C Troubleshooting

This appendix describes how to use troubleshooting aids to resolve problems with customizing Oracle WebCenter Content Server.

This appendix includes the following sections:

C.1 About Troubleshooting Aids

Several troubleshooting aids are available to help evaluate Content Server pages as they are used.

C.2 Viewing Server Errors

Syntax errors and other mistakes in component files or dynamic server pages can cause errors in Content Server. If the Content Server instance fails, it reports the error in the following locations:

  • If you run Content Server from a command prompt, you can view the error in the console window.

  • If you can log in to Content Server and display the Admin Server page, you can view the Content Server log by selecting the Content Server instance and then clicking View Server Output.

  • You can view the Content Server log files in the DomainHome/ucm/cs/weblayout/groups/secure/logs directory.

C.3 Viewing Page Data

The IsJava setting displays the local data of a Content Server web page.

  • In a web browser, add the following code in the Address box to the end of the page's URL:

  • On a template page or in an include, use the following code:


The IsPageDebug setting displays a tree structure view of all includes being called on a Content Server web page. The debug trace appears at the bottom of the web page.

  • In a web browser, add the following code in the Address box to the end of the page's URL:

  • On a template page or in an include, use the following code:



    You can also set the IsPageDebug variable in the config.cfg file if you want the setting to apply for the whole server.

  • To place a marker in the script debug trace, place the following code at the point where you want to see a value or perform a step:

    <$trace("marker code")$>

    For example, you can use the following code to insert the current user name in the debug trace (the eval function must be used to evaluate Idoc Script):

    <$trace(eval("The user name is <$UserName$>"))$>

For more information about IsJava and IsPageDebug, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Reference for Oracle WebCenter Content.

C.4 Monitoring Resource Loading

Three configuration settings enable you to view the loading of resources when you run Content Server from a command line. Set any of these variables equal to 1 in the IntradocDir/config/config.cfg file:

  • TraceResourceLoad logs all resources loaded, resource overrides, resource conflicts, and resource merges.

  • TraceResourceOverride logs when a system resource is overridden by a component resource or a component resource is loaded twice.

  • TraceResourceConflict logs when a system resource is overridden twice by component resources.

For more information about these configuration setting, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Reference for Oracle WebCenter Content.