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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference


Interface QueryRecord.PartialResult

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public static interface QueryRecord.PartialResult

A QueryRecord.PartialResult is a partial query record that contains recorded costs for a query operation. Partial results are collected in a query record by a QueryRecorder.

Nested Class Summary
static interface QueryRecord.PartialResult.ExplainStep
          A QueryRecord.ExplainStep is a QueryRecord.PartialResult.RecordableStep that provides the ability to record the estimated cost of evaluating a filter as part of a query operation.
static interface QueryRecord.PartialResult.IndexLookupRecord
          An IndexLookupRecord holds the recorded information about an index lookup performed during filter evaluation as part of a query record.
static interface QueryRecord.PartialResult.RecordableStep
          A QueryRecord.RecordableStep is a step that provides the ability to record the cost of evaluating a filter as part of a query operation.
static interface QueryRecord.PartialResult.Step
          A QueryRecord.Step carries the recorded cost of evaluating a filter as part of a query operation.
static interface QueryRecord.PartialResult.TraceStep
          A QueryRecord.TraceStep is a QueryRecord.PartialResult.RecordableStep that provides the ability to record the information associated with the actual cost of evaluating a filter as part of a query operation.


Method Summary
 PartitionSet getPartitions()
          Get the set of partitions associated with this partial result.
 java.util.List getSteps()
          Get the list of steps for this query record partial result in the order that they occurred.


Method Detail


java.util.List getSteps()
Get the list of steps for this query record partial result in the order that they occurred.
the list of steps


PartitionSet getPartitions()
Get the set of partitions associated with this partial result.
the partition set

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Oracle® Coherence Java API Reference


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