public CommunityMembershipCriteria getCommunityMembershipCriteria()
Returns a CommunityMembershipCriteria object for the community represented by this CommunityContext. This object may then be used with the CommunityUserContext.getCommunityMemberships() method to retrieve the memberships for this community.

a CommunityMembershipCriteria object for the community represented by this CommunityContext.
See Also
CommunityMembershipCriteria, CommunityUserContext.getCommunityMemberships(CommunityMembershipCriteria,int)


public String toString()
toString in class Object


public boolean equals(Object o)
equals in class Object


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class Object


protected final Object clone()
                      throws CloneNotSupportedException
Throws CloneNotSupportedException, as cloning of CommunityContext objects is not allowed.

clone in class Object

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