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Package com.thortech.xl.gc.vo.designtime

Interface Summary
OIMSchema The implementation layer for this interface should exactly represent the schema of the Oracle Identity Manager system account that needs to be reconciled or provisioned.
TargetSchema This interface should be implemented by Transport Providers for provisioning or reconciliation.


Class Summary
Attribute This class is a value object that represents an identity attribute that could be a parent(single valued) or a child (multi-valued).
AttributeWithSource This class is a value object that represents an identity attribute that could be a parent(single valued) or a child (multi-valued).
Provider This class is a value object that represents a provider instance.
SourceValue This class is a value object that represents the source of a Transformation instance on an AttributeWithSource.
TargetAttribute This class is a value object.
Transformation This class is a value object that represents a transformation.
Validation This class is a value object that represents a validation.


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