Reviewing Purchase Order Information

This chapter discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicInquiring About Purchase Orders

This section lists the pages used to inquire about purchase orders.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Inquire About Purchase Orders

Page Name

Definition Name



Purchase Order Inquiry - Purchase Order


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Review PO Information, Purchase Orders, Purchase Order Inquiry

View purchase order information. This is an inquiry version of the Maintain Purchase Order - Purchase Order page. The page displays purchase order header and line information and whether an authored document exists for the purchase order.

Purchase Order Inquiry - Vendor Details


Click the Vendor Details link on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Purchase Order page.

View vendor details.

Purchase Order Inquiry - PO Header Details


Click the Header Details link on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Purchase Order page.

View purchase order header details.

PO Header Details - Bill To Address


Click the Billing Address link on the Purchase Order Inquiry - PO Header Details page.

View billing address details for the billing location.

Exchange Rate Detail


Click the Exchange Rate Detail link on the Purchase Order Inquiry - PO Header Details inquiry page and the PO Currency Information page.

View the rules used to calculate exchange rates for the transaction.

PO Header - VAT Information (purchase order header - value-added tax information)


Click the Header VAT link on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Purchase Order page.

View purchase order value-added tax (VAT) information.

Return to Vendor


Click the All RTV link on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Purchase Order page.

View details about any RTV transactions associated with the selected purchase order.

Purchase Order Inquiry - PO Matching


Click the Matching link on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Purchase Order page.

View purchase order-matching information.

PO Header Comments


Click the Header Comments link on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Purchase Order page.

View comments for a transaction.

PO Document Status


  • Click the Document Status link on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Purchase Order page.

  • Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Review PO Information, Document Status

Access and review information about procurement documents associated with a purchase order.

Purchase Order Inquiry - Procurement Card Information


Click the Use Procurement Card link on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Purchase Order page.

View the procurement card or vendor card information that is being used as the payment method for the purchase order.

Review Change Orders - Header Changes


Click the Change Order link on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Purchase Order page.

View the change order history associated with a purchase order.

Purchase Order Inquiry - PO Total Amount Details


Click the Freight/Tax/Misc link on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Purchase Order page.

View price adjustments broken down into individual amounts, such as freight, sales and use tax, miscellaneous charges, and value-added tax.

Item Description


Click the Item Description link on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Purchase Order page.

You can also access the page by clicking the Item Description button on other inquiry pages, such as the Distribution for Schedule Line, Sales/Use Tax Information for Schedule, and Vat Information for Schedule pages.

View descriptions for a specific item. The item description link is composed of the first 30 characters of the item's description in the Transaction Item Description text box on the Item Description page.

Details for Line


Click the Line Details button on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Purchase Order page.

View purchase order line details.

Note. The rebate ID associated with the purchase order line displays on this page if the Rebate ID Security Control field value for the user is Update or View Only. Otherwise, the rebate ID will not display. The details include contract versions and lines and group and rebate IDs.

See Vendor Rebate Processing on the Purchase Order.

PO Line Comments


Click the Line Comments button on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Purchase Order page.

View line comments for a transaction.

Purchase Order Inquiry - Schedules


Click the Schedule button on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Purchase Order page.

View information about the purchase order schedule.

This is an inquiry version of the Maintain Purchase Orders - Schedule page.

Purchase Order Inquiry - Details for Schedule


Click the Schedule Details button on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Schedules page.

View purchase order schedule details.

PO Ship To Comments


Click the ShipTo Comments link on the Purchase Orders Inquiry - Schedules page.

View ship to comments for a transaction.

Purchase Order Inquiry - PO ShipTo Address


Click the Ship To Address button on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Schedules page.

View address details for the location relevant to the page from which this page is accessed.

Price Adjustments for Schedule


Click the Value Adjustment button on the Purchase Order Inquiry- Schedules page.

View schedule price adjustment information.

Miscellaneous Charges for a Schedule


Click the Miscellaneous Charges button on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Schedules page.

View schedule miscellaneous charge information.

Sales/Use Tax Information for Schedule


Click the Sched Sales/Use Tax button on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Schedules page.

View schedule sales and use tax information.

Schedule VAT Information


Click the Schedule VAT link on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Schedules page.

View schedule VAT information.

Purchase Order Inquiry - Distributions for Schedule


Click the Distributions/ChartFields button on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Schedules page.

View purchase order distribution information.

Distribution Details


Click the Distribution Details link on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Distributions for Schedule page.

View distribution details.

PO Currency Information


Click the Currency link on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Distributions for Schedule page.

View purchase order currency information.

Sales/Use Tax Details for Distribution


Click the Sales/Use Tax Information button on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Distributions for Schedule page.

View distribution sales and use tax details.

Distribution VAT Details


Click the Distrib VAT link on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Distributions for Schedule page.

View distribution VAT details.

Requisitions inquiry


Click the Req ID link on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Distributions for Schedule page.

View requisition information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Purchase Order Distribution Information

Access the Purchase Order Inquiry - Distributions for Schedule page (click the Distributions/ChartFields button on the Purchase Order Inquiry - Schedules page).

This page displays distribution information for a purchase order line, schedule, and item.

Click the Item Description button to view complete descriptions for items when descriptions have been added.

Sched Qty (schedule quantity)

Displays the quantity of items on this schedule.

Distribute By

Displays the method used to allocate or charge the expense account distribution. Values are:

Amount: Used when the sum of all distribution amounts must equal the schedule amount (merchandise amount). Inventory items cannot be distributed by amount.

Quantity: Used when the sum of all distribution quantities must equal the schedule quantity.

Merchandise Amount

Displays the merchandise amount according to the quantities and prices of the items on the purchase order.

Doc. Base Amount (document base amount)

Displays the document base amount. This is the Amount value converted to the base currency of the purchase order. The base currency is the currency of the PeopleSoft General Ledger business unit for this PeopleSoft Purchasing business unit.

Select a tab to view additional information about a schedule's distribution.

See Entering Distribution Information.

Budget Information

Select the Budget Information tab.

Dist (distribution line number)

Displays the distribution line number.


Distribution line status. Values are:

Complete: The distribution line is closed.

Open: The distribution line is open.

Processed: The distribution line has been processed and is unavailable for sourcing.

Canceled: The distribution line has been canceled.


Displays the percentage of either the quantity or the amount that is to be distributed on this distribution line. The system calculates other distribution values based on the percentage value.

Budget Status

When commitment control is on, the system displays whether this distribution has been budget checked. Values for the field include Not Chekd and Valid.

Budget Date

Displays the date used by commitment control to determine the budget period to which this item cost belongs.

Encumbrance Balance

Displays the encumbrance balance when commitment control is installed. When you create a purchase order, commitment control liquidates the pre-encumbrance balance from the requisition and establishes an encumbrance for the purchase order.

You can view budget details for the purchase order. Click the Encumbrance Balance link to access the PO Accounting Entries Inquiry where you can select a General Ledger business unit and commitment control ledger group to use as a budget inquiry.

See Viewing Budget Details and Transaction Activity.


Displays the currency code for the encumbrance amount at the distribution level of the purchase order. The code is in the currency of the default commitment control ledger group for the distribution level General Ledger business unit.

Encumbered Base Balance

Displays the initial value of the encumbered balance.

Base Currency

When commitment control is on, the system displays whether this distribution has been budget checked.

Expensed To Date

Displays the amount reflects the total expensed to date, not the remaining expense balance. This creates a relationship to the encumbrance balance.

Commitment Control Close Flag

Displays as selected when the purchase order associated with the requisition has been fully liquidated, thus indicating that the outstanding pre-encumbrance has also been fully liquidated. This option can also display as selected when the distribution has been canceled.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Purchase Order Activity Summaries

The Purchase Order Activity Summary pages are used to view the receiving, invoicing, matching, and returning activities that were performed on the selected purchase orders to date. The Activity Summary page displays the total purchase order merchandise amount, and the merchandise received, vouchered, and matched.

If receiving is not required for the purchase order, the Open Quantity and Open Amount field values are updated upon calculation of the purchase order. This eliminates the need to manually calculate the values.

Note. The quantity received on the Activity Summary pages reflect the purchase order quantity. For example, if you order an item in one unit of measure, the received quantity will also reflect that same unit of measure.

This section lists the pages used to view purchase order activity summaries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Purchase Order Activity Summaries

Page Name

Definition Name



Activity Summary


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Review PO Information, Activity Summary

View the receiving, invoicing, matching, and returning activities that have been performed on the selected purchase orders to date.

Receipts inquiry


  • Click the Receipt Number link on the Activity Summary page.

  • Purchasing, Receipts, Review Receipt Information, Receipts

View additional information about the receipt document.

Review RTVs


Purchasing, Return to Vendor, Review RTVs

View additional information about the return to vendor document.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Purchase Order Document Tolerance Information

This section lists the pages used to view purchase order document tolerance information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to View Purchase Order Document Tolerance Information

Page Name

Definition Name



Document Tolerance Exception


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Review PO Information, Document Tolerance Exceptions

View and update document tolerance exceptions.

Override Log


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Review PO Information, Doc Tolerance Override History, Override Log

View and update document tolerance override history.

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Purchase Order Accounting Line Entries

You can review both standard entries and supplemental (Entry Event) entries when commitment control is enabled on the Installation Options - Products page.

This section discusses how to:

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Page Name

Definition Name



Selection Criteria (for purchase order accounting line entries)


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Review PO Information, PO Accounting Entries, Selection Criteria

Select the criteria that you want to view on the Purchase Order Accounting Entries page. Filter criteria by purchase order range, business unit, fiscal year range, purchase order status, and ChartField combinations.

Po Acctg Ln Lookup (purchase order accounting line lookup)


Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Review PO Information, PO Accounting Entries, Po Acctg Ln Lookup

Review accounting line entries.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Accounting Line Entries for Review

Access the Selection Criteria page (Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Review PO Information, PO Accounting Entries, Selection Criteria).

This inquiry displays standard or supplemental (Entry Event) entries. You can also choose to view both types.

To properly generate entry event accounting entries, you should run the entry event generator process each time that you run the budget check process. When you run the entry event generator process more than once, it does not replace the existing entries. Instead, it creates a new set of entries for that transaction by increasing the unpost sequence number instead. The entire entry event history for a transaction appears on the PO Accounting Entries page. The values in the Unpost Seq (unpost sequence) field display every entry event post process.

Standard accounting entries are created by the budget check process. When you run the budget check process again, it deletes the existing entries for that transaction and recreates a new set of entries for that transaction, so the value in the Unpost Seq field is always 0 (zero) for the standard entries.

Accounting Line View Option

Select from these types of views:

Standard: Select to view standard accounting entries.

Supplemental (Entry Event): Select to view Entry Event accounting entries.

View Both: Select to view both standard and supplemental accounting entries.

Note. If entry events are disabled, the options in this field are not available; however, you are still able to inquire on standard accounting entries.

Ledger Group

Select the ledger group for which you want to view accounting lines. The available options are defined at the business unit level. If a commitment detail ledger has been selected for that commitment control ledger group on the Ledgers For A Unit - Commitment Control Options page, the selected commitment control ledger group appears as the default ledger group here.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicReviewing Accounting Line Entries for Purchase Orders

Access the Po Acctg Ln Lookup page (Purchasing, Purchase Orders, Review PO Information, PO Accounting Entries, Po Acctg Ln Lookup).

Note. If you delete a distribution line after a budget-period change, values for that distribution line's Line, Schedule, and Distribution fields appear on this page with blank values.

Accounting Entries

Purchase Order ID

Click this link to access the Purchase Order Inquiry page, where you can view the vendor ID and other purchase order details.

Trans Type (transaction type)

Displays either a journal template or a source transaction. If it is a standard accounting entry, a source transaction appears. If it is an entry event accounting entry, a journal template appears.

Unpost Seq (unpost sequence)

Indicates the number of times that you have run the entry event generator process. For standard entries, the value is always 0. For supplemental entries, the value is 0 the first time that you run the entry event generator process, 1 the second time, and so on.

Monetary Amount

Click this link to access the Commitment Control Activity Log page, where you can view basic activity information.

Encumbrance Balance

Displays the encumbrance balance. When you use commitment control, the system deducts each type of financial obligation from the budget and tracks it according to obligation type. When you generate a requisition, a pre-encumbrance is created in your budget records by the budget-checking process. When a requisition is sourced to a purchase order, commitment control liquidates the pre-encumbrance from the requisition and establishes an encumbrance for the purchase order.

You can view budget details for the purchase order. Click the Encumbrance Balance link to access the PO Accounting Entries Inquiry where you can select a General Ledger business unit and commitment control ledger group to use as a budget inquiry.

Closed Value

Indicates whether the transaction has been closed. Values are:

Y: Closed.

N: Open.

When a transaction is closed, the budget processor liquidates all of its remaining unliquidated commitment control ledger amounts.

Journal ID

For standard entries, displays the journal ID.

For supplemental entries, displays the commitment control ID.

Reference Reversal ID

Displays the voucher ID associated with the reversal accounting entry lines.

See Also

Using Entry Events

Approving Purchase Order ChartFields

Defining Accounting Calendars

Understanding PeopleSoft ChartFields

Viewing the Activity Log

Setting Up Commitment Control Source Transaction Types