Understanding Nonbasic Earnings

This chapter discusses:

Click to jump to parent topicNonbasic Earnings

In PeopleSoft Global Payroll for Spain, two types of earnings exist: basic earnings and nonbasic earnings. Nonbasic earnings are earnings that are paid infrequently, can be fixed or varied amounts, and can not be included in an employee's annual income. The list of nonbasic earnings includes complements, nonsalary earnings, and salary in kind. Examples are pay for holiday work, reimbursements for business travel expenses, and special interest rates for loans.

See Also

Working with Loans and Advances

Defining Earning and Deduction Elements

Click to jump to parent topicComplements

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicComplement Earnings

Complements complete the final gross pay for an employee or group of employees. They can be calculated as a flat amount or as a formula.

All of the complements discussed in this section are treated the same way during the payroll calculation process. They all accumulate their values to salary earnings, taxable base, and the employee's social security contribution base.

Three types of complement earnings exist:

PeopleSoft Global Payroll for Spain provides the complements listed subsequently for positive input only. They are not mentioned in the labor agreement component and are not associated with any calculations. You must attach any calculation rules.

Note. Complements for personal conditions are considered basic earnings and are discussed in another chapter in this PeopleBook.

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWork Completed Complements

Work completed complements are based on the special requirements of a particular job. Typical work complements include nighttime complements and toxicity or hazard complements.

Generally this type of compensation is a percentage of the salary base. Sometimes it can be calculated as a formula depending on the number of hours worked under those conditions. The elements used for this type of earning are variables.

The rules for nighttime, holiday, and toxicity or hazard complements are based on labor agreements and are subject to change. For example, a new labor agreement may enlarge the time frame of the nighttime complement.

Nighttime Complement

Work performed between the hours of 22:00 and 06:00 is considered nighttime work and must be compensated at a higher rate than normal.

Typically, the calculation rule for the nighttime complement is either a flat amount for each day worked in that timetable or a rate based on a regular hourly value.

For a flat amount, the number of days worked is multiplied by the flat amount defined in the labor agreement. For example, if the flat amount is 20 EUR and the number of late nights worked is four, then a total of 80 EUR is the nighttime complement.

Holiday Complement

If employees work during a holiday, they get some additional compensation. Labor agreements usually specify the amounts to be paid for working on Sundays or on holidays. You can calculate an employee's holiday complement by multiplying the special rate by the number of holidays worked.

Toxicity or Hazard Complement

An employee who works with hazardous or toxic materials or who has a dangerous job gets a hazard complement. The details of the hazard complement are in the labor agreement.

Only the actual days worked in these conditions are paid with this complement.

The calculation rule for the hazard complement element is similar to the nighttime complement—either a Flat amount or the Base time Percentage formula applies.

Note. PeopleSoft Global Payroll for Spain delivers these work-completed complements (such as the nighttime, holiday, and toxicity or hazard complements) as sample data. Enter the value as positive input for every period. You can also modify the calculation rules to fit your company's needs.

Complementary Hours for Part-time Payees

A part-time payee can work hours in addition to the amount specified in a labor contract. The system considers these additional hours as complementary instead of overtime if they:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCompany Situation Complements

Company situation complements are typically related to company profits and incentives and are more subjective than other complements. Sometimes, a labor agreement details these complements for a company's general objectives. Other times, these complements are addressed in a company or employee contract.

The values of these complements are variable and are currently entered into the system by positive input.

Profit Participants Complement

This complement depends on the company's earnings results. It can be defined annually or monthly, for example, depending on the company.

Incentives Complement

The incentive policy must be defined at the beginning of the period that the company considers a measure to appoint different milestones.

The complement can be defined as a total amount when the whole objective is achieved.

For example, a company's goal is to produce 10 million screws within a defined time period. The production of 10 million screws would grant the entire incentive complement. No incentive complement is supplied for missing the production goal.

The complement can also be defined as a percentage dependent upon the grade of achievement.

In our example, assume that the incentive complement is in direct proportion to the number of screws produced. The production of 9 million screws would yield 90 percent of the incentive complement.

You must manually record the incentive amounts into the system using positive input.

Click to jump to parent topicNonsalary Earnings

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicNonsalary Earning Calculation

Nonsalary earnings are exempt from taxes and social security contributions in certain situations. Because of this, the system handles nonsalary earnings differently, depending on their amounts.

Each earning has a statutory maximum daily amount exempt from tax and social security contributions, which varies by fiscal territory. Update these rates using the Fiscal Territories component.

See Calculating Taxes.

Any reimbursement over the statutory maximum is subject to taxes and Social Security contributions. Likewise, the entire amount must be accumulated over total earnings, but only the amounts in excess of the statutory maximum must be accumulated over the taxable and social security base.

You calculate these earnings by entering the number of days and the total amount of the complement in the amount through positive input.

As a result of the calculation, PeopleSoft Global Payroll for Spain provides three different elements for every nonsalary earning:

See Also

Viewing Nonbasic Earning Delivered Elements

Setting Up Statutory Rates

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTravel Expense Earnings

Travel expenses are compensations for trips, displacements, and general traveling expenses. PeopleSoft Global Payroll for Spain delivers a mileage earning and accounts for its tax and Social Security deductions in excess of the statutory rate.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic Dietas Earnings

Dietas is compensation that reimburses expenses resulting from business trips. They include these delivered earnings:

See Also

Public Transportation and Distance Complement

Reviewing and Updating System Information

Click to jump to parent topicSalary In Kind

Salary in kind are goods or services provided for the employee at a rate lower than the market price. PeopleSoft Global Payroll for Spain delivers a low interest loan benefit and life insurance as not passed on, and company car as passed on.

Although salary in kind is fully taxable, it may contribute fully or only partially to the Social Security base depending on its source. When a company provides salary in kind as part of normal labor agreement or contract agreement, the salary in kind contributes fully to the Social Security base. If, however, the company provides salary in kind voluntarily then a certain amount of it is exempt from contributing to the Social Security base.

To determine whether voluntary salary in kind is exempt, compare the sum of all the earnings considered as salary in kind to 20 percent of the IPREM (Indicador Público de Renta de Efectos Múltiples), which is a statutory rate published by the government each year. If the sum of all a payee's earnings does not exceed 20 percent of the professional minimum salary, not all of the salary in kind contributes to the Social Security bases. Any earnings in excess of 20 percent of the IPREM contribute fully to the Social Security base. When a payee receives more than one earning that is considered salary in kind, you must calculate the individual excess for each earning in proportion to its value.

The different types of salary in kind earnings include housing loans with an interest rate below the legal interest rate, cars, insurance contributions, and contributions to pension plans, for example.

The withholdings for salary in kind can be paid by the employer (withholdings in kind not passed on) or by the employee (withholdings in kind passed on). If it is passed on, the withholding is discounted in the payroll for the employee as a tax deduction (deduction in kind). If it is not passed on, the employer will pay the deduction to the tax institution.

Note. The tax percentage to be applied over the nonexempted amount will be the same as the IRPF tax percentage.

See Also

Working with Loans and Advances

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing Nonbasic Earnings

Nonbasic earnings are contained in three sections:

All of these earnings are included in the payroll calculation (GEN PR CALC NOM) but not in the extra period calculation (XTR PR PAGA EXTRA) because they are not paid as part of an extra period processing.

Note. Basic earnings and various other complements are included in a section called GEN SE DEV BASICOS.

See Also

Viewing Delivered Basic Earnings Elements

Paying Overtime

Defining Earning and Deduction Elements

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Nonbasic Earning Delivered Elements

This section discusses:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Nonbasic Earnings

This table lists the elements for nonbasic earnings:

Earning Element



Company stocks: Value assigned through the Stock Options ESP component (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Assign Earnings and Deductions, Stock Options ESP).

See Managing Stock Option Income.


Company car: Use this earning to enter the monetary value of a company car.


Salary advance: Contains the amount to be paid to the employee as advance payment, which the employee must pay back through later payrolls. Custom field 5 contains the label DEV ADLNTO. Processed only for the last segment in the period. No retro calculation.


Loan: Value assigned through the Request Advances/Loans component (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Loans, Request Advances/Loans ESP).


Expatriates traveling maintenance: Value assigned by positive input. Units must be specified for the number of days and the total amount.


International traveling maintenance: Value assigned by positive input. Units must be specified for the number of days and the total amount.


Domestic traveling maintenance: Value assigned by positive input. Units must be specified for the number of days and the total amount.


Expatriates traveling maintenance for flight assistants: Value assigned by positive input. Units must be specified for the number of days and the total amount.


International traveling maintenance for flight assistants: Value assigned by positive input. Units must be specified for the number of days and the total amount.


Domestic traveling maintenance for flight assistants: Value assigned by positive input. Units must be specified for the number of days and the total amount.


Expatriate maintenance taxable excess: Customer field 5 contains the label DIETAEX EXP.


International maintenance taxable excess: Customer field 5 contains the label DIETAEX INT.


Domestic maintenance taxable excess: Customer field 5 contains the label DIETAEX LCL.


Holiday complement: Value assigned by positive input.

This element is automatically segmented and prorated when assigned to a payee on the Element Assignment by Payee or Payee Assignment by Element pages and the assignment period covers only a portion of the pay period.

See Segmentation Triggers with Earning and Deduction Assignments.

See Proration and Segmentation.


Scholarship holder expenses earning related to scholarship holders.


Complementary hours: Value assigned by positive input.

When assigning this earning, you can enter either Unit and Rate, or Unit and Amount. You must enter a Unit value for this earning to calculate correctly. Payroll processing and FAN file generation reflect complementary hours assignments, but complementary hours do not impact TC1 reports.


Incentives complement: Value assigned by positive input.

This element is automatically segmented and prorated when assigned to a payee on the Element Assignment by Payee or Payee Assignment by Element page and the assignment period covers only a portion of the pay period.

See Segmentation Triggers with Earning and Deduction Assignments.

See Proration and Segmentation.


Mileage: Value assigned by positive input. Units must be specified for the number of miles and the total amount.


Mileage taxable excess: Customer field 5 contains the label KLMTRJEEX.


Nighttime complement: Value assigned by positive input.

This element is automatically segmented and prorated when assigned to a payee on the Element Assignment by Payee or Payee Assignment by Element page and the assignment period covers only a portion of the pay period.

See Segmentation Triggers with Earning and Deduction Assignments.

See Proration and Segmentation.


Expatriate overnight stay: Value assigned by positive input. Units must be specified for the number of days and the total amount.


International overnight stay: Value assigned by positive input. Units must be specified for the number of days and the total amount.


Domestic overnight stay: Value assigned by positive input. Units must be specified for the number of days and the total amount.


Expatriate overnight stay excess: Customer field 5 contains the label PRNCTAEX EXP.


International overnight stay taxable excess: Customer field 5 contains label PRNCTAEX INT.


Domestic overnight stay excess: Customer field 5 contains the label PRNCTAEX LCL.


In Kind loan taxable excess: Customer field 5 contains the label PRSTMO EX.


Profit participation compliment: Value assigned by positive input.

This element is automatically segmented and prorated when it is assigned to a payee on the Element Assignment by Payee or Payee Assignment by Element page and the assignment period covers only a portion of the pay period.

See Segmentation Triggers with Earning and Deduction Assignments.

See Proration and Segmentation.


Irregular income.


Irregular income affected by 50% reduction. This earning corresponds to income accrued in more than five years.


Irregular income affected by 50% reduction. This earning is used in the Navarra historical territory. It corresponds to income that has been derived from disability benefits.


Irregular income affected by 70% reduction. This earning is used in the Navarra historical territory. It corresponds to income that has been derived from death benefits.


Salary income due work abroad. Value assigned by positive input. This type of income is tax exempt up to a yearly ceiling. The system excludes the exempt amount from the monthly tax base and the yearly estimated tax base used during IRPF percentage calculation.


Life insurance. Value assigned by positive input or earning and deduction assignment.


Toxicity or hazard complement: Value assigned by positive input.

This element is automatically segmented and prorated when it is assigned to a payee on the Element Assignment by Payee or Payee Assignment by Element page and the assignment period covers only a portion of the pay period.

See Segmentation Triggers with Earning and Deduction Assignments.

See Proration and Segmentation.

See Also

Viewing Delivered Tax Elements

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Deductions

This table lists the deduction elements:

Deduction Element



Expatriate maintenance taxable excess: Value assigned by EX FM EXCESO CALC as an offset of DIETAEX EXP.


International maintenance taxable excess: Value assigned by EX FM EXCESO CALC as an offset of DIETAEX INT.


Domestic maintenance taxable excess: Value assigned by EX FM EXCESO CALC as an offset of DIETAEX LCL.


Expatriate maintenance taxable excess for flight assistants: Value assigned by EX FM EXCESO CALC as an offset of DIETAEX EXP.


International maintenance taxable excess for flight assistants: Value assigned by EX FM EXCESO CALC as an offset of DIETAEX INT.


Domestic maintenance taxable excess for flight assistants: Value assigned by EX FM EXCESO CALC as an offset of DIETAEX LCL.


Mileage taxable excess: Value assigned by EX FM EXCESO CALC as an offset of KLMTRJEEX.


International overnight stay taxable excess: Value assigned by EX FM EXCESO CALC as an offset of PRNCTAEX INT.


Domestic overnight stay taxable excess: Value assigned by EX FM EXCESO CALC as an offset of PRNCTAEX LCL.


Expatriate overnight stay taxable excess: Value assigned by EX FM EXCESO CALC as an offset of PRNCTAEX EXP.


In kind loan taxable excess: Value assigned by EX FM EXCESO CALC as an offset of PRSTMO EX.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDelivered Accumulators for Nonbasic Earnings

When you create a new nonbasic earning, you need to define the accumulators to which the earning contributes. This table lists the customary accumulators to which a new nonbasic earning might contribute:

Functional Category

Accumulator Name




Custom gross salary.





Custom variable taxable base. Add elements here that correspond to variable compensation that pays taxes. Select the right accumulator based on the method that you want to use for an earning when calculating the estimated tax base.






Custom nonregular income. Add elements here that correspond to employee compensation accrued later than two years ago. Select the correct accumulator depending on the reduction percentage that applies to the specific earning (40%, 50%, or 70%).



Employee taxable in kind salary. Add elements here that correspond to employee salary in kind for which the taxable part is going to be paid by the employee.



Taxable in kind salary. Add elements here that correspond to the employee salary in kind for which the taxable part is going to be paid by the employer.

Note. You will add the nonbasic earning to only one of these tax-related accumulators, not all of them.

Social security


Social security monthly base.



In kind salary with social security exemption. Add elements here that correspond to voluntary in kind salary that may be eligible for a Social Security exemption (20%IMPREM).

Note. The PeopleSoft system delivers a query that you can run to view the names of all delivered elements designed for Spain. Instructions for running the query are provided in the PeopleSoft Global Payroll 9.1 PeopleBook.

See Also

Understanding How to View Delivered Elements

Click to jump to parent topicModifying Delivered Nonbasic Earnings Accrual

There are certain delivered nonbasic earnings such as INCENTIVOS and PRTCPCN BEN that you can modify to accrue over more than one month to prevent the Social Security contributions for those earnings from surpassing the maximum ceiling during the payment month. This section provides an overview of this modification process and discusses how to view compensation accrued over more than one month.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEarnings Modification

To modify nonbasic earnings to accrue over more than one month:

  1. Add the post process formula SS FM BSE CNTB F on the Calculation page for the earning.

  2. Remove the contribution base accumulator (SS AC BSE M S) on the Accumulator page for the earning.

  3. On the Rounding/Proration page, add the proration rule GEN PO DIAS SLICE to the earning.

  4. On the Earnings Name page, select the Payee check box in the Override Levels group box for the earning. This enables you to assign the earnings to payees using the Element Assignment by Payee (GP_ED_PYE) or One Time (Positive Input) (GP_PI_MNL_ERNDED) component.

  5. Add a unique value in Field 5 on the Element Name - Custom Fields page. This helps to differentiate nonbasic earnings that accrue over more than one month.

The variable CLI VR M PRORRATEO determines the number of months used to distribute the Social Security contributions for the earning. You set the value for this variable when you assign the associated earning using the Element Assignment by Payee or One Time (Positive Input) components.

Earnings Behavior

The assigned earning behaves differently in the case of segmentation depending on which component you use to assign it. If you use the Element Assignment by Payee component, the system calculates the earning in every slice or segment with a prorated value. The system calculates Social Security contributions according to each of these values. If you use the One Time (Positive Input) component, the system calculates the earning only once and does not prorate the value. The system calculates Social Security contributions based on that calculated value.

Compensation Process Flow

Regardless of the component you use to assign the modified earning, the process flow for compensation accrued in more than one month is the same. The payee receives the total amount of the assigned earning in the payment month. The system calculates the monthly portion of the earning applicable to contribution base calculation by dividing the total amount by the number of months entered (the entered value of CLI VR M PRORRATEO). The pending base is the total amount minus the calculated monthly portion. In subsequent months, the system retrieves the data for the previous month. The pending base retrieved from the previous month becomes the new total amount. The system then subtracts the monthly portion from the new total amount to calculate a new pending base for the next month.

The payroll results for compensation accrued over more than one month depend on two factors: process month and payee situation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Modify Delivered Nonbasic Earnings Accrual

Page Name

Definition Name



Earnings Name


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Payroll Elements, Earnings, Earnings Name

Name the element and define its basic parameters.

Earnings - Calculation


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Payroll Elements, Earnings, Calculation

Define calculation rules for an earning element.

Earnings - Rounding/Proration


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Payroll Elements, Earnings, Rounding/Proration

Specify rounding and proration options for the components of an earning element.

Earnings - Accumulators


Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Elements, Payroll Elements, Earnings, Accumulators

Indicate the accumulators (already defined in the system) to which the earning element contributes.

Element Assignment By Payee


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Assign Earnings and Deductions, Element Assignment By Payee

By payee, view and update earning and deduction assignments, or disable earning/deduction assignments.

One Time (Positive Input)


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Assign Earnings and Deductions, One Time (Positive Input), One Time (Positive Input)

Enter positive input for one payee. (You select the employee ID, pay group, and calendar to access this page.)

Comp. Accrued >1 Month ESP (compensation accrued over more than one month)


Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Social Security/Insurance, Comp. Accrued >1 Month ESP, Comp. Accrued >1 Month ESP

View compensation accrued over more than one month.

See Also

Defining Earning Elements

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Compensation Accrued over More than One Month

Access the Comp. Accrued >1 Month ESP (compensation accrued over more than one month) page (Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt, Payee Data, Social Security/Insurance, Comp. Accrued >1 Month ESP, Comp. Accrued >1 Month ESP).

Year From and Year To

Enter the range of years over which you want to view compensation.

Month From and Month To

Enter the range of months over which you want to view compensation.


Click to display compensation accrual information for the year and month range you specified.

Details of Payee (Contribution)

This group box displays detailed information about accrued compensation for the payee. You can modify the amounts in the Amount to contribute and Pending to contribute fields.