1 Introduction

Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center is Oracle's comprehensive solution for managing the assets in your data center: operating system, firmware, and BIOS configuration, bare metal and virtual machine provisioning, hardware monitoring, automatic My Oracle Support service request generation, and performance and energy management.

1.1 Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center in the Data Center

After the assets have been discovered and brought under the management of the software as described in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Administration Guide, you can do the following:

  • Use a single console to monitor, configure, provision, and update the assets throughout their lifecycle, regardless of where an asset is located.

  • See the status of all assets and drill down to see details of a specific asset.

  • Track an individual asset's status and view the history of all the assets of that type.

  • Track the progress of any incident investigation or service request.

  • Deploy new assets in a manner consistent with the existing assets because you use profiles to set the attributes and plans to deploy the profiles to one target or many targets.

1.2 Roles and Connection Modes

The role of user account and the product's connection mode affects your ability to perform operations:

  • All the actions that are included in your role are available in the Actions pane. When you must accomplish a task and a necessary action is not available, your administrator can add the role to your user account. When you log in again, the action is available.

    The required roles for using a feature are listed in each chapter. See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Administration Guide for information about the different roles and the permissions they grant.

  • In Connected mode, deployment plans and profiles that rely on images and packages use the current images and packages downloaded from Oracle and vendor sites to the Enterprise Controller. If your site uses the product software in Disconnected mode, the images and packages in your local knowledge base do not change until your site acquires them.

    Changing the connection mode can be done easily and temporarily. See the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Administration Guide for the procedure for changing the connection mode.

1.3 User Preferences and Roles

You can change the way the user interface works:

More information about the user interface is in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide.

1.3.1 Start In and Start Page Preferences

You can select a section of the Navigation pane as your default view. For example, you select Plans as the default view when you log in. The Assets and Administration sections cannot be hidden. When you select Assets for display, you can choose a default tab to display. Your preferences override the default view for your role and any previous preferences that you.

1.3.2 Time Preferences

You can set various time intervals to control when the software takes an action or performs an operation.

  • Session timeout – Sets the interval to wait for activity before ending your user interface session. The default value is 30 minutes. You can set the time to wait from 5 to 120 minutes.

  • Console timeout – Sets the interval to wait for activity from the serial console of managed assets before ending the session. The default value is 120 minutes. You can set the time to wait from 5 to 120 minutes.

  • Connectivity check interval – Sets the time to wait before the software checks its access to the Internet, Knowledge Base, and My Oracle Support Services. The default value is 15 minutes and the minimum value is 1 minute.

  • Table refresh frequency – Sets the time to wait before refreshing the tables in the user interface. The default value is 30 seconds and the minimum value is 10 seconds.

  • Job status popup duration – Sets the time to wait after a job completes to display a status message window. The default value is 5 seconds.

1.3.3 Membership Graph Preferences

You can change the default orientation of the Membership Graph to left, right, top, or bottom. You can choose the icon size as small or large and the level of depth for the assets to be displayed in Membership Graph.

1.3.4 User Preferences Summary

The User Preferences Summary displays a summarized history of the preferences that you have selected for your user preferences. You can view your set preferences for the start page, time intervals, asset default tab, and the Membership Graph.

1.3.5 Preferences By Role

As an administrator, you can set preferences for each role. You can set the display startup preferences, time interval settings, and an asset to be displayed. You can also set the preferences of the membership graph through selecting the depth, icon size, and orientation for the selected role.

1.4 How To Use This Collection

This document is divided into parts, not all of which are relevant to your site's activities or your role in the data center. Within each part, this document describes the capabilities of the product software, organized by feature. Where it is practical, all information about a feature is discussed in the same chapter. To avoid repetition, links have been added to other chapters in the document and to the How To library.

All the documentation for the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12c Release 1 software is located at this site: http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=oc121 including end-to-end examples located on the How to tab.

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