How To Set Up Move Data Steps

Move data steps allow you to move data (from a source to a destination). The following additional fields are required for Move data steps:

Source Field Type, Source Field Name and Source Field Value define what you're moving. The following points describe each field type:

Note: Concatenating fields together. You can also use Predefined Value if you want to concatenate two fields together. For example, let's say you have a script that merges two persons into a single person. You might want this script to change the name of the person being merged out of existence to include the ID of the person remaining. In this example, you could enter a Source Field Value of %ONAME merged into person %PERID (where ONAME is a field in temporary storage that contains the name of the person being merged out of existence and PERID contains the ID of the person being kept). Refer to How To Substitute Variables In Text for a description of how you can substitute field values to compose the field value.

Destination Field Type and Destination Field Name define where the source field will be moved. The Field Type defines where the field is located. The Field Name defines the name of the field. The following points describe each field type:

Note: Conditional field types. The field types Current To Do Information, Page Data Model and User Interface Field are only applicable to BPA scripts.