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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference


Interface Controllable

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
CacheService, Cluster, DistributedCacheService, InvocationService, PartitionedService, ProxyService, Service, Service
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractJournalRM, FlashJournalRM, RamJournalRM, WrapperCacheService, WrapperInvocationService, WrapperService

public interface Controllable
extends ClassLoaderAware

The Controllable interface represents a configurable daemon-like object, quite often referred to as a service, that usually operates on its own thread and has a controllable life cycle.

gg 2002.02.08, 2003.02.11

Method Summary
 void configure(XmlElement xml)
          Configure the controllable service.
 boolean isRunning()
          Determine whether or not the controllable service is running.
 void shutdown()
          Stop the controllable service.
 void start()
          Start the controllable service.
 void stop()
          Hard-stop the controllable service.


Methods inherited from interface
getContextClassLoader, setContextClassLoader


Method Detail


void configure(XmlElement xml)
Configure the controllable service.

This method can only be called before the controllable service is started.

xml - an XmlElement carrying configuration information specific to the Controllable object
java.lang.IllegalStateException - thrown if the service is already running
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - thrown if the configuration information is invalid


void start()
Start the controllable service.

This method should only be called once per the life cycle of the Controllable service. This method has no affect if the service is already running.

java.lang.IllegalStateException - thrown if a service does not support being re-started, and the service was already started and subsequently stopped and then an attempt is made to start the service again; also thrown if the Controllable service has not been configured


boolean isRunning()
Determine whether or not the controllable service is running. This method returns false before a service is started, while the service is starting, while a service is shutting down and after the service has stopped. It only returns true after completing its start processing and before beginning its shutdown processing.
true if the service is running; false otherwise


void shutdown()
Stop the controllable service. This is a controlled shut-down, and is preferred to the stop() method.

This method should only be called once per the life cycle of the controllable service. Calling this method for a service that has already stopped has no effect.


void stop()
Hard-stop the controllable service. Use shutdown() for normal service termination. Calling this method for a service that has already stopped has no effect.

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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference


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