Generating Correspondence

This chapter provides overviews of correspondence generation and acceptgiro form printing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Correspondence Generation

When you run the processes that generate statements, dunning letters, and follow-up letters, the processes generate this correspondence for those customers that meet the criteria that you specify on the run control request.

To run the processes, you can:

See Also

Delivery of Correspondence

Click to jump to parent topic(NLD) Understanding Acceptgiro Form Printing

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to print dunning letters and statements using the acceptgiro form. The acceptgiro form becomes an attachment to the dunning letters and statements. You must use the A/S Contract Type acceptgiro form. The system prints the normal dunning letter or statement information at the top of the form and, in the event of more information than will fit, it prints the remaining information on subsequent pages. The system prints Vervallen (Void) in the body and counterfoil sections of the acceptgiro attachment on the subsequent pages.

The system prints the total balance due for the dunning letter or statement in the body and counterfoil sections of the acceptgiro attachment, which is at the bottom of the form. If the total amount exceeds 999,999.00 EUR, then the system prints Vervallen (Void) in the amount field. The system also prints the address and bank account number for the receivables business unit—this is the collector's bank address and account number—in the body and counterfoil sections of the acceptgiro attachment. The body and counterfoil sections of the attachment also include the address and bank account for the remit to customer.

Important! If you do not assign a bank account to the customer on the Customer Bank page, the system prints only the normal dunning letter or statement information at the top of the form.

The system also prints the system-generated acceptgiro reference number in the body and counterfoil section of the acceptgiro attachment. The system uses the acceptgiro reference number assigned to the business unit on the Bank/Payment Options page and increments the number by one. The system also appends the control digit to the number. The system also updates the AG Number (acceptgiro reference number) field for each item with the acceptgiro reference number from the dunning letter or statement. If an item already has an acceptgiro reference number, the system overwrites it. The bank normally sends the payment for acceptgiro electronically and includes the acceptgiro reference number. The Payment Predictor process (ARPREDCT) can use this number to apply payments if you use detail algorithms, or you can use the number to apply payments to items on the payment worksheet.

If a statement has a negative balance, the system prints Vervallen (Void) on the acceptgiro attachment in the amount field.

To enable acceptgiro, you must select A/S Contract in the Accept Giro Type field on the Bank/Payment Options page for the business unit.

Each time that you generate dunning letters and statements for business units enabled for acceptgiro attachments, you can print the letters or statements without the attachments by overriding the option on the run control page. If you leave the business unit field blank on the run control pages, the system does not print the letters or statements with the acceptgiro attachments. If the Condition Monitor process triggers the dunning letter or statement processing, you cannot override acceptgiro processing.

Important! You may need to modify the Crystal Report formats to ensure that the fields align correctly on the acceptgiro attachment. Also, you are responsible for obtaining certification with your banking institutions.

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Customer Statements

This section provides an overview of the statement generation process, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Statement Generation Process

The Statements - Preprocessor multiprocess job (ARSTMT) includes:

See Setting Up Parallel Processing for Statements.

The Statements process (AR_STMTS) extracts data from customer and item records and populates statement records. The Statements Print multiprocess job (ARSTPRT) merges data from the statement records with predefined layouts and prints both the Open Item Statement (AR32000/ARX3200 and AR32A00/ARX32A00) and the Balance Forward Statement (AR32001/ARX32001and AR32A01/ARX32A01). You can also choose to print these statements separately and to print the Draft Customer Statement (AR32002/ARX32002). You can use the customer statement samples that the PeopleSoft software provides, or use Crystal Reports or BI Publisher to create your own statements.

Note. The AR32A00/ARX32A00 and AR32A01/ARX32A01 statements print only if you enable acceptgiro processing for the business unit.

The Statements process assigns a process instance number to all items that it processes. When it finishes, it sets the number to zero. Instance numbering enables you to run the process concurrently with other PeopleSoft Application Engine processes that use different run control IDs.

Note. PeopleSoft Receivables also provides the Statements-Parallel/Print multiprocess job (STATEMNT), which runs the Statements multiprocess job (ARSTMT) and prints the Open Item Statement and the Balance Forward Statement.

If you run the Statements - Preprocessor multiprocess job (ARSTMT), each AR_STMT# child process that runs statements uses the same statement ID. Therefore, if you run the statement print processes separately, you use one statement ID for all statements. This feature also enables you to view all statements in the run using the same statement ID.

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to generate customer statements on a regular schedule for many customers or a single statement for only one customer. When you run the Statements process, you specify the scope of the process at any of the following levels:

Customer statements are based on current customer balances and open item information, which are updated by the Receivable Update Application Engine process (ARUPDATE). Therefore, we recommend that you run Receivable Update before creating statements.

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to create the types of statements described in this table:

Statement Type


Open Item

Statements that provide detail information for all open items for the customer.

Balance Forward

Statements that provide:

  • An opening balance, which is the ending balance for the previous balance forward statement period.

    These statements do not show the detail for open items from the previous statement.

  • All new activity for the current statement period, including a list of all new items (open or closed) and payments.

    Note. If the customer has not had any activity since the last balance forward statement period, a balance forward statement is generated for the current period showing only the customer's balance forward.

  • The ending balance, which is the total of the opening balance plus new items minus payments.

Note. Unlike other balance forward systems, PeopleSoft Receivables does not close all open items from the previous statement period and create one new open item for the total of those items. All open items from the previous statement period remain open so that you can determine which items are included in the opening balance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you generate statements:

See Also

Setting Up Statement Processing

Defining General Options

Defining Entry Types

Setting Up Delivery Information for Correspondence

Selecting Bank and Payment Interface Options

Adding General Customer Information

Defining Receivables Installation Options

Entering Customer-Specific Bank Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Generate Customer Statements

Page Name

Definition Name



Statements Parameters


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Statements, Create Customer Statements, Statement Parameters

Run the Statements - Preprocessor (ARSTMT) multiprocess job or the Statements-Parallel/Prnt multiprocess job (STATEMNT).

Currency to Convert


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Statements, Create Customer Statements, Currency to Convert

Select the type of currency to appear on Open Item statements, and select the effective date.

Statement Print


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Statements, Print Statements, Statement Print

Print statements.



Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Statements, Review Statements, Statements

View all statements for a customer. View the total amount of the statement and the customer's current balance. View the statement type. Also, view the balance forward amount for balance forward statements.

Statement Delivery Information


Click the Delivery Method button on the Statements or Last Statement page.

Review the delivery method for a statement, including either the email address, fax number, or printer.

Last Statement


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Statements, Review Last Statement, Last Statement

View the last statement for a customer. This page displays the same information as the Statements page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Statements Multiprocess Job

Access the Statements Parameters page (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Statements, Create Customer Statements, Statement Parameters).


Select the language to use to print the statements if running the STATEMNT multiprocess job. Do not select a language if you run the ARSTMT multiprocess job. To print statements in multiple languages, place copies of the Crystal report in language subdirectories in the Crystal Reports directory.

As of Date

Enter a date that specifies the last date that the statement includes data. The current date is the default.

If you use an earlier date, the process reconstructs customer balances so that statements show open items as of the date that is provided. For example, if statements are run on January 5 and you select an as of date of 1/1/00, the results are the same as if the statements are run on January 1 and the current default date is accepted.

For balance forward statements, the as of date also determines the ending date for the current statement period. The current balance forward statement period begins with the statement date from the previous balance forward statement.

Open Item and Balance Forward

Deselect one of these check boxes if you do not want to run both statement types in the same statement run. This setting is useful when you select a business unit that has some customers who receive open item statements and others who receive balance forward statements, and you do not want to process all of them at the same time.

Open Item Include Drafts

Select to include draft items in an open item statement.

Balance Forward Re-Run

Select to rerun a balance forward statement. The system determines which previous balance forward statement to use for the opening balance based on the as of date. It uses the most recent balance forward statement prior to the as of date. When you rerun a statement, use the same as of date that you use when you run the original statement. The process deactivates the original statement and creates a new one.

If you rerun a balance forward statement and you ran other, later balance forward statements with a different as of date, you must also rerun those statements to ensure that all balances remain correct from one statement to the next.

Note. If the statement type is Bal Fwd, only items that have not appeared on a previous balance forward statement are eligible for exclusion.

(NLD) Print Acceptgiro

Deselect this check box if you do not want to print statements with an acceptgiro attachment. This field appears only if you enabled acceptgiro processing for the selected business unit on the Bank/Payments page and the check box is selected by default.


Enter a business unit to create statements for all customers with transactions in a specific business unit. If you leave this field blank, a default business unit automatically appears in the field.


Select a setID or accept the default setID. If you leave this field blank, a default setID automatically appears in the field.


Enter only a customer ID to create statements for the specified customer. If you select a customer who is part of a correspondence group, the system addresses the statement to the correspondence customer but includes only the specified customer's information.

Note. If you select a single customer, the system generates a statement for that customer even if the customer is on hold.

Correspondence Customer

Enter only the customer ID for a correspondence customer to create statements for all customers in the correspondence group.

Note. If you add or remove a customer from a correspondence customer group between statement periods, rerun the statements for the correspondence customer by using the same as of date as the previous statement. This setting ensures that the balance forward amount for the next statement run will reflect the correct amount.

Statement Group

Enter a statement group to create statements for all groups or only for customers who belong to a selected statement group. Assign customers to a statement group on the Correspondence Options page.

Balance Forward Due Date

Enter the due date to print on the statements if you are running balance forward statements.

Note. Enter the percent wildcard in the Customer fields if you want to include customer IDs that begin or end with the same characters or numbers. For example, entering 100% includes all customer IDs that start with 100, such as 1001 and 1002.

Provide more than one parameter to tailor statements even further. The following table describes the results of combining different parameters. It assumes that a parameter in the left column is combined with one or more parameters to the right of that parameter:



Business Unit

Customer ID

Business Unit

One statement for each correspondence customer in the business unit.

NA (not applicable)


Customer ID

A single statement for the customer. If the customer is part of a correspondence customer group, the process addresses the statement to the correspondence customer but includes only items that are for the specified customer.

A single statement for the customer, containing only items in the business unit. If the customer is part of a correspondence customer group, the process addresses the statement to the correspondence customer but includes only items for the specified customer.


Correspondence Customer

A single statement for the correspondence customer, containing items for all customers in the correspondence group.

A single statement for the correspondence customer, containing items in the business unit for all customers in the correspondence group.

A single statement that is addressed to the correspondence customer, containing only items for the specified customer.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting the Currency for Open Item Statements

Access the Currency to Convert page (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Statements, Create Customer Statements, Currency to Convert).

The default values for the fields depend on the values that you enter on the Receivables Options - Currency Display Options page for the business unit. Override the values if you want to use a different display currency on the statements.

Use a Currency to Convert

Select to print statements by using the default display currency that you specify in the Currency to Convert field.

Currency to Convert

Select the type of currency for the statements:

Business Unit Currency: Select to use the default currency that is defined for the business unit.

Customer Default Currency: Select to use the preferred currency that is defined for the customer on the General Info page.

Other: Select to use the currency that you enter in the Currency Code field. Then, enter the exchange rate type and specify whether to use today's date, the accounting date, or another date that you specify as the effective date.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting Statements

Access the Statement Print page (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Statements, Print Statements, Statement Print).


Select the language for the statements. To print statements in multiple languages, place copies of the Crystal report in language subdirectories in the Crystal Reports directory.

Statement Number

Displays the most recent number for the run control ID that is not printed. Select a different number to print a different request.

Note. Each time that you run the Statements multiprocess job (ARSTMT), each AR_STMT# child process generates a statement number and applies it to all statements that the run for that child process generates. For example, the AR_STMT1 child process retrieves data for 37 statements and assigns statement number 64. When you print statement number 64, you get 37 statements. You do not have to run the report 37 times.

On the Process Scheduler Request page, select one of these statement print processes:



Customer Statement Print (AR32000/ARX32000)

Customer Stmt Print w/Agiro (A32A00/ARX32A00)

Prints open item statement without draft items. The Open Item statement provides a list of all open items for a customer based on the as of date that is specified when the statement is run.

Select Customer Stmt Print w/Agiro only if you want to include the acceptgiro attachment on the statement.

Balance Forward Statement Print (AR32001/ARX32001)

Balance Forward Stmt P w/Agiro (AR32A01/ARX32A01)

Prints balance forward statements. The Balance Forward statement provides a list of all the items and payments in the current statement period. It also provides a balance forward amount from the previous statement period and the ending balance for the current statement period.

Select Balance Forward Stmt P w/Agiro only if you want to include the acceptgiro attachment on the statement.

Draft Customer Statement Print (AR32002/ARX32002)

Prints open item statements that include draft items, if Include Drafts is selected on the Statement Parameters page.

PS/AR Statements Print (ARSTPRT)

Prints both statement types: Open Item statement (AR32000/ARX32000 and AR32A00/ARX32A00) and Balance Forward statement (AR32001/ARX32001 and AR32A01/ARX32A01).

Note. AR32001/ARX32001 and AR32A01/ARX32A01 print only if you enabled acceptgiro processing for the business unit.

Warning! If you print one statement type only, you must print the other statement type before you run the Statements process again.

Click to jump to parent topicRunning Balance Forward Statements the First Time

When running the balance forward statements the first time for existing customers, follow a slightly different procedure to generate a starting balance forward balance that appears on the customer's first statement.

To run balance forward statements for the first time:

  1. Use the Statements Parameters page to run the Statements - Preprocessor multiprocess job (ARSTMT).

    Important! Do not select the Statements-Parallel/Prnt multiprocess job (STATEMNT). Also, do not run the Balance Forward Statement Print (AR32001/ARX32001) or Balance Forward Stmt P w/Agiro (AR32A01/ARX32A01) process that prints the statement at this time.

    Use the end date of the previous statement period for the as of date.

  2. Run the Statements - Preprocessor multiprocess job (ARSTMT) again by using the current statement period for the as of date.

  3. Use the Statement Print page to run the Balance Forward Statement Print process for each AR_STMT# child process to print the statements.


You run statements that contain activity that ends on September 30, 2000.

In the first run of the process, you enter August 31, 2000 for the as of date. Because the process does not find an as of date from a previous run, it extracts all activity from January 1, 1900 through August 31, 2000.

In the second run, you enter September 30, 2000 for the as of date. Because the system now has an as of date from the first run, it extracts activity from September 1, 2000 through September 30, 2000.

See Also

Generating Customer Statements

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating Dunning Letters

This section provides an overview of the dunning letter process, lists prerequisites, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Dunning Letter Process

Use these processes to generate dunning letters:

Note. If you run the Dunning or Dunning for All Levels multiprocess jobs, you cannot change the text or delete unwanted letters before printing.

If you select the Include Finance Charge field when you create a dunning method, and you run the process for customers that are assigned that dunning method, you must run the Overdue Charges Application Engine process (AR_OVRDUE) before you generate the letters to create the overdue charges invoice.

AR Dunning Process Data Extract

To generate dunning letters, you run the extract process, review and edit the results as needed, and then run a dunning report that prints a dunning letter.

When you enter the run parameters for the AR Dunning process, you select the scope of the dunning letters:

The process uses the default dunning ID that is assigned to the customer on the Correspondence Options page. If none is defined for the customer, it uses the default dunning ID that is assigned to the business unit on the Receivables Options - General 1 page.

Review and Edit of Letters Before Printing

After running the AR Dunning process, you can:

After you review the letters and make any needed onetime changes, run the dunning reports that print dunning letters.

Days, Intervals, and Action Lists

When past-due items exist for a customer, dunning letters are sent based on the dunning methods that you selected when you set up the system. The following figure shows dunning by days, where the age of the item determines the level of the dunning letter sent. In this scenario, depending on when the dunning run is performed, a customer could receive a level-three letter as a first correspondence. If a customer has multiple past-due items, that customer receives one letter based on the age of his or her oldest item, rather than multiple letters.

The following diagram illustrates what the Dunning process includes in letters if the dunning method is Dunning by Days. Dunning Run 1 may include Item A, which is five days past due and a level 1 letter was sent; Item B, which is twenty-five days past due and a level 1 letter sent; Item C, which is sixty-five days past due and a level 3 dunning letter sent. Dunning Run 1 is run thirty days after the first run and includes Item A, which is thirty-five days past due and a level 2 letter was sent; Item B is fifty-five days past due and a level 2 letter sent; Item C, which is ninety-five days past due and a level 3 letter sent.

The three levels by days include:

Dunning Run 1 includes these items:

Dunning Run 2 thirty days after the first run includes these items:

Dunning by days

When you use dunning by interval, the level of the letter sent corresponds to the time intervals that you have defined between letters. Therefore, items that receive a level 1 letter could have different ages, but subsequent letters would be determined by the time interval between letter levels. For a customer with multiple past-due items, the oldest item is used to determine the start of the interval cycle.

The following diagram illustrates what the Dunning process includes in letters if the dunning method is Dunning by Interval. The levels by interval include:

Items included in Dunning Run 1 are:

Items included in Dunning Run 2, which was sent ten days after the first run, are:

Items included in Dunning Run 3, which was sent thirty days after the first run, are:

Items included for Dunning by interval for Dunning Runs 1, 2, and 3

Dunning by action list is entirely based on rules you determine when you set up the system.

The following diagram illustrates what the Dunning process includes in letters if the dunning method is Dunning by Action List. The action list includes all dunning criteria defined by rules. Dunning Run 1 includes:

Dunning Run 2 includes:

Items on the Dunning action list that are included during Dunning Runs 1 and 2

See Also

Setting Up Dunning Letter Processing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

Before you generate dunning letters:

See Also

Setting Up Dunning Letter Processing

Setting Up Delivery Information for Correspondence

Defining General Options

Selecting Bank and Payment Interface Options

Adding General Customer Information

Defining Receivables Installation Options

Entering Customer-Specific Bank Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Element Used in This Section

Letter Code

Letter codes represent the text that you want printed on a dunning letter.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Generate Dunning Letters

Page Name

Definition Name



Dunning Letters Parameters


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Dunning Letters, Extract Dunning Letter Info, Dunning Letters Parameters

Specify the extract parameters and run the AR Dunning process or the Dunning Letters multiprocess job.

Display Currency


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Dunning Letters, Extract Dunning Letter Info, Display Currency

Select the type of currency that you want to appear on dunning letters and select the effective date.

Letter Preview


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Dunning Letters, Preview Letter, Letter Preview

Review dunning letters and delete them if necessary.

Letter Editing


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Dunning Letters, Preview Letter, Letter Editing

Preview or change the text of a dunning letter before you print it.

Dunning Preview Delete Item


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Dunning Letters, Delete Item on Letter, Dunning Preview Delete Item

Delete items on a dunning letter prior to printing.

Dunning Letter Print


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Dunning Letters, Print Letter, Dunning Letter Print

Run reports that merge data from temporary tables with a predefined layout to generate dunning letters.

Delete Letter Review


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Dunning Letters, Delete Letter, Delete Letter Review

Delete a dunning letter after you print it. The system rolls back the dunning status of the items to the status of the previous dunning process and reinitializes the status if no previous dunning occurred.

Dunning Letters


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Dunning Letters, History of Letters, Dunning Letters

View items on all the dunning letters for a customer.

Last Dunning Letter


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Dunning Letters, Last Letter, Last Dunning Letter

View items on only the most recent dunning letter that is generated for a customer.

Dunning Delivery Information


Click the Delivery Method button on the Dunning Letters inquiry page.

Review the delivery method for a dunning letter, including either the email address, fax number, or printer.

Letter Content


  • Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Dunning Letters, History of Letters, Letter Content

  • Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Dunning Letters, Last Letter, Letter Content

View the contents of all the dunning letters for a customer or of only the most recent dunning letter that is generated for a customer.

Dunned Item Status


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Dunning Letters, Item Dunning Status, Dunning Item Status

View the current dunning status of the selected item.

Dunned Item History


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Dunning Letters, Item Dunning History, Dunning Item History

View the dunning history of an item.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Run Parameters for the AR Dunning Application Engine Process

Access the Dunning Letters Parameters page (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Dunning Letters, Extract Dunning Letter Info, Dunning Letters Parameters).

As of Date

Enter a date that determines the last date for the dunning letter data. The current date is the default.


Use the default setID or select a setID. If you use only a setID and do not enter a specific business unit, the process creates dunning letters for correspondence customers with transactions in every business unit that references the setID.


Enter a business unit to create dunning letters only for customers with transactions in the selected business unit.

(NLD) Print Acceptgiro

Deselect this check box if you do not want to print dunning letters with an acceptgiro attachment. This field appears only if you enabled acceptgiro processing for the selected business unit on the Bank/Payments page, and the check box is selected by default.

Customer ID

Enter only a customer ID to extract dunning data for the specified customer. If you specify a customer who is part of a correspondence group, the process addresses the letter to the correspondence customer but includes only the specified customer's items.

Correspondence Customer

Enter only a correspondence customer ID to extract dunning data for all the customers in the correspondence group.

Dunning Group

Select All Groups or the name of a specific group. You assign customers to a dunning group on the Correspondence Options page.

Use Severest Dunning Letter

Select to print the text from the letter code that is associated with the highest dunning level and to print all past-due items for the customer.

Use Modest Dunning Letter

Select to print the text from the letter code that is associated with the lowest dunning level and to print all past-due items for the customer.

This table describes the results of combining different parameters. It assumes that a parameter in the left column is combined with one or more parameters to the right:



Business Unit

Customer ID

Business Unit

The system generates one letter for each correspondence customer in the business unit.



Customer ID

The system generates a single letter for the customer. If the customer is part of a correspondence customer group, the process addresses the letter to the correspondence customer but includes only items for the specified customer.

The system generates a single letter for the customer, containing only items that are in the business unit. If the customer is part of a correspondence customer group, the process addresses the letter to the correspondence customer but includes only items that are for the specified customer.


Correspondence Customer

The system generates a single letter for the correspondence customer, containing items for all customers in the correspondence group.

The system generates a single letter for the correspondence customer, containing items in the business unit for all customers in the correspondence group.

The system generates a single letter that is addressed to the correspondence customer, containing only items that are for the specified customer.

Note. The next available dunning number is determined by the setup on the Installation Options - Receivables page. The system increments the dunning number only when the AR Dunning Application Engine process runs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Display Currency for Dunning Letters

Access the Display Currency page (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Dunning Letters, Extract Dunning Letter Info, Display Currency).

Some customers prefer to have business units share TableSet data. This page enables you to generate dunning letters for a business unit that has a setID that is also used by another business unit. When letters contain different currencies, the AR Dunning process groups and subtotals items by customer and then by currency.

The default values for the fields depend on the values that you enter on the Receivables Options - Currency Display Options page for the business unit. Override the values if you want to use a different display currency on the dunning letters.

Use an AR Display Currency

Select to print dunning letters by using the default display currency that you specify in the Display Currency field.

Display Currency

Select the currency for the dunning letters. Options are:

Business Unit Currency: Select to use the default currency that is defined for the business unit.

Customer Default Currency: Select to use the preferred currency that is defined for the customer on the Miscellaneous General Info page.

Other: Select to specify a currency for the dunning letters and enter the type of currency and the exchange rate.

Effective Date

Enter the basis date for determining the conversion rate if you select Other for the display currency. Options are Accounting Date, As of Today, and Other.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing and Deleting Dunning Letters Before Printing

Access the Letter Preview page (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Dunning Letters, Preview Letter, Letter Preview).

Review information about various items in the dunning letter, such as the customer, item ID, dunning date, and letter code.

Delete Letter

Click if you do not want to print a letter for a particular customer. The system removes the dunning record from the Dunning Letter Report table (AR33000_TMP), marks the letter as deleted, and retains the letter in the Customer Dunning Letter Detail table (DUN_CUST_DTL) as a historical record.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing and Modifying Dunning Letters Before Printing

Access the Letter Editing page (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Dunning Letters, Preview Letter, Letter Editing).


Click to make a onetime change to the text of the letter.

Note. If you change the text of the letter to make it longer, you may need to modify the format of the report in Crystal Reports so that all of the report prints.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing and Removing Items from Dunning Letters Before Printing

Access the Dunning Preview Delete Item page (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Dunning Letters, Delete Item on Letter, Dunning Preview Delete Item).

Use the check boxes to select the items that you want to remove from a dunning letter before printing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting Dunning Letters

Access the Dunning Letter Print page (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Dunning Letters, Print Letter, Dunning Letter Print).

Dunning Number

Select the dunning number that the system assigned for the AR Dunning process run instance for the letters that you want to print.

Note. Each time that the AR Dunning process runs, it generates a unique dunning number that serves as a batch ID. The dunning number for the process is applied to all the dunning letters that the process generates. If a process retrieves data for 37 dunning letters, it assigns each dunning letter the same run control ID that is assigned to the AR Dunning process. Using the run control ID in the report parameters enables you to generate multiple dunning letters by using one report. Therefore, if you have 37 letters, you do not have to run the report 37 times.

On the Process Scheduler page, select one or more of the following dunning reports. Each report corresponds to a dunning level and letter code. If you select only the level 3 dunning letter, reports processing prints letters only for customers who have past-due items in dunning level 3.


Process Name


Dunning Letters - All Levels

AR33000 (Crystal), ARX33000 (BI Publisher)

Includes all past-due items in the age bracket that is associated with the dunning level and the text that is associated with the oldest or newest item in the letter (depending on the run parameters that you specify).

Dunning Letters - All w/Agiro

AR33A00 (Crystal), ARX33A00 (BI Publisher)

This report is the same as the AR33000/ARX33000 report except that it includes the acceptgiro attachment.

Level 1 Dunning Letter

AR33001 (Crystal), ARX33001 (BI Publisher)

Includes only items that are assigned to dunning level 1.

Level One Dunning w/Agiro

AR33A01 (Crystal), ARX33A01 (BI Publisher)

This report is the same as the AR33001/ARX33001 report except that it includes the acceptgiro attachment.

Level 2 Dunning Letter

AR33002 (Crystal), ARX33002 (BI Publisher)

Includes only items that are assigned to dunning level 2.

Level Two Dunning w/Agiro

AR33A02 (Crystal), ARX33A02 (BI Publisher)

This report is the same as the AR33002/ARX33002 report except that it includes the acceptgiro attachment.

Level 3 Dunning Letter

AR33003 (Crystal), ARX33003 (BI Publisher)

Includes only items that are assigned to dunning level 3.

Level Three Dunning w/Agiro

AR33A03 (Crystal), ARX33A03 (BI Publisher)

This report is the same as the AR33003/ARX33003 report except that it includes the acceptgiro attachment.

Dunning Control

AR33005 (Crystal), ARX33005 (BI Publisher)

Lists all the dunning letters that you printed from all dunning runs.

Dunning Preview

AR33006 (Crystal), ARX33006 (BI Publisher)

Lists the dunning letters that print. Run this report before you print the letters.

Note. You define dunning levels and the age range of items that are included in each letter category that is on the Dunning Levels page.

See Also

Defining Dunning Levels

Click to jump to parent topicGenerating and Printing Follow-Up Letters

This section provides an overview of follow-up letter processing, lists prerequisites, lists common elements, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Follow-Up Letter Processing

Follow-up letters change little from mailing to mailing. Only the names, addresses, and dates change. PeopleSoft Receivables delivers a sample follow-up letter that you create by using Crystal Reports or BI Publisher that you can modify to suit your organization's needs.

The system generates follow-up letters as long as you provide a valid contact ID, follow-up action, follow-up user ID, and letter code on the Conversations page.

Note. To print the standard text within a follow-up letter, you must enter a promise amount, a promise date, and a review date on the Conversations page.

To generate follow-up letters, you run two processes:

Note. PeopleSoft Receivables also provides the Follow Up Letters multiprocess job (FOLLOWUP), which runs both the Follow Up Letters Extract process and the Customer Follow Up Letter report.

You run all three processes from the Customer Follow Up Letter page. If you run the extract process and the report separately, you must wait for the Follow Up Letters Extract process to finish before you run the report.

See Also

Modifying the Sample Follow-Up Letter

Entering Conversations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

You must perform these tasks before you generate follow-up letters:

See Also

Setting Up Follow-Up Letter Processing

Setting Up Delivery Information for Correspondence

Adding General Customer Information

Entering Conversations

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Element Used in This Section

Customer ID

Enter the customer ID for a specific customer or leave the field blank to run the process for all customers.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Generate and Print Follow-Up Letters

Page Name

Definition Name



Customer Follow Up Letter


Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Customer Follow-Up Letter, Customer Follow Up Letter

Run the Follow Up Letters Extract process, the Follow Up Letter report, or the Follow Up Letters multiprocess job.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Follow Up Letters Multiprocess Job

Access the Customer Follow Up Letter page (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Customer Follow-Up Letter, Customer Follow Up Letter).


If you use only a setID, the process creates follow-up letters for each correspondence customer in every business unit that references the TableSet.

Customer ID

Enter a customer ID to create follow-up letters for the specified customer. If you select a customer who is part of a correspondence group, the system addresses the statement to the correspondence customer but includes only the specified customer's information.

Business Unit

Enter a business unit to create follow-up letters for all customers in a specific business unit. The system enables you to specify multiple business units.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Follow Up Letter Extract Application Engine Process

Access the Customer Follow Up Letter page (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Customer Follow-Up Letter, Customer Follow Up Letter).

Select the AR_FOLLOWUP process on the Process Scheduler Request page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating the Follow Up Letter Report

Access the Customer Follow-Up Letter - Parameters page (Accounts Receivable, Customer Interactions, Customer Follow-Up Letter, Customer Follow Up Letter).

Select the AR33004/ARX33004 process on the Process Scheduler Request page.

Click to jump to parent topicReprinting Invoices

This section provides an overview of invoice reprinting, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Invoice Reprinting

PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to reprint invoices that you created in PeopleSoft Billing that are associated with open items. You cannot reprint invoices that originate in PeopleSoft Grants that have a letter of credit ID. If you select to print these PeopleSoft Grants invoices or invoices that are created in a third-party billing system, the system issues a warning message.

The Reprint Invoice multiprocess job (BIJOB19) uses the server and printer that you specify on the User Preferences - Billing page. You can override these parameters when you reprint the invoices. The invoices print in the customer's language.

The existence of a summarization template on invoice lines determines whether the system prints a summarized or detailed pro forma or actual invoice. If you are printing an invoice with multiple invoice lines, the system performs the following tasks:

(NLD) If you enabled acceptgiro for the billing business unit associated with the item, the system prints the invoice with an acceptgiro attachment. If the original invoice in PeopleSoft Billing or PeopleSoft Purchasing was printed with an acceptgiro attachment, the system uses the same acceptgiro reference number.

See Also

Defining Billing User Preferences

Generating Invoices

Setting Up Bill Summarization

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

If you enabled acceptgiro for the billing business unit, you must enter the bank account information for the remit to customer on the Customer Bank page.

See Also

Entering Customer-Specific Bank Information

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Reprint Invoices

Page Name

Definition Name



Item List


Accounts Receivable, Customer Accounts, Item Information, Item List, Item List

Select invoices to reprint.

Invoice Reprint Overrides


Select Reprint Invoices in the Item Action field on the Item List page and click Go.

Run the Reprint Invoice multiprocess job and override the default parameters for generating invoices.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Items for Reprinting

Access the Item List page.

To reprint invoices:

  1. Enter search criteria for the items and click Search.

  2. Select the items for which you want to reprint invoices.

    Note. You must select items that came from PeopleSoft Billing and have a billing business unit that is associated with them and a valid invoice number in the Invoice field.

  3. Select Reprint Invoices in the Item Action field and click Go.

See Also

Researching a Customer's Items

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting Invoices and Overriding Print Parameters

Access the Invoice Reprint Overrides page (Reprint Invoices in the Item Action field on the Item List page and click Go.)

Override the print parameters as needed and click OK to run the Reprint Invoices job.

Custom Label

Enter additional text that you want to print on the invoice.

Print Invoice Sort By

Select the order in which the invoices print. Values are Bus Unit, Invoice (business unit, invoice), Country, Postal, and Customer, Invoice. For example, if you select Customer, Invoice, the system prints the invoices by customer in invoice number order.

Server Name

Select the server on which to run the Reprint Invoices job.

Output Destination

Specify whether the invoices should print to a file or on a printer and enter the path for the output in the Output Destination field.