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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference


Package com.tangosol.util

Contains various generic utilities.


Interface Summary
AnyListener An AnyEvent is an event used when no specific event implementation fits and it is not worth making one.
BinaryEntry Map.Entry that internally stores both key and value in a Binary format and uses an underlying Serializer to convert it to and from an Object view.
ByteSequence Represents a sequence of bytes.
ConcurrentMap Map with additional concurrency features.
Continuation Continuation interface is used to implement asynchronous post-processing, the pattern that is also known as the "Continuation-passing style".
Controllable The Controllable interface represents a configurable daemon-like object, quite often referred to as a service, that usually operates on its own thread and has a controllable life cycle.
Converter Provide for "pluggable" object conversions.
Disposable The Disposable interface is used for life-cycle management of resources.
Filter Provide for "pluggable" conditional behavior.
Gate The Gate interface acts as an abstraction between the ThreadGate implementation that preceeds JDK 1.5 locks and the ThreadGateLite that uses the ReentrantReadWriteLock.
InflatableCollection.InflatedCollection A marker interface which is used to identify internally inflated Collections.
InvocableMap An InvocableMap is a Map against which both entry-targeted processing and aggregating operations can be invoked.
InvocableMap.Entry An InvocableMap.Entry contains additional information and exposes additional operations that the basic Map.Entry does not.
InvocableMap.EntryAggregator An EntryAggregator represents processing that can be directed to occur against some subset of the entries in an InvocableMap, resulting in a aggregated result.
InvocableMap.EntryProcessor An invocable agent that operates against the Entry objects within a Map.
InvocableMap.ParallelAwareAggregator A ParallelAwareAggregator is an advanced extension to EntryAggregator that is explicitly capable of being run in parallel, for example in a distributed environment.
LongArray An interface, similar in its methods to List, and similar in its purpose to a Java array, designed for sparse storage and indexed by long values.
LongArray.Iterator An Iterator that adds a "current element" concept, similar to the Map.Entry interface.
MapEventTransformer MapEventTransformer interface is used to allow an event consumer to change the content of a MapEvent destined for the corresponding MapListener.
MapIndex MapIndex is used to correlate values stored in an indexed Map (or attributes of those values) to the corresponding keys in the indexed Map.
MapListener The listener interface for receiving MapEvents.
MapListenerSupport.SynchronousListener A tag interface indicating that tagged MapListener implementation has to receive the MapEvent notifications in a synchronous manner.
MapTrigger MapTrigger represents a functional agent that allows to validate, reject or modify mutating operations against an underlying map.
MapTrigger.Entry A MapTrigger Entry represents a pending change to an Entry that is about to committed to the underlying Map.
ObservableMap ObservableMap interface represents an object with a model being a Map that allows for pluggable notifications for occuring changes.
PagedIterator.Advancer Advancer is a pluggable component that knows how to load a new page (Collection) of objects to be used by the enclosing PagedIterator.
QueryContext The QueryContext provides an execution context to server-side agents during query execution.
QueryMap Map with additional query features.
QueryMap.Entry A QueryMap Entry exposes additional index-related operation that the basic Map Entry does not.
QueryRecord The QueryRecord object carries information regarding the estimated or actual execution cost for a query operation.
QueryRecord.PartialResult A QueryRecord.PartialResult is a partial query record that contains recorded costs for a query operation.
QueryRecord.PartialResult.ExplainStep A QueryRecord.ExplainStep is a QueryRecord.PartialResult.RecordableStep that provides the ability to record the estimated cost of evaluating a filter as part of a query operation.
QueryRecord.PartialResult.IndexLookupRecord An IndexLookupRecord holds the recorded information about an index lookup performed during filter evaluation as part of a query record.
QueryRecord.PartialResult.RecordableStep A QueryRecord.RecordableStep is a step that provides the ability to record the cost of evaluating a filter as part of a query operation.
QueryRecord.PartialResult.Step A QueryRecord.Step carries the recorded cost of evaluating a filter as part of a query operation.
QueryRecord.PartialResult.TraceStep A QueryRecord.TraceStep is a QueryRecord.PartialResult.RecordableStep that provides the ability to record the information associated with the actual cost of evaluating a filter as part of a query operation.
SegmentedConcurrentMap.ContentionObserver ContentionObserver is used to observe the contention lock-related actions performed on the concurrent map.
SegmentedHashMap.EntryAction An EntryAction encapsulates a logical action to be executed in the context of a key (that may or may not exist in the map).
SegmentedHashMap.IterableEntryAction IterableEntryAction is an EntryAction that is suitable for applying to all keys in a map.
Service A Service is a Controllable that emits service lifecycle events.
ServiceListener The listener interface for receiving ServiceEvents.
Sizable The Sizable interface is implemented by types that are capable of calculating the memory footprint of an instance.
SynchronousListener A tag interface indicating that a listener implementation has to receive the event notifications synchronously on the corresponding service's thread.
ThreadFactory Factory interface for Thread creation.
TransactionMap ConcurrentMap with additional transaction support.
TransactionMap.Validator A callback interface used by TransactionMap implementations.
ValueExtractor ValueExtractor is used to both extract values (for example, for sorting or filtering) from an object, and to provide an identity for that extraction.
ValueManipulator ValueManipulator represents a composition of ValueExtractor and ValueUpdater implementations.
ValueUpdater ValueUpdater is used to update an object's state.
Versionable An interface for versionable data.


Class Summary
AbstractByteSequence A simple base class for ByteSequence implementations.
AbstractByteSequence.AggregateByteSequence A naive ByteSequence that glues two ByteSequence instances together.
AbstractByteSequence.PartialByteSequence A naive ByteSequence that represents a portion of another ByteSequence.
AbstractKeyBasedMap AbstractKeyBasedMap is a base class for Map implementations.
AbstractKeySetBasedMap AbstractKeySetBasedMap is an extension to the AbstractKeyBasedMap that has a full awareness of the set of keys upon which the Map is based.
AbstractLongArray An implementation of portions of the LongArray interface.
AbstractMapListener A base class that simplifies the implementation of a MapListener, particularly inner classes that only implement one or two of the three event methods.
AbstractSparseArray A data structure resembling an array indexed by long values, stored as an AVL tree.
AbstractSparseArray.Node An AVL tree node.
AbstractStableIterator An abstract Iterator implementation that is stable between the AbstractStableIterator.hasNext() and methods, and between the and AbstractStableIterator.remove() methods.
AnyEvent An AnyEvent is an event used when no specific event implementation fits and it is not worth making one.
Base Base class for providing standard functionality.
Binary A thread-safe immutable binary object.
BinaryRadixTree A BinaryRadixTree is a memory-optimized radix tree (aka a Patricia trie) that is intended to efficiently store a mapping from Binary values to long values.
BinaryRadixTree.BinaryLongMap A Map of Binary to Long.
BinaryWriteBuffer a WriteBuffer implementation whose primary purpose is to be used to create Binary objects.
BitHelper A collection of methods for bit-based operations.
CacheCollator Implements a collator which caches its keys.
ChainedEnumerator Provide an enumerator which enumerates the contents of multiple enumerators.
ChainedMap Chains two maps into one virtual map.
CircularArrayList Resizable-array implementation of the List interface.
ClassFilter Filter which discards all objects that are not of a certain class.
ClassHelper This abstract class contains dynamic (reflect-based) class, method, and field manipulation methods.
CollectionHelper This abstract class contains helper functions for manipulating collections and enumerations.
CompositeKey Key class that consists of a primary and secondary component.
ConditionalIndex ConditionalIndex is a MapIndex implemenation that uses an associated filter to evaluate whether or not an entry should be indexed.
ConverterCollections A collection of Collection implementation classes that use the Converter interface to convert the items stored in underlying collection objects.
ConverterCollections.AbstractConverterEntry An abstract Map Entry that lazily converts the key and value.
ConverterCollections.ConverterCacheEvent A Converter CacheEvent views an underlying CacheEvent through a set of key and value Converters.
ConverterCollections.ConverterCacheMap A Converter CacheMap views an underlying CacheMap through a set of key and value Converters.
ConverterCollections.ConverterCollection A Converter Collection views an underlying Collection through a Converter.
ConverterCollections.ConverterConcurrentMap A Converter ConcurrentMap views an underlying ConcurrentMap through a set of key and value Converters.
ConverterCollections.ConverterEntry A Map Entry that lazily converts the key and value.
ConverterCollections.ConverterEntrySet A Converter Entry Set views an underlying Entry Set through a set of key and value Converters.
ConverterCollections.ConverterInvocableMap A Converter InvocableMap views an underlying InvocableMap through a set of key and value Converters.
ConverterCollections.ConverterList A Converter List views an underlying List through a Converter.
ConverterCollections.ConverterListIterator A Converter ListIterator views an underlying ListIterator through a Converter.
ConverterCollections.ConverterMap A Converter Map views an underlying Map through a set of key and value Converters.
ConverterCollections.ConverterMapEvent A ConverterMapEvent views an underlying MapEvent through a set of key and value Converters.
ConverterCollections.ConverterMapListener A converter MapListener that converts events of the underlying MapListener for the underlying map.
ConverterCollections.ConverterNamedCache A Converter NamedCache views an underlying NamedCache through a set of key and value Converters.
ConverterCollections.ConverterObservableMap A Converter ObservableMap views an underlying ObservableMap through a set of key and value Converters.
ConverterCollections.ConverterQueryMap A Converter QueryMap views an underlying QueryMap through a set of key and value Converters.
ConverterCollections.ConverterSet A Converter Set views an underlying Set through a Converter.
ConverterCollections.ConverterSortedMap A Converter SortedMap views an underlying SortedMap through a set of key and value Converters.
ConverterCollections.ConverterSortedSet A Converter SortedSet views an underlying SortedSet through a Converter.
ConverterEnumerator Provide an implementation of an enumerator which converts each of the items which it enumerates.
CopyOnWriteLongArray A thread-safe variant of LongArray in which all mutating operations (e.g.
CopyOnWriteLongArray.UnmodifiableIterator Unmodifiable view of a LongArray.Iterator.
Daemon A abstract Daemon thread handler.
DaemonThreadFactory DaemonThreadFactory is a ThreadFactory which produces daemon threads.
DeltaSet Implements a set which is based on another set, which is assumed to be immutable.
Dequeue Represents a double-ended queue (dequeue) of objects.
EntrySetMap A trivial Map implementation that is based on a specified set of entries.
EnumerationIterator Provide a implementation of an Iterator based on data from an Enumeration.
ExternalizableHelper Helpers for the Serializable, Externalizable and the ExternalizableLite interface.
FilterEnumerator Provide a generic implementation of an enumerator which can enumerate items based on an inclusion test.
HashHelper This abstract class contains helper functions for calculating hash code values for any group of java intrinsics.
ImmutableArrayList Implementation of the Collection Framework interface "List" in a read- only fashion on top of an array data structure.
ImmutableMultiList Implementation of the List interface in a read-only fashion based on a collection of arrays.
InflatableCollection A Collection implementation which optimizes memory consumption for collections that often contain just a single value.
InflatableList A List specialization of InflatableCollection.
InflatableSet A Set specialization of InflatableCollection.
InvocableMapHelper Helper methods for InvocableMap implementations and Filter related evaluation.
InvocableMapHelper.IndexAdapter MapListener implementation that routes the map events into the corresponding MapIndex calls.
InvocableMapHelper.SimpleEntry Simple implementation of the InvocableMap.Entry interface.
IteratorEnumerator Provide a implementation of an enumerator based on data from an Iterator.
Listeners Provide a simple, efficient, and thread-safe implementation of a list of event listeners.
ListMap As of Coherence 3.2, the ListMap simply extends Java's own LinkedHashMap, which became available in JDK 1.4.
LiteMap An implementation of java.util.Map that is optimal (in terms of both size and speed) for very small sets of data but still works excellently with large sets of data.
LiteMap.EntryIterator A simple Iterator for LiteMap Entry objects.
LiteSet An implementation of java.util.Set that is optimal (in terms of both size and speed) for very small sets of data but still works excellently with large sets of data.
MapEvent An event which indicates that the content of a map has changed: an entry has been added an entry has been removed an entry has been changed A MapEvent object is sent as an argument to the MapListener interface methods.
MapListenerSupport This class provides support for advanced MapListener functionality.
MapListenerSupport.FilterEvent An extension of the CacheEvent which may carry no values (old or new), but instead holds on an array of Filter objects being the "cause" of the event.
MapListenerSupport.WrapperSynchronousListener A wrapper class that turns the specified MapListener into a synchronous listener.
MapSet An ExternalizableLite implementation of java.util.Set that uses an underlying Map object to store its data in, just as the Java HashSet implementation uses an underlying HashMap for its element storage.
MapTriggerListener MapTriggerListener is a special purpose MapListener implementation that is used to register a MapTrigger on a corresponding ObservableMap.
MultiplexingMapListener A base class that simplifies the implementation of a MapListener by multiplexing all events into a single listener method.
NullFilter Filter which discards null references.
NullImplementation A collection of classes that do nothing.
NullImplementation.NullActionPolicy An implementation of an ActionPolicy that allows all actions.
NullImplementation.NullBackingMapManagerContext An implementation of BackingMapManagerContext that does nothing.
NullImplementation.NullCacheStore An implementation of an CacheStore that does nothing.
NullImplementation.NullContinuation An implementation of Continuation that does nothing.
NullImplementation.NullConverter A Converter that does nothing.
NullImplementation.NullDeltaCompressor An implementation of a DeltaCompressor that does nothing and always returns the new stream.
NullImplementation.NullEntryProcessor An implementation of an EntryProcessor that does nothing and returns Boolean.TRUE as a result of execution.
NullImplementation.NullEnumerator An empty enumerator.
NullImplementation.NullFlatRegistry A FlatRegistry that contains nothing.
NullImplementation.NullMap A Map that contains nothing and does nothing.
NullImplementation.NullObservableMap An immutable ObservableMap which contains nothing.
NullImplementation.NullOutputStream An OutputStream that does basically nothing.
NullImplementation.NullPofContext An implementation of PofContext that does nothing.
NullImplementation.NullPofHandler An implementation of PofHandler that does nothing.
NullImplementation.NullSet An immutable set which contains nothing.
NullImplementation.NullValueExtractor A ValueExtractor that always results in the passed-in value.
NullImplementation.NullWriter A writer that does basically nothing.
ObservableHashMap An ObservableMap implementation that extends the SafeHashMap.
PagedIterator PagedIterator is an Iterator implementation based on a concept of a page Advancer - a pluggable component that knows how to supply a next page of objects to iterate through.
PrimitiveSparseArray A data structure resembling a long array indexed by long values.
PrimitiveSparseArray.PrimitiveNode Node mapping long key to Object value.
QueryHelper QueryHelper is a utility class that provides a set of factory methods used for building instances of Filter or ValueExtractor.
RecyclingLinkedList Extends SafeLinkedList and adds recycling of Node objects.
RestrictedCollections A collection of Collection implementation classes that limit the data type.
RestrictedCollections.RestrictedCollection A restricted Collection that requires its contents to be of a specified class.
RestrictedCollections.RestrictedEntrySet A restricted Collection that requires its contents to be of a specified class.
RestrictedCollections.RestrictedList A restricted List that requires its contents to be of a specified class.
RestrictedCollections.RestrictedListIterator A restricted ListIterator that requires its contents to be of a specified class.
RestrictedCollections.RestrictedMap A restricted Map that requires its keys and values to be of specified classes.
RestrictedCollections.RestrictedSet A restricted Set that requires its contents to be of a specified class.
RestrictedCollections.RestrictedSortedMap A restricted SortedMap that requires its keys and values to be of specified classes.
RestrictedCollections.RestrictedSortedSet A restricted Set that requires its contents to be of a specified class.
SafeClock SafeClock maintains a "safe" time in milliseconds.
SafeHashMap An implementation of java.util.Map that is synchronized, but minimally so.
SafeHashMap.Entry A map entry (key-value pair).
SafeHashSet An implementation of java.util.Set that is synchronized, but minimally so.
SafeLinkedList Implementation of the Collection Framework interface "List" using a linked list algorithm.
SafeLinkedList.Node A Node in the List.
SafeSortedMap SafeSortedMap is an implementation of SortedMap based on a skip-list that is structurally thread-safe.
SafeSortedMap.BaseEntryNode BaseEntryNode is a synthetic EntryNode that serves as the "head" of the base entry list.
SafeSortedMap.EntryNode EntryNode represents a key-value mapping in this map.
SafeSortedMap.SkipNode SkipNode is an entry or index node in the lattice for a SafeSortedMap's representation.
SegmentedConcurrentMap An implementation of SegmentedHashMap that also implements the ConcurrentMap interface.
SegmentedConcurrentMap.SizeAction Action support for size().
SegmentedHashMap An implementation of java.util.Map that is optimized for heavy concurrent use.
SegmentedHashMap.ContainsValueAction Action support for containsValue().
SegmentedHashMap.Entry A map entry (key-value pair).
SegmentedHashMap.EntryActionAdapter EntryActionAdapter is a convenience class that provides default implementations for the EntryAction and IterableEntryAction interface methods.
SegmentedHashMap.Segment Segment metadata.
SegmentedHashSet An implementation of java.util.Set that is optimized for heavy concurrent use.
ServiceEvent An event which indicates that a Service state has changed: a service is starting a service has started a service is stopping a service has stopped A ServiceEvent object is sent as an argument to the ServiceListener interface methods.
SimpleEnumerator Provide a generic implementation of an array enumerator.
SimpleLongArray An implementation of LongArray that stores values in an array, thus is actually an "IntArray".
SimpleMapEntry A map entry (key-value pair).
SimpleMapIndex SimpleMapIndex is a MapIndex implementation used to correlate property values extracted from resource map entries with corresponding keys using what is commonly known as an Inverted Index algorithm.
SimpleMapIndex.IndexCalculator A stateful calculator used to calculate the cost of a homogeneous index (holding all values of a single type).
SimpleMapIndex.IndexCalculator.CalculatorState The CalculatorState identifies the method used by the calculator to calculate the cost of a key or a value type.
SimpleQueryRecord Simple QueryRecord implementation.
SimpleQueryRecord.PartialResult Simple QueryRecord.PartialResult implementation.
SimpleQueryRecord.PartialResult.IndexLookupRecord Simple QueryRecord.PartialResult.IndexLookupRecord implementation.
SimpleQueryRecord.PartialResult.Step Simple QueryRecord.PartialResult.Step implementation.
SimpleQueryRecordReporter Simple query record reporter used to obtain a string representation of QueryRecord object.
SimpleStack A LIFO (last in, first out) unbounded stack of objects.
SingleWaiterMultiNotifier A Condition-like object, used by a single thread to block for a notification, and optimized for many concurrent notifications by other threads.
SortedEnumerator Sorts the contents of the passed enumerator then enumerates those contents.
SparseArray A data structure resembling an Object array indexed by long values.
SparseArray.ObjectNode Node mapping long key to Object value.
StringTable Like a hash table, but built specifically for strings.
SubList Implements a list which is based on another list, represents a sub-list of the underlying list.
SubSet Implements a set which is based on another set, which is assumed to be immutable.
TaskDaemon A Daemon thread handler that asynchronously executes Runnable tasks, either at a scheduled time or "as soon as possible".
ThreadGate Use this class in cases that large numbers of threads can operate concurrently with an additional requirement that all threads be blocked for certain operations.
ThreadGate.ThreadLocalCounter Specialization of ThreadLocalObject that can be used for efficient thread local long counters.
ThreadGateLite ThreadGateLite is a Gate implementation built around the ReentrantReadWriteLock.
ThreadLocalObject This class provides an implementation of thread local storage.
Tree A thread-safe balanced binary search tree.
UID A UID is a 128-bit identifier that is almost guaranteed to be unique.
UnsafeSubSet The UnsafeSubSet is a SubSet which assumes that the backing set already contains all of the keys that would be retained or removed.
UnsafeSubSet.WrapperSet The WrapperSet wraps a Set to provide a hook for initialization.
UUID A UUID is a 256-bit identifier that, if it is generated, is statistically guaranteed to be unique.
WrapperCollections A collection of abstract Collection implementation classes for wrapping Collection types.
WrapperCollections.AbstractWrapperCollection Collection implementation which delegates all calls to another Collection.
WrapperCollections.AbstractWrapperEntry Map.Entry implementation which delegates all calls to another Map.Entry.
WrapperCollections.AbstractWrapperIterator Iterator implementation which delegates all calls to another Iterator.
WrapperCollections.AbstractWrapperList List implementation which delegates all calls to another List.
WrapperCollections.AbstractWrapperMap Map implementation which delegates all calls to another Map.
WrapperCollections.AbstractWrapperSet Set implementation which delegates all calls to another Set.
WrapperCollections.AbstractWrapperSortedSet SortedSet implementation which delegates all calls to another SortedSet.
WrapperCollections.ConcurrentWrapperCollection Collection implementation which uses a ReadWriteLock to manage concurrent access to an underlying Collection.
WrapperCollections.ConcurrentWrapperEntry Map Entry implementation which uses a ReadWriteLock to manage concurrent access to an underlying Map Entry.
WrapperCollections.ConcurrentWrapperEntrySet Map Entry Set implementation which uses a ReadWriteLock to manage concurrent access to the underlying Entry objects.
WrapperCollections.ConcurrentWrapperMap Map implementation which uses a ReadWriteLock to manage concurrent access to an underlying Map.
WrapperCollections.ConcurrentWrapperSet Set implementation which uses a ReadWriteLock to manage concurrent access to an underlying Set.
WrapperConcurrentMap A simple implementation of ConcurrentMap interface built as a wrapper around any Map implementation.
WrapperConcurrentMap.Lock A lock object.
WrapperObservableMap A simple implementation of ObservableMap interface built as a wrapper around any Map implementation.
WrapperReentrantGate A Gate implementation that allows for 2^31 reentrant calls by a single thread.


Exception Summary
AssertionException An AssertionException is thrown when an assertion fails.
FilterBuildingException FilterBuildingException is the RuntimeException thrown by the QueryHelper when building a Filter.
WrapperException A WrapperException wraps a Throwable object as a RuntimeException.


Package com.tangosol.util Description

Contains various generic utilities.

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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference


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