5.10.2. Editing a Network

The following applies to all types of network except logical networks on a single server (intra-server networks).

To edit a network:

  1. In the Hardware view, go to the Hardware tab, and select the Resources folder.

  2. Select the Networks tab in the management pane, select Networks and click Edit... to start the Edit Network wizard.

  3. Edit the network information and configuration as follows:

    • Name: Change the name of the network.

    • Description: Add or change a description for the network. This is an optional field.

    • Network Usage: Select or deselect one or more network functions:

      • Server Management

      • Live Migrate

      • Cluster Heartbeat

      • Virtual Machine

      • Storage

      See Section 5.2, “Network Usage” for more information regarding network functions.

  4. Depending on the network type you selected to edit, make changes in the applicable screens as described below. The screens in the wizard are identical to the ones displayed in Section 5.10.1, “Creating a Network”.

    • Select Servers screen

      (applies to network type: bonds/ports, hybrid – skip for type VLAN only)

      Select or deselect the servers participating in this network. Click Next.

    • Select Ports screen

      (applies to network type: bonds/ports, hybrid – skip for type VLAN only)

      Select or deselect the ports or bonds of each Oracle VM Server that participates in this network. The number between brackets next to the name of the Oracle VM Server corresponds with the NIC of the Oracle VM Server. Click Next.

    • Select VLAN Segment screen

      (applies to network type: VLAN only, hybrid – skip for type bonds/ports)

      Select the VLAN Group from the list, then select the VLAN segment from the list. All VLAN Groups are available for selection, but VLAN segments already in use do not appear in the drop-down list. Click Next.

    • Configure IP Addresses screen – Ports tab

      (applies to network type: bonds/ports, hybrid – select other tab for VLAN only)

      Set or update the IP configuration for each port or bond. If you use static IP addresses, set the IP address, netmask and gateway. If you select DHCP, you still need to setup a DHCP server in your Oracle VM environment, since Oracle VM does not act as a DHCP server.

      If your network has the virtual machine function, you do not have to define the IP data, which is required for all other network functions. See Section 5.5, “Network Bridges” for details on creating bridges for virtual machine networks.

      If bonding is active, select the Bonding mode. See Section 5.4, “Network Bonding” for a description of the bonding modes.

      Note: You cannot change the bonding mode for Management networks.

      If you are editing a hybrid type network, select the VLAN Interfaces tab. If you are editing a network with bonds and ports only, skip the second tab and proceed completing the network updates.

    • Configure IP Addresses screen – VLAN Interfaces tab

      (applies to network type: VLAN only, hybrid – skip for type bonds/ports)

      The VLAN interface selected for each port is listed, along with the IP addressing information. If IP information was supplied when creating the VLAN Group, this IP information is displayed. If no IP information was supplied when creating the VLAN Group, none is displayed.

      If the network you are creating contains the virtual machine network function only, you cannot change the IP information from the VLAN Interfaces tab. If the network you are creating contains any other network function, alone, or combined with the virtual machine network function, you can edit the IP information from the VLAN Interfaces tab.

  5. After verifying or making the necessary changes to the network, click Finish to complete the network updates.


For logical networks on a single Oracle VM Server, you can only edit the Description field. If you want to change servers, delete the network and re-create it with a different server.