Defining Document Sequencing

This chapter provides an overview of document sequencing and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Document Sequencing

Statutory legal requirements in some countries require the classification of all financial transactions—generated by source documents, such as invoices or vouchers—into different transaction types. Within each transaction type, financial transactions must also be numbered sequentially. The document sequencing feature maintains these business practices by meeting both requirements.

Document sequencing is available for documents that are created either online or through background (batch) processing. When you activate document sequencing, the PeopleSoft system automatically assigns a sequence number to each document (invoice, voucher, journal, and so on) that you create. You can also enter sequence numbers manually. When the document is posted, the document sequence number is carried forward to the set of accounting transactions generated from the document. When you delete, change, or unpost a document, the document sequencing feature assigns a new sequence number to each set of accounting transactions generated from the delete, change, or unpost action for that document.

This graphic shows the hierarchy levels of Journal Type, Journal Code and Document Type as used in document sequencing.

Hierarchy of financial transactions

A financial transaction is categorized into three hierarchical levels:

Document sequencing occurs at either the journal code level or the document type level within a journal code. If sequencing occurs at the journal code level, all document types within a journal code share the same sequence number range. If sequencing occurs at the document type level, each document type has its own sequence number range. You can reset document sequence numbers at the schedule that you define for each journal code and document type within a journal code. Because you can derive journal type and journal code values from the document type, document type is the only required field of these three in financial transactions.

This section lists common elements and discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCommon Elements in This Chapter

Sequence Range

Predefined number series used to assign document sequence numbers. Determines the next available sequence number for journal codes and document types.

Document Sequencing Type

Specifies how document sequencing numbers are assigned:

Automatic: Document Sequence Number field on the transaction record defaults to NEXT, and the system automatically assigns the next available sequence number when you save the transaction.

Manual: Enter a number manually into the Document Sequence Number field. The system validates these transactions to avoid duplicate numbers.

See Also

Common Elements Used in This PeopleBook

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicHow the System Assigns Sequence Numbers

The system uses the following parameters to determine the next document sequence number:

Installation Options

Determines whether document sequencing is activated at the system level.

Business Unit

Determines whether document sequencing is activated for a specific business unit.

Accounting Date

Determines the prefix of the document sequence number range.

Document Type

Determines journal type, journal code, the level at which the sequence number is assigned, and whether the sequence number is automatically generated or entered manually.

Ledger Group

Determines the sequence range based on the ledgers within the ledger group. If Keep Ledgers in Sync (KLS) is selected for a given ledger group, the document type, date, status and sequence will be assigned based on the values associated with the primary ledger. If KLS is not selected for a ledger group, each ledger receives a unique sequence number and may have a different document type.

If you create a document through background processing, the system assigns a sequence number based on the document that you predefined on the definition pages and SQR process request pages.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDocument Sequencing Scenarios

There are two scenarios for assigning document sequence numbers. A document can be assigned a sequence number when it is initiated. It can also be assigned a sequence number when its journals are created through the Journal Generator process. In either case, the system populates document sequencing fields—Document Sequence Number, Document Sequence Date, and Document Sequence Status—to PeopleSoft Journal Header and PeopleSoft Journal Line tables, using the document type of the source document.

The following table illustrates how the system assigns document sequencing field values, depending on how the journals are created:

If Journals Are Created

Document Sequence Numbers

Journal Header

Journal Line

From the general ledger.

Are not yet assigned.

Document sequence number is assigned at this level.

Document sequencing field values are the same as those at the Journal Header level.

Through the Journal Generator process from subsystem accounting entries *.

Are already assigned, and the summarization option is selected to retain detail.

New document sequence number is assigned at this level.

Assigned document sequence numbers are carried forward to the journal lines.

Through the Journal Generator process from subsystem accounting entries *.

Are already assigned, but the summarization option is selected to summarize.

Document sequence number is assigned at this level.

Document sequencing field values are blank.

Through the Journal Generator process from subsystem accounting entries**.

Are not yet assigned. (The journals created are treated as if they were created from general ledger.)

Document sequence number is assigned at this level.

Document sequencing field values are the same as those at the Journal Header level.

*Asset Management, Billing, Expenses, Payables, Receivables, and Treasury

** Cost Management, Inventory, Project Costing, and Purchasing

PeopleSoft applications use journal tables as the central repository for all document sequencing transactions. This is because all subsystems run their own posting processes and may create accounting entries from posting these financial transactions. If they create accounting entries, subsystems run the Journal Generator process to create journals from these accounting entries. Because all transaction records become journal lines in the Journal Line table, you can inquire on document sequencing values and generate a report.

After you create a journal, you can search by document sequence number on:

The document sequence number for a journal also appears on:

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up a System for Document Sequencing

The system does not perform any document sequencing functions unless you select the Document Sequencing option on the Installation Options - Overall page. Once you enable document sequencing at the system level, activate it for designated General Ledger business units on the General Ledger Definition page.

Document sequencing uses the following components:

See Defining Document Sequencing.

This section discusses how to:

See Also

Setting Overall Installation Options

Defining General Ledger Business Units

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Set Up Document Sequencing

Page Name

Definition Name



Installation Options - Overall


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Install, Installation Options, Overall tab

Activate the document sequencing functionality by selecting the Enable Document Sequencing option.

Note. After activating document sequencing at the system level, it must also be activated at the individual business unit level.

See The product-specific PeopleBook chapter for setting business unit options.

Note. To activate document sequencing within PeopleSoft Asset Management, you must also add a Document Type Template by setID for sequencing at the asset level.

See Defining Document Sequencing.

Document Sequence Range


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Document Sequencing, Sequence Range

Define the sequence range for your documents. You can define a range that spans yearly, monthly, daily, or any other desired increments.

Journal Type


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Document Sequencing, Journal Type

Identify a journal type, and determine at which level the system assigns a sequence number—either at the journal code level or the document type level within the journal code.

Journal Code


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Document Sequencing, Journal Code

Define journal codes, specify sequence ranges, and determine how document sequence numbers are assigned for each journal code.

Document Type


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Document Sequencing, Document Type

Establish document sequencing options for PeopleSoft applications that generate financial transactions.

Document Type Template


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Product Related, Asset Management, Financials, Document Type Template

Activate document sequencing for PeopleSoft Asset Management.

See Defining Document Sequencing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying a Document Sequence Range

To specify a document sequence range:

  1. Access the Document Sequence Range page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Document Sequencing, Sequence Range).

  2. Enter a Begin Date and End Date to search for document sequence ranges you have already defined. Click the search button to refresh the page with the data you requested. To ensure that only one range is used for each Accounting Date, the system does not allow an overlap in these fields.

  3. Enter a Prefix.

    Document sequence numbers consist of a prefix and a number. The prefix may be alphanumeric, and you can leave this field blank. When combined, the prefix and number may not exceed 12 characters. If the total length has fewer than 12 characters, the system inserts zeros between the prefix and the number. For example, if the sequence number prefix is 97 and the number is 201, the sequence number is 970000000201.

  4. Enter a valid Start # (start number) and End # (end number) for your document sequencing number range.

    Because the system defines each number range by a date range, it does not allow an overlap in sequence number ranges. Once a document is created and the system has assigned a sequence number, you cannot change the Start # because sequencing has already begun. However, you can change the End # if you have not assigned enough numbers to your range.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Journal Types

To define a journal type:

  1. Access the Journal Types page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Document Sequencing, Journal Type).

  2. Enter either a numeric or character value to represent the journal type.

  3. Select a Sequence By option to specify where the document sequencing is to take place—at the journal code level or the document type level (within the journal code).

    Note. When you first set up a journal type, all fields on the page are available. Once you enter a transaction record for journal type, and the system assigns a document sequence number (or validates the manual document sequence number) for the transaction, the Journal Type field and the Sequence By options become unavailable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Journal Codes

To define journal codes:

  1. Access the Journal Code page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Document Sequencing, Journal Code).

  2. Enter a Journal Code.

  3. Select a Journal Type to define the category of financial transaction to which the journal code belongs.

    The Sequence By option that you defined for the selected journal type appears.

    Note. The Sequence Range field and Document Sequencing Type options are available on this page only if you specified journal code level sequencing on the Journal Type page. When you first set up a journal code, all fields on the page are available. Once you enter a transaction record for this journal code, and the system assigns a document sequence number (or validates the manual document sequence number) for the transaction, the Journal Code, Journal Type, Sequence Range, and Document Sequencing Type options become unavailable for entry.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Document Types

To define document types:

  1. Access the Document Type page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Document Sequencing, Document Type).

  2. Enter a Document Type that represents the business purpose of a financial transaction.

  3. Select a Journal Code with which you associate the document type.

    The Journal Type and the Sequence By option that were defined for the selected journal code appear.

    Note. The Sequence Range field and Sequence Type options are available only if you specify document type level sequencing on the Journal Type page. When you first set up a document type, all fields on the page are available. Once you enter a transaction record for this document type, and the system assigns a document sequence number (or validates the manual document sequence number) for the transaction, the Document Type, Journal Code, Sequence Range, and Sequence Type options become unavailable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Sequencing Options for Accounting Entries

The system assigns document sequencing field values for accounting entries in different ways. If you post a document, and the system creates accounting entries, the system treats document sequencing field values in one of the following ways:

Defining Document Sequencing Options for Journal Generator Templates

The document type is stored in subsystems at the accounting line level. PeopleSoft General Ledger, however, stores the document type at both the journal header and journal line level.

The journal line document type always inherits the subsystem document type except when summarizations are involved, in which case the document type is left blank.

The Journal Generator process enables you to specify multiple document types for each journal template for accounting entries that share the same business unit, ledger group, journal template, and accounting date. The Journal Generator process then creates journals based on the document type value on the subsystem accounting entries.

For PeopleSoft applications that generate accounting entries, the document type value in the journal header is based on how you set up the Journal Generator Template. You can:

See Understanding Document Sequencing.

See Defining Journal Generator Template Defaults.

This example illustrates journals that are created when a subsystem posts accounting entries where you mapped the document types of the subsystem to corresponding general ledger document types:


Ledger Group

Accounting Date

Subsystem Document Type





May 1, 2005



EUR 500



May 1, 2005



EUR – 500



May 1, 2005



EUR 100



May 1, 2005



EUR –100



May 1, 2005



EUR 50



May 1, 2005



EUR –50



May 1, 2005



EUR 300



May 1, 2005



EUR –300

The Journal Generator process creates the following journals:

See Also

Defining Journal Generator Template Defaults

Click to jump to parent topicUsing Document Sequencing

If you generate documents online, you can specify several document sequencing values as you enter documents. If you generate documents as batch processes, the system does the sequencing automatically.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used for Document Sequencing

Page Name

Definition Name



Document Sequence


General Ledger, Journals, Journal Entry, Create/Update Journal Entries, Lines

Click the Doc Seq link on the Journal Entry - Lines page.

Enter document sequencing numbers for a specific document type.

Document Sequence


Click the Document Sequencing link on the Journal Suspense Correction page.

Enter document sequencing numbers for a specific document type.

Document Sequence


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, Regular Entry, Invoice Information. Click the Document Sequencing link.

Enter document sequencing numbers for a specific document type.

Document Sequence


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Add/Update, Close Voucher, Close Voucher. Click the Document Sequencing link.

Enter document sequencing numbers for a specific document type.

Document Sequence


Accounts Payable, Vouchers, Maintain, UnPost Voucher, UnPost Voucher. Click the Document Sequencing link.

Enter document sequencing numbers for a specific document type.

Document Sequence


Click the Document Sequencing link on the miscellaneous Payables and eSettlements Payment Entry pages.

Enter document sequencing numbers for a specific document type.

Document Sequence


Click the Document Sequencing link on the Cancel Payment, Federal Schedule Cancellation, Payment Escheatment, or eSettlements Confirm Payment Cancellation page.

Enter document sequencing numbers for a specific document type.

TR Doc Sequencing


Cash Management, Treasury Accounting, Accounting Entries

In the Accounting Entries grid, click the Document Sequencing link on the Document Sequencing tab.

Enter document sequencing numbers for a specific document type.

Note. The Sequence Type field must be set to Manual on the Document Type page for the specific document type.

Doc Sequencing


Asset Management, Asset Transactions, Owned Assets, Express Add, Doc Sequencing

Asset Management, Asset Transactions, Owned Assets, Basic Add, Doc Sequencing

Asset Management, Asset Transactions, Financial Transactions, Cost Adjust/Transfer Asset, Doc Sequencing

Asset Management, Asset Transactions, Asset Disposal, Retire/Reinstate Asset, Doc Sequencing

Asset Management, Asset Transactions, Leased Assets, Express Add, Doc Sequencing

Asset Management, Asset Transactions, Leased Assets, Update Lease, Doc Sequencing

Asset Management, Asset Transactions, Financial Transactions, Change/Delete Pending Transactions, Doc Sequencing

Asset Management, Depreciation, Processing, Adjust Accumulated Depr, Doc Sequencing

Asset Management, Asset Transactions, Asset Book Information, Define Tax/Depr Criteria, Doc Sequencing

Enter document sequencing information for a specific document type.

See Entering Document Sequencing Information.

Doc Sequencing


Asset Management, Asset Transactions, Owned Assets, Copy Existing Asset, Doc Sequencing

Enter document sequencing information for a copy of an existing asset if its financial and physical information is similar to that of a new asset that you want to create.

See Entering Document Sequencing Information.

Accounting Transaction Control


Statutory Reports, General Ledger, Accounting Transaction Control

Run the GLS7006 process to list document sequence numbers for accounting transactions by business unit. The report shows all document sequence numbers or all gaps in the document sequence numbers.

AP/AR Accounting Control


Statutory Reports, AP/AR Doc Sequence Control

Run the FIN5002 process to list document sequence numbers for accounting transactions by business unit for either Accounts Payable or Accounts Receivable. This report shows all document sequence numbers or all gaps in the document sequence numbers for the selected subsystem application.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEntering Document Sequence Numbers Online

To enter document sequence numbers online:

  1. Access the Document Sequence page (General Ledger, Journals, Journal Entry, Create/Update Journal Entries, Lines and click the Doc Seq link on the Journal Entry - Lines page).

    Click the Search button to select a document type that you previously defined for financial transactions.

  2. Enter a Document Sequence Number of up to 12 characters.

    You can access this field if you specified on either the Journal Code page or the Document Type page that the document sequence number is entered manually. The system validates this number when you save the transaction. If you've designated automatic numbering, the system displays NEXT in the Document Sequence Number field until you save the transaction. At that time, the system assigns the next available sequence number.

    After you save the transaction and the system either assigns a document sequence number or validates a manually entered number, the transaction records populate the Document Sequence Date field with the current date. If the system is unsuccessful in assigning a document sequence number, it populates the Document Sequence Status field with a status message.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicModifying a Document

You might make modifications after you define a document and the system has assigned a document sequence number to that financial transaction. Document sequencing enables you to do the following before you post a document:

Delete a document

If you delete a document that has a document sequence number assigned, the system records a deletion through an audit trail and prompts you to provide an explanation so that gaps in the transaction reports for auditors can be explained. The deleted number cannot be reused.

Change a document

If you change a document that has a document sequence number assigned and the changes will result in a different document sequence number, the system deletes the old document sequence number and assigns a new one.

The system treats the old document sequence number as deleted, records it through an audit trail, and prompts you to provide an explanation so that gaps in the transaction reports can be explained. The deleted number cannot be reused.

Unpost a posted document

If you need to unpost a document that has a document sequence number assigned, the system assigns a new document type, document sequence number, and sequence date for the unpost transactions. The system assigns the document sequence number based on the document type and accounting date. When you unpost a transaction, you can specify a default document type for each type of transaction.