Integrating with Services Procurement

This chapter provides an overview of integration with PeopleSoft Services Procurement, lists a prerequisite, and discusses how to import time, expense, and progress log data into PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Integration with Services Procurement

The time entry, expense, and progress log entry components in PeopleSoft Services Procurement use the same standard integration functionality as other PeopleSoft applications that integrate with PeopleSoft Project Costing. This enables you to incorporate time, expense, and progress log data into the PeopleSoft Project Costing application from PeopleSoft Services Procurement.

Importing time, expense, and progress log data from PeopleSoft Services Procurement to PeopleSoft Project Costing is a three step process:

  1. Enter project ChartField information with PeopleSoft Services Procurement requisition or work order distribution lines.

    The PeopleSoft Services Procurement system uses requisitions and work orders to accumulate time (including assignment incidents), expense, and progress information. You can accumulate charges against projects based on actual costs or a percentage allocation.

  2. In PeopleSoft Services Procurement, specify the export parameters on the Export Services to Projects page and run the Export to Projects Application Engine process (SPA_PROJ_EXP).

    The system selects approved transaction data from the time and expense tables and the process log table based on criteria that you select on the run control page, and generates rows in the Project Transaction staging table (SP_PROJ_RES_STG) for daily time entered, individual expenses, and progress logs. Note that:

  3. In PeopleSoft Project Costing, run the Services Procurement to Project Costing Application Engine process (PC_SP_TO_PC) to load the staged data into the Project Transaction table (PROJ_RESOURCE).

See Also

Integrating with PeopleSoft Project Costing

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Before exporting time, expense, and progress log information to Project Costing, ensure that the following fields are set as you want them in the System Analysis Types group box on the Project Costing Integration page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation Options and select Project Costing Integration). The system is delivered with default settings, but you can change them:

See Defining Project Costing Integration Installation Options.

Click to jump to parent topicImporting Time, Expense, and Progress Log Data into PeopleSoft Project Costing

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Integrate Time and Expense Data into PeopleSoft Project Costing

Page Name

Definition Name



Export Services to Projects


Services Procurement, Manage Projects and Activities, Export Services to Projects

Run the Export Time and Expenses to Staging table for Projects process to export approved time, expense, and progress log data in PeopleSoft Services Procurement to the Project Transaction staging table.

Services Procurement


Project Costing, Cost Collection, Services Procurement

Import approved time, expense, and progress log data into PeopleSoft Project Costing from PeopleSoft Services Procurement.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExporting Time, Expense, and Progress Log Data to the Staging Table

Access the Export Services to Projects page in PeopleSoft Services Procurement (Services Procurement, Manage Projects and Activities, Export Services to Projects).

See Integrating with PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicImporting Time, Expense, and Progress Log Data into PeopleSoft Project Costing

Access the Services Procurement page (Project Costing, Cost Collection, Services Procurement).


Select an option to import time, expense, and progress log entries for all activities or for specific ones. Options are:

  • All: Imports all approved time, expense, and progress log transactions into the Project Transaction table (PROJ_RESOURCE) that are staged in the Project Resource staging table.

  • Business Unit: Imports approved time, expense, and progress log transactions for the selected business unit.

  • Business Unit/Project: Imports approved time, expense, and progress log transactions for the selected business unit and project only.

  • Business Unit/Project/Activity: Imports approved time, expense, and progress log transactions for the selected business unit, project, and activity only.

Date Option

Select Accounting Date, All, or Transaction Date for the system to use to determine eligible transactions. For example, if you select Accounting Date and enter a date range of December 1 to December 31, the system selects only those transactions in the Project Transaction staging table with an accounting date that falls in the range.

From Date and Through Date

Enter the range of dates to process based on the selected Date Option.


Click to initiate the Services Procurement to Project Costing process and import the specified time, expense, and progress log data to the Project Transaction table.

During the integration process, the system converts expense amounts that differ from the business unit currency if the appropriate exchange rates are set up.

When the process completes, you can view time, expense, and progress log transactions on the Transaction List page that are imported into the Project Transaction table as follows:

Note. You cannot drill down to the source transactions in PeopleSoft Services Procurement by using the Drill to Source icon on the Transaction List page.