Integrating with Other PeopleSoft and Third-Party Applications

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicIntegrating with Accounts Payables Applications

This section discusses how to export approved PeopleSoft Services Procurement transactions to PeopleSoft Payables or to a third-party accounts payable application to create invoices.

Here are the steps to export services transactions:

  1. If you are using PeopleSoft Payables, use the Voucher Batch Req page to run the Voucher Build Application Engine process to generate the voucher.

  2. If you are not using PeopleSoft Payables, use the Export To Payables Application Engine process to export invoice data to a flat file.

Note. You specify the accounts payable application interface using the Accounts Payable Interface page.

If the currency on the invoice is different from the currency defined for the vendor, the system uses the rate type on the Services Procurement Business Unit Options page to convert the invoice amount into the vendor's currency.

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Export To Payables


Services Procurement, Services Settlement, Export to Payables

Export invoicing data to a PeopleSoft Payables staging table or to a flat file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExporting Services Transactions for Invoicing

Access the Export To Payables page (Services Procurement, Services Settlement, Export to Payables).

Enter the run control parameters for exporting invoicing data.

Process Results

The Export To Payables process writes to PeopleSoft Payables staging tables or a flat file based on the PeopleSoft Accounts Payable interface defined for the SetID.

If you selected PeopleSoft AP as the accounts payable application interface using the Accounts Payable Interface page, the PeopleSoft Application Engine (SPF_IEXPMAIN) exports invoicing data approved in PeopleSoft Services Procurement to staging tables (VCHR_HDR_STG, VCHR_LINE_STG, and VCHR_DIST_STG) in PeopleSoft Payables.

Note. For individual service work orders associated to a multi-resource parent, the systems sends the parent work order ID and sequence number to Accounts Payable to aid in matching to the related purchase order.

Note. After running the Export to Payables process, use the Voucher Build process in PeopleSoft Payables to generate vouchers for the approved invoices posted to PeopleSoft Payables.

If you selected Other as the accounts payable application interface using the Accounts Payable Interface page, the process exports invoicing data approved in PeopleSoft Services Procurement to a fixed format, comma-separated values (CSV) flat file, which you can use to import data into an accounts payable application and generate invoices.

Click to jump to parent topicIntegrating with PeopleSoft Project Costing

This section lists a prerequisite and discusses how to export approved time (resource-based), expense (resource-based and deliverables-based), and progress log (deliverable-based) information to PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Here are the steps:

  1. Export approved time, expense, and progress log information to a staging table.

  2. In PeopleSoft Project Costing, run the process to import staging table data into PeopleSoft Project Costing tables.

Note. When you run the SPA_PROJ_EXP process, the system processes and populates the Project Resource integration staging table (SP_PROJ_RES_STG) with only those work order distribution rows that have a Project Costing business unit, project ID, and activity ID.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisite

Before exporting time, expense, and progress log information to Project Costing, ensure that the following fields are set as you want them in the System Analysis Types group box on the Project Costing Integration page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation Options and select Project Costing Integration). The system is delivered with default settings, but you can change them.

See Defining Project Costing Integration Installation Options.

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Export Services to Projects


Services Procurement, Manage Projects and Activities, Export Services to Projects

Define run control parameters for exporting time, expense, and progress log data to a staging table.

Cost Collection - Services Procurement


Project Costing, Cost Collection, Services Procurement

Load PeopleSoft Services Procurement staged data into PeopleSoft Project Costing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExporting Time, Expense, and Progress Log Information to PeopleSoft Project Costing

Access the Export Services to Projects page (Services Procurement, Manage Projects and Activities, Export Services to Projects).

Define the parameters to use to export the time, expense, and progress log information.

Business Unit

Enter the Services Procurement business unit to select the work orders that you want to send to Project Costing.


Provider Contact

Select a provider contact to export progress log information. You must also select a business unit and supplier prior to selecting a provider contact.


Work Order ID

Select a work order ID to send a specific work order to Project Costing.

Multi-resource service work orders along with their lower-level service work orders appear in the Work Order ID field list of values on this page. If a multi-resource work order is included in the work order selection range, the system processes all the lower-level service work orders for that multi-resource work order. If you select a lower-level service work order, then the system processes only that work order. If you select both multi-resource and lower-level service work orders in the same range, the SPA_PROJ_EXP process ignores duplicates and processes the lower-level service work orders only once.

Process Results

The PeopleSoft Application Engine process (SPA_PROJ_EXP) exports this information to the Project Resource staging table (SP_PROJ_RES_STG):

When you run this process, the system processes and populates the staging table with only those work order distribution rows that have a Project Costing business unit, project ID, and activity ID.

Note. Run the Cost Collection process in PeopleSoft Project Costing for Services Procurement Application Engine process (PC_SP_TO_PC) to load the staged data into PeopleSoft Project Costing.

See Also

Importing Time, Expense, and Progress Log Data into PeopleSoft Project Costing

Click to jump to parent topicIntegrating with PeopleSoft Purchasing

This section discusses how to pass approved service work orders information to the PeopleSoft Purchasing application.

Here are the steps:

Note. If a new resource is assigned to the work order from a different vendor or for a different currency, a new purchase order will be created. The original work order amount will be broken out between the original work order and the replacement work order.

See Also

Managing Work Orders

Click to jump to parent topicIntegrating With PeopleSoft HCM

When you implement both PeopleSoft Services Procurement and HCM applications, you can configure HCM as the system of record to maintain user details. When the HCM Person Integration installation option is enabled on the Services Procurement Installation Options page, the enterprise administrators can register a PeopleSoft Services Procurement user as an HCM person with a unique employee ID and create unique operator login profiles within the HCM database.

The following six users are either registered in the HCM database with a unique Person ID, or they are created in the SCM database without a Person ID. Each user has a specific role that enables them to perform specific tasks within the application:

See Also

PeopleSoft Human Capital Management Integration

Click to jump to parent topicIntegrating With PeopleSoft Resource Management

PeopleSoft Resource Management provides an end-to-end solution for managing services spend and for maximizing the value obtained from those services. PeopleSoft Services Procurement integrates with PeopleSoft Resource Management, enabling internal services orders to become a valid external service purchasing request. This enables enterprises to better utilize internal workforces before bringing in external resources.

The following diagram illustrates the integration between PeopleSoft Services Procurement and PeopleSoft Resource Management:

Services Procurement integration with Resource Management (1 of 2)

Service orders that are created in Resource Management are sent to Services Procurement for fulfillment by way of the Staffing Workbench. The user transfers directly to the Service Procurement requisition pages with populated data from the Resource Management system. The normal requisition process flow is followed, which includes updates to Resources Management upon filling the requisition and submitting and releasing the work order. The work order process creates an assignment and establishes the candidate as a resource on the Resource Management side.

Note. If your Services Procurement application is also integrated with PeopleSoft Human Capital Management, then when Services Procurement initiates a resource request, it requests Human Capital Management to provide a person or job before requesting Resource Management to create a resource and assignment. Services Procurement then passes the employee ID provided by Human Capital Management to Resource Management. If Resource Management already has the service provider as a resource, then an assignment is created. If Resource Management does not have the service provider as a resource, it creates a resource using the employee ID passed by Services Procurement and then creates an assignment. This prevents multiple employee IDs being generated for the same person.

See Also

Understanding Integration with PeopleSoft Services Procurement

Click to jump to parent topicIntegrating With PeopleSoft Recruiting Solutions

PeopleSoft Recruiting Solutions provides a single point of entry for both permanent and contingent worker requests. Requests for contingent workers that are created in Recruiting Solutions may be routed to Services Procurement for fulfillment. If the Recruiting Solutions users chooses to post the job to Services Procurement, the user transfers directly to the Services Procurement requisition pages. Data from the Recruiting Solutions job posting is transferred to the Services Procurement requisition by way of an XML message in the HR-XML consortium standard "Position Opening" message format. Standard requisition defaulting logic is used to fill in any data used by Services Procurement that is not provided from Recruiting Solutions where available, and all remaining data must be defined manually.

The requisition then undergoes the normal workflow path for approval and sourcing within Services Procurement. Once the requisition is filled and the related work order is approved, Recruiting Solutions is updated with information about the worker by way of an XML message in the HR-XML consortium standard "Candidate" message format.

Note. Cancellation of a requisition created by Recruiting Solutions must be initiated from the Recruiting Solutions system.

Note. All Recruiting Solutions requesters in the HCM database must have a user profile defined in the SCM database and they must also be set up as Services Procurement requesters.