Enabling Resource Matching and Cache Processes

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicEstablishing Resource Groups

To establish resource groups, use the Resource Groups component (RS_RESOURCE_GROUPS).

This section provides an overview of resource groups and discusses how to:

The tasks that are discussed in this section are required.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Resource Groups

Resource groups are collections of resources that you define by organizational unit, supervisor ID, or resource pool. You use them to limit a search for resources on the Express Search page and the Staffing Workbench - Fulfill Orders page. In addition, a manager selects the resources to appear on the Staffing Workbench - Manage Utilization page by specifying a resource group.

Users can access only the resource groups that they create.

See Also

Resource Groups

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Establish Resource Groups

Page Name

Definition Name



Resource Group Definition - Resource Groups


  • Resource Management, Define User Options, Resource Group Setup, Resource Group Definition - Resource Groups

  • Resource Management, Define User Options, My Workbench Options, Workbench

    Click Add Resource Groups on the My Workbench Options - Workbench page.

  • Resource Management, Express Search, Express Search

    Click Add Resource Groups on the Express Search page.

  • Resource Management, Staffing Workbench, Manage Utilization

    Click Add Resource Groups on the Staffing Workbench - Manage Utilization page.

  • Resource Management, Staffing Workbench, Fulfill Orders

    Click Add Resource Groups on the Staffing Workbench - Fulfill Orders page.

Add or modify resource groups and select active resource groups.

Resource Group Definition - Resource Group Details


  • Click the Add button on the Resource Group Definition - Resource Groups page.

  • Click the Edit link on the Resource Group Definition - Resource Groups page.

Add or modify resource group details.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Resource Groups

Access the Resource Group Definition - Resource Groups page (Resource Management, Define User Options, Resource Group Setup, Resource Group Definition - Resource Groups).


Select the resource groups to appear as options in the Resource Group ID field (RS_RSRCGRP_NAME) on the Express Search page, the Staffing Workbench, and the My Workbench Options - Workbench page.

The default value is Active (check box selected) for new resource groups.

Group ID and Name

Displays information about the resource group.


Click to access the Resource Group Definition - Resource Group Details page to view or edit the group.


Click to delete the group.


Click to access the Resource Group Definition - Resource Group Details page to add a new resource group.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEstablishing Resource Group Details

Access the Resource Group Definition - Resource Group Details page (Click the Add button on the Resource Group Definition - Resource Groups page).

Resource Group ID

Enter a unique group identifier. This is a required field that is not editable after you save the page.


Enter a name that describes the resource group. This is a required field. If you designate the resource group as active on the Resource Group Definition - Resource Groups page, the resource group name is available for selection on the Express Search page, the Staffing Workbench, and the My Workbench Options - Workbench page.

Select Organization Structure

Select to establish a resource group based on organization units.

Select by Pool

Select to establish a resource group based on resource pools.

Select by Supervisor ID

Select to establish a resource group based on supervisor IDs.

Important! You must enter a supervisor on the Update Employee Data - Employee Job page for all resources before you can use resource groups that are based on a supervisor ID.

Advanced Search or Basic Search

Select either method by clicking the respective link to search for organizations to include in the resource group.

The Advanced Search or Basic Search options appear only when you create a resource group based on organization structure.


Click the OK button to return to the Resource Group Definition - Resource Groups page. The new resource group appears in the Available Groups group box.

Click Save on the Resource Group Definition - Resource Groups page to save new or modified resource groups.


Click to discard the changes and return to the Resource Group Definition - Resource Groups page.

Finding Organizations by Using the Basic Search

Access the Resource Group Definition - Resource Group Details basic search page.

Use this page to select organizations from the organizational unit tree to associate with the resource group.

Organization Hierarchy Name

Enter the setID that is associated with the organizational unit tree.

Click the lookup button to search for the setID by description. The search page contains a list of setIDs that have an organizational unit tree associated with them.

The tree enables you to navigate the organization's hierarchy and find the appropriate unit to associate with this group. You can select a tree node such as a group of departments, or a tree detail such as a specific department.

When you select the setID, the organizational unit tree appears in the Select an Organization group box.

Select an Organization

Expand the organizational unit tree to view all organizations. Select the desired organization to include in the resource group. You can select any level on the tree to include in the resource group

You must select at least one organization for the resource group.

Resource Group Definition

Displays the setID name, organization name, and organization description for each selection.

Delete rows as needed.

Finding Organizations Using the Advanced Search

Access the Resource Group Definition - Resource Group Details advanced search page.

Use this page to search for organizations to associate with the resource group.

Organization Hierarchy Name

Enter the setID that is associated with the organizational unit tree.

Find Organizations Like

Enter an organization name, or enter the first characters of the name followed by a wildcard (* or %). To search using characters within the name, enter a wildcard, enter any contiguous characters, and then enter another wildcard.

Searches are case-sensitive.

Note. To view all organizations in the tree, use the Resource Group Definition - Resource Group Details basic search page.


Click this button to perform the search. The list of organizations that match the search criteria appears in the Select an Organization grid.


Click this button to add selections to the Selected organization group box.

Select an Organization

Select the check box next to organizations to include in the resource group. You can select tree nodes or tree detail values.

You must select at least one organization for the resource group.

Creating Resource Groups by Supervisor ID

Access the Resource Group Definition - Resource Group Details page. Select the Select by Supervisor ID option.

Use this page to create a resource group based on one or more supervisor IDs.

Search by and Last Name

Select the search type and enter the supervisor's last name, first name, or employee ID. You can search using the first characters of the name or employee ID. To search using characters within the name or employee ID, enter the wildcard (%), enter any contiguous characters, and then enter another wildcard.

A supervisor is available for selection if the supervisor's employee ID appears in the Supervisor ID field (SUPERVISOR_ID) on the Employee Job - Update Employee Data page for at least one eligible resource.

Searches are not case-sensitive.


Click this button to execute the search. The list of supervisors that match that search criteria appears in the Search Results group box.

Search Results

Select the check box next to one or more supervisors.


Click this button to add selections to the Selected Supervisors group box.

You must select at least one supervisor to establish the resource group.

Selected Supervisors

Displays the supervisor name and ID for each selection.

Creating Resource Groups by Resource Pool

Access the Resource Group Definition - Resource Group Details page. Select the Select by Pool option.

Pool Name

Select the pools to use to create the resource group from a pool hierarchy showing only active pools. You can select a parent pool or expand the hierarchy and select a specific pool. If you select a parent pool, the system automatically selects all of the pools that belong to the parent pool.


Click this button to add the selected pools to the Resource Group Definition group box.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining Flexible Attributes

To define flexible attributes, use the Flexible Attributes Setup component (RS_ATTRIB_SETUP).

This section provides an overview of flexible attributes and discusses how to specify flexible attributes.

Note. The tasks in this section are optional. If you do not use flexible attributes in PeopleSoft Resource Management, you do not need to complete these tasks.

See Also

Flexible Attributes

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Flexible Attributes

You can define and instantly implement a new attribute for resources and resource requests using a flexible attribute. If you modify the attribute, such as changing the valid values, the PeopleSoft Resource Management system immediately implements the changes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to Define Flexible Attributes

Page Name

Definition Name



Define Flexible Attributes


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Resource Management, Define Flexible Attributes, Define Flexible Attributes

Define flexible attributes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Flexible Attributes

Access the Define Flexible Attributes page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Resource Management, Define Flexible Attributes, Define Flexible Attributes).

Attribute Basics

Attribute ID

Enter a unique identifier.

Attribute Name

Enter a name that is recognizable to users when the system prompts them to enter values for the attribute.

Attribute Description

Enter a description that is used for documentation only. The attribute description does not appear elsewhere in PeopleSoft Resource Management.

Attribute Values

In the Attribute Values group box, specify the record containing the valid values for an attribute, or define the values on this page.

Use values listed elsewhere

Specify the table from which users select valid values for this attribute if you don't want to list the valid attribute values on this page. The table must be a valid PeopleSoft prompt table and have only one key field.

Use values listed here

Enter the attribute value name and description, and click Add to insert additional values. Use a name that is recognizable to users when the system prompts them to select attribute values for a resource or resource request.

Select this option if you do not select the Use values listed elsewhere option.

Only one value

Select to permit users to specify only a single value of the attribute for resources or resource requests.

Many values

Select to permit users to specify multiple values of the attribute for resources or resource requests.

Each flexible attribute can be defined to enable either a single value or multiple values for a resource or resource request. An example of a single-value resource attribute is region. Typically, each resource is assigned to only one region; therefore, you would define the region attribute to allow only one value for each resource. An example of a multiple-value resource attribute is industry specialty. Because a resource may have more than one industry specialty, the industry specialty attribute would allow multiple values for each resource.

Attribute Use

In the Attribute Use group box, specify how the attribute is used. Your selection controls where the attribute appears in PeopleSoft Resource Management. Modify the selection as business needs change.

Use this attribute for informational purposes only

Select if the attribute is for information only and is not used as a factor in the Resource Matching process to determine fit scores.

Track this attribute for each service order

Select to establish a service order attribute. The user specifies values for this attribute on the Service Order - Additional General Information page for the resource request.

Track this attribute for each resource

Select to establish a resource attribute. The resource can specify values for this attribute on the Resource Profile - General Info page.

Use this attribute to help match resources to assignments

Select to establish the attribute as a factor in the Resource Matching process to determine fit scores.

Let the service order user request resources with specific values for this attribute

Select to establish the factor as a Flexible Qualification factor. The attribute is used to:

  • Specify additional information on resource profiles.

    The resource can specify values for this attribute on the Resource Profile - General Info page.

  • Specify additional qualifications on resource requests.

    The resource request user can specify values for this attribute on the Qualifications tab of the Resource Requests page.

  • Create a new match factor used by the Resource Matching process to determine fit scores.

    The resource's fit score associated with this factor is included in the Qualifications factor family fit score.

Enter the name of the factor—either the name that is established for the attribute or a different name—to appear on the Search Configuration - Factor Weights page, if the search type selected is RSFSR (Express Search/Fulfill Orders) or RSRSR (Job Spy and Manage Utilization).

Note. Users can select as many values as they need for a flexible qualification factor on a resource request. For multiple-value attributes, users indicate if each value is desired or required. For single-value attributes, users indicate an importance weighting of Desirable or Very desirable for each value. Users can also indicate that only resources with one of the requested single-value attributes will be considered.

Let the project resource list user request resources with specific values for this attribute

Select to enable users to specify a value for this attribute on the Update Generic Resource Qualifications page in PeopleSoft Program Management. If you select this option and specify a value for this flexible attribute on the Update Generic Resource Qualifications page, the system sends the value to the Qualifications tab of the:

  • Express Search page.

  • Generic Resource Request page.

  • Resource Requests page for requests that you create from the Manage Generic Resources page in PeopleSoft Program Management.

This option appears only if you use PeopleSoft Program Management.

Let resources indicate their preferences for assignments with regard to this attribute

Select to establish this factor as a Flexible Preference factor. The attribute is used to:

  • Specify preferences on a resource profile.

    Resources can specify values for the attribute on the Resource Profile - Preferences page and rate their preference from 0–Very undesirable to 4–Very desirable.

  • Specify additional information on a resource request.

    The resource request user can specify values for the attribute on the Service Order - Additional General Information page.

  • Create a new match factor to include in Resource Matching calculations of factor fit scores.

    Resource Matching analyzes how well resource request attribute values match resource preferences. A resource's fit score that is associated with this factor is included in the Preferences factor family score for the resource request.

Enter the Name of the factor—either the name that is established for the attribute or a different name—to appear on the Factor Weights page, if the search type selected is RSFSR or RSRSR.

Important! After you create a new flexible factor, you must indicate its relative importance within the factor family on the Factor Weights page.

See Defining Resource Management Installation Options.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up and Maintaining the Verity Search Engine and Resource Matching Cache Tables

This section provides overviews of cache administration processes, Resource Matching work tables, the Verity search index, and Verity search index automatic update processes, and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Cache Administration Processes

The Cache Administration Application Engine program (RS_CACHE_AD) manages the execution of cache and maintenance processes that are required periodically in PeopleSoft Resource Management. The cache processes update cache tables that are used by various PeopleSoft Resource Management activities such as fulfilling service orders, managing resource utilization, and capacity planning. The maintenance processes purge unnecessary data from the system such as obsolete resource schedules.

You can select processes and—using PeopleSoft Process Scheduler—run them immediately or schedule them to run at intervals during a time when system usage is low. You can run processes individually or they can be logically run in batch, such as by required interval.

Cache administration does not include processes that are typically required only at implementation (such as a process to load holidays) or as part of a normal business process (such as a process to create resources in batch).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Resource Matching Work Tables

Resource Matching uses temporary work tables when calculating availability factor fit scores and retrieving search results. To maintain optimal system performance you must routinely clear the tables of unnecessary data as part of your database maintenance procedure.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Verity Search Index

Verity is a free text search engine used to search structured and unstructured data. Verity quickly calculates qualifications and preferences fit scores for each resource. PeopleSoft uses the Verity search engine for these purposes:

The Verity search index is separate from the database. The indexing process is a snapshot of the database at one point in time and does not remain synchronized with the data stored in the database unless you routinely update the index. The system logs changes to resource requests and resource profiles in the Resource Management Log table (RS_SRCH_LOG). When the Create Search Index Application Engine program (RS_SRCH_INDX) runs, it updates the Verity search index with the changes in the Resource Management Log table. Alternatively, you can create a new Verity search index with current database information.

Use the Verity searching capabilities that are delivered with PeopleSoft Financials. If you do not use the Verity searching capabilities, PeopleSoft Resource Management cannot calculate fit scores for resources, find the best resources for resource requests, find the best requests to fit resources, or perform optimization.

How PeopleSoft Resource Management Creates the Verity Search Index

To create the Verity index, the Create Search Index program reads data from a number of tables and creates two files with that data. These files are called batch input files (BIF). These batch input files are used by a Verity utility named mkvdk.exe to build the actual Verity index. Thus, creating the Verity index is really a two step process that is executed by the Create Search Index program.

There is additional complexity in the Create Search Index program for these reasons:

The Create Search Index program creates these files when you create an index from scratch:

For example, for a forward search, the English files are:

The _C filename suffix indicates that the files contain information about every available document in the database where a document is either a resource or a resource request.

Changes are made to the data while the index is being created, and therefore each creation is immediately followed by an update. This happens automatically and is triggered by the Create Search Index program. During this update, the program first removes documents that were updated or deleted. Next the program reinserts the documents that were updated. These steps create two additional sets of files that contain filename suffixes of _D (deleted) and _U (updated). The .BIF file contains most of the information that identifies a document. Primarily, the .BIF file contains what is known as a veggie key, which is a surrogate key for each document in the index. The veggie key field name in the file is VdkVgwKey. PeopleSoft Resource Management uses the employee ID as a veggie key for the forward search, and a combination of business unit, service order ID, and service order line to identify a resource request in the reverse search.

The remaining information in the .BIF file are references to the .DAT file and resume file. The .BIF file contains the starting offset and size of each document in the referenced .DAT file. These offsets and sizes are used by the mkvdk.exe utility to create the index.

A–B Model Structure

PeopleSoft uses a Verity model structure—known as the A–B model structure—that guarantees that the Verity search index is available at all times for searching. The Create Search Index program creates an A version of the index, which is used for searching. When you refresh the index, the program creates a B version and switches all searching to the new model when the creation is complete. During the next update cycle the program refreshes the A model and makes it available for searching when the update is complete.

Style Files

Style files are delivered with PeopleSoft Resource Management and are used to define the index structure for Verity. Do not change the style files. When you install PeopleSoft Resource Management, the following style files are installed in the directories %PS_APP_HOME\data\search\RSFSR_Master\Style\ and%PS_APP_HOME\data\search\RSRSR_Master\Style\:


To use the Verity search engine, you must:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicVerity Search Index Automatic Update Processes

PeopleSoft Resource Management provides two Application Engine processes that work together to monitor data changes and automatically trigger the Create Search Index program to update the Verity search index:

Note. This section discusses one option for maintaining the Verity search index. Alternatively, you can use the Maintain Search Index page to create or update the index, independent of the Search Index Agent and Automatic Agent Monitoring processes.

The Agent Process

Agent processes monitor data changes and determine the best time to trigger the Create Search Index program to update the Verity collection. You enable agents for PeopleSoft Resource Management search types (RSFSR and RSRSR) on the Verity Settings page. The system creates one agent for each search type that you enable on the Verity Settings page.

The Search Index Agent process has no run control page. The agent creates a run control ID for the Create Search Index program when it triggers the process. The run control ID is a concatenation of the search type code and language code. If this run control ID already exists when the agent starts, the system deletes the existing run control and creates a new one by using the same run control ID and the updated run control options. The agent uses the same process instance ID as the Create Search Index program that it triggers. If the Create Search Index program fails, the agent process also fails.

Administrators use the Search Index Agent Manager page to view the status of agent processes, and start and stop agent processes. Agent processes can be in a status of:

The Daemon Process

The daemon process monitors the status of the agents, and cancels and reschedules any inactive processes. An inactive agent process is one that does not have an end status but has shown no activity for a period of two sleep intervals plus two minutes. The sleep interval is defined in seconds in the Sleep Interval (secs) field on the Verity Settings page.

Process Flow

This diagram shows the relationship between the Automatic Agent Monitoring, Search Index Agent, and Create Search Index processes:

Verity search index automatic update process flow


To use the Verity search index automatic update processes, administrators must:

See PeopleTools PeopleBook: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, "Setting Server Definitions," Defining Daemon Groups.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up and Maintain the Verity Search Engine and Resource Matching Cache Tables

Page Name

Definition Name



Verity Settings


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resource Search, Search Configuration, Verity Settings

Configure parameters for the Verity search engine.

Factor Weights


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resource Search, Search Configuration, Factor Weights

Define the relative importance of each factor within its family.

Cache Administration - Miscellaneous


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resource Search, Cache Administration, Miscellaneous

Specify processes to refresh cache tables and create verity collections.

Cache Administration - Maintain Search Index


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resource Search, Cache Administration, Maintain Search Index

Capture the parameters needed to create the Verity search index files.

Cache Administration - Refresh Optimization Cache


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resource Search, Cache Administration, Refresh Optimization Cache

Refresh the Optimization cache data.

Cache Administration - Summary


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resource Search, Cache Administration, Summary

Confirm the list of processes that you want to run or schedule for the future.

Search Index Agent Manager


Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resource Search, Search Index Agent Manager

View, start, and stop agent processes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfiguring the Servers with the Location of the Verity Search Index

You must configure the Application server and Process Scheduler with the location of the Verity search index. This step must occur before the index is created and before the index can be used to search for resources.

To set up the Verity environment:

  1. Open the Application server (psappsrv.cfg) and Process Scheduler (psprcs.cfg) configuration files.

  2. Under the section [Search Indexes], add entries RSFSRA and RSFSRB for forward searches (Express Search and Fulfill Orders) and entries RSRSRA and RSRSRB for reverse searches (Manage Utilization and Job Spy), and set the path to the Verity search index by using the following format:


    A Windows example is: RSFSRA=C:\PT846\DATA\SEARCH\.

    A UNIX example is: RSFSRA=/ds1/pt846/data/search.

    A folder with the name of the index (RSFSRA, RSFSRB, RSRSRA, RSRSRB) is created in the specified path, so both entries can point to the same location.

    The default path to the Index File Path directory in the Process Scheduler configuration file is %PS_APP_HOME\data\search\<index name>\<database name>\<language code>.

    Note. The index name is case-sensitive in a UNIX environment; use upper case.

  3. If the Application server is on a different machine than the Process Scheduler, map a network drive on the Application server to the Process Scheduler. Alternatively, copy or move the index to the machines running the application server.

  4. In a multiple Application server environment, add these entries to each Application server.

  5. Provide the Application server and Process Scheduler with security access to the directory containing the index.

  6. Provide the Process Scheduler with security access to the directory containing resume attachments.

Note. Configure the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server on the same platform as the Process Scheduler—either Windows or UNIX—so that Verity can read the resume files.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Verity Settings

Access the Verity Settings page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resource Search, Search Configuration, Verity Settings).

Search Type

Displays the type of search that you selected on the Search Configuration search page:

  • RSFSR (Express Search/Fulfill Orders)

    This search type is also used for Pool Manager Workbench searches.

  • RSRSR (Job Spy and Manage Utilization)

Verity Model

Displays the model version (A or B) that is currently in use read by the Verity search engine.

File Settings

Style Files

Enter the location of the style files for this search type. The directory that you enter in this field must contain the delivered style files. When you install PeopleSoft Resource Management, the style files for forward searches are installed in this location: %PS_APP_HOME\data\search\RSFSR_Master\Style\. The style files for reverse searches are installed in this location:%PS_APP_HOME\data\search\RSRSR_Master\Style\.

Resume Files

Enter the directory path of the folder where you store the resume files, such as c:\resumes\hold. The system reads the resumes in this folder when building the Verity collection. The attachment process uses FTP to move the resumes from user workstations to the designated system directory.

This field is not required for the indexing process to run. Leave this field blank if you do not have resume attachments set up and there are no resumes attached to any of the resource profiles.

This field appears when you select the Express Search/Fulfill Orders search type, and is not applicable to the Job Spy and Manage Utilization search type.

Note. To simplify setup, configure the FTP server on the same platform as the Process Scheduler—either a Microsoft Windows or UNIX operating system.

Performance Settings

Buffer Resultset Size (in rows)

Enter a value that determines the size of the result set.

The buffer result set size determines the number of documents that Verity will fetch during each search. This result set may differ from the actual result set shown on the page. The primary reason for this is because the availability calculation occurs after the Verity search is complete, and this calculation occurs only for the items that Verity returns. Therefore, if you specify a large buffer result set size, you have less of a possibility of missing an item in the result set that is more available than other items in the result set that appear on the page. The disadvantage of increasing the buffer result set size is that the system will calculate availability on more items, which can adversely affect system performance. PeopleSoft Resource Management delivers default values of 500 for the forward search and 300 for the reverse search. You determine the correct balance between accuracy and performance based on the needs of your organization.

Search Agent Processing

Enable Agent

Select to enable the Search Index Agent process for this search type. When you select this option, a row appears on the Search Agent Index Manager page that enables you to stop and start the agent. The default value is deselected.

You enable a separate agent for each search type.

The remaining fields in the group box are required if you select the Enable Agent option.

Sleep Interval (secs)

Enter the frequency with which the Search Index Agent process checks for updates in the Resource Management Log table (RS_SRCH_LOG).

Language Code

All Languages: Select for the Create Search Index program to update all installed languages on each run. This option appears only if you installed multiple languages.

Select a specific language for the Create Search Index program to update only one language. Only installed languages are available for selection.

Warning! If you installed multiple languages and only select one language in this field for the Create Search Index program to update, the search data for all other languages will be outdated in the system until the next time that you create the full index. This is because the Resource Management Log table is cleared of all previous changes each time the Create Search Index program runs.

Minimum Row Threshold (rows)

Enter the minimum number of rows needed to trigger the Create Search Index program.

Maximum Number of Services

Enter the maximum number of times that the agent will cycle through the sleep interval before rescheduling itself and then shutting itself down. The agent increments a counter (SVC_COUNTER) by one every time that it completes an interval. When the counter is equal to the value that you specify in this field, the agent schedules itself to start again, and then ends the current process.

Maximum Wait Tolerance (secs)

Enter the maximum amount of time that a row of data waits before it is updated in the Verity collection by the Create Search Index program.

All of the fields in the Search Agent Processing group box are disabled when the agent is in a status of Running, Stopping, or Starting. If the agent fails or is canceled, the fields remain disabled until an administrator accesses the Search Index Agent Manager page to change the run status to Time Out. The fields in this group box are available when the run status is Time Out

Note. Files with a .BIF file extension are bulk insert files that are used with the Verity search engine to specify the documents to submit to a collection. This requires the search index update processes to delete documents before reinserting them into the collection. It is possible for users to notice that for a brief moment in time, an updated document may be missing from the collection and thus not returned in search results. In these rare instances, by the time the user repeats the search, the collection will be updated and available for searching.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Factor Weights

Access the Factor Weights page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resource Search, Search Configuration, Factor Weights).

Preferences and Qualifications

Enter the relative importance of each individual factor in the Resource Matching calculation of the Preference and Qualifications factor family fit scores. Available values are:

0 - Not at all important

1 - Much less important

2 - Less important

3 - Important

4 - More important

5 - Much more important

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRefreshing Cache Tables and Building the Verity Indexes

Access the Cache Administration - Miscellaneous page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resource Search, Cache Administration, Miscellaneous).

Refresh Current Eligible Resources

Select to update the Eligible Resource Cache table (RS_ELGBL_WRKR) with current eligible resource information. In addition to tracking the current, eligible resources, the table stores the resource's job-related information such as job code, location, and bill rate. The program is required when:

  • Routine changes are made to a resource's job-related information.

  • Resources are created in batch by using the Create Resources Application Engine process (RS_CW).

Run this program nightly and as required.

Refresh Resource Schedule Cache

Select to update the Resource Schedule Cache table (RS_DF_WRKR_DATE) that is used to track a resource's schedule. The program purges old availability date and ineligible resource data.

This program runs automatically for a resource when the resource's schedule changes. Run the program manually for all resources as required. It is required when:

  • Implementation occurs.

  • Standard hours change on the Update Employee page.

  • New holidays are added to the holiday schedule and loaded by using the Holiday Load Application Engine process (RS_HOLIDAY).

Note. There is an effect on resource calendars and availability if you change the Do not schedule assignments on Holidays installation option. After you change this option, you must run these two processes in this order: Holiday Load process and Cache Administration - Refresh Resource Schedule Cache.

Refresh Resource Organizational Unit Cache

Select to update the Resource Organizational Unit Cache table (RS_WORKER_ORG) that stores organization information from the specified organization tree. The program is required when:

  • Implementation occurs.

  • Resources are created individually using the Establish Employee As Resource component (RS_WRKR_CREATE).

  • Resources are created in batch by using the Create Resources process.

  • A node or detail value changes on the organization tree.

  • A new organization tree is implemented.

  • A resource's organization unit value changes, such as the resource's department.

Run this program nightly.

Maintain Employee Data Cache

This field does not apply to PeopleSoft Resource Management.

Refresh Supply/Demand Cache

Select to update the cache tables for both supply and demand. The system triggers a message to update the Supply Cache table (RS_SUP_CACH) when you establish employees as resources and add them to resource pools in PeopleSoft Resource Management, and when resources are removed or inactivated. You must update the Demand Cache table (RS_DMD_CACH) when new generic resource requests are created and when new resource assignments are created in PeopleSoft Program Management.

Note. Application messages automatically update the resource supply and project demand information in near real time. The application messages are delivered inactive. You must activate the message to update the cache tables at run time. The messages are RS_DMD_CACHE_SYNC and RS_SUP_CACH_SYNC.

Refresh Supply Category Analytics Cache

Select to update the RS_POOLRES_DATE and RS_GENRES_TMP cache tables for supply category analytics for all resources.

Update Assignment Completion

Select to automatically complete or cancel all resource assignments with an end date prior to the date the process is run. The system will also add the processed assignments to the resource history list.

Note. All resource assignments with an Active status will be set to Complete. All resource assignments with a status of Interview, Propose, Reserve or Pending Approval will be set to Cancel.


Click to save the run control, or select Miscellaneous, Refresh Optimization Cache, or Summary to access other Cache Administration pages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMaintaining and Scheduling the Verity Index File Creation Process and Cache Creation Process

Access the Maintain Search Index page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resource Search, Cache Administration, Maintain Search Index).

Process Selection

Maintain Search Index

Select to create, update, or optimize the search index as part of this Cache Administration run control.

Indexing Options

Create New

Select this option and run the process as often as you want to refresh the search index with current database information. This option deletes the existing index and creates a new one. Use this option to routinely replace the Verity search index.

Update Existing

Select to update the existing index without deleting it by inserting new documents and updating documents that changed since the last time the update process ran.


Select to adjust the index for changes that are made through updates and deletions. This option compresses the deleted documents and improves the search response time after updates.

Note. This page provides one option for scheduling Verity search index updates. Alternatively, you can enable the Search Index Agent process to monitor data changes and automatically trigger the Create Search Index program to update the Verity search index.

Index Language

Specify whether the index should be created for all installed languages or a single language.

All Installed Languages

Select to create a collection for each installed language.

Specific Language

Select to specify a language, and enter the language for which you want to create index files in the adjacent drop-down list box.

Warning! If you installed multiple languages and only select one language in this field for the Create Search Index program to update, the search data for all other languages will be outdated in the system until the next time that you create the full index. This is because the Resource Management Log table is cleared of all previous changes each time the Create Search Index program runs.


Search Type

Enter a search type of Express Search/Fulfill Orders or Job Spy and Manage Utilization to create an index for searches in PeopleSoft Resource Management.


Click Save to save the run control, or select Miscellaneous, Refresh Optimization Cache, or Summary to access other Cache Administration pages.

The length of time it takes to update the index depends on the number of active resources and language translations that are processed.

At the end of the index creation process, the input and data files contain the database information. The indexing process then calls the Verity search engine to build the index as a set of directories and files. If any problems occur during the creation of the index, the errors are captured in the log file sysinfo.log, which is located in the same directory as the index.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRefreshing the Optimization Cache Table

Access the Refresh Optimization Cache page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resource Search, Cache Administration, Refresh Optimization Cache).

Run the program at implementation and as required.

Refresh Optimization Cache

Select to include the Refresh Optimization Cache Application Engine process (RS_DF) as part of this Cache Administration run control.


Click to save the run control, or select Miscellaneous, Maintain Search Index, or Summary to access other Cache Administration pages.

See Also

Refreshing the Optimization Cache

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning the Cache Administration Program

Access the Summary page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resource Search, Cache Administration, Summary).

Select any of these processes to include in the Cache Administration run control:


Click to save the run control and proceed to the Process Scheduler Request page to run the program or schedule it to run later.


Click to save the run control but not run the program.

Process Monitor

Click to review the status of the process scheduler job.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicManaging the Search Index Agent Process

Access the Search Index Agent Manager page (Setup Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Resource Search, Search Index Agent Manager).

Run Status

Displays the agent run status of Error, Running, Starting, Stopping, Stopped, or Time Out.

Process Instance

Displays the process instance ID of the running agent process. This same process instance ID is used by the Create Search Index program that is invoked by the agent.

When you click the Start button to start the agent, and the previous run status is Time Out, the agent cancels the previous process instance ID and assigns a new one.

Last Run On

Displays the last time that the agent triggered the Create Search Index program.

Last Activity

Displays the last time that the agent checked the Resource Management Log table to determine if any action was necessary.


Click to start the agent and create a new process instance ID if the previous run status was Time Out.


Click to stop the agent. This button is disabled if the run status is Stop or Time Out.


Click to trigger the Search Index Agent process to:

  • Refresh the data on the page.

  • Determine the amount of time since the last activity.

    If the agent's run status is Run, Start, or Stop, and the last activity is earlier than 120 seconds plus a sleep interval (as defined on the Verity Settings page), the agent's run status changes to Time Out.

Warning! Do not manually change the run control record for the Create Search Index program while the Search Index Agent process is running. Doing so will result in inconsistent search data because the Create Index Agent process will update different data than is specified for the agent.