Archive Environment Registration

Archive environments must be registered before they can be utilized. Registering an archive environment involves running an environment registration utility, specifying information about both production and the archive environment being registered. Your implementation's database administrator must execute the registration utility as the utility performs functions on the database that require administrative access.

When using Oracle as your database, you have the choice of configuring the archive database to be in the same Oracle instance (recommended) or a separate Oracle instance. For other databases, separate database instances are required.

The following summarizes the functions performed by the registration utility:

Note: Registering a supporting environment is a one-time operation. Once the environment is registered, it maintains its role until it is deregistered. Also note that if the system is upgraded or if a single fix is applied, you must reregister all supporting environments.
Fastpath: For more information on registering environments, refer to How To Register an Archive Environment. For more information on viewing environment references created by the registration utility, refer to Defining Environment Reference Options.
While it is possible to register multiple archive environments within the application, it is not recommended. Spreading archived financial data across multiple databases may cause financial balances to display inaccurately when viewed within an archive environment.