Distributing Funding

This chapter provides overviews of funds distribution and accounting for distributions, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Funds Distribution

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicThe Funds Distribution Process

Project costs can be distributed among multiple funding sources. The Funds Distribution Application Engine (PC_FND_DIST) process distributes funding by applying funds distribution rules to incoming transactions and assigning costs accordingly. You can use the Pricing Application Engine (PC_PRICING) process to price funded rows for billing purposes.

This diagram illustrates the Funds Distribution process:

The Funds Distribution process

The Funds Distribution process consists of three primary steps:

  1. Match a transaction to a source rule.

    If a matching source rule is not found, the original transaction is maintained in PROJ_RESOURCE without further processing.

    If a matching source rule is found, the process proceeds to the next step.

  2. Determine if a target rule is available for the transaction.

    If a target rule is not available for the transaction, the original transaction is maintained in PROJ_RESOURCE without further processing.

    If a target rule is available for the transaction, the process proceeds to the next step.

  3. Check for available funds.

    If available funds are not found, the system creates an over the distribution limit (ODL) transaction in PROJ_RESOURCE.

    If available funds are found, the system creates target distributions.

One Target Definition

The One Target Definition option determines whether separate target rules are defined for each individual source analysis type or a single target rule is defined for all source analysis types. When defining a target definition for each individual analysis type, the Funds Distribution - Target page contains a separate rule definition for each analysis type. Sequences are defined to determine how the source transaction is distributed to funding sources.

The One Target Definition option can be defined at many levels and provided by default to the next level, where you have the option to override it. The One Target Definition option can be defined at these levels:

See Understanding Transaction-Related Control Data.

Process Transactions

The Funds Distribution process allows you to process source transactions that have not been distributed or to reprocess transactions that were previously distributed. When running the Funds Distribution process to reprocess source transactions, the old target distributions are deleted and recreated if the original cost row and all target rows have not been:

Budget Checking

The Funds Distribution process budget checks rows if the Budget Check option is selected on the Funds Distribution - Target page. Target distributions are created for a single source row, but all the related target distributions from the same source transaction are treated as a group.

The Project Costing to Commitment Control (PC_TO_KK) process is called from the Funds Distribution process, and a unique journal ID is created for target distribution rows. This action enables the system to identify all related target distribution rows if one row in the group fails the budget checking process.

If one or more of the target distribution rows fail the budget checking process, then the entire group of rows is held from additional processing until all the rows pass budget checking.

You use the Funds Budget Exceptions page to view rows that have failed budget checking.

Note. Budget overrides are not allowed for funds distribution budget checking exceptions.


A Balancing check box is available on the Funds Distribution - Target page. This check box ensures that the sum of all target amounts, for a target sequence, for a given source, equals the source amount. It also ensures that the distributed amount does not exceed the threshold for the sequence.

Note. Only one row can be selected within each sequence.

A default analysis type can be determined on the Installation Options – Project Costing Integration page. The system automatically selects the Balancing check box for the target distribution row with the default analysis type on the Funds Distribution - Target page. The check box can be deselected on this page, and you can select the check box for a different target distribution row.

On the Funds Distribution - Target page, the selected distribution receives the balance of the source amount if the system has to round the target distributed amounts to maintain the distribution percentage.

For example, if FDS is selected on the Installation Options – Project Costing Integration page, and FDS is added to the Target page, then the system automatically selects the FDS row as the balancing row. If more than one FDS row is added to the sequence, the system automatically selects the first FDS row as the balancing row.

If you have not defined a balancing analysis type on the Installation Options – Project Costing Integration page, and do not select one when adding target distributions, then the system will automatically select the last target row as the balancing row. You can change this selection on the Target page.

Selecting this option ensures that the sum of the target amounts, for any given source, equals the amount of the source row. It also ensures that the distributed amount does not exceed the threshold for the sequence. This is done by attributing any differences, due to rounding, to the distribution that has the Balancing check box selected.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOptions Used to Generate Fund Distribution Rows

You can generate target distribution rows in the Project Transaction table (PROJ_RESOURCE) in four ways based on the funds distribution source criteria:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicThe Funds Distribution Rule

Each effective dated rule defines the type of costs to distribute and how to distribute them. Sequences are defined to represent a specific approved or funded amount. Distribution percentages and ChartFields are specified for each sequence.

In this example, 100 percent of the first 50,000 USD of costs are distributed to activity FED and the other ChartFields selected based on sequence 1. Costs from 50,000 USD to 100,000 USD are distributed between the FED and STATE-General Fund activities using the percentages specified in the Rate Amount fields under sequence 2. A cost that exceeds the total threshold amount of 100,000 USD is treated as an ODL amount. The system creates a separate row for the excess amount and assigns the row an analysis type of ODL.

The system can split transactions between more than one sequence. Therefore, in this example, if the first transaction processed is 55,000 USD, then the first 50,000 USD is distributed according to sequence 1 and the remaining 5,000 USD is distributed according to sequence 2.

If a transaction causes the distributed amount of the highest active sequence to exceed its threshold, the amount that does not exceed the threshold is distributed and the remainder is treated as an ODL amount. A separate row with an analysis type of ODL is created for the overage.

Distributing Credits

The system distributes credit amounts beginning with the highest active sequence that has a remaining distributed amount, until that amount is exhausted. The system then identifies the next highest active sequence that has a remaining distributed amount and applies additional credit amounts, until that amount is exhausted. The system continues this process until the entire credit amount is distributed. If the system does not find a total distributed amount that is greater than or equal to the remaining credit, it creates a negative ODL amount.

Note. Credits are distributed independently of all related transactions. For example, if a prepayment is distributed to sequence one and the threshold is reached prior to distributing the subsequent credit and voucher, then the credit and voucher could be distributed to a different sequence. This could result in the credit and voucher being distributed to different ChartFields than the prepayment.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Accounting for Distributions

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccounting Rules

The Accounting Rules component (PSA_ACCT_SETUP) is used to define accounting entries for distributions that are created by the Funds Distribution process. Accounting entries record the movement of a charge from the ChartField combination to which the source transaction (such as a voucher) was originally recorded to the ChartField combinations that are specified on the target distribution rows.

Create an accounting rule for each analysis type that is defined on the Funds Distribution - Target page, excluding analysis types that have the same ChartField combination as the original source transaction. Also, define an accounting rule for the reversal analysis type (FDR) if reversals are selected on any distribution row.

For more information about accounting rules:

See Accounting Rules.

See Defining Accounting Rules.

Example of Accounting Rule Setup

This example illustrates how accounting rules are used to generate accounting entries.

This table lists the ChartFields for a voucher that is processed in accounts payable for 100 USD and sent to Project Costing:

Analysis Type












This table lists the target rows that are created for the voucher in PROJ_RESOURCE during the Funds Distribution process:

Analysis Type


































This amount reverses the amount of the FDS row from the Fed Fund ChartField.







This amount reverses the amount of the FDL row from the Fed Fund ChartField.

This table illustrates how the accounting rule selection criteria for the state fund target distribution row (FDS) should be set up to generate accounting entries:

Analysis Type



Source Type









This table illustrates how the accounting rule entry values for the state fund target distribution row (FDS) should be set up to generate accounting entries:


Account Type



All GL ChartFields














This table illustrates how the accounting rule selection criteria for the local fund target distribution row (FDL) should be set up to generate accounting entries:

Analysis Type



Source Type









This table illustrates how the accounting rule entry values for the local fund target distribution row (FDL) should be set up to generate accounting entries:


Account Type



All GL ChartFields














This table illustrates how the accounting rule selection criteria for the reversal target distribution rows (FDR) should be set up to generate accounting entries:

Analysis Type



Source Type









This table illustrates how the accounting rule entry values for the reversal target distribution rows (FDR) should be set up to generate accounting entries:


Account Type



All GL ChartFields














Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicThe Process Project Accounting Process

To process the accounting rule that is defined for each analysis type, run the Process Project Accounting process. To ensure that the correct accounting rule is processed, verify that each analysis type for which an accounting rule exists is included in the accounting costs analysis group (PSCST).

For more information about the Process Project Accounting process:

See Process Project Accounting Process.

See Processing Transactions Using Accounting Rules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicThe Journal Generator Process

Use the CAPCCOST accounting entry definition to create journals from the project transactions that are created by the Funds Distribution process. This accounting entry definition selects only accounting entries that contain an analysis type that is included in the PSCST analysis group.

For more information about the Journal Generator process:

See Using Journal Generator.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Funds Distribution

This section lists the steps for setting up funds distribution and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSteps for Setting Up Funds Distribution

To set up fund distribution, complete these steps:

  1. Determine the Funds Distribution Options on the Installation Options - Project Costing Integration page.

  2. Select the One Target Definition option on the Project Costing Business Unit Options page.

    This step is optional.

  3. Select the One Target Definition option on the Project Costing Definition page.

    This step is optional.

  4. Deselect the Participating option for an activity on the Activities Definition - Definition page if the activity is to be excluded from the Funds Distribution process.

    This step is optional.

  5. Define source criteria on the Funds Distribution - Source page.

    Use this page to identify the types of transactions that are eligible for distribution

  6. Define target criteria on the Funds Distribution - Target page.

    Use this page to set up rules that determine how target distributions are generated, including ChartField values that are assigned and the percentage of the cost that each target receives.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Funds Distribution

Page Name

Definition Name



Installation Options - Project Costing Integration


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation Options, Project Costing Integration

Determine funds distribution options in the Funds Distribution Options group box. Enable the funds distribution option.

See Funds Distribution Options.

Project Costing Options


Set up Financials/Supply Chain, Business Unit Related, Project Costing, Project Costing Options

Determine the One Target Definition option for the business unit. This step is optional.

See Setting Up Project Business Units, Defining Project Options

See Defining Project Options.

Project Costing Definition


Project Costing, Project Definitions, General Information, Project Costing Definition

Determine the One Target Definition option for the project. This step is optional.

See Creating and Maintaining Projects, Creating and Defining Projects, Defining Projects

See Defining Projects.

Activities Definitions - Definition


Project Costing, Activity Definitions, General Information, Definition

Determine the Participating option for the activity. This step is optional.

See Creating and Maintaining Activities, Creating and Modifying Activities, Defining Activities

See Defining Activities.

Funds Distribution - Source


Project Costing, Funds Distribution, Funds Distribution

Define source criteria for funds distribution. You can identify the cost transactions for activities that are eligible for distribution.

Funds Distribution - Target


Click the Target link for a source criteria row from the Funds Distribution - Source page.

Define target distribution rules.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Source Criteria

Access the Funds Distribution - Source page (Project Costing, Funds Distribution, Funds Distribution).

Use the Funds Distribution - Source page to identify the source criteria for funds distribution.

Copy From

Click to access the Enter Project/Activity to Copy Distribution From page. Use this page to copy funds distribution rules from another activity within the same business unit. Only current rows that are active are copied. Analysis types are copied. History rows are not copied. Adjustment sequence rows are not copied. Rate plans and rate sets are not copied. Threshold amounts and distributed amounts are set to zero for target rows.

You cannot copy a rule if the source and target projects do not have the same value in the One Target Definition check box. In other words, you can copy a rule only if the One Target Definition is selected for both projects or is not selected for both projects.

Note. This option is only available for new distribution rules that have never been distributed. After target distribution rows have been created for a rule, the Copy From button is not available.

Activity Options

A funds distribution rule can be defined for all activities in the project or for specific activities in the project.

An activity cannot be changed after amounts are distributed. However, the rule can be inactivated.

If a rule exists for a project with the All Participating Activities option selected, you cannot create a rule for a specific activity. Similarly, if a rule exists for a specific activity, you cannot create another rule for the same project that has the All Participating Activities option selected.

All Participating Activities

Select to indicate that the rule applies to all activities in a project.

Specify Activity

Select to indicate that the rule applies to one participating activity in a project. When selected, enter an activity ID in the field to the right.


Specifying a rate plan or rate set is optional. If one is specified and is active for a rule, the system runs the Pricing (PC_PRICING) process to generate the appropriate target burden transactions before running the Funds Distribution process. This ensures that the target burden transactions are included as source criteria for the Funds Distribution process. In this situation, include the target analysis types from your rate set on the Funds Distribution source page.

Effective Date

Enter a date that determines when the rate plan or rate set is to be used for burdening.


Select Active or Inactive.

Rate Selection

Select Rate Plan or Rate Set.


Select a rate plan or a rate set, depending on the selection in the Rate Selection field.

View Rates

Click to access the rate plan or rate set definition pages in update mode.

View/Add Rates

Click to access the rate plan or rate set definition pages in add mode.

Source Criteria

Enter an effective date and status that applies to the source transactions. The status can be Active or Inactive. However, only one source criteria rule can have an active status.

Note. Inactivating a rule prevents additional source transactions from being distributed to funding sources.

Define Criteria for Incoming Transactions

The funding source can be represented by a combination of Project Costing, Human Resource (HR), and General Ledger ChartFields. To define Project Costing and HR values, select the Project Costing and HR tab. To define General Ledger ChartFields, select the GL tab.


Click to access the Funds Distribution - Target page for the corresponding row.

Analysis Type

Select the analysis types of the source transactions, which are used by the Funds Distribution process for this rule. When defining a new rule, the analysis types that are included in the Funds Distribution Defaults (PSDEF) analysis group are used to populate these rows. You can delete or add analysis types.

Enter source type, category, subcategory, project rule, job code, time reporting code, employee ID, unit of measure, and currency code combinations that identify the Project Costing and HR source criteria for cost transactions that are eligible for distribution for this activity or activities. Use the percent symbol (%) as a wildcard if all values apply. Similar to rate sets, partial wild cards are not supported.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Target Distribution Rules

Access the Funds Distribution - Target page for funds distribution (click the Target link for a source criteria row from the Funds Distribution - Source page).

Use this page to specify the maximum amount of source transactions that can be distributed to a funding source. You also define the percentages that the system uses to calculate the distributed amounts.

Warning! After transactions are distributed for a rule, some fields on the Funds Distribution - Target page cannot be modified for that rule. However, target distributions can be deleted and recreated if neither the original cost row nor any of its target rows have been distributed to PeopleSoft Billing, General Ledger, Asset Management, linked to an asset, used in fee calculations for government contracts, or created by the Variance Pricing process.

For more information about how to correct distribution errors:

See Correcting Distribution Errors.

Source Criteria

This section displays the settings that were defined on the Funds Distribution - Source page.

Define Criteria for Incoming Transactions

If the One Target Definition option is selected on the Installation Options - Project Costing Integration page for the business unit or on the Project Costing Options page for the project, then all analysis types that are specified on the Funds Distribution - Source page are listed.

Target Thresholds

This section enables you to define multiple rows. Each row determines the sequence that the target rules are applied to the source transaction.

Sort Ascending/Descending Sequence

Click to sort the threshold sequence in ascending or descending order.


Enter a sequence number that indicates the order in which the Funds Distribution process applies the funding when a valid source transaction is processed.

Each active sequence represents an approved amount of available funding to which costs can be distributed. Different distribution percentages and ChartFields can be defined for each sequence.


Select Active or Inactive. This field enables you to inactivate a particular sequence within a rule but have all other sequences remain active. You may need to do this if an incorrect appropriation was used. If the status is changed to inactive, you can reactivate it only if the distributed amount for the sequence equals zero.

When the Adjustment check box is selected, the status does not apply to the row.


Select to indicate that the sequence row is an adjustment sequence. When this option is selected, the target Percentage distribution field is not available for entry. However, the Threshold Amount and Distributed Amount fields are available for entry.

This option enables you to synchronize the manual adjustments from Billing with the funds distribution rules and reports. Adjustment sequences are not recognized and are not processed when the Funds Distribution process runs.

When the threshold amount and distributed amount for a sequence is equal zero, the Adjustment check box can be changed.

For more information about applying adjustments:

See Applying Adjustments to the Funds Distribution Rule.

Start Date

Enter a beginning date that the sequenced rule can be used to distribute source transactions. Costs with an accounting date or transaction date that is greater than or equal to this date are eligible to be distributed using this sequence, provided it is active and the threshold amount is not fully distributed.

If the Adjustment check box is selected, then the start date does not apply to the row.

End Date

Enter an ending date that represents when the sequenced rule is no longer used to distribute source transactions. Costs with an accounting date or transaction date that is less than or equal to this date (and greater than or equal to the start date) are eligible to be distributed using this sequence, provided it is active and the threshold amount is greater than zero. This field is optional.

If the Adjustment check box is selected, then the end date does not apply to the row.

Threshold Amount

Enter an amount that represents the maximum amount of source transactions that may be distributed to funding sources according to the distribution rules defined for the sequence. This amount typically represents an approved amount of funding for which project costs can be billed. If different distribution rules are needed for different amounts of funding, then multiple sequences can be defined.

If the Update Threshold Amounts field on the Installation Options - Project Costing Integration page is selected, then this field can be modified after costs have been distributed against the threshold. However, the threshold amount cannot be less than the distributed amount.

If the Update Threshold Amounts field on the Installation Options - Project Costing Integration page is not selected, then this field cannot be modified after costs have been distributed against the threshold. If additional funding is received, a new sequence must be added to create additional distribution rows.

Distributed Amount

Displays the amount of costs distributed for the sequence. The distributed amount cannot exceed the threshold amount. This amount includes all exceptions that have been budget checked and are outstanding.

Exception Amount

Displays the amount of costs distributed that have been held from additional processing due to budget checking exceptions. These transactions have not been added to PROJ_RESOURCE. Use the Funds Budget Exceptions page to view and re-budget check these transactions.

If a target distribution for a source transaction fails the Budget Checking process, all of the target distributions for that source transaction are held until the error is resolved. Therefore, the exception amount may contain target distributions that failed budget checking and those that did not. For example, if three target distributions are created for a source transaction and one failed budget checking, then all three are held from additional processing and are included in the Exception Amount field.

Define Target Rows - Project Costing

The fields on the Project Costing tab and on the General Ledger tab determine how distribution rows are created and written to PROJ_RESOURCE.


Enter the percentage of the source transaction that is to be distributed to the specified funding source. You can enter as many rows as needed because project costs can be distributed among multiple funding sources. The sum of the percentages specified for a sequence must equal 100 percent.

This field is not available when the Adjustment check box is selected.

Analysis Type

Select an analysis type that is used to identify the distributed funds during the Funds Distribution process. For example, FDF (Funds Distribution Federal) indicates that the amount is sourced by federal funds and FDS (Funds Distribution State) is sourced by state funds.

Note. For each incoming transaction that meets the source criteria, the system creates a target row in the Project Transaction table. The row has an amount that is equal to the defined percentage of the cost and the ChartField values that are defined for the row.


Enter the activity ID that is associated with the target distribution row. The value in this field can be:

  • The same activity that is specified on the rule.

  • A different activity that overrides the activity on the source transaction.

  • A wild card value (a percent sign) to inherit the same activity as the source transaction.

Source Type, Category, and Subcategory

Perform one of these actions:

  • Enter a value for the system to assign to the resulting target distribution rows.

  • Enter the wildcard value (a percent sign) for the target distribution row to inherit the same value as the source transaction row.

  • Leave the field blank for the target distribution rows to inherit a blank value

Threshold Amount

Displays the percent of the total threshold amount for the source. This is the portion of the overall threshold for the sequence that is allocated to the funding source.

Distributed Amount

Displays the total costs that are distributed to the funding source specified for the row.

Budget Check

Select to indicate that the resulting distribution is to be budget checked. This option should be selected if the commitment control budget for the target distribution is different than the commitment control budget for the source transaction.

This field is available only when these conditions exist:

  • The Enable Commitment Control option is selected for Project Costing on the Installation Options - Products page.

  • The analysis type for the row has a value of Actuals and Recognized in the Commitment Control Amount Type field on the Analysis Type page.


Select to indicate that reversals are allowed for the row. This option generates an accounting entry that reverses the impact of the original source transaction in the amount of the distribution. Use this option to synchronize distribution transactions in Project Costing with accounting entries in the general ledger.

When this option is selected, the Funds Distribution process generates a second row containing a FDR (Funds Distribution Reversal) analysis type. This row has the same amount (but opposite sign) as the selected row and the same ChartFields from the source row.

If the Budget Check check box is selected, then the Reversals check box is automatically selected.

If the Allow Generate Reversals option on the Installation Options - Project Costing Integration Options page is selected, then this check box is available.


Select one row in a sequence to indicate that this target distribution row should be used by the system if rounding differences are encountered during the Funds Distribution process (PC_FND_DIST).

Define Target Rows - General Ledger ChartFields

Use this page to set up distribution rules between different General Ledger ChartField values

The system derives the set IDs for the general ledger ChartFields from the default general ledger business unit that is defined on the integration template for the project. The Funds Distribution process does not use ChartField overrides on the Funds Distribution - Target page if the set ID for the general ledger business unit on the source transaction does not match the derived set ID. If the set ID for the general ledger business unit on the source transaction does not match the derived set ID, then the ChartField value on the source transaction is used for the distribution.

Click to jump to parent topicManaging Funds Distribution

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Manage Funds Distribution

Page Name

Definition Name



Process Funds Distribution


Project Costing, Funds Distribution, Process Funds Distribution

Run the Funds Distribution process.

Over Distribution Limits List


Project Costing, Funds Distribution, Over Distribution Limits List

View ODL rows.

Funds Budget Exceptions


Project Costing, Funds Distribution, Funds Budget Exceptions

Correct budget exceptions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Funds Distribution Process

Access the Funds Distribution page (Project Costing, Funds Distribution, Process Funds Distribution).

The Funds Distribution process distributes transactions brought into PeopleSoft Project Costing according to the funds distribution rules. Funds distribution rules are defined on the Funds Distribution - Source and Funds Distribution - Target pages.

The Funds Distribution process can be used to:

Source transactions are processed in this order:

  1. Credit ODL rows that are created when an insufficient distributed amount is available to apply to a credit.

    ODL rows are processed only if the Process Undistributed (New) Transactions field is selected.

  2. Credit source transactions that meet the criteria on the Funds Distribution - Source page.

  3. Debit ODL rows.

    ODL rows are processed only if the Process Undistributed (New) Transactions field is selected.

  4. Debit source transactions that meet the criteria on the Funds Distribution - Source page.


Select an option to process transactions for all activities or for specific ones. Available values are:

  • All: Select to process all transactions.

  • Business Unit: Select to specify transactions for the selected business unit.

  • Business Unit/Project: Select to specify transactions for the selected business unit and project.

  • Business Unit/Project/Activity: Select to specify transactions for the selected business unit, project, and activity.

Transaction Detail

Click to access the Transaction List page to view the transactions that will be processed.

Date Option

Select an option to specify which transactions to include in this run control. Available options are:

  • All: The process selects all eligible rows, regardless of the accounting date or transaction date.

  • Accounting Date: The process selects eligible rows with an accounting date that falls within the date range that you specify for this run control.

  • Transaction Date: The process selects eligible rows with a transaction date that falls within the date range that you specify for this run control.

From Date and Through Date

Enter the date range of the eligible transactions. These fields appear if you select Accounting Date or Transaction Date in the Date Option field.

Reprocess Distributed Transactions

Select to reprocess, or redistribute, a source row that was previously processed by Funds Distribution. You can only reprocess source transactions that have not been sent to PeopleSoft General Ledger, Billing, or Asset Management, are not linked to an asset, or have not been used for fee calculations in PeopleSoft Contracts.

When the Funds Distribution process finds available funds, it sends target distribution rows to PROJ_RESOURCE. Use this option if you determine that the target distribution rows are incorrect or should be deleted. Before selecting this option, you should correct the associated funding rule. Then select this option and rerun the process. The target distribution rows that were previously generated are deleted, and new target distribution rows are generated based on the corrected funding rule.

For additional information about deleting and correcting distribution errors:

See Correcting Distribution Errors.

When this option is selected, the Run Pricing After Funds Distribution option should also be selected to ensure that transactions that were previously priced are priced again.

Note. If a rule is inactivated and you select this option to reprocess source rows, then the system deletes any target distributions for the rule that have not been sent to PeopleSoft General Ledger, Billing, or Asset Management, linked to an asset, used in fee calculations for government contracts, or created by the Variance Pricing process.

Process Undistributed (New) Transactions

Select to process source rows that were not previously processed by the Fund Distribution process.

Use this option if:

  • You received transactions before defining an applicable rule on the Funds Distribution pages and you want to distribute those transactions.

  • The Run for Incoming Transactions option is not selected on the Installation Options - Project Costing Integration page.

    When the Run for Incoming Transactions option is not selected, the Funds Distribution process does not run automatically.

  • You want to process and distribute existing ODL rows without reprocessing existing source transactions.

Apply Burden Rates

Select to run the Pricing process (PC_PRICING) before running the Funds Distribution process (PC_FND_DIST). The Pricing process generates burden rows, which can be the source transactions for the Funds Distribution process.

This option is valid when the Rates section is defined on the Funds Distribution - Source page.

Run Pricing After Funds Distribution

Select to run the Pricing process after the Funds Distribution process. Select this option if you want to generate pricing rows for the target distributions that are created by the Funds Distribution process.

Note. When the Run for Incoming Transactions option is selected on the Installation Options - Project Costing Integration page, the Funds Distribution process is automatically called during a feeder process. When this occurs, the Funds Distribution process runs with the Apply Burden Rates and the Run Pricing After Funds Distribution options enabled.

Warning! If you generate pricing rows for target distributions that are generated by the Funds Distribution process and you price the source transaction, the same transaction could be double-billed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing ODL Rows

Access the Over Distribution Limits List page (Project Costing, Funds Distribution, Over Distribution Limits List).

This page displays ODL transactions if the Funds Distribution process is unable to distribute a source transaction due to insufficient threshold amounts. These rows can be from a selected business unit, a specific project, or the list of projects from the My Projects list of the user. The results are summarized at the project and activity levels.

To correct ODL rows, use one of these methods:


Click to access the Transaction List page to view individual transactions that total the summarized amount.

Note. The Transaction List page shows all transactions for the project or activity, not just ODL rows. Use additional search parameters on the Transaction List page to limit the results to ODL rows.

Funds Distribution Rule

Click to access the Funds Distribution - Target page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCorrecting Budget Exceptions

Access the Funds Budget Exceptions page (Project Costing, Funds Distribution, Funds Budget Exceptions).

Use this page to view budget checking errors that result from the Funds Distribution process.

To correct budget errors, use one of these methods:

Show Only Errors

This option is automatically selected as a default. Deselect this option to show all distribution rows in the group that contain the error.

When selected, the related rows that do not contain an error do not appear.

When a budget checking error occurs on a target distribution row, all related distribution rows that are generated as part of the same group as the erroneous row are held as exceptions until the error is corrected.

Exclude Reversals

This option is automatically selected as a default. Deselect this option to include reversal transactions from funds distribution.

Header Details and Line Details

Click to access the Commitment Control Header Exceptions page and the Commitment Control Line Exceptions page.

Funds Distribution Rule

Click to access the Funds Distribution - Target page for the sequence of the transaction.

Budget Check

Click to run the Funds Budget Checking process (PC_FND_BDCHK), which calls the Budget Checking process (PC_TO_KK). Use this button to rerun budget checking after resolving one or more errors.

Run Pricing

This option is automatically selected as a default. When selected, the Pricing process runs after the Budget Checking process when you click the Budget Check button.

Note. Budget overrides are not allowed for any budget checking exception in PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Click to jump to parent topicCorrecting Distribution Errors

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Correct Distribution Errors

Page Name

Definition Name



Project Billing Adjustments


Project Costing, Funds Distribution, Project Billing Adjustments

View Billing adjustments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCorrecting Errors

Depending on when an error is detected, you can correct it in different ways.

Distribution Rows are In Process

Distribution rows that are in process have not been distributed to PeopleSoft General Ledger, Billing, or Asset Management, linked to an asset, used in fee calculations for government contracts, or created by the Variance Pricing process. This is typically the case if target distributions are not processed beyond the Pricing process (PC_PRICING). To correct distribution errors that are in process, follow these steps:

  1. Update the funds distribution rule.

  2. Rerun the Funds Distribution process with the Reprocess Distributed Transactions option selected.

Another option to correct distribution errors is to delete and recreate target distributions that are in process. Target distributions can be deleted and recreated as long as the original cost row and any of its target rows are in process. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Change the Status field of the applicable sequences to Inactive on the Funds Distribution - Target page.

  2. Run the Funds Distribution process to reprocess the source transactions by selecting the Reprocess Distributed Transactions option.

    This action removes the distribution rows from PROJ_RESOURCE.

  3. Define a new sequence with the correct distribution field values on the Funds Distribution - Target page.

    If the Distributed Amount field is 0.00, then you can activate and modify the existing sequence.

  4. Rerun the Funds Distribution process to generate the new distribution rows by selecting the Process Undistributed (New) Transactions option.

Distribution Rows Are on a Temporary Bill

If an error is detected after the distribution rows are sent to Billing and a temporary bill is created, then you can:

  1. Delete the temporary bill using the Billing Worksheet.

  2. Update the funds distribution rule.

  3. Rerun the Funds Distribution process with the Reprocess Distributed Transactions option selected.

Distribution Rows Are on a Finalized Bill

If an error is detected after the bill is finalized, then a billing adjustment can be created to correct the error.

For example, if the error is an incorrect Projects ChartField value such as source type, category, or subcategory, and only that value needs to be corrected, then create an adjustment using the PeopleSoft Billing - Invoice Maintenance page. This action credits the original bill lines that are in error and rebills the line using the correct Projects ChartField values.

If correcting the error requires different percentage splits on the funds distribution rule or if the bill amount is incorrect, you should correct the error in the appropriate feeder application such as Project Costing or Accounts Payable rather than making a billing adjustment. This action ensures that the distributed amounts on the funds distribution rule are updated.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Billing Adjustments

Access the Project Billing Adjustments page (Project Costing, Funds Distribution, Project Billing Adjustments).

Use this page to view credits, credit and rebills, net adjustments, and ChartField changes that are made from the PeopleSoft Billing - Invoice Maintenance component.

In the Selection Parameters section, you can enter up to 20 selections for the Billing Activity,Source Type,Category, and Subcategory fields.

Line Type

Displays the adjustment type from PeopleSoft Billing.

Funds Distribution Rule

Click this link to access the Funds Distribution - Target page.

Distribution Charging Activity

Displays the activity ID of the source transaction that resulted in the adjustment of the original invoice if it differs from the billing activity of the original invoice. This difference can occur if a funds distribution rule distributes costs to a target activity.

Distribution Sequence Number

Displays the funds distribution sequence number of the original invoice that is being adjusted. This sequence number is shown for only adjustment and adjustment credit line types.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicApplying Adjustments to the Funds Distribution Rule

If an adjustment is made to project-related invoices in PeopleSoft Billing, then the adjustment is not automatically reflected in the Threshold Amount and Distributed Amount fields for the corresponding funds distribution rule.

To ensure that the funded (threshold) and distributed amounts reflect these adjustments on the Funds Distribution Report, you must create an adjustment sequence on the Funds Distribution - Target page. The adjustment sequence allows you to enter a distributed and threshold amount that reflects the net effect of adjustments displayed on the Project Billing Adjustments page. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new sequence on the Funds Distribution - Target page and select the Adjustment check box.

  2. Enter the same ChartFields as the billing adjustments for which you are entering the adjustment sequence on the Funds Distribution - Target page.

When the Funds Distribution Report calculates funded and distributed amounts for a project, it includes the adjustment sequences that have matching ChartFields. In this way, report totals reflect any adjustments that are made in Billing.

For example, an invoice that has five lines of 20 USD each (5 × 20 = 100) is finalized with incorrect source type (appropriation) values. You use the Billing - Invoice Maintenance page to issue a credit and rebill the invoice. The system sends these adjustments to Project Costing, and they appear on the Project Billing Adjustments page. Create an adjustment sequence for the appropriate funds distribution rule containing two rows:

Note. Rows that are entered as an adjustment sequence are not stored on the Project Transaction table (PROJ_RESOURCE). Their only purpose is to adjust funded (threshold) and distributed amounts for adjustments that are entered in Billing.