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StorageTek Tape Analytics Planning and Installation Guide, Version 1.0.2
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Installing STA : Installing STA : ▼ Install Using the Console Installer

Install Using the Console Installer

# cd Disk1
# ./install -i console
Preparing to install...
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive...
Unpacking the JRE...
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
Configuring the installer for this system's environment...
Launching installer...
Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation...
StorageTek_Tape_Analytics (created with InstallAnywhere)
This installation program will guide you through the installation of StorageTek_Tape_Analytics.
It is strongly recommended that you quit all programs before continuing with this installation.
Respond to each prompt to proceed to the next step in the installation.
Type 'back' at any prompt to return to the previous step.
Type 'quit' at any prompt to cancel this installation.
NOTE:  For security, password input will never appear on the screen.
Press Enter following the Environment Checks information. The STA installer will check your environment for existing software and settings.

Caution – If the installer detects existing software (/Oracle/Middleware directory or MySQL), or you receive any other messages relating to your environment, see “Before Installing STA” before proceeding.

Environment Checks
The installer will now check your server for software configuration.
WebLogic Introduction
You will now set up two separate usernames and passwords for internal use with STA.
The first username/password is for the WebLogic Admin Console login.  The WebLogic application server hosts the STA application.  This username is limited to application configuration tasks and is infrequently used.
The second username/password is for the STA GUI login.  This username has access to all the features of STA.  It is used every time you access STA.
IMPORTANT:  Please make a note of these usernames and associated passwords in a secure manner.  If you lose the WebLogic Admin Console username or password, then STA must be re-installed.  To protect your site security, usernames and passwords are purposely not preconfigured nor hard-coded.
Enter Username
Please enter a username for the WebLogic Admin Console login.
Enter Username (DEFAULT: <User Input Required>): <username>
Enter Password
Please enter a password for the WebLogic Admin Console login.
Username: "username"
Enter Password: 
Confirm Password
Please confirm the password for the WebLogic Admin Console login.
Username: "username"
Confirm Password: 
Enter Username
Please enter a username for the STA GUI login.
Enter Username (DEFAULT: <User Input Required>): <username> 
Enter Password
Please enter a password for the STA GUI login.
Username: "username"
Enter Password: 
Confirm Password
Please confirm the password for the STA GUI login username.
Username: "username"
Confirm Password: 

Note – If you ever need to change the database account passwords you establish in the following steps, see the “Password Administration” chapter within the StorageTek Tape Analytics Administration Reference Guide.

Database Introduction
You will now set up an additional four accounts for STA database access to secure access to the underlying database used by STA.
These accounts are used for internal DB access by STA.  You will not use these during the normal course of STA operations.  They may be needed if you experience issues with STA, DB, or server operation.  See the STA documentation for more details.
IMPORTANT:  Please make a note of these usernames and associated passwords in a secure manner.  The STA database root account password is not retrievable in any way from STA.  To protect your site security, usernames and passwords are purposely not preconfigured nor hard-coded.
Enter Password
Please enter a password for the STA database root account.
This account provides STA complete access to all database functions.
NOTE: The username for this account must be "root".
Type Password: 
Confirm Password
Please confirm the password for the STA database root account.
Username: root
Confirm Password: 
Enter Username
Please enter a username and password for the STA database application account.
This account is used for internal access to the database by STA.
Enter Username (DEFAULT: <User Input Required>): <username>
Enter Password
Please enter a password for the STA database application account.
Username: "username"
Type Password:  
Confirm Password 
Please confirm the password for the STA database application account.
Username: "username"
Confirm Password: 
Enter Username
Please enter a username and password for the STA database reports account.
This account is used for internal access to the database by STA.
Enter Username (DEFAULT: <User Input Required>): <username> 
Enter Password
Please enter a password for the STA database reports account.
Username: "username"
Type Password: 
Confirm Password
Please confirm the password for the STA database reports user account.
Username: "username"
Confirm Password: 
Enter Username
Please enter a username and password for the STA database DBA account.
This account is used for administrative access to the database by STA.
Enter Username (DEFAULT: <User Input Required>): <username>
Enter Password
Please enter a password for the STA database DBA account.
Username: "username"
Type Password: 
Confirm Password
Please confirm the password for the STA database DBA account.
Username: "username"
Confirm Password:  

Note – If you are unsure about what port numbers to choose, contact your network administrator before proceeding.

Note – To ensure communication integrity of STA, once these four port values are chosen during STA installation, they must NOT be manually changed at a later time.

Enter Communication Ports
You will now set the communication port numbers for WebLogic and STA.
You will specify numbers for both HTTP and HTTPS protocol communication, resulting in a total of four port numbers.
The first pair of port numbers is for the WebLogic Admin Console login.
The second pair of port numbers is for the STA GUI login.
WebLogic Admin Console Login HTTP Port
Please enter the HTTP port number for the WebLogic Admin Console login.
NOTE: If you do not know this information, contact your network administrator.
WebLogic Admin Console login HTTP  port number (DEFAULT: 7001): 
WebLogic Admin Console Login HTTPS Port
Please enter the HTTPS port number for the WebLogic Admin Console login.
NOTE: If you do not know this information, contact your network administrator.
Weblogic Admin Console login HTTPS  port number (DEFAULT: 7002): 
Please enter the HTTP port number for the STA GUI login.
NOTE: If you do not know this information, contact your network administrator.
STA GUI login HTTP port number (DEFAULT: 7021): 
Please enter the HTTPS port number for the STA GUI login.
STA GUI login HTTPS  port number (DEFAULT: 7022): 

Note – For information about RDA, see the “Logging” chapter within the StorageTek Tape Analytics Administration Reference Guide.

Configure RDA
Please configure the Remote Diagnostic Agent (RDA).
RDA is configured using your fully qualified domain name. 
Example: us.oracle.com
Please enter your fully qualified domain name.
Enter Domain: (DEFAULT: <User Input Required>): <domain>
Pre-Installation Summary
Please review the following before continuing:
Product Name:
Install Folder:
Folder Containing Uninstall Software:
    The installation process can take as long as 30 minutes
Disk Space Information (for Installation Target): 
    Required:  x,xxx,xxx,xxx bytes
    Available: xx,xxx,xxx,xxx bytes
Installation Complete
Congratulations! StorageTek Tape Analytics has been successfully installed to:
Installation logs are located in:

Note – For more information about the STA command, see the “Server Administration” chapter within the StorageTek Tape Analytics Administration Reference Guide.

# STA status
STA installation is complete. You may now configure STA using the StorageTek Tape Analytics Configuration Guide.

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